*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- | TMNT 2 (NES) FAQ/Walkthrough v0.10 | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- | Author: Psycho Penguin | | Submitted: 5/5/05 | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-| |*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\- TABLE OF CONTENTS \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\- [ 1.0 ] INTRODUCTION 1.1 Author Introduction 1.2 Game Introduction 1.3 Guide Introduction [ 2.0 ] GAME BASICS 2.1 Storyline 2.2 Points System 2.3 Controls 2.4 Other Basics 2.5 Turtles [ 3.0 ] WALKTHROUGH [ 4.0 ] FAQ'S 4.1 Arcade Game Differences 4.2 Gameplay Issues [ 5.0 ] THE BEST BOSS GUIDE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD [ 6.0 ] CONCLUSION 6.1 Other Information 6.2 Revision History 6.3 Wrapup \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\- [ 1.0 ] INTRODUCTION \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\- Song to download as you read this totally awesome guide: "Let Me Go" by Three Doors Down. Go ahead! <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> | 1.1 | AUTHOR INTRODUCTION | 1.1 | <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Why hello there! My name is Steve and I believe this is going to be my 33rd submitted guide to GameFAQs. I've been writing for the website for over six years now and I can truly say it is one of my favorite hobbies. I love writing guides, and lately I have been on a real retro game kick, hence the reason for me writing for one of my childhood favorites! I'm glad I decided just to go ahead and do this guide in an entire night, because it's been one of those guides that I've procrastinated on for a long time, and eventually I just got sick and tired of doing that. I finished my super crazy good Adventure Island guide the other night, and remembered that there were two games I loved playing at my cousin's house when I was a kid, and TMNT 2 was the other game. Hence this guide's existence! Thanks to my new found motivation, expect to see plenty more works from me pop up in the coming months. I miss my baby like crazy and need something to do, after all! Thanks for the support everyone has given me over the years, though, I really do appreciate it! I love writing, music, wrestling, games, and ESPECIALLY sports. I am a huge sports nut and will watch just about any of the major four American sports, as well as Australian football and some international sports. Movies is also a big interest of mine, especially Predator, Terminator, Jerry Maguire, and the almighty classic Milo and Otis. (The new adventures will be better, though.) Feel free to say hi to me at penguin_faqs@yahoo.com . That's also the address to email questions and stuff to. See how sneaky I am? I LOVE YOU CASSEY BOO, ALWAYS! Just checking to see if you're reading this. ;) <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> | 1.2 | GAME INTRODUCTION | 1.2 | <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> TMNT 2 is one of the all-time best NES games, in my opinion. The game is not terribly complicated, as all you really do is go from left to right, jump kicking and attacking various enemies all game. It's incredibly addicting, though. The soundtrack is one of the best ever, and the game is challenging but not to the point that you can never beat it. It takes some patience at first, but eventually I found myself completing it a lot! There's a lot of changes from the arcade version I'd say, so those differences are listed in the appropriate FAQ section. I never have really gotten into the arcade version sadly, but if it's anywhere near as good as this one, it's an all time classic for sure! I'd definitely put TMNT 2 in my top 10 NES games, and I'm glad I finally got off my ass and wrote this guide! Right now, I am trying to beat the game without getting a game over. I'm pretty close to doing so, and will update this guide when I manage to do so. The big drawback to this game is, of course, the boring linear nature of the game. All you really do is beat up on enemies by going left to right all game. There's not a high level of fun factor, variety, or various enemies here, so if you expect that, then maybe you should play another game. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> | 1.3 | GUIDE INTRODUCTION | 1.3 | <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> This won't be one of my more complex guides, as the game is rather short and can be completed in an hour. I did work hard, however, to make this guide as good as it could possibly be. The story is rather simple. I'm currently working on three rather large RPGs, and therefore none of them will be completed for a while. Therefore, I'm writing smaller guides that can be completed in a day to let everyone know I'm alive and I'm not going anywhere! I sincerely hope you enjoy this guide. It was a lot of fun to write, and the game is quite challenging, making for a lot of deep breaths as I wrote this guide. I know it won't hold a candle to Apathetic Aardvark's amazing guide, but hopefully I help you progress through the game, and make you laugh during the process. Also, I mainly just wanted to include my killer boss section later on. The bosses are EASILY defeated with my tried and true methods, unveiled later on in the guide! \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\- [ 2.0 ] GAME BASICS \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\- This game is so complex, it needs its own basics section! Haha. