========================================================================= ******************** LEGEND OF VALOUR: FAQ/Walkthrough ****************** ========================================================================= Amiga Role Playing Game; released (1992) UK Full FAQ/Walkthrough (version 3.0) 24/02/2003 Author - falsehead (Sophie Cheshire). Contact me at falsehead@aol.com Copyright stuff; this is (c) Sophie Cheshire. If you wish to use this FAQ on your website, feel free to do so under the following conditions. a) You email me first and let me know where it will be appearing and b) you do not alter the content in anyway (if you need to change the formatting slightly for display purposes that's OK). If I find out that any part of this FAQ has been lifted and used without credit to me, especially if you use it to earn money, then I will be annoyed. I didn't type all this up for the good of my health you know. ======================================================================== ********************************* CONTENTS ***************************** ======================================================================== 1) INTRODUCTION/REVISION HISTORY 2) GENERAL SURVIVAL a) Staying Alive b) Making Money c) Guilds and the overall quest 3) QUEST WALKTHROUGH a) Temple of Aegir b) Guild of Theives c) Fellowship of Aesegir d) Guild of Mercenaries e) Endgame 4) GUILD/TEMPLE REQUIREMENTS a) Asegeir b) Loki c) Men at Arms d) Mercenaries e) Thieves f) Set g) Odin h) Freya i) Aegeir 5) PLACES TO STAY 6) MISCELLANEOUS TIPS ========================================================================= ********************** 1) INTRODUCTION/REVISIONS ************************ ========================================================================= INTRODUCTION - Legend of Valour is an extremely underrated RPG hailing from the Amiga's golden age. Released by US Gold it actually attained most of its cult following in Europe. It took the bold step of portraying the quest through a first person perspective, now more commonly associated with games like Doom and Quake. While it was probably too ambitious for the hardware of the time (it was often plagued with sluggish response times and illogical AI on the part of the other city inhabitants), it still remains a deep and involving quest which offers a great deal of character building flexibility in its range of guilds and temples. This is now a full FAQ/Walkthrough with advice on getting you started in the game, advice on earning money and keeping yourself healthy. There is a full walkthrough as well for when you find the going confusing or tough that will get you to the end of the game. I have also included a list of all the various Guilds and Temples and the cost and length of time it will take to perform each task. I have also provided a list Hostels and the cost of rooms and food in each one. This guide now contains everything you need to know to complete the game from beginning to end. ************************************************************************* The latest version of this guide is always posted first at www.gamefaqs.com, if you found this guide on another site please check gamefaqs to make sure you have the latest updates before emailing me with any questions. I may have already answered it! REVISIONS - Version 1.0 (14/04/2002). First Version. Provided tips on playing the game as well as full list of Guild requirements and places to stay. Version 2.0 (20/10/2002). Second version. Added a complete detailed walkthrough and some extra info to the general FAQ section. Version 2.5 (22/01/2003). Did some rejigging on the walkthrough and have added a sort of miscellaneous tips section to cover stuff that doesn't fit into the rest of the FAQ. Version 3.0 (24/02/03) a very nice chap called Kin Santos added some observations and tips to help you through and has also provided a map which I will submit to gamefaqs and hopefully it will be accepted and listed with this guide to make life much easier! Also got around to adding the rank names you acquire as you progress though the various temples and guilds. ========================================================================= ************************** 2) GENERAL SURVIVAL ************************** ========================================================================= a) Staying Alive Get yourself a room to stay in and make sure you do stay in it. You don't have unlimited reserves of energy and if you keep questing without eating or resting you'll die. Also don't be tempted to get really drunk and pass out on the ground in a pool of your own sick (heh). It may feel big and clever, but it's not. Your health will suffer and you'll get robbed while you sleep. The best room to get