Chrono Cross Boss FAQ Version 1.1 By --- Disclaimer: You may not use this FAQ on your website or distribute it ANYWHERE without my written permission first. I usually say yes, but you have to ask me first! If I find anyone has done otherwise, I'll bring the law into it. Thanks for cooperating! *THE NEWEST VERSIONS OF ALL MY FAQS CAN ALWAYS BE FOUND AT WWW.GAMEFAQS.COM!* ----------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------- I. Introduction II. Version History III. Legend IV. Boss Walkthrough V. Conclusion VI. Thanks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ---------------- I. Introduction ---------------- 'Ello, and thanks for checking out another one of my highly acclaimed Boss FAQs! (Yes, I can say "highly acclaimed" now. ;) My two other Boss FAQs thus far - Final Fantasy VIII and Xenogears - have been very successful, and Chrono Cross is easily the best game I've ever played aside from Chrono Trigger, so why not write a FAQ for this gem of a game too? Chrono Cross isn't really what you'd consider a "difficult" RPG - I died once in the game, and that was on Square's trademark optional superstrong boss. Never once did I die in the course of the game. But just in case you're stuck somewhere, I'm here for ya. You can E-mail me if you have more questions about any RPG, but be forewarned that I don't necessarily respond immediately. Also, guide readers, DO NOT IM ME. I keep my IMs open for my girlfriend and really close friends, and if I talked to EVERYONE that needed help, I'd be in IM Hell all day, so please, keep it in E-mail. Also, ***THERE ARE *SPOILERS* IN THIS GUIDE.*** Not gratuitous spoilers, but in this guide you'll find out who the final boss is for yourself - and Chrono Trigger 2 is one experience that is a crime to spoil, so read this at your own risk. Thanks again, and enjoy! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- -------------------- II. Version History -------------------- Version 1.0: The original version of this FAQ. Veraion 1.1: Corrected a horrible, terrible mistake in the Order of Elements for the final battle. MANY apologies go to those misled by my typo! The correct order is Yellow > Red, NOT Red > Yellow. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ------------ III. Legend ------------ Boss' Name Boss' HP Boss' Innate Color Boss' Location Boss' Attacks Spoils (common, then rare) Stealable Items (common, then rare) Difficulty (1, easiest; 5, hardest) Boss Strategy This layout is the exact same as my other Boss FAQs, so return visitors should have no trouble here. ^_^ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- --------------------- IV. Boss Walkthrough --------------------- Here's the complete guide to all the Bosses in the whole game, sidequests included. I've finished the game, so I'm not borrowing any strategy from a guide. ^_^ --- - DISC 1 - Boss Fight #1 Name: Mama Komodo HP: 160 Innate: Blue Location: Lizard Rock (Home World) Attacks: Physical attacks, various Blue Elements Spoils: @Fang, Tablet Steal: Nothing Difficulty: 2 The only reason you need to be careful in this fight is because it comes straight after a normal battle, and Serge's HP is still probably between 50-60; this Boss' strongest attacks can do around 24-25, so just be wary. Its physical attacks aren't much, but you should make sure to keep your HP above 25. Use Elements like Fireball and Photon Ray to finish this guy... er, gal... er, whatever off pretty quickly. Boss Fight #2 Name: Karsh, Solt and Peppor HP: 115, 52, 60 Innate: Green, Yellow, Yellow Location: Cape Howl (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Dragon Rider, various Red and Yellow Elements Spoils: Bone Axe, Power Glove; Ivory Vest, @Copper; Ivory Helmet, @Copper Steal: Nothing; Nothing; Nothing Difficulty: 1 Get ready for the first of possibly six fights with the shakin' Dragoon wannabes known as Solt and Peppor. They're kinda like the Slash and Flea of Chrono Cross - they're not necessarily bright or tough, but they're a constant enemy to the party and they provide some comic relief. Anyway, after some physical attacks (which do little damage), a dialogue will begin between the three that basically tells you what's in their arsenal (and yes, they do this almost every time you fight them). Their dialogue, though, can actually help you learn about the game's systems, so you should pay attention. But anyway, to win, all you really need to do it focus on one enemy at a time. You might want to take out Karsh first - if you leave him alive for too long, he'll use Dragon Rider for some moderate damage on one of your characters. However, it's not necessary. Solt and Peppor are so weak that they're nothing to worry about. Heal if you need to. Use Elements freely. They'll go down soon enough, and you'll have another Star. Boss Fight #3 Name: Solt and Peppor HP: 52, 60 Innate: Yellow, Yellow Location: Fossil Valley (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Techs, various Red and Yellow Elements Spoils: Ivory Vest, @Copper; Ivory Helmet, @Copper Steal: Nothing; Nothing Difficulty: 1 This battle is so easy I'm not sure why it's considered a Boss Fight - this battle is the exact same as the last one with Solt and Peppor, exact without Karsh - which, as you might expect, is bad for them. The two might try and pull off a couple of Techs, but they hit for low damage. Bust out your physical attacks and Elements and they'll go down in no time. Boss Fight #4A Name: Acacia PVTs HP: 70 each Innate: Yellow Location: Viper Manor Bluffs (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks Spoils: Tablet, Photon Ray Steal: Ivory Helmet, Capsule Difficulty: ? I personally went down Nikki's path to Viper Manor, and haven't fought the Bosses in either Guile or Pierre's path, so I'm using a guide for the strategies here. If I get the time to replay the game along another path, I'll rewrite these Bosses. You should be able to trust the guide, though. All the Acacia Privates use are weak physical attacks, so take them out with your own physical attacks and Elements and you'll be just fine. Be sure to heal fully after the battle - you've got another Boss Fight coming up right after this. Boss Fight #5A Name: King Moaman HP: 245 Innate: Black Location: Viper Manor Bluffs (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Flame Sword, Ice Sword, Gravity Blow Spoils: Gravity Blow, Power Glove Steal: @Copper, Feathery Dress Difficulty: ? Serge will be strongest against this Boss, but also take more damage from it too, being an Innate White character. That said, make sure you pay special attention to his HP to keep him alive. King Moaman's sidekicks cast Strengthen and Nimble on their king, but that only makes him slightly harder to kill. Use all of your all-enemy Elements like Magma Bomb at the offset of the battle, and be sure to keep your Element Level up for healing, just in case. Focus on the King first, since he's the most dangerous enemy in the fight. Boss Fight #4B Name: Acacia SGTs HP: 210 Innate: Yellow Location: Viper Manor Gates (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks Spoils: ? Steal: ? Difficulty: ? These guys are only a little stronger than Acacia PVTs. They also have more HP. However, they're still easy - and to make this an even easier fight, allocate some Green Elements to your characters. Heal if you need to, and prepare for the real Boss after this. Boss Fight #5B Name: Solt, Peppor and Ketchop HP: 80, 90, 260 Innate: Yellow, Yellow, Yellow Location: Viper Manor Gates (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks, various Red and Yellow Elements Spoils: @Copper, Electro Jolt; Uplift, @Copper; Silver Earring Steal: Ivory Helmet, Turn Black; Ivory Helmet, Tablet; Tablet, Power Glove Difficulty: ? Solt and Peppor are back - and this time, they've brought a "friend," Ketchop! At the start of this battle, Ketchop will kill off one of your characters. However, don't worry; always count on stupid Solt to do the wrong (or in your case, right) thing and revive the fallen character! Heal him or her immediately back to full HP. And then, start focusing your Techs and Elements on Ketchop - don't worry about Solt and Peppor. Later in the battle, Ketchop will use Solt and Peppor like two baseball bats to attack your party - sure, it might hurt some, but the bonus is that the two are automatically eliminated from the fight, and all you need to do is finish Ketchop off! Boss Fight #4C Name: Cassowaries HP: 100 Innate: Yellow Location: Shadow Forest (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks Spoils: Uplift, @Feather Steal: Ivory Mail, Electro Jolt Difficulty: 2 These guys are a pain if for no other reason than that they take a long time to kill. They're not particularly strong, but they have a lot of HP and you'll probably need to heal a little in the course of the battle. Use your Techs and Green Elements. Nikki will help out a little in the fight, but not enough to make a difference. Just be persistent and you'll come out on top. Boss Fight #5C Name: Zoah, Solt, and Peppor HP: 200, 80, 90 Innate: Yellow, Yellow, Yellow Location: Shadow Forest (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Dragon Rider, various Green and Yellow Elements Spoils: Ivory Mail, Bronze Glove; @Copper, Electro Jolt; Uplift, Tablet Steal: Knee Pad; Ivory Helmet, Turn Black; Ivory Helmet, Tablet Difficulty: 1 Yet another fight with Solt and Peppor! This one's no problem - it's almost exactly like the past fight with Karsh - except with Zoah, and just a BIT harder, but not by much. Zoah, being Karsh's fellow Diva, uses Dragon Rider like Karsh, and that's the whole trio's best asset. Once again, Solt and Peppor's attacks are dismal, making them nothing to worry about. Just focus on one enemy at a time - it doesn't matter in what order, though, relatively speaking, Zoah's the strongest of the three. Boss Fight #6 (Optional) Name: Neo N-Bulbs HP: 160 Innate: Green Location: Viper Manor (Another World) Spoils: Aero Saucer, Eagle Eye Steal: @Seed, Heal Difficulty: 2 These guys can be deceptively tough, but only if you don't pay attention. Their physical attacks are somewhat strong, and they cast Bushwacker like there's no tomorrow. Just be on the lookout, and heal if you need to. Yellow Elements work extremely well on these guys. Boss Fight #7 Name: Marcy HP: 525 Innate: Blue Location: Viper Manor (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Cat's Cradle, Ice Blast Spoils: Ice Blast, @Iron Steal: Silver Loupe, Dancing Shoes Difficulty: 2 