############################################################################### Double Cast FAQ/Walkthrough Version 1.0 (5/11/99) ############################################################################### ------------------------------------CONTENTS------------------------------------ Game Description Characters Controls Settings Menu Replay Mode Omake Mode Starting the game Base translation of each of the choices Game summary: Important Note The Bangaihen The Meeting Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Point 4 Point 5 Point 6 Point 7 Point 8/9 Point 10 Point 11 Point 12 Variables Endings Hints & Tips to Reach 100% --------------------------------GAME DESCRIPTION-------------------------------- Double Cast is the first game in the "Yarudora" series (short for Yaru Dorama, "a drama you do.") released by SCE. The Yarudora series is a series of four "forking" adventure games. This is a game genre that apparently does not exist outside of Japan; it basically consists of you reading/watching a story, with the game stopping at various points in the story, giving you a list of choices, and whatever you pick determines the flow of the rest of the story. It's somewhat like an "interactive anime" game. Each of the Yarudora games has a different theme; DC's is that of a love story/psycho thriller. Because it would probably not sell, DC, or any other game like it, will probably not ever see the light of day outside of Japan. Basically, the purpose of this FAQ is to cover/summarize the plot and choices for the non-Japanese speaker. As much as I hate to say it, even with a direct translation, you still won't be able to get the full effect of DC without being able to read/understand Japanese. Still, the game is so good that it deserves an FAQ to at least introduce it to non-Japanese speakers. If you DO understand Japanese, odds are you're not going to need this FAQ, except for the Variables/Endings/Reach 100% sections, as you'll just be reading through summaries of stuff you already understood. (Though quite frankly, I doubt very many people, Japanese speakers or no, are going to be reading this FAQ, so...) One thing important to note about Double Cast is that there are multiple endings, 27 in total: 4 Good Endings, 6 Normal endings, and 17 Bad Endings. (There is also one Good Ending with 2 variations) Once you finish the game, you can save it, and play through the game again once you reload the game. All the endings and scenes you have seen are recorded with each play through of the game like this, and the game keeps track of how many endings/what percentage of the game you've seen with each play through. Once you reach 100% after seeing all the endings, scenes, and text, you will get a special ending. Note this is a lot tougher than it sounds; some of the Bad Endings are just as hard, if not harder, to get than Good Ending 1, and some lines and scenes will only come up with specific selections of choices. -----------------------------------CHARACTERS----------------------------------- Here is a quick introduction of all the major characters in the game: THE HERO (YOU): Basically, all the Yarudora games cast the player as the hero, without ever showing any "detailed" info on him. Double Cast is no exception; you never see his face, get any background info on him, or hear a voice for him when his lines are spoken. Basically, you are a college student that just joined a film club during summer vacation; aside from that nothing to distinguish you is given. AKASAKA MITSUKI: The heroine of the game. Mitsuki is a very energetic girl who pulls you out of the garbage after you fall asleep there, extremely drunk, after a night on the town with your new film club buddies. She has completely lost her memory, and only remembers her name. Mitsuki is also slightly unusual in that when she speaks, she uses words and a manner of speech that normally only men do, and overall she is very tomboyish. Throughout the game you try to figure out who Mitsuki is, how she lost her memory, and what is behind the strange events that seem to revolve around her... SHINOHARA HARUKA: Haruka is the head, or "Bucho" of the film club that the hero enters. Her sense of responsibility and control are very strong and make her a natural leader. Because of this she holds the club together very well. She is an upperclassman at the college you attend, and is several years older than you and most of the rest of the film club, and fills a "senpai" role. FUTAMURA HIDEKI Futamura is a new recruit to the film club like you and is also the lead cameraman, with you as his second. He is really into moviemaking and becomes good friends with you very quickly, the two of you working together with whatever jobs you are assigned with the club. SAKUMA YOSHIKI Sakuma is another member of the film club, and is the senpai of you, Futamura, and a lot of the other new recruits. He is primarily an actor, and takes the lead role in the movie you shoot in the game. Sakuma is very much a "pretty-boy" and is very popular with the ladies. KUSUNOKI SHOKO Shoko is the same age as you and Futamura, and is the makeup artist for the film club. She is very energetic and serves as somewhat of the "mascot" of the club. While throughout most of the game she seems peripheral to the main story, she does play an important role in several points... GOUDA AND HANAZONO: Gouda and Hanazono are the same age as Haruka, and are the "senpai" of basically everyone else in the club. They basically serve as Haruka's all-muscle-no-brains flunkies, and are often used as comic relief. Every time you finish the game (with the exception of the Normal endings and Good Ending 1) they give you hints on what you did wrong and what you should do after the ending. ----------------------------CONTROLS & SETTINGS MENU---------------------------- CONTROLS: -------- Control Pad: Select Choices Circle Button: Pick a choice or scroll through text X button: Cancel in general, and Answer yes/no questions no. Triangle Button: Skip button. Hold this down to skip by any scenes you've already seen/read. Square Button: Take away any menus/text boxes, and just see the background. Start Button: Pull up options menu. Select Button: Turn off Replay/Skip message that appears on the top of the screen. L1 Button: Same as Circle L2 Button: Same as X R1 Button: Same as Up key R2 Button: Same as Down key L1+L2+R1+R2: Soft Reset SETTINGS MENU: ------------- DISPLAY: (表示) Screen Settings: (画面設定) Default, (標準) Wide 1, and Wide 2. Speech Settings: (台詞設定) Voice only, (音声のみ) Words + Voice, (文字+音声) Words only (文字のみ) Frame Display: (枠表示) Translucent, (半透明) Opaque (不透明) or None. (なし) Affects the text box in the game. Wallpaper (壁紙) Only On and Off appear here. SOUND: (サウンド) BGM: Alter BGM volume. Sound effect + Voice (効果音+音声): Alter Sound effect/Voice volume. Channel: Select from Stereo or Monoaural. Music select (曲目): Play any of the BGM in the game. SAVE SETTINGS: (保存設定) On or off: Turn save function on or off. If the function is on, you can save the game between chapters; if it is off, you can only save at the end of each game. VIBRATION SETTINGS: (振動設定) On or off. SET TO DEFAULTS (標準に戻す) Resets the settings to their default position. -----------------------------------REPLAY MODE---------------------------------- Once you have finished a run through the game and saved, by selecting Replay mode, you can watch the game from start to finish like a movie. -----------------------------------OMAKE MODE----------------------------------- The Omake mode is only available when you have seen all four Good Ends and an 80% clear rating. Then you select Omake Mode, you can view close-ups of several different DC images of character designs. -----------------------BASE TRANSLATION OF EACH OF THE CHOICES------------------ Note: Choices with a "*" by the number you won't get until you finish the game with a Good Ending. A "#" marks the choice the game chooses by default (if any) at that point in the game. THE BANGAIHEN: --------------- 1) I guess I can take a little more. (もうちょっとなら平気かな?) Bucho, I've had enough... (部長、僕はもう…) 2) Let's go!! (行こう!!) I'm going home! I've had enough! (僕は帰る!もう帰る!!) 3) I've had it....Senpai, let me go home...(もうダメだ…先輩帰らせて下さい) We're still going on? (行くのか…) 4) I'm not sleepy! (眠気なぞ!) I'm going to sleep! (眠ってやる!) 5) I'll talk to Mitsuki-chan (美月ちゃんと話してみます) Could you please talk to Futamura about it? (二村と話してもらえませんか?) 6) Never mind it (やめとこう) Let's check it out (いってみよう) 7) It's probably just a cat (きっと猫かなんかだろ) Let's check it out (行ってみよう) 8) Nah, I must be remembering wrong. (いや、記憶違いだ) Let's check it out (行ってみよう) THE MEETING: ------------- 1*) Who the heck was that anyway? (なんなんだ、いったい?) Goodbye... (さよなら…) # Ah, thatユs right, I need to thank her! ( 、そうだ、お礼いわなきゃ) 2) You should go get a checkup at a hospital. (病院で診てもらった方がいいよ) What...youユre trying to trick me again. (そんな…またダマそうと) Hmm... (う〜ん…) 3) Whatユs your address? (住所は?) Whatユs your birthday? (生年月日は?) What are your three sizes? (スリーサイズは?) Whatユs your name? (名前は?)<--This one doesnユt show up until youユve picked one of the first two 4) Uh, never mind....(い、いや…べつに…) Itユs a big deal! (大 りだよ!) I just wanted to ask (僕が聞きたいだけ) 5) Thatユs a good name! (いい名前じゃない!) Thatユs an average name. (ふつうの名前だね) Thatユs an unusual name... (珍しい名前…) 6*) # Why donユt you come to my place? (僕んところに来る?) You really should go to the hospital (やっぱり病院で診てもらった方がいいよ) The police should be able to help you. (警察に頼めばなんとかしてくれるよ) 7) Why donユt you come to my place? (僕のところにくる?) No, you really should do that! (いや、そうした方がいい!) 8) Why donユt you come to my place? (僕のところにくる?) The police should be able to help you. (警察に頼めばなんとかしてくれるよ) POINT 1: ------- 1*) How about "Kisetsu o Dakishimete?" (「季節を抱きしめて」は?) Let's see "Sampaguita" (これにしよう、「サンパギータ」) How does "Yukiwari no Hana" sound? (「雪割りの花」なんてどう?) 2*) #Wow, you walked here? (へぇ、歩いて?) That's incredible! (そりゃ凄い!) 3*) #What about your ID? (だって履歴書は?) Oh, really... (そうなんだ…) 4) Is a Family Restaurant all right? (ファミリーレストランでいい?) I know a great Ramen place! (おいしいラーメン屋知ってるんだ!) Would hamburgers be OK? (ハンバーガーじゃ、ダメかな?) POINT 2: ------- 1*) #"Kakohime no Heya" is... (かこひめの部屋とは…) It's a famous scenario that everyone knows. (みんな知っている有名なシナリオだ) 2) Hmm, I see... (ふ〜ん、 っそ…) What!? (なに!) 3) N, not really...(べ、別に…) Sort of... (ちょっと…) 4) Have you been able to memorize your lines? (セリフとか覚えられてる?) Have you gotten used to your job at the gas stand? (ガソリンスタンドのバイトは慣れた?) 5) Better be careful. (気をつけないと) Aren't you overthinking about this? (考え過ぎじゃないの?) 6) Yeah, it was from Futamura. ( 、二村から) No, don't worry about it. (なんでもないよ) POINT 3: ------- 1*) Definitely...(確かに…) No, movie making requires stamina! (いや、映画づくりは体力だ!) 2) Is this the grave of the first filming's heroine? (第1作目の主演女優のお墓?) Is this the grave of a famous movie figure? (有名な映画人のお墓?) Is this a grave of one of your relatives maybe? (部長の先祖のお墓とか?) 3) Oh! (おぉ!) Eh!? (えっ!?) 4*) Mitsuki's incredible...(美月、すごいな…) Grave-visiting, huh....(墓参りか…) 5) I'm sure you'll remember soon. (そのうちなにか思い出すよ) Once we stop filming, let's try and find clues (撮影終わったら探してみようよ) What are you going to do, Mitsuki? (美月どうする?) 6) Yeah, you're right... (そうだな…) I doubt you'd need to worry about that, don't you? (その心配はないんじゃない?) How about I send a gallant knight to save you? (麗しのナイト様にで送ってもらったら?) 7*) #What's wrong!? (どしたんだ!) She's just pulling a bad joke (たちの悪い冗談だ) 8*) So now she's pretending to cry... (今度は泣きマネか…) I made her cry...better apologize. (泣かしちゃった…謝ろう) 9) What's wrong!? (どしたんだ!) Pay no attention (ほっとこう) If you don't give it a rest you'll piss me off! (いい加減にしないと怒るぞ!) POINT 4: ------- 1) N, Nobody's here (だ、誰もいませんよ) I've got a friend over... (ちょっと友達が来てて…) Yeah, they come out a lot. ( ぁ、よく出るんですよ) 2) Aw, do I have to!? (えぇ、そんな…) L, Lucky!! (ラ、ラッキー!) 3) Leave it to me! (任せてよ!) I'll just follow your lead (美月にフォローしてもらうさ) I'm not exactly confident... ( まり、自信が無いな…) POINT 5 ------- 1*) #Don't we get a rest? (休みないの…?) Movie-making is Stamina! (映画は体力!) 2) Change the subject (話題をかえよう) Continue on this topic (もう少しこの話題を続けよう) 3) She's a...a friend! (と、友達だよ!) She's my, uh, cousin (い、イトコなんだ) She's kind of my girlfriend (ま 、彼女ってとこかな) 4) All right...(はぁ…) OK (はぁ〜い) Yes ma'am! (ハイ!!) 5*) #Don't make it sound so easy, Mitsuki (簡単に言うけどさ美月) I'm so pathetic...(情けない…) POINT 6 ------- 1) Well what do you expect? (しょーがないだろ) Sorry...(ゴメン) 2) Just an innate ability (天性のものだね) Because of me? (僕のおかげかな?) You have nerves of steel (神経のズ太さ?) 