is in the Seaman's Tavern. It's cheap, but functional. One of the first things you should do on arriving in Mitteldorf is get some weapons training. As you wander around the city streets you can get involved in random punch-ups and the stronger you are to start with the better. When you set up your character, buy some light armour and an axe and make sure you have at least 250 gold pieces left. Now you should make your way to the Guild of the Men at Arms and train yourself up to 4th Dann, now you should have little trouble with most combat situations. It's a good idea to have at least one piece of food and something to drink on you at all times in case you get beat up far from a place to be cured or rest. It's also useful to keep a few rocks about your person. These make effective weapons when thrown at people and can be more damaging than hitting someone with your axe! Wandering about talking to people is the only way to progress in the game, but be warned. You can catch nasty diseases off the less savoury members of the population and late at night vampires and werewolves prowl the streets. You can become a werewolf or vampire if one bites you. If you don't get yourself cured you'll wander about at nights and you can't control where you go. You'll wake up in the morning probably in some remote part of Mitteldorf, possibly even in prison. Getting yourself cured can be expensive, so it's advisable you join a temple as soon as possible, there you can get cured for free. Also you can buy Insurance Policies from some shady monks who lurk the streets at night. If you happen to be rendered dead, you'll be reincarnated. Though not always in a convenient spot. An alien spirit may at some point possess you. Don't rush off to get yourself cured. You may start drooling, foaming and saying the word "thigh" for no reason, but it also seems to benefit your health and charisma. Sadly this is NOT true in real life. b) Making Money Money makes the world go round, yes like many other games of this ilk you are perpetually short of the ole' folding greenies until right at the end when you don't need it. Then you'll have loads. Never mind there are several ways of making money in this game. First of all you can trade commodities, using the handy table of shop prices below, buy low and sell high. You capitalist piglet you! Pick up any items that aren't nailed down and sell these on to shops offering the best prices. Secondly, you can run errands, which are pretty badly paid and only good for an initial cash boost. Finally you can pickpocket or mug people for their cash. Pick pocketing is pretty difficult unless you decide to join the thieves' guild. You can wander around beating up the local population, but be warned they will fight back and you can end up getting slung in prison. The best place to get yourself rich quick is the North East Turret. Once you are decently trained up as a fighter go to the North East Turret and then underground. There's a long corridor, at the end is a room full of trolls. They are loaded with gold and best of all it's legal to kill them, huzzah! So wipe them out and collect the money. Exit and re-enter and they will be back. Continue for an hour and your money worries will be over for the rest of the game! Just remember - before accepting a task that'll cost you your entire gold you should invest in some goods - the best way is to invest in the most expensive goods (you'll lose the least amount of money when selling back) [kin santos TIP]. c) Guilds and the overall quest There is an actually point to the game in which you have to find and rescue the Mayor of the City. There are many guilds and temples available for you to join and you will work your way up through each one you join. The more you join, the more skills you will acquire and your overall quest will be easier (you MUST join at least four and you must become a Master of one Guild and one Temple). It's worth bearing in mind that if you want to join the Temple of Freya you MUST be a female (character, not in real life, bahah!), otherwise you'll be excluded from that Temple straight away. Also being a member of some Temples excludes membership of other Guilds. For example you must resign from the Temple of Aegir before you can join the Guild of Mercenaries. Each Guild/Temple requires you to perform a series of quests to retrieve objects that will allow you to progress to the next skill level. Each quest costs money and time to undertake, and it's recommended that you save at the beginning of a quest quit and restart if you fail or run out of time. Otherwise you can end up totally screwed. Remember you can only save you game in the Inns so remember where they all are. It's a good idea to try and sketch out