FAQ\Walkthrough for Super Robot Wars Alpha on the Sony Playstation and Sega Dreamcast by Zhou Tai An (kain@pacific.net.sg) Version 1.9 (this FAQ is written for the PSX release - I don't know anything about the DC version of the game.) ****** Disclaimer : This document may not be used for anything besides non-profit and I must be notified if it's used anywhere. Thanks. Alright, this FAQ is more or less complete (at least it's not in bits and pieces like it was before) and I can finally sit back and take a rest. ^_^ Well, actually it's a bit more than that...I've recently acquired a load of new games to play, so I'm going to take a break from SRWA and as such will NOT be completing the Super Robot path. (At least not yet - I might do so eventually, though.) However, rest assured that I will continue to update this FAQ and include the revised Japanese encodings and character list that I've promised that I would do. You can also help with the following : 1) Any hints, tips or stuff you find about the game - please mail it! One teenaged boy working alone can't hope to do that much, even if he does understand Japanese. ^_^ Offers of help with anything will be very much appreciated. 2) Encouraging mails. I hate it say it, but us FAQ-writers don't get paid for the work we do...mails thanking us go a long way to ensuring that quality material gets written. Thanks. other notes : As regards translations, I'm leaving out most of the extraneous dialogue but including the main points and some jokes for humor. Occasionally, there will be short scenes I deem unimportant (just some light dialogue, not much plot going on) which will not be translated. :( There is also JIS encoding of two different types in here (though I plan to fix that) - get NJStar, MView or some other Japanese viewer for that and if you still can't view it, try rerouting it through Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer 4 or later. Finally, this FAQ is best read using WordPad. And that's about it for now. Enjoy! ****** Contents : 1. Version data, Disclaimers and general info. 2. Contents 3. FAQs and Game Basics (long section, contains translations as well) 4. Battle Hints and Tips 5. General Hints, Tips and Explanations 6. How to Win or Lose Experience Points 7. Convincing Enemy Characters 8. Secret Mecha 9. Walkthrough 10. Battle Quote Translations 11. Gameshark Codes 12. Credits ******* Frequently Asked Questions : Q. Will Hiro\Zechs\the Wing boys join my party despite the route I have taken? A. This is the most frequent query I get...I think it has something to do with the fact that Gundam Wing is airing in the US now...anyway, the answer is YES. I'll repeat it below for clairty - --------The Wing cast WILL JOIN NO MATTER which path you take!------ Okay, that should clear things up. ^_^ Q. Hey, that doesn't answer any questions about Zechs and Tallgeese! A. Yes, it doesn't. For them, check the secret character and mecha sections. Note that I myself have no fool-proof method of obtaining either or both. Q. I've beaten all the enemies in the last stage and don't know what to do! A. Check the last stage walkthrough. I explain what you have to do, don't worry. Q. I'm stuck in a stage. Help! A. Read the Battle Hints and the Battle Tactics. Failing that, you can always mail me. Q. I'm worried that a certain character\mecha I'm using will disappear and not come back, making all my upgrades and training useless. A. A valid concern. Thankfully, only a few characters, most notably Rei and Ingram, will do this. Other than that, if you're REALLY concerned (which you shouldn't be - most of the main cast will stick with you throughout the game) you can mail me to confirm your choice. --- Game Basics : (most of this information is taken from Edmund Chiu's Super Robot Wars F Final Guide, but it's been reformatted, looked over and basically given an overhaul to eliminate spelling\grammatical errors and make it clearer. Still, he's the guy who originally wrote it, so some thanks is in order. ^_^) (yes, there ARE explanations as well as translations...read carefully!) 1) Start-up Menu translations - When you first start up the game, you will be presented with four options: スタート - Start - start the game from the very beginning. ロード - load - load the game from a saved file from intermission between episodes. Each file takes up one memory block. コンティニュー - continue - to load the game from the in-game save during the battle part of an episode. You only get one of these saves. オプション - option - go to the option screen. In the option screen, you will be presented with these options: サウンド - sound - set the game to either: ステレオ - stereo モノラル - mono サウンドセレクト - sound select - play various musics from the game. Works just like a regular CD player, so you should not have any trouble using this. カラオケモード - karaoke mode - listen to the music themes from the various animes in the game, with the subtitles (in Japanese) being shown below. Unfortunately, they seem to have removed thje obligatory fighting scenes that play during karaoke mode...:( デモセリクト - demo select - watch the anime cut scenes that you have already seen in the game. キャラクター大事典 - character guide - brief background information of the characters that appear in the game. You will only see those characters that have already appeared (meaning he/she has had an actual conversation, not just been mentioned by your characters) that you have a save with. (either continue or save will be fine). You can listen to some of his/her spoken lines, if he/she has a seiyuu. Just press a button and you will here one or more of that character's spoken line. There will be a percentage figure on the top that indicates the total percentage of the characters you have seen. ロボット大図鑑 - robot encyclopedia - background information for the robots that appear in the game. You will only see those robots that have already appeared on the map and that you have a save with (either continue or save will be fine). The percentage figure on the top indicates the total percentage of the robots you have seen. If you choose start, you will be presented with the character creation screen: これでいい - choose this option if you like the present configuration for your character. 登録キャラクター中から選択する - choose among the eight preset characters. If you choose that character, just press the Circle button, but if you wish to change something, press the Cross button to go back to the previous screen. 主人公設定の変更 - change the six variable of your character. 顔 - face portrait - choose among the eight face portraits. Only the first four faces of each sex will have different emotional face portraits. 名前の入力 - Input your character's name. Only six characters are allowed for each part of the name. 名前 - the first name of your character. 名字 - the last name of your character. 愛称 - what you would like your character to be commonly referred to as. 誕生日 - birthday. 血液型 - bloodtype. 性 - personality. The personality will affect what will he/she say in the game. It might also effect the what weapons, etc., you are going to get. まじめでやさしい熱血漢 - Hot Blooded with a strong sense of Justice 理論家 けど異性好き - Logical but has an Affinity for the opposite sex ちょっとヘンな性 - A little Weird クールでニヒル - Cool and Nihilistic タイプ - type. What type of robots are you going to pilot and what type of pilot your character is. This will effect what storyline (Super Robot or Realistic Robot side) you are going to enter. It will also effect what "magics" you have, your stats, and your robot. 2) Battle Menu translations - Command menu: After you start a map, and when you select one of your robots, a menu will appear, with at least one of the following options : 移動 - move - move your robots. Your robot can attack afterwards only if the robot has a weapon capable of attack after movement. (any of the weapons marked with a (P) sign) It can also, repair, wait, combine, convince, or dock after a move. 精神 - magic - use any of your character's magic. This won't use up the pilot's turn. 能力 - ability - look at the ability of your robot and pilot. You can always use this command, even after the pilot has already moved, attacked, etc. 待機 - wait - only appears after a move. Stay at the current square without doing anything. 攻撃 - attack - attack using one of your robot's weapons. 変形 - transform - transform into another form if your robot has that ability. You can choose among the choices if your robot has more than two forms, otherwise your robot will immediate transform. This won't use up the pilot's turn. 発進 - launch - launch a robot from your battleship. You can use this command even after the battleship has already moved. 説得 - convince - convince an enemy right next to you to join your team or surrender. You will use up your robot's turn after using this command, and it won't always be successful, since some enemies require that a certain condition be met before you can convince him or her. In other cases, some enemies require more than one try at convincing. 地上 - ground - stop flying and stay on the ground. This won't use up the pilot's turn. 空中 - fly in the air - move your robot to the air. This won't use up the pilot's turn. 水中 - underwater - stop your robot from flying and stay in the water. This won't use up the pilot's turn. 分離 - separate - separate your robot into several robots (if your robots have the combine/separate ability). Some robots, like Re-GZ, can only separate but cannot change back to their previous form. This won't use up the pilot's turn. 合体 - combine - combine several robots into one (if your robots have the combination ability), as long as they can be combine with the robots close (about one or two squares) by. This won't use up the pilot's turn as long as you don't use the main pilot to initiate the command. パーツ - parts - use your equipped items to recover HP or EN. This won't use up the pilot's turn after using this command. 修理 - repair - repair a nearby team robot. 補給 - resupply - resupply a nearby robot. The morale of the robot you resupply will decrease by 10. 切断 - cut cable - Only can be used by EVAs. Cut the umbilical cable of EVA so the Unit won't have to stay within ten squares of an electric outlet or battleship. This won't use up the pilot's turn. 搭載 - dock - put the robot in the battleship. The robot will recover HP, EN and ammo while in the battleship (ammo will be immediately recovered, while HP and EN are restored gradually). The robot's morale will decrease by 10. Map command menu - when you press the Circle button when you are over an empty square, you will be presented with the following: フィイズ終了 - phase end - end your turn and begin the enemy's turn. 部隊表 - team list - lists your team members so you can easily locate them. (will be pretty much useless unless you can read the Japanese names) 反撃命令 - counterattack command - bring up the screen where you can choose to let the computer choose whether to counterattack or let you decide yourself. マニュアル - manual - lets you choose whether to counterattack or not, and the weapon to counterattack with. The following choices all let the computer to decide whether to counterattack (except for the last choice, which is always block or dodge). The computer will always pick a weapon that can normally (without being blocked, hit an AT Field, etc.) kill off the enemy or do maximum damage. The computer will block if the robot has very little agility, otherwise it will dodge. 積極的に - will always counterattack, as long as the enemy is within your attack range. 効率良く - will dodge or block if the enemy's level is lower than yours, but otherwise will counterattack. 反撃するな - will always dodge or block. 作戦目的 - combat goal - list the requirements for advancement to the next episode. The upper part is the goal for your victory, while the bottom part is the goal for the enemies' victory. 精神検索 - "magic" check - check the "magic" of your current team members (those that aren't on the map won't show up) to see what the "magic" does. If you choose any of them, you will then be presented with the list of members that has that "magic", with a number on top of the window that displays the SP cost of that "magic". The members who have that "magic" that have already moved or don't have enough SP will be shown in red. システ - system - change the configuration for the following: スクイア - square - decide whether you want the squares to appear on the map or not. It's a lot easier to count squares with it turned on, but I feel it gives the screen a "chunky" feel. サウンド - sound - you can pick ステリオ, stereo, or モノラル, mono. 主人公ボイス - main character voice - you can turn your own character's voice on or off. 戦闘BGMの設定 - fighting BGM configuration: 切り替え - will change the BGM back to the original BGM of that particular episode after every attack. 固定 - the BGM will remain the same until you attack using an unit from another series or when you switch to enemy's turn. ボタン設定 - change the button configuration. Since it's pretty standard and easy to learn the current button configuration, I suggest you leave it alone. セーブ - save - save in the continue slot. You can only save in this slot once. Anytime you use this save, you will erase the last continue save. 3) Inter-Episode Menu Translations - (after you beat an episode and watch the conversations, you will be brought to the following menu) データセーブ - data save - save the game. You can save as many games as you want, as long as you have enough space. ユニット改 - unit enhancement - enhance any of your units. They are sorted according to HP. 武器改 - weapon enhancement - enhance any weapon of your units. The units are sorted according to HP, and the weapons are sorted according to the damage. Some weapons, when powered up fully, will yield a new weapon for you to use, but there's no telling (outside of knowing the series the robot is from) which weapons will produce another one. ユニット能力 - unit ability - look at the ability of your units. Looks just like the ability screen when you are on the map. パイロット能力 - pilot ability - looks at the ability of your pilots. They are sorted according to their levels. Looks just like the pilot ability screen when you are on the map. のりかえ - change pilot - change what unit your pilot will pilot. You can also change what unit will your fairy be in. パイロット - pilot - change what unit your pilot will pilot. You can only choose among the pilots that can pilot other robots. 妖精 - fairy - change what unit your fairy will be in. (these commands are slightly different in Alpha, but you should be able to figure out what does what) 強化パーツ - enhancement items - put various enhancement items on your units. These items are found by either defeating current enemies or after a certain episode. 次のマップへ - go on to the next episode. 4) Ability screen Explanation - When you choose the ability option for an unit or pick a robot under unit ability in an Intermission, you will then go on to the ability screen for a robot. The screen will display of a picture of the unit, along some information about the unit : サイズ - size - the size of your unit. It can be SS (for people), S, M, L, and LL. S and SS size units get a 20 and 40 percent bonus for dodging while L and LL get 20% and 40% deduction for dodging respectively. 特殊能力 - special ability - this section, will list any special abilities of the unit: ビー コート - beam coating - will absorb 1000 worth of beam damage. If a beam attack causes over 1000 damage, only 1000 points worth of damage will be absorbed. Any use of this costs 5 EN. Iフィールド - I-Field - will totally block any beam attack that does less than 2000 damage. Any use of this cost 5 EN. オーラバリア - Aura Barrier - will totally block any beam attack that does less than 3000 damage. Any use of this costs 5 EN. If the pilot has the Aura Senshi skill, the effectiveness will also increase (see section under skill.) ATフィールド - AT Field - will totally block any attack, (unless the opponent also has AT Field) that causes 4000 damage or less. 暴走 - Berserk - EVA unit 1 only - after being destroyed, EVA Unit-1 will go berserk and only attack with かみつき, or bite (that's the definition I get from the dictionary ^_^) It can also attack air units (although it normally can't) and level will be higher since it's not Shinji who's piloting EVA-Unit 1. It's morale will increase to 150, and it will attack ANY nearby units, including your own. It's possible to reverse the process, but you will have to destroy the berserked EVA unit 1. Note: You will have to pay the repairs for a berserked EVA unit 1 (a 40000 lesson). 分身 - after-image - will only be activated when the pilot's morale is at or over 130. The unit will have a 50% chance of using after-image, which makes the unit take no damage, even if the attack connects (or so we thought). It is common anime knowledge that humans can only see things moving below a certain speed, so when something move faster than what we can see, we see multiple images of the same thing in motion. That's after-image for you. ^_^ HP回復(小) - recover 10% of total HP after every turn. HP回復(大) - recover 30% of total HP after every turn. 変形 - transform - the unit can transform. 合体 - combine - the unit can combine with other units to form another unit. 分離 - separate - the unit can separate. All combined units can separate. タイプ - type - describes what type of terrain the unit is designed for. (refer to terrain explanation for different kind of terrain). 移動力 - mobility - the number of squares an unit can move. 運動性 - agility - this effect how well an unit can dodge or aim. 装甲 - armor - this affects how much damage an attack causes - the higher, the better. 限界 - limit - it is little hard to explain, but this is basically the limit of how well can the unit dodge or aim. How well you dodge depends on dodging ability and the agility of the unit. The sum of these two numbers is limited by the limit statistic of the unit. If the limit is 400 but the sum of the dodging ability and agility of the unit is 420, only 400 is used for calculating your chance of dodging an attack. Dodging, aiming, and reflex are limited by limit (as for how limit works for reflex, please refer to the pilot ability screen explanation.) 地形 - terrain - this shows how well the unit does in each terrain. An "A" means that the unit actually gets a bonus for being in that terrain. A "B" doesn't get any bonus, a "C" gets a little deduction, while a "D" gets a lot of deduction. A "F" means the unit cannot enter or be in that terrain. 空 - air. 陸 - land. 海 - sea. 宇 - space. シールド - shield. 有 - means the unit has a shield. 無 - means the unit doesn't have a shield. Weapon screen explanation. When you choose the third option in the ability screen, or when you choose the attack option, you will go to the weapon screen. 武器名 - the name of the weapon. [+] - when this comes before a weapon's name, it means the weapon will use the pilot's long range attack stats when the pilot use this weapon. If a hand appears before a weapon's name, it means the weapon will use the pilot's close range attack stats when the pilot use this weapon. If a "P" appears after a weapon's name, it means that the weapon can be used after a move. If a "B" appears after a weapon's name, it means that the weapon is a beam weapon. 攻撃力 - the attacking power of the weapon. 射程 - range. The range of that weapon. 命中 - hit rate. It's the number that will be added to the aiming statistic during an attack. The higher the number, the more likely the attack will connect. 弾数 - ammo. The number on the left indicates the current amount of ammo, while the number on the right indicates the maximum number of ammo the unit can have for that particular weapon. A -- means it doesn't use ammo. 必要気力 - required morale. Some weapons require the pilot to have reached a certain morale before the pilot can use that weapon. The number on the left indicates the requirement ( a -- means there's no requirement), while the number in () indicates the current morale. 消費EN - EN spent - the amount of EN spent to use that weapon. The number on the left indicates the amount of EN that will be used while the number in () indicates the current EN for the unit. A -- means that the weapon doesn't use EN. 地形 - how well a weapon does in certain terrain. Refer to terrain in the unit ability screen for details. A -- means that the weapon cannot be used in that terrain. 必要技能 - required ability - some weapons can only be used when the pilot has a certain ability. For example, funnels can only be used by Newtypes. クリティカル補正 - critial adjustment - the adjustment made to the rate of scoring a critical hit on an enemy. A critical hit is a hit that causes 50% more damage. 5) Pilot Ability screen explantations - When you choose to look at the pilot ability screen, it will show: サブパイロット - side pilot - if the robot is piloted or has two or more pilots (or has a fairy), this option will appear to tell you that if you press the Circle button, you will then switch to the next pilot ability screen. It will switch back to the main pilot after cycling through the pilots. シンクロ率 - synchronization rate - for EVA pilots only. The synchronization rate reflects how well the pilot is piloting the EVA. It ranges from 0% to 100%. An increase in levels or certain events will increase synchronization rate. 闘 - close range combat - the pilot's close range combat skill. The higher the number, the more damage the pilot can do when the pilot is using a close range weapon. The basic value is 100, and the highest is 255. 射撃 - long range combat - the pilot's long range combat skill. The higher the number, the more damage the pilot can do when the pilot is using a long range weapon. The basic value is 100, and the highest is 255. 命中 - aiming - how good the pilot is at scoring a hit on enemy. This number, combined with agility of the robot, is limited to the limit of the robot. When it's over the limit of the robot, the stat number will appear in red. 回避 - dodging - how good the pilot is at dodging. this number, combined with agility of the robot, is limited to the limit of the robot. When it's over the limit of the robot, the stat number will appear in red. レベル - level - the current level of the pilot. An increase in level will increase every stat, unless it goes over the limit (like attacking stats). The level can range from 1 to 99. 気力 - morale - morale will affect how much damage can caused and received. The starting morale is normally 100 (There is one exception - when the pilot appears in two consecutive episodes during attacks on bases) Morale can range from 50 to 150. Morale will go back to 100, with the exception on attacks on bases, after every episode. When the pilot takes a hit or if another team member kills off an enemy, morale will increase by 1. The pilot's morale will increase by 4 if the pilot kills an enemy. (without using MAP weapon.) The change in morale after one of your team member dies depends on the "mental strength" of the pilot killed. Mentally weak pilots' morales will decrease by 1 if any member of their team dies, while normal pilots' morales will stay the same. Mentally strong characters' morales will increase by 1 when one of their team members is dead. Some pilots, whose mental strength is extremely strong, will increase their morales by 2 when any of their team members die. You have to know the storyline from the series the pilot is from in order to determine the pilot's mental strength, but it's a safe bet that most bosses are extremely strong mentally, so that's why their morales are usually so high when you fight them. NEXT - the number of experience points requireed to advance to the next level. Normally, you need 500 experience points to advance to the next level. 反応 - reflex - the reacting speed of the pilot. This stat is limited by the robot's limit (just the reflex number, not including the agility of the robot). It also helps dodging and aiming, since this number is part of the equation in calculating the percentage for scoring or dodging a hit. 技量 - skill level - the stat for calculating the percentage of scoring or receiving a critical hit. The higher the number, the more likely the pilot is going to score a critical hit, and the less likely the pilot is to receive a critical hit. It is also used with "mercy", since you can only successfully use "mercy" when the pilot's skill level is HIGHER than the enemy's skill level. (which makes it a bitch to use on bosses, of course ^_^) 地形 - terrain - how well the pilot will perform at a particular terrain. The grades range from A to D. 精神ポイント - "magic" points - the amount of "magic" points, or SP, the pilot has. The number on the left, before the /, indicates the current SP, while the number on the right indicates the maximum SP. 精神コマンド - "magic" command - the list of "magic" the pilot has. A pilot can have a maximum of six "magics". 特殊技能 - special ability - lists the special ability, if any, of the pilot. ニュータイプ - Newtype - Amuro, Char, and other pilots from the Gundam Series fit in this catgory. Their piloting skills are exceptional and they have the ability to use Newtype weapons such as ファンネル (Funnels) and フィンファンネル (Fin Funnels). They are also able to move twice quicker than normal human pilots (most of them anyway). Funnels have a basic range of 7. Newtype level will increase dodging, aiming and the range of funnels based on the following chart: Level Range bonus Dodging bonus Aiming bonus 1 +0 +10 +10 2 +0 +15 +15 3 +1 +20 +20 4 +1 +25 +25 5 +2 +30 +30 6 +2 +35 +35 7 +3 +40 +40 8 +3 +45 +45 9 +4 +50 +50 強化人間 - Enhanced Human - like Four Murasame. An Artificial Newtype which has the exact same abilities as Newtypes. Enhanced Humans are normal human beings that have been genetically altered so the human will have Newtype abilities even though that human is not naturally a Newtype. In the Gundam anime, all Enhanced Humans are somewhat emotionally unstable. 聖戦士 - Aura Senshi - great pilots in Aura Battler Dunbine, since aura battlers are "powered" by aura of the pilot. Level 1 is required for オーラ斬リ, aura cut, while level 3 is required for ハイパーオーラ斬リ, hyper aura cut. In the anime, an extremely powerful Aura Senshi can go Hyper, which will expand the robot from a size S to size LL when the pilot's emotion reaches a certain state. Each Aura Senshi level will increase dodging ability, effectiveness of aura barrier and damage of hyper aura cut based on the following chart: level Damage bonus Dodging bonus aura barrier bonus 1 +200 +5 +200 2 +400 +10 +400 3 +600 +15 +600 4 +800 +20 +800 5 +1000 +25 +1000 6 +1200 +30 +1200 7 +1400 +35 +1400 8 +1600 +40 +1600 9 +1800 +45 +1800 シールド防御 - shield defense - the ability to use a shield (if the robot has one) to reduce the damage by half. The level indicates the percentage of using the ability. 切り払い - sword blocking - the ability to use a sword, beam saber or any sword-like weapon to cut down solid projectiles like missiles or funnels and block sword, saber, and any dashing like attacka like shining finger and progressive knife. The pilot will receive no damage after the attack. The level indicates the percentage of using the ability. 底力 - potential - when the unit's HP is at 1/8 of his\her maximum or below, the chance of scoring a critical hit increasea by 50%. A skill found in all Super Robot pilots. O - psychic power - a bit like Newtype ability; increases the pilot's evasion and accuracy as his\her level goes up. ro - SP regeneration - regenerates 6 SP per turn. W - concentration power - all magic costs 3/4 of it's original cost. V - genius - levelling up costs less EXP. В - company president - each enemy killed gives 1.2 of it's normal money. 쐶 - bestiality - attack power goes up when over 130 morale. G[XpCbg - ace pilot - Gotten at 50 kills or above. Let's you launch at +5 morale. VN - synch-rate - attack, agility and accuracy increase with the stat. E - hero - has Hamesakieficial effects on surrounding teammates. 6) Complete "magic" list and explanations - 偵察 - Detect - 1 SP - be able to take a look at the enemy's ability screen, even when you didn't fight it before in the map (since the only way you can look at an enemy's ability screen on the map is to either 1) have attack it before or 2) use Detect on the enemy). みがわり - Substitute - 35 SP - when you use it on one of your units, when an enemy is attacking the unit you casted the "magic" on, the caster of the "magic" will take the damage instead of the casted unit. Note that even you cast Flash, the caster of the "magic" will still take damage. 努力 - Great Effort - 20 SP - for one attack, you get double the experience than you would normally get (enemy's attack counts as an attack). Use this when killing bosses! 集中 - Concentrate - 10 SP - for one turn (from your turn to the enemies' turn), your dodging and hit rate (the final percentage) will increase by 30%. ひらめき - Flash - 10 SP - can 100% dodge one enemy attack, even over 100% Hit. The kanji is 閃. One of the most useful spells. 自爆 - Self Destruct - 1 SP - kills your own unit, but will cause damage equivalent to the unit's current HP to four surrounding units (your own or enemy's), regardless of enemy's armor, morale, etc. 必中 - 100% Hit - 20 SP - for one turn (from your turn to the enemies' turn), you will always hit your enemy or your own unit (if using a MAP weapon) unless that unit uses Flash. 性 - Perserverance - 20 SP - recover 1/3 of maximum HP. 脱力 - Exhaust - 50 SP - decrease the morale of any enemy unit on the map by 10. 信 - Trust - 30 SP - recover any team members' HP by 1/3. 熱血 - Hot Blood - 40 SP - do double damage for one attack. Cannot be used with Spirit at the same time. れ身 - Invisible - 60 SP - the enemy will not see you and will not attack you for one turn (even if you attack them and they are supposed to counterattack). 鉄壁 - Iron Wall - 30 SP - for one turn (from your turn to the enemies' turn), your armor stat will be doubled. 幸運 - Lucky - 40 SP - for one attack, you will get double the money than you normally get (enemy's attack counts as an attack). Of course, this only works if you kill the enemy. ド 性 - Great Perseverance - 40 SP - fully recover the caster's HP. 気合 - Motivate - 40 SP - increase the caster's morale by 10. 魂 - Spirit - 60 SP - do triple damage for one attack. Cannot be used with Hot Blood at the same time. 激励 - Rally - 60 SP - increase the morale of any team member by 10. かく乱 - Confuse - 70 SP - decrease the hit rate of all enemies (final percentage) by half. てかげん - Mercy - 10 SP - when your skill level is higher than your enemy's, and when your attack is supposed to kill off an enemy, an attack powered with this "magic" with leave the enemy unit with 10 HP. 再動 - Move Again - 90 SP - make any team unit on the map that has already moved (cannot move anymore) be able to move again. The unit will still be in greyed out, but it can move once only. 友情 - Friendship - 70 SP - recover all team units' HP by half. 愛 - Love - 90 SP - recover all team units' HP fully. 速 - Speed Up - 10 SP - increase mobility by 3 (will be used up when you move that unit). 挑発 - Provoke - 35 SP - when cast on enemy unit, that unit will always attack the caster's unit as long as the unit is in the attack range of at least one weapon of the enemy unit. 覚醒 - Awaken - 60 SP - makes the unit able to move one more time. There can be only one active Awaken on any unit, but you can cast it again after the unit has moved once. 補給 - Resupply - 65 SP - fully recover any team unit's ammo and EN. Will decrease that unit's morale by 10. 復活 - Resurrect - 120 SP - bring back one dead team member. Everything (morale, ammo, HP, EN) will back to normal. You can pick which unit to resurrect, but the unit will always appear in one of the four squares surrounding the caster. 夢 - Dream - ???? SP - the caster can cast any "magic" of a team member on the map (just pick the magic as if you are using other member's magic), but the amount of SP used will be doubled (the number shown when you cast Dream is the final amount of SP used). 奇跡 - Miracle - 100 SP - this "magic" will cast Motivate 3 time, Great Perseverance, Speed Up, 100% Hit, Lucky, Flash and Spirit all with just one "magic". ̂Đg - Sacrificial Attack - 60 SP - Damage X 3, and one free critical attack, but your evade rate goes to 0% for one turn. P - Raid - 60 SP - Uses 100% Hit, Hot Blood, Speed Up, and Flash. - Patience - 50 SP - Gives a team member 50 SP. _ - Sniping - 20 SP - Increases the range of non-MAP weapons by 2 for one turn. - Weariness - 120 SP - Decreases the morale of all enemies by 10. 匃 - Great Rally - 120 SP - Casts Rally on all party members. 7) Item List explanation - ブースター - booster - increase mobility by 1. メガブースター - mega booster - increase mobility by 2. Iフィールド発生機 - I-Field Generator - make the equipped unit able to generate I-Field. 高性能レーダー - high performance radar - increase all weapons that are not MAP or that have a range of 1 range by 1. You can equip multiple high performance radars to increase weapon range by more than 1. 対ビー クーティオグ - anti-beam coating - make the equipped unit have beam coating. リペアキット - repair kit - recover HP by 2000. Can only be used once. プロペラントタンク - Propellant Tank - recover EN by 50. Can only be used once. プロペラントタンクS - Propellant Tank S - recover EN by 200. Can only be used once. マグネットコーティング - magnetic coating - increase agility by 5, limit by 20. バイオセンサー - bio sensor - increase agility by 10, limit by 15. サイコフレー - psycho-frame - increase agility by 15, limit by 30. チョバ アーマー- chobam armor - increase HP by 500, armor by 150. ハイブリッドアーマ- hybrid armor - increase HP by 800, armor by 200. y - super alloy Z - increase HP by 1000, armor by 300. j[y - new super alloy Z - increase HP by 1500, armor by 400. ミノフスキークラフト - Minovski craft - makes the equipped unit able to fly, and have a grade A in air. ~mXL[hCu - Minovski drive - same as Minovski craft, but increases mobility by 2 as well. アポジモーター - apogee motor - increases mobility by 1, agility by 5. \Ə - high performance targeter - increases accuracy of all weapons by 30%. eC̉H - Tem Rei circuits - mobility down by 10 and agility by 15, but reduces repair cost to 10. (Use with EVA Unit-01!) s|CgoA - Pin-point barrier - negates all damage below 1800. Needs 110 morale. ~Cl` - Minmei doll - go into battle with +5 morale. Ah_Ă - fried Andromeda - recovers all SP. Can only be used once. Ci[VLZ[ - inertial canceller - negates all damage below 2500. Needs 130 morale. ****** Battle Hints and Tips : (some of these will be taken off my Super Robot Wars F Final Battle Guide; the ones that are applicable, at least.) 