Like the Neo N-Bulbs fight, Marcy is not necessarily hard, but her attacks are easily the strongest you've encountered thus far, making it extra important to keep an eye on your HP. Cat's Cradle in particular does a lot of damage. Marcy also has a lot of HP, so you'll want to do everything you can to reduce them quickly. Dash and Slash always works well, and Red Elements will help you a lot too, Fireball more than Magma Bomb. The most important thing in this battle is to keep your HP up - play smart and safe and you'll have no trouble. Boss Fight #8 Name: Lynx HP: 820 Innate: Black Location: Viper Manor (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Imbecile, Anti White, Hell Soul, Hell Bound Spoils: Pendragon Sigil C, Gravitonne Steal: Magic Ring, Power Glove Difficulty: 2 Here it is - your first battle with the villain (at least for now!) of Chrono Cross, Lynx. Surprisingly, this battle isn't all that hard - he'll spend most of the battle casting status changing Elements like Imbecile and Anti White on you while you whack on him. He cast Hell Soul once on me, but it didn't work. It it does work on you, revive the fallen character immediately! He tends to cast Anti White on Serge, which makes sense. Speaking of Serge, be extra careful with him in this battle - although Serge will be most effective against Lynx, the same goes with the opposite. Heal when you need to - you probably will, because of Lynx's nasty physical combos - and use all your Techs and White (as well as other Colors except Black) Elements on Lynx, providing he doesn't seal them. Overall, not too tough, and the major plot twist that occurs afterwards is awesome... Boss Fight #9 (Optional) Name: Wingapede HP: 430 Innate: Green Location: Hydra Marshes (Home World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Acidic Gas, Poison Gas Spoils: Aero Saucer, @Letather Steal: Antitoxinal Cap, @Iron Difficulty: 2 The most important thing for this battle is to have a lot of Antidote Elements. You'll most likely get Poisoned a lot, and that starts to suck after awhile. Poshul is good in this battle, since she's Innate Yellow and extremely strong. Otherwise, as long as you use Antidotes when you need to, you'll be fine. Use physical attacks and Yellow Elements to bring this guy down quickly. Boss Fight #10 (Optional) Name: Pentapus HP: 600 Innate: Blue Location: Hydra Marshes (Home World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Whop, Hexa Hitter Spoils: Aqua Ball, Ice Blast Steal: Nothing Difficulty: ? I personally haven't fought this guy, but he doesn't sound too hard. An Innate Red character would be effective in this fight, but be careful with his/her HP. Red Elements and Techs will make short work of the Pentapus, but other Colors also help. For winning this battle, you get Razzly in your party! Boss Fight #11 Name: Hi Ho Dwarves HP: 90 Innate: Yellow Location: Hydra Marshes (Home World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Hi Ho Chorus, Hi Ho War Cry, Electro Jolt Spoils: ? Steal: Nothing Difficulty: 4 This battle, in all truth, is one of the hardest in the early stages of the game... and maybe the whole game. Even with the best armor possible at this point in the game equipped on everyone, the Hi Ho Dwarves' Hi Ho Chorus attack is devastating at 60-70 damage on each character. And there are SIX of these guys. Fortunately, the Dwarves can only use Hi Ho Chorus when there are five or more of them alive, so focus ENTIRELY on eliminating two of them immediately. Once they're down to four, they'll begin using Hi Ho War Cry that just hits one character, thankfully, for moderately high damage. Bring a lot of healing Elements to this fight - Green Elements like Bushbasher help as well. Don't focus on hitting the whole group of them until you've killed off at least two of them. After you've sealed Hi Ho Chorus, the battle becomes substantially easier. Boss Fight #12 Name: Hydra HP: 700 Innate: Yellow Location: Hydra Marshes (Home World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Spirits Up, Spirits Down Spoils: Upheaval, @Bronze Steal: Nothing Difficulty: 3 This battle is easier than the Hi Ho Dwarves one, but not by much. If you think three on one would be a piece of cake once again, think twice. The Hydra is seriously strong - it's easier to see why he's the master of the Marshes. Its physical attacks are strong enough to reduce a character by more than half their HP if it attacks enough times. Bring lots of healing Elements into this battle. You also may want to consider putting a Yellow Innate character in your party as a little more protection against the Hydra's attacks. Green Innate characters are a liability. But anyway, hit hard and fast wth Elements and Techs, and as long as you're able to heal consistently, you'll outlast the Hydra. One more thing - do NOT use Yellow Elements on the Hydra, because they'll heal it. Boss Fight #13 Name: Dead Head HP: 700 Innate: Black Location: SS Invincible (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Diminish, Death's Odor, Dark Breath Spoils: Hell Soul, Hell Bound Steal: Gravity Blow, Bronze Axe Difficulty: 3 This battle isn't so hard as it is flat out annoying. At the offset of the battle, Dead Head will cast Diminish, making all your Elements (and his as well, though) nearly useless for several turns. But causing Elemental damage isn't Dead Head's goal, you see - he'll use Death's Odor and Dark Breath while everyone is Diminished to cause a variety of Status Ailments on all your characters, most especially Darkness. So, not only are your Elements and Techs nearly worthless, but you'll have a hard time hitting Dead Head with your physical attacks as well, making for a very annoying battle. If you don't bring Black Out into the fight, you'll just have to hope your physical attacks hit until Darkness wears off. And after a few turns, try using a Tech to see if Diminish has worn off. If it has, cast White Elements like crazy on Dead Head to bring him down quickly, before he has time to repeat the Diminish-Death's Odor pattern again. Dead Head's physical attacks are generally weak, so don't worry about dying so much as going crazy. Heal if you need to. Boss Fight #14 Name: Hi Ho Dwarves HP: 200 Innate: Yellow Location: Water Dragon Isle (Home World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Hi Ho Chorus, Hi Ho War Cry, Electro Jolt Spoils: ? Steal: ? Difficulty: 1 Oh no, not these guys again?! Don't worry, this time they're easy. Sure, they still use HH Chorus and War Cry, but you're stronger and, they, unfortunately for them, really aren't. Both of those Techs do little damage now (10-20), and these little *expletive*s are now yours to kill. Pure physical attacks will win you this battle, but Green Elements will speed up the process. The real Boss fight is after this one - don't think it's over yet! Boss Fight #15 Name: Hi Ho Tank HP: 1000 Innate: Yellow Location: Water Dragon Isle (Home World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Element Shot (Green), Element Shot (Yellow), Repair Spoils: Knee Pad, @Iron Steal: @Screw, Knee Pad Difficulty: 2 This battle isn't too difficult. The Hi Ho Tank doesn't have many attacks to begin with, and after you cause a good amount of damage to it, you'll seal up its Element Shot attacks. To make this battle a lot easier, kill the two Dwarves alongside the Tank first. These guys can Repair the tank and restore a lot of HP, and you don't want that. If they're gone, there will be no Repairing to worry about. The Hi Ho Tank can dish out a lot of damage, particularly with its Element Shot. Keep an eye on your HP and heal when you get relatively low, though, and you'll do just fine. Once you cause enough damage to the tank, it won't be able to use Element Shot anymore, and then it will rely purely on physical attacks, which aren't that big a deal anyway. Green Elements work well in this battle, especially Aero Blaster. Avoid using Yellow Elements. Techs are great, as always. The Tank has a lot of HP, so be patient and you'll win. Boss Fight #16 Name: Solt and Peppor HP: 150, 180 Innate: Yellow, Yellow Location: Mount Pyre (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Red and Yellow Elements Spoils: @Copper, @Copper; Brace, Magic Ring Steal: Bronze Vest, Dancing Shoes; Plaster Cap, Power Glove Difficulty: 1 You thought you had seen the last of these guys? Far from it! These guys are pitifully easy, as always - Solt and Peppor's physical attacks are sickeningly weak, and they have such low HP that the battle will be over barely after it begins. No strategy needed for these guys - just kill. Boss Fight #17 Name: Fire Dragon HP: 850 Innate: Red Location: Mount Pyre (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Fiery Breath, Weaken, Strengthen Spoils: Weaken, Magic Ring Steal: Magic Ring, Wisp Cape Difficulty: 3 I have one piece of advice for you here - DON'T be fooled by this guy's size! He may not be the huge creature in the magma nearby, but he is THE Fire Dragon God, and as such, he's powerful. He's quick, and his physical attacks are strong. But that's not the worst of it; his Fiery Breath attack is frighteningly powerful, and if it doesn't kill a Blue Innate character in one hit, it will most definitely bring him/her into crticial range. As such, a Blue Innate character is risky - he/she could do a lot of damage to the Fire Dragon, but if the character has low HP, forget it - Fiery Breath will kill him/her in one blow. Use a lot of Blue Elements in this battle, and avoid Red Elements. Techs work well, and as long as you heal after each Fiery Breath, you should be strong enough to withstand the Fire Dragon's physical attacks until he goes down. Boss Fight #18 Name: Karsh, Zoah, and Marcy HP: 370, 436, 300 Innate: Green, Yellow, Blue Location: Mount Pyre (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Dragon Rider, Axial Axe, Gyronimo, Cat's Cradle, String Phone Spoils: Eagle Eye, Silver Earring; Gold Earring; Iron Vest, Dancing Shoes Steal: Aero Blaster, Iron Axe; Stamina Ring; Ice Blast, Nostrum Difficulty: 2 Uh-oh. This can't be good; you have to fight the Dragoon Devas all at once now. And although that may seem like a frightening task indeed, it really isn't as hard as you think it would be. The biggest threat in this battle is Karsh - his normal attacks don't pack much of a punch, but if he gets a chance to use Axial Axe on you, expect 100-200 damage per character. Take him out first with Yellow Elements and Techs. Zoah is the next biggest threat - his