2) I wish they'd set them down firmly (ちゃんと固定とかしておいてほしいよな) Could it be that someone deliberately dropped it? (まさか、誰かワザと…) 3) She's probably OK now. (もう平気だろう) I'll stay with her tonight. (僕が一緒にいよう) She should stay with the bucho (部長と一緒がいいだろう) 4) From above? (上か?) From the veranda next door? (隣のベランダか?) From somewhere else...(それ以外のところ…) POINT 7 ---------- 1) Go get a breath of fresh air (外の空気でも吸ってこよう) Take a load off in the bath (ひと風呂浴びてサッパリしよう) Go to sleep (寝よう) 2) Did you see his face? (顔は見たの?) Any ideas who it could be? (心 たりは?) Don't worry about it. (心配ないよ) 3) Let's go back to the house (別荘にもどろう) We'd better practice our lines a bit more. (もう少しセリフの練習をしないと) Just stay with me here a bit longer...(もう少しここに一緒に居て…) 4) I've got to get out of here! (なんとか逃げなきゃ!) I don't want any misunderstandings (へんな誤解されたくない) 5) Wow, you're really sharp! (さすが部長察しがいい) I can't see anything with all the steam (湯気でぜんぜん見えないですよ) Older women aren't something I peek at (年上の女性は対象外なんで) 6) I don't know, I don't know! (知らないゾ、知らない…) Let's just say it's mine (自分の、ということにしておこう) I've got to play dumb! (すっとぼけるしかない!!) 7) I've got to go after her! (お、追いかけなくちゃ!) Damn...she misunderstood...(もうだめだ…完全に誤解された…) 8) ....Mitsuki....(…美月…) W, well in other words...(こ、これはつまり!!) 9) I want to clear up the misunderstanding (誤解を解きたい) We'd better go back (もどった方がいい) 10) If you change the way you think about it...(考え方を考えてみたら…) You don't have to think about it now (今は考えなくてもいい) 11) No, I'm sure I heard it...(いや、確かに聞こえた…) It must have been my imagination...(気のせいだきっと…) 12) Ah, she must have been talking in her sleep (なんだ寝言だったんだ) Let's knock first (とり えずノックしてみましょう) I'll kick in the door! (こうなったらドアを蹴破って中に!) 13) Hmm....(う〜ん) It had to have been (そうに決まってる) 14) All right, I'll open it (わかりました開けます) I can't do it...(やっぱりできません…) 15) She might still be alive! (まだ生きているかもしれない) It can't be that she took a hit for Mitsuki...! (まさか美月の身代わりに…!) We've got to let everyone know! (早くみんなに知らせないと!) 16) First I've got to tell Gouda-senpai! (とり えず剛田先輩たちに!) I'm worried about Mitsuki! (美月が心配だ!) 17) It can't be....a fire! (まさか…火事!) The doorknob's glowing? (ドアノブが照れている?) 18) Damn it, I can't take him any more! ( いつ、もう許せない!) The Bucho is in danger! (部長が危ない!!) Let's get out of here (とにかく逃げよう) POINT 8/POINT 9 --------------- 1) Yeah (うん) I want beer (やっぱビールでしょ) I'd like some hot tea (熱〜いお茶がいいな) 2) Nah, it's OK (いや、いいよ) Eh!? Take a bath!? (ええ〜風呂!?) OK, let's take one together (よし、一緒に入ろう) 3) Aah! I'm going for it!! (ええい!一気に押し倒せ!!) No! I've got to restrain myself! (だめだ!我慢しなくちゃ!!) 4*) #Mitsuki, could you get the door? (美月、玄関のほうお願い) Hold on a second, Bucho (部長、ちょっと待ってください) 5*) No, that's not what I meant...(いや、そうゆうわけじゃ…) Yes, there is! (ホントにマズイんです!) POINT 10 -------- 1) I want to know who you like (二村の好きな女の子が気になる) I want to know about the rumors around the scenario (シナリオのウワサが気になる) I want to know about the actress that killed herself (自殺した女優が気になる) 2) Shoko-chan? (翔子ちゃん?) The bucho? (部長?) It can't be...Gouda-senpai!? (まさか、剛田先輩?) 3) All right, I won't tell. (わかってるよ) Hmm...what should I do... (どうしようかなぁ) 4) Oh, so he died... (そうか死んだのか…) That's a lie! (ウソだ!) 5) You just made that all up. (二村の作り話なんだろ) It wasn't REALLY a bike accident, was it? (バイク事故じゃないんだろ?) Your friend is still alive, isn't he? (友達はホントは生きてるんだろ?) 6) Yeah (うん) Now I REALLY can't sleep (さらに目がさめちゃったみたい) 7) Avoid answering (なんとかごまかそう) Make something up (適当なウソついて) Tell the truth (正直に白状しよう) 8) Tell the truth (正直に白状しよう) I can't tell him (やっぱり言えない) POINT 11 -------- 1) Uh, the movie's not finished yet....(まだ映画できてないけど) I missed you (会いたかったよ) 2) Sorry (ゴメン…) I'll clean it up now (今かたづけるよ) Well excuse me! (悪かったな!) 3) Run (とにかく逃げよう) I've got to do something about that knife! (凶器をなんとかしないと!) Aim for the legs! (足を狙おう!) 4) Is this place that dangerous? (ここはそんなにヤバイ所なのか?) Was he after me? (僕が狙われたのか?) 5) Talk about the photos (写真のことを話してみよう) Not right now (今はやめておこう) 6) All right (わかりました) No, let me watch Mitsuki (いえ、美月の看病をさせて下さい) 7) Come to think of it, those photos... (そう言えば、 の写真…) About that flower pot... (落ちてきた植木鉢…) Was it Sakuma after all? (やっぱり佐久間か?) 8) She was in her room (自分の部屋にいた) She was in the kitchen (キッチンにいた) I don't know (わからない) 9) She was in the first-floor lobby (1階のロビーにいた) She was in her room (自分の部屋にいた) I don't know (わからない) 10) He was in the first-floor lobby (1階のロビーにいた) He was in his room (自分の部屋にいた) I don't know (わからない) 11) They were in the first-floor lobby (1階のロビーにいた) They were in their room (自分の部屋にいた) I don't know (わからない) 12) She was in the first-floor lobby (1階のロビーにいた) She was in the kitchen (キッチンにいた) I don't know (わからない) 13) He was in the first-floor lobby (1階のロビーにいた) He was in his room (自分の部屋にいた) He wasn't there (いない) 14) I know who it is (わかった) I don't know who it is (わからない) 15) Call Mitsuki (美月に電話だ) Call the Bucho (部長に電話だ) Call Futamura (二村に電話だ) 16) Should I get another helper? (もうひとりいてもいいのかな?) I should tell the secret to as few people as possible (やはり秘密は少数の人間で…) POINT 12: -------- 1) I'll come too (僕も行きます) All right (わかりました) 2*) #Will you take a look? (見てくれるね?) You know without having to look (見なくてもわかるね) 3) My head then? (頭がいい?) My legs then? (足がいい?) No, wait! Hold on! (いや、ちょっと待ってくれ) -------------------------IMPORTANT NOTE BEFORE YOU START------------------------ The content of your game choices, and where you start the game, depends greatly on how many times you've finished the game and with which endings. The first time you play through the game you won't get any of the extra choices and will automatically start at the "meeting Mitsuki" chapter. Eventually, after continuing a game after finishing it, you will gain extra choices to start from: Meeting Mitsuki (美月との出会い編) Living together with Mitsuki (美月との共同生活編) [point 1] The Bangaihen (番外編) [Bangaihen] The Filming Trip (撮影旅行編) [Point 5] The Bangaihen starts out with the drinking trip that you were on right before the game starts out normally. Depending on your actions there, you can end up drunk in the garbage and proceed normally to the "Meeting Mitsuki" section, or proceed to alternate storylines with the characters in completely different situations. (for example, a Mitsuki that never lost her memory) -----------------------------THE BANGAIHEN (番外編)----------------------------- The film club is leaving a bar. "Let's go to the next bar!" Gouda and Hanazono say. (Choice 1) After leaving the second shop, the senpai say "Now the true battle starts!" and prepare to go to the next bar. (Choice 2) You and Futamura tell the Senpai that you'll both drink as much as you possibly can. (Choice 3) Hanazono says "From now on, it's our treat!" Let's go to the next store! CHOICE 1 LEAVE -------------- This is a (long) Normal Ending. Go to Normal Ending 1. CHOICE 2 LEAVE -------------- You run away from the others; they try and stop you. You catch your breath, realizing that running while drunk is not easy. You're very sleepy, and see a pile of appealingly soft garbage bags... (Choice 4) You go get a coffee, and then see a girl lying down on the counter. It's Mitsuki; she wakes up, then goes to the bathroom and freaks over her appearance. She tries to fix a cowlick unsuccessfully and you laugh at her. You apologize for laughing later, and ask why she was sleeping on the counter; she says she drank too much and was taking a nap. You ask where her friends are. She says she was drinking alone; she was depressed after breaking up with a guy she liked. She says that he apparently liked another girl. "I wonder how far he got with her" you say. Mitsuki is distressed, and you apologize, then advise her to talk to him again. You leave with Mitsuki, saying that sitting in the hamburger place won't do her any good. At the film club, Hanazono and Gouda are doing a flexing competition. You bring in Mitsuki as an actress for the film you're shooting. Haruka asks where Futamura is; he's not there. When you start filmin, Futamura comes on, and is shocked when he sees Mitsuki. He tries to leave, saying that he can't do the film with her. You ask why, and Mitsuki sees Futamura. The two shrug each other off. You talk to the Bucho, surprised about how Futamura was the guy that Mitsuki was going out with. You wonder if you can bring the two back together again; Haruka says that'll be tough, and even tougher to shoot the movie with both of them in it. You say that you need Mitsuki as the heroine, and Futamura is necessary on the camera. Haruka says that it would be good if you could get the two back together, but doesn't know how. CHOICE 3 LEAVE -------------- The senpai let you go home without complaining. As you walk by a cherry tree, you see someone lying down under it. (Choice 6) You decide that it must be some drunk and move on, then realize that YOU'RE the one that's drunk. As you pass by an alley, you think you see someone in it. (Chioce 7) After moving on, you think about the cat that was visiting your house. You then notice a mansion nearby you and have some vague memory about it. (Choice 8) You notice the time and realize it's so late, so you go out to try and find the others and drink with them until morning... ----------------------------THE MEETING (美月との出会い編)---------------------- First thereユs a little intro with a "People have many different faces" narrative by the hero. Then you are woken up by a girl. You ask the girl who she is. She says "What do you mean, we're not strangers any more" and goes on as if you had "pulled something." She laughs and says she's kidding, and you realizes you had gotten drunk and passed out. The girl says she pulled you out of the garbage before the crows attacked it in the morning. She then starts to leave. (Choice 1) Either way, you end up treating her to lunch as thanks for pulling you out of the garbage. In the fast-food place, the girl says that even though you asked who she is, she doesn't know the answer. (Choice 2) The girl doubts you believe her. (Choice 3) If you ask her her three-sizes, she will start to tell you, then realize what you asked and get angry and says "What difference does that make!!". Then: (Choice 4) Mitsuki gets really angry if you say "It's a big deal!" and you tell her it's important for when she's buying clothes, but she still stays mad. Once you ask her name, she tells you it's Akasaka Mitsuki. (Choice 5) Mitsuki she says she doesn't know anything else, and isn't even sure that's her real name. She says "What should I do?" (Choice 6) (Depending on what you pick in Choice 6: Choice 7/8) You invite her to your house, but then stop and think "What am I saying!?" You try to explain yourself and say that you live alone without any relatives, than say "No, that's not what I meant!" Mitsuki is psyched that she has a place to crash, and offers to pay for the meal, until she finds out that she has no money. -------------------------------------POINT 1------------------------------------ You narrate about how you start to live together with Mitsuki. You say that you checked all the newspapers and TV reports, but couldn't find anything that would suggest where Mitsuki came from or what she should do. You go to meet Mitsuki to watch a movie. (Choice 1) Mitsuki is really hungry. She says she's tired from walking to the theater. (Choice 2) It took her four hours to walk to the theater. You ask her why since you gave her transportation fare. She mentions that she found a part-time job at a gas stand. (Choice 3) If you ask her, Mitsuki says she faked her ID and paperwork by copying yours. She says that she feels bad freeloading off you without pulling her own weight. She offers you some soda, and you run to get another. After the movie, you offer to take Mitsuki to a restaurant as celebration of her new job, and she says she's full with the popcorn, although her rumbling stomach betrays her. You ask her what she wants, and says she doesn't remember what she likes, so lets you decide. (Choice 4) It doesn't really matter which you pick, but Mitsuki really likes Ramen. The cook tells her that it won't run away, and she laughs. As the restaurant owner leaves to pick up a delivery, the TV turns to a psychologist, Morisaki Manami, who talks about the effects of stress on one's auto-defense reflexes. Then the owner changes to a basball game. Mitsuki is glued to the set. -------------------------------------POINT 2------------------------------------ This point starts in your Movie Making club. Haruka, the Bucho (club chief) gathers