1. The all-important damage algorithm. I'm think the calculations in Alpha are different now, but here you are anyway - I'll be trying to get a new, updated version of this soon. (The accuracy calculation is a bit off owing to the fact that most long-range weapons now increase their hit rate when closer to their targets and vice versa.) Most of the data here should be correct, though. Attack Power = Weapon rating (the number in the weapons screen) X morale% (i.e, 136 morale would be the first rating times 136%) X pilot's attack rating% (same as above, changes for short and long range attacks) X terrain adjustment. Terrain adjustment is the average of the pilot's grade in the terrain you're on (Land, Sea, Air or Space) and the terrain value of the weapon (again, viewable through the weapons screen). A = 100%, B = 80%, C = 60% and D = 40%. That was a bit messy...I'll write it again below without the explanations this time. Attack Power - Weapon Rating X Morale% X Pilot's Attack Rating X Terrain Adjustment. Damage is, of course, Attack Power - Defense Power. Now you need to know Defense Power, which is quite simply Armor X Morale% X Terrain Adjustment (average of pilot and mecha) Chance of Sword Cut and Shield Defense being used is 16 divided by Skill Level : therefore, someone with a Shield Defense of 4 has a 16 divided by 4 = 1/4 chance of his\her ability being used. 2) Who to pick for battle? There are basically two kinds of pilots in SRWA : Realistic and Super. Realistic pilots are fast, don't rely on Morale heavily but lack super weapons. Super Robot pilots have lots of life and armor, can't hit a target to save their lives (without 100% Hit, that is) and need high Morale to unleash their most powerful attacks. Your party should consist of a mix of both of these, with a bunch of other pilots thrown in for good measure. Basically, Realistic pilots take out the normal enemy troops (considering that most of them, like Amuro and Char, can't even be hit normally) and Super ones do the boss in. 3) What to upgrade? For Gundams and the like, energy (to fire the big weapons) mobility (to avoid attacks, all of them in most cases) and limit (for when your pilot becomes too damn good for his\her mecha) are essentials. Don't bother with HP at all; though a bit of armor might be useful for those rare times when an attack actually hits a Gundam pilot. Super Robots need armor; lots of it. (A substitute for this is using Hybrid, Super Z and New Super Z Armor, though) HP doesn't hurt either (it's not required) and energy for the big guns. You won't even need to touch mobility for the most part - a base size of L for a Super Robot makes dodging laughable, and you'll be using 100% Hit to attack anyway. 4) More about upgrading. Use your money well - it doesn't come in easily. Upgrade the weapons you use most frequently; don't be afraid to blow over 100000 simply powering-up Beam Rifles, 'cause you use those a lot; conversely don't upgrade cheap stuff you won't use simply because it costs less. Be careful about upgrading mecha that will be outmoded by more powerful ones later. 5) Gundams Are Good. Why? As I've said before, their ability to avoid almost any normal attack is essential to winning battles. Give key units High Performance Radars (more on this below) to push their attack range higher than the bosses so they can nail them from afar. Place them into crossfires to weaken enemies who can't fire back. Remember that they can also move twice quite fast. The same can be said about Valkyries, who share many of the same charisteristics and have the devastating Salvo attack to use in a pinch. 6) Distance is an important factor in many battles - always, ALWAYS try to attack from a position which is uncounter-attackable. The basic range for a normal enemy is 6 (the magic number of distance - take note!) and for bosses, usually 6 to 7. Some enemies like Aura Battlers, for instance, have horrible ranges (2 to 3 for their Aura Vulcans and worse for the Swords) Basically, a weapon range of 8 is safe as far as things go. However, watch out later in the game; several mighty bosses have ranges of up to 8 or 9 (though the last is a rare) especially the Guest ones. Normal enemies also will also increase their basic ranges as the game progresses, so your ultimate safe haven is probably having Amuro in Nu Gundam at a high enough level - pushing his Fin Funnels range to 10. 7) Use repair robots. Yes, I know they suck in battle, have lousy armor and HP and don't have half a decent weapon between all of them - but they can repair, but outside of wasting precious SP casting spells is the only way you can regain HP. Besides, repairing is an EXCELLENT way to level up. 8) Understand the use of Concentrate. When used on a powerful Newtype (Char comes to mind) or agile pilot, it will allow the pilot to stand directly in the range of incoming boss enemy fire and counterattack perfectly, Why? Do the math - bosses rarely have more than a 30% chance to hit an ace and the ace in question usually has a hit rate of 70% or more. What's more, since the "magic" lasts for another turn you're getting more free whacks in. This also works with normal enemies, though you'll rarely even need to use the skill in question - simply place the chosen Gundam in the midst of the opposing forces. 9) The Super Robot equivalent to the above strategy is equipping a heavily armored mecha (usually with two New Super Alloy Zs) sticking it in the middle of the enemies and plunking on a 100% Hit. Tada - instant massive damage. 10) Use terrain than can recover energy to your advantage. Many powerful weapons (F91's VSBR, Cybaster's Cyflash etc) use up tons of it, so place key units in those squares. Upgrade energy as well, of course. The same rule applies to map squares that can recover HP. 11) Know who to train and what robots to pick. It will save you time when the enemies start getting really powerful later. As a general rule, series aces tend to be the only ones you'll pick for combat, but remember that support characters are also necessary... 12) BTW, just a small mention - 100% Hit bypasses the protection that Sword Cut and any other attack-negating skill offers; something to remember. However, Shield Defense still applies and Flash will render the "magic" useless for one attack. 13) On the same note, remember that as powerful as Funnels are, they can be Sword Cut away. Save the game before firing a Spirit-powered one. 14) With a mere 10 point cost, Flash is one of the best "magics" in the game, especially to draw the fire of bosses who become insanely strong after a comrade\loved one is killed (they gain like, 100% Hit, Flash AND Spirit, to name but one) It's also powerful enough early on, when not every boss can move twice. 15) I've mentioned this one or twice in the above paragraphs, but it bears repeating clearly now - Spirit, Lucky, 100% Hit and all attack-related skills also work with MAP weapons. In fact, all normal skills (Shield Defense, for example) and applicable magics (Iron Wall, Flash) still work as per normal. The main differences MAP weapons have, actually (despite the obvious one of being able to attack more than one unit at a time) are 1) you can't choose to block or dodge them and 2) you don't receive morale from either killing units with or being hit by one. 16) More uses of Flash - it can be used to let a weak unit survive the two consecutive attacks a powerful boss usually levels at it (you can block the second shot and repair the unit later) as well as escaping enemy counterattacks easily. 17) With some especially powerful enemies, it's actually worth sitting there and absorbing as much enemy fire as possible from them to whittle down their ammo reserves - especially on, you guessed it - Guest bosses. This usually takes 15 turns at least but with enough patience (and a book nearby) it can turn the tide of battle in your favor by robbing the enemy of it's most powerful weapon/s. This technique is really useful on MAP weapons, but note that you need to have 3-5 units within the blast radius in order to have the boss attack you with it as opposed to a conventional weapon. How to decoy? Simple. Place ONE (and only one) unit JUST within the range of the weapon you want to exhaust. 18) Let your morale-dependent units (Super Robots) kill the enemy small fry in order to gain the prerequisite amount of it to use their superweapons - Motivate is rarely enough. 19) Always, if possible, wait for the enemy to come to you. (Retreat to recovery areas - towns etc too.) After all, as Sun Tzu said, if you can choose the battlefield war becomes a lot easier. The enemy will usually dispatch it's forces against you in waves, so hunkering down and taking them out one by one is better than venturing forth and getting plastered since the next wave will take longer to get to your position. You can also check the enemy movement ability by pressing the Circle button while on them - the green area is where they can move next turn. 20) Use terrain to your advantage - towns, forest and the like give you a 20% boost to both defense AND evade; not something to be taken lightly. Conversely, try to lure enemy units out of any cover they might be using. Note that flying units don't gain any defense\evade bonuses (though they do recover EN and HP) unless they've landed in the chosen terrain. --- Some other battle hints submitted by various people : (from Purified Soul) Some changes in SRWF to Alpha - - Beam Rifle ranges reduced to 1~4 but in return they can be used after moving your unit. - Any unit which can tranform to an air craft-like mech now gets a +10 bonus instead of getting -10 a penalty to their agility. - Seems like the terrain movement penalty has been decreased. You may have noticed that Mazinger now can move 3 blocks through forest instead of 2 blocks. - If you choose to counterattack enemy fire manually you will notice a new command "Defensive counterattack" (you can choose any weapon for any target within its range) which, although ensuring you will get hit, allows you to defend and attack at the same time. This option is designed for any unit which may have difficulty meeting it's weapons morale prerequisites. However, the damage you do will be only 50% of your normal counterstrike. This option can help give back some damage back to enemy forces without worrying much about their chance of survival or you may say this can let you pay 'em back while you maintain your defense power. Decoy Strategies : There are three types - 1) Never Be Hit Type : Any unit which is EXTREMELY fast. 1) Cybaster = Fastest unit you can bet on. Max agility without equipping any item around 160 or 170! 2) Bilvine = Second to none for its agility except for Cybuster but its pilot has the greatest dodging and reflex skills compared to the other series. 3) Any good Gundams you've got = Gundam F91 for example is the best with maximized agility but you may need to equip it with psycho frame or better stuff in order to boost its agility beyond 150. (Also its VSBR doesn't suffer from enemy sword cutting) Note : Concentrate magic will do a great job with these decoy types. Just cast it and send them in among enemy squad then LAUGH AS LOUD AS YOU CAN while feeling like an enemy boss. ^_^ EXTRA Note : If the decoy unit you use has After-Image ability, try to raise it's pilot's morale up to 130. This will the activate 50% evasion bonus. The attack may miss even if it's hit rate is shown to be 100%. This works against your attacks too. A countermeasure = Use Exhuast magic to lower target enemy's morale (seems like only Boss from Mazinger Z and Rei from the EVA series possess this magic, though) 2) Never Get Hurt Type : Any unit which can absorb enemy fire without taking damage. 1) Any EVA unit = AT fields are EXTREMELY odd! Even the boss can't easily break through this kind of barrier especially if you choose to GUARD against enemy attacks. 2) Either type of your character's robot = No matter which type your robot is, it will possess a barrier which can absorb most types of attack. (I guess you'd better figure this out yourself since I don't know exactly how many weapon types it can absorb but in my opinion super type barrier can prevent any super robot attack for e.g. missiles, bombs, non beam-based weapon and vice versa for real type but both robot type's barriers can't block melee attacks.) Be careful though - the barries only activate at 110 morale or above. 3) Any robot with any anti-beam barrier = I don't recommend this type of decoy since you have the better options listed above but this decoy may serve you well when battling against enemy units that rely heavily on beam-based arms such as Gundam units. Note : All the robots of this decoy type can strengthen their respective barriers by choosing the "guard" command as your counter action for enemy fire. Also, the barrier strengths depend on the units ARMOR so keep upgrading your decoy so they can survive the heat of battle. EXTRA Note : Since SRWF any pilot that has been hit will gain +1 morale for each hit taken but THIS WORKS EVEN IF a pilot blocks the attack with unit's barrier without taking damage. Think about this. An EVA unit equipped with Minovski craft which reaches the boss's weapon range or enemy forces. Your other team members will never get hurt since the EVA will draw all enemy fire to it (Don't forget that your decoy must really look like easy prey - make EVA's HP lowest among your units.) Using this trick may boost up your EVA pilot's morale to 150 within a turn or two. Important Note : Beware of enemy MAP weapons! Since you can't choose to guard your unit the barrier won't be as powerful, and you will never know the % to hit on your unit or the attacker's morale. 3) Never Die Type : Any units which are tough enough to receive all damage heaped on it. I recommend you choose a unit which is either heavily armored or dies hard. (i.e has tons of HP) Such a units tend to be super robots which are naturally TOUGH or battleships which are loaded with over 10000 HP. Reaping Cash Technique : - Using map weapon : put a pilot with Lucky magic on any unit possessing a powerful map weapon you are ready to harvest. You may apply this trick to a pilot using Great Effort instead. Killing multiple enemy units means that you got the sum of Exp. equal to the amount you get for killing them (for each unit) at your current level - but killing them one by one mean you may level up and recieve LESS Exp. If your pilots are at higher level than enemy number one. (I suggest you see the diagram below.) 1st Case Your pilot -----> cast Great effort -----> use map weapon -----> Result : Emma (Lvl.10) Kill Titan pilot (Lvl.12) x 3 +500 x5 Mashuma (Lvl.16) +1500 Lvl up to Lvl. 16 but if you kill them one by one the result will vary through your sequence. Suppose that you follow the 2nd case : 2nd Case Your pilot -----> cast Great effort -----> use map weapon -----> Result : Emma(Lvl.10) kill Mashuma (Lvl.16) +1500 (LVl. up to Lvl. 13) then kill Titan pilot (Lvl.12) +240 (260 more to Lvl. up) repeat then kill Titan pilot (Lvl.12) +240 (20 more to Lvl. up ) repeat then kill Titan pilot (Lvl.12) +240 (Lvl. up to Lvl. 14) The result may not satisfy you as the 1st case also costs you 60 more SP than the 1st one. Note : To lure enemy forces into your trap use any decoy to set the enemy formation first then move your reaper in. Pull the decoy out next turn OR let the decoy pilot cast Flash or Iron wall etc. Just make sure your decoy can survive the friendly fire. Note2 : You may be able to destroy all enemy forces even though your mission objective prevents it by simply applying this MAP weapon trick. Important Note: You will not gain experience for friendly fire so check your fire carefully. a collarary to this strategy : - Use combinable units : Any low Lvl. Gundam pilot can use Super Gundam (a combination of Gundam MKII and G-defenser) to raise up their level by tag-teaming with any other ace pilot. (Let the ace pilot MKII and the other pilot G-defenser.) Note : Upgrading or Equipping enhanced items on any sub unit (a single unit that can combine with other unit e.g. Jaguar ship (the Getta 2nd pilot's unit) doesn't give any additional Hamesakiefit on their complete combination form. (Exception : It only works on MKII for equipping enhanced item.) - Use the Ace pilot as your coach : This works best if your ace pilot are at high levels and one has Mercy magic. This magic will work well under two certain conditions : 1) Your Ace's skill should not fall below your target enemy's. 2) Your Ace must be able to kill the target unit. (You don't want to waste your SP right?) Note : According to my latest battle with Fulsion (a last boss mecha that Scirocco and Shapiro use in SRW F Final ) I just figured out that the higher the armor rate a unit has means the less the damage inflicted on that unit even if the attacker casts Hot Blood or Spirit. Because any damage increasing magic will do nothing more than a scratch if your weapon ratings are not high enough since the magic will NOT adjust the attack power but the damage you do. See below. According to SRWF's Offence VS Defence algorithm it would be like this : Attack power = Weapon rating X Morale% X Pilot attacking rating X Terrain adjustment Defense power = Armor X Morale % X Terrain adjustment Thus, Attack power - Defense power = Damage (the magic will adjust this value) This mean if your attack power can't beat the defense power first the magic may only give you 20 or 30 damage depending on which magic you cast. See some examples below. Attacker ( EVA-01 ) = Pad rifle(upgraded Max) x 150% x 210% x 120 % = 2800 x 1.5 x 2.1 x 1.2 = 10,584 Defender ( Fulsion ) = Armor x 2 ( for Ironwall casted on unit ) x 100% x 120% = 6500 x 2 x 1 x 1.2 = 15,600 The outcome after casting the magic (in this case I cast Spirit) will be the following. Attack power - Defense power = Damage x ( magic adjustment ) 10,584 - 15,600 = 10 (minimum valid damage value) x 3 = 30 Most of us sure expect the result must be severe damage on this HARD AS NAIL Fulsion just like this instead. ( since I'm EVA fan just like many other people ) [ Attack power x magic adjustment ] - Defense power = Damage 10,584 x 3 - 15,600 = 16,152 and more notes : Upon maximizing upgrading all of any unit attribute (using not less than 676,000 credits for total upgrading ) you will be asked to allocate A BONUS as listed below to that unit ( you can choose ONLY one so make your choice wisely ) 1. + 2000 HP, 2. +150 EN, 3. +30 Agility, 4. +400 Armor, 5. +30 Limit, 6. +1 Mobility, or 7. Change any terrain speciality to grade A by your choice. 1) air, 2) land, 3) sea, 4) space. Note : Changing any terrain specialty to grade A is for combat purpose only Too bad, it doesn't give your unit an ability to fly or make it move better under water :( - Pressing start in battle field will instantly pop up the unit list window and pressing it again will switch to enemy list. - While selecting magic in multiple crewed units you can switch between its pilots's magic list by pressing L1 or R1. - Minovski crafts and Minovski drives not only let your unit fly and turn its air speciality to A but it can let non-land usable unit like GP-03 Dendrobium be used on earth. - Some unit's weapon if upgraded to the max will let you create a new weapon by spending some additional credits. Here is the list as far as I know : Mazinger-Z's Breast Fire ---> Breast Fire [map weapon] Great Mazinger's Breast Burn ---> Breast Burn [map weapon] Mazinkaizer's Fire Blaster ---> Fire Blaster [map weapon] Dancouga's Dankuuken ---> Dankuukougaken ( a better version which no longer suffers from enemy sword cutting ) Any Gundam unit's Funnel ---> Funnel [map weapon version with half the range but doesn't hurt allied units] Texas Mack ---> Mack revolver [map weapon but with very terrible range ) Wing Gundam Zero ---> Twin blaster rifle [a map weapon that covers an area around the unit similar to Cybaster's Cyflash ] Gundam Heavy Arm(2nd version) ---> Full fire mode [map weapon that fires all it's weapons - requires tons of credits to upgrade all its ranged weapon first ] ****** General Hints, Tips and Explanations : 1) Here's some info from Feryl about what abilties\magics you get for your main character depending on what DOB and bloodtype he\she has : Date/Abilities ------------------- 4/16 O (100% Hit) (Hot Blood) (Raid) (Iron Wall) (Resupply) (Miracle) --- SP Recover (This has Miracle, worth picking. Iron Wall and Resupply are kinda useless though.) 7/18 A (Spirit) (100%Hit) (Trust) (Flash) (superspirit)dokonjyo (sudden attack) kishoku - SP Recover 10/20 O (Hot Blood) (Lucky) (Great Rally) (Great Effort) (Motivate) (Miracle) - Hero (This one's good as well...you get both Lucky and Great Effort in addition to the all-important Miracle.) 5/21 AB (Mercy) (Sniping) (Great Perserverance) (Concentrate) (Perserverance) (Miracle) --- SPrecover (Decent, because you get Great Perserverance and Concentrate, not to mention the handy Mercy, but not that great all-around.) 9/3 O (Hot Blood) (100%Hit) (Self Destruct) (Flash) (Great Perservance) (Miracle) --- Genius (Also okay. You get Flash and Great Perservance, but who needs Self Destruct?) 11/11 B (sudden attack)kishoku (Sacrificial Attack) (Great Rally)(anticipation)kidai (?)senchoku (Miracle)- SP Recover There's also - Money Boy - 9/30 B, Lucky, 100% Hit, Great Effort, Hot Blood, Flash, Spirit, ability is Accountant. With Lucky, he makes up to 2.4 times the normal money. 2) Because of the large amounts of experience you gain in this game, it might be possible (unconfirmed) that the Great Effort trick is usable in this game. How it works is very simple : 1) Get weak pilot with Great Effort 2) Get high-levelled enemy 3) Reduce high-levelled enemy to 10 HP with Mercy 4) Let weak pilot kill enemy with Great Effort Tada, instant Level 99 character. At least, that's how it works in principle...I'll have more on this as I test it out in the game. 3) This is not really a tip, but during character conversation (before you enter the battlefield and after the battle ends) you can speed up the dialogue by pressing L2 or R2 or hold start to skip it altogether. 4) There is a new feature in this game - a special experience point system only for the main character, which reflects how well he\she is piloting his\her mecha. You can change this value (displayed at the intermission and save screens) by reacting to certain plot events in certain ways, and different values for your experience will cause differing story paths\more mecha etc. That's about all the info I have now - I'll add more as I find it out. 5) When the "star" on top of the special abilities screen lights up, your pilot has had more than 50 kills and is awarded with Ace Pilot status, which lets him\her enter battle with an additonal +5 morale. The W is for double-turning and will be lit when the ability has been acquired and the second turn hasn't been taken, or else it won't. 6) Again, another not really a tip, but when pressing L1, L2, R1, R2, Select & Start to restart the game, if you continue to press Select a few times after releasing all the other buttons, the continue screen will automatically load. Saves a lot of time. 7) If you destroy EVA Unit-01 with a MAP weapon while it's on your side, it becomes an enemy unit and you can kill it with a Lucky for 40000 cash - and this can be done any mission! Just be sure not to equip it with any upgrades and you can safely lose the battle and repeat this trick again and again for more money. 8) If you lose any scenario in the game, after the Game Over sign is displayed, you will start right back at it's beginning with the money and experience levels of your pilots that you had when you were defeated. This strategy is excellent for levelling up and getting more cash, especially on maps with lots of powerful enemies and\or money. 9) An unlimited money trick from Gary Fung - apparently, if you destroy only the enemy warship in Scenario 58 (you have to choose to chase after the Angel Halo), each subsequent player movement will net you 50000 in cash, but it only works for one turn. I haven't tested this out myself, though. ****** Hints from Readers : This is material that I've gotten from various helpful souls out there but which I was unable to work into the main walkthrough because 1) I wasn't there yet or 2) I couldn't properly verify the information. So I've decided to create a special section where you can read what other SRWA players have discovered. Some hints\tips will be in their original unedited format and some be have been touched up by me - depends on my current amount of free time. And yes, information will be moved into the main guide as I continue to play further into the actual game. >From gabs garcia : 1. well, after the mission where the two EVA's destroying the 4th angel(the diamond shpaed) and the enemies from raideen shows up. there will be a..well you know. the first question requires you to answer no.(i don't know this one in japanese. the there will be three options. choose the first one, you'll play with only gundams, the 2nd one, all the super robots, you can see the voltes V formation, and the mazinger and great mazinger scene. this has all the super robots and no gundams, (except for the giant robo and amuro.) the last one. this is mostly about the dunbine seriess 2. and, in the stage which you must finish within 7 to 8 turns, which requires you to place 4 of your robots in the area, where the guy in R-2 tells you. This is the part where you can get hiro and trowa. when they appear. try to do the following: convince hiro using duo convince trowa using quatre 3. Errata; it's at scenario 52 that you can convince Puru 2 and Quess. And after scenario 53 you will get the Buster weapons pack for the V2 Gundam and 2 weapon packs for your mech here's the stats: AM Boxer: +3000 Hp, +30 En, -1 movement, -10 Mobility, +400 Armor, -10 skill Limit Weap./Tech.: Geist Knuckle, needs 110 morale and 10 En Cutpart Kick, needs 20 En G. Sword Diver needs 130 morale and 50 En AM Gunner: +1000 Hp, +30 En, +2 Move, +10 Mobility, -100 Armor, + 30 Skill Limit Weap./Tech.: Gravity Ring 6 Ammo Full Impact Cannon needs 130 Morale and 60 En. from Tiger Wong : In stage/scenario 10 you choose to go to south Africa to see the SDF force so I choose the opposite one, I choose to go to Jaburo, this was the event I meet there : a. Scenario 10 The scene will open with Ema, Sizuka (the girl from Conbatler V), and your character having a discussion about something (I don't know what they were talking about cause my lackness in Japanese), I think its about the legendary gundam pilot Amuro Rei. Then you will face with another choice (I think its on which room you will go next). Either one the scene will change place into Jaburo where you will see Amuro having a conversation with Christina Mc Kenzie, then Chien, Furau and Katsu will eventually showed up too. Blabla..bla (I wish I know what they were talking aboutsigh). Anyway the battle will start. Only three robot appear on this scenario its : Gundam Mk. II (Camille), Hyaku Siki (Quattro) and your Hyukubine againts a troops of Marasai and Asama (Giran). The only thing you should worry here ishe Asama. Your objective is to move your unit into the building where amuro was, its easy cause the enemy stand above it after you managed to reach the building Amuro and Chris will showed up in both their Gundam and NT-1 Gundam. For information Rosamia Badam in her Gyapuran and a couple more of Marasai will show up in turn..I can't remember. After the battle Ahgama will appear. After the battle ended there were some conversations between the characters that I can't understand again b. Scenario 11 The next scenario open with conversation between Masaki and his two cat (I think they name were Kuro and Shiro), Rikoa then will call Masaki to the bridge to meet up with Bright (could you do the translation for us please?). On the battlefield. You will watch the scene straight from V gundam Episode 1. Where the military league being surrounded by the yellow jacket troops lead by chronicles and a bunch of Syasko. I forget the name of the core fighter V pilot except Usso who come out in turn 1 to challenge uso but just hold him in the base until Uso showed up in turn two and from the V gundam in turn 3 to chase away chronicle from there. In turn four the Ahgama will showed up and aid Uso againts his enemy. c. Scenario 12 Again taking directly from another episode of V gundam were Katejine was taken away by Chronicle, and Uso had to handle all the enemy himself for the first turn. In turn two Ahgama will appear, followed by the Zion troops lead by Rakan (in Doraisan) with bunch of Garusu J and Zasu in turn 4 (or 5?). But anyway they weren't any threat for you so just finish them off. After battle Usso look upset with what happen to Katejine and have a little fight with his friend (I guess his name was Odero). You then will presented with two choice, either one won't effect the game. d. Scenario 13 They weren't much different here, either you choose to go to the south africa or Jaburo in scenario 10, the option there also won't take any effect either you choose to surrender or not. The only difference maybe it won't be Amuro who appear after you beat up Zechs. from Zero-EX : 1) U know that in SRW Alpha, strong beam weapons, (eg F91's VSBR, Zeta's Cannon) and Funnels requires more than 105 morale to activate. Thus, what u can do is, let these pilots (eg Amuro, char, Seabrock ) rake up kills. As u know, after 50 kills, the "star" icon will light up in the character screen and he starts a stage with 105 instead. Thus this will enable him to use powerful beam weapons at the start of the stage. Of cos, u might think that he will end up killing everyone instead, but towards the end, the enemies have too much hp to be killed by a single shot, thus enabling those needing morale , but can boost it themselves to get morale bonuses from these kills. (eg, my hero in particular, dun have "morale"). Of cos, Funnel weaponry requires 110, so to overcome that, give them a "minmei doll" and problem solved! Alternatively, use this on Super Robots that dun have "morale" spell but needs a lot of morale to use special ablilties. (eg Great mazinger for it's Mazin Power ) 2) As a side note: SRX can only combine 10 times in the entire game. So use it wisely. 3) Note that on Super Robot Side, Dragon-Tiger Lord and it's other form Tiger-Dragon Lord, share the same statistic. Ie When u upgrade one, it affects the other. Works for both Status AND weapon upgrades. So when u upgrade the final attack, the other side will be upgraded as well, despite that they are 2 totally different attacks. This isn't true for Getter or any other robot that has different forms and attacks. from BJ JB 1)To get milia parino to join you, you must have Max attack her "every" time she appears.Before the stage where you face off against Bodolza and the Zentran fleet, Have max attack milia till critical but do not kill.He and milia will disappear.When Breetai joins you against Bodolza, so do they in quadrano power suits. A tip.Have Wing Gundam Custom fully upgraded and you will find him untouchable.Send him to the center of the zentran main fleet making sure touching bodolza`s command ship.Use the famous map weapon to cut a circle through the fleet.Be patient and keep repeating.Soon poor bodolza will be all alone.Put hikaru next to it and follow the movie. 2)In the final act of evangellion, Air. Segments from the movie will be played and you get a choice.Follow the movie and let Asuka die or rescue her.I did and a few turns later reinforcements arrive in the form of super robots and soon the Evas are destroyed.Also Asuka gets new weapons so it is worthwhile to keep her. Hint.If you let all the gundam boys talk to treize earlier and use heero to kill both treize and milidoran you get a dialogue and may unlock a scenario if you have enough experience points. Also it seems that if you follow the anime series, you get points while other actions decrease or do not change it. ****** Experience Point Choices and Scenario Flowchart : Since JL Lee has gone a done a full one, I asked him for permission and he very nicely agreed to let me use his information in my guide, so here it is. This ENTIRE section is his; direct all comments, flames and praises to him, not me. ^_^ Anyway, to begin : --- This flow chart is as accurate as it can be, correct as of this date. Do note that you'll need to read this with SJIS font on using either Netscape Navigator or with Microsoft Wordpad (with the appropriate language reading device switched to SJIS font) Super Real ----- ---- 1. |S̃RbNsbg ojVOEg[p[ | | 2. }WK[Z̐▽ K_ | | 3. Qb^[`[oI zCgx[X~o | | 4. WIė _ƌĂ΂ꂽG | | 5. V[NbgEio[Y WI̖S | | 6. A[K}Ė ΌAɓn |__________________________________| | 7. bcIRoC | 8. oI̖̓WCAgE{ ________________|_________________ | | Super Real ----- ---- 9. ĂԎ mȂЂ |__________________________________| ________________|_________________ | | South Antaria Jabero ------------- ------ 10. ڊo߂AE AĂ | | 11. K_D rX[c | | 12. ]̒j 킢͒N̂߂ | | 13. K_ |__________________________________| | 14. Ƃ̖ | 15. gkAP | 16. KAEVA@ | 17. GRGR2 ________________|_________________ | | Super Real ----- ---- 18. g̈ȁ@ԃ}WK[ [[^̌ۓ | | 19. ˁAQ[^[{vsQb^[{G 񎟒 |__________________________________| | 20. AQVs _____________________________|_________________________________ | | | League Militire Stay in Area Meet up with EVA-02 --------------- ------------ ------------------- 21. zREVeB b𒴂Al𒴂Ał_̐m m | | | 22. K_ÅC 킢̊C G̗ | | | 23. n_u[[^ }WK[ZΈÍ叫R i̍̏ | | | 24. \̈ {eXN I[[h | | | 25. NX{[EoK[h V[L̐킢 |____________ |_________________________________| | | 26. C̃}rg gG@QI |__________________________________| | 27. }VWJ | 28. EOT̓ ________________|_________________ | | Super Real ----- ---- 29. SɔOAȂn m |__________________________________| ________________|_________________ | | Use EVAs Use own strength -------- ---------------- 30. uԁAS˂ ߈ |__________________________________| ________________|_________________ | | Shoot it down Use EVAs to block ------------- ----------------- 31. u[r[gbv Ղ̉l | | 32. JEgE_E Xy[XEtH[h | | 33. gXEtH[[V A[hEA^bN | | 34. BꂽE VGƂ̑ | | 35. T^Et@Cg CO̐^ | | 36. E~C ~XE}NX | | 37. WsgA ؐ̓S | | 38. 