Gyronimo technique could quite possibly take out one of your characters, so kill him before he uses it, if you can. Marcy is kind of nonexistent in this fight; she's actually WEAKER than she was at the library in Viper Manor, however she does have a new Tech called String Phone, so beware. You should worry about her last, though. Overall, not a tough battle. Boss Fight #19 Name: Taurusoid HP: 1200 Innate: Green Location: Fort Dragonia (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Green Elements, Back Drop, Body Press Spoils: @Fang, Iron Best Steal: Trap Tornado, Trap Sonja Difficulty: 2 The first Crystal guardian in Fort Dragonia (if you're going in order), Taurusoid will take a long time to take down, because he has the most HP of any Boss thus far in Chrono Cross. Fortunately, he's not all that hard, as his ridiculously-strong looking Techs aren't all THAT powerful. He uses these Techs somewhat frequently though, so you should keep an eye on your HP, just in case. If you have one (you probably don't at this point), use a Trap Tornado Element on Taurusoid, because he can and probably will use Tornado on your party. Having an Element to trap this not only saves your party from 100-200 damage per character, but nets you the best Green attack Element in the game (besides the Green Summon Elements). Just keep at it with physical attacks, Yellow Elements, and Techs, and he'll go down eventually. Boss Fight #20 Name: Giant Gloop HP: 800 Innate: Blue Location: Fort Dragonia (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Blue Field, Gooey Goo, Take In Spoils: Aqua Ball, Ice Blast Steal: Antiviral Cap Difficulty: 1 This is an extremely easy battle. Giant Gloop's physical attacks are weak, and none of its Techs are particularly devastating. Watch out when it uses Blue Field, though; if you let the Field stay all Blue, its attacks will do considerable damage. To counter this, cast a (preferably) Red Element on him. Not only will this do a lot of damage, it'll offset the Field Effect at the same time. Use Red Elements and Techs mercilessly against this guy - is there a reason to take longer than you need to? Overall, probably the second easiest (or easiest) battle in Fort Dragonia. Boss Fight #21 Name: Son of a Gun HP: 365 Innate: White Location: Fort Dragonia (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Meteor Shower, Kissy Face, Shine On Spoils: @Iron Steal: @Screw Difficulty: 2 Boy, is this guy annoying. You're probably thinking "wahahaha!!! 365 HP?!", right? Don't be fooled. This sucker has extremely high Defense and will make even your Techs like Dash and Slash look like nothing. He has high Magic Defense as well, so Elements will be hardly any better against him. A Black Innate character will help a LOT in this fight, if you have one. Serge will be causing little to no damage with his attacks, so you should have him cast Black or other Color Elements on him, except White. Everyone else should use Techs and Elements. It'll take awhile, but he'll go down. Be careful when Son of a Gun uses Meteor Shower, especially with a Black Innate character in your party. This attack will hurt all your characters - a lot - so be ready with some healing Elements. Oh, and Kissy Face is one of the most hilarious Techs in the game. ^_^ Creepy monster, eh? Boss Fight #22 Name: Bunyip HP: 400 Innate: Red; Black Location: Fort Dragonia (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Fireball, Magma Bomb; Physical attacks, Gravitonne, Free Fall Spoils: Nothing Steal: Free Fall, Trap Black Hole Difficulty: 2 This is one of the coolest Boss battles in the game. At first, this Boss appears to be a relatively harmless, Red Innate monster. But that's until you cause enough damage to it - then, in a rather grotesque scene, he "evolves" into a harmful Black Innate creature. But then the background also gets all awesome, and the whole battle is just really cool. It shows off what Square can really do with a PlayStation... but anyway, just pound on this guy with physical attacks until he changes into his second form, and then let loose with White Elements and Techs, especially with Serge, who will be causing the most damage in this battle. This Boss' physical attacks are particularly strong, especially against Serge, and Free Fall is an extremely powerful Black Element (you can Trap it for yourself if you have a Trap Free Fall Element!). You'll definitely need to heal in this battle. However, it won't take long for this guy to go down and you'll soon be heading to your destiny atop the Dragon Tower... Boss Fight #23 Name: General Viper HP: 820 Innate: Yellow Location: Fort Dragonia (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks, G-Force, Air Force Spoils: Dragoon Gauntlet, Mythril Mail Steal: Stamina Ring Difficulty: 1 LOL, what a joke this guy is. Who does General Viper think he is, taking on a group of three teens loaded for bear? If you thought this might be a ridiculously easy battle, you were right. Viper can attack only one character at a time, and even though the damage is kinda high, it's not bad and you can heal easily. Even his Techs aren't much to worry about, and with only 820 HP, Viper's got a date with his maker. Unload on this guy and have fun - the next battle's much harder. Boss Fight #24 Name: Lynx HP: 1000 Innate: Black Location: Fort Dragonia (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Meteor Shower, Photon Beam, Glide Hook Spoils: Pendragon Sigil B, Sky Djinn Ring Steal: Pendragon Sigil B, Sky Djinn Ring Difficulty: 3 This time it's no shadow like in Viper Manor - this Lynx is the real thing. You need to be careful in this fight, especially with Serge - not only is Lynx strong physically, but he tends to chain his attacks up to five or six times and cause a lot of damage in the process. Add to that the fact that he's got Level 3 and 4 White Elements at his disposal (which do a surprising amount of damage given that he's Innate Black), plus a Tech, and you've got a fight on your hands. Photon Beam isn't particularly nasty, and neither is Glide Hook. But WATCH OUT when Lynx uses Meteor Shower, and especially near death, his physical attacks. Have those healing Elements ready for those attacks! Unload on him with all the White Elements you've got, not to mention Techs (especially Serge's - Dash and Slash and Luminaire will help greatly in this battle), and end this fight as soon as you can. Lynx tends to be relentless with his attacks and Elements near death, so don't keep him there; hurry up and finish the process. After this battle, the perfect plot of Chrono Cross takes a HUGE and unprecedented turn... --- - Important Note - The game enters an entirely new chapter at this point, and if you're reading ahead (which you should avoid doing, you spoiler you!), you'll notice that Serge is not mentioned for quite awhile in the Boss fights. That's because he's now in Lynx's body, and as such, I will refer to him as Lynx as in the game. Don't be confused - the Lynx I'm referring to is a good guy, not a bad guy! --- Boss Fight #25 Name: Radius HP: 750 Innate: Green Location: Arni Village (Home World) Attacks: Physical attacks, various Elements, Long Shot Spoils: Pendragon Sigil C, Gravitonne Steal: Heal, Magnify Difficulty: 1 This is a "silly battle," much like the one against General Viper. Really - how much chance does an old man - admittedly, a talented old man, but an old man - stand against a feline demi human, a kind old lady, and a harlequin? Okay, maybe it sounds kind of even, but this geezer will go down so easily when matched against your three members that you'll barely need to use Elements. Wail on Radius with physical attacks and Techs, and pay him back for the "tutorial" he gave you at the beginning of the game. ^_^ Boss Fight #26 Name: Mega Starky HP: 2800 Innate: White Location: Sky Dragon Isle (Home World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Meteorite, Meteor Shower, Raydiation Spoils: Mag Negate Steal: Angel Charm, White Brooch Difficulty: 3 Yikes, this guy has a lot of HP! And man, is he big too! This is primarily what makes Mega Starky somewhat challenging - his many, many HP allow him to take a long time before being defeated. His physical attacks are moderately strong, but the real threat comes from his White Elements that he casts - Lynx will be in extra danger here. Keep him protected, and keep your HP up. If you're not careful, Meteor Shower could end your game. Use physical attacks, and Lynx's Black Techs (Glide Hook and Feral Cats) do wonders on Mega Starky. Bring a lot of healing Elements to this fight, because it'll take awhile. For winning, you'll get Starky as a party member! Boss Fight #27 Name: Sage of Marbule HP: 1500 Innate: White Location: SS Zelbess (Home World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Turn Elements, various White Elements Spoils: Mythril Helmet Steal: Nothing Difficulty: 2 This guy is deceptively strong. You may think this to be another "silly battle," but don't be fooled. He can dish out a lot of damage, especially to Lynx, by using his powerful White Elements. Also, the Sage just LOVES to cast Turn Black and then use a strong White Element on that same character in the same turn, so make sure to bring some healing Elements. The sage is somewhat frail though, so it won't take long to cut his 1500 HP down to nothing. Boss Fight #28 Name: Garai HP: 1987 Innate: White Location: Isle of the Damned (Home World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Will Breaker, Triple Cut Spoils: Dragoon's Honor Steal: Nothing Difficulty: 4 This is most DEFINITELY the hardest battle you've fought so far - you'll come to the brink of death more than once. Do NOT bring a Black Innate character to this fight other than Lynx; Garai, being White, will be able to level any Black character, including Lynx, quite easily. Bring plenty of Healing Elements to the fight and allocate all your Revive Elements - put more on your other party members than on Lynx, because he'll most likely be the one dying. Garai's physical attacks and insanely powerful, and he tends to link them up to three or four times, most especially near death. When he does this to Lynx, it usually means death or critical range. Also, his Will Breaker Tech is something of an instant death attack - if it doesn't kill the person he uses it on, it'll come REAL close, and it will most certainly kill Lynx if he's not at full HP. Triple Cut is a lot less of a threat, but it still hurts and you need to be wary. Keep your HP up at all