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> | 2.1 | STORYLINE | 2.1 | <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> As you may expect from such a game, there's really not that much storyline. First, April gets kidnapped, then she gets rescued, but then Shredder gets kidnapped. But then he gets rescued, so you have to destroy the Technodrome, but Shredder gets away. That's pretty much the entire game spoiled for you right there. You're welcome! I am going to type what the manual says the story is, because I am a KB whore. THE BOUNTY BOYS ARE HERE Welcome to the crime infested boroughs of New York, where one wrong look at the right person can be your last. But the turtles sleep contentedly, for they've made Manhattan a safer place for all. Especially since they've sent Shredder to the local landfill. Or so they think. While dreams of pepperoni pizzas dance through their heads, the turtles' worst nightmares blast into Earth's atmosphere. Two irrtergalactic bounty hunters have been attracted by the price that Shredder has placed on the half shell heroes' heads. Shredder's alive and looking for payback! Although the turtles tossed Shredder into the metal jaws of a garbage huck, titanium battle helmet protected his maniacal mind from being mauled. Upon awakening on a seabound garbage ship, Shredder vowed vengeance. After floating back to land on a pile of non-biodegradable styrofoam Cups, Shredder began training a new breed of Foot Soldier. One that is better trained in the lethal art of Taekwondo. And one that will make the ultimate sacrifice to defend leader. But that was only the beginning. Shredder journeyed throughout the universe, via his Translocation Matrix Beam, recruiting the top bounty hunters. He chose two. Tora is a ten foot, half ton blizzard beast who, in 2000 years, has never known defeat. Journeying from the distant ice planet of Traglodoon he has come to Earth needing only one weapon, his devastating daws. His partner in cosmic crime is Shogun, an inhabitant of Sector Six in the Oead Star Zone, and the mastermind behind the Ultimate Galactic Sword. But that's not all, Folks. Shredder and his professional punishers have again captured April O'Neil and plan to use her as turtle bait. Fail to save this lovely journalist, and that's all she wrote! Shredder's ten levels of terror, with a lethal leader at the end of each one, are the deadliest the turtles have ever had to face. Even if you survive the eight action riddled arcade arenas, you still must contend with the two new unbeatable bounty hunter stages. But the turtles stand ready to fight through this shell squashing mess. For Splinter has taught these turtles to fight with the ferocity of a lion. Well... that certainly explains a lot about why I'm fighting random bosses during the game. I wish I read the manual sooner, as the game doesn't bother to explain any of this. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> | 2.2 | POINTS SYSTEM | 2.2 | <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> This is not really the hardest thing in the world to figure out. EVERY enemy in the game, from weak foot soldiers to the bosses, gives you one point. For every 200 points, you get an extra life. I'm not entirely sure how many points you can get in one gameplay setting (you'd have to play two players and kill EVERY enemy you could, I guess, and you could always cheat at the Baxter Stockman 1st boss as well if you wish.) Energy works fairly unevenly. Sometimes, attacks will take 2 HP away, and sometimes you can get hit several times without losing a HP. I'm not entirely sure how that works, but I am convinced it must be some sort of glitch or something. My high score is 903, by the way. I cheated in the Baxter Stockman part but got bored eventually. Here's the high score list: HIGH SCORE LIST ---------------- 1. Psycho Penguin - 903 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> | 2.3 | CONTROLS | 2.3 | <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> The NES controller only has a few buttons, so the controls are not complex at all. Control Pad - Moves the Turtles around. A Button - Jump B Button - Attack A then B - Jump Kick B then A - Special Attack (I think it costs Hp to use though) <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> | 2.4 | OTHER BASICS | 2.4 | <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> - Sadly, it doesn't really matter what Turtle you use. This was a huge flaw in this game that was fortunately rectified in the equally impressive TMNT 3: Manhattan Project. You can use whatever turtle you want. I always use Donatello because he's my favorite, but it really doesn't matter at all. - Jump kicks are a vital part to your attack in this game. I advise using jump kicks as much as you possibly can. It will really help out, especially later on in the game. I rarely ever use the normal attacks now, as jump kicks are just THAT good. