===================================================================== Broken Sword 2 FAQ / Walkthrough ===================================================================== Game: Broken Sword 2 Last updated: November 18th, 2000 Version: 3.0 Author: Tom Hayes E-mail: tom@flipmode.com Check www.gamefaqs.com for the latest version of this FAQ --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version History --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- Version 3.0 - November 18th, 2000 --------------------------------- I have a new e-mail address, so I've added that to the FAQ. The introduction has been updated and the guide has been changed slightly. The Special Thanks section has been updated. And the Copyright Information section has also been updated to include more information. I have also written and added an FAQ section to this version, which gives questions and answers for this game. ------------------------------ Version 2.0 - 10th April, 2000 ------------------------------ Added a much needed introduction to the FAQ; Added a new section named 'My review', which is my review of this great game. ----------------------------- Version 1.0 - 9th April, 2000 ----------------------------- First version, so everything is nice and new! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents -------- 1. Introduction 2. My Review 3. The Guide Part 1 - Professer Oubier's house Part 2 - Montfauçon Part 3 - Glease Gallery Part 4 - Marseilles Part 5 - Quaramonte Part 6 - Treehouse Part 7 - Village Part 8 - Treehouse Part 9 - Ketch's Landing Part 10 - British Museum Part 11 - Ketch's Landing Part 12 - Zombie Island Part 13 - London Underground Station Part 14 - Zombie Island Part 15 - Docks Part 16 - Zombie Island Part 17 - Village Part 18 - Outside the pyramid Part 19 - Inside the pyramid 4. Frequently Asked Questions 5. Special Thanks 6. Copyright Information ===================================================================== 1. Introduction ===================================================================== Welcome to my Broken Sword 2 FAQ/Walkthrough! This FAQ is divided into six different sections: - Introduction: The introduction to the FAQ. - My Review: A description of the game. No hints or tips are given away here. - The Guide: The guide to the whole game. It's split into nineteen different sections, one section for each location in the game. The guide will show you the quickest way to complete the game. - Frequently Asked Questions: The intention of this section is to help those who don't want to read the whole guide for the game. But only want a simple question answered when they get stuck by a certain part in the game. - Special Thanks: The section where people who have helped with this FAQ are thanked. - Copyright Information: The small, yet important section on copyright information. Read this to find out information about the copyright of my FAQ. And that's about all there is to this FAQ. I hope it helps you with this game. ===================================================================== 2. My review ===================================================================== After the success of the original game, it was no surprise that a sequel would be made. Broken Sword 2 begins shortly after the previous game. George, the main character from Broken Sword 1, was forced to leave Nico, the photo journalist from Broken Sword 1, in order to tend to his dying father in America. A few months later, George returns to Paris for a reunion. While George was away, Nico was trying to expose a drugs smuggling ring, but accidentally found something far more sinister when she gained possesion of a strange obisidian stone. George and Nico go to visit the house of mayan archeologist Professer Oubier, hoping to learn more about the stone, they are attacked. Nico is kidnapped, and George is tied up, the house is set on fire and to make things worse, he is left to be munched on by a tarantula. Welcome to Broken Sword 2! Graphics - 9/10 The graphics in Broken Sword 2 have even improved over the original! The game still goes for that realistic approach, rather than the cartoon style of graphics seen in many adventure games. The animation is great, and every animated character and object in the game seems to move very well. The character's movements and expressions look realistic and well drawn. The backgrounds and foregrounds look like they have had a lot of work done on them, and all of the graphics really give the game a nice atmosphere. Sound - 9/10 Compared to the original, there is more music and sound effects in this game. One of the main parts of any adventure game is sound. Sound is a very important part of an adventure game, because it brings that sense of realism to a game. The speech in this game is done very well, and there is a lot of it! There's so much to read in this game, but luckily, every single line that the characters say is professionally spoken by real-life actors. It's definitely more relaxing to listen to the actors, than to read the literally thousands of sentences that are in this game. The sound effects too, are a major part of any game. There are apparently over 260 sound effects in this game, which is not that hard to believe as everything that you do in this game is usually accompanied by a sound effect. There are apparently over 2 hours of music in this game, and the sound effects suit the game very well. Gameplay - 8/10 Woohoo! I'm glad to say, that the gameplay in this game is just as good as the first game! There are hundreds of puzzles, and they are all well thought of, and extremely difficult to solve. There are over 60 characters to talk to in this game, each with their own story to tell. Broken Sword 2 is also designed for people who are new to adventures, using a simple user interface. If you move the cursor over an object, some words will appear naming the object. If you left-click the object, then you can use, look at or get the object. If you right-click the object, then you can examine it. Despite the extremely simple and well thought of interface, the game is also designed for advanced adventure game players, as some of the puzzles are extremely difficult. Talking to characters is easy, and a lot less stressful than in some games. When you talk to a character, you have the option of asking them about an object you have in your inventory, or by talking