times, and revive any fallen characters immediately. Hit Garai fast and hard with Black Elements and Techs - end this battle ASAP. Near death, Garai tends to be relentless with his physical attacks. Be careful, and know that there's a good chance you may not come out of this battle with everyone alive and kicking... but at least Garai will be dead. For good. Boss Fight #29 Name: Highwayman HP: 2000 Innate: Blue Location: Dead Sea (Home World) Attacks: Physical attacks, various Blue Elements, Exhaust Gas, Rampage Spoils: Nimble, @Mythril Steal: Nothing Difficulty: 3 Well, this is sort of a "random" boss fight. This guy scarily reminds me of Johnny ("The MAN") from Chrono Trigger. Though, Highwayman is much tougher than Johnny ever would have been. Bring some Black Out Elements to this fight - Highwayman's Exhaust Gas Tech causes Darkness on all your characters, and that's not something you want to have to worry about in this battle, because Highwayman is pretty strong. Like Garai, he chains his physical attacks up to three or four times, and those attacks are strong in themselves. You'll most likely need to heal in this battle - Rampage is an all-party hitter that does moderate damage to everyone. He uses this Tech a lot. However, Highwayman seems somewhat frail; destroy him with Red Elements and Techs, and he'll have 0 HP pretty quickly. In all truth, the biggest threat in this battle is Exhaust Gas, and if you have some Black Out or Panacea Elements allocated, that shouldn't be a problem. Boss Fight #30 Name: Miguel HP: 1950 Innate: White Location: Dead Sea (Home World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Turn Black, Anti Black, Meteor Shower, Photon Beam, Genius, Holy Dragon Sword Spoils: Dreamer's Scarf Steal: Nothing Difficulty: 5 Another "silly battle," eh? Not on your life. Miguel may be a frail, old little man who hasn't done much but guard the Dead Sea for the past few years, but this guy is no pushover. In fact, he's arguably the hardest Boss in all of Chrono Cross. But I guess that's to be expected, as he is the guardian of the destroyed future that is the Dead Sea. Well, anyway. I strongly advise against bringing any Black Innate characters besides Lynx into this fight, because Miguel can easily kill them. Let's review his attacks in the order they're listed above, shall we? His physical attacks are a joke - when he does one of these, be EXTREMELY thankful he didn't kick your ass that turn. Anti Black is also somewhat of a relief, unless he uses it on Lynx; obviously, Black Elements and Techs will be the most effective tools against Miguel. Photon Beam wouldn't normally be much of a problem, but Miguel almost ALWAYS casts Turn Black on his target before using Photon Beam (in the same turn), and if not, he'll use Genius on himself to boost the power. Sometimes he'll do both. Whatever he does, he'll come close to killing any character with this attack, especially Lynx. He usually can't kill with this, though, unless your HP runs too low. He will do the same with Meteor Shower - first he'll cast Genius, and as an added bonus, any of your characters who have been previously turned Black by him we'll take a lot of extra damage. You can expect Meteor Shower to do anywhere from 100-250 damage on all of your party members. Finally, his biggest threat - his sole tech, the Holy Dragon Sword. If (a) the target is Black, and he will be, since Miguel always casts Turn Black before using this in the same turn, (b) the target has below 300 HP, and/or (c) you don't have any Revive Elements, this character's gone for good. You can expect Holy Dragon Sword to kill almost every time. Do NOT be stingy with the Revive and Healing Elements - you'll need them to their fullest in this fight. Kill Miguel as fast as you can, but heal when you need to or you'll never win. Miguel has high Defense and Magic Defense, so it'll take long time before he goes down. When he's in critical range, he seems to use Holy Dragon Sword and Meteor Shower relentlessly. Good luck in surviving, it won't be easy. Fortunately, this is about as tough as Chrono Cross gets - there's one more Boss fight that's harder than this one, but it's optional. Boss Fight #31 Name: Roachster HP: 1245 Innate: Blue Location: Viper Manor Sewers (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Jitter Bug, Bug Kamikaze Spoils: Elbow Pad Steal: Nothing Difficulty: 1 Roachster is a joke. Although he's probably the ugliest Boss in the game, I'll give it that. But other than THAT Roachster is one of the easiest Bosses you'll ever fight. Its physical attacks are weak, and so is its Techs, although Bug Kamikaze is hilarious. Just pound on it with physical attacks, Red Elements, and Techs, and its feeble 1250 HP will be drained quickly. No problem. Boss Fight #32 Name: Hell's Cook HP: 2800 Innate: Red Location: Viper Manor (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks, various Red Elements Spoils: Gold Pendant, @Mythril Steal: Nothing Difficulty: 2 Otherwise known as Dark Orcha, this guy may have a lot of HP, but he's a pathetic fighter (though he's pretty decent when he's on your side). He'll cast weak Elements like Fireball and Magma Bomb, which should do little to no damage at this point in the game. He'll also cast Fire Pillar and Magma Burst, but they're no real threat. His main threat, and this is actually something you need to watch out for, is that he casts Volcano sometimes - which is the most powerful Red attack Element int he game, sans the Red Summon Elements. If you have one, use a Trap Volcano Element on Hell's Cook early in the battle. Also, his physical attacks are somewhat powerful, but nothing dangerous, and as long as you play smart you'll have absolutely no trouble with this battle. Boss Fight #33 Name: Grobyc HP: 2800 Innate: Black Location: Viper Manor (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Rocket Fist, Hair Cutter Spoils: Defender, Free Fall Steal: Nothing Difficulty: 2 This fight is amusingly easy. You'd think a super robot engineered for assassination and combat would be some kind of threat. Well, he's not. Grobyc is pretty weak compared to your characters, although he just loves to link his physical attacks many times, and the damage can really rack up on Serge. His Rocket Fist Tech is nothing to worry about, although the hilarious Hair Cutter can do some decent damage, so keep an eye on your HP. Grobyc's Defense is pathetic, so he'll go down quickly, especially with Serge's physical attacks and Techs. Boss Fight #34 Name: Guillot HP: 1001 Innate: Yellow Location: Viper Manor (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Hat Edge Spoils: @Mythril, @Screw Steal: Nothing Difficulty: 1 This is one of the easiest battles in the game - and that's unexpected, since there's so much gossip of Guillot being this massively powerful Porre weapon. Guillot won't end up doing much damage to your party, and Green Elements coupled with physical attacks will be more than enough to take this thing out. And the HP total above is not a mistake, Guillot ACTUALLY HAS 1001 HP at this stage in the game. ^_^ There will be two separate battles with Guillot, but neither should be a problem. Boss Fight #35 (Optional) Name: De-Hydrate HP: 1042 Innate: Black Location: Hydra Marshes (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Gravitonne, Hell Soul, Black Hole Spoils: Free Fall, Resistance Ring Steal: Daemon Charm, Hell Bound Difficulty: 1 This fight is even easier than the one with Guillot - it almost seems like this battle was meant for an earlier stage of the game. De-Hydrate's attacks will do below 10 damage most likely, and Gravitonne and Hell Soul are something to laugh at. However, Black Hole - when used by ANYTHING - can decimate your party, so bring some healing Elements just in case! Otherwise, just kill and go. Boss Fight #36 Name: Orlha HP: 1800 Innate: Blue Location: Guldove (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Blue Elements, Multipunch, Punch Drunk Spoils: @Mythril, Waist Pad Steal: Kung Fu Shoes Difficulty: 3 Orlha may look like a sweet, young girl who happens to be bartender, but she's got some MEAN martial arts skills, and she's not afraid to use 'em. In fact, she's more than a match for your heroic band of three. Her physical attacks are strong, and she links them throughout the battle. She's got a wide range of Blue Elements and she's not afraid to use 'em - she's even got Iceberg, and you can expect that to do 100-200 damage to everyone. Multipunch isn't too much of a threat, but the AWESOME looking (and equally amusing) Punch Drunk Tech will do a lot of damage to one character. Make sure you allocate many healing and Revive Elements to your characters; you'll need them. Take her out fast so you can minimize the damage she can do to you. Not only is Orlha powerful, she's FAST, and she also have a high Evade % - she'll be evading a lot of your physical attacks. Good luck, and keep a close eye on your HP! --- - Important Note - At this point in Chrono Cross, the party's objective is to defeat the Six Dragon Gods of the Six Elements to gain their blessing, and, ultimately, their Relic. With all six Relics, the party will gain access to the Sea of Eden. As far as I know, you can fight all the Dragon Gods except the Sky Dragon in whatever order you want - the Sky Dragon must be fought last. The following order isn't necessarily the easiest or hardest order to fight them in; it's just the order I... wrote the guide in... right. ^_^ Anyway, the way I see it, there are three "hard" Dragons and three "easy" ones, and although I've never fought the Black Dragon (it's optional and I missed it), I've heard it's one of the "hard" ones. Good luck! --- Boss Fight #37 Name: Water Dragon HP: 2800 Innate: Blue Location: Water Dragon Isle (Home World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Deluge, Iceberg, Tsunami Beam Spoils: *Blue Whale Steal: Blue Plate Difficulty: 4 I found the Water Dragon to be one of the "hard" dragons, because it has a lot of different Blue attacks to decimate your party with. At the start of the battle, cast a Trap Iceberg Element, because the Water Dragon will most likely cast Iceberg, and you don't want that extra damage done to your party. Plus, you get that Element. Bringing a Red Innate character may be a liability, because the Water Dragon's physical attacks are quite strong and he links them. Plus the fact that his sole Tech, Tsunami Beam, does a lot of damage to a NON Red Innate character. It's your choice, but if you