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> | 2.5 | TURTLES | 2.5 | <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> LEONARDO: He uses two swords as his method of attacking, and he's always been known as the leader of the group. DONATELLO: My personal favorite of them all. He uses the kick ass wooden stick/bo as his weapon, and he's the smart one of the group. MICHAELANGELO: Everyone seems to like him the best. He uses weak nunchucks which are a pain in the ass, and he's the party dude of the group. RAPHAEL: The jackass of the group. He uses the equally weak sais and again, he is the jackass of the group. \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\- [ 3.0 ] WALKTHROUGH \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\- The heart of the guide, as I take you through the game really quickly. Not really a challenging or varied game, but here goes nothing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SCENE 1 / / BURNING BUILDING / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The game begins! The song here is pretty awesome, don't you think? :) The stage starts off in the burning building and remains there for the duration. Start by going right and dismissing four purple basic foot soldiers. All they do is stand there and walk around and occasionally bearhug you, nothing too tough. After beating up on them, go right and face four of the ninja-star throwing types of foot soldiers now. They are a little bit harder, but all you have to do is jump over the stars or attack them with your weapon. Remember, jump kicking will come in handy, so start practicing it a lot now! Go right and take out seven basic foot soldiers now. The foot soldiers that you'll encounter knives, but you can take them out in the same way that you did the ninja-star throwing ones. Watch out for the bowling balls coming from the stairs here. That definitely has to be some sort of safety violation, I'd say. Going right nets you into battle with even more basic foot soldiers, then even more ninja-star throwing ones. The following section has the knife throwing soldiers/bowling ball combination again, but you already handled it once so it should be no problem again. Move on and take out a bunch of basic foot soldiers again. They're starting to come from different places (the doors, now), but they're still easier than ever. The next group of foot soldiers have swords. They are also white. And very easy to kill. Take care of them, just by attacking them really, then kill the basic foot soldiers. After this, you'll be at the end of the hallway with three robot mover things coming out of the ground. The easy way to kill these is by moving one against the wall and then slapping it over and over until it dies. Do that for the other two and you'll move on. In the next area, you'll be in April's apartment. Take care of the sword wielding foot soldiers, then kill the new gun-holding and shooting foot soldiers. They're a little tougher than normal, but you shouldn't have many problems. After doing this, the ground shakes and a big gray module appears from the floor. Who the heck designed this apartment? ----- BOSS FIGHT!!!! ----- Rocksteady is the first boss in the game, and therefore he's not really all that challenging. He does give me a little bit of trouble, but only if I'm on low energy. He really only has three attacks. He shoots his gun, he punches, and he runs at you. Simple, really. Avoid the gun, and when he fires straight, jump kick him a few times. He'll counter with a punch, but you can avoid that. Jump over him when he charges. Just follow this pattern and you'll win fairly easily. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SCENE 2 / / ALLEYWAY / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Listen to that badass music! This game really does have excellent music. Kill the basic foot soldiers. You can dismiss one by returning the sewer lid he throws at you. Time it right to slice your weapon at it, killing the enemy instantly. I don't think you get a point for doing this, however. The next group throws knives, and then some more basic foot soldiers. Use the surroundings to your advantage here, by throwing the parking meters at your enemies. The following foot soldiers will simply throw dynamite at you. They're a tad bit tricky, but just don't be on the ground when the dynamite lands, because it explodes. Use your jump kicks to perfection here to take care of these baddies. Take out the basic foot soldiers here, then after doing so (there's six of them), collect the pizza as a reward. It's best to maximize the energy production, so always wait until