鍑̏ lނ𓱂 | | 39. ȊOt t@[XgER^Ng |__________________________________| ________________|_________________ | | Hikaru kiss Leifon kiss ----------- ----------- 40. rbOEGXP[v rbOEGXP[v |__________________________________| | 41. oCoCE}X _____________________________|_________________________________ | | | RinHorse Jr. Garan Garan Coran ------------ ----------- ----- 42. ANVY̎g Ws^[ES[Xg n͋߂ | | | 43. vƃANVY Fɍ炭d Î~ł̒ | | | 44. Bǐ [ƌĂ΂ꂽK_ Ԃ̏ | | | 45. ̓Vg PAj~E_ _A |_____________________________|_________________________________| ________________|_________________ | | Super Real ----- ---- 46. ƌ O̗ |__________________________________| | 47. j̐킢 | 48. N̂߂ɏ͗x ________________|_________________ | | Did not meet Tyson Met Tyson ------------------ --------- 49. iHɌAޘHɐ] iHɌAޘHɐ] |__________________________________| | 50. @AuEtH[[V _____________________________|_________________________________ | | | Ri Garium Garan Garan Coran --------- ----------- ----- 51. _J[̓ KX̉ j݁AU | | | 52. oCu[V lc | | | 53. \U NXEt@Cg nqRł | | | 54. ̐ ٖMl̋A vo𖢗 | | | 55. 삯闒 [i ̋ŋI |_____________________________|_________________________________| | 56. WǏ | 57. Vg̗ւ̏ ________________|_________________ | | Axis Angel Halo ---- ---------- 58. _̍ւ̗Uf ҂Ɣs҂ɏj | | 59. NXE^[Qbg ߂āAlԂ炵 | | 60. mAĂ Ō̃V |__________________________________| ________________|_________________ | | Skull Team Others ---------- ------ 61. ^̖ ^̖ |__________________________________| | 62. EڂĂ܂ | 63. I̎n܂ | 64. Air | 65. MAEIuEfBXeBj[ ________________|_________________ | | <40 Points >40 Points ---------- ---------- 66. lނɓȂ ]͍̉n܂ | | 67. |̍ ̖̐̂߂ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \ \ \ Ability Points guide \ \ \ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Now, this section is pretty interesting. While most of the information here has been confirmed more than enough times, there must be something else I or the others I queried missed out/got it differently. So please follow this as much as possible, but since it is still under HEAVY research, take them with a pinch of salt as well. Don't blame me if things turn out differently. I'm having a headache as it is trying to understand the system. If there are enough requests I'll put in startegies to achieve the points that are available within the scenario. Scenario 1 ---------- |S̃RbNsbg } Do not read basic instructions +1 ojVOEg[p[} Do not read basic instructions +1 Scenario 2 ---------- }WK[Z̐▽ } Clear stage without getting MazingerZ +1 K_ } Get to Gundam Mk. II within 2 turns +1 } To get G-3 Gundam later on, choose to go to Breifing Room at the end of the scenario } To get GP-02 later on, choose to go to the Unit Hangar at the end of the scenario Sceanrio 3 ---------- Qb^[`[oI } Fight specific enemies with the correct units +1 - Use Getter 1 against Hardo (in the air) - Use Getter 2 against Sai (on the ground) - Use Getter 3 against Su (in the water) Cgx[X~o } Choose NOT to go out before the start of the scenario +1 Scenario 4 ---------- WIė } Defeat any one of the 3 Black Stars before they retreat (on turn 3) +1 } To get G-3 Gundam later on, accept when asked } To get GP-02 later on, decline when asked _ƌĂ΂ꂽG } Use Kamiyu to Convince Emma +1 Scenario 5 ---------- V[NbgEio[Y } - WI̖S } Destroy all enemies by the end of turn 7 +1 Scenario 6 ---------- A[K}Ė } Think that they're enemies +1 ΌAɓn } - Scenario 7 ---------- bcIRoC } Enemy numbers will double if by this stage you have at least 4 APs Scenario 8 ---------- oI̖̓WCAgE{ } Follow Kouji and company to Chinatown Scenario 9 ---------- ĂԎ } - mȂЂ } - Scenario 10 ----------- ڊo߂AE } Let Ryuse move out +1 AĂ } G-3 Gundam obtainable IF - Earlier choice is made correctly - You have the maximum 6 APs Scenario 11 ----------- K_D } Surround Gato's GP-02, not allowing it to escape +1 (?) rX[c } Destroy Metch's Rekaru +1 Scenario 12 ----------- ]̒j } Destroy Shima's (or is it Ma Kobe?) unit +1 } Destroy Gato's unit +1 (all will escape once you destroy him) 킢͒N̂߂ } - Scenario 13 ----------- } To get Talgeese III later on, agree with Zachs } Heero can be Convinced with Duo once all enemies are destroyed (Failure) K_ } Destroy Weleita's Babagugu +1 (she will run off at 30% if you have high enough points, if not 50%) } To get Talgeese III later on, agree with Zachs } Heero can be Convinced with Duo once all the first wave of enemies are destroyed (Failure) Scenario 14 ----------- Ƃ̖ } Defeat all the BF units before Quattre and Wufei appear +1 Scenario 15 ----------- gkAP } Choose to wait for orders right before the start of the scenario +1 Scenario 16 ----------- KAEVA@ } - Scenario 17 ----------- GRGR2 } Destroy Gogon's unit +1 (Note that it will retreat once you destroy GR2) Scenario 18 ----------- g̈ȁ@ԃ}WK[ } Accept offer to repair Gungrust +1 [[^̌ۓ } Do not allow Fa to go into battle +1 } Destroy Torowa's Gundam Heavyarms +1 (He will run off at 50%) Scenario 19 ----------- ˁAQ[^[{vsQb^[{G } - 񎟒 } Do not ask for help from Londo Bell +1 Scenario 20 ----------- AQVs } Defeat all other enemies with 2 turns to spare +1 } There will be 2 groups of enemies on either side of the map if you have high enough points, if not only one group will appear Scenario 21 ----------- zREVeB } Search for Kamiyu in the Launching Compartment +1 } Four can be Convinced by Kamiyu (Failure) b𒴂Al𒴂Ał_̐m } Go to the city +1 } Destroy Shabero's unit +1 (He will run off at 50%) } Destroy Weleita's unit +1 (She will run off at 50%) m } - Scenario 22 ----------- K_ÅC } Agree to go training with Monsha +1 } Destroy Shima's unit after Kou has appeared +1 (Note that all enemies will escape once you defeat her, and that she will run off if she goes below 50%) 킢̊C } - G̗ } Escape from the map in 5 turns +1 } Escape from the map in 7 turns -1 } Escape from the map in 8 turns -2 Scenario 23 ----------- n_u[[^ } Core Fighter takes more than 5 turns to return -1 } Let Judo (in ZZ) destroy Mashima's Hama Hama +1 }WK[ZΈÍ叫R } Destroy Dante in first part of scenario +1 (He will run off at 50%) } Destroy Dark General in second part of scenario +1 (He will run off at 50%) i̍̏ } Choose to let Garan Garan escape +1 } Choose to defend Garan Garan -1 Scenario 24 ----------- \̈ } Let Kou or Main Character destroy GP-02 +1 {eXN } Equip the unit on Voltes V +1 I[[h } Let Shou deatroy Bahn's Lebragun +1 Scenario 25 ----------- NX{[EoK[h } Let Seebook attack Doleru once +1 V[L̐킢 } Karalea can be Convinced with Shou (Escape) } Karalea can be Convinced with Shou (Escape) Scenario 26 ----------- C̃}rg } Let EVA-02 destroy Angel within 3 turns +1 gG@QI } Choose to meet up with Eva first before the start of the scenario +1 } Choose to meet up with League Militre team first before the start of the scenario -1 } Let EVA-02 destroy Angle within 3 turns +1 Scenario 27 ----------- }VWJ } Choose to go to Antaria before the start of the scenario +1 } Destroy Bijod's Gear.Garing +1 (He will run off at 70%?) Scenario 28 ----------- EOT̓ } Destroy Angel using Rei's EVA-0 +1 } Destroy Angel using Bright's RinHorse Jr. +2 Scenario 29 ----------- SɔOAȂn } Destroy any unit -1 } Destroy BOTH units -2 } Sub-main character can be Convinced with Main character once unit is below 50%, they have fought twice (Escape) m } Destroy any unit -1 } Destroy BOTH units -2 } Sub-main character can be Convinved with Main Character once unit is below 50%, they have fought twice (Escape) Scenario 30 ----------- uԁAS˂ } Destroy BOTH Angels in first turn +2 } Destroy BOTH Angels in the same turn +1 ߈ } Destroy BOTH Angels in the same turn within 4(?) turns +2 } Destroy BOTH Angels in the same turn after 4 turns +1 Scenario 31 ----------- u[r[gbv } Choose to defend Macross at the end of the Scenario +1 Ղ̉l } Choose to defend Macross at the end of the Scenario +1 Scenatio 32 ----------- JEgE_E } Destroy the Zentraedi Base Ship +1 Xy[XEtH[h } Destroy the Zentraedi Base Ship +1 Scenario 33 ----------- gXEtH[[V } Choose to start Transformation after 5 turns +1 } Destroy Breetai's Ship +3 (He will recover all HP for one time if under 50%) A[hEA^bN } Choose to start Transformation after 5 turns +1 } Destroy Breetai's Ship +3 (He will recover all HP for one time if under 50%) Scenario 34 ----------- BꂽE } Destroy Ingram's R-Gun Powered +2 } To get SRX's 4-unit combination later on, you must destroy R-Gun Powered VGƂ̑ } Choose not to fight +1 Scenario 35 ----------- T^Et@Cg } Destroy all the first wave of enemies before reinforcements +1 } Choose to chase after the units that slipped into Macross +1 CO̐^ } Destroy Ingram's R-Gun Powered +2 } To get SRX's 4-unit combination later on, you must destroy R-Gun Powered Scenario 36 ----------- E~C } - ~XE}NX } Answer the call(?) +1 Scenario 37 ----------- WsgA } Choose not to fight with Cathrina +1 } Ryune can be Convinced with Masaki (Escape) ؐ̓S } Choose to retreat +1 Scenario 38 ----------- 鍑̏ } Heero can be Convinced with Duo +1 (Playable) } Torowa can be Convinced with Quattre +1 (Playable) } Let Ryuse fight with Lebi twice +1 lނ𓱂 } ? Scenario 39 ----------- ȊOt } - t@[XgER^Ng } Destroy Gumjin's unit +1 (Note that all enemies will retreat once you defeat him) Scenario 40 ----------- rbOEGXP[v } IF you let Kaifon kiss Minmei, Hikaru will be playable at the start of the scenario } Let Max defeat Miriya +1 } To get Miriya later on, you must let Max defeat her Scenario 41 ----------- oCoCE}X } Choose NOT to let Lisa go to the base +1 } Destroy Gumgin's unit +1 Scenario 42 ----------- ANVY̎g } If your Ability Points are high enough, Kamiyu will obtain ZII before the start of the scenario } Choose to carry on fighting with Jupiterans -5 } Katz (In G-Defensor) will have a conversation with Sara if they fight. This must happen to allow for Convincing of Sara later on Ws^[ES[Xg } Defeat Chronoku's unit within 5 turns +1 n͋߂ } - Scenario 43 ----------- vƃANVY } Judo will appear in Char's Zaku II if your Ability Points are high enough. If not he will appear in a Doberang Wolf } If Kamiyu received ZII, Ru will appear riding in Zeta. She will have a conversation with Guremi if they fight, which will affect the a later scenario Fɍ炭d } Choose to allow Seebook to move off first +1 } F90 can be obtained if you met Seebook earlier, and have high enough points Î~ł̒ } Defeat Angel before enemies appear +2 Scenario 44 ----------- Bǐ } Quttero will obtain Sasabi before the start of the scenario } Bernie can be Convinced with Cris +1 (Failure) } Haman can be Convinced with Quttero (Failure) } Escape from the area +2 (+0 if your points are high enough) } Destroy all enemies -5 [ƌĂ΂ꂽK_ } Quattre can be Convinced with Main Character +1 Ԃ̏ } Choose to give up the base +1 Scenario 45 ----------- ̓Vg } RinHorse Jr. reaches target line in 3 turns +2 } RinHorse Jr. reaches target line in 4 turns +1 } If Ru and Guremi fight, he will withdraw all his forces PAj~E_ } Destroy Neue Ziel +1 _A } To get EVA-03 later on, choose to fight } If fight, once Angel's HP reduced to 60%, Shin Getter Robo appears Scenario 46 ----------- ƌ } - O̗ } - Scenario 47 ----------- j̐킢 } If you choose to fight in Scenario 46 - _A, Touji in EVA-03 will appear } To let EVA-01 get the S2 unit, you must let it get destroyed Scenario 48 ----------- N̂߂ɏ͗x } Destroy all enemies within 4 turns +1 Scenario 49 ----------- iHɌAޘHɐ] } Let Excelion escape within 10 turns of Gunbuster appearing +2 Scenario 50 ----------- @AuEtH[[V } Rimru can be Convinced with Mi } Destroy Drake's Will.Wicks +1 Scenario 51 ----------- _J[̓ } - KX̉ } Destroy Bram's Ashma +1 j݁AU } ? Scenario 52 ----------- oCu[V } - } Choose to escape from the base +1 } Garan Garan escapes after 7 turns -1 lc } ? Scenario 53 ----------- \U } Choose to attack using Macross +1 } GP-02 obtainable after the scenario If the earlier conditions are met, you must let Macross enter Solomon NXEt@Cg } Destroy Gear.Garing +1 } Different-coloured Bilvine can be obtained if you went all the Aura Battler routes, and have high enough points nqRł } ? Scenario 54 ----------- ̐ } Choose to chase after Jupiterans +1 } Destroy Lebi's Judeca +1 } Sara can be Convinced by Katz (Failure) } Choose to tell Sub-Character that he's an important friend +1 ٖMl̋A } Agree to Drake's request +3 } Todd can be Convinced with Shou (3 times required) if you choose to reject Drake's request } Choose to tell Sub-character that he's an important friend +1 vo𖢗 } ? Scenario 55 ----------- 삯闒 } - [i } Cybaster will be powered up if you have high enough points ̋ŋI } ? Scenario 56 ----------- WǏ } One unit reaches Colony Laser within 4 turns +1 } Agree to ceasefire +5 Scenario 57 ----------- Vg̗ւ̏ } Agree to Shu's plan +1 } Destroy Sirocco's Jupeteris +2 (He will run off at 90%) } Sara can be Convinced bu Katz (?) Scenario 58 ----------- _̍ւ̗Uf } - ҂Ɣs҂ɏj } To get Talgeese III later on, you must let Heero destroy Miliardo's Talgeese III Scenario 59 ----------- NXE^[Qbg } - ߂āAlԂ炵 } - Scenario 60 ----------- mAĂ } Haman can be Convinced by Quttero (Failure) Ō̃V } You have to defeat EVA-02 within 3 turns if EVA-01 does not have S2 unit Scenario 61 ----------- ^̖ } If you choose to allow Skull Team to move out, Harasaki's Valkyrie will be destroyed immediately } Max fights Miriya +1 } To get Miriya's Valkyrie later on, you have to let Max destroy her unit } To get Giant Max later on, you must let both go under 50% after they fight, and both will retreat } Destroy all Mentraedi units before Boldolza appears +3 Scenario 62 ----------- EڂĂ܂ } Destroy all Mentraedi units within 9 turns in the first half of the scenario +2 Scenario 63 ----------- I̎n܂ } - Scenario 64 ----------- Air } - Scenario 65 ----------- MAEIuEfBXeBj[ } Talgeese III will appear in the first turn if all the previous requirements are met Scenario 66 ----------- lނɓȂ } ? ]͍̉n܂ } If Kamiyu destroys Sirocco's 0, he will dissappear (as per anime) if you do not have Four Scenario 67 ----------- |̍ ) - ̖̐̂߂ } - ****** Convincing Enemy Characters : (some of these are not fully confirmed yet, and the methods for obtaining them might differ whether you're playing the Real or Super Robot path.) Emma Sheen - Use Camille to convince her in Scenario 4. Hiro Yui - Beat Zechs in Scenario 13 (i.e, you disagree with him) and have Duo convince him. Hiro Yui (later) and Trowa Barton - Choose the option "defeat it with strength" in Scenario 31, then for convincing, use Duo for Hiro and Quatre for Trowa in Scenario 38. Chang Wufei - In Scenario 32, use Quatre. Quatre Reberba Winner - In the Scenario "The Gundam called Zero" use your main character. Four Murasame - Go to Hong Kong at the end of Scenario 20. Attack Four with Camille, then have him convince her twice in Scenario 21. Pick the La Kailum route in Scenario 50, then in the next Scenario use Camille to convince her and destroy the Psycho Gundam. Cecily Fairchild - Pick the Gran Garan route after Scenario 40, then have Seabook convince her in the Scenario "Flowers Blooming in Space". Todd Gines (this one's a bitch) - Attack Todd with Sho in Scenario 21. In Scenario 41, go with Goraon and convince him with Sho in Scenario 43 and 50. Go with Gran Garan in Scenario 50, then convince again with Sho in Scenario 54, making sure not to open fire before battle. Galaria Nyamhi - Choose either to stay in the East Area or go to meet EVA Unit-2 in Scenario 20, then convince her with Sho in either Scenario 25. Choose the Goraon route in Scenario 41 and she will join in Scenario 44. Rimul Ruft - In Scenario 27, use either Sho, Marvel or Nii to attack the Gea Garing, and in Scenario 50, use Nii to convince her. Your Lover : Real Robot path - In Scenario 29, "Dark Super Warrior", use your main character to attack her\him twice and then convince. (Possible only when HP is below 50%.) Super Robot path - In "The Unseen Blade the Heart Feels" attack with your main character 3 times then Rai and Ryusei once each - after that, convince with your main character. Alternatively, attack once with your main character, then defeat Irum. Your lover will be back in Scenario 48 on your side. Suzuhara Touji - After Scenario 40, pick the Goraon path and choose to fight the Angel in Scenario 45. He'll join in Scenario 47. Quess Paraya - Choose the La Kailum route in Scenario 50, then choose to answer as Char in the next Scenario. Use Quatro to convince her in Episode 52. Miriya Farina Jinas - Defeat Miriya with Max in Scenario 40, then in Scenario 61, do the same. She will join one scenario later. Miriya 639 - Do the same, but in Scenario 61, just attack and do not kill Miriya with Max. Giant Max - Same as above. Puru - Take the Lean Horse route in Scenario 41, then use Judo to convince her in Scenario 43. She'll also join automatically in the other paths. Puru Two - Get Puru. Take the La Kailum route in Scenario 50, then in Scenario 52, use Judo and then Puru to convince her. In Scenario 56, use Judo to convince and then destroy the Psycho Gundam Mk-II. Hamaan Khan - Choose the Lean Horse route in Scenario 41, then convince her with Quatro and an Experience Point total of more than 45 in Scenario 44. Head towards Axis in Scenario 57, then convince her again with Quatro in Scenario 60. She will appear in Scenario 66 as part of your team. Anavel Gato - Take the La Kailum route in Scenario 50. In "Splitting Wind" use Kou to convince him, but he will join only later. (Though he does come with Kelly as well.) Rebi Tora (another long one) - In Scenario 35, use Ryusei to attack her and defeat Ingram. In Scenario 37, do the same. Take the Lean Horse and La Kailum choices when they become available, and attack her with Ryusei again in Scenario 54, then head to Axis in Scenario 57. Finally, use Ryusei to defeat her in Scenario 59. She'll be in an R-Gun and on your side in Scenario 61. Bernand Wiseman (Bernie) - In Scenario 26, use Chris to defeat him. Take the Lean Horse path in Scenario 41, then use Chris to convince him in Scenario 44. Go to Axis in Scenario 57, and he will join after Scenario 60. Zechs Merquise (uncomfirmed) - Agree with Zechs in Scenario 13 and let him beat Hiro. He will join in the last few Scenarios if your Experience Point total is high enough. Sara Zabiarof - When she first appears, have Katsu attack her, then in Scenario 54, let Katsu convince her. Ingram Prisken (bet you though this didn't even exist, right? ^_^) - Have your main character and Rebi convince him in Scenario 67. ****** Secret Mecha : Alright, this is what all you fans have been wanting; the secret units section. However, this is still very in progress, and some information might be incorrect (though I'll try to verify as much as I can) so bear with me. 1) G-3 Gundam - In Scenario 2, choose to go to the briefing room. (Or for the Super Robot path, choose accept in Scenario 4.) After that, take the Jaburo route and by the episode "Amuro Again", you must have 6 Experience Points or over. 2) GP-02 - In Scenario 20, choose to go to Hong Kong. Destroy Gato twice when playing the South Ataria route. After the Scenario "Variable Formation" choose the La Kailum route, and when attacking Solomon in Scenario 53, use Macross. (You'll need to pick the Axis path for this.) 3) Tallgeese-3 - Agree with Zechs in Scenario 13. After that, in Scenario 57, choose to go after the Angel Halos and destroy Zechs when he appears. 4) Zeta-Two - Go to Axis (La Kailum path) and have a damn high Experience Point total by Scenario 42. 5) EVA Unit-03 - When fighting Bardiel, answer "Fight" to Gendou's question. Have the Getta initiate it's event when Bardiel's HP is below half, and go to episode 47, "A Man's Fight". (unconfirmed) 6) Full Armor Double Zeta - Have a very high Experience Point total by Scenario 60, "Warriors Again." 7) Destroid Monster and Armored Valkyrie - In Scenario 61 "Arrow of Destiny" have the Skull squadron launch first. 8) VF-1J Valkyrie - Choose to stop EVA Unit-02 after Scenario 30 and it will appear as a reinforcement in "Merit of Miracles" if you have enough Experience Points. 9) Vigna Gina - After Scenario 41, "Bye Bye Mars", take the Gran Garan route. In the Scenario "Flowers Blooming in Space" have Seabrook convince Cecily. 10) Nu Gundam HWS - After "Bye Bye Mars", take the La Kailum route and have a damn high Experience Point total. 11) Char's Customized Zaku - Again, pick the La Kailum route and have a damn high Experience Point total. (The total seems to be above 35...) 12) Sazabi - In Scenario 41, choose to go with the Lean Horse. During the battle with Scirocco, when Hamaan Khan appears, choose to go to Axis to negotiate. 2 scenarios later, Quatro will appear during the battle in the Sazabi. 13) R-Gun - Use the EVA to stop the Mass Driver in Scenario 31, and defeat Ingram in Scenario 35. You'll get the mech in Scenario 61. Hidden Weapons : Weapons that can be obtained by special means - Deus Cutter Wild Blade Dance - In Scenario 40, pick the Gran Garan route and escape in Scenario 52. Masaki will learn this skill in Scenario 55 if your Experience Point total is 50 or above. Additional Weapons for Gunbuster - Choose the Goraon route in Scenario 50. You'll receive the weapons (Buster Tomahawk Boomerang and Buster Homerun) in Scenario 55. ****** Walkthrough Section : (what you're going to be reading here is my first run through the game...i.e, when I didn't know anything and was more or less completely in the dark about the Experience Point system. So forgive any mistakes and don't make the same ones I did. ^_^ I'll be updating this as I learn more about the game.) --- Prologue : The game starts near an unexplored region of space. Hordes of alien forces surround the Excelion and it's 3 RX series mechs - the Buster Machines haven't been repaired fully yet. Captain Tashiro is told by his aide to escape but refuses, saying that there's no way he's going to hand Earth over to the aliens. Coach interrupts and says these don't look like their normal enemies...they resemble the ones they fought in the last Super Robot Wars. (Not that they refer to SRW as such. ^_^) The pilots themselves are having trouble - Noriko has had her faith in battle shaken and refuses to fight until told that Earth will fall if she doesn't; thinking of Kimiko and her other friends back home restores her resolve, though, and she joins the rest. After the first turn, the sub-commander will detect a new energy signature and a whole new bunch of enemies will show up. Captain Tashiro realises this is defeat and retreats, letting the Macross team (whom we don't see) handle things. After this, a synopsis of recent events is shown. Everything basically follows their respective anime\manga series - the main differences are : 1) The fact that the Divine Crusaders have been formed by Bian Zoldark... which should surprise no one, considering how they've been around for all the SRW games so far. ^_^ 2) The Neo-Jion have been formed, but they, the Axis forces AND the Titans all exist simultaneously. 3) Unrest on Earth has cropped up again as Doctor Hell and other Super Robot enemies make mischief. Anyway, after all that, the game starts proper. (I chose a Real Robot character, so I'm writing about that path first. Also, I picked someone male, so I'm going to be using the male pronoun when referring to the hero in future...sorry 'bout that. ^_^) He is having a conversation with his girlfriend and thinks about how with only one year of training he's gotten this kind of post. Eventually, she'll ask a question - should they take a vacation soon? 1) Sounds good... 2) Have other things to do. I have no idea what effect your choice has. ^_^ After more conversation about a Black Hole Engine going out of control somewhere, your girlfriend (Leo, in my case, so that's how I will refer to her from now on) will pick up combat density Minovsky particles. Meanwhile, Ryouto (you guessed it, my chosen hero) is wondering about his cargo of two Personal Troopers. Suddenly, a explosion will occur and taken by surprise, Ryouto will frantically try to find out what's going on... Scenario 1 - Vanishing Trooper Ryouto tries to contact his transport ship but to no avail...just then, Federation mobile suits show up - and guess who is it but Yazan Gable from Zeta Gundam. He wants your mecha, the Hyukevain and will kill you to get it; Ryouto's questions as to why he attacked are obviously not answered. There is no other option but to fight, so Ryouto prepares to, aided by the Hyukevain uploading combat data directly to his brain. You then get two choices : 1) Confirm basic battle tactics. 2) Don't confirm basic battle tactics. Do not confirm or you will lose the chance to pick up an Experience Point. After the first turn, Henken (also from Zeta Gundam) will show up, accompanied by Quatro Bajina. (whom we all know is actually Char Aznable... dammit, can't the guy just admit it for once?) They don't want the Hyukevain falling into either the Titans or EOT's hands, so they launch to protect you. Quatro tells Ryouto not to let his HP get too low and Yazan recognizing the red (is HAS to be red, right? ^_^) mobile suit, realises that he's up against the Red Comet, who he wants to fight by himself. --- Battle Tactics : This is your first battle, so it's not TOO tough. Keep all your units on the colony spaces so you can recover HP and EN and don't let Ryouto get killed - it's Game Over if you do. With his Chakram Shooter the fight should end soon enough...even Yazan isn't a threat. Trophies : Magnetic Coating from Yazan --- After the battle, there is some conversation among Ryouto, Quatro, Henken and Brekks about the Hyukevain (it also turns out that Ryouto is a civilian pilot) and the fact that it is based on EOT technology. You also hear about the Technechium base on the moon suffer a mishap with the Hyukevain-1, which went berserk; there were only 3 survivors. They tell you about the Titans and after explaining the situation in space, ask you to make a choice - keep your mouth shut about the incident and return to the moon base, or join the AEUG and fight the Titans. Ryouto first wants to know whether there were any survivors from the Titans attack. Upon being told there were none, Ryouto knows that he's all alone...eventually, he decides to hook up with the AEUG for the time being. ****** Scenario 2 - Black Gundam (exact same title of first ZG episode) On board the Agahma, Ryouto thinks about how he wasn't able to save Leo until the ship sets a course for Green Noa 2 in Side 7 - they're going there to see whether reports of the Titans setting up a base there are true. Quatro then goes out to do some recon; he wants Ryouto to stay behind, but the latter asks to go as well, saying he cannot forgive and must take vengeance on the Titans. Eventually, after Brekks intercedes, Quatro lets him - it'll be good training, he says. After that, Brekks and Henken talk a bit about the rumors surrounding the Red Comet (who we all know is Quatro, aka Char) - the conversation sounds a bit like the one they had in Zeta Gundam, BTW. On Green Noa itself, Camille is going to see the Agahma dock and Fa is pursuing him. (This entire bit is actually from the first episode of ZG.) On the way, they meet Jerid and get into an argument about how feminine Camille's name sounds. A few other Titans officers appear and after he hits Camille, Jerid goes off. On the battle map, Quatro feels a sensation which he thinks is either Amuro Rei or Lalah Sune, but it soon passes. Ryoute asks him about Gundams and Newtypes and there is some information about Amuro Rei, The One Year War and Newtypes not being the tools of war. When you appear, Jerid gets a bit worried when Kakricon identifies your unit as being a Hyukevain, one of the robot series that took out the moon base. Disregarding colony safety (you're not supposed to fight with MSes in one) Jerid wants to take you on, saying it's a good test of the Gundam Mark II's abilities. Upon attaining your first battle objective (moving a unit next to the empty Gundam Mk. II) Bright will try to prevent any in-colony fighting but be too late - Camille has already gotten into the MS's cockpit. He tells Bright and Emma to get back and, in response to Quatro's query, attacks Kakricon to show that he's an enemy of the Titans as well. --- Battle Tactics : This is another terribly easy battle. The enemies won't even be able to hit any of you! Trophies : Two Repair Kits from the two Gundam Mk IIs. --- The scene will switch to Cima Garahau talking to Basque and Jamaikan - she chastises them for letting the Gundam be stolen, but Jamaikan says they will get it back. More Titans officers enter along with Bright and they subsequently beat him up for daring to say that they should protect the civilians, and send him on the White Base to with civilians who have been forced to evacuate. Back on the Aghama, Camille is introduced to the two captains. Brekks asks him to join them, but he says he needs some time to think about it first. Ryouto then decides whether to : 1) Go to the Hyukevain. 2) Go to the Briefing Room. I went to the Hyukevain, where you meet Quatro, who's been working on it with Astonauge. It's parts are similar to the Geshpento (an earlier model, one that was the main character's mecha in SRW F) but it doesn't use Unit-1 parts. They all talk about the Black Hole Engine that powers the mecha for a while and it's counterpart, the Gravity System that the EOT use as well. There follows some tech talk about Mao Industries (who produced the Hyukevain) and the DC, who have good systems as well. Astonauge also mentions that the Hyukevain uses a brainwave reading system (which accounts for Ryouto knowing how to use it the moment he stepped into the cockpit) which sets Quatro thinking about how similar it is to Psycommu systems. It also turns out that due to a fluke, Ryouto is now the only one who can use the Mk. II. ****** Scenario 3 - Rescue of White Base Camille and Ryouto are introduced to each other. Quatro then enters and says that he finds the lack of pursuit strange - the Mark II is not a mere Jim, but Gundam mass-production model, not something to be taken lightly at all. We move to Henken and Brekks are talking (again) about how they think Ryouto and Camille are Newtypes. They then pick up White Base on the radar and after Camille says you must save it (it's apparently being attacked) you get another choice (after Ryouto says that he has a bad feeling) - 1. Go out and attack. 