a rough map of where all the Temples, Guilds, Hostels and Inns are. To rescue the Mayor of the city you need to acquire four skulls, when you join and become the High Priest, High Brother or Guild Master of any four organisations you will be able to access a skull. Also you must join at least one of each type Temple/Brotherhood/Guild. You can of course join more, to learn extras skills. But you must rise to the last level of four to gain the four skulls. Also there are some useful items dotted about the place, which are yours for the taking: - The Gauntlets of Power are upstairs in the Armoury. - The Boots of Speed are in a room just to the south of the East Gate. - The Necklace of Protection is in the lizard cage in the Institute of Zoolatry. - The Hourglass, available to buy in Customs House at the start of the game. Probably the best Temple to join first is the Temple of Aegir as its located centrally and you can start getting a good feel for Mitteldorf overall. After that see how your quest takes you in deciding which ones to join next. If combat is your forte, then go for the Guild of the Men at Arms. If you prefer sneakery, then join the Thieves. The beauty of The Legend of Valour lies in its flexibility, now go be a hero! ========================================================================= ************************** 3) GAME WALKTHROUGH ************************** ========================================================================= This is the way I completed the game, I have tried to keep it as spoiler free as possible. To help me through the game I did have some help from someone who posted this route through the game on the net ages ago. I haven't been able to find the author, as this was some years back that I downloaded it. But if anyone notices this resembles his or her method of completing the game please email me so I can give credit where it's due. GETTING STARTED - First visit the Customs House (grey building to the left as you start) - Talk to the shopkeeper and use this opportunity to practice buying and selling. If they have an hourglass, buy it. - Read the notices on the wall (if you want to take on some errands click on the right symbol). You'll find a note from your cousin who wants you to go to the Hanged Man pub. - Exit and head North West to the pub. You can ask for directions of needed. - When you reach the Hanged Man, check out the notices for another message. This will direct you to the Trolls Arms (NW), Casino (SW), Joy of Ale (E) and SeaHorse Tavern (SW). This jaunt supplies you with the information that you need to become a Temple High Priest and a Guild Master. - So choose which of the Guild or Temples you wish to start with. The Temple of Aegir is as good as any, so off you go. *************************** TEMPLE OF AEGIR ****************************** Make sure you have enough money to take the tasks on (see requirements below). Select "Business" at the counter to join and you'll be given task one. TASK ONE (25g) - You must collect the Scroll of Ran from the Shrine of Nigard. This is located at the southern edge of the map. When you get it, you can read it by putting it in the bottom right box and selecting it (it must be there to be handed over anyway). Now return to the Temple of Aegir TASK TWO (40g) - You must now get proof of Hoders death. To do this you must get yourself arrested. So go get drunk and punch a guard or pick someone's pocket incompetently. Once in gaol, sleep for 24 hours until the sentence is up. Now look around for a guard who will tell you about Hoder. Go to the Charnel House and collect the Death Certificate. Now return to the Temple. TASK THREE (50g) - Now you must get the Spirit of Skoll in a bottle. Go and ask around for info, then go find and empty bottle. To get one check the notices board in any pub to find out the empties are sent to Drysdale Salvage (north in the castle grounds). The bottle is upstairs on a table. Collect it then wait until midnight to find a werewolf and kill it. You'll get the spirit diviner. Follow it until it goes around in circles. Put the bottle in your inventories right box and click on the empty left box. Do it right and you'll see the bottle acquire a green spirit. Take it back to the Temple. TASK FOUR - (60g) Now you have to find a scroll and act upon it. Ask around to be told the location of the Council of 5. You should end up at a house in the NW area. Go inside after dark and you'll see the five in the room. Ask around to find which is the rep of the temple (ie what his religion is) and also find out where he lives. Go to his house and collect the scroll. Read it to discover who the traitor is in the Council of 5, return there and despatch him. Now return to the temple with