Star Wars: Battlefront Author - Neil Stump E-mail: neil(dot)stump(at)gmail(dot)com Version - 1.1 Date - 7 March 2005 Please do not plagiarize Allowed Websites: Table of Contents 1 - Version History 2 - Historical Campaigns 2.1 - Clone Wars 2.1.1 - The Battle of Naboo 2.1.2 - Rebellion on Theed 2.1.3 - Aggressive Negotiations 2.1.4 - The Battle of Geonosis 2.1.5 - Assault on Kamino 2.1.6 - Mountaintop Defenses 2.1.7 - The Bate of Kashyyyk 2.2 - Galactic Civil War 2.2.1 - Desert Extermination 2.2.2 - Siege of Mos Eisley 2.2.3 - Sabotage at Rhen Var 2.2.4 - Assault on Yavin 4 2.2.5 - The Fall of Yavin 4 2.2.6 - The Battle of Hoth 2.2.7 - The Liberation of Cloud City 2.2.8 - Battle in the Clouds 2.2.9 - The Battle of Endor 3 - Galactic Conquest 3.1 - Birth of the Rebellion 3.2 - Dark Side Rising 3.3 - Attack of the Clones 3.4 - Revenge of the Sith 3.5 - The Galactic Civil War 3.6 - A Galaxy Divided 3.7 - The Clone Wars 3.8 - Balance of the Force 4 - Instant Action 5 - Unlockables 6 - Controls 7 - Units 7.1 - Rebel Alliance 7.2 - Galactic Empire 7.3 - Republic 7.4 - CIS 8 - Vehicles 9 - Weapons 10 -Frequently Asked Questions 11 - Special Thanks ================== 1) Version History ================== 1.0 - Everything is completed. I don’t plan on anymore work in this unless absolutely needed. 5 March 2005 1.1 – I ran a spell check and added a website to the allow section. 7 March 2005 ====================== 2) Historical Campaign ====================== --------------- 2.1) Clone Wars --------------- ************************** 2.1.1) The Battle Of Naboo ************************** Difficulty: 4/10 Alignment: CIS Objectives: The Gungan Grand Army is trying to liberate theed. -Destroy the mobile shield generators by eliminating all the Fambaas. -Wipe out the entire Gungan Grand Army. Walkthrough: This is a fairly simple level, hence it's the first level of this campaign. The best way to start out is to get hold of an AAT. One of these can be found at the command post named "Command." Now looking ahead of where you get the AAT you should see a large bubble, that is a force field. To take out this force field drive your AAT into the center of the force field, and start shooting the AAT's blasters at the Fambaas, focus on one Fambaa at a time, they will go down quick enough. The Gungans are not really a threat to you here at this level, all they throw are energy grenades, they take a while to explode, and are easy to dodge. The only weapons they have are those grenades, and a fusion cutter, but they can take you down easily when they get into a turret. My personal best stats: Kills - 33 Deaths - 1 Command Posts Captured - 2 ************************* 2.1.2) Rebellion on Theed ************************* Difficulty: 6/10 Alignment: CIS Objectives: The Royal Naboo Guard is staging an uprising in Theed -Hold the city at all costs. -Use the AATS to your advantage. Walkthrough: For this level, flanking the enemy will help you greatly. Starting out at either the "Plaza" or at the "Embassy" work your way in and take the command posts outside of the enemies central one. Some of the enemies have Rocket Launchers, they are dangerous, they can deal major damage to vehicles you are in, and take you down in one shot. Other than that they have basic weapons, such as blaster pistols, blaster rifles, and grenades. One more tip, when you run into the enemy while they are in a Gian Speeder, you can just shoot at their heads and kill them rather than trying to destroy the Gian Speeder, because well first of it takes a while to destroy it, and secondly you get a nice speeder to crush enemies with my personal best stats: Kills - 41 Deaths - 1 Command Posts Captured - 3 ****************************** 2.1.3) Aggressive Negotiations ****************************** Difficulty: 5/10 Alignment: CIS Objectives: The Wookies are infringing on our trade rights. It's time to teach them a lesson. -Destroy the wookie trade settlement on Kashyyyk. -Our new super battledroids are now available. -Count Dooku will assist you in this battle. Walkthrough: Go straight in and attack. Don't bother with the Droid Starfighter unless you absolutely want to. You can inflict much more damage on the ground. The wookies bowcasters are strong, so you need to watch out for their power blasts. For this level all you need to do is push towards the center strongholds, and take them over, but while doing that you need to be aware of your own strongholds, if one of them falls, go recover it or else you will be flanked, and then beaten. Use your new super battledroids to your advantage. My personal best stats: Kills - 49 