2. Don't attack and assess the situation. I chose to attack. ^_^ White Base in under attack from strange enemies (Sleggar can't make them out) who turn out to be led by none other than Scirocco Paptimus - hey, what's he doing out so early in the game? The Agahma arrives and launches mobile suits, but not before Quatro senses a powerful pressure... --- Battle Tactics : Not too tough. Be sure to maximize the power of your aces and place all your units on colony spaces. (Hey, that rhymed. ^_^) Let them come to you. Once you get too close, Scirocco runs off, so you don't need to worry about him. (Note - if you haven't already realized, the enemies you're fighting aren't Titans soldiers, but Zanscale ones, the bad guys in V Gundam.) Trophies - None. --- Back aboard the Agahma, Bright thanks Brekks and you all for having rescued him and tells you about the forced evacuation he was made to make. Camille is angry that they would go so far as to place a colony under military control to get the Mark II back. Quatro agrees, and Bright is quite surprised at his appearance. ^_^ Brekks then semi-pressures Bright into joining them, which he does. Sleggar then walks around the ship, bumping into Camille who meets Fa, who also came with the refugees aboard White Base. Her parents have been taken captive because of their relation to Camille. He apologises to Fa and curses the Titans. ****** Scenario 4 - A Gundam called Death (same title as the Gundam Wing episode where Duo first appears) Everyone discusses the fact that the Titans are not pursuing you as expected. Quatro suggests they make a surprise attack on the Titans (who won't be anticipating such a move) and Henken and Brekks agree. The Ladissh is contacted and mission plans are made. We then see Quatro meet up with Kingman, a Jion contact. He asks various questions and verifies that the Axis forces have returned as well as the Delaz Fleet, and both are moving towards Earth. Cima Garahau's ship has also docked somewhere nearby. Quatro also finds it strange that the Titans are moving at the same time the Jions are...he sends Kingman to investigate the matter further and asks about Psycho Frame progress; Anaheim Electronics has come up with a working model, the Nu Gundam. (Boy, this is accelerating events...it's not supposed to show up for another 5-6 years. ^_^) Camille asks Astonauge about Type-100 and he responds with some information about the Zeta Gundam Project. Back on the bridge, Camille, Quatro and Ryouto talk about why they fight, and control is turned over to Bright, who orders the attack to begin. However, you've been tailed! On the battlefield, Bright and Quatro speculate as to how the Jion and Titans are working together. On Turn 3, Duo shows up and talks about destroying the Titans who are threatening the colonies. He will then attack the Alexandria. (but with little success, considering how much Deathscythe has been down-powered) --- Battle Tactics : Again, pretty easy. If Camille and Quatro use Concentrate, there's basically nothing that can hit them. Camille can convince Emma to make her leave the battlefield. You can't destroy the Alexandria; so enough damage and it'll run away. Trophies : Repair Kits from Titans officers --- After the battle is over, Duo comes on board, saying that he will join the AEUG and that's he's from their sponsors, the L2 colonies. But Quatro notes his Gundam's different design and says it comes from quarters other than Anaheim Electronics (which as every Gundam fan knows, makes most of the mecha) Then there's a brief conversation with Duo and Astonauge when he tells the mechanic not to do any maintenance on Deathscythe (he'll handle it himself) and Astonauge says that the Z Project won't lose to it. Emma is then introduced to Quatro - he lets Recoa supervise her for a while and resolves to find out more about her and Duo. Duo is then seen talking into a recorder, stating that he's snuck aboard the Agahma, met Char Aznable and is now continuing his duty... ****** Scenario 5 - Ghosts of Jion The White Base, tracking the two ships, verifies that the Alexandria is headed for Jaburo and the Zanjibar to the Pacific Ocean. There is some more conversation, and Duo informs Emma of the tragedy that the Titans started, gassing a whole colony that opposed them. Apparently, the Titans were worried about the rise of Newtypes in space and wanted to stop it. Both Camille and Emma react with horror to this news, and course is set to chase the Zanjibar, but just then a new ship is picked up on the radar. The ship (another Zanjibar) turns out to be commanded by Ma Kube, who sends the Black Trinity squadron out to attack. They plan to stop the Agahma's re-entry into Earth airspace, and Bright reminisces about how 7 years ago, the White Base fought a battle with the exact same timing. After one turn, Ma Kube will talk to Char, telling him to return to Hamaan Khan since his recon mission is over. Char will refuse, saying that Ma Kube simply plans to resurrect the tragedy of 7 years past - now is not the time for Earth and Spacenoids to fight. --- Battle Tactics : Your mission objective here is simply to protect the White Base for 7 turns, but I suggest you take out as many of the enemy as possible for more money and experience. Again, it's not very difficult to wipe out the entire enemy force with judicious use of Concentrate. Trophies : None. --- The battle has disrupted the Agahma's course calculations (just like 7 years ago ^_^) and they land in Japan instead. However, Bright says that this isn't too bad as lots of Super Robots who are willing to help them are located there. ****** Scenario 6 - Decisive Battle at North Pole Base Forces from the South Pole approach Japan, and Bright orders everyone to observe them. They turn out to be some Super Robots (Mazinger Z and the Getta Team) which wonder about you...whether you're from the Federation or the Titans. Suddenly, Duo launches without permission, saying he wants to test the power of the Super Robots. Another choice : 1) Stop Duo. 2) Don't stop Duo. I chose to stop Duo, the hot-headed fool. ^_^ It doesn't matter which one you pick - if you don't stop him, Duo attacks but realises how strong the Super Robots are. Anyway, since I did, Duo rages at you angrily, saying all Earthnoids want to do is spoil the colonies where he grew up. Just then, Count Brokken and Mashma Zero show up, proving that the Super Robot baddies and the Neo Jion are working together. The Agahma launches it's mobile suits and the battle starts. --- Battle Strategies : I highly recommend you place Emma in Methuss and launch her as support. Gather all your units in one place and wait for the enemy to approach, using your aces as the main fighters. Trophies : Booster from Mashma Propellant Tank from Brokken --- Bright meets with Commander Gou, where the latter apologises for considering him an enemy. He quizzes Quatro about the AEUG's goals and says he's happy to meet people who think the way he does. He agrees to help you by gathering information. All the pilots meet and are introduced to each other - also, there are some problems with Camille's and Boss's names. ^_^ There is some conversation about Duo, who seemed an enemy, becoming an ally, and then the stage ends. ****** Scenario 7 - Let's Combine! Everyone talks about how bad it is since the Titans, Doctor Hell AND the Jion seem to be working together. Their objective seems to be Ataria (the huge crater formed by Operation British during the One Year War) and the EOT spaceship located there. The ship is the reason behind how Bian Zoldark has gotten so far with mecha research and has been kept under wraps ever since it fell 5 years ago. Currently, the SDF forces are protecting the ship since it's technology is wanted by both the Jions and Titans. There is lots more conversation, in which you discover that DC created the SDF with it's advanced technology to combat the aliens. We then head over to the Combattler Team, who are about to launch to fight Garuda. After some trial and error, they finally get their brainwaves aligned closely enough to enable the Robot to combine them. --- Battle Tactics : The only danger here is Garuda - he can kill you if you're careless. Besides that, there should be absolutely no problem with this stage; Combattler V is tough enough to withstand anything. Just keep it on the Connection squares to regain HP and EN and be sure to use Great Effort when killing Garuda. Trophies : Propellant Tank from Garuda --- After the battle, Bright talks to Combattler V's creator, who sends them with you, stating that he has no great love for the Titans and wants them to gain more battle experience anyway. The team is then introduced (with Ryouma saying he's the leader because he's in the first robot ^_^) There is some conversation about tactics (the geography terms are explained to you) Commander Gou then contacts you and asks you to go to Tokyo, where Shiu Shirakawa (remember him?) is working on the Hyukevain. The main base of DC is also located there. ****** Scenario 8 - Attack! The Name is Giant Robo! This scene opens with Duo making another report to his unknown superiors. He is almost caught by Kouji and Camille, then joined by the Combattler Team, who want to take a break and sightsee in Tokyo. You're asked as well : 1) Go with Kouji and the rest. 2) Don't go with Kouji and the rest. I chose to go - what's war without a little relaxation now and then? ^_^ The difference in your decision is that if you choose to go with Kouji, Combattler V, Mazinger, Aphrodite A, Gundam Deathscythe and Hyukevain Mk.II will appear, whereas if you didn't, Getta Robo, Gundam Mk.II, Type 100, Methuss, three Rick Diazs, the Core Booster, White Base and your Hyukevain will appear instead. In town, you all meet up with the Giant Robo team, who are being pursued by their enemies. (I know nothing about Giant Robo, so things with them won't be very clear) Sayaka says you should contact the Agahma and you all rush back. On the battlefield, the two people (who names I don't know - I told you I know nothing about Giant Robo!) are told to hand over Doctor Elly to them by Q Boss, but they run off after being directed by a mysterious voice...which turns out to be the pilot of Giant Robo! Once Q Boss is destroyed, two more BF generals will appear and discuss things, including disturbing news that they're trying to hack into DC and Nerv. (apparently, most of the Giant Robo stuff is taken from the first episode of Giant Robo : the Animation) --- Battle Tactics : Easy, easy, easy. Giant Robo will take little to no damage from the enemies and deal plenty in return. If you have problems with this stage you should give up playing the game. ^_^ Trophies : Repair Kit from boss --- Bright and the rest discuss the BF Group and Giant Robo after battle. Most of the Super Robot pilots know about it by name; the creator was found missing with it or something. (Told you - me know nothing Giant Robo) Bright then tells Ryouto to get ready to meet Doctor Shiu. ****** Scenario 9 - Unknown Disaster On the way to Shiu's office, Bright and Ryouto have a conversation - he'll have to return the mecha to DC, but Bright says that they still have need of his power if he's certain that he wants to fight with them and not for revenge. When you meet Shiu, he thanks Ryouto for gathering important data and introduces him to one of the members of the SRX Plan, which the Hyukevain is part of. Ryouto then questions them about the events surrounding the original Hyukevain accident - Shiu agrees that a third party was involved, since there were too many unexplained occurences. (Like Ryouto's brain waves being read by the mecha that easily.) Kark (the fellow with the blue hair) says that it's probably because Ryouto might be a Newtype that that happened. There is also some reading between the lines as Ryouto suspects that Shiu is not what he seems. (Like since when was he ever?) When he leaves, Shiu remarks that his abilities are definitely above average. Kark says that he might be what is called a Boosted Human. There is then even more conversation where Kark says to Shiu's face that he doesn't really know what he (Shiu) is after. Shiu is also aware of the BF Group's hacking efforts. As the scene ends, there is a cryptic mention of Granzon... Back on the Agahma, you discover that the Titans are going to attempt a coup' d'etat of the Federation Army, just like they do every game. You head there, planning to rendezvous with Henken along the way. However, as you're travelling along the sea, a mysterious phenomenon occurs, blinding all the Agahma's sensors, and a bird of white light forms. An unknown robot appears in the middle of the light and no one can tell what it is. Garuda and his soldiers also show up. Meanwhile, the robot (which is actually Cybaster; like we can't tell from it's shape?) tries to find Shiu and Granzon (the same thing every game, as usual) but can't. Despite Bright not giving permission, Kouji and Ryouma launch to help Cybaster anyway, which is in trouble because it can't use it's Cyflash on Earth. (Just like in all the previous SRWs, there has to be SOME reason you can't use Cyflash...^_^) On the second turn of battle, the SRX Team shows up and offers their assistance. Ingram, the team leader, also scans Cybaster and the latter reacts with surprise - the scan was done using La Gias technology, which no one on Earth (besides Shiu, of course) should possess. --- Battle Tactics : Bright lets you all launch anyway, so don't worry about going out undermanned. Group all your units together on the small island you start on. On Turn 3, the Aerogaiters will appear and advance on you - they shouldn't be a problem. The only thing that you should take note of in this stage is that it's an excellent place to level up your repair units - Garuda will only attack Combattler V, so as long as it's level is hit enough you can sit around letting it get hit and rack up the experience. Trophies : Magnetic Coating from Garuda ****** Masaki collapses after the battle due to exhaustion, and Bright orders him taken back to the Agahma. Ingram tells Rai and Ryusei to return to base much to the latter's disappointment - being a big Super Robot fan, he wanted to take pictures with Getta and Mazinger. ^_^ There is much discussion about Masaki later, with Astonauge thinking that his robot is powered by magic since there is no scientific explanation for how it works. Ingram then meets and discusses stuff with Bright, including the fact that he doesn't think Cybaster is an EOT mech either. He also gives Ryouto the T-Link data for the Hyukevain and takes Masaki with him. You receive another contact from Commander Gou, who reports that there has been some Titans activity around South Ataria. This prompts a discussion with everybody as they decide whether or not to check it out and risk being late for rendezvouing with Henken. You, once again, get to choose : 1. Head to South Ataria. 2. Head to Jaburo. Since I wanted to see the SDF forces, I picked South Ataria. There will then be a scene with Banjo (the Daitan pilot) and Garrison (his butler) as they discuss the military situation as well - Banjo appears very concerned. ****** Scenario 10 - Awaken, Champion This chapter opens on the Demon Empire (from Raideen) and Perostan, who uses the absence of Getta and Mazinger from Japan to attack Raideen. We then move to Ingram reporting to Gou; he says that besides some bugs, the R series is battle-ready. He also reports that Ryusei is fighting above average, making Gou point out that both he and Ryouto were both ordinary high school students before - doesn't he have a hand in this? Ingram evades the question and conversation ends. Ryusei and Rai, for their part, report back to Aya, their supervisor. Then follows some conversation with Banjo in which Ryusei demonstrates his amazing knowledge of Super Robots - he knows everything about Daitan, including it's measurements. ^_^ An alarm is heard and they all head to Gou's office, where he tells them the Demon Empire is attacking. You can : 1) Attack immediately 2) Attack carefully I chose to attack...I like Ryusei's style. ^_^ Raideen is unfortunately unable to enter battle because of heavy damage, so despite not having a fully working T-Link system, Aya and Rai launch to back him up, complaning that he didn't even wait for the attack order. Things look bad when enemy reinforcements show up until a mysterious voice (the same as the one that Akira heard when he first piloted Raideen) tells him to awaken. --- Battle Tactics : Get everyone on the Special Base squares so they Hamesakiefit from the regeneration and increased defense. It really isn't too hard here either mainly because of Raideen's starting 120 morale. Trophies : High Performance Targeter from Shakin --- The conversations after battle aren't very interesting, so this time I'm not translating them. Sorry. :( ****** Scenario 11 - Gundamnap (as in kidnap) Masaki wakes up aboard the Agahma. After some disorientation, he gets up and and talks to Bright, who wants to know more about him and Cybaster. However, after getting information on where Shiu is, he leaves immediately - Bright lets him leave, though. Just then, a triple A distress call comes in from Trinton Base in Australia and you all head there. The base, under command of General Kowen, is being attacked for a very simple reason - as Shapiro says, it's because the GP-02 Physalis is located there and the Jions want it's nuke. (Another thing that happens every SRW game. ^_^) We switch to Shinobu bitching about how he hates Shapiro being his commanding officer until the famous scene from Stardust Memory is enacted; Gato stealing the GP-02. Once on the battlefield, events continue as in the anime, except for Shapiro's mental plotting, of course. Reduce the GP-02's HP to below 50% and Ramba Ral and his crew will show up...leading Kou to say that since both the Nightmare of Solomon and the Blue Nova have shown up, all that needs to be done is to have the Red Comet appear too. ^_^ --- Battle Tactics : Once again, place all your units on the base squares. Gato is not too difficult to take out (he has no ranged attack) but be careful of Ramba Ral; despite only piloting a weak Gouf he's quite strong. Trophies : Hybrid Armor from Ramba Ral --- Bright asks Kowen about the GP-02 and their worst suspicions are confirmed - the Jion are going to use it in some way, violating the Antartic Treaty made during the One Year War. (The Treaty states that no nuclear, colony or biochemical weapons are to be used.) Quatro, from his stay on Axis, knows that this plan was made some time before, but who is behind it? Shapiro then appears and he is introduced as someone who hopes to blend Super Robot technology (the Dancougar beast mecha) and mobile suits to defeat the aliens. Kowen requests that since his base cannot spare additional troops, you hunt down the stolen Unit-2. Shapiro also sends the Dancougar team along, and you get some more enhancement parts. Kou's and Nina's conversation (and later Bright and Monsha's, with the exception of a few lines) is straight from the anime, so no translation for that one. Shinobu joins in later and is right on Kou's side, leading Burning to break it up. The pilots then talk among themselves about the need for support pilots (just some light conversation) until Shapiro shows up and demands the combat data of the Aerogaiters. (Remember the fight with Masaki?) They give it to him grudgingly - most of the pilots don't like his attitude. He then singles out Ryouto and asks him to come to the electronics room later. You say : 1) Go 2) Don't go Since I can't stand Shapiro, I said no. The pilots all agree among themselves that he's a bad sort, and Chizuru asks some questions about Newtypes. (Basically intended as information for non-Gundam savvy players.) The two conversations later are unimportant. (Well, they are, sorta, but I'm tired.) ****** Scenario 12 - Man of Ambition Shinobu meets Ryouto and they talk for a while - he's surprised that the pilot of the Hyuvekain is just a kid, while Ryouto think they're about the same age. Shapiro shows up and Shinobu gets into an argument with him, broken up when Recoa appears. Shapiro, Recoa and Sara talk about the EOT and the war for a bit, and he reveals a suprising fact - the SDF was not formed to combat the aliens, but to enable civilians to escape from Earth in the event that the humans couldn't win against the EOT. Sara and Recoa can't quite believe this, but Shapiro assures them it is the truth. An emergency signal comes in from Commander Gou - Jaburo has fallen to the Titans! However, the strange thing is that they've only managed to do it with the help of another organization which is NOT the Jions...Sleggar suspects that it might be someone from Jupiter which helped them. There is much conversation about what to do and eventually, Bright and Gou decide to remain on their former course - you are to continue chasing GP-02 and meet with Henken. Just then, Jion forces attack. Once all the Jions have run away, the Aerogaiters appear and prepare to attack. However, Shapiro goes off with Sara to make contact with them - Bright orders them back, but Shapiro disagrees, saying that Earth cannot win with it's present technology and he must go to learn more about them. (If it isn't immediately obvious, he's doing this for his own good, not Earth's.) Sara tries to follow but her verniers give out and she is left behind. --- Battle Tactics : Gato will appear and run - if fact, most of the enemy will retreat from the stage past a certain point, so if you want to kill them (not that tough) you'll have to load all your ground units into the Agahma and fly it right across, using your aces and Super Robots to absorb damage. Otherwise, relax and enjoy the stage. ^_^ Trophies : Propellant Tank from August (you can probably get stuff from Cima and Gato, but I couldn't kill them) --- Sara is placed in solitary once she gets back from the ship (again, this happens in every SRW ^_^) and Shinobu scolds her for leaving until he's threatened with solitary by Bright. The pilots talk among themselves (again) about how badly things have turned out until someone suggests a round-robin story. You : 1) Participate 2) Don't participate Since being friendly is good, I decided to give it a try. After the story's done, you all fall to talking about until Hayato comes up with an interesting theory regarding the recent events - since so many important events in history have surrounded Ataria (including some large Super Robot battles in the past) he thinks that some force must be influencing them. What do you think? 1) It's just chance 2) There's someone behind it I was going to pick 2) but pressed 1) instead. :( There's then a report that GP-02 has fled to space, and you receive a message from Hayato Kobayashi at Karaba, asking you to rendezvous with them at South America, which Bright acceeds to. ****** Scenario 13 - Comet seen by a Young Girl The chapter opens on Jamitov discussing war plans with his subordinates. Many different organizations are mentioned (including Gundam Wing's OZ) and Scirocco is thought to be dangerous but usable. The Agahma, while on the way to their rendezvous, detect a fast-falling object from the sky...Bright thinks it's a meteorite, but it's revealed to be a mobile suit. You're also attacked by OZ at that time. When on the battlefield, Zechs asks you all to surrender in the name of Treize Kushinada, head of OZ, saying that unknown mobile suit and Super Robot forces like you have will eventually be a threat to Earth's security. (Duo's mission is also revealed in more detail - apparently, he is to destroy the Agahma if need be.) As the conversation ends, you : 1) Agree with Zechs 2) Don't agree Why the hell should I surrender if I outnumber the enemy? ^_^ Duo agrees with you and says that you shouldn't work with them. The mobile suit from the sky pops up later - it's Wing Gundam, a fact that should surprise no one. ^_^ Relena is also watching the fight and despite her butler's insistence, doesn't leave until after it is over. After you beat Zechs, who should appear but none other than the legendary Gundam pilot himself, Amuro Rei, accompanied by Chris and Usso. He tells you to talk later and finishes the fight. (Well, if you can't finish the fight with Amuro I can't help you...he's a Newtype Level 3!) --- Battle Tactics : Use this level to power up all the characters you need to. It's not too tough. Use Duo to convince Hiro later and DON'T let him kill Zechs and Noin, which he will make a beeline for if you let him. Trophies : Chobahm Armor from Zechs (don't let Hiro kill him!) High Performance Radar from Hiro (probably something from Noin but Hiro killed her) --- The scene after the battle is directly taken from when Hiro and Relena first meet. Zechs and Treize meet to further discuss their war plans as they have to factor in the 5 Gundams that fell. On the Agahma, Amuro meets and catches up with all his old pals and tells Camille that one day, he may become a better pilot than him. He also talks to Quatr...I mean, Char Aznable, being suspicious of the latter's plans - apparently, he came back to Earth to avert a coming disaster. Mabet, Kouji and Usso talk a bit she tells him that Usso's been travelling with them to find the person that took care of him after his hometown was destroyed by the Jion. Duo asks whether the pilots have seen Amuro and they all talk about how good a pilot he is. Shinobu also pops down to solitary to question Sara about why she went off with Shapiro, but he doesn't get any answers. Hayato meets Bright and tells them that in order to gather more supporters, they've made an alliance with Sanc Kingdom and Relena Peacecraft. Duo also leaves, having finished his mission. ****** Scenario 14 - A Promise made to Father The Giant Robo team meets up together, and apparently one of them has some trouble with Daisaku getting to control Robo since he's just a kid, leading to another one (remember, I know nothing about the Giant Robo people!) telling him that when they were kids they had to do a lot too, including kill people. Daisaku heads to the office to speak to his commander, who's received surprising news from Doctor Elly - there is an ancient robot that's been sleeping in the mountains near their base for 2000 years. (Actually, I think there was another one, but I can't be sure.) Anyway, they talk some more about the BF Group and Doctor Hell working together until predictably, enemies attack. The facility is attacked by a single enemy - Albert the Shockwave. He proceeds to take out a Jegan with one attack and continues his search for Daisaku until another member of the team launches. She is no match for him, though, and is only saved by the intervention of the guy with the red hat (I really need to learn more about this series ^_^) --- Battle Tactics : Again, another easy battle, at least for the first part. When the Wing pilots appear, remember that they are a lot tougher than their mecha look, so make sure you send good pilots against them. Trophies : Bio Sensor from Iwan --- Commander Gou informs you that the war's balance has shifted with the differing forces within it fighting one another, and once more forms the 13th Autonomous Corps, Lond Bell and sends Akira in Raideen with you. Daisaku also comes along. There is also a scene with Daisaku meeting with Usso and Kou and Kouji wondering why so many children are involved in this war. Nina, Kou and Camille are also working on the plans for Zeta Gundam. Meanwhile, Hiro is compiling another report for his superiors until Relena arrives, asking him whether the winged Gundam is his. He replies that she knows too much and is about to kill her when he realises he can't. Relena says that it is because he is too kind. As he leaves, Relena pleads silently for him not to run... ****** Scenario 15 - Angel Attack (this is a title from one of the EVA episodes) Sara is out of solitary, and she and Shinobu exchange some comments, causing Mora to remark that they aren't being that honest. Sayaka then asks Kouji that since they're back in Japan, they should check back with her father's lab for flying equipment for Mazinger. Kouji agrees and they're just about to get permission from Bright when an Angel attacks. Choices : 1) Attack 2) Don't attack just yet I chose to attack. The scene switches to NERV HQ, where Fuyutsuki and Gendou discuss the coming of the Angels. Gendou orders Rei out in Unit-0 even though there might be some problems. Back with Gou, nothing they're doing even scratches the Angel. Gendou plans some more and you move to the battlefield. Shinji isn't in a shelter yet and Misato's looking for him...Gendou then contacts Bright, telling him to hold off the Angel for 3 minutes, then cuts the contact, leading Kouji to say that he thinks Gendou's a rat. (There's also this line with Ryouto sensing something from the Angel.) On the third turn, Unit-0 launches but can't penetrate the AT Field of the Angel. Everyone wonders how to kill it until Kouji says that just like any other barrier, if enough power is poured on it will collapse. The Aerogaiters and Albert make momentary appearances to gather data, and after a while, a broken link connection forces Rei to retreat. Once you do beat the Angel. though, it simply regenerates, forcing you to retreat as well to rethink your strategy. --- Battle Tactics : Make sure you launch all your Super Robots and high-powered units for this battle (be sure to include some repair ones) because you need to deal more than 4000 damage to break an AT Field. Cast Motivate to pump up your attack power and enable your Super Robots' more powerful attacks, then go to it. Shouldn't be too hard. Trophies : None. --- Gendou plans more after the battle and tells Fuyutsuki not to worry - he has another "spare" coming in. Bright receives a message from NERV telling him to stand down in further conflicts with Angels and wonders just what NERV's up to. ****** Scenario 16 - Roar, EVA-Unit 1 The first part of the chapter is taken from the very first EVA episode. However, this time you get a choice : 1) Pilot 2) Don't pilot Since I'm a big EVA fan, I chose to pilot. ^_^ The scenes proceed as per the episode after this. For the fight, all you have to let Shinji do is die and his EVA will go berserk (again, just like in the series) and rip apart Sachiel, leaving Lond Bell and Albert with nothing to do, so they both return. (I.e, there is no Battle Tactics section for this Scenario) After the battle, there is a conversation with Keel, Gendou and the rest of SEELE, again exactly from the anime but with mentions of STMCs and sending the EVAs with Lond Bell. He then talks a bit more with Fuyutsuki - the conversation is damn obscure but serves to show that Gendou knows a lot of what's going on. ****** Scenario 17 - GR vs GR2 Basque Ohm of the Titans contacts Commander Gou, and they have a rather tension-filled conversation (Basque knows the Gou, ostensibly under the command of the Federation, has had relations with the AEUG) in which Gou insinuates that the Titans's standing forces are not enough to deal with the amount of enemies present on Earth. Bright arrives and talks to Gou to receive surprinsing news - the Titans might want to work with them, although NERV doesn't. The pilots have an interesting conversation among themselves where Akira says that Raideen might know the EVAs and Angels - since it was created so long ago and has part of a mind of it's own, it has a memory. He also thinks that the "god of destruction" the mysterious voice mentioned to him could refer to the Angels or the Aerogaiters. BF Group enemies then attack (there is some light conversation between Haro, Robot, Daisaku and Usso before this) and Daisaku launches before anyone can say anything. The map begins with Selbantes demanding Granzon from Shiu - Shiu is surprised that the BF Group's information sources are so good as to not only detect the existence of Granzon but know it's capabilities. Needless to say, he doesn't hand it over, and Giant Robo launches to fight, but not before being told by Selbantes that his current GR2 is a new model. --- Battle Tactics : Power Giant Robo up a bit by using twin Motivates, then wait until turn 3 when Lond Bell arrives. This is not really a tough battle - use it to level your weak characters up a bit. If you can be bothered, try to kill the second boss, Gorgon, before destroying Selbantes since he'll retreat if you don't. (He also gives you a lot of cash.) Trophies : Mega Booster from Selbantes High Performance Targeter from Gorgon --- After the battle, Kouji chews Daisaku out for attacking without the order; the latter gets angry and runs off. Ryouma asks Kouji whether perhaps he's said too much; he agrees, but he was pissed off himself because the enemies exploited Mazinger's non-flight disadvantage. Bright then talks to Shiu and requests the latter's assistance with the SDF-1, which he gives. Daisaku meets his teammate, who cheers him up. Meanwhile, tea and cakes are made for the pilots - unfortuantely for Kou, they are carrot cakes. ^_^ Daisaku and Kouji make up later as well. Bright then receives a communication from Gou, telling him that Zeta is ready and they should be meeting Henken soon - he also gives permission for Mazinger and Getta to return to Japan to get powerups. The scene switches to the Big Fire base, where they discuss their plans, which include learning more about NERV so they can use it's technology. ****** Scenario 18 - Pulse of Zeta Zeta Gundam is ready, so Camille and Emma go off...actually, Emma's coming along because Henken wants her to, although he doesn't admit it. ^_^ Camille heads down to where Zeta and Re-GZ are, meeting with both Keyla and, surprisingly, Fa, whom Camille demands to know why she's on board. Just then, though, enemies attack and you : 1) Let Fa launch 2) Don't let Fa launch Since I'm a nice guy, I let her launch. ^_^ (Though you shouldn't or you'll lose the chance to gain an Experience Point.) --- Battle Tactics : The first part of the battle will be tight. Make use of Emma's and Camille's Concentrates to minimize their damage and sit tight, firing Zeta's Hyper Mega Launcher when ready. Things will get easier when Lond Bell arrives, but watch out for the group of Asshimas and Bran in particular - they can be tough. Besides that, Hamesaki in the Andromeda is a pushover (use Lucky when killing him though) and you can take out Trowa for some extra experience and a Repair Kit S if you want. Trophies : Bio Sensor from Rozamia Hybrid Armor from Bran Repair Kit S from Trowa --- After the battle, Amuro, Gou, Quatro, Bright and Henken discuss how the war is going - things are changing rapidly with the addition of so many new factors into the conflict, including the Crossbone Vanguard and the forces from Jupiter. Kou and Keith down at the warehouse admire Camille's new Zeta Gundam, and Ryusei shows up only to run off to see Raideen...and get a vernier burn for his pains. ^_^ Later on, Ryouto visits him in the infirmary and you : 1) Ask about the SRX Team 2) Ask about Ingram I chose the SRX Team. Ryusei tells you that it's composed of mainly telepathics and people with high mental ability...however, it turns out he got in by being an ace at a robot simulation game. ^_^ Akira and Ryouto are concerned that the team is raising superhumans for some other purpose, though. ****** Scenario 19 - Battle on the Second Line The scene with Shinji and Ritsuko (and the later conversation between Misato and Ritsuko) is again out of the anime. Later on, Touji (as per the EVA episode) wants to find the person who piloted the EVA Unit so badly as to hurt his sister - unfortunately for him, he happens to pick on the wrong transfer pilot, Hiro Yui. ^_^ After being hit around a bit, Relena comes to the school to get directions as to where to find our brown-haired boy. There follows a weird scene with Rei interrupting Hiro's report and they both not saying a lot to each other. ^_^ Touji catches up with Shinji and beats him up until Rei tells him that there's an emergency. At NERV HQ, you are presented with a choice, but I was pressing the button too fast and got the first one instead...sorry. :( Anyway, battle starts soon after, with the Titans trying to pull rank on NERV so they can observe how well the EVA fights. Shinji is told to attack them and does so although he doesn't want to kill - Misato curses the Titans for posing such a problem. A turn into the combat, Wing Gundam shows up (much to everyone's consternation - they don't know anything about it) and attacks Shinji, causing no damage. Kensuke, Touji and Relena are caught in the fight and Hiro stops attacking after she talks to him. Misato then authorizes the entry of the three into the EVA's entry plug to get them out of the warzone (much to Ritsuko's displeasure) and Hiro retreats. Shinji is told to too, but he amazingly shows some spine and refuses, saying that people will be hurt by the Angel if he does. Relena agrees with him and he cuts the comm circuit to NERV. --- Battle Tactics : The EVA is basically invulnerable, so you should have no trouble with it. And considering the Getta Team and a powered-up Mazinger return later on in the stage, this stage should is pushover. Though the Angel says it gives 0 cash, kill it (and all subsequent ones) with Lucky anyway. Trophies : Magnetic Coating from Jerid Propellant Tank from Kakricon --- Afterwards, the NERV team is told to receive Long Bell. Mazinger and Getta are