scroll. If you are going to take on Task 5 straight away then invest in some gems or items you can resell later as all your ready cash will be taken form you when you begin task 5. TASK 5 (All the gold you have) - The final task is to join the Institute of Zoolatry, which is just north of the Temple. Go into a pub and read the notices. You find out that you need a lizardmanīs egg. Ask around and you'll be directed to find the Boatyard to the SE of town. Before you attempt the deed, save at the nearest pub (should be the Mermaidīs). Once in the Boatyard, go underground. Kill the lizardmen, and press up against the waterfalls to find secret passages. The egg is roughly N of the bottom of the stairs. Get it and go.. quickly! Take it to the Institute of Zoolatry and a man there will accept you and take the egg. He will impose on you an initiation test which will consist on sending you to a specific pub where you must drink at least 4 G&T (Gin and Tonics) and then find somebody of a certain religion and dispatch that person, returning to the Institute while still drunk. It's a good idea to save when you get to the pub and before you get drunk. While drunk its tricky even walking in a straight line let alone finding the right person and killing them, so you may need a few tries. When you manage to return to the Institute of Zoolatry still drunk, follow the man's instructions. You will return to the Temple in triumph, carrying the necessary papers. Congratulations, you are now a High Priest and have access to the previously locked doors in the Temple. In the High Priest's Chambers, you will find a skull and scroll. Read the scroll. Leave it and the Skull here safely for now as you can return here anytime to sleep safely here now. Plus you can now cast all the spells. If you click on the Ankh symbol on the screen you will see what is available. Handily, you can create food and drink and, clicking on the ankh symbol on the spell book will always teleport you back to the Temple, wherever you are! Now you have to become Master of a Guild. *************************** GUILD OF THEIVES ***************************** The thieves Guild is a good one to join as you learn the lock picking skill. So first you have to find it. The Guild can be found by going South to the bottom of the map and into a House behind the Snakes Inn, go downstairs and follow the tunnel. Keep to the right until you find a room with a fountain, press against it to open a secret passage. Down the passage is the Guild, so go to the counter and join! Later You can enter the guild of thieves (if you have the "pass through window" ability) from their main building (west of olaf's emporium) TASK 1 (20g) - First task is easy. Go to the Temple of Set (North-East on map) and take the donations bowl and return to the Guild. TASK 2 (40g) - Now you must steal a day's taxes from the authorities. Go to any pub and read the notices. Keep visiting pubs until you find one where a guy will tell you he has cut the strings of the tax collector's purse. Go into the room and find the purse on the floor. Collect it a return to the Guild. TASK 3 (50g) - Next up, you must steal some plans from the Architect. He lives next door to the Armoury. Save at the nearest pub (the Trollīs Arms). You will find that the front door is secure and that if you go in through the back door, you'll be arrested. You can get through this door though. Go through the first back door and, when you go through the next, veer left to avoid the guard, turn around to face the other door to the right and, if a guard starts coming towards you, throw something at him to kill him. You have to be very quick. If no guard appears, go through the door and turn left. Dodge or kill the guards quickly and advance through here and up the stairs. Find the plans by a lamp and escape by teleporting to the Temple of Aegir. Then take the plans to the Guild. TASK 4 (50g) - Now you must get the Seal of Approval. You must to go to the Hanged Man and meet Greyfell, make sure you enter the pub at midnight. Follow his instructions: find the urn and put it on the table at the Arena. While here, can improve your fighting skills at the Mercenariesī Guild, which is through the (previously locked) door, now you can pick it open! Get the seal of approval and return it to the Guild. TASK 5 (All the gold you have) - The final task is to find the Forbidden City, steal the jewelled rock and find the secret exit. Ask around and you will hear that someone called Choker Bloodaxe has a map. Find him and kill him to get a parchment [Kin santos says you can just steal it from him if you don't want to kill him]. Use the parchment and you will see that you must go to the Castle, which is in fact via the same