MISSION IMPOSSIBLE Stage 1 Moscow You will be on the street, go up and you will be told that the switch may not release the trap. Go right then down to the bar and you will be told to go to the alley. Next go right pass one building then go up into the next building. You will be told that you will need a pass to reach the sinister 7. Go down into the next building and you will be told that someone has a streetpass. Go up and to the right to get to the next building and get the pass. Go down and to the left and enter the second building and you will be told that you have been caught. Go up and left and use the pass on the grey door, inside the building. Go down the staircase to [B1]. Go right and time your moves so the wall doesn't push you into the water. Then take the stairs to the 1st floor. You will be in a room with a pool table go up and you will be outside again. Go up into a room and you will be told about the switches. Go left and then enter the next building and turn off the switch. Go left to the next building and collect the health icon. Go down through the alley. When you get to the street again pass two buildings. Then find the sewer cover and blow it up to reveal a secret passageway. Go to the left and search for switches then go right. Pick up the briefcase and walk past the exit. Keep going right until you find a grey door. Use the pass on the grey door. Go down and then left. You will told to switch off the robot to reach the boss. Take stairs down to [B2]. Go down and take another set of stairs to [B3]. Work your way to the upper right to find the stairs to [B4]. In the next room go through the door then go down and turn off the switch. Then go up to [B3]. Go down and to the left then down the blue stairs. Now go down, down, right, up, right, up, right, now turn the switch off. Leave the room and go left, left, down, down, left, down, right, right, right, collect a health icon. Go up, left, up, up, left, up, now take the stairs to [B3]. ow go left then down to [B4] again. Go right, down, left, down, down, down. You will now be in a room with a power grid, turn the switch off. Go right, right, right, up, up, up, up, left, up, now take the stairs to [B3]. Now take the stairs to [B2]. Now go up until you see a blue staircase, Go up to [B1]. Now go right. Destroy the power generator. The guy by the desk will tell you to turn off the water switch. Now go down to [B2]. Now go to your right, then go down and to your left, then down. Now go past the arms and you will see a guy fall through the floor. Your ready to fly to Venice now. Stage 2 Venice password HMPR You will fly to Venice. You will find yourself driving a motorboat. Your objective is to shoot other boats and avoid obstacles. Stage 3 Syrinx Temple password KMVW When you enter the base in Venice go left and then up. You will now be in a room with two robots. Destroy the yellow power generator. Now go back down and all the way to the upper right hand corner. You will now see a blue staircase. When you enter the next room go in the door to the right. You will run into a guy who will tell you to destroy the statue to find the ladder. Now go back to the first level and go through the first door to the right. Destroy the last statue in the lower right hand corner, this will reveal a secret staircase to the basement. When you enter the basement enter the door in the lower right hand corner. You will now be told to "watch for switches in areas 1 through 6, 1 switch is in area 3". Now go all the way to the left. Then to the upper right hand corner. You will now meet a guy who will tell you that someone has a street pass, You must go down and right. Go down the stairs o [B2] go to the right. Enter the door in the upper right and get the pass. Now go down the stairs to [B3]. Now go into the door in the lower right and turn the switch off. Now go to the left. Go through the door and shoot the pink power generator. Now go back up to the second floor. Use the pass on the grey door to gain access to the 3rd floor. Now go up the stairs to the 4rth floor to reach the Boss. To defeat the boss circle around him to make him fall through the floor. Stage 4 Switzerland password XDGJ When you cross the bridge go up, then go left and you will go to the 1st floor. Shoot the two gaurds. Now go down and to the right and you will be told to destroy the illusionary device to continue, you need to break the rock wall. Now go up, you will find yourself outside. Go up and cross the falling bridge 1. Go up and cross another bridge 2. Now cross two more briges. Go to your right and shoot at the wall to enter the secret cave. You will now be in an area with snow covered bridges. Continue northbound. When you fall off the bridge you will begin at the begining of the snow covered bridge level. Go left through a secret wall. Go left then up and to the right, place a bomb on the blue wall near the grey staircase. Go down to [B2]. Avoid the robot and shoot the pink power generator to turn off the lights. Go back up to [B1]. Go up and to the uper left hand corner. In the next room place a bomb in the upper left hand corner. Go left and up the grey staircase to the 1st floor. Now go down and to the right. Enter the cave and go down to [B1]. Use the pass to gain entry to the grey door. Go down and collect the health icon. Go back up to the right then up again. Now go left and down to the door. Now go up the staircase to the first floor. Now go down and all the way to the right, then go up and place a bomb on the grey square to reveal a staircase to [B1]. Turn the switch off and go down. Talk to a guy who will tell you about two switches in area 4. Go down and collect a health icon. Now go back up to the first floor. Go down and to the left. When reach the cave go up and left. Then goup and collect a health icon. Go right past one building, then enter the next. Destroy the pink power generator. You will now talk to a guy who will tell you about a street pass. Leave this building and go right and up. Enter the next building. Destroy the power generator and talk to a guy who will give you the pass. Go left, then down and left, and enter the building with the green staircase. Go up to [2F]. In the next room go up to [3F]. Collect the health icon and go back down to the 1st floor. Now go back to the room where the guy gave you the pass. Now go up. When your outside go left and then enter the first building you see. Go down and turn the switch off. Then go up through the door and up the staircase to the 2nd floor. A guy will tell you to give up or the hostages will die. Defeat him and the hostage will be set free. Enter the next room and destroy the power generator and find Dr. O. Stage 5 The Swiss Alps password TVJL You will now find yourself skiing down a slope. Avoid the obstacles and helicopter fire. this is a fairly short action stage. Stage 6 The Island password QBYZ The second switch on this level will turn off the conveyor belts. Be sure to turn off any switch you find on this level. The pass is located in the first room with conveyor belts. Enter the room to the right of this room and get the pass. In the rooms with the pits, there will be a space by the upper wall to walk past them. There are a total of two switches before the two arms. To destroy the arms place bombs at the base of the arms. Keep going left until you can not go any farther, then shoot up at the wall to reveal a secret passageway. Half way through the level by the large power enerator's, you must turn off two switches. One is in the room to the left and the other is in the room to the right. When you reach the boss shoot him then fall into the pit. You will now have to complete the level a second time from the area where the switches are. Turn off the switches and go back to the room where the boss was. This time you will notice that the boss is gone and the pitfall no longer exists. Go through to the next hallway and you will be a few screens away from the end of the game. Make the computer play a game of chess and you will win the game.