the movie club together and says that you are going to make a movie to show at the movie festival. One of her flunkies, Hanazono, gets the script. The name of the movie is "Kakohime no Heya." (Kakohime's room) (Choice 1) You narrate: "Kakohime no Heya" is a famous movie from your college and was written by a former student of the school. Whoever wrote it took the penname "Kura Natsuki," and wrote it for the same club you're in now. The story begins with a man who picks up an "enclosed woman" (this is a kanji dualism with the name of the movie) The "enclosed woman" becomes his lover, and she was initially sleeping in a coffin under a bridge. As the woman becomes closer to the man, she starts to demand more and more from him, and the man not only uses up all of his savings to please her, but also consumes him emotionally and physically. The movie was first filmed less than 10 years earlier, and to start with the filming progressed normally, but then the lead actress started changing, and got so into the scenario she could no longer separate it from reality. The rest of the staff got freaked out by this and all left, until only two people were remaining: the director/cameraman, and the actress herself. In the last scene of the movie, the heroine jumps off the top of the school and dies. Except that the actress jumped off the school roof for real, and consequently dies. And then the cameraman also jumped off the top of the roof and died. This is only a rumor, but in any case, both of their bodies were found on the ground the next morning, and no film was found in the camera. Nobody knows whether or not it was never there to start with, or if someone took it; the whole thing was declared a double suicide. The script and all the film that was available was taken as evidence. Haruka says she got the script back, but says that you have to change it so that there's a happy ending. She says that because of the double-suicide incident, nobody wants to play the heroine, so she asks the club to try and find someone to play the role. Futamura Naoki, a newcomer to the club (like you) is really excited about being able to do the movie. You and Futamura get together, copy the script, and read it. Once you get home, you relate the story to Mitsuki. You then start to ask her if she'd be interested in the role, and Mitsuki sort of spaces out, and asks you to repeat yourself. The next day, you bring Mitsuki to the club and introduce her. (She agreed to do the role) After checking her out, Haruka says she passes and lets her do the role. She then tells the club "Rule #1! The staff may not touch the cast during filming!" Mitsuki says "But after the filming is done, it'll be OK, right?" Mitsuki introduces herself as Akasaka to Sakuma Yoshiki, the male lead. Sakuma asks Mitsuki her personal name. As he is somewhat spaced, Haruka says "Are you hitting on her right in front of me!? You know that's not allowed!" Sakuma denies it. While shopping, Mitsuki relates the story of Sakuma asking her name straight out to you. (Choice 2) Depending on what you picked, Mitsuki asks if it bothers you. (Choice 3) Depending on what you said, you tell her that Sakuma has been known to "have fast hands with the girls." Mitsuki says "I've stolen another man's heart, what a criminal I am." You say "What do you mean another?" Mitsuki says "You're the first, right?" You reply in a semi-annoyed tone. (Choice 4) After practically getting run over by the bike, Mitsuki says "He was trying to hit me..." Once you get home, Mitsuki tries to convince you that he was trying to kill her. (Choice 5) You play back your answering machine. Futamura has left you a message saying that the place to start filming has changed and you have to meet at the station. You think for awhile whether or not Mitsuki was really being targeted. Then you wonder about why her memory is gone. (Choice 6) You ask Mitsuki if she's going to take a bath already. She says she wants to take a load off. "Go ahead" you say. "Don't try and peek!" Mitsuki says. "Just go in!" you say. She does. The phone rings. The voice on the other line says "Stay away from that woman." You ask who it is, and the voice says "Get away from her as soon as you can. Don't go near her." -------------------------------------POINT 3------------------------------------ Haruka is complaining about how "young people are so lazy." Futamura says "Not even those in sports clubs have to do this kind of stuff!" (Choice 1) You wonder where the bucho wants you to film, dragging you up such a long hill. Mitsuki tells you to hurry up. You run over the rest of the film crew. Haruka brings you to a graveyard, to the grave of "Nakagawa." (Choice 2) If you get it right, Haruka is impressed. The grave is that of the lead actress. Haruka says that since she died before the movie was finished her spirit might not have yet passed on (cultural reference) and that you have come to tell her that you will finish what she started. (Choice 3) Depending on what you say, you will remark that since it's time for the Bon festival, her spirit might be at her house. (another cultural reference) You wonder if Mitsuki is all right, then note that often her manner of speech is similar to that of a man's. (Japanese reference) With the first shooting, everyone is shocked as how good Mitsuki's acting is. Sakuma is spaced though, and misses his cue. (Choice 4) This choice apparently makes no differece at all. In both, you are really surprised at how good an actress Mitsuki is. You will note Mitsuki by herself and ask her what the matter is. Mitsuki says that she has the sense that she's been where she is before. You say "Then you must have come to visit a grave here!" (Choice 5) While this choice is not important in terms of what ending you get, here's a quick summary of the three choices: 1) You'll remember something: Futamura asks Mitsuki if she's OK. "It's nothing...." she says. She asks if it's time for her scene yet. Haruka calls you and Futamura, telling you not to slack off. 2) Let's look for clues later: You suggest looking for "Akasaka" graves to try and find any connections to Mitsuki's identity. Mitsuki is afraid of the idea. You ask why. At this point during the filming, Futamura says "Oh, this will be a convenient place to shoot, there's an 'Akasaka' right here!" You check it out. Futamura asks Mitsuki if it's a relative of hers. As Mitsuki can't answer, Futamura checks it out. 3) What will you do? Mitsuki doesn't know what to do. You note that as most temples look similar, this doesn't make for much of a clue. Mitsuki is not pleased to be here. You wonder if she came here alone before, or perhaps with someone else. After the filming, you wonder about the various events that transpired. Sakuma is pissing you off, trying to get too close to Mitsuki. Annoyed, you leave on your own without Mitsuki. Mitsuki asks you to hold up, and says "Why are you going ahead? What would you do if I got attacked by a pervert?" (Choice 6) Whatever you say, Mitsuki will say "You're jealous!" You ignore her and walk away. Mitsuki tries to call you back, saying she was joking, then says "I may get dragged off for real!" Then she screams. (Choice 7) (Choice 8) After seeing that she was only faking, you ignore her and walk on. She screams again. (Choice 9) The biker takes off, and you throw a can at him and hit him. Mitsuki is very shaken up. You ask her if she's all right and offer her a soda. You ask her what's wrong. Mitsuki says the biker said "There's no way you could still be alive" to her. Mitsuki wonders if she shouldn't be alive for some reason. She breaks down, wondering who she is, (it gets worse depending on what happened at the graveyard) and her entire manner of speech changes. When Mitsuki finally gets to sleep, you worry about her for a bit, then wonder who the biker was, whether or not he was some lunatic or somebody Mitsuki knew. -------------------------------------POINT 4------------------------------------ A little more narration about how things contined normally for awhile. Later, at home, the Bucho calls you. She notes that the static is bad and asks if someone else is there. (Choice 1) Once outside where the static is less bad, Haruka tells you that the reason that Sakuma didn't come to the shooting is that he broke his arm in an accident on his way to work. You mention that without Sakuma you can't film, and Haruka tells you that she will just use a stand-in instead. After asking what she will do, she tells you that as your height and weight are closest to Sakuma's you will fill the role. (Choice 2) Haruka tells you that the the climax scene will be shot at her summer home. She tells you where to go and asks you to tell Mitsuki, then hangs up. On the boat to the Bucho's summer home, you talk to Mitsuki. She asks where everyone else is, you tell her that they're all smashed. She asks how it feels to be the fill in for the lead role. (Choice 3) It doesn't matter too much what you choose, but you will talk about how Mitsuki being a good actress might be a clue to her past. -------------------------------------POINT 5------------------------------------ Mitsuki and Shoko love the view from Haruka's summer home. Haruka says as soon as everyone is settled in filming will start, and tells you to hurry up. (Choice 1) Inside the mansion, Futamura says "The legend is still alive." You are confused, so Futamura says that "we get overworked and die. The scenario's cursed; last shooting, people died; now we're the ones to go." (Choice 2) 1) Continue the conversation: You say that nobody saw the two jump off the roof, so nobody knows for sure if it's true. Futamura says he's just inclined to be a little superstitious in that sense. You tell him that as you went to the grave, there should be no problems. Go to "Shooting" 2) You change the the topic to how good Mitsuki is as an actress. Futamura is impressed, but wants to know how you know her. (Choice 3) Cousin: Futamura doesn't believe you, and extorts food out of you in exchange for not probing further, and you have a short exchange about both being poor college students. Girlfriend: After remembering the Film Club Rule, you try to cover up, and Futamura says "I'll just pretend I didn't hear that." Then he talks about how good an actress she is and how she seems to become a completely different person. Friend: Futamura eventually buys it, and says that she's interesting in that she occaisonally starts talking using male speech, spacing out, etc. and fun to be around. You think that she always speaks using male speech to you. Futamura says that everyone seems to be after her. You ask if he is too, and Futamura starts to say something about how he likes someone else, then says "Never mind!" SHOOTING -------- While practicing your lines, Haruka calls you and asks if you're ready. (Choice 4) The more enthusiastic you are, the more pleased Haruka is. As you contine reading, Mitsuki tells you that the scenario is the same every time, and that you can ad lib a bit if necessary. (Choice 5) You do the scene, but fail miserably... -------------------------------------POINT 6------------------------------------ Mitsuki complains about your failure. (Choice 1) You tell Mitsuki how you are impressed with how good an actress she is even though she's supposedly never acted before. "Maybe I was a travelling actress" Mitsuki says. You ask if she remembers that, and she says she's kidding. You then ask her if she remembers acting before, or if perhaps the reason she's so good is (you choose) (Choice 2) Mitsuki either cheers you up for feeling bad about messing up the scene, or comments about maybe why she can act; either way, she ends up going inside to cook some food. As you lie back, a flowerpot falls from the sky right toward you. If you get hit by it, skip ahead to Point 7's "Genocide-Hen." If this is your first time through the game, however, skip to Point 10 if you get hit. After dodging the flowerpot, you note that if it hit you right on the head, it could have killed you. (Choice 3) You hear Mitsuki scream from her room upstairs. You run inside to see what's wrong; Haruka says the door to Mitsuki's room won't open. Hanazono suggests breaking the door down. Haruka brings the master key instead to open the room. Inside there are fragments of glass all over the floor, and a broken chair. Mitsuki is lying on