FF8 Demo Disc Translation by Zhou Tai An (kain@pacific.net.sg) Standard Disclaimers of just being a student, no real claims to Japanese proficiency and the rest apply - however, after my Xenogears FAQ, I can safely say that I'm not too bad at the language. ^_^ As always, this FAQ and all contents are copyright Zhou Tai An. Please notify before use anywhere - use of this for commerical purposes is strictly prohibited. It's gonna be short, anyway. ^_^ Comments are corrections will be appreciated. BTW, even though this is short, I fully expect an error or two to show up, so you've been warned. ****** The bunch of text in the opening is simply stuff about this kingdom which controls something called SeeD. More will be explained later. The story begins with Squall (a dumb name if there ever was one), Zell and Rinoa landing on a beach, where they are promptly given orders by Seifer, their commander, to cut off and surround their enemies, the military group know as SeeD, in the centre of the city. Off you go, then...oh, I suppose you want some battle help. The commands are as follows, in order : Attack - Ye Olde Attack Command - pressing right or left when the cursor is here will allow you, sometimes, to access the "Limit Break" attacks for each character. Squall has Rapid Slash (the attack name is Photon Slash) as his default, and Zell has Hand-to-Hand. (forgot his attack) Rinoa does not appear to have a Limit Break. I think you activate the Limits when your HP is low, but since I don't have the manual and played it for a total of only half-an-hour or so, at a friend's house, I can't be sure. Magic - Ye Even Older Magic Command In FF8, you apparently don't have MP. What you do have is the number of times you can use a certain spell, like in Suikoden. Magic, displayed in order, is Squall (One measly Cure) Zell (nothing) Rinoa (Fire, Ice, Thunder, Cure, Fire2, Ice2, Thunder2) Draw or GX for Rinoa For Squall and Zell, they have a command known as Draw. (Why Draw? Why not Sketch, or even Color?) Anyway, using it involves selecting either a teammate or an enemy. A choice of magic will appear. (Usually Fire, Cure and something else) You'll then get to choose between Releasing it or Storing it. Note : This is REALLY important in the demo as this command will allow you to renew your life indefinitely! For Rinoa, her GX (or Guardian Force) will summon Leviathan. (why is it ALWAYS Leviathan?) It can apparently be used multiple times and has the side effect of restoring her HP to full. The last option is Item. There are two items in the demo - the one with the shorter name is a Potion and the other one Phoenix Down. Back to the story, Upon reaching the town square, Seifer will ask Squall is he's worried about enemies. (Answer yes or no : first option is yes) After beating the three soldiers in the area, Seifer will say there's nothing to worry about, and then order Squall to hunt down and kill the soldiers that are escaping. (He also has a little trouble with a certain dog that seems to have an attraction for him. ^_^) Squall will refuse, saying that Seifer has not trained him to use his skills to kill already retreating foes. Seifer reiterates, with Zell chipping in, that this is a real fight, and he doesn't want to come along fine. (The dog seems to want to fight alongside Mr. White-Coated, though. ^_^) After Seifer declares angrily that he will kill the scum himself, (as Zell remarks that he's a bit overzealous) Squall will be dispatched to the Tower instead. On their way to the top, two soldiers gasp out as they die that the electric pulse generator is about to become operational. This is confirmed by some other soldiers when the party reaches the summit - Seifer, having rejoined them, asks Squall whether he is afraid. Without waiting for him to reply, Seifer goes on to say that he (Seifer) loves battle; he's can't be afraid. And there was this dream...both Squall and Zell ask about it, but Seifer brushes their questions off and heads into the building. Zell wonders what's with the commander talking about dreams right now. The scene will switch to - guess who - Vicks and Wedge, who are trying to repair the generator. Vicks finishes just as the party ambushes him. Later in the battle, (Vicks having activated the pulse) Wedge will join him, only to be swept away alongside his partner as a flying monster descends from above. Once destroyed, a soldier will come along to inform you that the men are gathering on the beach in 15 minutes to move out. Seifer leaves, warning you not to be late. As Squall and Co. take the lift back now, Vicks manages to activate a last defense mechanism... You'll have to fight the spider-like robot about three times in order to get to the beach. Fight until Zell tells you to run away by pressing the L1 and 2 buttons - by the time you reach the stores, you'll be able to escape without fighting it any more. Get to the beach and the demo ends. That was short. Hmmm. Ah, I know. Here's a bit more info : Squall - Speaks like Ye Olde RPG hero. Nothing special. Zell - Speaks like Ye Not So Olde Hot-Headed RPG Hero Sidekick Punk Type. Think a less foul-mouthed Barrett. Seifer - Curt and kinda rude. Then again, he IS your commander. Oh, and does he remind you of anyone? Sword, coat, hair, attitude - can we say...(No, NOT Superman. The other guy.) Rinoa - Speaks ONE LINE of text in the whole demo. My guess is that she's a Square-type Ayanami Rei, but I could be wrong. Oh yeah, and a last note. Since it's barely three lines, the text in the demo of Another Mind that comes with the same CD reads as : "Who are you?" "Why am I here?" "Who am I?" (I'm not sure of the last one.) That's really it, then.