do, definitely make sure that character has no Revive Elements on him/her, because the character will most likely die at some point in the fight. The Water Dragon has a lot of HP, but it's nothing you haven't faced before, so bust out the Techs and Red Elements and this guy will go down. Just keep yourself healed and be wary of Tsunami Beam, which the Water Dragon uses ludicrously often. Also, don't forget to steal the Blue Plate (if you can). Boss Fight #38 Name: Earth Dragon HP: 3100 Innate: Yellow Location: Earth Dragon Isle (Home World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Earthquake, Giddy Breath Spoils: *Thunda Snake Steal: Yellow Plate Difficulty: 2 The Earth Dragon is a pushover, and definitely one of the "easy" dragons. The Earth Dragon seems to be frail even against a Yellow Innate character - plus, he isn't that powerful anyway, so don't worry about bringing a Green Innate character to this fight. The only thing you should watch out for with this guy is his physical attacks, which are somewhat powerful and linked - a lot. Setting an Element Trap for Earthquake early on will save you the extra damage later, and net you the best Yellow attack Element in the game. I don't remember it too well, but I don't seem to recall Giddy Breath being much - if any - of a threat to my party. Pound on the Earth Dragon with physical attacks, especially from a powerful Green Innate like Karsh, and he'll go down in no time. The Yellow Plate will be helpful if you can steal it. Boss Fight #39 Name: Fire Dragon HP: 3400 Innate: Red Location: Mount Pyre (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Fiery Breath, Fire Breath Spoils: *Salamander Steal: Red Plate Difficulty: 3 The Fire Dragon falls somewhere in the middle of the Dragon Gods, but seems to lean slightly on the "easy" side. The beginning of this battle is a joke because the Fire Dragon is no more powerful than he was when you fought him before. However, just attack him physically - don't steal, or waste your Techs or Blue Elements yet! After he takes enough damage, he'll evolve into one hell of a big dragon, and will get much stronger. His physical attacks will be powerful and linked, but Fiery Breath will be weak at both stages of the battle. The one attack to WATCH OUT FOR is Fire Breath; used on a Blue Innate character, this will most likely kill, and if it doesn't, will most certainly bring him/her into the critical zone. Used on any other character, it will hurt badly. I don't recommend bringing a Blue Innate into this fight for that reason. However, the Fire Dragon's main weakness is his limited number of attacks; he won't do anything outside of physical attacks, and Fiery and Fire Breath, so you'll know what to expect. Wail on this guy with Blue Elements and Techs, and he'll go down shortly. Don't forget to steal the Red Plate - but only once he's evolved! If you steal at the beginning of the battle, you'll get only a Magic Ring... Boss Fight #40 Name: Tyrano HP: 1600 Innate: Red Location: Gaea's Navel (Home World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Dino Bite Spoils: Resistance Ring Steal: Power Seal, Gold Earring Difficulty: 1 The Tyrano may look menacing, but he's a pussycat, and makes for one of the easiest battles in the game. Ignore the weak enemies he has with him and focus your attacks entirely on Tyrano, and he'll go down amusingly quickly. His attacks are somewhat damaging, but not to the point where you can't heal without getting alarmingly low on HP. Clean up the regular enemies afterwards. Boss Fight #41 Name: Green Dragon HP: 3700 Innate: Green Location: Gaea's Navel (Home World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Carnivore, Tornado, Green Field, Bad Breath, Toxic Breath Spoils: *Genie Steal: Green Plate Difficulty: 2 Why the Green Dragon is the one of the only ones not to have an Element in front of his name and is not called the Wind Dragon I will never know, but I do know one thing - he's crabby, and his many years stuck on Gaea's Navel have made him terribly weak. Don't fret about taking a Yellow Innate character into this fight, in fact, I recommend it. Set a trap for Carnivore or Tornado early on - even though the former is not particularly damaging and the latter isn't much stronger when used by this enemy, they're both good Elements to have in your collection. The Green Dragon's physical attacks are pretty weak, even when used on a Yellow Innate. And yes, they are linked, but they're STILL not that big a deal even then. Bad Breath can be an annoyance, but it's nothing special, and Toxic Breath simply deals low damage to your whole party. The most annoying thing about the Green Dragon is his knack for casting Green Field religiously, which will actually make his Elements damaging. However, since this guy's ALSO slow, you can simply cast a differently-colored Element and cancel out the effect. Chances are he'll waste another move casting Green Field again. If you can remember, steal the Green Plate from the dragon. Boss Fight #42 (Optional) Name: Black Dragon HP: 3900 Innate: Black Location: Marbule (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Anti White, Black Elements, Dark Breath, Gravity Bomb Spoils: *Grim Reaper Steal: Black Plate Difficulty: 4 To be able to battle the Black Dragon - and trust me, you want to - you must complete the Home World Marbule sidequest to reunite the demi-humans and do that whole Magical Dreamers concert thing. I never did, and I never got to fight the Black Dragon. I regret that, because it has an absolutely essential item you can steal... All the sources I've read say that the Black Dragon is definitely one of the "hard" dragons, if not the hardest of them all. Thankfully, unless you're unwise enough to bring a White Innate into your party, he will have no advantage against Lynx. If you can manage it, bring Fargo into this battle at all cost; you must steal the Black Plate if at all possible, because it will make a future, otherwise-near impossible optional battle a LOT easier. This guy's physical attacks are strong, and his Dark Breath will remind you of Highwayman; it has the uncanny effect of causing Darkness on all your characters. To rememdy this, bring plenty of Panacea, Purify, and Black Out Elements to this battle. After a Gravity Bomb attack, all your characters will be in critical condition, so be sure to allocate a lot of healing and Revive Elements, and keep your HP up! Don't use White Elements at the offset of this battle; doing so will only result in retaliation in the form of Anti White castings. Instead, use powerful Elements of various Colors except Black in the early rounds of battle. You may want to set an Element Trap for Free Fall too, because the Black Dragon will most certainly cast it. Remember, steal the Black Plate at all costs! Boss Fight #43 Name: Sky Dragon HP: 3800 Innate: White Location: Sky Dragon Isle (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks, White Elements, Null State, White Breath Spoils: *Saints Steal: White Plate Difficulty: 4 The Sky Dragon of the White Element is probably the hardest of all the dragons. Lynx will most definitely die in this battle, and you'll be lucky to make it out with him alive. The Sky Dragon's physical attacks are very strong and linked, and although the Sky Dragon will use weak White Elements like Meteorite and Photon Beam, it will also use strong ones like Meteor Shower and Holy Light. Early on you should set an Element Trap for Ultra Nova, the strongest White Element in the game, because the Sky Dragon WILL use it and if it successfully hits you, it will probably wipe out your party if they're not at or near full HP. The Sky Dragon uses a Tech called Null State often. During the next few rounds following the casting, no attacks will do anywhere near their full potential, so do NOT waste your best Black Elements and Techs during this time! Once things return to normal, immediately bust out Glide Hook, Feral Cats, and Forever Zero on the Sky Dragon, and you'll be doing a lot of damage. White Breath, especially if any of your members have been turned Black, will hurt your characters a LOT and most likely kill Lynx. If you have Fargo in your party, do not forget to steal the White Plate! Boss Fight #44 Name: Dario HP: 3500 Innate: Black Location: Forbidden Island (Home World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Dash and Gash, Sonic Sword Spoils: Snake Fangs, Pendragon Sigil A Steal: Nostrum Difficulty: 6 This optional battle against Dario is easily the most difficult battle in the game. Glenn's older brother will pull no punches in this fight, and you're already at a huge disadvantage because you MUST have Riddel in your party, who, quite frankly, sucks (AND is a White Innate). I highly, HIGHLY recommend you fight this battle with Lynx and not Serge, so that you will not have two characters that are weak to Dario. If you don't have the Black Plate (stolen from the Black Dragon), you're in for a near-impossible fight. If you do, this battle will be much easier and you'll actually be basically invulnerable. But most people won't get the Black Plate and that is why I'm writing this strategy. First of all, you will not be using Elements or Techs on Dario. Not only do they not do much good, but the ensuing counterattack will most likely wipe your party out. You're going to stick to strictly physical attacks in this battle so that Dario will act normal. Dario has a distinct battle pattern, that, I've found NEVER changes; physical attack combo, Dash and Gash, physical attack combo, Sonic Sword, repeat. Let me give you a small run-down on the amount of damage to expect from these attacks; Dario's physical attack combos, when you're not defending, will do around 60-90 damage per hit, and on a White Innate, 100- 130. This will always kill Riddel unless she's defending. Dash and Gash will do 200-350 to a non White Innate, 400-500 to a White Innate. This will always kill Riddel and Serge period. Sonic Sword is a relief at a measly 50-60 damage to a non White, and 80-120 damage to a White. How in the WORLD do you stand up to this? Usually, not until a New Game +. But I did do it - how, I'm not quite sure, but I did it. First off, remove all Elements from your three strongest party members. (I used Lynx, Karsh, and the obligatory Riddel). Then fill ALL their Element Slots with healing and Revive Elements - all of them. Like I said earlier, you won't be using attack Elements on Dario. Engage battle with Dario, and just use physical attacks