the floor. She is very freaked, and speaks in her "disturbed" manner of speech. Haruka asks what happened, and Mitsuki says she broke the mirror. When Haruka asks why, Mitsuki says that she saw someone watching her from the mirror. Behind the mirror is a window, so Haruka notes that that that someone was watching from outside. Mitsuki says that she was so scared when she tried to break eye contact that she broke the mirror before she knew what happened. Haruka notes that it would be difficult to climb up to the veranda from the first floor. You think that it might have been the person on the bike, and wonder if he either followed you, or was among the film club. (Choice 4) Whatever you suggest Mitsuki should do, they follow your advice, unless you suggest she stay in your room; in that case, the Bucho suggests that Mitsuki stay with her tonight. Outside on the veranda, you find the marks that the flowerpot was on. You note that whoever dropped it probably did so intentionally to hit you. Realizing it must have been whoever was watching Mitsuki, you try to figure out where he could have come from. (Choice 5) Above: You get a view from up top to see exactly where the culprit might have come from. Veranda: You get a view from the adjoining veranda to see how far it is. Somewhere else: You talk to the Bucho and tell her about the bike incident. She tells you that it's unlikely that someone went via the adjoining veranda, as it was from her room; as she was in her room at the time, Haruka doesn't think anyone could have gotten there without her noticing. -------------------------------------POINT 7------------------------------------ You can't memorize your lines, as you are worried about what happened earlier with Mitsuki. (Choice 1) This is a fairly wide-branching point, so I've divided it into four sections: TAKE A WALK TAKE A BATH GO TO SLEEP GENOCIDE-HEN TAKE A WALK: ---------------------- You practice your lines outside. Mitsuki finds you and after teasing you a bit, helps you practice your lines. After you drop your lines you tell Mitsuki, who berates you, telling you if you don't act it out, you'll never remember them. After you finish the lines, you ask if there's anything else. Mitsuki suggests "Let's just stay like this for a bit." You bring up the evening's event, and ask if she remembers it anything about it. She says it might have just been her imagination. (Choice 2) Don't Worry: You tell Mitsuki not to worry, saying that you and the others will be there for her if she needs you. She asks you why you're willing to help her; you are at a loss for words, and Mitsuki says "never mind, but thanks, I feel better." Go to Point 8/9 Any ideas: You suggest it might have been the biker, and Mitsuki agrees; you think some more about the biker might have in terms of a connection to her past. Mitsuki teases you a bit before going back, saying she feels better. Go to Point 8/9 See his face: Mitsuki says she saw his face, but only really remembers that she was really scared, and that there was something that bothered her, as if she'd seen the face before. You ask if it might have been the biker; Mitsuki says "you think so?" Mitsuki says that she feels better and can sleep now; you on the other hand are wide awake. Mitsuki asks what to do: (Choice 3) What happens with each choice is fairly straightforward. Go to Point 8/9, depending on what you pick. TAKE A BATH: ---------------------- Note: You can't take a bath the first time you select it, as the bathroom will be closed, and you will just go to sleep. You have to select to take a bath twice before you can actually enter. IOW, you won't be able to take a bath until your third time through the game at the earliest. While in the bath, you try and memorize your lines, then wonder what the purpose of building such a huge bathroom is. You hear someone come in, then realize it must not be a woman as you put a paper up to say you are inside; however, upon looking back you see it IS a woman; it's the Bucho. (Choice 4) If you pick "escape" you will get caught, and wake up the next morning. You apologize to the Bucho; she says it's OK since she missed the paper. Mitsuki and Shoko will give you a hard time, insinuating that you were hiding so that you could see her naked. Assuming you call out to the Bucho, she tells you that without her contacts she couldn't see it, then insinuates that you intended to try to see her naked. (Choice 5) It doesn't really matter what you pick here. Once you're outside in the outer bath, Mitsuki comes in. Then you realize that as Mitsuki caught you leaving the inner bath, and that the Bucho is still in there, she might misunderstand what happened. Mitsuki asks if the Bucho's stuff is yours. (Choice 6) No matter what you choose, Haruka will ask you for the basket, and Mitsuki will run out. (Choice 7) If you pick "She misunderstood..." skip ahead to the Genocide-hen section. Otherwise you run after Mitsuki, and she asks what's wrong; you mention that she ran out all of a sudden, and she says that she didn't really misunderstand. She says it's odd that she feels sad since all you are doing is sympathizing with her and just trying to help her, and she says she feels as if she's getting too close to you. You mention to her that you don't just feel sorry for her, but that your current relationship will not last forever, as Mitsuki now is not the "real Mitsuki." Mitsuki is worried that once she gets her memory back that you will no longer like her as your help would no longer be unnecessary. You just tell her that "you are you" and her past isn't that important. (Choice 8) Mitsuki says she feels she's taking advantage of you, and says that she's only being a burden on you and the rest of the film club with all the trouble she causes. If you picked: "...Mitsuki..." (Choice 9) If you select "Let's go back" you tell her that the Bucho will explain the situation; Mitsuki says she's not misunderstanding anything and says that being targeted she is causing problems for the club and would be better not to be there. You manage to convince her otherwise and she thanks you. If you try to explain the situation you don't do a very good job. If you picked: "In other Words.." (Choice 10) If you select "change the way you think about it" you suggest that Mitsuki is not being targeted specifically, and that she is only being targeted because she is the actress, as if someone didn't want this movie shot. Mitsuki realizes it could be that it's not her fault and thanks you before returning to the house. Go to Point 8/9 GO TO SLEEP: ---------------------- When you go to sleep, there are two possible places you can end up. If you told Mitsuki to sleep in the Bucho's room, then go to Point 10. Otherwise, go to the Genocide-Hen. GENOCIDE-HEN ---------------------- If you end up here, you are dead. No matter what choices you choose, you are going to get killed in one of 6 bad endings. However, if you play your cards right, in one of the bad ends you can get a glimpse of the killer's face before you get knifed to death. Anyhow, the Genocide-Hen is fairly straightforward even if you can't understand Japanese. So as not to spoil anything, I'll just give a quick flowchart of the Genocide-Hen: (Choice 11) | (Choice 12)---->(Choice 13) | | (Choice 14)<---------| | (Choice 15)--- | | (Choice 16) | | | (Choice 17)<--| | (Choice 18) ------------------------------------POINT 8/9----------------------------------- Point 8 and 9 are identical. The only difference is what happens in the very beginning, and depends on your choices in Point 7. After the shooting of the final scene, you narrate that no problems happened on the island afterwards, and everyone was happy and enjoyed themselves so much that you practically forgot about the incident with the flowerpot and the intruder on Mitsuki's veranda. After you get home, Mitsuki is very tired and says "It's good to be home...but then again, this isn't my house." She goes to the fridge, and says "I'd like to break out some beers but cola's good enough, right?" (Choice 1) Note: Depending on what you picked earlier in the game, at this point sometimes you will hear a psychologist, Morisaki Manami, who talks about the effects of stress on one's auto-defense reflexes on TV, but you'll turn it off mid-program. No matter what you pick, you'll end up drinking cola; there is no beer and it's too hot for tea. Mitsuki likes the drink but says she's still really sweaty, and says "Want to take a bath?" (Choice 2) OK: After some daydreaming, Mitsuki says, annoyed, "Are you actually taking me seriously!?" saying that she was only joking. Nah, it's OK: Mitsuki says that if you don't take care of your hygiene better you will never lose your image as a film club geek. She starts to sniff you up to see if you smell. (Choice 3) What!?: Mitsuki asks if you regret having her around, and you tell her you don't. Mitsuki then thanks you for helping her out and apologizes for not saying so earlier; she says it's amost like she doesn't care if her memory comes back since she can enjoy talking to you. She also thanks you for introducing her to the others and giving her the opportunity to act. At this point in the game, the doorbell will ring. On the intercom, Murayama from next door tells you she has your stuff you left with her on your trip. As you go out to open the door, the phone rings, and the Bucho calls; she asks if anyone's with you, and you say no. Murayama then rings the doorbell. (Choice 4) Mitsuki, get the door: After Mitsuki screams, you run to see what's wrong, and see that it's the Bucho that is at the door, who was pretending to be Murayama. "I've come to take my female lead back" she says. (skip ahead to the next long paragraph) Hang on, Bucho: You tell the Bucho you'll be with her in a minute. You open the door and she's there waiting. You ask where Murayama is; the Bucho was faking her voice. You think "I'm glad I didn't send Mitsuki out to get the door." Haruka starts to come in. You try and stop her, and she says "Is there something in there you don't want me to see?" (Choice 5) No: The Bucho shoves past you, goes inside, and finds Mitsuki. Yes: Haruka says that she won't mind you having a couple of porno magazines lying around; you are glad that she didn't figure it out. She starts to enter, and you grab her leg, telling her that nobody is there. She says she never asked anything about that, then says "I'm sure nobody is here anyway....except for Mitsuki." Mitsuki and you explain the situation about her being amnesiac to Haruka, who believes the story. She asks Mitsuki how long she's been going out with you; Mitsuki says "We haven't been going out..." Haruka laughs, saying she doesn't have to answer so seriously. You ask "Then you don't have any problems with this, right?" "Wrong." Haruka says. She explains to you that since the lead actress and cameraman before got together and got killed, she doesn't want the same situation to repeat and therefore as her responsibility as Bucho, she can't let Mitsuki stay with you. She tells you that she will let Mitsuki stay with her until the end of the shooting. She promises not to tell anyone about how Mitsuki was staying with you, and says that after the movie is finished she can move back in with you if she wants, but that you have to follow the rules of the club until then. There's some narration where you talk about how it was difficult getting used to Mitsuki not being around. Then you talk about how a few days after Mitsuki left you started getting harrassed by someone. Someone put a dead cat in your mailbox, and spraypainted your door. (they're all insults and phrases like "Die," "go to hell," etc.) You wonder if Haruka really kept her promise not to tell anyone. You say that there might a rumor about Mitsuki living with you floating around, and that the vandal is most likely someone within the film club. You watch some filming of Mitsuki, and think "Something's weird here?" The phone rings, and it's a message that filming has started again. You say that Sakuma came back, although his cast wasn't off yet, and that he did all the shots that you had done before. You say that Mitsuki is still as energetic as ever, but stays away from you; you wonder if she doesn't really care any more (for a very short time). Go to point 11. -------------------------------------POINT 