the enemies are defeated before grabbing the pizza. Swing at the lady going by on a skateboard, as you'll get a point for doing so. The screen now scrolls down for the first time, as enemies come crashing through the windows now. First, beat up on the poor basic foot soldiers, then the introduction of the yellow foot soldiers is here. They throw boomerangs, so jump kick them as they throw the boomerang, then quickly jump over the boomerang as it will come back, even if the enemy is dead. Kill the group of basic foot soldiers, then the group of boomerang foot soldiers. When the screen scrolls right, stay down at the bottom of the screen, as the pizza hut signs will fall down, revealing some more enemies. Kill the boomerang soldiers, then the basic ones, then some more boomerang ones. The boss will soon arrive! ----- BOSS FIGHT!!!! ----- Bebop is a little more challenging than Rocksteady, although really he's not that hard. I did get beat by him the last time I played though, which still pisses me off. He has a stronger laser beam attack, he counters with a punch faster, and he charges a LOT at you, so be careful for that. The running move is the one you DEFINITELY have to be concerned with. He uses it a lot and it's always annoying to try to avoid. Jump kick a fair bit, but not all the time. Wait for him to shoot the laser, then jump kick, then jump out of the way in case he decides to charge. Play defensively and this battle will be yours. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SCENE 2, PART 2 / / SEWERS / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is not one of my favorite stages, but it'll do. It has a nice little secret to getting extra lives, though. Kill the basic foot soldiers that jump out of the water, then the knife-throwing ones that soon follow. The new enemy introduced now is the hammer ones that have this big hammer and throw it on the ground. They're really easy. Wait for them to throw the hammer down, then jump kick them or attack them. Simple, really. The new enemy introduced now is the punching soldier. They like to punch a lot, as the name indicates, so be careful for that. The next new enemy is the mouser. Stand just at the edge of the water and attack them as they come out of the hole in the wall. That's the easiest way to take care of these nuisances. Five more appear in the next part, so again stand on the edge and kill them as they come out. Kill the six hammer soldiers after this, then a bunch of sword-wielding ones next. Mousers await you in the upcoming part, so do the usual strategy of standing on the edge of the water and waiting for them to come at you, killing them as they do so. Take out the punching soldiers while avoiding the gate that comes up and down, as well as the rockets in the water, then kill some sword soldiers and mousers. The final soldiers before the boss are knife throwing ones, they're simple enough. ----- BOSS FIGHT!!!! ----- Baxter Stockman just flies around in a crazy machine, throwing mousers out. This is really not hard at all. Jump kick him over and over again, avoiding the mousers or killing them as you jump kick. You can cheat here and repeatedly kill mousers to build up extra lives. It'll help in a no game over run! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SCENE 3 / / SNOWY CENTRAL PARK / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This stage was not even included in the arcade version, so feel special, I guess! Run by the ice blocks that fall down at you, then kill the basic foot soldiers that appear. Then, run up to the top of the screen as a yellow machine will quickly come by, and you don't want to get caught up against that thing. Then you'll be introduced to the sucky enemies, Snowmen Robots. I hate these guys. They're snowmen who shoot off homing rockets, so you have to kill the rockets and then them. They have two forms: snowman and robot. After vanquishing those annoying ****ers, you'll meet up with soldiers who throw snowballs at you. They really won't be hard to kill at all. Kill the basic ones that come up, then go up again to avoid another machine that goes riding by, then kill more snowball throwing punks. Grr, more snowmen robots, just what I wanted to see. Not. Run past the falling ice blocks again, then kill the basic foot soldiers before meeting up with the boss. ----- BOSS FIGHT!!!! ----- Tora is a pretty simple boss. All he does is swipe at you and run backwards to catch a falling ice block, then throws it at you. When he does that, either jump kick him low so you don't hit the block, or attack him a few times with your weapon. I prefer the jump kick method, as he can always swipe at you with his nasty claws if you attack him too much with your weapon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SCENE 3, PART 2 / / PARKING LOT / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This stage is kind of boring, but I like the music. It's a remix of the theme song, which I like. Beat up on the punching foot soldiers, then the