Deaths - 1 Command Posts Captured - 1 ***************************** 2.1.4) The Battle of Geonosis ***************************** Difficulty: 8/10 Alignment: Republic Objectives: The Seperatist Army is amassing on Geonosis Destroy Them before they escape. -Destroy the Techno Union ships to prevent the Seperatists from escaping. -Master Windu will aid you in this battle. Walkthrough: Start out at the "Assembly Area" and board a gunship, fly to the Techno Union ships and take them out first off. Next drop the ship and attack the enemies from behind. This is a level in which I can not stress enough, protect your strongholds. Watch out for the Droideka, they are very dangerous, they will tear through your army in seconds. They have over shields and are dangerous. Watch out. My personal best stats: Kills - 91 Deaths - 1 Command Posts Captured - 3 *********************** 2.1.5) Assault on Kamino *********************** Difficulty: 7/10 Alignment: Republic Objectives: The Seperatists have launched an attack on the Kamino Cloning Facilities. -Defend the cloning facility at all costs. -Make good use of our new Jet Trooper Unit. Walkthrough: Start out by taking Command Posts radiating out from the main point you start at. Again the enemy has Droideka, be careful for these strengthy foes. This is yet another level where your forces can be very easily flanked. It is rather funny when your forces start taking the enemies command posts in a clockwise motion, and the enemy starts taking your command posts in a clockwise motion, it is almost as if you are doing a dance because you will find yourself holding the position that the enemy started with and they will have your stronghold, so when you see either your offensive, or defensive strategy failing, go help out. My personal best stats: Kills - 58 Deaths - 7 Command Posts Captured - 1 *************************** 2.1.6) Mountaintop Defenses *************************** Difficulty: 8/10 Alignment: Republic Objectives: We have discovered a Seperatist outpost on Rhen Var -Capture all command posts in the Area -Use the Ice Caves to flank the enemy Walkthrough: For once you can get a nice advantage on your enemy, you can flank them. Use the Ice caves and you can sneak up on them. But the enemy is smart, so they will load the caves with Droideka, by far one of the most dangerous enemies in the game. Use the AT-TE to your advantage, it has strong firepower, but the defense of it isn't so great. You need to be careful up against strong guns, but other than that you should be good when you see the health of the AT-TE getting very low, bail out and fight on foot. My personal best stats: Kills - 61 Deaths - 3 Command Posts Captured - 2 ***************************** 2.1.7) The Battle of Kashyyyk ***************************** Difficulty: 9/10 Alignment: Republic Objectives: The Wookiee Homeworld is under attack by an invading Droid Army. -Prevent the Seperatists from establishing a Beachhead. -The observation Platforms are excellent vantage points for sniping. Walkthrough: This level is difficult, mainly because the enemy can be hard to see in the water, and they have powerful machines at their fingertips. When the level starts, head straight for "the Landing" do not let the enemy capture it, that is the most important stronghold in this level. You can work every angle of this level from here. The platforms are a point of interest if you prefer sniping your enemies. You should also use the Arc troops to your advantage, the enemy uses large vehicles in this level. Be sure to keep your health as high as you can, the enemies tend to come at you in waves. The wookiees are excellent allies in this level, they are stung, and have powerful weapons, good for taking out the tough troops. My personal bests stats: Kills - 32 Deaths - 6 Command Posts Captured - 4 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Congratulations! you just completed the Clone Wars Era ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ------------------------- 2.2) Galactic Civil War ------------------------- *************************** 2.2.1) Desert Extermination *************************** Difficulty: 8/10 Alignment: Empire Objectives: A Rebel Cell and Tatooine's Sand People are hindering our search for the missing droids. -Wipe the Dune Sea clean of rebels and Tusken Raiders. -Beware of the Sarlacc Pit! Walkthrough: Be weary of the Sand People, they are very dangerous, they are good snipers. They have excellent defense also. It's best to start out at the "Sand Crawler" and take a Speeder Bike, charge for your enemies, but be careful when engaging the