10----------------------------------- You can't fall asleep and wake up. You wake up Futamura and tell him about the flowerpot. He agrees that it is suspicious but doesn't want to think the culprit is someone in the movie club. He asks you if you know why someone might want to drop the flowerpot. You avoid the question and ask him what he thinks about the scenario. He says that it's a great scenario, and it seems weird how it seemed to predict the current Psychopath Thriller boom despite being written 10 years ago. (Choice 1) Who do you like? ---------------------- Futamura insists he's not after Mitsuki and tells you he already likes someone else. (Choice 2) If you get it wrong, you will end up going to sleep; skip to point 8/9. If you get it right: (Choice 3) It doesn't really matter what you choose; you will end up promising not to tell. If you say "Hmm, what should I do?" then Futamura will be more than a little upset. Go to Point 8/9. What about the scenario? ------------------------ Futamura tells you a story about a friend of his that lived nearby him as a child and whose parents ran the cafeteria in the college, and got to know the filming staff. He made friends with the people shooting "Kakohime no Heya," but was friends with the people that left rather than the ones that stayed so for a while wasn't involved. But on the shooting of the last scene with the jumping off the roof, the actress asked him to help; while he didn't like the director he liked the actress so he helped her tie a rope to herself so she wouldn't fall off the building when doing the last scene. As a joke, he loosened the rope for a second, but before he could retie it, the cameraman yelled "start" and the actress jumped off the roof and died, as she wasn't firmly fastened. Then the director ran up the stairs angrily, and Futamura's friend, who was really scared, made a trap for the director with the rope, and after losing his balance, he fell off the roof too; that is how it became a "double-suicide" incident. You ask about his friend, and Futamura says he died in a bike accident. (Choice 4) He died: You say that even if the story is true, everyone involved is dead so there's nothing the police could do about it. "Yeah, that's true" Futamura says. You thank Futamura for the story and go to sleep. Go to Point 8/9. You're lying: Futamura says "What's a lie?" It wasn't a bike accident: You suggest that Futamura is only covering for his friend, who really committed suicide. Futamura admits it and says that his friend jumped off a building too. You say "So this is why you got so interested in filming." "Yep." Futamura says. Go to Point 8/9. He's still alive, isn't he: Futamura still insists that his friend is dead. Go to Point 8/9. You just made that up: Futamura says "Ah, you could tell? Damn!" You tell Futamura he certainly has well-developed stories. Futamura says "If you're going to make movies, you gotta have at least this good an imagination." Futamura says "Can you sleep now?" (Choice 6) Go to point 8/9. What about the actress? ----------------------- You wonder about the first actress killing herself. Futamura asks you if you've heard the rumor; you ask, and he says that the original actress looked like Mitsuki. You're surprised, and Futamura says that he doesn't know where the rumor came from so he can't confirm it, but says that it's a possibility that Mitsuki is a relative of the original actress. He goes on to say that Mitsuki would hate the film that killed her relative. You ask what he means, and Futamura says that in revenge Mitsuki will take out the cast and the staff one by one. You think that perhaps she knew you were a film club member to start with and faked the amnesia to get close to you. Futamura says "I was only kidding; you're not taking this seriously, are you?" You laugh and say "Yeah, right." Futamura says that he knows nothing about Mitsuki anyway, and says "You're the one that brought her here anyway, right?" He then asks you where you know Mitsuki from. (Choice 7) Trick him: You dodge the question. Futamura says you don't need to hide it; he says that he has no interest in Mitsuki. (Go to as if you had asked Futamura who he liked) Tell the truth: You tell Futamura everything about Mitsuki being amnesiac, how you are living together, and how you got attacked. Futamura tells you that there is a rumor that in the original filming at the jump-of-roof scene, the actress' body was never found. You say that it was reported as a double suicide; Futamura says that there were several eyewitnesses and tangible proof that the actress jumped off. You note that the camera was empty. Futamura says it's only conjecture, but that he thinks the actress might have disappeared when she jumped off the roof; the cameraman saw the actress jump off the building but she disappeared, and thought that she might have gone into another dimension, and therefore tried to follow, but hit the ground instead. Futamura suggests that the actress might have been someone who could only exist within the context of the film; when it is being shot, she exists, when it ends, she disappears. And when it starts to be filmed again, she reappears, naturally without any memory of the previous time. You say "So it's Mitsuki then?" Futamura asks what you think of his story, and you don't answer. Futamura says that the original cameraman was also the director and male lead; while the Bucho is the director, you are the cameraman and male lead, and therefore are the closest person to the first cameraman. You note that there's no jumping-off-a-building scene in the remake. Futamura says that in the case there's a fill-in scene, you should keep close track of Mitsuki. Go to Point 8/9. Lie: You tell Futamura you knew Mitsuki for a year; Futamura catches the lie, saying that Mitsuki told him that she has only known you for a little while. He says that she doesn't want to talk about it for some reason, and asks if there's some reason you can't talk about it. (Choice 8) If you tell Futamura everything, it's the same as if you had done so in Choice 7. If you choose not to tell him, you apologize and tell him when the time comes you promise to tell him. Futamura says that you apparently have some serious issues going on, and tells you if you ever need advice to ask him. You thank him. Go to Point 8/9. -------------------------------------POINT 11----------------------------------- In terms of content, this is probably the most complicated point in the game, as it differs greatly depending on your choices earlier in the game. Mitsuki knocks on your door. (Choice 1) It doesn't really matter what you pick; Mitsuki comes back, saying that even though the movie's not finished, all the scenes have finished shooting, so it's OK for her to move back itn. She complains about how messy the kitchen got in her absence. (Choice 2) Whatever you say, Mitsuki will wash the dishes and tell you to continue editing the film. The phone rings; it's Sakuma. You're surprised he knows your number; he tells you that the Bucho told him. Sakuma says "You know Akasaka Mitsuki, right? I need to talk to you about something in her past." He tells you that it's tough for him to explain over the phone, and asks you to meet him. He wants you to meet him alone in front of the run-down hospital near the school. You tell him you'll need to borrow a bike to get there first, and arrange to meet him in two hours. You tell Mitsuki about meeting him and start leave, saying that you can eat dinner once you get back. "OK" Mitsuki says, and you tell her although you doubt it's anything to worry about to call the Bucho in case you don't come back for awhile, since she knows the location of the hospital. At this point, depending on some choices you made earlier in the game, Mitsuki will tell you something. (If she doesn't say it, skip ahead to the next paragraph unless you want to get spoiled) Mitsuki tells you that she has the sense that Sakuma was the guy on the bike that attacked her, and tells you to be careful. You tell her you'll be careful. When you finally get to the run-down hospital, nobody's there. You wonder why on earth Sakuma would call you out to a place like this. You check your watch, and Sakuma's more than an hour late. You see a light flashing upstairs, and assume that Sakuma must be inside. As you reach the top of the stairs, a shadowy figure is waiting for you. You call out, assuming it is Sakuma, only to get slashed with a knife. (Choice 3) Knife: ------- You kick the attacker down the stairs, and he drops the knife. You chase after him, and manage to track him down to a dead-end. Go to "Hospital End." Run: ------ You kick the knifer downstairs and run. After awhile, you realize you're not getting chased and rest. (Choice 4) After me?: You think that it might have been Sakuma that attacked you, or someone he called to attack you. Then you realize with Mitsuki all by herself at home, she might be attacked with you called out to the hospital to get you to leave. You hear a scream, and run downstairs to try and catch the knifer. Go to "Hospital End." This place that dangerous?: You wonder if maybe this is a place used for drug deals, and you came at the wrong time. You then wonder if you were maybe targeted, then realize that would be straight out of a drama so is unlikely. You wonder if the knifer was Sakuma, or whoever attacked Mitsuki. You hear a screan and run downstairs to try and catch the knifer. Go to "Hospital End." Legs: -------- Your attack is on the mark; the attacker trips and falls down the stairs, dropping the knife. You run after him; he tries to escape but you manage to chase him to a dead end. Go to "Hospital End." HOSPITAL END: --------------- You enter a dead-end and find someone on the ground. You say "Show yourself," and the figure turns around; it's Mitsuki. You say "What's Mitsuki doing here!? What's going on...where did he go!?" You run to the window to see the biker speed off. You chase after him, but are too late. Mitsuki comes stumbling out of the hospital and asks if you're OK. She says that Sakuma called her, saying that you'd been injured and asking her to come help you. She passes out. You take Mitsuki to the Bucho's place, telling her you weren't sure whether or not it would be best to call an ambulance given the circumstances. Haruka says she thinks you made the right decision and asks you how your injury is. You tell her it was already treated; you told the doctor you fell while holding a knife. She asks you if Sakuma gave you anything. (Choice 5--Only if you found anything) If you say "yes": (obviously skip ahead if you didn't find something and don't want to get spoiled) you tell Haruka that the pictures are probably of Mitsuki when she was in high school. You look at the envelope, which is labeled with the name of a nearby hospital. At this point, Mitsuki wakes up. Depending on your earlier choices, she either remembers (or doesn't remember) the attack. You tell Mitsuki to concentrate on healing, saying that only the Bucho and you know about the attack. After you leave, the Bucho asks you to finish editing the movie, telling you that she will take care of Mitsuki. (Choice 6) This is where things get complicated; depending on your choices up until now, you may go straight to one of several endings, or end up in a new set of choices. Assuming you get the choices: You look over the same piece of the old film, trying to figure out what's weird about it. Then you think about the series of weird events and try to connect them; the graffiti, the dead cat, Mitsuki getting attacked twice, you getting assaulted in the hospita. Sakuma has disappeared, so you can't reach him to find out what he had to say. You wonder what the criminal's motivation must have been. (Choice 7) FLOWERPOT: ------------- You decide that it's unlikely that someone could have come from outside, made it to the veranda, and drop the pot; you decide it must be someone among the filming crew. You then have to remember the exact location of each of the cast members. (Choice 8) (Choice 9) (Choice 10) (Choice 11) (Choice 12) (Choice 13) Only if you get them all right are you allowed to proceed. Otherwise, go straight to point 12. Assuming you DO get them all right, you think of it in reverse order, and come to the conclusion that of all those people, there's only one person who could have snuck onto