-------------------------------------- B E A U T Y & T H E B E A S T -------------------------------------- A FAQ FOR: Beauty and the Beast (Intellivision) Copyright 2002 Alxs (alxsthemighty@yahoo.com) Final Version, September 14, 2002 NOTE: Please read the Email Policy (below) before contacting me. =-=-=-=-=-=- Email Policy =-=-=-=-=-=- 1) Put the name of this game in the subject title. 2) Please only send me game-related questions that are not already answered in this FAQ. 3) Don't be rude. It will get you nowhere with me. 4) It's okay if you use a bit of "internet lingo" (e.g. "u" instead of "you"), but if I have no idea what you are saying, I have to delete the email. 5) Don't send me downloadable files, because I absolutely will not download them. Everything you would like me to see must be located in the actual body of the email. That's all. Now that you have read these rules and agree to abide by them, feel free to email me at alxsthemighty@yahoo.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------- C O N T E N T S ----------------------------------------------------------------------- How the Game Works Controls Ways to Win Conclusion ----------------------------------------------------------------------- H O W T H E G A M E W O R K S ----------------------------------------------------------------------- As a man named Buford, level by level, you climb to the top of a hotel to tryto save Tiny Mabel from Horrible Hank. In each level, there are a few stories of the building, which all have window son the outside. To climb up to the top to beat the level, you must wait for a window to open, then press up on the control disc to climb up. However, there are a few more things in the levels to make them more interesting. If you run into a boulder that Horrible Hank throws, a rat, or a bird, then you'll lose a life. Lose all your lives, and you'll have to start your game all over again! But, if you run into a heart, you'll get temporary invincibility and 50 points added to the 100 you automatically get for beating a level, then another 50 points for each thing that you run into that would normally hurt you when you're invincible. After you beat all the levels, you'll start at the beginning of the building again, except you're score will keep going, and the levels will be harder than the first time around! Good luck! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- C O N T R O L S ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ___________ | | | | | 1 | 2 | 3 | __|___|___|___|__ | | | | | | |L1| 4 | 5 | 6 |R1| |__|___|___|___|__| | | | | | | |L2| 7 | 8 | 9 |R2| |__|___|___|___|__| | | | | |CLR| 0 |ENT| |___|___|___| | | |CNTRL DISC | |___________| The controls to this game are very simple. 0-9/CLEAR (CLR)/ENTER (ENT): Not used R1/R2/L1/L2 SIDE BUTTONS: Jump CONTROL DISC (CNTRL DISC): Move Buford ----------------------------------------------------------------------- W A Y S T O W I N ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are some tips, approaches, etc. that you can use for winning at this game. * Get as many hearts and run into as many things while you're invincible as possible. I usually stay at the bottom of each level until I get a heart and sometimes run into something, then as I'm climbing to the top, I get at least one heart and run into at least one thing. I've gotten something like 1050 points after only the fourth level on the first time through the building doing this! * If you're on the fourth level or so, and you have a lot of lives, jump off the side of the building. That's right, you heard me. Jump off. By doing this, you will still keep your score, except you start with it at the bottom of the building, so you can gain more points. And, as far as I know, you only loose one life. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- C O N C L U S I O N ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=- Copyright Info =-=-=-=-=-=-=- This document is Copyright (c) 2002 the author, Alxs, all rights reserved. Unless otherwise mentioned, the content within this file was written and is sole property of the author. This FAQ may only be posted on www.gamefaqs.com, not on any other website, magazine, book, CD, etc. There's no point in asking for permission to post this FAQ, because the answer is no. The only place this document is legally posted is www.gamefaqs.com, so please notify me if you see any other site using this FAQ. However, if you'd like to use a (somewhat small) portion of this file in your own online FAQ, ask me first, and I'll probably give you the thumbs-up. Thanks everyone. =-=-=-= Credits =-=-=-= Contribute and your name will go here! =-=-=-=- File End =-=-=-=-