house where you got the empty bottle. Go there and find the stairs down and, guiding yourself with the map on the screen and the parchment, go to the Forbidden City. Go through the waterfall. As soon as you come up to the surface, bring up the map and note where you are. Don't wander around - go to the next building into the shop. Buy the Exit Visa and read it. Go to the next building but only to the top bit. Here, in the Hall of Stones, you will find the jewelled rock. Now go back to the house in which you came up - the tree is to the South West of it. Get yourself between the tree and the window and, clicking first on the ankh symbol, cast the first spell. You go through the wall and out of the door. Return to the Thieves Guild and give them the Rock. You'll be made a God Father. You will find another skull and scroll as you wander around the building. Collect them and teleport to the Temple and leave them safe with the others for now. That's two skulls down, two to go. Time to join a Fellowship. ************************** FELLOWSHIP OF ASEGEIR ************************** This is located near the Trolls Arms, so go in and join at the counter. TASK 1 (cost 28g) - First you need to get the Potion of Judgement. Asking around you'll find its at the Asylum and you'll be directed there. The potion though is actually located in one of the three solitary cells to the South of the main building. Take it back to the Fellowship. TASK 2 (cost 38g) - Now you need to find Forseti and the scroll of truth. Go to the Halls of Justice, which are to East of here. A man will volunteer the information that Forseti is at the Casino. Go to the Casino and read the notices, and you will know where to find the scroll, it downstairs in the Halls of Justice, so go back and get it. TASK 3 (35g) - The Stone Tablet is your next Quest so go to the building in the South West corner of the Circle of Stones and go underground. You will reach two secure doors and a key in the middle. Use the key to go through the door to the right. Look around until you find a little guy - talk to him and he will tell you that you need two pyramids, but you only have one. Get the one there is and make your way to the nearest pub. Read the notices. Go to the Guild of Thieves, holding the pyramid in the usual box, and it will be copied for you. Just take a nap while you wait. You will find the two pyramids in front of the counter. Go back to the Mummy's Pit. Put one pyramid at each side of the door and go in. There are a lot of mummies about, so get dodging, grab the tablet and scarper back to the Fellowship. TASK 4 (60g) - Your next job is to get a bucket of pitch and defile the Inner Sanctum of Loki. If you ask around about the pitch you will be told that it is used for sealing ships. Go to the Boatyard shop, which is West of the Mermaid's Pub, and buy a bucket of the stuff. The Brotherhood of Loki is North West of the Mermaid's. Since you can pick locks, you will easily find your way upstairs and into the Sanctum. With the bucket in the business box, use it and the floor will be dirtied. Make your way back to the Fellowship with the empty bucket. Before you do the final task, make sure you have plenty of cash and book a room in a convenient hostel. Once you have a room, you'll receive a storage container - which you are going to need later on. TASK 5 (All the gold you have)- You are told to go upstairs and touch a goblet. The lamp is going to help you and you must bring it back. So, go upstairs and get the lamp. Use it and a genie tells you to go kill a bat. Taking the lamp with you, the nearest place in which you will find one is back at old Drysdaleīs Salvage. Go underground and kill the thing, taking what you get. Consult the genie again and you will know where to go next. If you get sealed in underground just teleport to the Temple. Make your way to the Snakes, right to the South West. Near there, to the W, you'll find the twin oaks, so go South into the Derelict Storehouse. Look around until you find the staircase that leads underground and into the sealed-off area of the map. You will see a door with a table in front. Bump into the door and look. Put the bat snack on the table and bump into the door again. You will see the sea monster and the colour of his eye. You can go back to the fellowship and touch the yellow cup. Take the lamp to the counter to get promoted. Congratulations again, you are a full brother in the Fellowship. Search the house to find the skull, take it with you and read the scroll. Now you must join the Mercenaries Guild to get the last skull and you can't do this while you belong to the Temple of Aegir. So teleport back there and collect the two skulls and scrolls you left. Make sure you are healthy