? RC de GO! Parts Listing- ? January 4th, 2001 – Final Version- ? Playstation- ? Author: Drew "Kasket" Guirey- ? Table of Contents- ? Section 1: Introduction ? Section 2: Parts Listing ? Section 3: Credits ? Section 1: Introduction This guide is intended to provide the player of the Playstation version of RC de GO with a full parts listing for the remote control cars. RC de GO is a port of a little known arcade game series that is primarily Japanese in nature, and is the first console version of this series imported over to the US. This guide is not intended for profitable means, and my hat is off to Tips and Tricks for providing a listing that I could check against, and add from. Hopefully this FAQ will help with one of the more interesting aspects of the game, in which you build your remote controlled cars. The guide works a little like this, you'll have the name of the part, the cost, and what attributes are added to your remote control car when you purchase it. All of the parts will be alphabetical order according to what part of the car it is. ? Happy Racing, Drew "Kasket" Guirey ? Section 2: Parts Listing ---Part Name----------------------------Cost---------Grip----Brake---- Speed---Accell--- ---Body Style--- ? GT-191 ------------------ 2,000 +04 +04 +04 +04 ? Helicopter --------------- 2,000 +04 +04 +04 +04 ? Tonny -------------------- 2,000 +04 +04 +04 +04 ? Condor ------------------- 2,000 +04 +04 +04 +04 ? Canty --------------------- 2,000 +04 +04 +04 +04 ? Valtameed GT ---------- 2,000 +04 +04 +04 +04 ? Hornet -------------------- 2,000 +04 +04 +04 +04 ? Red Assassin ------------ 2,000 +04 +04 +04 +04 ? Silrallo ------------------- 2,000 +04 +04 +04 +04 ? Quasar ------------------- 2,000 +04 +04 +04 +04 ? Flash Blue --------------- 2,000 +04 +04 +04 +04 ? Noriko 8WD ------------ 2,000 +04 +04 +04 +04 ? Super Express ---------- 2,000 +04 +04 +04 +04 ? Little Bird --------------- 2,000 +04 +04 +04 +04 ? Sumo Wrestler ---------- 2,000 +04 +04 +04 +04 ---Brake Parts--- ? FRP Brake Disc -------- 2,000 ---- +33 ---- ---- ? Stainless Disk Rotor --- 3,600 ---- +65 ---- ---- ---Chassis Parts--- ? Carbon Damper Front - 1,200 +03 ---- +05 ---- ? Carbon Dampers Rear - 1,200 +03 ---- +05 ---- ? Carbon Upper Plate - 3,600 +05 ---- +14 ---- ---Driving Parts--- ? Stabilizer Set ------------ 1,300 +17 ---- ---- ---- ? Center Belt Tension ---- 1,300 ---- ---- +04 +02 ? Center One Way Unit -- 1,800 +09 +03 ---- +02 ? Universal Swing Shaft - 2,000 ---- ---- +04 +02 ? Vesvel Clutch Shoe ---- 2,500 ---- ---- +02 +08 ? Cooling Fan ------------- 2,500 ---- ---- +06 +03 ? Bearing ------------------ 2,800 ---- ---- +08 +03 ? Center One Way Disk - 3,400 +05 +22 ---- +02 ? Special Center Mount - 4,000 +03 ---- +12 +02 ? 2 Speed R Transmission 4,800 +02 ---- +14 +12 ---Driving Parts {Speed Gears}--- ? PC Pinion Gear {Accel}- 600 ---- ---- ---- +04 ? PC Pinion Gear {Norm}- 600 ---- ---- +02 +02 ? PC Pinion Gear {Speed}- 600 ---- ---- +04 ---- ---Engines--- ? GS11R Engine ----------- 4,200 ---- ---- +30 +10 ? GT125-CR Engine ------ 6,400 ---- ---- +40 +15 ? GS15R Engine ----------- 9,000 ---- ---- +50 +20 ---Off-Road Suspension {Rear}--- ? Rally Damper Soft ------- 2,300 +16 ---- ---- +16 ? Rally Damper Hard ------ 2,300 +20 ---- ---- +11 ? Rally Damper S. Soft ---- 3,400 +22 ---- ---- +22 ? Rally Damper S. Hard --- 3,400 +28 ---- ---- +16 ---Off-Road Suspension {Front}--- ? Rally Damper Soft ------- 2,300 +20 ---- ---- +11 ? Rally Damper Hard ------ 2,300 +16 ---- ---- +16 ? Rally Damper S. Soft ---- 3,400 +28 ---- ---- +16 ? Rally Damper S. Hard --- 3,400 +22 ---- ---- +22 ---On-Road Suspension {Rear}--- ? Touring Damper Soft ---- 2,300 +16 ---- ---- +16 ? Touring Damper Hard --- 2,300 +20 ---- ---- +11 ? Touring Damper S. Soft - 3,400 +22 ---- ---- +22 ? Touring Damper S. Hard- 3,400 +28 ---- ---- +16 ---On-Road Suspension {Front}--- ? Touring Damper Soft ---- 2,300 +20 ---- ---- +11 ? Touring Damper Hard --- 2,300 +16 ---- ---- +16 ? Touring Damper S. Soft - 3,400 +28 ---- ---- +16 ? Touring Damper S. Hard 3,400 +22 ---- ---- +22 ---On-Road Tires--- ? Racing Slick No. 40 ----- 1,400 +18 +14 +03 +06 ? Racing Slick No. 35 ----- 2,000 +19 +15 +05 +10 ? Racing Slick No. 30 ----- 2,800 +23 +20 +07 +13 ? Racing Slick No. 25 ----- 3,800 +30 +26 +09 +17 ---Off-Road Tires--- ? Racing Slick No. 40 ----- 1,400 +18 +14 +03 +06 ? Racing Slick No. 35 ----- 2,000 +19 +15 +05 +10 ? Racing Slick No. 30 ----- 2,800 +23 +20 +07 +13 ? Racing Slick No. 25 ----- 3,800 +30 +26 +09 +17 ---Steering Servo--- ? 5 Servo -------------------- 2,700 +18 ---- ---- ---- ? EX Servo ----------------- 2,900 +27 ---- ---- ---- ? R5 Servo ------------------ 4,400 +37 ---- ---- ---- ---Tail Pipe Parts--- ? Tuned Exhaust Set A ---- 3,000 ---- ---- +22 +10 ? Tuned Exhaust Set B ---- 4,600 ---- ---- +25 +12 ? Tuned Exhaust Set C ---- 5,800 ---- ---- +30 +15 ---Throttle Servo--- ? 5 Servo -------------------- 2,700 ---- +13 ---- +20 ? EX Servo ------------------ 3,600 ---- +19 ---- +25 ? RS Servo ------------------ 5,400 ---- +25 ---- +30 -Section 3: Credits -CJayC {Jeff Veasey}: For operating and maintaining GameFAQ's, and putting up with all the guides I send in along with all of my other contributions. -Mary Lynn: My inspiration. -Tips and Tricks Magizine: For a listing of the prices so that I could double and triple check. Kick ass magizine. Copyright 2001 to Drew "Kasket" Guirey: If you want to use it, ask me, I just want the credit due, not a million dollars.