Mitsuki's veranda and dropped the flowerpot. (Choice 14) If say you know who it is, go to "Solved?" Otherwise, go to Point 12. PHOTOS? ----------- You looke closely at the photos and wonder what they mean. You wonder why the biker had these photos, and why he forgot them. You then realize "it can't be...." and wonder why someone said something, and then you realize what's weird with the photos. You then think about the veranda, and realize that there's only one person who could have made it to Mitsuki's veranda and dropped the pot. (Choice 14) If say you know who it is, go to "Solved?" Otherwise, go to Point 12. SAKUMA? ----------- You wonder why Sakuma would want to go after you. You try and figure out who would like least to see the film made. You think that it would most likely be the director who got the actress to commit suicide; you guess that perhaps Sakuma is the son of that director. You then wonder why Sakuma would go to such complicated lengths to stop the production. Realizing that you're merely grasping at straws, you try to figure out who it might be if it's NOT Sakuma. You have no idea, so you wonder if perhaps it's a third party you don't know of. Go to Point 12. SOLVED? --------- You decide you need help to trap the criminal. (Choice 13) You make the first call, then wonder if you have enough help. (Choice 14) If you decide not to call for another accomplice, go straight to Point 12. Otherwise: (Choice 13) Now go to Point 12. -------------------------------------POINT 12----------------------------------- Mitsuki comes in during one of your final edits of the movie. It's not quite done yet, but is close. Mitsuki asks where everyone else is. You tell her that Futamura's coming later. At this point, if you figured out the mystery, continue. If you were wrong, or didn't solve it, you die. Assuming you figured it out: Futamura calls. He hangs up immediately. Haruka says that he called, said "They're gonna kill me!" and hung up. She says she's going to go to his room and check to see if he's OK. (Choice 1) No matter what you say, you'll end up staying in the room, as Mitsuki cries not to leave her behind; Haruka goes by herself. Mitsuki says she's afraid to be alone, and you tell her you're right here. You tell her to watch the screen, as you've seen something odd. You show her some scenes with her in it, where she uses both her right and left hand dominantly at different times. "Are you left or right handed?" you ask. Then a voice plays. "You know who this person is, don't you?" you ask. Mitsuki says she doesn't. You tell her it's Dr. Morisaki, a doctor at Nansei Hospital. (Choice 2) If you pick "You don't need to see this" you just skip by the breakdown of the case. You can't pick it the first time you see this scene. Dr. Morisaki says "I know her, she's Shiho." You see a flashback, where you say that her name is not Shiho, but Mitsuki. Dr. Morisaki says that Mitsuki is Shiho's older sister, who died a while back. You are very surprised, and Dr. Morisaki says "Don't know know anything about it? About her older sister, and her sickness?" She insists that Mitsuki is dead. You ask if Shiho is still alive. Dr. Morisaki says yes. You tell her about how you know someone named Mitsuki who is amnesiac. Dr. Morisaki asks if the person in the photos is the Mitsuki you know; you say yes. She asks if the person in question calls herself Mitsuki; you say yes, and ask about her sickness. "Not physically though; mentally." she says. She asks you if you are Akasaka's boyfriend; you reply "yes." Dr. Morisaki shows you a film taken during Shiho's treatment and shows it to you; you then show it to Mitsuki. In the film, Shiho says that her parents died in a traffic accident when she was 5. She and her older sister Mitsuki moved in with her grandparents afterward, and became extremely close. After middle school, she and her sister went to different high schools, and lived off their parents' life insurance. At that point, Mitsuki got a boyfriend, but he was a "bad apple" that abused her; as a result she developed an extremely strong distrust of men. And because of that, whenever Mitsuki saw Shiho talking to a man, she would beat her up as soon as she got home. At this point, Shiho's tone changes drastically, and she says "What are you talking about!? I did this all for Shiho's sake!" She goes on to say that "by disciplining Shiho whenever she talked to men, I could save her from the same fate I did!" She continues, saying that Shiho ignored her and continued to make friends with men, and that "I was betrayed by both men and by Shiho!" Therefore, she killed herself. Dr. Morisaki explains that Shiho was the one who found her sister's body, and the combined effect of her love toward her sister, her negative feelings toward her sister due to the treatment she received, and her sister's suicide sent her over the edge and she went insane. You ask Mitsuki if she remembers her past now, then tells her why you thought she was asking strangely: first, Mitsuki told you that Sakuma called her to the hospital. "How did Sakuma know that you were at my house?" you ask. You tell her that Sakuma might have seen her come to your house, but since he should only know your cellphone number, he couldn't have called since you took your cellphone with you. You tell her that even if he did manage to get your number, the call would have been recorded, as your answering machine records the call as soon as the receiver is picked up when it's on, and nothing was recorded on the tape. Mitsuki says that she turned off the answering machine, then Sakuma called, and then she turned it back on as soon as she left. You tell her that you can't turn off the answering machine without the code, and only you know it. "You were the one that attacked me at the hospital, weren't you?" you ask. You tell her at first you thought Sakuma ran out the window to his bike, but then realized that's impossible with his broken arm; he could never have gotten out that fast with only one arm. Furthermore, the figure attacked you with its left hand, and it's unlikely Sakuma would attack with his arm that is both not his dominant arm and in a cast. You tell her the envelope you found showed Mitsuki playing tennis with her wrong arm, and the name on the envelope led you to find Dr. Morisaki, who told you that Mitsuki was left-handed, but Shiho was right- handed. "Which are you now?" you ask. "Shiho, or Mitsuki?" You hear more from Dr. Morisaki; she says that the emotional shock Shiho had caused her to develop split personalities: one of her own and one of Mitsuki's. Because of this split personality, her mind is messed up which is why her memory is gone; her "regular" personality as Shiho is what normally shows, but inside her Mitsuki personality can come out due to various shocks. She warns you that Mitsuki is jealous, violent, and unpredictable, so there's a chance she will attack any man that Shiho is close to. After knocking you to the floor, Mitsuki applauds your deduction, and tells you that she was the one that dropped the flowerpot, sent the dead cat, drew the grafitti on your door, and attacked you in the hospital. She then runs out the door, telling you she "won't give you Shiho." Outside, Haruka laughs, telling Mitsuki that this was all a trap to bring out her true personality. Mitsuki runs away, and Futamura tells her she's heading to a dead-end. You tell Futamura "Bring it out!" On the roof, Mitsuki goes toward the edge, telling you that she would rather kill herself and Shiho together than give Shiho to you. You try to call her off the edge, telling her that Mitsuki is not her personality. You try and convince her that her personality has been replaced, and that if she jumps off, the only one that will be happy is her dead sister. Mitsuki starts to recall. You ask her if she's remembering. "Yeah, right!" Mitsuki says, slashing your arm. She picks up a metal pipe, berating you for falling for her act, and swings it at you. If you picked the wrong choices, you die here. Otherwise: Sakuma catches the pipe, and explains he made it to the hospital late because of his arm, and apologizes for getting frightened and running off when you yelled at him. He explains that he knew Shiho before, as someone who the real Mitsuki tried to keep her away from; he says he was surprised when Mitsuki, who supposedly was dead, suddenly appeared, which is why he said "There's no way you could be alive" when he stopped her on his bike the first time. He said that he eventually figured out that Shiho was going under her twin sister's name, and looked into it when he was recuperating from his broken arm. She had been at counseling, and as everyone that lived around her had thought she had been committed never looked for her when she disappeared. "Whoops, looks like I broke his arm again" she says. She then asks which bone you'd like broken first; your legs or your head. (Choice 3) It doesn't really matter what you pick, you will stop and tell Mitsuki she can kill you if she wants, but you want a quick death, so you ask her to push you off the building. Mitsuki agrees, and complains about how everyone cares about Shiho and nobody about her, and about how all men are pigs, etc. She tells you she'll tell Shiho that you went far away, then starts to push you... The game ends. Odds are if you've made it this far gotten a good ending here; congratulations! -------------------------------------VARIABLES---------------------------------- Unless you want to get spoiled, don't read on; included herein are spoilers to different parts of the plot. There are a series of variables within DC that determine what endings you get and what events happen when. Here is a list of each. Mitsuki's Despair ----------------- Mitsuki normally has a favorable impression of you, but depending on what you say, you can hurt her and turn on the "Mitsuki's Despair" flag. If this flag is on at Point 6, the game punishes you for being mean to Mitsuki by making the flowerpot hit you. Choices that can turn on this flag are: P2,3: N, not really...(べ、別に…) P2,5: Aren't you overthinking about this? (考え過ぎじゃないの?) P3,6: I doubt you'd need to worry about that, don't you? (その心配はないんじゃない?) P3,8: So now she's pretending to cry... (今度は泣きマネか…) P3,9: Pay no attention (ほっとこう) Even if Mitsuki has this flag on, you can turn it off by picking either of the two following choices: P3,8: I made her cry...better apologize. (泣かしちゃった…謝ろう) P3,9: What's wrong!? (どしたんだ!) Mitsuki's Love -------------- In order to turn on this flag, you have to pick one of three choices; it will affect which Good Ending you will get: P7,3: Let's go back to the house (別荘にもどろう) P7,3: Just stay with me here a bit longer...(もう少しここに一緒に居て…) P8/9,3: Eh!? Take a bath!? (ええ〜風呂!?) Mitsuki's Trust --------------- This flag affects the appearance of several different events and choices. There's only one choice that can turn this flag on: P3,9: What's wrong!? (どしたんだ!) Mitsuki's Kiss -------------- There's also only one choice in the game that can turn this flag on; it also affects which Good Ending you will get: P7,3: We'd better practice our lines a bit more. (もう少しセリフの練習をしないと) Haruka's Trust -------------- Earning Haruka's trust can mean the difference between a Good or Bad ending, or which Good ending you'll get; the following are the choices that will earn it: P3,2: Is this the grave of the first filming's heroine? (第1作目の主演女優のお墓?) P3,2: Is this the grave of a famous movie figure? (有名な映画人のお墓?) P4,2: L, Lucky!! (ラ、ラッキー!) P5,4: Yes ma'am! (ハイ!!) P6,4: From somewhere else...(それ以外のところ…) Here are the choices that will lose her trust: P4,1: Yeah, they come out a lot. ( ぁ、よく出るんですよ) P5,4: OK (はぁ〜い) P11,5: Not right now (今はやめておこう) Futamura's Trust: ----------------- Futamura's trust works in the same way as Haruka's trust; it affects the occurance of a Good/Bad ending, and which one you will get. P5,2: Change the subject (話題をかえよう) P10,7: Make something up (適当なウソついて) P10,7: Tell the truth (正直に白状しよう) Photos Found: ------------- In order to find the photos in Point 11, you need to see the TV show with Dr. Morisaki. There are two ways to find it: 1) Select: P2,4: I know a great Ramen place! (おいしいラーメン屋知ってるんだ!) 