easy white sword-wielding soldiers that follow. I wish the entire game featured those putzes. I'd never get a game over! Take out even more punching soldiers, then eight knife throwing ones appear to be taken out. Why do they even bother after a while, anyways? Beat up on the basic ones, then watch out for the blue car, as it'll come screaming down, with foot soldiers appearing before it. Take care of the new machine gun soldiers, then even more punching soldiers. The red car here will come out, and you'll have to take care of more machine gun soldiers, followed by more basic ones. Basic ones will come out of the following truck, so dispose of them properly. A few more enemies ask to be killed before you'll make it to the boss. ----- BOSS FIGHT!!!! ---- I just remembered how cool the boss theme in TMNT: Turtles in Time was. Maybe I'll play that game next for old time's sake. Anyways, there's a pizza here, so use it when you're low on energy, if you even get that low. He's really easy. He's flying, so you have to jump kick for almost the entire battle. He just flies around, shooting his stupid weapon, and occasionally he'll come down to give you a weak swipe. Pathetic. Kill him and you'll be halfway done the game! April is now saved, as well! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SCENE 4 / / THE OPEN ROAD / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Another gray level. If there's one complaint I have about this wonderful game, it's the four stages in the middle that are almost entirely gray. Anyways, take out the knife throwing foot soldiers, then you'll meet up with some tougher adversaries, the spear throwing soldiers. They are tough as they constantly throw spears at you, and they're overhead so jump kicking is a little dicey. You can attack the spears to deflect them, however, so do so. After killing them, take out the hammer soldiers, then the annoying robots from the 1st level, then some dynamite soldiers, then some more spear throwing ones. Go up to the top because a car is about to drive by. When it's gone, new bomb throwing enemies appear. They're not tough and they work similarly in concept to the dynamite throwing soldiers. After killing them, kill the motorcycle riding ones that come riding by over and over. Kill the basic ones that follow, then the hammer ones, the knife throwing ones, and a bunch of basic ones. The stage will be over after that. No boss or anything! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SCENE 4, PART 2 / / SKATEBOARDING / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Blah, another gray level. This time you're on a skateboard, at least. Kill the two helicopters, they're rather simple. They just shoot slowly and directly below them, so jump kick both of them over and over until they are defeated. Then, a few enemies show up on skateboards, followed by a few more helicopters.. and the level is over? Well, okay then. LAME. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SCENE 5 / / THE FACTORY / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hey, another gray level. The music is cool, at least. Go right and beat up on the mousers. More basic foot soldiers await you to be killed, so do them a favor and kill them. Then, kill some more mousers, and some knife throwing soldiers will follow. The machine gun soldiers follow these nuts, and then you'll get to kill the basic foot soldiers, followed by some spear throwing assholes. I really don't like those enemies. Next up, the annoying cyclops enemies. They jump around and you can't hit them until their legs are revealed. Once their legs are shown, you can kill them. After seemingly taking seven years, you'll finally have them all defeated. Kill some more basic foot soldiers, then you'll be.. at a boss? Nah, just a mini boss. You'll have to kill some machine bugs, four at a time. Not really anything worth sweating over, really. After this, go right and kill a bunch of boomerang throwing soldiers, then a small army of basic foot soldiers. The final enemies are lasers that shoot at you. Jump over the first and slice both of them repeatedly to stop them, then you'll be up to the boss. ----- BOSS FIGHT!!!! ----- Granitor is hard mainly because he takes sixteen million hits to defeat. There's a pizza waiting if you need it though, so do the usual jump kicking and attacking while avoiding his basic pattern. As usual, he runs, shoots, and counters with punches. He just takes a lot more hits, that's all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SCENE 6 / / SHOGUN DOJO / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finally a pretty cool looking stage. You can tell it's a NES exclusive. ;) It's also DAMN HARD, harder than the final level. Kill the basic foot soldiers, then some jumper enemies. More basic enemies follow, then some punching ones. After killing a small wave of punching foot soldiers, you'll be up to a part where the floor shoots off these bamboo poles at you. Be very careful in navigating through this tricky