then resign. Remember the room you rented earlier? Go to it and store your skulls there. Spend any time you need to raise some more cash, train up and rest then go join The Guild of Mercenaries ************************** GUILD OF MERCENARIES ************************ You should know where the Guild s by now, so just mosey on up and join. TASK 1 (30g) - Nothing to taxing, just go and collect the wages sack. Go and get them from the South East Billet, which is up against the East city wall, South East of the Temple of Aegir. TASK 2 (40g) - Now you must find the Eye of Surt. So go to Odinīs Temple and if you ask around, someone will tell youthat you ought to try the Jug of Ale. So go North Eeast of here to the pub. Gamble until you win, then turn around and you will see the Eye on one of the tables. Collect it and take it to the Guild. TASK 3 (50g) - Now you must find Eivak the Goblin, kill him and bring back his helmet. Ask around and you are directed to the Courthouse actually there is no courthouse, they mean the Halls of Justice. Now go there and go underground. So you will soon find Eivakīs Camp. Kill everyone in sight and eventually you'll kill Eivak and get the helmet. Take it back to the Guild TASK 4 (50g) - For your next task you have to pick up the feather on the table to the right, go to the Armoury and pick up the crossbow, also handily on a table, and just go to the Guild of Men at Arms (by the town gates, where you started) and find the wardroom. Leave the feather there and take back the crossbow to the Guild. Before you attempt Task 5, make sure you are as buff and trained up in combat as you can be. The next task will be your hardest yet. TASK 5 (190g) - For this task you have to take on a Dragon get Battle Standard. You have to find the Brig (to the North West of the Mermaid) and go underground. You should find your way to the dragon quite easily - go through a fountain, find 3 keys for secure doors and go up and down some stairs. The dragon is behind the door to the left. Pause before you go in and have a rest. When you are ready, don't dash in. Stop and see the fireballs cruising past. Veer left and get between the wall and the post to get at the dragon - it is shooting fireballs in the wrong direction. Get close to it and kill it. You'll get its head, and that is the key that opens the secure door. Behind it, you'll find the standard. Pick it up and teleport to the Stone Circle and, from there, go to the Guild. Now you will get promoted and then you can search the building for the last skull. Also, you get a scroll depicting the Royal Crypt, or rather the entrance to it, and a map. ****************************** ENDGAME ********************************* Now you have Four Skulls and For scroll giving you clues. Collect the Skulls from your room and make sure you have the Orb of Vision from underground at the Jewellers and the Book of Summoning from the Scriptorium (opposite the Trolls Arms) stashed away safely, as well as an Hourglass. Take the Four Skulls to the Crypt, which is where the Mummys Tomb was. Go to the two doors with the key between them and this time use the left door. Just go through here and on until you come to the inner crypt. Here, just put the right skull on the right mound - skull of the north to the north, etc. Then you go back and collect the orb, the book and the hourglass. Go back to the Royal Crypt and, before you enter the place with the skulls, cast the necklace spell [kin santos observed that you don't actually need to cast it, if you have it should cast automatically]. Make sure it is midnight. Enter the room, go in the middle and use the book of summoning. Watch. You get a key and with that you can go and release Old Wilf from his underground sanctuary. You shouldn't have a problem finding him now, you should enter through a door west of the drayad salvage (also N-W of the trolls inn) there make your way to a room with 2 BEARS and there you'll find a well hidden door which your key will open [thanks again to kin santos for the precise location]. Congratulations, you are the hero of Mitteldorf! ========================================================================= ********************** 4) GUILD/TEMPLE REQUIREMENTS ********************* ========================================================================= a) AESEGIR Level Cost No.Days Quest Item Spellbrewer Ass. 1 28 2 Potion of Judgement Scribe 2 38 4 Scroll of Truth Spellcaster 3 35 5 Stone Tablet Wizard 4 60 6 Empty Pitch Bucket Wizardmaster 5 All 5 Golden Lamp b) LOKI Mystic 1 5 3 Ring of Andvari Sorcerer 2 42 3 Hypnosis Herb Spellbinder 3 30 4 Royal Seal Wizard 4 48 5 Gambantein Warlock 5 All 7 Witches Cauldron c) MEN AT ARMS Grunt 1 24 2 Bronze Helmet Trooper 2 38 