Tag Team Wrestling - NES Version - TM 1986 Data East FAQ/Movelist Version 1.20 [3/9/99] Donovan Keith - indigo_twilight_@hotmail.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revision History: 12/98 Ver1.00 - Basic info and moves included. 12/98 Ver1.10 - Added #8 moves for each character, plus names and info on character rivals. Rewrote description of game modes, and added 'rage' information. 3/99 Ver1.20 - Added additional info on championships, and a few minor corrections to the move names and game info. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- P1 - The Ricky Fighters (#1) Ricky and (#2) Ultramachine vs. P2 - The Strong Bads (oooh...scary!) (#1) Mascross and (#2) Worly Game Basics: U,D,L,R (in-ring view) - move wrestler around U/D (out-of-ring view) - enter/exit ring A - grapple/pin/confirm maneuver/call in partner illegally B - select maneuver/tag partner Select - choose between '1P' and '2P' modes Start - begin the game/pause A 1-player match continues infinitely until the player loses a match. A trophy is awarded which increases in size after a set # of wins, up to 25. The titles won are as follows: 3 wins - American Tag Team Champions 8 wins - European Tag Team Champions 15 wins - World Tag Team Champions 25 wins - Super Tag Team Champions After 25 wins, the trophy screen will turn blue, but the size of the trophy will remain the same. A 2-player match is 2 out of 3 falls to decide a winner. After connecting with a grapple attack (A), you have three seconds to cycle thru a list of moves using the B button and execute the chosen move with the A button. Each character has 7 regular moves plus an eighth move that can only be used against one of the opponents (their 'rival'). Executing certain moves while close to the ropes will toss the opponent out to the floor and switch to the out-of-ring view (duh). If both wrestlers go out to the floor simultaneously, there will be a steel chair outside, and neither wrestler can reenter the ring until someone uses it. At certain times, the computer wrestlers will turn red, at which point they are in a 'rage' and cannot be hurt until they hit you. This happens most often when you do not attack for a while or if the computer is seriously behind (cheating!). If your wrestler is in a submission hold and is close to giving up, you can press the A button to summon your partner illegally. In certain matches, you can 'power up' your wrestler by making a # of tags to your partner without touching the opponent at all. The rounds are: Round 5: 1 tag, Round 11: 2 tags, Round 18: 3 tags, Round 28: 3 tags Wrestler moves: Ricky Move Name Translation (description if necessary) 1:B.Atac BodyAttack (Running Shoulder Tackle) 2:D.Kick Dropkick 3:B.Slam Bodyslam 4:B.Drop BackDrop (Vertical Suplex) 5:F.Hbat Flying Headbutt 6:B.Brik Backbreaker 7:N.Hang Neck Hang 8:S.Gata Sasori Gatame () Ultramachine 1:D.Kick Dropkick 2:B.Slam Bodyslam 3:N.Hang Neck Hang 4:F.Hbat Flying Headbutt 5:B.Brik Backbreaker 6:B.Atac BodyAttack (Running Shoulder Tackle) 7:B.Drop BackDrop (Vertical Suplex) 8:B.Bust Brainbuster (2 punches + Power Bomb) Mascross 1:B.Slam Bodyslam 2:D.Kick Dropkick 3:B.Atac BodyAttack (Running Shoulder Tackle) 4:F.Hbat Flying Headbutt 5:B.Drop BackDrop (Vertical Suplex) 6:N.Hang Neck Hang 7:B.Brik Backbreaker 8:E.Guri Enzui Giri Kick (Jumping Roundhouse) Worly 1:B.Slam Bodyslam 2:B.Atac BodyAttack (Running Shoulder Tackle) 3:D.Kick Dropkick 4:B.Drop BackDrop (Vertical Suplex) 5:F.Hbat Flying Headbutt 6:N.Hang Neck Hang 7:B.Brik Backbreaker 8:W.Lari Western Lariat (3 punches + Running Clothesline) All wrestlers have the same moves outside the ring: 1:B.Slam Bodyslam 2:B.Drop BackDrop (Vertical Suplex) 3:Tecchu ?? (Ram opponent's face into ringpost) Kyuuki ?? (Steel chair shot) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special thanx to Gunstar Red (gunstarred@hotmail.com) for info on fighter's names and rivals, final moves, and chair info. Thanx to the VGA Game Archive (http://www.io.com/~vga2000) for having a copy of the manual to the game (and a couple o' 1000 others!). Please feel free to send any comments, suggestions, additions, or corrections to the above e-mail address. Enjoy!