part. After doing so, you'll have to fight two tigers. These tigers are pretty tough. They run back and forth, shooting fire occasionally. You can't jump kick them, so simply attack them a few times and let them jump over you. Watch where they come out and attack them some more. Rinse and repeat until one is finished, then move to the right and you'll have to do it all over again. Told you it was annoying. After you're finally finished with them, you'll have to kill two scorpions, which take a lot of hits and are very tough to hit. Forget about jump kicking, as their tail will hurt you every time. You'll then have to kill two more, ugh. After that, kill the jumper enemies, followed by a bunch of basic foot soldiers. The boss soon awaits. ----- BOSS FIGHT! ----- Shogun is surprisingly easy considering how tough his stage was. I barely even get hit by the guy. Just attack him a lot and soon his head will go flying off. Keep working on the body and he'll soon die. There's even a pizza there if you really need it. I really think they should have taken pizzas out in this game, as you don't get game over on one life, but oh well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SCENE 7 / / TECHNODROME / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LISTEN TO THAT SONG! I love this stage's music! I listen to it all the time on MP3. Anyways, this is the final stage. Kill the boomerang throwing foot soldiers, then jump behind the laser shooting things and swipe at them until they both shut down. Kill the easy sword wielding soldiers next, while avoiding the cleverly placed lasers, then kill some basic foot soldiers. Avoid the pipes that come up next, as they have an ice attack that can freeze you. Kill the knife throwing enemies now, then beat up on all the cyclops enemies that soon appear. Avoid the laser shooting things next, then kill the dozen machine gun soldiers that dare stand in your way. The sword wielding soldiers again appear with a laser trap. Heh, that doesn't make them any harder. Four more freezing attack pipes appear, then you'll go down an elevator. On the elevator, avoid the bowling balls (a much better place for them, I think) that come down from the sides, then kill the machine gun soldiers when you get to the bottom. Follow them up by killing the robot movers, then kill the knife throwing soldiers, followed by more robot movers. Kill the hammer soldiers, then a bunch of basic ones. You'll now be up to the bosses! ----- BOSS FIGHT!!!! ----- Traag takes like a kazillion hits to kill, so be patient and slowly wear him out. He has the usual attack pattern, so be very defensive and avoid the lasers he shoots out, as they are pretty harmful. Jump kick a lot, but don't overdo it. He counters a lot, so mix up your attacks and you'll eventually have him defeated. ----- BOSS FIGHT!!!! ----- Krang has the bestest boss song ever, I swear. He's also pretty challenging, harder than Shredder I'd say. Krang counters with punches a LOT, so avoid jump kicking for the most part. Instead, worry about mostly weapon-based attacks. He takes a lot of hits and has some strong attacks, including a kick, eye beams, and a rocket punch. The rocket punch and eye beam are easy to avoid, but the kick is NASTY and will do some serious damage. He has long legs so good luck consistently avoiding that kick attack. ----- FINAL BOSS!!!! ----- Shredder will finally await you. His boss music is awesome, but not quite as awesome as Krang's. He's kind of a letdown. He splits into two parts, so you'l have to fight them both until one's helmet falls off, then attack the real guy for a while. If you accidentally kill the fake one, he'll split again and you have to repeat. Shredder has a killer sword attack, as well as a badass beam attack that INSTANTLY turns you into a baby turtle, killing you. Might want to avoid that one. After a bunch of hits, he'll combine into one and start moving super fast. Continue the onslaught and he'll be PWNED soon enough! Yay! You beat the game! Good job! Just turn it off without watching the ending, it'll save you some pain. \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\- [ 4.0 } FAQ'S \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\- I'm sure you all have millions of questions to ask me, but since I don't have time to answer them, I incorporated a FAQ section into the guide instead! Enjoy! <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> | 4.1 | ARCADE GAME DIFFERENCES | 4.1 | <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> This is not really a FAQ, but more or less a list of all the differences between the NES version of the game and the Arcade version: 1. Music has changed. The music from the arcade version has mostly stayed the same, but some revisions have been made. 2. There are new stages in the NES version. Namely, the Ice level and the Skateboarding level. 3. The graphics are considerably worse from the Arcade version, as can be expected. 