2) If you haven't already seen it by Point 8/9, select anything BUT: I want beer (やっぱビールでしょ) Case Solved: ------------ In order to solve the case, you must first have the photos. Then you have to answer the series of questions in the end of point 11 in either of these orders: 1) P11,7: Come to think of it, those photos... (そう言えば、 の写真…) P11,12: I know who it is (わかった) 2) P11,7: About that flower pot... (落ちてきた植木鉢…) P11,8: She was in her room (自分の部屋にいた) P11,9:ハShe was in her room (自分の部屋にいた) P11,10: He was in the first-floor lobby (1階のロビーにいた) P11,11: They were in the first-floor lobby (1階のロビーにいた) P11,12: She was in the first-floor lobby (1階のロビーにいた) Then you have to telephone both the Bucho and Futamura. The Genocide-Hen: ---------------- There are three ways to get to the Genocide-Hen: 1) Have "Mitsuki's Despair" flag on the second time through the game or after. 2) Select one of the following choices: P6,3: She's probably OK now. (もう平気だろう) P6,3: I'll stay with her tonight. (僕が一緒にいよう) Then: P7,1: Go to sleep (寝よう) 3) Select P7,7:Damn...she misunderstood...(もうだめだ…完全に誤解された…) -------------------------------------ENDINGS------------------------------------ GOOD END 1: Double Cast ----------------------- NECESSARY STEPS: You need the following Flags on to get this ending: Mitsuki's Love, Mitsuki's Trust, Mitsuki's Kiss, Haruka's Trust, Futamura's Trust, Photos Found, Case Solved. Shiho wakes up. She apologizes for falling asleep, especially with the movie finished. You say it's not surprising considering you all pulled 5 all-nighters in a row to get it done. Shiho feels guilty for troubling everyone, especially for breaking Sakuma's arm again. You tell her that everyone understands so she doesn't need to worry about it. Shiho says she was really surprised you would pull her off from such a height; you tell her it was a plan to give her a shock in case she couldn't wake up from Mitsuki's personality. You point out that her other personality hasn't come out since, so it was a good plan. Shiho says that she kind of wants to thank her sister since she wouldn't have been able to meet you if she hadn't lost her memory. You say "Well personally, I hope Iハnever have to see her again." Shiho tries to kiss you, and you say "Everyone's watching." Shiho says "They're all asleep," only to see they're all awake. "Don't worry, it's not like it's the first time we've seen it" Futamura says. He points at the screen, which is film of you kissing Mitsuki on the dock. Shiho screams and says "YOU were the one that was watching!" Futamura says that he had to keep a good eye on you two to make sure no funny business happened. Shiho tells him to say he's filming next time, because she has "preferred angles to be shot at." Everyone laughs. Good end variation 2: Sometimes when you see this ending (if you have found out that Futamura likes someone other than Mitsuki) there will be a scene where Futamura says to Haruka "too bad, you were after him too, weren't you" (referring to you) Haruka asks him where he got that idea; Futamura points out that she knew that Mitsuki was living with you for a long time, but only broke the two of you up when it started to become dangerous for you, and after the hospital incident made you edit the film to protect you from being near Mitsuki. "You better not have told anyone about this" Haruka says. Futamura tells her he hasn't, but blackmails her by saying that she has to go out with him to keep his mouth shut. "I'll think about it" Haruka says. GOOD END 2: SHIHO ----------------- NECESSARY STEPS: You need the following Flags on to get this ending: Mitsuki's Kiss, Mitsuki's Trust, Photos Found, Case Solved, Haruka's Trust, Futamura's Trust. The following Flags must be off: Mitsuki's Love. The movie opens. You recall landing on the mattress by the building; it was a last-ditch attempt to give a shock to Mitsuki if she didn't wake up from her Mitsuki-Personality. Shiho comes up and asks what you're thinking about. You say that Shiho went back to the Mitsuki you know, the one with a melded personality from the two. You say that after the fall, she forgot everything about Shiho and Mitsuki, but remembered everything else, as if she sealed off the negative memories. You say that you think that the two personalities accepted each other, even though Dr. Morisaki thinks it's unscientific. Shiho asks what you're spaced out about; you tell her you were thinking about her sister. Shiho says that she can't remember her, but has the sense that she's really close. Then she suggests you go to a live showing later. You suggest getting something to eat first, and ask why she wanted to help everyone else set up all morning. "I wanted to be with you" Shiho says. She asks if that's a problem; you say no, and Shiho asks what you want to eat. GOOD END 3: Mitsuki ------------------- NECESSARY STEPS: You need the following Flags on to get this ending: Mitsuki's Trust, Photos Found, Case Solved. You must have ONE of the following Flags off: Mitsuki's Kiss, Mitsuki's Love, Haruka's Trust, Futamura's Trust. (One Mitsuki flag off and one Trust flag off is also OK) You are waiting to go to the movies with Shiho. She arrives, and tells you not to be so nervous since this is your first date, and that she's only going because Haruka said you saved her life. You recall landing on the pillow as a last-ditch attempt to save Shiho's personality if she couldn't snap out of Mitsuki's personality. You narrate that when she got the life-threatening shock, she lost ALL of her memory; that she had a sister Mitsuki, that she was Shiho, that she had ever met you, etc. You say that her personality is different now too, and that Dr. Morisaki said it's as if the two personalities had become one. Dr. Morisaki also thinks that her split-personalities might come up again, but you don't think so; you think although it's not scientific, that the two personalities accepted one another and decided to coexist. GOOD END 4: Torawareta Kokoro (Stolen Mind) ------------------------------------------- NECESSARY STEPS: You need the following Flags on to get this ending: Mitsuki's Trust, Photos Found, Case Solved. One of the following Flags must be on: Haruka's Trust OR Futamura's Trust BOTH of the following Flags must be off: Mitsuki's Kiss, Mitsuki's Love The movie starts. You recall falling off the building; it was a last-ditch plan to shock Shiho in case she couldn't wake up from her Mitsuki personality. However, after the fall, Mitsuki never went back to Shiho's personality; instead of being a split-personality with Shiho and Mitsuki, she is now constantly with Mitsuki's psychotic personality. A lot of psychiatrists are putting their heads together to try and treat her, but Dr. Morisaki said there hasn't been much progress. You wonder whether she was Mitsuki to start with, and not Shiho, and that Shiho was the one that killed herself. You are wondering whether or not you will ever see the Mitsuki you know again, when Haruka butts in front of you and says "You've been crying again, haven't you?" She tells you forcefully that you have to take a more positive attitude or else you will be attacked by Shiho again like the last time you tried to visit her at the hospital. Haruka goes on to say that once you show her the movie, Shiho's memory will probably come back, as many positive memories for her were made during its filming... NORMAL END 1: Shoko ------------------- NECESSARY STEPS: Pick BGH,1: Bucho, I've had enough... (部長、僕はもう…) The Bucho allows you to go home, and asks you to take Shoko home, since she's also feeling ill. You agree. The Bucho asks Shoko if she can walk; she says yes, but doesn't demonstrate it. You ask if she'll be OK; Shoko says she will. The others leave, and Haruka tells you not to pull anything with Shoko. At the train station, you ask Shoko if she wants to rest a bit. Shoko says yes; you ask how she feels. She says she's find, and asks you how you are, calling you "new boy." You point out she joined the club the same time you did. Shoko points out that's what everyone calls you, and the name fits your image. She asks if you're OK; you give a "V sign," but say it's a "Stomach's good" sign reversed. Shoko asks when you first got interested in movies. You say you've liked them since you were a kid. Shoko asks if you want to work in the industry in the future. You say you'd like to, but don't know about job prospects. Shoko asks if you're thinking about going to Hollywood; you say yes. Shoko says she came to college against her parents' will; you ask why she joined. Shoko says that as she does makeup in the film club now, she wants to be a makeup artist in the future. You tell her she's good at it; Shoko says although she doesn't wear makeup herself, she likes to make other people up and "watch them change." She goes on to say her parents don't like the idea of her choosing a career with so little job security. You make a comment about how parents are always worrying; Shoko says that she doesn't want to quit before getting a chance to try anything. You have a short exchange about college students having no money/high tuition, then Shoko talks about maybe going to Hollywood too. You tell her that she still has a chance to do so if she just saves some money after leaving college. Shoko says "let's not sit here, let's go to the regular place." At the diner, Shoko says you'd probably fit in well with love story movies. You say you'd rather do an action or suspense movie. Shoko says she thinks you'd do well in a love story since you're kind. You ask "How do you know I'm nice?" Shoko says she saw you pick up an abandoned puppy in the rain and take him home earlier. "You saw that?" you ask. Shoko says "It was a coincidence, but yes." You said that nobody would have abandoned the puppy in a situation like that. You talk about afterwards how you had a lot of trouble trying to find an owner for it. Shoko says she knew about that too; you say that you eventually found an owner whose dog recently died, and when you went back recently the puppy had become huge. Shoko says she likes that part of you; you spill your coffee all over yourself. Shoko apologizes for surprising you and says she might still be drunk. You tell her about a situation you oversaw with her; she had been talking to a little boy at the train station, keeping him company. But the person the boy was waiting for didn't come, so she took him to a police box to find his parents, and when his father came, Shoko started crying. You said that image of her stuck in your head, and for some reason you didn't want to forget that image, so Shoko starts crying. You apologize, and tell her to stop, thinking you upset her... NORMAL END 2: Eiken (Film Club) ------------------------------- NECESSARY STEPS: Pick BGH,5: I'll talk to Mitsuki-chan (美月ちゃんと話してみます) Mitsuki says she doesn't want to act in the movie any more. You say "it's because you'll have to see Futamura..." You say that if that's the problem, you'll get someone else to do the filming. Mitsuki says that's not the problem; even if Futamura's not there, he'll end up seeing the movie and seeing her as "a past woman." You ask her if she's tried talking to Futamura; Mitsuki says "it's over between us." You ask if she tried to get in touch with him; she said she left an message on his answering machine, but he never responded. You call the Bucho, and say that you weren't able to do anything. She says you should look for a new heroine. You ask for one more chance. You write a letter to Mitsuki, saying that you were really only thinking about your own self-interest in trying to get her to be the actress, but that after seeing her in action a bit, you realized that she really is the best person for the role. You suggest that if she continuously just runs away, she might be hurting Futamura in addition to herself, and that he wasn't just seeing her half-heartedly. You ask her to "show herself happy to Futamura." The next day, you wait to see if Mitsuki will come or not. Shoko comes, and Haruka is less than enthusiastic, saying that there's no need for a makeup artist if there's no heroine. "She's right over there..." Shoko says. Mitsuki says that she might as well finish what she started, so she will act. Futamura says he has no problem either, and is willing to do the filming. You start filming.... NORMAL END 3: Shinyu (Best Friends) ----------------------------------- NECESSARY STEPS: Pick BGH,5: Could you please talk to Futamura about it? (二村と話してもらえませんか?) Haruka agrees; you thank her. She tells you to talk to