Sand People. Be careful of the Sarlacc Pit also, it is a large pit with teeth and tentacles. If you get to close bye bye. This is a rather difficult starting level. My personal best stats: Kills - 64 Deaths - 2 Command Posts Captured - 0 ************************** 2.2.2) Siege of Mos Eisley ************************** Difficulty: 7/10 Alignment: Empire Objectives: The droids escaped from Mos Eisley with the help of locals. Make the city pay for their defiance. -Lord Vader will assist you in this pacification campaign -The Dark Troopers are especially effective in navigating the tight confines of Mos Eisley. Walkthrough: This is a very tight and complex level. Be sure you do not travel off alone in this level, be sure some of your allies are with you or the enemy will decimate you very very quickly. Pay close attention to the roofs of buildings, the enemy will sometimes have snipers up there shooting at you. Well placed grenades will save you, so try to keep a few of those handy. Don't charge right for the enemies, you will need to take advantage of your surroundings or you will die quite a few times, and you will end up frustrated. This is yet another level in which you will need to watch your strong holds, or you can be vanquished by your foe very quickly. My personal best stats: Kills - 52 Deaths - 1 Command Posts Captured - 3 *************************** 2.2.3) Sabotage at Rhen Var *************************** Difficulty: 8/10 Alignment: Empire Objectives: The Rebels have found the Ancient Monitoring Station on Rhen Var. They must be attacking it to prevent us from observing their fleet movements. -Defend the station at all costs. -Remember, Pilots can build and repair blaster turrets. Walkthrough: Here we go a nice snow level. This is by far one of the best looking levels in this game. But to the good looks comes a consequence. The enemies have excellent strongholds. You start off with one stronghold, so does your enemy, but what you need to do is race for strongholds. If you can get control of some strongholds you have a nice shot at this level, but if you just sit around and let your enemy get the strongholds this level will prove difficult. If you noticed your forces have different style of uniforms, just a nice little bonus, at least I think. The central two strongholds are the most important, try to keep control of them at all costs. you can launch an attack on any other stronghold from either of these two strongholds. Use the grenades to your advantage also be on your guard for the enemies in the blaster turrets, they can take you down very quickly, usually with just one shot. Also through this semi-tight level the Rebel Pilots blaster will be of concern, since you usually come around a blind turn, most likely a Rebel Pilot will be there, at least that always happens to me. My personal best stats: Kills - 71 Deaths - 5 Command Posts Captured - 2 ************************ 2.2.4) Assault on Yavin 4 ************************ Difficulty: 8/10 Alignment: Empire Objectives: Intelligence believes they have located the secret Rebel Base. Take a Garrison to Yavin 4 and confirm the Rebels presence. -You must establish a foothold on Yavin 4 Walkthrough: This level is hard. The enemies are strong, they blend in very, very well with the surroundings. One of the main strong holds that is important is the main center stronghold that is unoccupied at the start. From this stronghold you can launch an attack anywhere, but there is a downside to it, if your enemies have the higher ground you can get crushed quickly. You need to focus on both offense and defense at this level. Use the AT-ST to your advantage. My personal best stats: Kills - 36 Deaths - 2 Command Posts Captured - 2 ************************** 2.2.5) The Fall of Yavin 4 ************************** Difficulty: 7/10 Alignment: Rebels Objectives: Yavin 4 is no longer safe as a base an Imperial Strike Force is making its way to the Great Temple. -Delay the Imperials for as long as possible while the bulk of our forces escape. -Use the Vanguard to deploy mines along the paths to the temple. Walkthrough: Be sure to use the Speeder Bike to your advantage. If you stay towards the left side of the map you will come upon an area of water, and you should see a path up the cliff, go up that, and take the enemy stronghold at the top, if you do that you can attack the enemy from behind. You can easily take care of them. If you don't do this then you will probably find yourself in a tough battle. The surroundings do not make it to hard to see the enemies. Your forces are camouflaged well, but the Empire isn't. Use