on him. Defend at the end of every turn you can and never use up all your Stamina if at all possible. You do not want to be left defenseless. This battle will go SLOWLY because Dario has incredibly high Defense Power - even Karsh's fierce attack only does around 80-90 damage. And yes, Dario has 3500 HP. When it comes to Lynx, Dario will probably never kill him as long as you heal often, and your other character should be okay too as long as he's not a White Innate and he has a lot of HP. Riddel will die often, and it's actually best to leave her dead because it's just too risky to revive her and leave your characters defenseless. Realistically, Dario will NOT be able to kill your other two characters if you keep healing. Then it just comes down to a battle of attrition - who can last the longest. When Dario starts keeling over, don't let up - he'll be relentless in his efforts to kill you! Whether he has 35 HP or 3500 HP, Dario can kill you, so don't take anything for granted in this fight. For winning, you get Serge's best weapon (yes, better than the Spectral Swallow), the Mastermune, and access to the Lucca's Burning House sidequest (which, I might add, is simply a perfect moment in video gaming history). Now then, if you have the Black Plate, simply equip it on whoever you want, preferably not Riddel. Dario's physical attacks will still damage the equipped character, his his two Techs will heal the character! In essence, this character will be invulnerable in this battle. Boss Fight #45 Name: Dark Serge HP: 3000 Innate: Black Location: Fort Dragonia (Home World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Level 6 Elements, Glide Hook, Feral Cats, Forever Zero Spoils: Pendragon Sigil A, Stamina Belt Steal: Trashy Tiara, @Rainbow Shell Difficulty: 5 I'll bet you're more than ready to take this guy out, right? You're so fed up with Dark Serge you'll take him out no problem, right? That's what I thought, and I almost had my head handed to me. Allocate a LOT of Heal All, Cure All, and Recover All Elements as well as any Revive Elements you may have - you'll need them. Set a trap for Black Hole early on, since Dark Serge will use it and if he hits with it, it will DECIMATE your party. Since Dark Serge is (strangely) Black Innate, he won't be able to hurt Lynx as much as your other members. You may actually want to consider bringing two Black Innates to this fight, just for added insurance. Dark Serge has powerful physical attacks, and he links them more than any other Boss so far in the game; I've counted up to seven consecutive attacks on the same character. Dark Serge just loves to use Elements of all Colors, and in the course of the battle, he can use Volcano (very dangerous), Iceberg (also very dangerous), Tornado (not too bad), Earthquale (kinda dangerous), Black Hole (lethal), and Ultra Nova (also lethal). That is the reason why you need all the all-healing Elements. Glide Hook, once again, is nothing to worry about, but Feral Cats is, and Forever Zero will bring your party to its knees. Ironically - and it felt kinda cool, too - the only one alive at the end of my battle with Dark Serge, and consequently, the one who put him down for good, was Lynx. That just may happen for you too. Just remember, the most important thing is to have a lot of healing Elements to spare in this fight. --- - Important Note - The plot of Chrono Cross takes yet another huge turn at this point in the game. When you reach the Room of Rituals atop Fort Dragonia, Serge will be reborn by the Dragon Tear. YAY! No more Lynx! (I, for one, was getting extremely tired of him by then.) Once again, I will be referring to Serge/Lynx as Serge. ^_^ --- Boss Fight #46 Name: Vita Unus/Dos/Tres HP: 2500/2500/70 Innate: Red/Green/Blue Location: Sea of Eden (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks, various Elements Spoils: Vigora/Earring of Light, Diva Dress/Diva Dress, Golden Tiara Steal: White Brooch, Diva Dress/White Brooch, Holy Healing/White Brooch, HolyHealing Difficulty: 2 Frankly, I didn't need to prepare much for this very odd fight. Vita takes its form depending on which of the three Fates you visit last; Present is Unus, Future is Dos, and Past is Tres. However, all three Fates exist in Vita; they shut down in the order you visited them as you deplete Vita's HP, and they all attack differently. However, I never noticed much difference in their attacks, and they were all the same to me - weak. Vita's physical attacks can rack up the damage, but not to the point where you'll ever be in critical condition before you can heal. Vita will also use various high level Elements, but it never once used anything REALLY strong on me like Ultra Nova or Black Hole. Just wail on this creepy thing with Techs and Elements until it goes down; it won't take long. Boss Fight #47 Name: Polis Police HP: 3200 Innate: White Location: Chronopolis (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Megaton Fist, Bazooka Spoils: Phys Negate, Capsule Steal: @Rainbow Shell Difficulty: 4 At first you may think this thing is a normal enemy, but don't be fooled! This is a Boss, and an extremely strong one at that. The number one rule of this fight: allocate ALL of your Revive Elements - your characters WILL die and there is no avoiding it. Also, allocate a lot of healing Elements. I strongly advise against bringing a Black Innate into this fight. Serge, with his Mastermune if you have it, will still be effective against Polis Police, because of its incredibly low Defense. From the offset of this battle, wail on this thing with your best Black Elements, and especially Serge's Techs. This is one battle you want to get done with as soon as you can, because Polis Police is stronger, physically, than any enemy you've faced before, except for maybe Dario. His physical attacks are strong and linked, and Megaton Fist (cue screaming old man here) will do around 300-400 damage to a single character. If that doesn't drop one of our heroes, then Bazooka will, at a whopping 600-650 damage to a single character! Revive immediately after Bazooka - it will always kill - and spread out your Revive Elements, don't just allocate them all to one person. If you can end this battle quickly, you should come out all right. If you can, summoning Mother Ship or Grim Repaer will help. Boss Fight #48 Name: Fate HP: 5000 Innate: Black Location: Chronopolis (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Gravity Blow, Gravitonne, Free Fall, Diminish, Heat Ray, Dark Energy Spoils: Magic Seal, Holy Healing Steal: Earring of Light Difficulty: 2 Finally - this is it. Serge and company are face to face with Fate, the entity that controls everyone's lives from the future through the Records of Fate. As big and ominous and tough as you think Fate might be, its older version, the Mother Brain from Chrono Trigger, was tougher. (Yep, Fate and Mother Brain are one and the same - Fate is just an "upgraded" version.) If you've played Chrono Trigger, you'll know this fight to be a lot like the fight with Black Tyrano at Azala's Castle; throughout the fight, Fate counts down from 5 to 0, and then unleases a mean attack at 0. However, unlike Black Tyrano, Fate unleases a different attack at each number (but they're always the same attack on each number). At 5, it will cast Diminish. After it does, avoid using Elements and Techs, as they will be very ineffective; resume using them once damage goes back to normal. At 4, it will cast Gravitonne for amusingly small damage on the entire party, even on White Innates. Nothing to worry about. At 3, it will use its first Tech, Heat Ray, which will do considerable damage to one character and sometimes add Darkness. Heal and remove Darkness after this if you feel it's necessary. At 2, it will cast Free Fall, and when used on a White Innate, this will do a lot of damage. You'll most likely need to heal after one of these. Better yet, cast an Element Trap for Free Fall on Fate; you're sure to get at least one of these great Elements. At 1, it will, for some reason, cast Gravity Blow, the weakest Black Element in the game, twice on random characters. Both of these hits will do under 10 damage most likely. And then, at 0, it will use its ultimate Tech Dark Energy, which will do pretty high damage (150-250, if I remember) to the entire party. Always use a Recover All or Heal All Element after this, and make sure you keep your HP at a reasonable amount. Otherwise, besides its weak physical attacks, that's all Fate does, and its attack pattern is sickeningly easy to predict. Exploit this weakness and bombard Fate with Techs, Elements, and physical attacks, and although it will take awhile - Fate has 5000 HP, the most you've seen thus far - it won't be that hard of a ride. Boss Fight #49 Name: Royal Jelly HP: 1657 Innate: Blue Location: El Nido Triangle (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Vortex Spoils: Resistance Belt Steal: Earring of Light, Magic Ring Difficulty: 1 *IMPORTANT!