welcomed back, and Musashi's absence is explained - he took a missile hit while protecting the lab and sustained heavy injuries. Shinji gets chewn out by Misato afterwards and, declaring angrily that although he was scared he felt that he had to protect people, leaves, though Misato is later worried about him. ****** Scenario 20 - Decisive Battle in Neo-Tokyo 2 (this is almost the same title as an EVA episode) Bright and the rest will go to NERV, while Misato and Ritsuko receive news that the EVAs will be sent to Lond Bell. The rest of the pilots go shopping and not surprisingly, Ryusei wants to buy some Super Robot models. ^_^ Shinji wonders about his piloting the EVA just as some pilots come along - Ryouto and Ryusei will sense something coming, which they think is an Angel. Bright, Amuro and Quatro head to Gendou's office, where he orders them to do as he commands and doesn't give any information regarding the Angels or EVAs, seriously pissing (and surprising) them off. Just then, an Angel attacks. Shinji returns just in time and Gendou orders Unit-01 to the surface, while making Lond Bell wait. Just as Unit-01 is launched, Ramiel takes it down with an energy blast (again, as per the episode) and proceeds to attack NERV HQ. The pilots, not being able to deal with this new threat, resolve to wait for further developments. Bright and the others meet with Misato to discuss how to destroy the Angel - at first stymied by it's powerful AT Field, they eventually come up with a plan and submit it to Gendou, who tells them to go ahead. It consists of using souped-up versions of the Mazinger and Getta engines to power a large Positron Rifle and having a Super-Magnetic shield from the Combattler professor as defense. (Basically the same as the EVA episode - who do they think they're fooling?) Ingram meets up with Gendou and adds the use of his Tronium Engine, a one-use machine that is based on the Black Hole Engine that destroyed the moon base. Rei enters Shinji's room and gives him the sched - arrggh, the episode is basically lifted from EVA but with small changes, so I'm keeping translation to a minumum. Anyway, once you start fighting, the Demon Empire appears, revealing that they've been waiting till the Angel appeared to keep you busy. Once all the enemies are taken out, the Yashima plan commences and events once again mirror the particular episode. --- Battle Tactics : Do NOT let Shinji get attacked or the mission is over. Also, since you'll need to kill all the enemies within 4 turns, I suggest you move FAST - sending Raideen straight into the midst of them with a Concentrate to back him up is a good strategy. This will also free up some space for your other units. Trophies : Propellant Tank from Shakin --- After the battle, Lond Bell, still under NERV's jurisdiction, is sent to pick up Unit-02 at South Ataria and meet with the SDF as well - a command that leads Bright to suspect that NERV has some relations with the SDF. Ingram also says that wherever the EVA goes, the Angels will follow. Brekks then contacts Bright and tells him that the Jions might be aiming at Konpei Island (Solomon, actually) and the ships there with GP-02, leading him to suggest you give him a few units to stop them. The Dancougar team's professor also contacts you, telling you that Gou's been captured - surprisingly, the fat man turns out to be a ninja, so he should be okay. He also wants the Dancougar team sent back to undergo further testing. Bright, thinking on this data, splits everyone into three teams - one to head to South Ataria, one to support the AEUG and the last to go with the Dancougar people. He'll then ask if you want the explanation again : 1) Yes 2) No Then decide whether you will go to : 1) Space 2) With the Dancougar team or 3) To meet EVA-02 Since I'm an EVA fan above all else, I picked 3. So off you go to South Ataria. ****** Scenario 21 - Holy Warriors On the way to South Ataria, the pilots wonder about the EVA's true purpose. Ingram talks to Ryouto for a bit, then there is a strange light and something approaches the ship. Drake announces himself to be from Bystrom Well and asks for representatives from the Agahma to be sent. Drake explains that Bystrom Well is a realm below Earth's sea and wants your help in "ending" the strife plaguing it - Bright thinks he's just like the Titans. Ingram also meets up with Shott, a former SRX team member who somehow ended up there. His intentions are to research the Aura power that Bystrom Well mecha possess to combat the Eot - at least that is what he says, since Ingram doesn't seem to trust him. Bright and the others hold a conference later where they resolve that Drake's intentions are bad and try to escape - they are aided by Cham and Nii (members of anti-Drake forces) in doing so. When you return to the Agahma, Bright tries to effect an escape, but the engines are down, so he's forced to launch forces to protect it instead. --- Battle Tactics : Nothing too fancy here. The enemies will go straight for the Agahma, so make a defensive line and prevent them from doing so. All of them have Aura Barriers, though, so don't use too many beam weapons. (Or if you're doing so, make sure your aces are firing them.) Drake's flagship will retreat before you can do anything to it, and so will Todd and Burn, so kill them quick. Trophies : Magnetic Coating from Todd Magnetic Coating from Burn --- After the battle, Nii explains the situation on Bystrom Well to you and offers to send you home - Sho (after he and Marvel are introduced), however, declines. You then head to the Rau Kingdom, a country that opposes Drake. ****** Scenario 22 - Elle's Spirit Power Sho explains why humans have such strong Aura power (their feelings tend to be much stronger) and Bright splits his team, one to head to Rau and the other to protect the Agahma. --- Battle Tactics : All units have to reach the northeastern point on the map before 8 turns are up or you lose. However, if you are VERY good, you can actually kill all the enemies on the map and still get there in time. Actually, it's not that hard - just make good use of your magic and you should make it, but remember; KEEP MOVING. Trophies : None. --- Up in the mountains, the team meets Elle, the princess of Mi, a kingdom destroyed by Drake. She foretells (she has some spirit power, like the episode title says) a great disaster coming that will involve the entire world, not just Bystrom Well. However, she unfortunately cannot open the Aura Road that will take you back to Earth and takes leave of you - but not before she speaks to Ingram and tells him to change his path, to which he replies that his path is already set. Meanwhile, Drake is having a family conference and tries to explain to Rimel, his daughter, about the importance of allying with the country of Ku (don't you just hate the kingdom names here?) to end the war - however, she wants no part in her father's schemes. He then talks to Shott and commands him to take down the Agahma with the new Aura Bombers and the pilots from Earth. ****** Scenario 23 - Queen of Na Country Ryouto and Ryusei have a short conversation about the SRX Team and Ingram, and Sho wonders whether his little power can save the world. On the battlefield, they meet with Shera in the Gran Garan, and you are given a choice : 1) Protect it 2) Let it run I picked 1. Later on in the battle, Shera will give Bilvine to Sho to help him fight. --- Battle Tactics : This is a slightly harder battle than what you've been accustomed to. Miuji will come at you the moment the battle begins, but don't engage her until you've destroyed all the small fry that come at you to power up your morale. Alternatively, since she gains morale herself if you do that, you might not want to. Anyway, use Ingram and Amuro to weaken Miuji and Shott and you should be okay...you'll need to use quite a lot of magic here, but as long as you're careful you should win without any casualties. If Sho dies you also lose the battle, so be careful with him. Trophies : Bio Sensor from Miuji Psycho Frame from Shott --- Shera meets the team after the battle and talks about the war; it's not as easy as simply returning for you, because whatever happens in Bystrom Well (it being the world of souls) will affect the world above. You then head to meet someone in the country of Ra that might be able to send you back. ****** Scenario 24 - Aura Road Burn, Julie and Galaria plan how to track you down, then the scene shifts to Bright, who's worried that they haven't contacted Amuro yet. Quatro asks him what he thinks of Ingram - he's a good pilot, but actually might be a spy for someone and is definitely working in the background. They also think that the SRX team (as Ryouto previously suspected) is trying to do something with superhuman research. Daisaku and Co. are resting in the forest when they spy a strange shadow and report back to the Agahma. During the battle, Cham will also talk about a feeling of fear she has...which is later realized when Galaria expends vast amounts of aura energy to battle Sho, which opens up the Aura Road. (and incidentally ends the stage.) --- Battle Tactics Easy battle. You probably won't be able to kill any of the bosses before the stage-ending event happens, so don't sweat that. Trophies : Apogee Motor from Burn (stuff from the others, probably, but see above) ****** Scenario 25 - Skies above Tokyo You seem to be back on Earth, but before you even have a chance to catch your breath, enemies attack. Galaria is still after Sho, even on Earth - convince her to have a scene happen with the Super Robot enemies. Sho tells her that he's going to save Tokyo and not bother with her; Galaria, in a frenzy of indecision, returns to Bystrom Well. Marvel and the rest appear and Sho asks them to aid him. Later on in the stage, the rest of the Lond Bell team show up too. There is also a small scene with Mio and Ryusei, but they don't say enough to make it worth translating. --- Battle Tactics : Again, pretty simple. Don't let Sho get out in the open where he can be picked off and killed, and wait for your reinforcements before fighting too hard. Shouldn't be too difficult a battle to win. Trophies : Hybrid Armor from Ashura High Performance Radar from Trowa Beam Coating from Quatre Propellant Tank from Brokken --- Everyone catches up with each other after the battle, and Sho is asked what he wants to do - in his case, it's to return to Bystrom Well, but until he finds a means to do that he and his team will continue with Lond Bell. Shapiro has been discovered to be a traitor (like that surprises anyone) and Ingram wants him found because of stuff he's been doing with the SRX data. The Voltes team is also introduced, and Ryusei catches up with his old teammates - except that there are no upgrades for him AND he needs to do extra training. ^_^ Commander Igor from the South Pole will then contact you with bad news - GP-02's nuke has been fired successfully and because of that, the Jions have taken over much new territory with the help of the Crossbone Vanguard. They've also stolen a small-size colony to use as a weapon. (Don't they get tired of this strategy?) Because the colony might be used on South Ataria, you're told to head there and contact the DC and SDF forces, but go to NERV first. ****** Scenario 26 - Red Evangelion The chapter opens with Gendou in his office dictating a reply to something - Bright comes in, and he confirms the latter's orders. Misato and the EVA crew are then introduced to Bright; Misato seems taken aback by the amount o young pilots (Shinji, Rei, Daisaku, Usso etc) that are now in Lond Bell's ranks. ^_^ Shinji also meets up with the other pilots and after having some initial discomfort at dealing with people, feels better afterwards. Bright is contacted by Burning later, who tells him that new models are on their way to Earth. You can : 1) Meet up with Unit-02 2) Go to where the new models are I told you, EVA fan. ^_^ Asuka is later introduced to everyone, getting off to a bad start, and then as if by clockwork, enemies attack. Asuka drags Shinji off somewhere, saying something about a "chance" which turns out (as anyone who has seen the episode should know) to be a surprise attack on the Angel. --- Battle Tactics : Asuka can actually damage the Angel right off, so use her to attack. As for the rest of the enemies, wait for them to approach you and pick them off - Ramba Ral's team is extremely good for levelling up. I actually made a mistake in this stage and attempted to take down Hamon's Zanjibar, causing them to retreat, so I didn't see what you could get from the rest of the enemies. Don't make the same mistake and lure the Blue Nova into your units...also, let Chris destroy Bernie. Trophies : Propellant Tank from Steiner (more from the other bosses) --- A bunch of new people and introduced after battle, and Kaji meets Ingram. Later on, he meets Misato and delivers his famous line, but not many people as before are shocked. ^_^ Suddenly, Nii arrives and tells everyone to go to the bridge, where something is happening. ****** Scenario 27 - Machine Production On the bridge, you discover that four aura ships from Bystrom Well have arrived on Earth - the two you've seen as well as Goraon and Gea Garing. They've split up in different directions, so you : 1) Head to South Ataria 2) Head to the Makesas Islands Since it's LONG overdue when the SDF was to appear, I picked South Ataria. Ingram and Sho leave to do reconnaissance work on the other forces. On the battlefield, the Aura Battler forces can't make head or tail of Cybaster and attack it in formation but that doesn't do anything. Ingram tells his forces to protect Cybaster - Masaki, learning that Shiu's behind some of this, initially refuses but is forced by circumstances to acccept. Ingram also tries to force Bishott to surrender but the latter's courage is bolstered by Ruza, Drake's wife, and he does not. --- Battle Tactics : This is AGAIN ANOTHER easy battle. However, the tough part is killing the stupid Gea Garing before it retreats...it's not easy, seeing as you have no Super Robots with you. Your best choice is to pump Sho's morale up like crazy and have it hit it with a Hot Blood-powered Hyper Aura Slash, hoping for a critical. If not, you're going to have to say goodbye to the cash and the item. (I did.) Actually, I'm not sure whether this boss is an event one - you might not be able to destroy it at all if it is. Trophies : Chobahm Armor, Propellant Tank and Repair Kit from the Knights (something from Gea Garing) --- Masaki agrees to come back with you after the battle, and Bright and the rest muse about how Drake must have come up with an alternate means of transport through two worlds. The pilots are having a discussion about different mechas' power sources when Kuro and Shiro interrupt (causing quite a stir with their ability to talk) to ask where Masaki is. Having gotten lost while searching for Shiu in Japan, Masaki is asked by Ingram to travel with him - being a member of the SRX Team, the chances of them meeting each other are very high. There is then a scene with Nii resolving to resuce Rimel, but choosing to put the Earth's peace first. The Agahma then heads to South Ataria (finally!) to meet up with the other two aura ships. Jamitov calls Scirocco up and orders the latter to report, but he simply dodges the issues and is evidently hiding something - Jamaikan says that they do have their alliance with OZ, though. Scirocco himself talks to two Jupiterians (one the queen) and tells them to go to Mars with Sara first as he stays behind to keep an eye on things. ****** Scenario 28 - Island of EOT Bright and Co. FINALLY reach South Ataria, but Ingram takes the R-Series and Ryouto back to the DC HQ for a while. Bright then meets Gloval and after a lot of conversation, Gloval confirms that the SDF was indeed to be used for Earth's evacuation if need be. Just then - you guessed it - enemies attack. --- Battle Tactics : Just use Asuka and her Sonic Glaive to take out the Angel, then Super Robots when it splits should do the trick. Simple. Trophies : None. --- After the battle, they are told that the destroyed Angel will regenerate to full fighting capacity in 5 days, the same day as the SDF's launch. Shinji and Asuka argue afterwards, saying it's each other's fault the Angel wasn't destroyed, until Bright tells them to keep quiet and gives Misato some time to come up with an adequate plan. Meanwhile, Treize talks to Gloval. Despite the latter's initial skepticism, it appears he's come with good intentions as he informs the General that the Jion will attack with a weapon called the Mass Driver soon... ****** Scenario 29 - Dark Super Warrior The SRX team meets and discusses their new weapons for a bit (there is a mysterious scene involving Aya before this, but there's not enough information to translate) while Ingram and Prof. Kobayashi verbally duel for a bit. Masaki also meets up with Ryouto and Ryusei and warns them to be careful of Shiu and Ingram. Kark contacts Ingram and tells him someone stole an R-2 model...both seem to know who he\she is (formed PTX team member) but I'm in the dark. He then sends the team on a reconnaissance mission to South Ataria. On the field, they test out their new weapons for a bit before an unexpected guest makes an appearance...it's none other than Leo, Ryouto's girlfriend (or whoever you happened to pick as a love interest) and another man (Irmgalt) in Heavy-Type Grangasts. When Ryouto confronts her in battle, she claims to only be a test pilot and not remember him or much else... --- Battle Tactics : It's a lot easier to kill your girlfriend than Irmgalt, so that's what I did. However, it will cost you one Experience Point, so my suggestion is that if you're powered up enough (give Ryouto, Ryusei and Rai powerful enhanced parts) go for the big guy instead. In that eventuality, you'll need to use plenty of Flashes to avoid the Final Beams he will level at you. Trophies : None. --- After the battle, you all meet up with Aya and discuss the matter of Irmgalt - turns out he was Ingram's subordinate at one point. Ingram then tells you to go practice the R-transformation, but Rai is suspicious as to why people want the R-series so badly. Ryouto meets Camille and spills his guts. Misato then comes up with the idea to beat the Angel - actually, she has two, which you get to pick one off : 1) Use the two EVAs attacking in perfect timing 2) Use pure strength with powerful mecha You guessed it - since I'm an EVA fan, I picked the same as the episode. ****** Scenario 30 - The Moment when Hearts beat in Accord (not a very good translation) Just in the same episode, Shinji and Asuka have to live in the same room for five days, which prompts much speculation among the pilots, who send Haro and Cham to check on them. ^_^ Misato asks them to dance to see how well their synchronization is getting on, but Rei proves to do it better with Shinji than Asuka, who storms out in fury. Shinji tries to cheer her up later but with little success - Asuka is fixated on having to distinguish herself, though later she reveals a more sensitive side... --- Battle Tactics : You have to defeat both Angels on the same turn - not too hard, just watch out for the fact that they regenerate a bit each turn. Trophies : None. --- After the battle, who should contact you but Giren Zabi himself, who demands that you turn over the SDF to him or he will fire the Mass Driver at it. Gloval refuses and Giren makes good on his threat. Everyone is at a loss for what to do before Misato suggests two plans : 1) Shoot the Driver projectile down with lots of firepower 2) Maximize Unit-03's AT Field output and block it Guess which one I picked. ^_^ ****** Scenario 31 - The Merit of Miracles (same title as an EVA episode) The arrival of two aura ships shocks the SDF crew, but they relax once they learn they're friendly. There is some light conversation about the pilot's belief in Shinji, then we switch to the famous beginning scenes from Macross which I will not translate because EVERYONE knows what they are, having seen Robotech. (And if you haven't seen Robotech, what are you doing reading this?) Misato then explains the battle plan to the EVA pilots. (Incidentally, this is from Episode 15, and so is some of their conversation later.) Just as the battle plan is about to start, an unknown object (which is revealed to be a whole lot of Zentraedi Battlepods) approaches the SDF-1, causing it to fire it's main gun by accident. The SDF launches it's Valkyrie squadrons later on in response, along with Ichijou Hikaru (aka Rick Hunter) tagging along by mistake. --- Battle Tactics : I seriously recommend you send all your Gundams and agile pilots out, because the pods are light and speedy. Head to the right to stop the reinforcements when they arrive, then down and left to take out the main force. As long as you can lure them into attacking you, the stage shouldn't be a problem. Note that if any of the enemies even touches the Macross, you lose. Trophies : None. --- After the battle, Gloval thinks the assault force was a fake and moves to take the fight to the enemies by launching Macross. You have two choices, of which I picked the first : 1) Go on your own 2) Go with the Macross ****** Scenario 32 - Space Fold More famous scenes are enacted (including Rick\Hikaru's "sourpuss" line) and the Gundam pilots surprisingly show up to guard the SDF, not destroy it. As the battle progresses, Gloval thinks things are getting out of hand and prepares to fold. --- Battle Tactics : The Valkyries are very fragile (they'll go down in two or three good hits) so be sure to use Concentrate when attacking until you can get their morales up high enough to be of use in combat. When the Gundams first appear, have Quatre convince Wufei or he will start as an enemy. Like in the previous stage, the mere touch of an enemy upon the Macross will mean Game Over. Trophies : None. (Well, maybe the flagship if you can actually reach and destroy it.) --- After the fold, we see Breetai and Exedore evaluate the Micronian's chances (yes, I know I'm using the English terms here) with Exedore recommending they exercise caution despite the human's inferior technology. They resolve to attack as the SDF defolds and the chapter ends. ****** Scenario 32 - Armed Attack Everyone finds themselves in space and after a considerable amount of surprise and resettlement, you are resolved to return to Earth under your own power, with Lond Bell under Macross. Rai and Max meet up and talk about their "genius" status...the scenes that follow are from Macross (and are also damn famous) so you should need no translation again. Despite everyone searching for Hikaru and Minmei, no one finds them. There is some explanation of Macross's functions by Misa, and then enemies attack. --- Battle Tactics : This is a niiiicce stage. Why? Because you have lots and lots of enemies to kill so you can gain experience and money - you'll be given a chance at no less than 3 carrier ships (more if you're good) to kill for cash! And to top that off, the enemies aren't that hard. Once again, launch Gundams and other mobile suit type mecha. Once the third wave of enemies appears, Gloval will order the firing of the main gun to commence. You're also given a choice : 1) Fire in three minutes 2) Fire in five minutes I picked 5 since that gives me more time to wreak havoc on the enemy. Enemy reinforcements will continue to appear from all sides of the screen - take them out. A strategy to consider is getting powerful Super Robots (Combattler V comes to mind) with Boosters and taking them all the way to the line of carrier ships - assuming they don't run away (I haven't tried it myself) you should be able to reap quite a reward. (Don't forgot repair ships!) In any case, you should be able to take out a handy number of ships, enough for good experience and money in any case. Once the SDF transforms, it will punch a hole in Breetai's warship with the Armed Attack (another famous scene) causing the latter to retreat. Trophies : None. (Unless by some miracle you can kill Breetai's warship.) --- The Gundam pilots have snuck aboard the SDF while it folded and now go off to carry out their respective missions. The SDF itself has to return to Earth but is seriously low on manpower, so Misa suggests contacting the lost Excelion for assistance, which Gloval agrees to. More famous scenes from Macross (the marriage and kiss scenes, actually) then Duo breaks in and shows them out. ****** Scenario 33 - Meeting of Archfoes (not a very good translation) We're now aboard the Excelion. Commander Tashiro has a conversation with Coach and his Sub-Captain about their current situation, the enemy forces in space and the small group that's currently battling Aerogaiters - despite wanting to rush to their help, he has to wait till repairs are done first. Meanwhile, Noriko goes somewhere to train in private and happens to overhear a conversation about her between Kazumi and the Coach - Kazumi wants Coach to split up her partnership with Noriko so the latter won't have to undergo real combat and die. Once they know she's overheard, Kazumi leaves but Coach says that it's up to her self-confidence whether she succeeds or not. Noriko is understandably distressed after the meeting and wanders the halls thinking - only to bump into, of all people, Isamu Dyson, who is free while his Y-19 is getting overhauled. He offers to be her partner if she will introduce him to Kazumi, then leaves. The Excelion then warps...or tries to until she is hit in mid-warp, an unheard-off feat. You : 1) Respond and attack 2) Don't respond and attack Since I'm a hot-blooded kind of guy, I picked the first option. ^_^ However, this doesn't prove to be a very good choice as the Excelion's engines are hit and it warps out. Jung and Kazumi tell Noriko to return, but just as she's about to reply, Isamu pops out and they all enter battle, with Lond Bell reinforcements turning up later. --- Battle Tactics : Easy battle, made even easier by the massive morale boost Raideen gets. To make it even EASIER, wait till the Lond Bell forces have arrived so they can get the morale points that you earn killing the little 1400 HP bugs...also, you might want to launch as many pilots who have Lucky as possible so they can kill the pink cone-shaped carriers for cash. Trophies : None. --- Tashiro and Gloval meet to discuss battle strategy, then Isamu chats a bit with Misa and Claudia, revealing some details of the Super Nova Project he was assigned to. Noriko, Kazumi and Jung are added to Lond Bell, and Roy tries to get Hikaru to join the army. In the hangar, Noriko has an experience much similar to Ryusei's...this many Super Robots in one place is a fan's dream. ^_^ Hikaru also tells Minmei he's joining the army. (note : at this point, you have so many different series pilots that you should consider which ones you're going to be using on a regular basis and which one's you're not...don't waste experience.) ****** Scenario 34 - True Intentions of Ingram Misa has been investigating the records of the SDF while they've been prevented from folding by Aerogaiter jamming and reveals that the ship was a booby trap designed to draw the humans into the war. The Aerogaiters placed the ship on Earth so they could observe the various technologies and abilities Earthlings had. Hikaru and Minmei talk about her parents entering her in the Miss Macross Contest and his acceptance into Lond Bell. Then we shift to an interesting conversation between Ingram and Aya - he wants her to go ahead with the combination even though two of the mechs aren't ready...that's fine with her, because "she's only a test subject" but she doesn't want Ryusei and Rai involved that heavily with the project. Ingram tells her not to worry as he will protect her. (This is quite a guarded line, which makes it interesting.) Ryusei is quite happy over the news that there will be a combination (even though he's initially worried about Aya) but however, his annoucement doesn't meet with the surprise he thought it would - this is Lond Bell, after all, home of the combining robots; one more won't make much of a difference. ^_^ On the battlefield, the R-series's transformation fails because of the absence of a Psy-Force Field - also, unexpected guests from Jupiter show up, including Shapiro, who talks to Ingram about his "plans." Ryusei and Ryouto also sense a powerful force from Rebi, the other woman. After a while, Rebi suspects Ryusei's psychic powers are interfering with hers, prompting Ingram to say that he will "end this", destroying Aya's R-3. He then reveals that he's an Aerogaiter human and has been working with you only to obtain samples of humanity's telepathics. Ryusei asks angrily whether he had any idea of what Aya felt for him - he did, but chose not to heed it. Ingram ends his little speech by saying that Ryusei should hate and despise him; for only then will the true power of humans be seen. Ryusei then screams that he will kill Ingram and avenge Aya. If you attack him with Ryouto, you'll also discover that he had a hand in Leo's subversion to the enemy side. An enemy general from Voltes V (sorry, don't know anything about that series either) will turn up and ask Rebi to retreat, then unleash a super-powerful robot on the Voltes V Team, whose Divine Sword actually gets broken by it. He's about to finish them off when Rebi tells him that they're going to retreat. Noriko then realises that there's still a signal from the R-3, which you go to pick up. --- Battle Tactics : You can't do reasonable damage to Rebi or Shapiro at all, so don't even try. When Ingram becomes an attackable enemy, note that he starts at FULL MORALE (and has a Psy-Force shield to boot) so be very careful in attacking. Most of the stage is plot events, so if you want to kill Ingram, do it quick - and I recommend you do, 'cause he gives you a Haro! Trophies : Haro from Ingram --- Back on the SDF, Gloval forbids the use of the SRX mecha because they were partially designed by Ingram, the traitor - he sends the SDF tech teams to check them out in more detail. The Combattler and Voltes teams search for Ultramagcon, a kind of material that can defeat the monster that just fought, but run into the problem that their professors are back on Earth. Ryuoto, on the other hand, gets a decision to make : 1) Encourage Ryusei 2) Leave Ryusei alone I believe in positive thinking, so I picked 1. Ryouto tells him that he's always suspected Ingram and that they two are the only ones who can beat him. Ingram, for his part, is reporting to his superior, Yuze, who congratulates him for his work but wants to know why for one year, his reports were sparse. Yuze is looking for Tronium (the material that powers the SRX's team's mecha) a susbtance lost in the war against the Zentraedi 100 years before. Ingram reports that Tronium can be found aboard the SDF-1 and leaves, but Yuze thinks he's hiding something. Raodekiya, the head of the Jupiterians, holds a war council in which many things are discussed, but the only important bit of info is that he's sending something called the Helmoze to Lond Bell. ****** Scenario 35 - Miss Macross The Zentraedi talk a bit, then the scene shifts to the pilots, who are unsurprisingly discussing the Miss Macross Contest - it seems everyone has their faves but the public eye's on Minmei. However, with their luck, the pilot's think they'll probably be attacked first. Recoa, Emma and Sara visit Aya, with the last giving a passionate speech about how too, she was betrayed by the man she loved. She counsels Aya to think carefully about how and why she fights now and the rest agree, giving their own personal stories. Astonauge tells Rai and Ryusei that the order's been given to let the R-series be used in combat again, but there are hidden systems they should ask Prof. Kobayashi about. Shinobu then drags Ryusei off to the contest so he can be cheered up. The contest begins, but Hikaru gets a scramble alert signal. Does he : 1) Respond 2) Not respond I'm very consciencious about duty (besides, I think Minmei's a bimbo) so I responded. Hikaru is ordered out into the field despite him wanting to stay and catch Minmei's singing debut. Once there, the Gundams appear because Quatre doesn't want innocent civilians to be hurt - Duo, on the other hand, says that this sort of makes their sneaking onto Macross irrelevant. Defeat all the enemies and Amuro and the rest show up to escort Quatre and Duo into custody. --- Battle Tactics : Since the enemies will close in on the Concert Hall FAST, make sure you use magics (Concentrate and Hot Blood work well) when attacking them - if not, one of them will make it in and render your mission a failure. Besides that, this short stage shouldn't be too hard. Trophies : None. --- Roy tells Hikaru that Minmei was chosen as Miss Macross, but he's not too happy because this will give them more reasons to be apart. After a short conversation with Misa, you switch to the Gundam pilots explaning their mission to Gloval. Quatre says that it's time for them to stop their solitary missions which can do nothing and join with a larger force so that they can do more good, especially against powerful foes like the EOT. Gloval, agreeing, accepts them into Lond Bell. He then informs Bright and Co. that they'll have to stop at the Martian colonies to resupply, those which are currently being controlled by the Jupiterians to boot. Misato wonders whether this is wise...another scene switch, this time to the Zentraedi, who decide that they need to know more about the Micronians. ****** Scenario 36 - Ghosts from Mars Minmei now has to go for recording lessons. ^_^ Meanwhile, a massive object of 20 kilometers appears and vanishes from the SDF's viewscreen - things get complicated when both Varushione-R and Jupiterians show up, so Gloval orders Lond Bell to launch. Ryuune has problems in a big way - her father was apparently captured by the Jupiterians and her comm channel is down, so Bright has to make a decison when the Jupiterians tell him to leave the area : 1) Save Varushione 2) Leave Ryuune kicks ass - what do you think? When Katejina attacks Ryuune, she's stopped by Masaki (who avoids her attack) and the battle begins. Later, after all the Jupiterians have been killed, Rebi shows up in a damn powerful mech with 58200 HP and talks about Ryusei's psychic power getting in her way. Also, if Usso attacks Katejina (or any of the other V Gundam characters, for that matter), they have a lot of conversation. --- Battle Tactics : There are two main objectives you're going to have to think about in this stage - rescuing Ryuune, the first, and beating Rebi, the second. So I suggest that although you bring plenty of Super Robots along to manage the second, you don't neglect the lighter units you'll need for the first. Don't be afraid to use Speed Ups to get to Ryuune - she can't do ANYTHING and will simply sit there while the enemies whale away at her, so it's imperative you reach there quick. Placing Masaki in a vulnerable position with Concentrate tends to draw their fire. Anyway, just hold out till your main force arrives and you should win handily. Now it's on to Rebi. Let's put it this way - with the High HP Regeneration skill and tons of life, she can recover upwards of 18000 HP per round, so it's going to have to be a one-round kill. Use Hot Bloods on all your pilots and hammer away as hard as you can with plenty of Motivates to increase damage - the good thing is that her counterattack, while accurate, doesn't really do that much damage. Save before fighting her; you don't want to run out of steam halfway through your attack and not be able to finish off Judeka. Also, her more powerful attacks come into play as her morale increases, which is all the more reason to make it a one-turn finish. Finally, if Ryusei, Masaki or Ryuune die AT ANY TIME in the stage, boom, it's over. Watch out and good luck. Trophies : (I didn't catch the names of two bosses...) Psycho Frame from Katejina Hybrid Armor from the big green mech Bio Sensor from Rube I-Field Generator from the battleship --- Ryuune is an old friend of Gloval and is recived well aboard the SDF-1. They talk about how Ryuune's father, Bian Zoldark, went missing after he decided to investigate the Jupiterians. The pilots discuss the Aerogaiter's and Jupiterian's alliance and Ryuune talks to Masaki and reveals that her father was captured by the Jupiterians. They seem to get along well together...