Mitsuki. In her talk with Futamura, Haruka asks him what the deal with Mitsuki was. Futamura says how before he had been traveling from woman to woman, but Mitsuki was different; she made him feel weird so he decided he had to get away from her, which is why he broke up with her. Haruka tells him he should be honest about it; Futamura says he doesn't know if he can. The next day, you wait to see if Mitsuki will come or not. Shoko comes, and Haruka is less than enthusiastic, saying that there's no need for a makeup artist if there's no heroine. "She's right over there..." Shoko says. Mitsuki says that she might as well finish what she started, so she will act. Futamura slaps your hand, saying it's your turn to do the camera, and he'll do the assisting. The filming starts. NORMAL END 4: Mayu ------------------ NECESSARY STEPS: Pick BGH,6: Let's check it out (いってみよう) This ending is basically a preview of the second game in the Yarudora series, "Kisetsu o Dakishimete." NORMAL END 5: Maria ------------------- NECESSARY STEPS: Pick BGH,7: Let's check it out (いってみよう) This ending is a preview of the third game in the Yarudora series, "Sampaguita." NORMAL END 6: Hananori (?) -------------------------- NECESSARY STEPS: Pick BGH,8: Let's check it out (いってみよう) This ending is a preview of the fourth and final game in the Yarudora series, "Yukiwari no Hana." BAD END 1: Shojo (Girl) ----------------------- NECESSARY STEPS: Pick: Pick TM,2: You should go get a checkup at a hospital. (病院で診てもらった方がいいよ) Then Pick: TM,4: Itユs a big deal! (大 りだよ!) OR TM,4: I just wanted to ask (僕が聞きたいだけ) Then Pick: TM, 8: The police should be able to help you. (警察に頼めばなんとかしてくれるよ) After being harassed by you and being told to go visit the police and the hospital, Mitsuki says "All right already, I get it" and leaves... BAD END 2: Yume no Tsuzuki (Continuation of the Dream) ------------------------------------------------------ NECESSARY STEPS: Pick TM,2: You should go get a checkup at a hospital. (病院で診てもらった方がいいよ) Then Pick: TM,7: No, you really should do that! (いや、そうした方がいい!) Annoyed, Mitsuki thanks you for the coffee and leaves. You chase after her, and fall down the stairs. You wake up in the garbage and think "Was this a dream?" You then notice Mitsuki at the fountain. You walk up to her to take advantage of your second chance.... BAD END 3: Kyoki 1 (Madness 1) ------------------------------ NECESSARY STEPS: Pick P7,11: It must have been my imagination...(気のせいだきっと…) Pretty straightforward, like all the Kyoki endings; Futamura saves you from getting stabbed to death, but gets so surprised once the lights go on and the murderer is unmasked that he loses his grip and gets killed...and so do you... BAD END 4: Kyoki 2 (Madness 2) ------------------------------ NECESSARY STEPS: Pick P7,13: It had to have been (そうに決まってる) You decide to go back to bed...the next day on the news, a story about the Bucho's house being burned to the ground, with many charred, stabbed bodies being found inside is on the news... BAD END 5: Kyoki 3 (Madness 3) ------------------------------ NECESSARY STEPS: Pick P7,17: The doorknob's glowing? (ドアノブが照れている?) After the door blows up, only you and the Bucho made it out; she pulled you out. You worry about Mitsuki; the Bucho tells you she'll tell you about it later. You pass out due to your burns. Then a lone figure walks out of the house, wielding a knife.... BAD END 6: Kyoki 4 (Madness 4) ------------------------------ NECESSARY STEPS: Pick P7,18: Let's get out of here (とにかく逃げよう) This one is also fairly self-explanatory...Gouda tells you to get upstairs and help the Bucho, but you are in no condition to do so and are at the mercy of the murderer, whose face you get a quick glimpse of before you get stabbed to death... BAD END 7: Kyoki 5 (Madness 5) ------------------------------ NECESSARY STEPS: Pick P7,18: The Bucho is in danger! (部長が危ない!!) You manage to escort the Bucho out of the house, but the two of you are too wounded to move any further. A lone figure comes out of the house; the Bucho thinks it's Gouda, but it's really the murderer... BAD END 8: Kyoki 6 (Madness 6) ------------------------------ NECESSARY STEPS: Pick P7,18: Damn it, I can't take him any more! ( いつ、もう許せない!) You grab the murderer before the Bucho can get killed. But as the figure comes in the light, you are so surprised to see who it is that you lose your grip and get stabbed by the murderer.... BAD END 9: Kakohime no Heya --------------------------- NECESSARY STEPS: Pick P10,6: Now I REALLY can't sleep (さらに目がさめちゃったみたい) Since you can't sleep, Futamura asks if you'd like to take a look at some film he brought. You see it and say "What is this?" Then you realize that the "friend" that Futamura was talking about was actually him. Futamura says he entered the film club solely to finish this movie, and that he faked the letter from the original scenario's writer to allow you to film it. He says that he Futamura: I was scared! With the director angrily coming up the stairs like that...I entered this college and this film club in order to finish this movie. He says "Isn't this a great last scene? I'm going to use this part in the final film. The others in the club will just help me do the others. You'll help me too, right?" BAD END 10: Satsujinki (Murderer) --------------------------------- NECESSARY STEPS: Have "Mitsuki's Trust" flag off. Pick P11,3: Run (とにかく逃げよう) BAD END 11: Shinhannin 1 (The true culprit 1) --------------------------------------------- NECESSARY STEPS: Get to Point 12 with "Case Solved" flag off. Also, one or both of "Mitsuki's Kiss" and "Mitsuki's Love" flags must be off. Content: Pretty straightforward...after Haruka goes upstairs to check out Futamura's injury, you get your brains splattered on the wall... BAD END 12: Shinnhannin 2 (The true culprit 2) ---------------------------------------------- NECESSARY STEPS: Get to Point 12 with "Case Solved" flag off. Also, both of "Mitsuki's Kiss" and "Mitsuki's Love" flags must be on. Content: Basically the same as Bad End 11: You get your brains beat out, except Mitsuki doesn't kill you in the first blow. BAD END 13: Todokanu Omoi (Uncommunicated emotion) -------------------------------------------------- NECESSARY STEPS: Case Solved Flag must be ON. Mitsuki's Trust flag must be OFF. You must pick P12,1: I'll come too (僕も行きます) Content: Mitsuki kills you with the metal pipe on the roof, without Sakuma coming to your rescue. BAD END 14: Shimai (Sisters) ---------------------------- NECESSARY STEPS: Case Solved Flag must be ON. Pick P12,1: All right (わかりました) When you try and reason with Mitsuki on the roof, her personalities come in conflict, and confused, she almost falls off the ledge. You grab her, and the Shiho side thanks you for being nice to her, then cries out how she doesn't want to die. You start to drag her up, but then the Mitsuki side takes over and forces her away from you, and she falls to her death... BAD END 15: Shuen (Demise) -------------------------- NECESSARY STEPS: You need the following flags ON to get this ending: Case Solved, Mitsuki's Trust. You need the following flags OFF to get this ending: Mitsuki's Kiss, Haruka's Trust, Futamura's Trust. You jump off the roof with Mitsuki. However, Futamura and Haruka the Bucho have not prepared the mattress to land on; both you and Mitsuki are killed. Futamura says "This script really is cursed..." Haruka crys, saying "That's why I said love between club members wasn't allowed...!" BAD END 16: Kioku (Memory) -------------------------- NECESSARY STEPS: You need the following flags ON to get this ending: Case Solved, Mitsuki's Kiss, Mitsuki's Trust. The following flags must be OFF: Haruka's Trust, Futamura's Trust. After jumping off the roof with Mitsuki, you wake up in a hospital. Somehow, you managed to survive the fall off the building. The Bucho and Futamura are there waiting for you and are glad to see you wake up. However, you have lost all your memory...of both of them, and Mitsuki as well.... BAD END 17: Shinjitsu wa....(The truth is...) --------------------------------------------- NECESSARY STEPS: Pick P11,6: No, let me watch Mitsuki (いえ、美月の看病をさせて下さい) Content: The movie opens. After the hospital incident, all of the harassment to you and Mitsuki end completely. However, you wonder what it was all about. Mitsuki asks what you're so deep in thought about and starts walking away. You narrate that all of the scenes that Sakuma was in were replaced with scenes with you in them instead. Outside, you wonder: "there's one more thing I don't understand. Why did Sakuma jump off the top of the school?" Mitsuki asks what you're spaced about. You tell her you were thinking about Sakuma; you wonder if he really wanted to stop this movie that much, and why he jumped off the roof the day after the hospital incident. Mitsuki ignores your questions and tells you to come to a live show later. You suggest getting something to eat first, and ask why Mitsuki wanted to help everyone else set up all morning. "I wanted to be with you" Mitsuki says. She asks if that's a problem; you say no, and Mitsuki asks what you want to eat. ----------------------------HINTS & TIPS TO REACH 100%-------------------------- Getting a 100% rating in DC is extremely difficult, especially for those last few percentage points. Even if you select all the choices and see all the endings in the game there are still specific combinations that you'll need to do and that are easy to miss. Here are a couple of tips for reaching 100%... First, there is a hidden code within DC that displays the % complete value throughout the entire game in a corner of the screen. You need to enter this code when you turn on the game, from when the little green creature appears until the "Production I.G." code disappears. The code is: Right, O, Left, X, Up, O, Down, X. Note that you have to enter this code QUICKLY. Once this code is in, you can see the percentage change directly, which makes it easier to keep track of which scenes you've seen, and which scenes you haven't. Here are a couple of easy-to-miss spots: The "Meeting Mitsuki" chapter has probably the most spots you can miss. They include: 1) Tell Mitsuki to go to the hospital twice (in both TM,2 and TM,6) 2) Go to sleep in the garbage in the Bangaihen (BGH, 4) and then say "Goodbye" in your first choice in the "Meeting Mitsuki" chapter. 3) Tell Mitsuki to go to the police (TM, 8) after telling her to go to the hospital, (TM,2) and likewise, tell her to go to the hospital after telling her to go to the police. In Point 7, you say something different for each of the choices in P6,4. In Point 11, you can not run away and still not get the photos; to do this, you have to pick anything but the Ramen store in P1,4, and then pick I want beer (やっぱビールでしょ) in point 8/9. At the end of Point 11, you have to try EVERY combination of people to call, including calling the same person twice. (IOW call Mitsuki-Mitsuki, Futamura- Futamura, and Bucho-Bucho) Finally, there are two different versions of Good End 1; one where you ask Futamura in P5,3 " She's a...a friend! (と、友達だよ!)", and one where you didn't ask him. If you know of any more easy-to-miss scenes, let me know. ################################################################################ DISCLAIMER ################################################################################ This FAQ is ゥ1999 Ian Kelley. Please do not use this walkthrough on your website without asking me for permission first. (I guarantee I'll grant it, but please do so anyway) I do not want this walkthrough altered in ANY way, and it must remain in its original form on any websites. This walkthrough MAY NOT BE USED FOR ANY COMMERCIAL PURPOSE. This includes importers selling/giving this walkthrough away to people that buy the game, printing it in a magazine, (though I can't imagine anyone would want to) putting it on a commercial web site, publishing it or incorporating it in a publication,or anything else. YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS. I apologize if this sounds strict, but recently there have been unfortunate occurances of certain unscrupulous individuals using FAQs written by other people to sell games for their own profit, and even publishing such FAQs as "unofficial" guides, making money off of somebody else's work. This walkthrough is meant to be free and I want it to stay that way.