this to your advantage. My personal best stats: Kills - 37 Deaths - 2 Command Posts Captured - 3 ************************* 2.2.6) The Battle of Hoth ************************* Difficulty:8/10 Alignment: Rebels Objectives: The Empire has found our new base on Hoth delay the Imperials as long as you can as we evacuate the Base. -Defend the Shield Generator at all costs. -Use the tow cables in the Snow speeders to bring down the AT-ATS. Walkthrough: At this level you can get a nice bonus, the Snow speeder, but the easiest way to beat this level is to fight on foot, don't bother with the Snow speeder unless you absolutely want to. You can deal more damage on the ground. Let your allies take the Snow speeders and take out the AT-AT's. Here you have a slight disadvantage because the enemies blend in very very well with the snow. Also get yourself to the enemies far command post take it over, and attack from behind. Soon enough your enemy will fall. My personal best stats: Kills - 55 Deaths - 9 Command Posts Captured - 2 *********************************** 2.2.7) The Liberation of Cloud City *********************************** Difficulty: 8/10 Alignment: Rebels Objectives: There is only a minor Imperial Garrison on Cloud City. Now is the time for us to liberate the city and secure its Tibanna Mines for the Alliance. -There are may excellent hiding spots for our Marksmen. -Wookiees are strong allies, use them wisely. Walkthrough: This level is fairly straightforward. Keep control of the outer command posts, from these you can snipe towards the center command posts. Make sure you take over the upper command posts first, or else you will find your troops being annihilated by the Emperial scouts who wield sniper rifles. Just keep your offense up, and if your defensive fails boost it. Be sure to use the Rebel Marksman to your advantage, I can not stress that enough. My personal best stats: Kills - 69 Deaths - 4 Command Posts Captured - 2 *************************** 2.2.8) Battle In the Clouds *************************** Difficulty: 8/10 Alignment: Rebels Objectives: We have recaptured Cloud City but now we have to secure the outlaying mining platforms. -Remember, Pilots will automatically repair whatever vehicle they're currently piloting. -Use the Fighter Craft to attack the enemy from behind. Walkthrough: This level may seem tough at the start, because it appears you can not attack your enemy from behind...but you can. Grab yourself an X-Wing or a Y-Wing and take off. Fly and land on one of the enemies platforms. Attack them from behind, but when you establish a stronghold, hold it, do not let it fall. That is one option, but your other is to charge up the middle and fight hard, but that is a tough way, you will lose your men quickly, so I suggest you attack them from behind. Also you could provide air support if you wish, get yourself a Rebel Pilot and a fighter craft of your choice and blast away. My personal best stats: Kills - 40 Deaths - 3 Command Posts Captured - 2 ************************** 2.2.9) The Battle of Endor ************************** Difficulty: 9/10 Alignment: Rebels Objectives: We must destroy the Shield Bunker to allow the Rebel Fleet a chance against the new Death Star. -The Ewoks have agreed to help our cause. So be careful with your weapons. -Destroy the Shield Bunker by blowing up the Command Post inside it. Remember you must still eliminate all the Imperial Forces on the map. Walkthrough: For this level, use the Vanguard trooper and the Speeder Bike to your advantage. Start out as a Vanguard, at the "Village" and take a Speeder Bike to the Shield Generator. Once there blow it sky high. Shower it with missiles, grenades all that good stuff. If you run out of ammo just go to a re-supply droid and stock back up. After taking out the Shield Generator you can launch an attack on the enemy from behind. Force them to fight a battle on 2 fronts. If you have studied any type of war history then you should know that fighting on 2 fronts usually doesn't work out. My personal best stats: Kills - 41 Deaths - 3 Command Posts Captured - 1 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Congratulations you just completed the Galactic Civil War Era +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ===================== 3.) Galactic Conquest ===================== Planets: -Bespin Planetary Bonus: Sabotage -Naboo Planetary Bonus: Bacta Tanks -Rhen Var Planetary Bonus: Orbital Sensors -Endor Planetary Bonus: None -Hoth Planetary Bonus: None -Kashyyyk Planetary Bonus: Reinforcements -Tatooine Planetary Bonus: Jedi Hero -Yavin 4 Planetary Bonus: Elite Training --------------------------- 3.1) Birth of the Rebellion --------------------------- Rebel Controlled Planets: -Hoth -Yavin 4 Empire Controlled Planets: -Bespin -Naboo -Rhen Var -Endor -Kashyyyk -Tatooine --------------------- 3.2) Dark Side Rising --------------------- Rebel Controlled Planets: -Hoth -Naboo -Kashyyyk -Rhen Var -Tatooine -Yavin 4 Empire Controlled Planets: -Bespin -Endor ------------------------- 3.3) Attack of the Clones ------------------------- Republic Controlled Planets: -Kamino -Kashyyyk CIS Controlled Planets: -Bespin -Naboo -Rhen Var -Tatooine -Geonosis -Yavin 4 ------------------------ 3.4) Revenge of the Sith ------------------------ Republic Controlled Planets: -Bespin -Naboo -Kamino -Kashyyyk -Tatooine -Yavin 4 CIS Controlled Planets: -Rhen Var -Geonosis --------------------------- 3.5) The Galactic Civil War --------------------------- Rebels: Rebel Controlled Planets: -Rhen Var -Yavin 4 -Hoth Empire Controlled Planets: -Naboo -Kashyyyk -Endor Contested Planets: -Bespin -Tatooine Empire: Rebel Controlled Planets: -Hoth -Rhen Var -Yavin 4 Empire Controlled Planets: -Naboo -Endor -Kashyyyk Contested Planets: -Bespin -Tatooine --------------------- 3.6) A Galaxy Divided --------------------- Rebels: Rebel Controlled Planets: -Bespin -Hoth -Yavin 4 Empire Controlled Planets: -Kashyyyk -Tatooine -Endor Contested Planets: -Naboo -Rhen Var Empire: Rebel Controlled Planets: -Bespin -Hoth -Yavin 4 Empire Controlled Planets: -Kashyyyk -Tatooine -Endor Contested Planets: -Naboo -Rhen Var ------------------- 3.7) The Clone Wars ------------------- Republic: Republic Controlled Planets: -Kamino -Tatooine -Yavin 4 CIS Controlled Planets: -Bespin -Rhen Var -Geonosis Contested Planets: -Naboo -Kashyyyk CIS: Republic Controlled Planets: -Kamino -Tatooine -Yavin 4 CIS Controlled Planets: -Geonosis -Rhen Var -Bespin Contested Planets: -Naboo -Kashyyyk ------------------------- 3.8) Balance of the Force ------------------------- Republic: Republic Controlled Planets: -Bespin -Kamino -Kashyyyk CIS Controlled Planets: -Naboo -Rhen Var -Geonosis Contested Planets: -Tatooine -Yavin 4 CIS: Republic Controlled Planets: -Bespin -Kamino -Kashyyyk CIS Controlled Planets: -Naboo -Rhen Var -Geonosis Contested Planets: -Tatooine -Yavin 4 ================= 4) Instant Action ================= This is a straight-foreward section. All you do is choose from the available maps, and then go to continue, and it loads up that map, under whichever forces you chose. Its as simple as that. ============== 5) Unlockables ============== Galactical Conquest: -The Galactic Civil War (Complete any Galactic Conquest) -A Galaxy Divided (Complete any Galactic Conquest) -The Clone Wars (Complete any Galactic Conquest) Balance of the Force (Complete any Galactic Conquest) Hidden Art: Galactic Civil War: Bespin Concept Art - Unlocked from "The Liberation of Cloud City" Endor Stills - Unlocked from "Battle in the Clouds" Hoth Concept Art - Unlocked from "Battle of Hoth" Tatooine Concept Art - Unlocked from Siege of Mos Eisley" Yavin Concept Art - Unlocked from "The Fall of Yavin 4" Clone Wars: Geonosis Stills - Unlocked from "The Battle of Geonosis Kamino Storyboards - Unlocked from "The Assault on Kamino" Naboo Stills - Unlocked from "Rebellion on Theed" Star Wars: Battlefront Art - Unlocked from "Aggressive Negotiations" Weapons an Unit Stills - Unlocked from "Mountaintop Defenses" =========== 6) Controls =========== Infantry: L - Run Forwards/Backward; strafe Left/Right R - Free look/Aim; Click to Zoom A - Jump (Press again in the air to activate Jet Pack) B - Single Tap to crouch; Quick Double-Tap to go prone Y - Action/Enter Vehicle X - Reload L (trigger) - Fire Secondary Weapon White Button - Switch Secondary Weapon R (trigger) - Fire Primary Weapon Black Button - Switch Primary Weapon Back - Toggle Map Modes Start - Pause D-Pad - Directional Pad: Squad Commands Up - Move out (Cancels Hold Position) Left - At Ease (Disregard Previous Order) Right - Follow Me (Units Will Follow You) Down - Hold Position (Units Will Stay In the Area) Vehicle/Transport: L - Throttle; Strafe Left/Right R - Pitch/Turn; Click to Zoom A - Take off/Land For Gunship and MAF B - No Function Y - Exit Vehicle X - No Function L (trigger) - Secondary Weapon White Button - No Function R (trigger) - Primary Weapon Black Button - Switch position (inside Vehicle) Back - Toggle Map Modes Start - Pause D-Pad - Directional Pad: Squad Commands Up - Lets go (Cancels Hold Position) Left - Everyone Out (Troops Disembark from vehicle) Right - Pile In (Nearby troops get into open positions in