^_^ Camille and Ryusei talk about the girl in the white robot, Rebi, and how, in some ways, the situation is similar to Camille's past experiences with Four. ****** Scenario 37 - Guides Of Humanity People whom I don't know anything about discuss Psychiccers (whatever they are) and the overall situation. They seem to know a lot about all the parties involved in the war...actually, I think they are V Gundam but I don't know much about the series. Little White Dragon is being shown aboard the SDF and everybody talks to Minmei, the star. Lin appears and talks about how he doesn't like fighting. While Usso and Co. are out shopping, Shakti feels a strange presence from Mars. Mobile suits have invaded the SDF's interior, and they turn out to be the Titans. Hiro and Trowa show up and say that they will not hand the Macross over to them. --- Battle Tactics : If any enemies reach the top of the road at the right-hand corner of the stage, you lose...but, they won't. This is quite an easy stage if you simply move to block them off; despite the good movement ranges of their mecha, if you mount a concerted attack with Gundams and such you should bring them down without too much trouble. Just be sure not to let them get too far ahead. Trophies : Repair Kit from Ig --- Shakti has a nostalgic feeling and has it confirmed by Sarah, who tells her that she's come to bring her back to her mother. Shakti mentally apologises to Usso and the rest and goes with her. Hiro and Duo reveal the Jupiterians true intentions, which are to control Earth, and join you. Usso and the rest discover Shakti's disappearance and are very worried. ****** Scenario 39 - First Contact Breetai and Exedore talk about an unidentified space fortress which is getting in the way of their plan to obtain a Micronian sample. Misa and the rest are talking in Hikaru's room when he enters. You can : 1) Return 2) Don't return I picked 1. Hikaru gets called off somewhere by Minmei and they go out on a space flight together, until called back by Misa, who reminds them that private use of Valkyries is forbidden...of course, enemies attack. (This is a pretty famous scene.) They capture Misa and Lin and Roy, Ryouto, Max and Hamesaki turn up to save Hikaru. Hikaru is later captured anyway. --- Battle Tactics : Since the battle will be over in about four to five turns, just attack whatever enemies you can. I wasn't able to kill Kamujin, but you should try to do so. And DON'T let Hikaru attack or he will get killed. Trophies : (something from Kamujin) --- After the battle, Gloval reports the loss of his officers to Bright and Claudia worries about Roy, who went off after them. ****** Scenario 40 - Big Escape Another famous scene from Macross is enacted/ the one with Breetai interviewing the humans. (You know, the one when they have to kiss each other.) This time, YOU get to control the action! Minmei will : 1) Kiss Lin 2) Kiss Hikaru Despite being an air-headed fool sometimes, I prefer Hikaru to Lin, so that's who she kissed. All the Zentraedi talk about what kissing is and events follow the series, except that Lond Bell rescues the pilots this time and Ryouto is there too. Fortunately for you, the female Zentraedi are at war with the males and they show up, killing some troops. Female Zentraedi are NOT considered enemies, but you'll still have to fight Miriya. --- Battle Tactics : Since you have to flee in 8 turns, you'll have to hurry. Get all your forces out off the airlock and be sure to kill Miriya for lots of experience and a Mega Booster. The other females soldiers will kill some of the enemies for you, but they're not targetable enemies. Trophies : Mega Booster from Miriya --- The ship folds with Hikaru on it (he wanted to find Minmei) and we return to the SDF. Gloval and the rest discuss the situation with the female Zentraedi. Hikaru makes it back, and there is a conversation between him and Misa where the latter apologies for putting her duty first and tries to cheer Hikaru up, which he finds strange (first time he's ever seen her do anything like that) but is appreciative. An SOS signal comes in from Mars Base Sara, and the SDF heads there. ****** Scenario 41 - Bye Bye Mars The Zentraedi have activated the false SOS signal on Mars Base Sara and are luring the SDF to them. The SDF plans to go in but Al has a bad preminition. Lond Bell sends its pilots out on a mission to the base but the Getta team returns to get its engines fixed. Misa requests that she go to verify the SOS signal (just like the series, she thinks her old boyfriend might still be alive there) and you : 1) Let her go 2) Don't let her go Since I like to follow the series, I picked 1. The SDF is trapped on the moon surface by gravity mines and must wait before it can escape - Daitan appears after quite a long time (saving Misa) and delivers his speech before joining you. --- Battle Tactics : This stage can be very tricky if you don't know what to do. Basically, you have two major objectives - protect the base (easy) and kill the bosses (hard). However, with some planning, you can do both. In the beginning of the stage, split your forces so that some go up to deal with Kamujin's forces and some head to the lower-left corner of the screen, where a whole lot will appear. Be sure to send at least one Super Robot to each section (you might need two for the lower-left, since that's where the battleship appears) Leave a handful (three to five, depending on how confident you are) back at the base in case of emergencies. Now, once your top forces have finished destroying Kamujin's troops, the enemy reinforcements should have appeared. Move your other team in and kick their ass - however, send some of the faster moving ones back to your base since more enemy reinforcements will appear near there soon. (Depending on the situation, you can send back some of your Kamujin attack team too if you want.) The situation should end up with a few troops left to deal with Kamujin, some to deal with the battleship and the majority moved back to protect the base. A totally safe way to protect the base is having 3 flying troops and 5 group ones seal of all entrances - as long as no one dies, you're safe. However, things shouldn't get too hairy, and the morale boosts you get from killing all the cannon fodder should be more than enough for your Super Robots to finish both enemies off. Of course, you can be VERY safe and just sit and protect the base the entire mission, but who wants to miss out on the rewards? Trophies : Chobahm Armour from Kamujin Minmei Doll from an enemy (one of the many) (something from the battleship) --- After the battle, Banjo fills you in on the situation regarding the war back home - the Titans and Neo Jion have broken their alliance, but there is much fighting with the Bystrom Well forces as well. Ryusei and Noriko are down in the hangar talking about Daitan's size (and Super Robots as well) and Ryuune joins in the conversation...apparently her father was a Super Robot fan as well, leading Ryusei to remark that that must have been nice for a dad. ^_^ Banjo also shows up and tells Noriko that the Gunbuster will soon be ready but that they have to go to the briefing room first. There, Gloval is reviewing battle plans and decides to split your forces into three groups (again). Bright's team will consist of Amuro, Quatro, Judo, Camille, Keyla, the Skull squadron, Noriko, Kazumi and Jung, the SRX Team, and Akira. They'll be heading to fight the Neo Jions. Shera's team will have Burning, Kou, Keith, Monsha, Usso, Seabook, Masaki, Ryuune, Kouji, Sayaka, Boss, and all the Gundam Wing boys. They're heading to the moon. Finally, Elle's team has Sho, Marvel, Nii, Keen, the Getta Team, the Dancougar team, the Combattler and Voltes teams, Banjo, Daisaku and the EVA team. They're going to the Japan base. So you go with : 1) Bright 2) Shera 3) Elle I chose to go with Elle. After that, the episode ends. ****** Scenario 42 - Father, the Earth is Close The EOT are once more discussing their plans. An unidentified ship appears, which causes Raodekiya to send someone to investigate it. The Zentraedi and Meltraedi are also fighting among themselves, so the EOT split their forces, some to go after Macross and the rest to Earth. Before they leave though, Yuze takes Ingram aside and warns him not to get too deep in his planning. He then goes on to see Rebi, who complains that everytime they get near, Ryusei and Ryouto's psychic power cause pains in her head. Yuze tells her not to worry and the scene switches to Hainel, who lets Ingram do as he wishes. (he was under his command) The Combattler and Voltes Professor, who was captured by the Jupiterians, thinks about how his children will not be able to beat the new creations of the Boazan Empire. Hainel and the Professor have an angry conversation with the Professor resolving to escape if possible. Garrison reports to Banjo that the Titans and Bystrom Well forces are fighting. The Voltes and Combattler teams talk about how they will get Super-Magnet weapons strong enough to defeat the new enemies, when - ding - enemies attack, but they're only launching one ship, which is strange. The one ship turns out to be piloted by the Professor himself. The teams suspect that he is a fake so he asks them to listen to his new device; since there's no way he could know so much if he wasn't the real Professor, this acts as evidence, but just then, Hainel shows up and re-captures him. Later on in the stage (just when you've beaten all the normal enemies) Garuda from the Campbell forces turns up too, saying that he's made at alliance with Raodekiya and that the Boazan forces and him should now work together. Hainel won't have any of it and leaves. --- Battle Tactics : With the amount of Super Robots you have, a piece of cake. I'm not sure if you can take out Hainel's ship before he leaves, but it's worth a try. Besides that, no problems. Trophies : Minovsky Craft from one ship High Performance Targeter from Garuda --- The Combattler team head gets angry at Daisaku, wrongly accusing him of not understanding the feeling of having a person you love snatched away before your eyes. His brother tells him that Daisaku, Hikaru, Masdaki, Shinji and some others have had problems with their fathers too, and that Daisaku has no father (he got killed fighting the BF Forces), and at least theirs is still alive. Later on, he apologises to Daisaku and they go to the bridge. The Jupietrians have started attacking colonies indiscriminately and Ryoma wants to leave to attack the colonies but is asked to leave the Jupiterians to the other Lond Bell forces. ****** Scenario 43 - Within Silent Darkness (Yet again, title of an EVA episode) Everyone meets together at the bridge and the Combattler and Voltes teams go to get their power-ups. Meanwhile, Ryouto talks to his Professor and wants to know where Leo has gone. He doesn't know, but sends him to Japan to get the SRX new model also telling him that no matter what happens, he will not betray them. Banjo and Gendou have a conversation in which it is revealed that they both know a lot about each other's plans (and I do mean a LOT) much to Misato's surprise. Kaji talks to Gendou and the latter revealseven more of his plans, which unfortunately are too obscure for me to bother translating. The EVA pilots go back to school. Gendou tells Ritsuko to use the dummy-plug, which, though she agrees to do, has ethical problems with. Events follow the series after this point. --- Battle Tactics : If you can destroy the Angel within the time limit you get an additional Experience Point - I'd say to go for it, because with your Super Robots and the EVA support (have them use Hot Blood) it's quite possible. Other than that it's a stage like any other...you can use Sho to convince Todd, but I don't think it does any good. Trophies : Propellant Tank S from Burn and Todd --- Events continue to follow the series, with Misato interrogating Kaji at gunpoint in front of Adam and EVA-04 disappearing. Gendou continues to send the EVAs with Lond Bell. Asuka, peeking in on a working Kaji, reacts with childish anger to the news of a Fourth Child - at school, the EVA pilots talk with their friends and Touji tells Rei that she's worried about Shinji. ****** Scenario 44 - Red-Haired Woman Shott and Drake talk about the war situation, with Shott plotting a bit and Drake telling him that he'll go after your base since Bishott is fighting the Titans. Combattler and Voltes have gotten their upgrades and are heading to Shin Getta. Al has a prediction about the coming of a powerful woman with red hair, and its proved correct by the enemies' appearance. Galaria appears and joins you, saying that she has had enough of Drake's methods. Halfway through the battle, the Titans appear and tell you that they will use nukes on the place if you don't turn the base over to them. You : 1) Turn the base over 2) Don't turn the base over I hate the Titans, so why should I do things for them? The battle continues, with Combattler and Voltes returning with their upgrades, including some cool new attacks. After Julie is killed, Ryouto and Sho feel something, and their 'pressures' are confirmed by her going Hyper. --- Battle Tactics : This is another protect the base mission, so if any enemies land there, you lose. It shouldn't be too hard - as long as you can head them off at the shore, they can't get that close to the base. After you kill Julie, she becomes damn powerful (and I mean DAMN POWERFUL -full morale, 38000+ HP and incredible attack strength) so be careful and save, and be sure to kill her with a Lucky if you can. Trophies : Booster from Miuji Bio Sensor from Julie Beam Coating from Yazan Psycho Frame from Shott --- After the battle, everyone wonders about the power Julie had, and Ryouto and Sho are concerned that if their power goes over the top, will they end up like Julie? A mysterious explosion has occured in the Getta lab, and, coincidentally, Unit 03 is there too, so you head there to check things out. ****** Scenario 45 - Gods, or Devils... Events again follow the series, with Unit-03 under Angel control but this time heading for the Getta research institute. Shinji and the rest are commanded to attack it despite their not wanting to, until you get a choice: 1) Fight Bardiel 2) Don't fight Bardiel For once, you shouldn't follow the series or you can't get EVA Unit-03 later on. If Shinji gets defeated by the Angel, the Dummy Plug is used. (If not, the Getta event just takes place after.) After seeing the horror of the system, Daisaku and Banjo both want to launch to stop Unit 0-3, but the ressurected Shin Getta beats them to it and takes out the Angel in one attack. --- Battle Tactics : It is possible, albeit very difficult, to kill Bardiel with the two EVAs alone. However, it can be done. Have Rei cast Exhaust twice on Unit-03, then have Shinji decoy it onto flat terrain, using Flashes to avoid it's attack. Enough shots with the Sniper Rifle and the Getta event will trigger, giving you the chance to get Unit-03 AND saving you EVA Unit-01's 40000 repair cost! Trophies : None. --- It turns out that the Shin Getta survived the explosion (and caused it at the same time, actually) at the facility because the Getta Furnace of Shin Getta absorbed the power of all the other Gettas. Banjo is both amazed and horrified by the power of it, but the professor reassures him that they will continue research into it until they understand it better...this doesn't prevent Hayato from wondering about the voice from the Getta that spoke to Ryouma earlier - does the Getta have it's own will? Just like in the series, Touji's the pilot of Unit-03. Shinji is angry about being ordered to attack his friend and Rei asks him if he doesn't trust his father - of course not, is his reply, and she slaps him. ****** Scenario 46 - Power of the Third The forces in the war move around, but Igor is concerned about the BF Group and Dr. Hell's troops because they aren't doing anything. Ryouto's Professor has a new mech ready for him, so Daisaku accompanies your hero to go get it. Shiu and a BF officer converse about the Mk.III, when Murasame appears and they switch topics to talk about the Black Hole Engine, which comes from the Aerogaiters. The same Black Hole Engine which destroyed the Moon Base might have exploded because Ingram had something to do with it. Shiu has to leave, so he sends Ryouto's professor to help with the Mk.III. Masaki is enraged that he can't find Shuu, and Kuro suspects that Shiu ran off BECAUSE of Masaki. Daisaku wants his robot to be powered-up, but instead of it getting powered up, it is sealed. The order to seal Robo comes from the highest level, and they can't refuse to obey it. Giant Robo was apparently designed by the BF forces, which shocks Daisaku. The Professor tells Ryouto that his new robot is ready, with parts from the SRX mecha and the same engine as Granzon's. Dr Elly says that the 2 robots which were dicovered in the mountains are the Tiger King and the Dragon King, and Dr. Hell plans to do something withh them When the battle map starts, Irm talks about sending Leo to meet Ryouto even though they've fought before, and Ryouto turns up to shout at Leo. Murasame gets killed by Fitzgerald, and Giant Robo launches anyway, Daisaku saying that if the Experts don't let him pilot (and launch) Giant Robo, he doesn't want to be an Expert. Lightning flashes, and Tiger King and Dragon King appear. The Tiger King attacks Leo, and kills her. Leo dies, and Ryouto goes insane and the Uranus system (the system that replaced the T-Link system) activates. The Dragon King attacks then, and Ryouto loses a lot of his life, and, in sheer anger at his girlfriend's death, pushes Hyukevain to its limits and activates the Hyukevain Mk.III by sheer mental power. He starts sounding more determined, gets new music, AND powers up to 150 morale. Go, Ryouto! Keep it up!!! ^_^ If Selbantes attacks Giant Robo, he will say that the BF forces are trying to save the world, and Daisaku refuses to believe him. Note : Ryouto also gets cool new attacks, you sould try seeing some of them, (they've got full animation sequences) and they do lots of damage too! ^_^ --- Battle Tactics : Just focus on powering up whoever you want for this mission - Ryouto goes to full morale, so he can kill basically anything on the map and escape counterattacks thanks to his Gravity Wall. You should have absolutely no problems because of this. Trophies : Super New Alloy Z from Selbantes Super Alloy Z from Ashura Propellent Tank S from Brokken --- After the battle is over, Irm tells Ryouto to go after the two Kings and leave Leo to him (she escaped by means of the eject pod). Everybody talks about Giant Robo and Daisaku's friends plead for it to be allowed to fight. There are two choices later with Leo and Ryouto and I picked the first one. (Sorry, I was pressing the button too fast. I think, however, that they were probably about talking to your girlfriend) Ryouto asks Leo asbout the Psychodriver, who reveals that though she really doesn't know much about it, its supposed to push your mind to its limits. Leo also had had her memory erased, but Ryouto says that that's not important, what's important is the present. As he leaves, a subdued Leo says quietly, "Thank you." Giant Robo still needs to be sealed though two other members of Daisaku's team plead with the chief not to...eventually, he relents and there's a happy ending in which Daisaku is allowed to go with Lond Bell. Giant Robo isn't upgraded, though. ****** Scenario 47 - A Man's Fight In accordance with the episode, Shinji tries to launch by himself and gets his power cut off. (He actually curses! Shinji!) Asuka and Rei talk and Rei thinks that Asuka is worried about Shinji, and there's some stuff about Rei not being able to dream. Shinji says that he can't forgive his father for what he did and he goes back to Lond Bell, him saying "I'm not the person I once was." and astonishes everyone by leaving without the EVA behind. Banjo asks Gendou whether his plan will really stop the Angels, and Gendou says that he doesn't need to answer the Daitan pilot. Shinji is found by Misato and they both agree that he probably won't be allowed to rejoin Lond Bell because he knows too much. He asks why Toji is the pilot of Unit 03, and Misato says that it's because the reports said that he was suitable. She tells Shinji to "follow your own hopes and dreams." Enemies attack then. Rei is ordered out in 01 but it dosen't respond to her, so they use the dummy-plug to control it. Unit-03 is sent out despite everyone's protest, and Rei is told to come in. As Misato gives her the order, she says her famous line - "If I die, there will be others to replace me." It's Zeruel. Eva-02 gets beaten up by it and has to retreat. EVA-03 is launched anyway, with Touji piloting it, and Shinji gets worried and starts shouting at him. Daitan launches soon after to protect Earth and makes his speech. There is a massive gravitaional disturbance and Ingram appears in a mech made by lots of stuff combined (SRX, Aerogaiter, and Super Robot technologies are just some of them) and knows about Adam, though he doesn't attack you. Shinji, knowing that Touji is his friend and therefore VERY important to him, declares himself to be an EVA pilot and does his job, nearly going crazy with anger and fear but attacking Zeruel. After the Angel is dead Ingram retreats with some sweeping statements which are horribly cryptic. --- Battle Tactcs : Just take out Zeruel. Easy enough with Daitan there - one Hot Blood and it should be sufficiently weakened for your EVAs to finish it. Trophies : None. --- SEELE has a meeting in whch various issues are discussed. Asuka feels sore at losing to Shinji, and complains sadly. Banjo cheers her up, and tries to make her self-analyse herself for better understanding, although his ulterior motive is to encourage her. Banjo and Gendou talk, and no information is revealed, but Gendou ends up thanking Banjo (sorta) which you have to admit is a strange action for someone like Gendou. ****** Scenario 48 - For Whose Sake the Key is Turning Lond Bell is finally back together again, and Shera, Bright and Igor spend some time discussing the war and colony situation. Everyone makes their report (the three missions, remember) and it soon becomes clear that the situation is bad everywhere, leading Shiu to make a startling suggestion - surrender to the Aerogaiters. Everyone is unsurprisingly in opposition to this, and the discuss things for a while longer before Shiu states their situation as four options 1) Leave the Earth and escape, 2) Use Lond Bell and the SDF to fight the aliens, 3) Surrender to the Aerogaiters and 4) Die. ^_^ Of course, there is also the fifth option of NERV's Instrumentality of Men Project, but he's not mentioning that one. Everyone picks the second option. ^_^ Shiu then says that in order to use your resources well, two people become very important - Relena Peacecraft and Casval Rem Daikun. (aka Char Aznable) Shiu then leaves to return to the DC base. The SRX Team is back together again, and they discuss combining, possible now with R-3's upgrades. However, there are still problems (much to Ryusei's disappointment ^_^) to be worked out, including the matter of R-2's Tronium Engine. Rai also suspects that there are hidden capabilities to their weapons which the Profs. aren't coming clean with...his suspicions are confirmed later (though he doesn't seem them) when Kark tells Rob he's said too much and the latter has doubts about using such powerful technology. The Excelsion has folded back into nearby space with the complete Gunbuster, and Lond Bell launches to support Noriko and Co who are meeting it, but they can only use fighter plane-like mecha because of the timing of the mission... --- Battle Tactics : Well, you only have fighters planes in this mission, but thankfully the enemies won't pose too much of a threat. As long as you use plenty of magic and plan your attacks carefully, not letting any enemies (especially the discs) get too close to Noriko and the others, you should be fine. Trophies : None. --- Scenario 49 - Forwards to Light, Back to Desire The pilots for the Gunbuster are confirmed and the YF-21 (which is based on EOT technology) comes on board. Later on, Noriko practices with Coach, who tells her that only she can protect herself - he doesn't want others sacrificing anything for her. There is a tense meeting between Guld and Isamu and then a switch to Kazumi telling Coach that he's using Noriko to expatiate his own guilt. In space, Noriko and Jung square off to practice, but Jung is jealous of Noriko being chosen as the Gunbuster pilot and attacks head-on. Just then, enemies attack and surround the area - Isamu tells the Excelsion to warp out first. Tashiro is forced to agree, but Noriko shouts at him, not wanting to leave Jung behind until she too agrees with the plan; there are too many enemies to fight. --- Battle Tactics : This is another fun mission. What you're SUPPOSED to do is have the Excelion move to the top of the stage, but when you have a 150 Gunbuster at your disposal, why bother? The enemies will make a beeline for the Excelion, so have it cast 100% Hit and shoot them down, with Jung, Isamu and Guld acting as support. Be careful not to let it's EN get too low or it won't be able to use it's Inertial Canceller, though. Once Noriko is out the fun begins. Her Super Inazuma Kick can take out just abotu anything, so use her to kill Miriya (for the experience) and then head on to the battleships at the end of stage, returning to dock whether EN gets low. Don't let either Tashiro or Isamu use up too much SP because you want them both to be able to cast as many Luckys as possible to rack up your cash. Once all the enemies are dead you can exit the stage at your leisure. Trophies : High Performance Radar from Miriya --- The Excelion manages to warp out but their Vanishing Motor is damaged and they go to seek repairs. Jung and Isamu both thank Noriko for saving them, but she gives the credit to GunBuster. Jung also tells her about Sizzler Black, a production model based on the GunBuster. Captain Tashiro recives a message telling him that space monsters have a base close by, prompting a discussion with Coach and Tashiro about human's place in the solar system. Coach suggests that they send the Top Team, Guld, and Isamu to contact Lond Bell, which is what they do. ****** Scenario 50 - Variable Formation The BF Group has stolen a Heavy-Type Great Mazinger from the Mazinger labs, much to Kouji's amazement, who didn't even know they existed. There is even bigger news, though - Wing Gundam Zero has appeared! Back on the bridge, Milliardo talks to Bright, and Kai fills them in on the new situation; Relena is agreeing to assist Lond Bell, and secret information comes in from the captured Commander Gou about Jamitov being made High Minister. However, according to Shera, this is a great opportunity to use Jamitov's public address speech at Dakal to aid their cause. They'll need the help of Char Aznable, though, but Quatro wants to think about it first. There is some conversation among Judo and the V Gundam characters about protecting the baby (^_^) and then Qautro comes in. Amuro is attempting to convince him to aid them when enemies attack, a large-scale Aura Battler ship. Ryusei wants to go out in the R-series, but Rob tells him it's not ready for combination yet. Drake attacks. Shott appears, and is convinced by Ruza to attack. With a rumbling sound, Astranagan appears with Ingram as its pilot. Ryusei gets angry, but is at loss, being unable to get at him. Ingram says that all he wants to do is investigate the Aura Battler technology, and though Drake dislikes his tone, Shott says that it's better to let him do as he likes. Though Ryusei does it first, the SRX team launches without permission, and Ingram thanks them mockingly for letting him use their technology. Ryusei attacks him of his own volition, but gets severely damaged. His friends try to revive him, but he doesn't respond. Ingram then says that he needs a reason to fight...without it, he is nothing. Ryusei then searches for his reason and finds it - he fights to protect his friends, for his father. With this revelation comes an incredible power boost and the Psy-Force Field activates, allowing the SRX team to finally initiate the Variable Formation - seeing their opportunity, Rai and Aya reinforce Ryusei and they transform. Now, the SRX team is able to rock!!! Ah well, Ingram doesn't look too apprehensive. ^_^ To add to your fighting power, the Veritechs appear, and Guld and Izamu argue. What's more, Gunbuster turns up! --- Battle Tactics : Don't be too put off by the massive swarms of Aura Battlers - you should be able to take them down. The small number of launchable units does pose a problem (at least early on) but as long as your Gundam pilots are well-trained you should be okay. Hunker down and wait for the enemy to attack. Be sure to power Sho up a bit, since most of the bosses in the stage will choose to attack him. The main battle starts when Gunbuster and the rest show up. Bring them around to the base area (you should be making use of it to restore whatever power you need) and pick off the Knights and the Gea Garing. Once that's done, you have a choice - to kill the Black Knight or the Vil Vipps. The Knight has a higher level but Drake gives more cash and a Psycho Frame - he's harder to kill though, because he will retreat if his life is lowered past the half mark. Use Gunbuster or Shin Getta if you have it. Whichever one you pick, be sure to take out Shott with a Lucky first. Now, the final problem - Ingram. I didn't include him in the main section since a single Spirit-Powered attack from the SRX can take him out, but I don't know whether he can be killed, because like Drake, he retreats. If you want him dead I suggest you wait and bring in Gunbuster or Shin Getta. He ran away in my game, so I really can't help you here...oh, and BTW, you can use Nii to convince Rimul. Trophies : Hybrid Armour from Miuji Repair Pod S from Gea Garing Apogee Motor from Todd Bio Sensor from the Black Knight Propellant Tank S from Shott (Spriggan) Psycho Frame from Drake ****** There is a serious problem after the stage - the SRX won't be able to combine more than 10 times total, thanks to the absence of a rare material they need. Ryusei is understandably distressed by this but accepts it. Kazumi also reports the arrival of the space monsters (the Gunbuster enemies) which they have to prepare for. So once again, Bright splits Lond Bell into three groups. Gran Garan will go to protect Sanc Kingdom with Sho, Nii, Marvel, Keen, the Wing boys, Masaki, Ryuune, Seabook, Cecily, Birgid, Banjo and the Dancougar team. The La Kailum will head to Dakal to gain control of Jamaikan's appointing with Amuro, Sleggar, Quatro, Camille, Fa, Emma, Apollie, Robert, Burning, Monsha, Kou, Keith, Judo, Rou, Beecha, Mondo, Elle, Inoa, Usso, Marbet, Chris, the Skull squadron, Isamu, Guld and the SRX team. Finally, Goroan will stay to protect the South Base with the Mazinger, Getta, Combattler, Voltes, Top, Raideen, Giant Robo and EVA teams. 