* Make sure that the two members accompanying Serge are a Red Innate with a Level 8 Element Grid and Starky. Don't worry, this is an easy battle anyway. The only - and I mean ONLY - attacks that will damage this transparent jellyfish are Red Elements. On your Red Innate (I used Kid since she's extremely powerful), allocate *Salamander, and on your other characters, have at least three Red Elements. Since Royal Jelly very rarely uses his one (weak) Tech, Vortex, it'll be quite easy to make the Field Effect all Red and summon Salamander. This alone might kill Royal Jelly; if it dosesn't, finish it off with a few Fireball or Fire Pillar or whatever Red Elements you want - it should only take a couple. Oh yeah, and the reason you want to take Starky is because the event that happens immediately following this battle requires Starky to be in your party, and it really sucks to have to backtrack through the El Nido Triangle just to get him. ^_~ --- - Important Note - At this point, you will enter Terra Tower, the "final dungeon" of Chrono Cross. However, don't fear, the game won't END here, and you WILL return to the World Map eventually. Anyway, I wanted to make you aware of the Elemental Dolls (there is one for each Color) you will now be fighting. They all use Techs and Elements strictly of their Color, and they all have the Omega Color attacks, which all hurt, and badly. Like the Dragon Gods, there are three hard Dolls and three easy Dolls. Unlike the Dragon Gods, the Dolls must be fought in this order except for two - the White and Black Dolls are switchable. --- Boss Fight #50 Name: Terrator HP: 2200 Innate: Yellow Location: Terra Tower (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Earthquake, Omega Yellow, Wave of Fear, Spirits Up, Spirits Down Spoils: Yellow Field Steal: Yellow Brooch, Earth Charm Difficulty: 3 The first of the Elemental Dolls you will face is Terrator, the Yellow Doll. He's one of the hard ones in my opinion. However, I don't necessarily recommend against bringing a Green Innate into this battle, because I don't think it will necessarily be THAT hard. Terrator's physical attacks hit hard and linked, so make sure you bring a lot of healing Elements. Set a Trap for Earthquake early on, because Terrator will surely cast it. Ah, and you will now be introduced to the Omega Color attacks, which are basically the ultimate attack Element in each group. In this case, Terrator has Omega Yellow and he sure as hell isn't afraid to use it. You can typically expect this to do around 200-350 damage on one character. It will use Spirits Up and Spirits Down at the beginning of the battle, respectively increasing his Defense and lowering yours. If you heal after each Omega Yellow, though, you should be fine. Use Green Elements and Techs. Oh, and prevent the Field Effect from becoming all Yellow at all costs! Boss Fight #51 Name: Pyrotor HP: 2400 Innate: Red Location: Terra Tower (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks, Inferno, Omega Red, Sadness Wave, Happy Wave Spoils: Red Field Steal: Red Brooch, Flame Charm Difficulty: 2 Next up is Pyrotor, the Red Doll. He's much easier than Terrator; the biggest difference is that his physical attacks seem weaker. Go ahead and bring a Blue Innate into this fight if you want, there's no risk, really. Set a Trap for Inferno if you like, because it's a pretty good Element to have. Sadness Wave and Happy Wave will decrease your and raise Pyrotor's Attack Power respectively. And, of couse, Omega Red is the ultimate Red Element, and you can expect it to hit hard on whoever it's used on. Heal immediately after its use, and if you do use a Blue Innate, keep his or her HP up. Use Blue Elements and Techs on this guy. Boss Fight #52 Name: Anemotor HP: 2500 Innate: Green Location: Terra Tower (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks, various Green Elements, Carnivore, Omega Green Spoils: Green Field Steal: Green Brooch, Forest Charm Difficulty: 3 Your third oppponent will be Anemotor, the Green Doll, and also another one of the easy ones. Unlike Terrator and Pyrotor, Anemotor has no status altering Techs, making him even easier. Oftentimes he will use weak Green Elements like Aero Saucer and Bushbasher. However, you should set a trap for Carnivore because he will use that and it hurts. Also, Omega Green seems to be one of the more hard-hitting Omega attacks, so you'll need to keep an eye on your HP. Otherwise, Anemotor's physical attacks are bleak and you can take this guy out with Yellow Elements and Techs. Boss Fight #53 Name: Gravitor HP: 3000 Innate: Black Location: Star Tower (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks, various Black Elements, Omega Black Spoils: Black Hole, Black Brooch Steal: Daemon Charm Difficulty: 4 Both Gravitor and his opposite, Luxator, are definitely the hardest of all the Dolls. As you may have guessed, Gravitor is the Black Doll, and as such, that makes Serge extremely vulnerable. Gravitor's physical attacks are very strong, and Gravitor will use even powerful Black Elements like Black Hole and Free Fall. Omega Black will, as expected, decimate one character, and possibly kill Serge. Allocate a lot of healing and Revive Elements for this fight. Serge with his Mastermune will cause a lot of damage to Gravitor, and overall, he shouldn't take too long to take down; he's just strong. Boss Fight #54 Name: Luxator HP: 3000 Innate: White Location: Star Tower (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks, various White Elements, Omega White Spoils: Ultra Nova, White Brooch Steal: Angel Charm Difficulty: 4 Luxator, the White Doll, is basically Gravitor's exact opposite - it's no stronger and no weaker than Gravitor, and it attacks the same way except in that it uses White, and not Black, Elements. Of course, you should avoid brining any Black Innates to this fight because Luxator is powerful. His phyiscal attacks are very strong and linked, and you should cast an Element Trap for Holy Light because Luxator WILL use it (well, probably) and it WILL hurt. Luxator does like to use weak Elements like Meteorite and Photon Beam, but he will use his share of Meteor Showers and Holy Lights - enough to leave you crying for mercy. He may also use Ultra Nova; be extra wary of that and keep your HP up! And Omega White is one of the most damaging Omega attacks yet. Otherwise, Luxator seems to fall quickly like Gravitor did, but just a little more resilient; Black Elements and Techs will take him out soon enough, though. Just don't forget the healing Elements! Boss Fight #55 Name: Aquator HP: 2800 Innate: Blue Location: Star Tower (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks, various Blue Elements, Omega Blue Spoils: Blue Field, Blue Brooch Steal: Sea Charm Difficulty: 2 Ah, finally, the last Elemental Doll - Aquator, the Blue Doll. Thankfully, after those last two nasty fights, you're treated to an easy battle; Aquator is probably the easiest out of all the Dolls, except for Pyrotor, I'd say. His physical attacks will fail to do very much damage to you; however, he will cast Deluge and possibly Iceberg, so don't forget the healing Elements and set Element Traps for those Elements - Iceberg especially. His most damaging attack, obviously, is Omega Blue, the final Omega attack you'll face. It seems to be one of the weaker ones; however, it will bring a Red Innate to its knees even at full HP, so be wary of your HP. Otherwise, don't be afraid to bring a Red Innate into this battle, and repeated hits with Red Elements and Techs will be more than enough to bring this guy down. --- - Important Note - Make sure you have your three best characters equipped to the max, and that you're totally ready, because the finale of Chrono Cross beings here... however, what I said before still stands - you will return to the World Map before the game ends. --- Final Boss Fight #1 Name: Fused Dragon HP: ????? Innate: All Location: Star Tower (Another World) Attacks: Physical attacks, various Elements, Omega Yellow, Omega Red, Omega Green, Omega Blue, Omega Black, Omega White, unnamed Tech Spoils: Earring of Hope Steal: Holy Light Difficulty: 3 This is it - the first final battle... against the Fused Dragon. I refuse to call it the Time Devourer, because it's not really that! You'll see what I mean after this battle. ^_^ This beast is truly all the Dragon Gods fused together. And, what with all the AWESOME music and setting, you'd think this would be an epic battle... but unfortunately, it's one of the relative easiest in the game. I came nowhere close to dying, but you need to keep an eye on your HP. Anyway, the Fused Dragon will assume all the Innate Colors during the course of this battle; how fast it switches Innates will be dependent on how fast you cause damage to it. Let's review this beast's attacks - first, its physical attacks are actually pretty weak - definitely not as powerful as Luxator's or Gravitor's. Second, depending on what its Innate is at the stage in the battle, it will use all Level Elements to assault your party. For this reason, you'll obviously need healing Elements... but even the Element attacks aren't THAT powerful. And finally, you'll notice that the Fused Dragon has every Omega attack. That may scare you, but he doesn't use them very often - maybe once per Innate change, and not even once sometimes! And as long as you have a lot of healing Elements, like I said before, you'll be just fine. The Fused Dragon also has one "unnamed" Tech were it flies offscreen and then low and and through your party. As nasty as this looks, it only does 60-100 damage to everyone and will hardly be enough to scratch your heroes (Serge had 574 HP in my game). Okay then... on to the strategy! The Fused Dragon will start out White, and the setting will be the Star Tower. It will probably not cast Omega White and focus more on Meteor Shower - in fact, I don't remember it casting Holy Light, even. Serge with the Mastermune will cause major damage to the Fused Dragons in all forms, so even physical attacks work quite well. Hold off on using Techs until the Fused Dragon changes to the Innate opposite of one of your characters; in other words, don't use Techs until you can do max damage with them. In this stage, I remember the Fused Dragon using Photon Ray, Meteorite, and Meteor Shower in the way of Elements. After taking enough damage, the scene will shift to Earth Dragon Isle (this background changing reminds me of the Lavos Core!) and the Fused Dragon will assume Yellow as its Innate Color. He will continue using physical attacks, and start using Yellow Elements such as Upheaval, Electro Bolt, Earthquake, and yes, Omega Yellow. You'll most likely need to heal by this point. If you have Karsh in your party, you're in for a major treat; physical attacks and one Axiomatic should be well near enough to make the Fused Dragon assume its next Innate - Red. The scene will change to Mount Pyre, and you'll start being on the receiving end of a lot of Red Elements. The Fused Dragon will probably use Fireball, Magma Bomb, Magma Burst, and Inferno... and possibly Omega Red. Obviously, the only Element out of that group that is REALLY powerful is Omega Red, although Inferno can do decent damage. If you have Orlha in your party, you'll be able to devastate this stage of the Fused Dragon with her Sister Hoods and Punch Drunk Techs. Otherwise, just keep beating this guy down and watch out for Omega Red. The next area you will move to is Gaea's Navel, and you will be facing the Green Innate version of the Fused Dragon. I distinctly remember it using Carnivore, Tornado, and Omega Green on me, so be very wary of its attacks in this stage! It also used Bushwhacker, Bushbasher, and Aero Blaster I believe. (Why, oh, why do these powerful Bosses waste time with low Level Elements?) Norris will be especially effective against this version, with his Yellow Techs like Top Shot and Sun Shower. The next transformation it will make is to Innate Blue, and you will be fighting in Water Dragon Isle. This version is no harder than the