vehicle) Down - Hold Position (Units will stay in the area) Starfighter: L - Pitch/Turn R - Throttle A - Land/Take off B - No Function Y - Exit Vehicle X - No Function L (trigger) - Secondary Weapon White Button - No Function R (trigger) - Primary Weapon Black Button - Switch Position (inside Vehicle) Back - Toggle Map Modes Start - Pause D-Pad - Directional Pad: Squad Commands Up - Lets Go (Cancels hold position) Left - Everyone Out (Troops disembark from vehicle) Right - Pile In (Nearby troops get into open positions in vehicle) Down - Hold Position (Units will stay in the area) ======== 7) Units ======== ------------------- 7.1) Rebel Alliance ------------------- Rebel Soldier - The Rebel Soldier is effective against infantry, especially when they employ squad-based tactics. Usefulness: 9/10 Equipment: -Blaster Rifle (primary) -Blaster Pistol (secondary) -Thermal Detonators -concussion Grenades Rebel Vanguard - Vanguards are called upon to punch holes in an Imperial vehicle brigade. The heavy weapons they carry provide the means to take down menacing enemy air and ground vehicles. Usefulness: 7/10 Equipment: -Missile Launcher (primary) -Blaster Pistol (secondary) -Thermal Detonators -Mine Dispenser Rebel Pilot - Rebel pilots automatically regenerate the health of whatever vehicle they occupy and are capable of repairing damaged vehicles, droids and turrets. They also serve as battlefield medics and ammo suppliers. Usefulness: 7/10 Equipment: -Blaster Cannon (primary) -Blaster Piston (secondary) -Fusion Cutter -Health/Ammo Dispenser Wookiee Smuggler - Whenever there is a need to slip past an Imperial Fleet undetected, just look for a smuggler. For a fee, the smuggler is willing to take the risk of running contraband right under the Emperor's nose. Usefulness: 8/10 Equipment: -Bowcaster (primary) -Grenade Launcher (secondary) -Time bombs Rebel Marksman - Rebel Marksmen have the specialized task of finding and eliminating targets from a safe location. Their recon droids are capable of ordering deadly orbital strikes on enemy positions. Usefulness: 8/10 Equipment: -Sniper Rifle (primary) -Blaster Pistol (secondary) -Thermal Detonators -Recon Droid -------------------- 7.2) Galactic Empire -------------------- Storm Trooper - The Iron will of the Emperor is personified in the stark white armor of the feared stormtrooper. They are highly disciplined and fanatically loyal to the Emperor, making them an excellent front line assault force. Usefulness: 9/10 Equipment: -Blaster Rifle (primary) -Blaster Pistol (secondary) -Thermal Detonators -Concussion Grenades Shock Trooper - The Shock trooper offers powerful support to the blaster-based troops by carrying small portable missile launcher. This weapon fires explosive charges that are highly effective against vehicles or tight formations of infantry. Usefulness: 7/10 Equipment: -Missile Launcher (primary) -Blaster Pistol (secondary) -Thermal Detonators -Mine Dispenser Imperial Pilot - Imperial pilots automatically regenerate the health of whatever vehicle they occupy and are capable of repairing damaged vehicles, droids and turrets. They also serve as battlefield medics and ammo suppliers. Usefulness: 7/10 Equipment: -Mortar Launcher (primary) -Blaster Pistol (secondary) -Fusion Cutter -Health/Ammo Dispenser Scout Trooper - Scout troopers us concealment, probe droids and patience to target faraway enemies an eliminate them with their high-powered sniper rifles. Their recon droids can call down orbital strikes from the mighty imperial fleet. Usefulness: 8/10 Equipment: -Sniper Rifle (primary) -Blaster Pistol (secondary) -Thermal Detonators -Recon Droid Dark Trooper - Dark troopers use their jetpacks to "jump" to their targets. Once in position, they will attempt to do as much damage as possible. Usefulness: 8/10 Equipment: -Blast Cannon (primary) -Blaster Pistol (secondary) -Thermal Detonator ------------- 7.3) Republic ------------- Clone Trooper - Perfect genetic creations, the clone troopers are the backbone of the Republic Army. They are most effective against infantry units when they can attack in large, coordinated numbers Usefulness: 9/10 Equipment: -Blaster Rifle (primary) -Blaster Pistol (secondary) -EMP Grenades -Concussion Grenades Arc Trooper - The Advanced Recon Commando, or ARC trooper, handles the anti-vehicle battlefield duties of the republic Army. To this end, the ARC trooper carries a powerful missile launcher. This specialization leaves the trooper with fewer options in close combat, so he relies on his brethren to protect him. Usefulness: 7/10 Equipment: -Missile Launcher (primary) -Blaster