1) Gran Garan 2) La Kailum 3) Goraon If your Experience Points are high, I suggest going on the La Kailum because there's plenty of stuff to pick up. If they aren't, the Goraon path yields extra weapons for Gunbuster and I'm not sure about the Gran Garan one. Anyway, I decided on the Goraon. Before the stage ends, Igor asks Shera to relay the message "don't die" to someone named Aran in Sanc Kingdom, whom she correctly deduces to be his son. ****** Scenario 51 - Away, Duke Ashura Gorgon and the Dark Emperor from Mazinger discuss the fact that the Titan's power level has fallen, due to Lond Bell's seizure of the public address speech. The forces in the war move around again and the Mazinger baddies want to work with Dr. Hell. All the Mazinger enemies talk among themselves, and Ashura desires to lead the attack but her/his request is denied by Dr. Hell, who says to give the responsibilty to Brokken as Ashura failed the last time. Ashura launches anyway, in a new robot. SEELE has a discussion which is as typically cryptic as hell as all the others. Elle and Igor talk, and it is reported that the other two Lond Bell groups are doing well. Shinji is sad and the Combattler team tries to cheer him up, and Toji the pilot of EVA 03, appears to talk to him too. Mazinger is going to be overhauled when Asuka turns up and gets into a fight with Koji, who is waiting for it to happen. Asuka's synchro rate is not doing well (the reports note a fall in it) and Asuka's pride is suffering as a result. Jung and Kazumi try to talk to Asuka up but she rebuffs them. Akira wants to research Raideen's memory to find out more about the "god of destruction" that it told him about, and since they use the same sort of energy, the T-link system is selected to carry out the operation. Just then, enemies attack. Halfway through the stage, Leo (and everybody else) turns up to help you. --- Battle Tactics : Again, the number of Super Robots you have at your disposal makes things quite easy. You only need to be careful of the enemy reinforcements to the east (they can break through if your defensive line there isn't strong enough) and the flying electrical monster that will head straight for the base - take it out with Gunbuster or another strong Super Robot. The rest of the enemies are absolute pieces of cake. Trophies : Super Alloy Z from Ashura --- Afer the battle, Dr. Hell sends Brokken and Gorgon to chase you, as Ashura is dead. Back on the Goraon, Igor and the rest discuss the repeated attacks and the need to prepare the base for another invasion. Rei tells Asuka that if your heart is closed, the EVA won't respond to you, and Asuka tells her that she's just a lifeless doll. Leo is introduced to Koji and everyone else and Ryouto explains that she lost her memory while Murasame and Misato discuss the Heavy-Type Mazinger and he tells her that the BF Forces stole it. Kouji goes to get Mazinger powered up, as Lond Bell can't spare anyone because of the frequent attacks. Later, the Getta furnace lights up even though no one is inside, and Hayato goes to check it out just as enemies attack. ****** Scenario 52 - Demon God Emperor (this refers to Mazinkaiser) Mazinger Z will take 3 days to overhaul, though Kouji wants it to be done in a shorter space of time. The Professor tells Kouji that he's getting a new engine that'll let him have 20 times more power than the old one did. A doctor then comes up to report that one of the new Mazingers is moving by itself, and Dr. Mori-Mori calls Kouji aside to talk about the new things (the upgrades and the new Mazingers). Just then, enemies attack, and many unidentified Mazingers are deployed. They attack the base, and it turns out that the BF forces stole the Mazinger design and mass-producced enemy Mazingers. Brokken says that they'll (the Mazinger enemies) destroy the entire place if Kouji is not handed over to them and Kouji says that that's okay, he doesn't want everybody in the lab to die. Actually, he's just going out to buy time until Lond Bell appears. However, the new type Mazinger apparently has other ideas about the destruction of evil, and starts moving on its own. Koji wants to stop it, but is afraid that it has gone mad. After being told what its intentions are, Koji goes out in the Kaiser Glider to pilot it and you get Mazinkaizer with Koji at 150 morale! Dr. Hell comes out soon after that and you get a choice : 1) Attack 2) Buy time Mazinkizer is damn powerful, and Kouji could use some levels, so why not attack? Irum appears to help you soon after, though I don't think he'll be joining you. Lond Bell reaches the battlefield after Irum and we begin the main battle. --- Battle Tactics : Don't let Kouji kill too many enemies, others might need the morale later. Also, don't bother with Irum as he'll leave soon, so the morale and experience are totally wasted on him. Once the Lond Bell forces arrive, you should be able to totally kick the enemies' ass (c'mon, you have Mazinkaiser at 150 morale! What's the problem?) so there's really no need for strategy for this mission. ^_^ Oh yes, don't forget to use plenty of Luckys since almost all the bosses in this stage give lots of money. Trophies : Hybrid Armour from Gorgon Repair Pod S from Brokken Super New Alloy Z from Dr. Hell --- Back at the lab, the various professors discuss Mazinkaizer, and the professor says that the power in Mazinkaizer is one that they don't truly understand, like the Getta furnace. Despite that, Mazinkaizer is safe, but you get a choice : 1) Don't seal Mazinkaizer 2) Seal Mazinkaizer and use the upgraded Mazinger Z As Koji leaves to rejoin Lond Bell, his Professor tells him not to die and to carry on as always. Dr. Hell, frustrated at his latest defeat, goes to the Dark Emperor to get more power. However, Ma Kube wants to talk to him and so he stays behind for a while. ****** Scenario 52 - Knights to Whom the Earth is Entrusted to Kouji meets up with Lond Bell and he finds out that they're preparing to use the T-Link system to check Raideen's memory and find out about the space monsters. The Mazinger and Combattler teams are sent to do some scouting, and Elle and the rest discuss how the T-Link system is to be used. Akira manages to talk to Raideen and it tells him that the space monsters want to cleanse the universe of all other influences. Akira then unlocks the God Voice, Raideen's most powerful attack, but a strange pulse is detected and they are forced to cut Akira's connection without telling him. He is knocked out and wakes up in the infirmary, where he tells everyone what he heard. Voltes V enemies attack and Hainel wants to fight one on one with Kenichi, who agrees despite his teammate's warnings, and they move out. After a while, reinforcements from Lond Bell appear. Do - Zul kills Hinell because he is an impostor for kingship, and Do - Zul is the true prince. Soon after Hainel's death, Raideen and your main force launches. Enemy reinforcements appear, and Garuda wants to destroy Combattler V by himself. After all the enemies have been killed, a battleship appears and says that Hainel isn't dead, and you get a choice : 1) Let Hainel go 2) Kill him I don't like seeing enemies run away, so I chose to kill him. I think that not letting him go reduces your Experience Points drastically, though, so it might not be a good idea. More reinforcements appear, after that but they're pitiful. --- Battle Tactics : In this mission, if anybody dies, you lose, so be extra careful, especially early on. All your units start out uncombined, so try get them into their combining formations, next to each other, by sending them on a straight course up near the towns next to the top. You have 2 turns to do this, so I recommend you split your forces - the fast-moving ones should head right to the top, but the slower ones should circle around the bay so as to avoid the enemy reinforcements which show up. As to Hainel, I didn't kill him (Do - Zul did) so I'm not certain what effects (if any) his death has on the stage. Try to combine Getta ASAP so you can fend off the enemies (Combattler and Voltes will likely take a bit longer) in the first few turns. When Lond Bell arrives, you can only launch 5 units, so be certain which ones you're going to use. The enemy reinforcements aren't that tough, though, and with the large amount of disc enemies to kill for extra morale, your Super Robots should be able to take out the opposition easily. Trophies : (something from Hainel?) Psycho Frame from Garuda Beam Coating from Do - Zul --- After the battle, everyone reports back and wonders whether the Aerogaiters are using the other forces in the war for their own plans. It turns out that the Axis Jions are making a Solar Ray, even though they have been weakened. The Jupiterians have a massive space fortress that no ones knows about, too, as Bright reports. Ryouto gets to meet the head of Mao Industries, the corporation that designed the Hyukevain. She apologises to Ryouto for all the trouble he's been through and gives him 2 Armored Modules for the Hyukevain to power it up. She is also introduced to Leo and as the scene ends, wonders why Irmgalt (her partner) has not thought fit to discuss with her his plans and is acting on his own. ****** Scenario 53 - Memories to the Future Noriko wants some time to visit her old school which is in the area to receive her graduation notices (she never got them since she was fighting with Gunbuster in space) and Elle decides to give everyone leave, so everyone decides to go to the sea. Shinji and Asuka fight about the fact that Shinji is not a pervert. Most of the males want to go because the females are going and there is more small talk. At the sea, Leo wants to know why Ryouto is being so nice to her, and he says that : 1) You're an important friend 2) I can't let you go I picked the first choice, I don't want to sound possesive. Leo professes that she doesn't really want to know who she is, she's afraid that it will ruin her peaceful existence with Ryouto. Noriko and Kazumi want to collect their graduation passes, so they go back to school and Noriko talks to her old friend Kimiko who is married and now has a child. Kimiko, who heard Char making an address saying that humanity has no place to run, wants her child to have a future and asks Noriko if she believes in what Char said. Just then, Super Robot enemies attack and Getta, Gunbuster, Voltes V, Combattler V, Giant Robo and Raideen move out. After killing Gorgon, Giru-Giru Gan appears and your main forces get to launch, right on cue. Killing Giru-Giru Gan results in its reactor about to overload and blow up - Ryouto, who wants to stop this disaster, uses the power of the Psycho Driver (which unites the spirits of all the pilots) to stop it. But the use of it drains him immensely and he is knocked unconscious. Ingram appears to say that he has seen the power of the Psycho Driver and then goes off. --- Battle Tactics : Besides that fact that you only get 6 units to fight the entire battle with, this is not such a hard mission. Just be sure to use enough Motivates to keep your morale up and your Super Robot's attacks should win you the victory - just be sure to keep some units back near the top left-hand corner of the screen, because that's where Giru-Giru Gan will appear. You'll have to kill it AND Mecha Giru-Giru Gan in three turns, but it shouldn't be too tough with the aid of Ryouto's Psycho Driver. Trophies : New Armour Z from Gorgon Super New Alloy Z from Giru-Giru Gan --- After the battle, Noriko and Jung talk about Kimiko, who sent them a message which roughly translates to "Let's put our memories together for the future." ****** Scenaorio 54 : To Cry on the Breast of the Father! (Real stupid title) Now we switch to the Voltes V enemies, who are going to Mars to redezvous with Raodekiya on the Helmoze. Hainel is also going to continue his fight with Kenichi. Lond Bell is ready to go to Konpei Island while the Combattler team is sparring in a game against the Voltes team, and they win. Noriko wants Ryouma to teach her how to use the tomahawk, and then there are some funny scenes concerning Noriko's choice of words. (Ryoma says that if you're a Super Robot pilot, you must shout like a Super Robot pilot, i.e. very loudly.) They can't continue their lesson because enemies attack, and Kenichi wants to save his father, though he is restrained by his siblings, who try to talk sense into the hot-headed boy. If you attack Hainel, there is a conversation aboput the fact that even though his father has been captured, Kenichi will not fight. in frustration, Hainel returns the professor. --- Battle Tactics : If you want to save Kenichi's father, put Voltes V next to it, and don't destroy Hainel's ship. Keep a lookout on Hainel's and Jangal's morale, because they both go up very quickly. I'm not sure what effect killing all the enemies on the map has. Anyway, it's ANOTHER easy stage, so you shouldn't need much help here - just kill all the disc ships for extra morale. Trophies : Apogee Motor from Jangal --- There is a tearful reunion, and all the pilots who have lost their fathers come to watch, but the professor tells them that he has important information, and admits that he was a member of the Boazan forces until the Aerogaiters took control of the empire, and then he left to form a resistance, ending up on Earth instead. It turns out that his son is Hainel, and Kenichi has been fighting his brother all along. Relena is giving a public address to the whole world, and agrees to reprssent the Jupiterians, but it's because she wants to end all war. When she has finished speaking, she remarks sadly "Hiro, come and kill me." (As she has been obviously forced into this.) Meanwhile, everyone is shocked that Relena did such a thing, and Misato says that the Jupiterians, realizing that they can't beat the Aerogaiters in power, have gone into politics. You reach Konpei Island, and everyone joins you again. ****** Scenario 55 - Phantoms Of Jion The BF Group plots their next move, making repeated mention of a "plan" of some sort which is proceeding. The Bystrom Well forces are gone from Earth thanks to Shiu Shirakawa, who used Granzon to seal the Aura Road. Kenichi's father explains his past to the other Lond Bell leaders, as well as shedding some light as to the past history of conflicts between the forces in the war, and the power of the mysterious element Tronium that so many people seem to be after. He also makes mention of Angel Halos, devices which run on incredible amounts of psychic power and that possess much destructive power, than you must destroy. Everyone assembles in the briefing room to determine their plan of action. Despite protests that they're leaving the Angel Halos active, Misato first thinks that you should go after A Bao A Ku and take out the Jions and their colony laser first. Judo and Usso oppose this plan, saying that having such a powerful weapon (the laser) will make one power-crazy, but Ryouma tells him it won't, and the battle plans continue. Amuro takes Quatro aside for a moment and tells him not to lose his head since the Zabi family are going to be in the next battles - Char tells him he won't. At A Bao A Ku, Giren wants to fire the colony laser, and Gremi is commanded to use the Newtype group (Puru 2, Gremi, Gyunei, and some others) to protect their weapon. Giren makes his speech and the Jions cheer, and you launch to get to the cannon, and split your forces into two different sections, which deploy in different areas. On the third turn, Mazinger enemies attack, along with their prototype Mazingers. Halfway, Kishiria kills Giren (following the series) and you : 1) Accept cease-fire 2) Don't accept cease-fire I think that this stage is good for leveling-up, so I picked 2 - however, you will gain 5 Experience Points for accepting, so do so if your score is high. (Mine was so low at that point it didn't really matter. ^_^) --- Battle Tactics : Now THIS is a tough stage. Firstly, you have to get a unit onto the colony laser within 4 turns, and with the spaces on it being occupied by Psycho Gundam Mk.II, Alpha Aziel AND a Queen Mantha (all with powerful Newtypes inside them) it's not an easy task. I'd suggest having your fastest and most powerful units (EVA Unit-01, Wing Zero Custom and the Hyukevain Mk.III are good choices) move their quick and take out a unit (any unit) with repeated Spirit blasts. Then, move a support unit (Cybaster or another fast mover) and sit tight. I've never tried NOT moving there in 4 turns, but I'd appreciate information on it... Anyway, the rest of the battle needs attention too. You might want to launch the SRX, 'cause you're going to need it. There are three (four, later) main groups of enemies - the ones to the left, which will later be reinforced, the ones near the Solar Ray and another bunch will appear below them. Know where each group is and move to intercept them accordingly. For the ones near the Solar Ray, you're going to need Super Robots to stop them - you might want to send them down after that to deal with the Mazingers you'll face. As for the enemies near A Bao A Ku, Gundams should do the trick. That's all the help I can give you...the rest is up to your own wits. Another note : because there is so much money obtainable from enemies in this stage, you might want to commit suicide a couple of times(let the Gran Garan or Macross get killed) and restart with everything you earned in the stage before you died. (the money you got from the troops, the levels you leveled-up, everything) The levels you can gain aren't inconsiderable, either. Trophies : Bio Sensor from Sharia Bull (Alpha Aziel) Super New Alloy Z from Dr. Hell Psycho Frame from Gremi Repair Kit from Lesun Psycho Frame from Kishiria Propellant Tank from Gyunei Hybrid Armor from Rakan Psycho Frame from Kishiria --- A Bao A Ku has fallen, so your next mission is to go attack the Angel Halo, the Jupiterians's huge space fortress. The scene switches to Scirocco talking to Yazan, who says that he dislikes the Angel Halo, and Sara offering to go with her teacher, but he declines. Sirocco is shocked to see Yuze abroard the ship, and he also meets Relena. They report that their psychic wave is ready, and that they will be using the Angel Halos to completely control Earth. Relena says that Lond Bell won't let them get away with that, but Yuze counters with the argument that Lond Bell will not be able to stand against the might of 300000 psychics. ****** Scenario 56 - Above the Theory of Angels The Angel Halo is launched and Yuze is revealed to have gone to Earth. Amuro and the other Newtypes feel it's energy and wonder how the hostile intent of the enemy can feel so kind...Tashiro receives news that it's totally destroyed Side 3, so the SDF and the other ships rendezvous there. Strangely enough, the others confirm that they can feel no evil energy from the Halo, just calm force...discussing it further but not knowing what to do, Shera suggests contacting Shiu Shirakawa to ask him about it - however, he's already on board, and advises using Ryouto and Ryusei against the Halo, even though it's two people against 300000. Baby Karlu is upset and Usso wonders if that's because he can sense the psychic wave of the Halo...Monsha comes in and jokes around with Ryusei (although the latter doesn't take it as such for once) for a bit. Karlu talks a bit, calling Shakti's name, and then Rai tells Ryusei that Shiu wants to see him. Shiu explains the use of the T-Link system, telling everyone that he will release the limiters on it for even greater power. You're given a decision : 1) Accept the plan 2) Don't accept it I choose to accept it. (I think you get a Point for doing so...) Shiu and the rest explain the plan to everybody, but Shinobu is in opposition because it will end up killing the population of the Halo...there's no other way out, though, and Hikaru says to put their trust in Ryouto and Ryusei. Usso has an argument with his dad about having to rescue Shakti. Masaki tracks down Shiu and has it out with him, but the latter says that his true enemy should be Yuze and not him. The psychic wave from the Angel Halo is produced, but the efforts of Ryouto and the others stop it. There is then a whole LOAD of dialogue, the gist of which is Judo and the rest resolving to save Shakti despite the lack of time they have, and Shakti being used to empower the psychic wave further. This results in Leo and Aya being unable to withstand the greater strain, so Ryusei heroically reroutes their T-Link functions to him and promptly passes out due to the energy he expanded. Things are looking bad until Ryouto manages to speak to Maria and Shakti directly, convincing her to lower the power of the wave. Scirocco retreats at this development, and your other forces are able to join in the battle at this point. --- Battle Tactics : If Usso or Hiro kick the bucket during the stage it's all over, so don't let them die. Other than that and the wave of battleships that will assault you, the stage isn't really that hard. Weaken the enemies with your Gundams and Valkyries (which should be able to move twice by now) and then move in with your Super Robots for the kill. The SRX represents a large part of your total attack power here, so use it wisely. Once again, plenty of Luckys will be helpful is reaping the large amounts of cash available in this stage. Trophies : Propellant Tank S from Ik High Peformance Targeter from Fera Apogee Motor from Katejina and Kronokrol I-Field Generator from Tashiro --- After Hiro and Usso infiltrate the place, they go off to search of the people they're looking for and Usso has a discussion with Kagachi about the correct usasge of power. The drive of the Angel Halo is turned on by Yuze, and Hiro finds Treize who tells him that Relena and Shakti still have duties to fulfill. He tells them to go to the Key Room as that's where they areand that Angel Halo is using it's Cross Gate to warp to Earth. Upon being asked by Usso as to why he is telling them all this, he replies in his usual ambiguous way "It is not yet time to finish this." The Angel Halo defolds near to Earth, and Hamaan makes her move as well. Back on board the SDF, everyone wonders if the Angel Halo is really going to desend towards Earth, and you split (again). You : 1) Go to Axis 2) Go and chase after the Angel Halo I went after the Angel Halo, as I don't want to fight Hamaan. Anyway, after that, the scenario ends. ****** Scenario 58 - Fortune to the Victors and Losers Raodekiya is informed by Scirocco about the failure of the Angel Halo and he decides to continue to let Yuze carry out his plan. Scirocco is concerned (read : is plotting) about the way events are turning out and asks about the Zentraedi forces - he is directed to go on to Earth to meet Yuze. Raodekiya then summons Viletta and has a surprising order for her - to go to Earth and kill Ingram. You then get many scenes of Rebi's memories, in which Yuze tells her many people were sacrificed to let her use Judeka, her mech, and it's revealed that it was he who released her from cold sleep. She then hears a strange song... The Angel Halo is descending into Earth airspace and the SDF moves to intercept it; the South base attempts to attack as well but they don't have enough forces. NERV base is also alerted and goes to battle stations. Misato explains the battle plan to everyone; they will split into two groups (what IS it with Lond Bell and groups?) one which will tackle the sea and the other, the air. Asuka is told not to launch and Shinji attempts to cheer her up, telling her he knows what she's going through, but she runs off instead. On board the Angel Halo, Treize is formulating his plans, although Relena tells him he won't get far with them. Milliardo has a long conversation with Relena in which they debate their philosophies - Milliardo says that mankind's true enemies are the alien forces and that they should unite to fight them. Later on in the battle, Kagachi and Treize will show up. They have a disagreement of philosophies (premediated on Treize's part, I think) and Treize destroys the other's battleship and sets Relena free. Unfortunately, someone else in my house was using the computer at the time I was playing, so I was unable to record the Trophies or the rest of the episode...sorry. :( --- Battle Tactics : The thing to watch out for his is the fact that Katejina will cast a Miracle on herself once Kronokrol is dead, making her EXTREMELY DEADLY until you avoid one attack. (I think Kronokrol does this if you kill Katejina first, so you can't avoid this totally.) Besides that, the stage is easy, especially since the Vayates and Merucurius can't hit you and the Tallgeeses won't even attack. Trophies : High Performance Radar from Kronokrol Haro from Katejina --- Scenario 58 - Because It's Like a Human (the title is very hard to translate; don't blame me) The people from the Voltes V team wonder what happened to the South Connection after the Angel Halo fell into the sea. They wonder if they can contact it even though the Angel Halo jammed it. Seeing as they can't, they go to take a look instead. Igor tells the Combattler team that the professors were saved even though the South Conncection was damaged. The professor then tells them that psychic brainwaves might have stopped connections, but that they didn't come from the Angel Halo, which is strange. At NERV, they prepare a synchro test for Askuka and freeze Unit 01 for no good reason. The EVA pilots go to school, and Hikaru questions Touji. Ritsuko tells Asuka that her synchro rate is way down and muses that there's something wrong with her core. Makoto tells Misato that they're starting the EVA 7 series and Shinji gives Rei a printout from school and she invites him to tea. Shinji thinks that that's strange, and, after a minute of talking, Shinji comments that Rei feels like a mother. Rei says "Thank you." After that, they talk about Gendou for a while. Asuka talks to her EVA for a while, telling it to obey her. There are massive explosions, and some funny thing appears. They send Rei out but Asika launches without permission and says that it might be her last chance (as her synch-rate is so low, she might be asked to stop being a pilot) and she'll give it her best shot. A psychic wave is then released and the wave gets Asuka and tries to mind-probe her. Misato and the rest can't contact the EVA, prompting Shinji to want to launch. You : 1) Let him launch 2) Don't let him lanuch I let him launch. It turns out to be Yuze, and he talks about the strength of human hearts and knows about a lot about NERV's plans, much to Fuyutsuki's surprise. EVA 02 is brought in and the other three units are sent out. Yuze attempts to fuse with Ayanami's AT field and she says another famous line - "these are tears...was I crying?" Yuze tries to absorb her AT field, but Rei blows herself up along with Yuze. SEELE talks some more, discussing how matters have become. --- Battle Tactics : The stage will end in a grand total of 3 turns, so it's not really important what you do - just don't get Rei or Shinji killed. Trophies : None. --- It turns that Maria and Shakti weren't there along with the 300000 psychics, and it's revealed that the psychics were just people in capsules whose brainwaves are being used. The Lond Bell members vow to defeat the people who used such a travesty. It turns out that another Rei clone has been sent for to replace the injured one, who is dead. SEELE talks some more, amd nothing much is revealed though they are speaking to Ritsuko this time. ****** Scenario 60 - The Final Messenger (again, the title of an EVA episode...the 24th, if my memory serves me correctly) Back at NERV, Kaoru arrives. As per the anime, Kaoru talks to Shinji in their famous first meeting. He also speaks to Rei cryptically and then accompanies Shinji back to Lond Bell, and talks about the loneliness of humanity and there are more famous lines said. Gendou muses about the fact that whether he likes it or not, events are falling into place. Kaoru gets introduced to Daisuku and Quatre and he gives Shinji Minmei's plate from Macross...what's that doing here? Gloval calls you all up and prepares to meet with you for the final battle agaist the Aerogaiters. Just then, Benken turns up and brings you to the store room, where Shin Getta is radiating light and obviously trying to do something. Mazinkaizer is doing the same thing and Ryouto talks to Kaoru soon after. Ryouto feels strange and isn't particulary polite towards Kaoru, whom he thinks (correctly) is the source of the strange occurences. SEELE and Kaoru talk, and everything is, as usual, cryptic and ambigious. (They make some mentions of stuff, but I really don't feel like translating their dialogue...) Makoto again reports to Misato what's going on. Just like in EVA, Kaoru takes Unit-02 out and Ode To Joy plays in the background. Shinji doesn't believe that Kaoru is an Angel, and he says more lines that were in the epsidoe. Shin Getta and Mazinkaiser activate by themselves as well. Kaoru arrives at Adam, every Angel's goal, and Shinji attacks him. Kaoru retaliates and Shinji gets hit. Desperately, he shouts at Kaoru but the other just makes more philosophical comments about humanity. Just then, the Hyukevain and the other two Super Robots (Shin Getta and Mazinkaizer) appear. Kaoru talks about how their light is the light of humanity and invites them to defeat him. When you kill Kaoru, he says a lot about the future and how humans will be evolved. (Basically, all his dialogue is rehashed stuff from the same EVA episode, changed here and there to fit the SRWA storyline...that's why I'm so lazy with the translations here.) --- Battle Tactics : Again, none to speak of. Just kill Kaoru with a Great Effort and Lucky. Trophies : None. --- After the battle, Shnji is heartbroken and we follow the episode some more. Gendou sends Unit-01 back to Lond Bell and everybody goes to Konpei Island to meet up with Gloval. Back with Bodolza, the Zentraedi fleet talks about the 'song' and "culture" which nearly destroyed their people. ****** Scenario 61 - Arrow of Destiny Rebi has been captured by the Top team but some enemy forces are still in the area. Everyone wonders what happened to Shinji and Koji recaps what happened at Adam for everyone's benefit. They think about NERV's true objectives, which are, as always, unknown. They have recued Rina (Judo's sister) from the enemies and Roy and Ichijou talk a bit. Misa asks the latter if he's still worried about Minmei who is still in captivity. Shiu and Veletta join you after Kenichi's father explains the situaton to them. Everyone begins to formulate a battle plan, but nothing is confirmed. The Gundam boys think that they've seen Veledetta somewhere, her last name is fake and she's a spy. (She's supposed to be from Mao Industries, but the Wing boys suspect she's an Aerogaiter.) The Daitan team chats among themselves. Max is appointed leader of the Skull Team and Guld says "As long as Isamu isn't the leader, it's fine with me." Roy tries to cheer Hikaru up, saying that Minmei might still be alive and gives him an S-Class Valkryie to use. There is some discussion about the significance of Cybaster's computer, it apperently can be used to predict the future possiblities of events. Masaki stays mad the entire scene because it's Shiu telling him all sorts of stuff about his robot. Shinji says that he doesn't want to pilot the EVA anymore and Koji tries to talk some sense into him. (Actually, he's says a lot of traditional Super Robot pilot lines.) Enemies attack, and you : 1) Send the Lond Bell team out 2) Send the Skull Team out I sent the Lond Bell team out, though you can get special Valkyries if you send the Skulls. Miriya leads the Zentraedi troops, and reiforcements come halfway through the battle. The Macross detects enemies approaching and you are warned accordingly. Minmei warps in and starts singing, it turns out the male Zentraedi want to use her 'song' against the female Zentraedi and they want to open peace negotiations with you. --- Battle Tactics : Trophies : --- Everyone wonders what will be done and whether they should accept this offer for peace, then they go on to talk about uninteresting things. Gloval makes peace with the Zentraedi and they discuss Protoculture. Everybody talks about the Zentraedi's similarity to humans, because Zentraedi are human, virtually. Exedore and Breetai tak a bit about more uninteresting stuff. Minmei comes out to sing and the producer of Minmei is Miung from Macross Plus! They get Hikaru to meet Minmei but he stops by to talk with Misa first, then proceeeds to the exact same meeting as the one in the end of Macross 1. Rebi wakes up and the SRX team talks to her, but she says that she doesn't remember anything and has a puzzled look to complement it. Apparently, Ryusei did this - he used the Psycho Driver a lot and with him being such a powerful Psyciccer, Rebi's memory was wiped out by his power and she joins you. Rebi was also a member of the SRX team at one point, but the Aerogaiters took her over. ****** Scenario 62 - Do you Remember Love? (Title of Minmei's song) Back with the Aerogaiters, Yuze tells his commander about the alliance that the good guys have made. They also discuss Protoculture, which apparently has some importance in NERV's plan. Raudeikaia moves to meet the humans and the Meltraedi do the same. Yuze plots the background. Miung and Kifong talk about Minmei's contract and when asked about Minmei's singing, Miung says that she won't be singing anymore. Outside, Miung meets Guld and they catch up on old times. Izamu and Guld get ito a fistfight which happens in Macross Plus too. Minmei is STILL singing. Minmei needs the Memory Plate to continue with her singing, and everyone goes to find it. An order comes from above for everyone to retreat because the fighting will get hectic, and Gloval obeys. Misa meets Shinji and he tells her about the plate which Kaoru gave him, which is Minmei's, and Shinji gives it back to her because he realises its importance. Claudia talks to Ichijou and she gives him advice regarding Misa (it's the exact same conversation as the one in Macross). Just then, Minmei pops into Hikaru's room to say she loves him, but Misa comes in at just the right time to give Minmei her plate. Ichijou then gets into trouble with BOTH girls and spills his guts, telling Misa that he loves her and Minmei made him realize that. Just then, enemies attack. (Oh, wow. People love to attack at JUST the right time, when interesting stuff is happening.) Tashiro also sends his forces into