other versions - you'll be hit with Elements like Ice Lance, Ice Blast, Deluge, Omega Blue, and possibly Iceberg. I can't remember if it used Iceberg on me, but it may have, and if it does, you can expect it to hurt. Omega Blue seems to be less of a threat than Iceberg, and hopefully you'll have some all-healing Elements left in your Grids - and hey, if you do run out of healing Elements, you can always have Serge use Chrono Cross to recharge your Elements. ^_^ If Kid is in your party, she'll kick the Fused Dragon's arse so hard it'll kiss the moons - namely, with her Hot Shot and Red Pin Techs, and her uncanny Magic casting abilities. Finally, things begin to get a little interesting as the Fused Dragon assumes Black as its Innate color, and the scene shifts to Marbule. This is probably the one point of the battle you should be especially careful in and get over with quick, as Black Elements are notorious for being particularly nasty. The Fused Dragon will use Gravity Blow, Hell Soul, Hell Bound, Free Fall, and possibly Black Hole on your party here. Be especially careful of Black Hole, as always, and also, as always, keep an eye on Serge's HP, especially if the Fused Dragon decides to use Omega Black! Serge, however, in turn, will make short work of the Fused Dragon as he beats it up with Flying Arrow and Dash and Slash (Luminaire seems to be less effective here). I'll bet you're getting sick of this by now - don't worry, we're almost done. Finally, the Fused Dragon will change back to White for its final effort to kill you off, and the setting will revert back to the Star Tower. Be careful if you have a Black Innate in your party; it will use the Elements it did before, plus Omega White and possibly Ultra Nova. Keep your HP up and the pressure on - Guile will definitely finish this battle off quickly, but if you don't have him, Serge will do just as well, as will your two other characters. Use all your remaining Techs and high level Black Elements to finish off the great Fused Dragon once and for all. And the world is saved... the quest over. Or is it...? Not on your life! --- - Important Note - This is it; do absolutely everything you want to do before going to Opassa Beach in the Home World! The gateway to the true final battle is there, and if you want to beat this perfect game the true way, take my advice and make sure you have these steps done: - Make sure each of your characters has a Level 1 and 2 attack Element of EACH color in Levels 1 and 2 of their Element Grids. - Make sure Chrono Cross is equipped on Serge's Level 8 Element Slot. - Make sure you have healing and Revive Elements allocated to each of your characters. - If possible, don't bring any Black Innates into the fight. - Save your game. - Make sure the volume on your TV is loud. ^_^ That's it! Once you've done everything you wanted to do and fulfilled those steps, say goodbye to the El Nido Archipelago and head to Opassa Beach. If you're in Another World - you probably will be - cross to the Home World as usual. When you get there, your heart will skip a beat; Crono, Marle and Lucca are waiting for you, situated around a new Gate. This time the battle is for real. The three Chrono Trigger heroes will clarify the story of Chrono Cross and explain all the relations to Chrono Trigger. Make sure you talk to all three of them for the whole story! Once you've braced yourself, step into the new light on the beach and use the coveted Chrono Trigger (for those who haven't played CT, the Time Egg)... --- Final Boss Fight #2 Name: Lavos, the Time Devourer HP: ????? Location: The Darkness at the End of Time Innate: White Attacks: Various Elements, Omega Yellow, Omega Red, Omega Green, Omega Blue, Omega Black, Omega White Spoils: Nothing Steal: Nostrum Difficulty: 2 And lo and behold, here is Schala, the long lost Princess of Zeal Kingdom! Chrono Trigger veterans will no doubt be heartbroken at seeing her in this state; after the destruction of the Ocean Palace, she was thrown into the Time Stream where she unwillingly fused with Lavos. Lavos absorbed half of her kind heart and spirit (and assumingly her purple hair, too) and now half of her is the Schala we once knew, and half of her... wants to destroy the world, like Lavos. There are two ways you can win this battle; you can simply defeat Lavos and ultimately destroy it, along with Schala, once for all, and get the bad ending (the credits roll, and that's it). Or, you can do what a real Chrono Trigger would do and do the right thing - free Schala from her imprisonment within Lavos and end her suffering (which has, theoretically, been agonizingly long at 13020 years). If you must see both endings, then defeating Lavos and Schala is a joke. I guess Lavos was weakened greatly from its fight with Crono and friends; in Chrono Cross, it's pretty weak and actually easier than the Fused Dragon. It seems partial to Green Elements, but also likes to use Blue and Yellow Elements. Lavos will use many, many low level Elements like Bushbasher and Aero Saucer on you, and also, many many high level ones like Carnivore, Tornado, and Omega Green (and possibly those category Elements of the other Colors if you let it). You'll definitely need to heal a lot, but on the whole, Lavos isn't that strong and destroying it once and for all with physical attacks and Techs may be time- consuming, but it's not difficult. Lavos seems to have high Defense, and even Serge will have a tough time causing a lot of damage, but on the whole, if you've come this far you will not have any problems whatsoever. Watch as Lavos and Schala are destroyed in glorious rays of light, and the threat to the future is temporarily averted as Lavos becomes sealed away in the Time Stream once again... However, to truly destroy Lavos once and for all, save Schala, and unite the two worlds, you must use the Chrono Cross. How, you ask? Well, you know those weird little symbols that appear at the top of the screen after using Elements, when you have the Chrono Cross equipped? That's the key. You must cast the Elements in a certain order to create the Melody of Life and Harmony that will free Schala. And, you will know what this order is if you've been paying close attention to the game. But if you didn't pick it up, don't fear - that's why I'm here. ^_^ The catch is, this order is very delicate and cannot be interrupted by an Element out of order even once, and Lavos just loves to disrupt your order. So why it may sound impossible, Lavos is actually so slow that you will get six turns to its one. "But there are seven Elements!" you say. Very true - however, strangely enough, once you cast a Black and then White Element on Lavos, that will seal its attacks forever unless you cast another regular Element on it. So, theoretically, you'll be able to take all the time you need to prepare for the seventh and final Element. There's only one way you'll be able to get off six Elements in six turns, though, and here's the strategy. First, ignore your Elements entirely and attack Lavos physically with all your characters until your Element Levels are at 8 all around. Once that's done, Defend until your Stamina is once again 7 with everyone, and then, just wait for Lavos to attack one more time with these steps completed. Once it assaults your party, begin the Element sequence, which is Yellow > Red > Green > Blue > Black > White > Chrono Cross, on the next turn. With Serge, cast Fireball; with character two, cast Uplift; with character three, cast Bushwhacker; with Serge again, cast Aqua Beam; with character two again, cast Gravity Blow; and with character three again, cast Photon Ray. That's it! You've sealed up Lavos' attacks for good now. Switch back to Serge and build his Element Level back up to 8. And finally, unleash the Chrono Cross. In the ensuing cinema, which is easily one of the most perfect moments in video gaming history - the music is astounding throughout the ending - Lavos will truly be destroyed once and for all, and Schala will be freed from her long imprisonment within Lavos after 13020 years. Serge has united the two worlds, Schala has been freed, Lavos has been destroyed, and the second chapter in the Chrono saga comes to a close. But is the threat truly vanquished? What about the Frozen Flame, and what horrible fate has befallen the kingdom of Guardia? And what about "The Entity" that Lucca spoke of in Chrono Trigger? In no way is this incredible series finished yet - there are still too many loose ends. There will almost certainly be a third Chrono game to close up the plot for good. But in any case, congratulations for finishing what is probably the most magnificent RPG ever made so far, except for the possible exception of Chrono Trigger. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- -------------- V. Conclusion -------------- Congratulations on finishing Chrono Cross! I hope my guide helped you with this game, as I put a lot of time and effort into it. If you have any RPG questions, as always, E-mail (DO NOT IM ME!!!) me at, and I will get back to you when time allows. Later, and thanks for checking out this FAQ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ----------- VI. Thanks ----------- I would like to thank the following people/entites for their help. - Square Soft, for fulfilling every RPGamer's dream and releasing a sequel to one of the most magnificent and perfect RPGs ever made, Chrono Trigger - Square Soft (again), for making Chrono Cross a magnificent game in itself and a more than worthy sequel to Chrono Trigger - Yasunori Mitsuda, for being the God of Music, the hands down best music composer in the world, and for composing such breathtaking scores for Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross (and Xenogears, but that doesn't belong in this guide ;). I've never heard more magnificent music. He is truly an incredible man, and a legend of music. - BradyGAMES' Official Chrono Cross Offcial Strategy Guide, for the HP totals, spoils, and stealed items of the Bosses - And Ryo, for being the only one of my friends who actually uses my guides if he gets stuck in a RPG. ^_~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ÒInsanity leads to chaos, then to solitude... the fruitless effort of adding meaning to what is meaningless. A lone, crimson tear falls into the sea... the echo of the remaining star cries out in the infinite vacuum. The least I can do is send my distant prayers over the wind of time, setting sail on dreams..." - Arni Village Resident --- ~ Copyright 2000 ~