Pistol (secondary) -Thermal Detonators -Mine Dispenser Clone Pilot - Clone Pilots automatically regenerate the health of whatever vehicle they occupy and are capable of repairing damaged vehicles, droids and turrets. They also serve as battlefield medics and ammo suppliers. Usefulness: 7/10 Equipment: -DN Bolt Caster (primary) -Blaster Pistol (secondary) -Fusion Cutter -Health/Ammo Dispenser. Clone Sharpshooter - On the battlefield, the clone sharpshooter is responsible for one task: disrupting enemy infantry. His recon droid is also capable of calling down devastating orbital strikes on the enemy. Usefulness: 8/10 Equipment: -Sniper Rifle (primary) -Blaster Pistol (secondary) -Thermal Detonators -Recon Droid Jet Trooper - Capitalizing on the "genetic memory" of Jango Fett, the jet trooper utilizes a limited-flight jetpack to cover great distances very quickly. The agility of the flying jet trooper makes him very hard to hit, and his EMP launcher is a deadly weapon against the droid armies. Usefulness: 8/10 Equipment: -EMP Launcher (primary) -Commando Pistol (secondary) -Thermal Detonators -------- 7.4) CIS -------- Super Battle Droid - After the debacle at the Battle of Naboo, the Trade Federation ordered a stronger, more independent battle droid, officially designated the B2. Resembling hulked, reinforced battle droids, super battle droids are far superior to their skeletal-looking counterparts. Usefulness: 9/10 Equipment: -Wrist Blaster (primary) -Tri Shot (secondary) -Wrist Rocket Assault Droid - Under the control of the Separatists, assault droids serve as a cheap yet effective solution to the fast-moving threat of Republic vehicles. Essentially mobile missile launcher, these droids allow the Seperatists to handle tough situations. Usefulness: 7/10 Equipment: -Missile Launcher (primary) -Blaster Pistol (secondary) -Thermal Detonators -Mine Dispenser Pilot Droid - Pilot droids automatically regenerate the health of whatever vehicle they occupy and are capable of repairing damaged vehicles, droids and turrets. They also serve as battlefield medics and ammo suppliers. Usefulness: 7/10 Equipment: -Radiation Launcher (primary) -Blaster Pistol (secondary) -Fusion Cutter -Health/Ammo Dispenser Droid Sniper - Recon Droids are specifically programmed and designed with advanced targeting capabilities that allow them to take down targets at extreme range. Their recon droids can also bring down orbital strikes on Republic troops. Usefulness: 8/10 Equipment: -Sniper Rifle (primary) -Blaster Pistol (secondary) -Thermal Detonators -Recon Droid Droideka (Destroyer Droid) - Even feared by Jedi Knights, the crablike droideka is equipped with a personal shield and two powerful repeating blasters instead of arms. The droideka transforms into a wheel in order to cruise rapidly around the battlefield. Usefulness: 9/10 Equipment: -Repeating Blasters (primary) -Shield Emitter. =========== 8) Vehicles =========== Scout Vehicles - This type of ground vehicle is fast and light. They can zip across the battlefield at great speed and are not meant for heavy combat. They are armed and armored, but only lightly to give some minimal protection. Vehicles: -74-Z speeder bike -STAP Medium Assault Vehicles - These vehicles have heavier weapons and armor, and are slower than the Scout craft, but they pack more power and durability. Vehicles: -TX-130S Fighter Tank -AAT -Hailfire Droid Heavy Assault Vehicles - These vehicles are even more heavily armed and armored, and are used at the front of most assaults. Vehicles: -Spider Droid -AT-ST Heavy Assault Transport - These lumbering behemoths can unload devastating amounts of firepower on a target, as well as serving as mobile Command Posts. Vehicles: -AT-TE -AT-AT -MTT Starfighters - These craft are fast, maneuverable starfighters. They have forward firing blasters and a small complement of missiles. Their primary purpose is to provide cover for enemy on the field below and keep the skies clear of enemy craft. Vehicles: -Jedi Starfighter -Droid Starfighter -X-Wing -TIE Fighter -Y-Wing -TIE Bomber -Geonosian Starfighter Attack Transport Flyers - This type acts as attack craft and troop transports in battle. They also provide some limited anti-air support, but are outmaneuvered by the smaller starfighters. Vehicles: -Republic Gunship -MAF Vehicles: AAT: Primary Weapon - Blasters Secondary Weapon - None Class - Medium Assault Vehicle Defense - Medium Speed - Medium AT-AT: Primary Weapon - Dual Blaster Cannons Secondary Weapon - Dual Repeating Blasters Class - Heavy Assault Transport Defense - Extremely High Speed - Extrememly Slow AT-ST: Primary Weapon - Dual Blaster Cannons Secondary Weapon - Dual Repeating Blasters Class - Heavy Assault Vehicle Defense - High Speed - Medium AT-TE: Primary Weapon - Rapid Blaster Spurts Secondary Weapon - None Class - Heavy Assault Transport Defense - High Speed - Slow Droid Starfighter: Primary Weapon - Dual Blasters Secondary Weapon - None Class - Starfighter Defense - Low-Medium Speed - Fast Geonosis Starfighter: Primary Weapon - Blaster Secondary Weapon - None Class - Starfighter Defense - Medium Speed - Fast Hailfire Tank: Primary Weapon - Missiles Secondary Weapon - Blaster Class - Medium Assault Vehicle Defense - Medium Speed - Medium IFT-X: Primary Weapon - Dual Blasters Secondary Weapon - Rocket Class - Medium Assault Vehicle Defense - Medium Speed - Medium Jedi Starfighter: Primary Weapon - Dual Blasters Secondary Weapon - Missiles Class - Starfighter Defense - Low-Medium Speed - Fast Kaadu: Primary Weapon - None Secondary Weapon - None Class - Scout Vehicle Defense - Low Speed - Fast LAAT/I Gunship: Primary Weapon - Dual Blasters Secondary Weapon - Missiles Class - Attack Transport Flyer Defense - Medium-High Speed - Mediium MAF: Primary Weapon - Dual Blasters Secondary - Missiles Class - Attack Transport Flyers Defense - High Speed - Slow-Medium Snowspeeder: Primary Weapon - Dual Blasters Secondary Weapon - Tow Cables Class - Scout Vehicle Defense - Low-Medium Speed - Medium-Fast Spider Droid: Primary Weapon - Energy Ray Secondary Weapon - Blaster Class - Heavy Assault Vehicles Defense - High Speed - Slow STAP: Primary Weapon - Blaster Secondary Weapon - None Class - Scout Vehicle Defense - Low Speed - Fast TaunTaun: Primary Weapon - None Secondary Weapon - None Class - Scout Vehicle Defense - Low Speed - Fast ========== 9) Weapons ========== Blaster Cannon: Clip Size - 30 Max Number of Clips - 4 Accuracy - Short Damage - 9/10 Fire Rate - Slow Blaster Rifle: Clip Size - 50 Max Number of Clips - 6 Accuracy - Medium-far Damage - 8/10 Fire Rate - Fast Blaster Pistol: Clip Size - Runs on Charge Max Number of Clips - Infinite Accuracy - Short-Medium Damage - 6/10 Fire Rate - Medium Bowcaster: Clip Size - 35 Max Number of Clips - 6 Accuracy - Short-Medium Damage - 8/10 Fire Rate - Slow-Medium Concussion Grenade: Clip Size - 1 Max Number of Clips - 3 Accuracy - Not Avaliable Damage - 10/10 Fire Rate - Slow Dispenser Health and Ammo: Clip Size - 1 Max Number of Clips - 5 Accuracy - Not Avaliable Damage - Not Avaliable Fire Rate - Not Avaliable DN Bolt Caster: Clip Size - Infinite Max Number of Clips - Infinite Accuracy - Medium Damage - 5/10 Fire Rate - Slow EMP Grenade: Clip Size - 1 Max Number of Clips - 3 Accuracy - Not Avaliable Damage - 10/10 Fire Rate - Slow EMP Launcher: Clip Size - 2 Max Number of Clips - 4 Accuracy - Medium-Long Damage - 9/10 Fire Rate - Slow Fusion Cutter: Clip Size - Infinite Max Number of Clips - Infinite Accuracy - Not Avaliable Damage - Not Avaliable Fire Rate - Not Avaliable Grenade Launcher: Clip Size - 5 Max Number of Clips - 3 Accuracy - Medium-Long Damage - 9/10 Fire Rate - Slow-Medium Mines: Clip Size - 1 Max Number of Clips - 4 Accuracy - Not Avaliable Damage - 10/10 Fire Rate - Not Avaliable Missile Launcher: Clip Size - 2 Max Number of Clips - 5 Accuracy - Good Damage - 10/10 Fire Rate - Slow Mortar Launcher: Clip Size - 5 Max Number of Clips - 3 Accuracy - Medium-Long Damage - 9/10 Fire Rate - Slow-Medium Radiation Launcher: Clip Size - 5 Max Number of Clips - 3 Accuracy - Medium-Long Damage - 9/10 Fire Rate - Slow-Medium Recon Droid: Clip Size - 1 Max Number of Clips - 1 Accuracy - Excellent Damage - 9/10 Fire Rate - Medium-Fast Repeating Blasters: Clip Size - Infinite Max Number of Clips - Infinite Accuracy - Medium Damage - 8/10 Fire Rate - Fast Sniper Rifle: Clip Size - 4 Max Number of Clips - 10 Accurcy - Excellent Damage - 9/10 Fire Rate - Slow-Medium Thermal Detonater: Clip Size - 1 Max Number of Clips - 3 Accuracy - Not Avaliable Damage - 10/10 Fire Rate - Slow Time Bomb: Clip Size - 1 Max Number of Clips - 3 Accuracy - Not Avaliable Damage - 10/10 Fire Rate - Slow Tri Shot: Clip Size - Infinite Max Number of Clips - Infinite Accuracy - Short-Medium Damage - 8/10 Fire Rate - Slow-Medium Wrist Blaster: Clip Size - 55 Max Number of Clips - 5 Accuracy - Medium-Long Damage - 7/10 Fire Rate - Fast Wrist Rocket: Clip Size - 1 Max Number of Clips - 4 Accuracy - Medium-Long Damage - 10/10 Fire Rate - Slow ============================== 10) Frequently Asked Questions ============================== (As of now there are none.) ================== 11) Special Thanks ================== -GameFAQS -Lucas Arts