the battle too. The pilots talk about Minmei's song, they have to protect the Macross until she finishes it. The Zentraedi also realize the power of Minmei's 'song' and are rightly confused. --- Battle Tactics : You have to maintain your defense line for 10 turns, or until Minmei starts singing. Don't send your forces out too much, the enemies will attack from your left and right. Trophies : --- Minmei has diasppeared, and Hikaru goes to search for her. Meanwhile, the fortress is attacked. Lond Bell is attacked too, and Gloval orders it to be saved at all costs. Ichijou runs up to Minmei is wondering why she has to sing, and why doesn't everyone besides Hikaru and her just die. Hikaru wants her to sing for everyone, not just him, and hits her to snap her out of her spasm of selfishness. Breetai gives the order to destroy everybody, and Dolza fires his cannons. Zentraedi die in droves and just then, Minmei starts singing 'Do You Remember Love?' and Breetai feels that this song has been encoded in their memories for many years, And the Zentraedi under Breetai's command agree to help you, much to Bodolza's puzzlement. --- Battle Tactics : Everybody's at 150 morale, and the Zentraedi are down to 50 morale each because of Minmei's song, so If Breetai attacks Bodolza, you gain a Point Trophies : Minmei doll from one enemy Zentraedi --- After the battle, Breetai and Exedore marvel at the power of the singing, and Misa says that it's a song that has been passed down for a long, long time...a love song. ****** Scenario 63 - The Beginning of the End Tashiro wants to know what's going on on Earth now, and the Zentraedi volunteer to go and do just that. Exedore comes aboard the Macross and gives you information about the Zufrield Crystals, which can self-reproduce and adapt to new situations, are used in the creation of various mecha (including Magilords) and surprise, surprise, that Raodekiya's mech possesses. They rest discuss some more and Banjo wonders how far NERV's Instrumentality of Humanity plan is progressing. There is some dialogue between the techs and then Misato by herself, then we switch to SEELE discussing the schedule of their plan and it's effect. Misato manages to sneak into the mainframe and access all the information, but it's too late - things are beginning. An Angel attempts to get into the MAGI supercomputers but is stopped by Ritsuko in time. (just like in the episodes) Actually, I'm not sure if it was an Angel or SEELE...they're being obscure about it. That's it for this chapter...I know, it's damn short. ^_^ ****** Scenario 64 - Air You get a message from NERV telling you that their power got shut off, and Banjo wonders whether it's just part of their plan, but the other opinion is that SEELE is behind it. Shinji is worried about NERV and Toji tells him to go back and check the situation out. Upon hearing his response, Sayaka comments that Shinji is now a lot more masculine now. The Fedaration doesn't want Bright to launch, they're going to use an N-2 bomb at an unspecified location and everyone suspects that SEELE is behind it. The pilots overall decision is that they can't let SEELE do what it wants, but they're out of ideas as to what to do to stop it. (This is like the EVA movie.) The Titans attack NERV and Asuka launches even though she's in a bad state, and NERV goes to full alert even though they're fighting humans. A famous scene is repeated and the Titans continue their advance into the Geofront, the situtation is so bad that the techs are issued guns and they start fighting hand-to-hand. Misato gives everyone some true information about Second Impact and what caused it. Then Unit 02 launches. Something shoots Asuka and she says that she doesn't want to die, doesn't want to die, doesn't want to die. She realizes then that her mother has been with her all this time, and is still by her side. She then gains the confidence and understanding of the true meaning of the AT field, the barrier between (or that protects) people's hearts, and proceeds to kick serious ass. The EVA 7 series is finished and deploys, while it is confirmed that the Titans are attacking NERV. The Super Robots (Raideen, Mazinkaizer, and Shin Getta) start moving by themselves and everyone goes to NERV to check the situation out, and Ryouto says that he will try to use the T-Link system to do something. Just as they are about to leave, Shinji thanks his friends. Banjo wants to use Granzon to stop NERV's plan and the N-2 bomb, but Shiu is not very receptive of this idea. The EVAs (its the EVA 7 series) attack Asuka and she decides to destroy them. Asuka thinks she has won, but they regenerate and they have the Lance of Longinus (the spear that slew Jesus Christ) with them. Asuka is almost killed, despite her confidence, and in a frenzied shout, vows to kill every one of the EVAs, but Shinji turns up to do the work for her. An EVA dying in his wake, he shouts resoulutely, "I can't run away anymore! For my friends to live, I won't run away!" Just then, the Super Robots and the La Kailum appear, and Fuyutsuki comments on the power of their thoughts and wishes. SEELE, too, talks about how all the require now is the Spear of Longinus to set their plan in motion. The N-2 bomb won't be firing anytime soon because Shiu put a virus in it, so it can't work properly. --- Battle Tactics : Despite the EVA Series's not-inconsiderable power, they shouldn't pose a big problem for your forces. Just remember to take into account their AT Field and regenerative capabilities - a few Super Robots and they should be going down. Trophies : None. --- After the battle, the anti-AT Field that the EVA Series had formed earlier disappears, and Fuyutsuki thinks about how the only players left in the game are SEELE, Ingram and Shiu. He also evacuates the base and tells all remaining personnel to head to the SDF-1. Misato and Shinji have a heartfelt reunion, but it's spoiled somewhat because of the news that Gendou and Rei are gone. Shinji also goes to check on Asuka who surprinsingly thanks him...and then falls to arguing again afterwards. ^_^ Fuyutsuki and Shiu then discuss the Instrumentality of Human Project and the former wants to know the latter's true intentions - aren't they the same, counters Shiu, and the conversation ends on an unfinished note, with Fuyutsuki remaining behind in NERV. ****** Scenario 65 - Gear of Destiny Raodekiya and Yuze talk about the STMC, with Yuze planning in the background. They're powering up their crystals, which are so great that Raodekiya is convinced that they can overpower anything, including Lond Bell. Yuze plots some more and says that Raodekiya is underestimating you all. Hainel and Garuda are ordered by the Aerogaiter head to attack the SDF without killing it, just lower its power. Shapiro sneaks into Yuze's lab and discovers clones of serveral powerful warriors (e.g. Scirocco) and Yuze tells Shapiro that he knows too much. Shapiro asks him how far he has gotten with his plans, but Yuze just laughs. Garuda's mother talks to him, wishing him success, and Miuea gets (in response to her wish to go into battle) entrusted with his life. Hainel prepares to fight and asks for his god's help, and, while he's praying, Katherine doesn't want him to go into battle, and is afraid that he will die. The citizens of Macross are to be evacuated safely, and the Federation is gathering its forces for its final battle. Lin comes on board, and reports on the progress she's made housing the civilians. She also wants to join them in the fight, but her request is turned down. Lin inquires as to where Irum has gone to, and Banjo questions Viletta as to where Ingram has gone, since she was a person who worked with Ingram on the H-series, and she says that she doesn't know as she just followed her superior's commands. Banjo asks her if he's expected to believe that, and Viletta says that its okay of he doesn't. The pilots (Ryouto, the SRX team, and some others) talk about how to kill Ingram, and someone says that they should kill Yuze first to get information. Elle says that when she first saw Ingram, his aura was confused, not controlled as he seems to be. It's apparent that Aya still has some feelings for Ingram, and Ryouto wants kill Yuze for using people's lives as playthings. Combattler and Voltes get an overhaul (warp drives so they can meet up with the main fleet), and Chizuru is revealed to have cancer and is in need of treatment, so Combattler is put out of action. Despite that, Chizuru still wants to fight, and so the Professor agrees reluctantly. Commander Gou has come back and the political situation is discussed. The Professor (of the Voltes team) is returning to Macross (and the war) even though he wants to remain on Earth with his wife. Lady Ann and Sari talk, and Lady Ann says that the world's hopes are all pinned on Lond Bell, its destrution or protection is in their hands. Sari then tells her that since they have Hiro Yui, they will win. A new radar system is installed on the Macross, and enemies defold right next to it without warning. As the SDF is still unloading civilians, its defence is scrambled and unruly, and all the defence squardrons have been blown up by the enemies already, so its up to a confused Lond Bell to protect the innocent people. However, Irum and Getta (yes, the ORIGINAL (but powered-up a bit) Getta, piloted by Musashi) appear to help, and buy you some time. The turn after, Combattler and Voltes V turn up. Garuda attacks, and it turns out that he's just a creation of Yuze's, and Ryouma (the pilot of Combattler V) says that he must save him. However, I didn't bother (perhaps he can be persuaded? Not sure...I've heaqrs rumors that Hainel can be as well.) After you kill Hainel, the spirit of Gorudo (his god) becomes a super powerful robot and you start fighting again. Just as Hainel is about to die, Kenichi reveals that actually they are brothers and have the same father. Hainel claims that that is a lie, and says "I am Hainel of the Boazan Empire" before dying. --- Battle Tactics : For the end of the game, the fights are sure easy...once again, nothing should really give you trouble here besides the blue mecha at the top of the screen - those have lots of life and a Gravity Wall to boot. The spirit of Gorudo isn't really that great after all, you can kill Hainel pretty quickly. Trophies : None. --- There has been some damage done to the shuttle, but otherwise, things are fine. The citizens of Macross are making a nuisance and Gloval goes to talk to them, telling them that they won't be able to return to their homeland. Minei also plays her part and tells them to believe Gloval. Ryoma talks to Chizuru about her illness, telling her to be careful, while Kenichi and the professor grieve over Hainel. After a minute, Ryouma comes in and tells them both to stop feeling sorry, there are many battles ahead (and maybe many more comrades to be lost). Irum meets up with his old teamates (Masaki, Ryune, and Leo) and they chat. Irum needs to talk to Shiu, and promptly goes off, as Shiu has left your party. He's joining your party, and tells Leo so after wishing her luck. Lin meets up with Irum and wants to know why he didn't talk to her, to which he replies that he didn't want to get her involved. The techs of EVA talk about the return of Excelcior and just then, high energy readings are displayed and something warps out - a whole mass of STMCs. ****** Scenario 66 - Nowhere for Humanity to Run Everyone discusses plans on how to defeat the massive space forces, and they wonder whether they can or not. The space monsters head to Earth to attack it, and all the commanders are required to assemble. Puru doesn't look too good, but she isn't telling anybody what's hounding her. Kazumi and the Coach are having a personal conversation when Noriko comes in, and Coach tells her (while bleeding at the mouth because of his cancer) that she must fight for humanity's final chance and protect Kazumi. It's going to be the last battle soon, and the pilots have mixed feelings about this. Finally, they all decide to fight. (Would there be any story if they didn't?^_^) Ingram and Viletta discuss their battle plans, and apparently, Yuze is going to use something called the Cross Gate Paladium system, and Viletta wants Ingram to go out in Astranagan. Ingram, however, does not plan to do the killing of Yuze. Coach comes up with a daring and dangerous plan - destroy the Excelcior, creating a black hole that will suck all the enemes in and kill them. Despite other people's misgivivngs, Tashiro tells him to go ahead with the plan, and Gunbuster leaves with Coach to protect him. Misato, Noriko and Kazumi have a last talk, and Noriko tells everyone that they'll meet again in half a year's time (they'll be going through a timewarp, so nobody knows at what century they'll reappear, actually). So, instead of saying goodbye, Jung says "we'll meet again." They discuss who will be looking after the child, Karlu, and someone mentions that Rebi seems to be good with him and to give her the duty. Just then, Ryusei comes in and everyone's Newtype senses go off, except Shinji, and Ryusei suspects that Yuze is near and rushes off. On the SDF bridge, a powerful gravitaional force is found by the techs, and enemies pop out, literally. In battle, Scirocco explains his plan, saying that humanity must have a true leader to guide it because it is so weak, and asks you to surrender, and of course everyone tells him to go fly a kite. After awhile, three Dancougars appear, the middle one piloted by Shapiro. After you kill Sirocco, the Rafflesia appears and Sirocco pilots the Jupitoris against you. Just when you think you have won, Raudekia and Yuze appear with a good load of forces and the head of the Aerogaiters gives you two choices - join him or defeat him. Upon your refusal (to join him, that is), everyone gets into a discussion of strength, with Raudekia saying that humanity is weak and doesn't know how to use its own weapons, therefore it must be destroyed, and Yuze activates the Cross Gate Drive. While Yuze is still busy activating the Cross Gate Drive, you get to upgrade your mechs. --- Battle Tactics : A moderately tough stage. The thing you have to remember here is NOT to assualt the Jupitoris head on - just kill all it's support troops, then lower it's HP using Wing Zero Custom or another mecha that can fire from a distance. Then get ready, because once you defeat it, Scirocco will reappear in The O and this time, he's packing reinforcements. They aren't as powerful as they appear at first sight (thanks to their starting morales of only 100) but they can prove a problem, so be cautious when mounting your final assault. Trophies : None. --- ****** Scenario 67 - Souls of Steel A large-scale energy reaction is detected, leading Gloval to deploy his forces to reinforce the Excelion's position. Noriko and Kazumi resolve to see this to the end, and launch in the Gunbuster, while the Excelion itself heads to it's final destination, accompanied by the EVA techs who didn't want to desert it. The Macross and everyone else also pops up, ready for the final battle. (and lots of conversation ^_^) Once the Excelion reaches the spot where it will activate the black hole, Judo and Daisaku refuse to abandon Captain Tashiro to his fate, but a heated speech by Fokker and some other pilots finally convinces them that it's for the best. You then have 4 turns in which to move all your units off the map, which shouldn't be too hard. (No battle tactics here - just rush in, destroy some STMCs and get the Excelion in. Simple. You can hang around and blow stuff up for extra experience if you want, but I don't think it's worth it.) Back on the Macross, Gloval prepares to fold out, and Noriko and the rest come on board, saddened at the fate of the Excelion. However, there is a surprise in store for everyone - the fold goes haywire and instead sends them to an unknown planet, where they are met by Raodekiya who proceeds to congratulate them on their victory over the STMCs and then embarks on a LONG philosophical dialogue about the nature of power and strength. Lond Bell unsurprisingly disagrees with him and you get set for the final rumble. --- Battle Tactics : For the final stage, this isn't that hard if you know what you're doing. Firstly, everyone starts at 150 morale, which makes things easier for your side...head up and destroy all the enemies (they really aren't too tough) until only the Helmoze is left. Now begins the real battle. Using a minimum expenditure of EN and ammo, destroy the Helmoze...what should pop up but the Zufrield. Nevermind that - just hit it with enough so that it regenerates. Again. And again. You'll need to be careful here - it's sufficiently powerful enough to damage your forces, but then again, you don't want to expend your SP and high-power attacks on it. I'd suggest using either really tough units like Gunbuster\Mazinkaiser and\or super-agile ones like Wing Zero Custom to do the bulk of the work. Once it's gone, the main enemies show up. THIS time things are a bit hairy - you've got TWO Zufrields to deal with (though neither will regenerate) as well as Yuze's Judeka and Ingram's Astranagan. Despite how the situation looks, things are well in hand. Shiu should be able to take out at least one Zufrield using Spirit and your Super Robots can deal with the other and the Astranagan. The real foe here is of course Yuze. Make sure you have enough Exhausts to keep his morale low and hit him with everything you've got - he will, like Raodekiya before him, regenerate multiple times, so be careful, but eventually he should fall. When he does so - congratulations! You've beaten the game! Trophies : None. (This is the last stage, what did you expect?) ****** When Yuze dies, he talks about how his empire will live to succeed him and that his plan is not finished yet...anyway, the entire place blows up and Lond Bell just barely manages to escape. Back on Earth, news of your victory reaches everyone from Queen Maria, now working for peace, and Relena Peacecraft, who says that she will go back to being Relena Dorian now that the war is over. Everyone, despite the evidence, remains firmly convinced that you will all return. Meanwhile, the Titans are once again rising to power and history repeats...leading Kai to enlist Sayla because of her name of Daikun. However, the Lond Bell team is indeed safe and warps out near Mars - Gloval thanks everyone and they begin the long voyage home... (And now, I've got to play all over again with the Super Robot path this time...a FAQ-writer's job is a thankless task. ^_^) ****** Super Robot Path : (refer to the Real Robot side for the Prologue. BTW, I chose Seiya as my hero's name and Kusuha as his lover's.) Scenario 1 - Cockpit of Iron Seiya and Kouji are chatting about school when Sayaka comes running up to them with news that a new Super Robot from DC will be arriving for Mazinger Z to test against, so Kouji had better not be late. Suddenly, a siren sounds and Kouji tells Seiya and Kusuha to get out of the way while he gets into the Pilder to check things out. A plan crashes nearby, separating the two, and as Seiya tries to find Kusuha, something from the fallen plan calls to him. You : 1) Get inside 2) Don't I picked 1. Once inside, Seiya attempts to make the thing move and succeeds, mainly because the mecha teaches him how to operate it. You then get another choice : --- Battle Tactics : None of which to speak of. Just kill the enemies! Trophies : Booster from Ashura --- After the battle, Kouji blames himself for not being able to prevent the school from being attacked and Seiya tries to cheer him up. They both resolve to head to Kouji's lab to prevent any more enemy attacks and the chapter ends. ****** Scenario 2 - Mazinger Z Body and Soul Enemies attack the research institute and Boss and Sayaka launch in their respective mecha to buy time for Kouji to arrive in the Pilder. --- Battle Tactics : Trophies : Repair Kit from Brokken --- After the battle, Kouji's Prof. says that he'll need to report the unauthorized use of Grungast (the fallen mecha) to the Federation, despite Kouji and Sayaka's protests. He also wonders privately about whether Seiya's use of the mecha was totally a matter of chance... ****** Scenario 3 - Getta Team, Attack! Seiya is worried about Kusuha and flies too fast forwards until he's asked by Kouji to slow down because Mazinger Z can't fly. After some chatting, Seiya thinks that Grungast is telling him about enemies and takes off towards them; Kouji follows. A long scene with the Getta Team follows Gameshark Codes : Since I don't actually own a Gameshark, I can only provide those codes which have been given to me or that I've found - besides that I'm totally dry, so don't come asking. ^_^ Anyway, here are some for unlimited money : 8006E8F0 E0FF 8006E8F2 05F5 ****** Battle Quote Translations : (First, some notes) 1. I'm only going to be doing translations of the pilots whom you'll use a lot - I can't be bothered doing, for example, Apollie and Robert's voices. Too tiring, and I'm not being paid for this. ^_^ 2. Because some words are used SO MANY TIMES, I'm simply include translations of them here rather than waste space below. Lest you complain, think about it - you can learn elementary robot mecha Japanese for free! 3. Notations : (l) indicates when light damage is done (m) for medium and (h) for heavy (c) is when the pilot is counterattacking (s) quotes for special situations, like when series rivals are fighting 4. And here are the words : a) Iku zo\iku ze\iku yo...etc, basically anything with "iku" it in - This mean "to go" but a better translation would be "let's go!", "let's do it", "here I come" or suchlike. b) Ochiru\Ochiro - Literally, "fall", but it means something like "die!", "be defeated", "to lose". c) Amai - Literally, "sweet", but it's more like "naive" or "untrained". d) Osoi - Slow, late. e) Nani, nanda, nanto - What? f) Mada mada - Not yet, as in the sense of "I'm not beaten yet!" g) Moratta - "To receive" but it means "take that!" h) Kono - Literally, "this" but it's something like "you fool", "you bastard", "Gaah, DIE!" i) Soko - "There" or "over there" but it's actually "Gotcha!" or "Take this!" ------ Amuro Ray "Ike! Fin Funnel!" " Noriko Takaya : "Sonna kougeki, kikanai wa!" ("This attack has no effect!") "Chansu!" ("A chance!") "Sonna mono de, atashi-tachi wo yarareru to omotte?" ("With that sort of attack, you think you can defeat us?") "Ikeeeeeeee!" "One-sama, are wo tsukayu wa! - Ee, yokute yo - Supeeeer - Inazuma - Kickkkkkkkkkk!" ("Sister, use that! - ------ Tetsuya (Great Mazinger) "Kurae! Drill Pressure Punch!" ------ Shinji Ikari *attacking* "Yaranakya...yaranakya!" ("I have to do this...have to do this!") "Kono, kono!" "Soko!" "Kore de!" ("With this!") "Taagetto rokku...hassha!" ("Target lock...fire!") *getting hit* "Fiirudo Zenkai!" ("Full Field Open!") "Daijoubu...ka?" ("Am I...okay?") "Dame da, yarareru?" ("No...it is over?") "Ki, kikumon ka?" ("Thi, think that'll work?") "Fuu...nanto ka." ("Whew...looks okay.") "Aa! Haa, tasukatta." ("Aaah! Whoo, saved.") --- Sho Zama (Dunbine) *attacking* "Ikuuuyo!" - "Kono!" "Chikaraoshinagara, makeru wa shinai!" ("As long as I use force, I won't lose!") "Hissatsu, oora kiri!!" - "Oooooooah!" ("Special attack - Aura Slash! - Ooooaaah!") "Kurae!" - "Hissatsu, Aura kiri da!" ("Take this! - "Special attack! Aura Slash!") "Hissatsu! - Hyper Aura kiri daaaaaaaaa!" ("Speacial attack - *avoiding* "Soko da!" - "Mimimoto ni doban da!" ("Over there! - You're shouting in my ear!") "Sho, migi!" - "Wakatteru!" ("Sho, the right! - I know!") "Ataru wa shinai!" ("I won't let you hit me!") *getting hit* "Sho, migi!" - "Chi!" ("Sho, the right! - Damn!") --- Asuka Sohryuu Langley *getting hit* "Yararete tamaru mon ka!" (h) "Mada yo, mada mada!" (h) Isamu Dyson "Kamon, kamon, kamon...yosh!" ("C'mon, c'mon, c'mon...alright!") "Yoshi, soko da!" "Deryyya!" "Kono ore ni ata Hiro Yui "Owari da zo, Zekusu! (s) ("This is the end, Zechs!") "Ore wa...shinanai!" ("I...won't die!") "Ku, ninmu shimpai ka." ("Kuuu, mission failed.") "Kita ka...kaihi koudou ni utsuru." ("Incoming...switching to evasive maneuvers.") "Mokuhyo kakunin - hakai suru." ("Target confirmed, commencing destruction.") "Shogai wa, torinosoku." ("Preparing to deal damage.") --- Kou Uraki "Kiichainai!" ("That didn't hurt!") "Moratta!" "Kore de, daun da!" ("You're going down with this one!") "Amai!" Ryune "Ike! Cross Slasher!" Akira (Raideen) "Neriai wa, amai ze!" "Huu, abunakatta ze." ("Whew, that was dangerous.") "Makeru na, Raideen!" Ichijou Hikaru (Macross) *attacking" "Jauma suru na!" ("Out of my way!") "Ima da, kurae!" ("Now, eat this!") "Ore datte!" ("I know I can!") "Kore yori, kougeki wo kaishi suru!" ("Alright, begin the attack!") "Nigasu mono ka yo!" ("Think you can run?") "Teki kakunin! Gegeki ni *avoiding* "Sono udemae ja, ataranai zo!" ("You won't hit me with skill like that!") " *getting hit* Ryusei (SRX Team) *attacking* "Shojuuusetto, faia!" ("Target settttt, fire!") "Jaiantto Riburoba!" ("Giant Revolver!") "Atare! G-Riboruba!" ("Hit him! G-Revolver!") "Oraoraora!" ("C'mon, c'mon, c'mon!") "Nendouken! T-Rink Nakko!" ("Psychic Force Sword! T-Link Knuckle!") "Chohissatsu! T-Rinku SOOOOOOOOODO!" ("Ultimate Attack! T-Link SWWWOOOOORD!") *avoiding* "Kono teido nara, Rai datte yokerareru ze." ("Huh, even Rai could avoid something like that.") "Kaihi seiko! Yoshaa!" ("Evasion successful! Yeah!") "Oshii! Hontou ni oshikatta ze." ("Sorry! Really sorry about that, man.") "Kono teido de R-1 Rai *avoiding* "Sono teido de ore "Mada owari dewa nai!" ("This is not the end!") Aya "Iku wa yo...Reeza Kyannon, hassha!" ("Let's go...Laser Cannon, fire!") "Ike, Sutooraiku Shiruudo!" ("Go, Strike Shield!") "Yoku kawashita, R-3!" ("Well avoided, R-3!") SRX Team (Combined) "Kudake, Dominion Ball!" "Shikoken, Psy knuckle!" "Kono ore to SRX wo makeru mon ka!" ("The SRX and I won't lose!") "T-Link full contact! - Z.O. sword, hatzudo! - Subete wo kirisatzu, SRX! Tenjo tenka mutekiriiiiii!" "Nendo field, Masaki Ando (Cybaster) "Tanomun da ze, Kuro, Shiro!" - "Atashi-tachi ni o-makasenya!" ("I'm counting on you - Just leave it to us!") "Yatte yaru ze!" - "Yaru no wa atashi-tachi nyan dakedo ne..." ("Let's do it! - The 'doing' part is ours...") "Kore wa "Mahouken, eteruchabu "Ataranee na!" ("Ya missed!") "Hehe, kittenai ze." ("Hehe, no use.") "He, sono teido ka yo?" ("That's the best you can do?") "Otto! Hazure da ze." ("Whoops, missed!") --- Daisaku Kusama (Giant Robo) - *attacking* "Yuresenai zo, BF Dan!" (s) ("I won't forgive you, BF Group!") "Robo, Roketto Bazooka da!" ("Robo, the Rocket Bazooka!") "Hidake! Giant Robo!" ("Rip them apart, Giant Robo!") "Roketto Bazooka wo tsukaun da, Robo!" ("Use the Rocket Bazooka, Robo!") *getting hit* "Hirumu na, Robo!" ("Don't slack off, Robo!") "Konna kougeki de Robo wo yarereru mon ka!" ("You think an attack like this will finish off Robo?") "Kore gurai daijoubu da, Robo!" (l) ("This is still okay, Robo!") "Shikkari surun da, Giant Robo!" ("Get a hold of yourself, Giant Robo!") "Robo no G-toku "Gambare, Robo!" ("Keep it up, Robo!") *avoiding* "Robo, kaihi da!" ("Robo, evasive action!") --- Combattler V Team - *getting hit* "Sonna kougeki ga Kon Batoru "Nante, sonna mon ka? ("What was that? A scratch?") "Kondo wa kocchi kara ikuze!" (c) ("This time it's coming from over here!") "Kore demo kurae!" ("Chew on this!") "Yokumo yatte kureta na!" ("Not bad at all!") "Mitami! Kono "Nanda? Kasukatta dake sa!" --- Kouji (Mazinger Z) - "Sonna mon de, kono Mazinger wo taosu ki ka yo!" ("You wanna beat Mazinger with something like that?") "Koitsu wo okaeshi da ze!" (c) ("Here's something in return!") --- Ryouma (Getta) - *attacking* "Ikuzo!" "Kurae!" "Kore de dou da!" ("How's this?") *getting hit* "Nan no koreshiki?" (l) ("What's this?") *avoiding* "Otto!" "Joto da!" ("Too high!") "Mikitta zo!" ("I caught that!") --- Bright Noah (Agahma) - *attacking* "Shinro, kuria! (Course clear - Tress) Yosh, mega ryushihou, ute!" ("Alright, mega-particle cannons, fire!") " "Taiku houka, teki wo chikazukeru na!" ("AA fire, don't let the enemies near!") --- Duo Maxwell (Gundam Deathscythe) - *attacking* "Oraora! Shinigami-sama no o-toori da! ("Alright alright! You've got a date with the God of Death!") "Ikuzeeeeee!" "Jauma "Kakugo shi na!" ("Get ready!") "Sono biimu nan sa." ("Just a beam.") "Otto!" ("Whoa!") "Ann? Kiitenee ze." ("Huh? No use, man.") "Kono Duo-sama wo --- Emma Sheen - "Shizume!" ("Prepare to die!") "Ahh, sasuga ni..." ("Just as good as I thought...") --- Sleggar Row *attacking* "Itadaki!" ("A present!") *avoiding* "Huuu, abunee, abunee!" ("Whew, dangerous, dangerous!") --- Camille Vidan (Zeta Gundam) - *attacking* "Soko wo doke!" ("Get out of my way!") "Asobi de yatten ja nai da yo!" ("I'm not playing around!") "Kisama no you na ga iru kara, tatakai wa owaranain da! Kiero!" (s) ("Because of people like you, the war won't end! Die!") "Kore nara!" ("If this...") "Atareee!" "Ukatsu na!" ("Don't be careless!") "Ikeru ka?" ("Can I do this?") "Saseru ka!" ("I won't let you get any further!") "Jiriido ka?" (s) ("Jerid?") "Omae wa ikiteiru ikenain da!" ("You won't be alive for long!") *avoiding* "Mieru!" ("Saw that!") "Ataru ka yo?" ("Think that'll hit?") "Sou kantan ni!" ("Not so easy!") "Hidan? Iya, kasumete daka da." "Kono kougeki, *getting hit* "Atatta? Yatte kureru!" ("Got me? Not bad!") --- Ryouto *attacking* "Boku datte, yaru toki wa yarun da!" ("When it's time to, I'll do it!") "Mou nigerarenai yo..." ("You can't run anymore...") "Koko de nigeru wake ni wa ikanai kara..." ("No way you can run from here anymore...") "Boku ga yaranakya...dame nanda." ("I...have to do this, right?") "Mada owari ja nai!" ("It's not over yet!") "Iku yo..." "Boku datte, *avoiding* "Warui kedo...ataranai yo!" ("Sorry 'bout that...you missed!") "Teki no ugoki wo mieru..." ("I see how he moves...") "Kono teido nara...nanto ka naru." ("I can do something about this one.") "...yokerareta!" ("I avoided that!") *getting hit* "Boku wo amaku miru *Gravity Wall activated* "Dame da yo...sono teido ja." ("You can't do it with something like that.") "Kuu, G-Wall, hatsudou!" ("Aaah, Gravity-Wall, activate!") --- Leo Quatro Bajina (Char Aznable) *attack* "Osoi!" "Soko da!" ("Over there!") "Yaraseru ka!" ("Think I'll let you?") "Kore ijou wa yarasen!" ("This stops here!") "Atare yo!" ("This will get you.") *avoiding* "Sou sou ataru mono dewa nai!" ("That's not something that will hit.") "Amai na!" "Atarimasen yo!" ("Missed!") *getting hit* "Nanto!" --- Jerid Mesa - *attacking* "Sonna ni otoseretai ka?" ("Do you really want to lose that badly?") "Kisamaaa!" ("Youuuuuuuu!") "Shizume!" ("Go to hell!") "Camille, kisama!" (s) ("Camille, you bastard!") *getting hit* "Mada mada!" "Ii ki ni naru na!" ("Don't get any ideas...") "Nameta mane shita kure ze!" ("Looks like I looked down on you a bit...") *upon death* "Naze da...naze kattenai?" ("Why...why can't I win?") --- Kakricon - "Shizume!" *getting hit* "Sono teido no dameeji nado..." (l) "Nakanaka yaru..." (m) *upon death* "Nani?" "Chi, jikujitta." Yazan Gable : "Nezumi ga...shini na!" ("Rats...are meant to die!") *upon death* "Bakana...kono ore ga ochiru da to?" ("Dammit...you mean to say that *I've* lost?") Basque Ohm *attacking* "Uteee!" ("Fireeee!") "Kechirase!" ("Destroy them!") "Zenhoumon hirake! Issei shageki!" ("All cannons, salvo!") *getting hit* "Hun, katonbo ka..." Mashma Zero - *attacking* "Moratta!" "Ochiroooo!" *getting hit* "Kisama...watashi wo okoresetai rashii na!" ("You seem to want to make me angry...") No-name Pilots : *getting hit* "Yaru, sasuga wa!" ("Just as good as I thought!") "Mada da, mada korekara yo!" ("Not yet, it's not over yet!") "Chi, mada mada!" "Kono!" *attacking* "Ochiro!" "Ikuzo!" "Koitsu de kimete yaru!" ("I'll decide the fight with this!") "Jauma nanda yo!" ("Out of my way!") *upon death* "Shimatta, shokugeki ka?" ("Damn, a frontal attack?") "Na...bakana!" Zanscale Pilots : *attacking* "Kozokashii!" *avoiding* "Yosh, kawashita!" ("Alright, avoided!") *getting hit* *upon death* "Kuu...shimatta!" "Ba...bakana!" Jion Soldiers : *attacking* "Ochiro-tten da yo!" "Tsuyoi, tsuyo-sugiru!" ("To...too strong!") "Yatte yaru!" ("Here I come!") "Kakugo!" ("En guard!") "Ko, kono!" "Uggh! Koitsu, tsuyoi zo!" ("Guugh, this one's strong!") *getting hit* "Uwwaaa, yararechimau!" (h) "Uwaaaa, pawaa ga chigaisugiru!" ("Aaah, the power difference is too great!") *upon death* "Meu...shimatta!" Zentraedi Pilots *attacking* "Kougeki wo kaishi suru!" "Zentran no chikara wo omoi "Tekikai wo hakai suru!" "Uchi-otoshite yaru!" *avoiding* "Hun...nasakenai!" "Kaihi!" *getting hit* "Nanda kono chikara wa?" "Atatta da to? Nante koto da?" "Kono mama dewa mazui!" *upon death* "Shimatta! Nan to iu koto ka?" "Yarareta...daishutsu suru!" ****** Credits : (a big round of applause for all these folks, now!) 1) Edmund Chiu for all the info taken from his SRWF FAQ. 2) All the people who mailed me for moral support including Duo, Edwin, Jeff Gondek, Jimmy, Oliver Asuncion, Shencly and FAR too many other people to list. I appreciate the support most heartily...thanks, guys! ^_^ 3) Dexter Loh for miscellaneous information. 4) Feryl for the DOB\bloodtype combinations and some lists\general info. 5) Zero-EX for some magics, hints, tips and items 6) gabs garcia for lots of hints and info. 7) Purified Soul for encouragement, info and all the combat hints. (I had to reformat the lot, but it still was really useful - thanks!) 8) My sister, for spell-checking this document and writing some of it as I dictated it to her. 9) Homer de los Reyes for a hint and some morale support. 10) Tiger Wong for moral support, hints and some info on various plot decisions. 11) Atsuki Tamashii no Soroi (The Gathering of Heated Souls) a Japanese site, for some info. 12) Soimichiro Watanabe for some hints. 13) Leonard83Foong for the continue screen hint. 14) Lim Chee Beng for some hints. 15) Gary Fung for the unlimited money trick. 16) Terry Bogard for more information about the above. 17) Hoong for confirming the damage calculations.