4. The game can be played without quarters (duh) and each game over lasts 3 lives now instead of 1 like in the cheap Arcade version. (WASTE 10 DOLLARS BECAUSE YOU KEEP DYING ON KRANG, *****!) 5. At the end of the boring road level, you fight Bebop and Rocksteady together instead of just Baxter Stockman in fly form. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> | 4.2 | GAMEPLAY ISSUES | 4.2 | <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> I can't imagine anyone having any difficulty with the game, but here's a few things people may be wondering about. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Are there any codes for the game? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SURE! Here are some good game genie codes. PEOIAPZA: For seasoned pros only, this code throws you into the fray with a single life to your name. TEOIAPZA- You can get a small jump on the competition with six lives, but that's kind of dumb when you have a better code built into the game. PEOIAPZE- If you've got lazy fingers or the code won't work for some reason, this will give you nine lives. AAEAULPA- Why not just go all out with this one for infinite lives? It's not hard to remember, either. PEXTKZZE- This fun code gives your normal attack four times its normal power! Damn! Use a turbo controller and you can waste Bosses in seconds. Unfortunately, any challenge there might have been vanishes completely. PEOVKZGE- Special Attacks cause double the damage using this, but how exciting is that? ZEOVKZGA- Your Specials have about half power, making your jump kick the most powerful move. Combine this with the first one and you might actually see the Game Over screen. PEXTEZLE- Jump kicks deal about the same death as two Specials, so those Bosses should bite it a lot quicker. PEXTEZLA- Having the opposite effect, this code cuts down the jump kick's power to roughly a third, making aerial attacks pretty much useless. SXEAPZVG + SZUAYZVG- This is pretty ineffective, but it lets a wounded player steal a life from the survivor without actually subtracting it from the good Samaritan's stock. In addition, use the code (B A B A Up Down B A Left Right B A select, start) to get a kick ass stage select code. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. What game is better, TMNT 2 or TMNT 3? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TMNT 2 is a little better in my opinion, but then again it's all subjective. Read my reviews for more details, but I just think this one has better stages and the fact that it's not as easy as the 3rd one kind of helps, as well. I will admit that 3 is the technically superior game, but I still like this one better. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. How do I get extra lives? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level up! JK... get 200 points. That's it. Each enemy is worth one point, as mentioned above. \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\- [ 5.0 ] THE BEST BOSS GUIDE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\- I have defeated a tried and true method to defeat every boss in the game. Here's how: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / ROCKSTEADY / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jump kick. Turn left. Jump kick. Turn right. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BEBOP / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jump kick. Turn left. Jump kick. Turn right. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BAXTER STOCKMAN / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jump kick. Turn left. Jump kick. Turn right. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / TORA / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jump kick. Turn left. Jump kick. Turn right. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / BAXTER STOCKMAN / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jump kick. Turn left. Jump kick. Turn right. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GRANITOR / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jump kick. Turn left. Jump kick. Turn right. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SHOGUN / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jump kick. Turn left. Jump kick. Turn right. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / GENERAL TRAGG / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jump kick. Turn left. Jump kick. Turn right. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / KRANG / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jump kick. Turn left. Jump kick. Turn right. Watch out for his punch counters once in a while. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / SHREDDER / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Find the right Shredder. Jump kick. Turn left. Jump kick. Turn right. Avoid his silly beam that kills you instantly. Congratulation on beating the game. A winner is you! \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\- [ 6.0 ] CONCLUSION \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\- THE END IS HERE! Finally! <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> | 6.1 | OTHER INFORMATION | 6.1 | <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ------------- | CREDITS | ------------- I'd just like to thank the following people for their support: - Cassey Blankenship, my baby boo: She is my reason for living, really. Maybe not that far, but life is WAY better with her in it, and I am counting down the days until I get to be with her again. I love you with all my heart, baby girl! You are my only, my only one! - The instruction manual that came with my COMPLETE (w00t) copy of the game. It helped me with the game basics section, and I also stole the entire storyline from there, so, uh, thanks. - The group of friends I made on GameFAQs: Thanks to you guys for supporting me when things got tough, and you know I always got your back. Especially to Dan, Gbness, Dyse, Positively Posterior, Ryan Harrison, MTincher, Fox, etc. You guys are the best friends a guy can ask for, and I appreciate it. I know some of you have bad taste in football teams, but you're all excellent people and great writers. Except for Fox, but he's deaf so HE CAN'T HEAR ME ANYWAYS LALALALLAA - Music, for helping me to stay focused. Especially Savage Garden and Phil Collins. Also, Apple for providing the awesome iTunes which helped me get most of the music I have on my computer LEGALLY. ------------- | OTHER | ------------- You can check out all of my other guides on GameFAQs, which will hopefully include a very sexy Final Fantasy Tactics guide soon. I can't wait to finish that thing. I am most proud of Final Fantasy 9 and ToD2, but I did guides for a lot of Final Fantasies, as well as some random Castlevania and wrestling games, and both Tales of Destiny games. Check them out! In addition on my quest to write for all the Final Fantasy games, I will try to finish my Aria of Sorrow and NCAA Football 2000, as well as some random NES games (Predator, NOES, Jeopardy Jr., and Puss and Boots, anyone?) and guides for the other 2 Castlevania games that employ the new style. Oh, and I might do a Wild Arms 3 guide. And a Grandia guide. And a FF8 guide. And a FF7 guide. Wow. And there's always Final Fantasy 12 and NCAA Football 2006 to look forward to... I appreciate any information you can contribute, especially to art moves and side quests, as well as stuff I missed, walkthrough, etc. Anything can help. Also, feel free to email any questions that would be good for a FAQ section, as I plan to add one to a future update. Any errors and omissions that you may see can be corrected if you inform me of them. I'll also credit you, if your error or omission is actually correct and worth an update for me to fix. I am somewhat busy, you know. That's about it. If anyone would like me to add anything, you can always email me. AIM: JuanDixonFor3 MSN: mcfa4834@bellsouth.net YIM: nicklacheysnightmare If you contact me on one of the instant messengers, and I do not respond, it probably means I am busy. I am always talking with my girl, and friends, so sometimes I just ignore some instant messages from people I do not know. Be nice, and I will talk to you, just don't come out and ask the question and be all rude if I do not respond in five seconds, otherwise I probably will just block you. I will answer all e-mails about the game, however. You can contact me by emailing me at penguin_faqs@yahoo.com One last note: Only email me about the game at penguin_faqs@yahoo.com, all emails about TMNT 2 sent to my other e-mail addresses will be deleted and/or ignored. Thanks to all those that have emailed me so far, I appreciate it! 1. Check my email backlog. If it's filled up, you may have to wait a while before you get a response. 2. I check my email once in a while. Please wait for a response, because I will respond to all emails. 3. Please read my guide before asking questions, thats why I have a FAQ and Reader Tips section. 4. I will only post your question/tip in my guide if it is good, and has not been answered in this guide. Also, I have AIM and Yahoo. My AIM name is JuanDixonFor3, but PLEASE do not harass me with annoying questions or I'll block you. I only wish to chat with people. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> | 6.2 | REVISION HISTORY | 6.2 | <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> v0.10 - May 5, 2003 - 43.5K - Finishing Adventure Island gave me inspiration and motivation to work on another NES classic, so I just typed this entire guide in about three hours, from start to finish. Enjoy. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> | 6.3 | CONCLUSION | 6.3 | <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> That will just about wrap it up, folks. Thanks for checking out my latest guide, Adventure Island. This was quite an experience, as the game was challenging as hell and had a lot of secrets. Much thanks to everyone in my credits, especially my girl. I hope to get back into the writing flow now, and this was definitely a good start. Until next time, Psycho Penguin