3 Contraband Weaponsmith 3 45 5 Beastbite Antidote Captain 4 60 7 Victor's Laurels Templar 5 175 8 Gorgon's Head d) MERCENARIES B.Guard Apprentice 1 30 2 Wages Sack Hireling 2 40 4 Eye of Surt Bounty Hunter 3 50 5 Eivaks Helmet Mercenary 4 50 4 Crossbow Guildmaster 5 190 7 Battle Standard e) THEIVES Beggar 1 20 2 Collection Bowl Pickpocket 2 40 3 Taxes Graverobber 3 50 7 Guild Plans Theif 4 50 7 Seal of Approval Godfather 5 All 7 Jewelled Rock f) SET Wriggler 1 30 3 Holy Orb Hisser 2 35 3 Flask Crusher 3 35 4 Royal Gem Striker 4 60 6 Anvil of Power Venom Master 5 200 7 Larnia's Rattle g) ODIN Neophyte 1 30 2 Hugin the Raven Magus 2 33 4 Astrolabe Theurgist 3 40 5 Map of the Labyrinth Spirit Exorcist 4 54 6 Cyclop's Eye High Priest 5 180 5 Scroll of Ran h) FREYA (females only) Flirt 1 35 2 Sacred Book Coquette 2 10 3 Golden Idol Temptress 3 40 5 Sack of Scrolls Seducer 4 60 6 Elixir of Life High Priestess 5 All 6 Spy Plan Scroll i) AEGIR Novice 1 25 2 Scroll of Ran Theologian 2 40 4 Death Certificate Divine Mediator 3 50 5 Spirit in a Bottle Cleric 4 55 4 Instruction Scroll High Priest 5 All 7 IOZ Membership Papers ========================================================================= ************************** 4) PLACES TO STAY **************************** ========================================================================= Cost of Room Food Price a) Waifs Rest 200g-210g Dragon's Egg 6g Minotaur Pie 4g Batcake 5g Bugburger 4g Mead 2g Ale 2g b) Dead Man's Inn 160g-190g Dragon's Egg 5g Medusa Bolog. 6g Bugburger 5g Cyclops Stew 7g G&T 2g Ox Blood 3g c) Flea Pit 140g-150g Minotaur Pie 5g Bugburger 6g Zombie Brains 6g Salted Squid 7g Mead 2g G&T 2g d) Travellers Inn 140g-170g Dragon's Egg 6g Zombie Brains 6g Minotaur Pie 5g Batcake 6g Ox Blood 4g Ale 2g e) The Boardings 135g-140g Dragon's Egg 7g Cyclops Stew 8g Medusa Bolog. 7g Bugburger 6g Ox Blood 4g Mead 3g f) Hermits Repose 135g-140g Dragon's Egg 7g Salted Squid 5g Batcake 5g Cyclops Stew 6g Ale 2g G&T 2g g) Thespians Tavern 135g-140g Medusa Bolog. 5g Salted Squid 4g Cyclops Stew 6g Zombie Brains 6g Ale 2g G&T 2g h) Seamans Lodgings 135g-140g Zombie Brains 5g Medusa Bolog. 6g Salted Squid 4g Minotaur Pie 6g G&T 2g Ox Blood 2g ========================================================================= ************************ 5) MISCELLANEOUS TIPS ************************** ========================================================================= You can get a decent amount of money from people by throwing a treasure item at them. This will usually result in a dropped bag of gold, females tend to have more. If you are progressing through the Temple of Set, you can find the Holy Orb at the Jewellers, The Flask is at the Embalmers (you need to die to get there, but make sure you have an Insurance Policy), the Royal Gem is in the Hatchery and you need to use lightning to find it. If you are progressing through the Brotherhood of Loki, then the Ring of Andvari can be bought at the jewellers. The Hypnosis herb grows in the grotto. The Royal Seal can be gained by talking to Olly upstairs in the Castle Keep and Gambantein can be found in Hermods Palace If you are progressing through the Temple of Freya (must be female char) then the Sacred Book is in the Scriptorium and the Golden Idol is on display in the museum (needs "walking through closed windows" ability). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *********************************************************************** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Feel free to email me about any aspect of this guide, any contributions you would like to make will be fully credited if used and are more than welcome. Please inform me of any errors, typos etc so I can rectify them immediately My email is falsehead@aol.com (Blatant plug: check out my games website at www.kungfuhamster.cjb.net for loads of info on Martial Arts, Beat 'em Ups, Kung Fu Movies and Pokemon!) Big Thanks to CjayC, the mad bloke who runs GameFAQs. You've given me the opportunity to reach more people with my stuff than I ever could have alone! Special thanks go out to: BillyKane, Magus747, Andy787, totalstuff and Pat Uhler for being such a laugh, and giving me the push to actually start contributing my own work back in the good old days of the DC board. Thanks also to my homies in the Review and FAQ boards for continuing support and being all round awesome dudes! fakeplasticmanatree, bloomer, sashanan, ASchultz, MaxH, Vegita, the daremo and Bobo The Clown Love yah all guys! ======================================================================= ***************************** THE END ********************************* =======================================================================