to them about a clue that you have found in the game. Lastability - 9/10 There are over 70 detailed locations to explore, each with its own clues to find, puzzles to solve and characters to talk to. There are over 60 characters to interact with, each with their own things to talk about. You can choose to talk to the characters by showing them an object from your inventory, or by talking to them about a clue that you have found in the game. There are over 60 useable items, some of these are really strange, and will take a while to think of a proper use for them. There are 260 sound effects, and over 2 hours of original music. There are 2 CDs to this massive game, and over 60 hours of gameplay! Basically, Broken Sword 2 is a huge game! Overall - 8/10 A brilliant, and very well made adventure game! You can tell right from the start that a huge amount of effort was put into this game. Most of the puzzles are very well thought of. There are many different characters to talk to in the game, each with their own things to say. The graphics are brilliant. The sounds really suit the game well. The gameplay is great, because not only is there an extremely simple user interface designed for beginners, but there is also enough puzzles to solve to keep even an advance adventure game player happy. The lastability factor is very high because there is just so much to do! But the question is, is Broken Sword 2 better than the original? Well... no, it's not. There was just something about Broken Sword 1, that I very much doubt could be matched again in any adventure game. But if you enjoyed the original, then this is definitely worth playing! ===================================================================== 3. The Guide ===================================================================== ===================================================================== Part 1 - Professer Oubier's house ===================================================================== Right-click on the book case to find out that that it is being supported by a block of wood. Use the block of wood, which is located at the bottom-right corner of the book case. Use the metal bracket on the wall to get out of the chair. Open the writing bureau, and get the tequila. A worm will fall onto the floor. Get the worm. Open the drawer on the writing bureau to get a pot. Right-click on the pot to get the house key. Get the dart from the floor, and then get Nico's bag. Use the dart on the cabinet near the flames. The cylinder is too hot to get by just picking it up, so use the panties on the cylinder to get it. Use the cylinder with the syphon, and then use the syphon on the flames. Use the door, and then go downstairs. Get the newspaper clipping. Right-click the newspaper clipping to get Oubier's bank statement. Right-click the handwritten note, and use the telephone to phone André Lobineau. Use the house key with the front door, and then open the front door. ===================================================================== Part 2 - Montfauçon ===================================================================== Wait for the waiter to come out of the café, and attempt to talk to him. He will ignore you, and will go back into the café. When he comes out again, talk to him. This time he will listen to you, and a moment later you will be given a cup of coffee. Stop talking to the waiter, and André will show up. After a short scene, you will start talking to André. Ask him about the pot, and he will tell you about the Glease Gallery. Stop talking to André. Talk to the man sitting down on the chair. Answer his first question, and then ask him about himself. Ask him about himself once again. While he is sulking, quickly grab the flask. Exit Montfauçon, and go to the Glease Gallery. ===================================================================== Part 3 - Glease Gallery ===================================================================== Walk over to the man standing by the cases. Use the flask with his glass. Use the flask with his glass. The man will fall over, which means that you can explore the gallery without Glease moaning at you. Walk left, and look at the packing case to see that it has a label on it. Get the label. Walk over to Glease, and talk to him. ===================================================================== Part 4 - Marsielles ===================================================================== Look at the hut, and then look in the window of the hut. The man will drop something down the trapdoor, and then will start talking to you. Stop talking to the man. Go down the steps, and get the hook that is floating in the water. Go up the steps. Use the chimney to find out that it is too hot to touch. Use the beer bottle with the chimney to cool it down. Use the chimney. Use the beer bottle to block the chimney. Go down the steps. Go up the trapdoor. Get the dog biscuits, and then go down the trapdoor. Agh, that stupid dog! Use the dog biscuits with the platform, and the dog will walk onto the platform. Use the hook with the platform, and the dog will fall into the water. Go up the steps, and climb over the fence. Walk left, and climb up the ladder. Open the left window, and use the hook with the fan. Go back through the window, and go down the ladder. Knock on the door nearest to the ladder, and a man will answer. Ask him about the label. While he is unlocking the door, quickly go up the ladder. When the man is standing outside, use the clamp. A barrel will drop, and the man will walk over to see what is happening. While he is standing there, quickly use the clamp again to knock the man over the side. Go down the ladder, and go through the open door. Open the drawer to get a key. Walk right, and a man will appear from behind the boxes. Talk to the man, and ask him about the key. The man will run off. Push the button near the elevator. To stop the elevator from closing, push the crate. Now that the elevator door is stopped from closing, you can explore around the room. Push the switch near the elevator to turn a light on. Walk to where the light is shining, and look at the scratch marks. Open the secret door, and go through it. Get the fetish. Get the ropes from Nico. After a brief conversation with Noco, she will leave the room. Get the masking tape from the floor. Exit the room, and walk over to the elevator. Use the masking tape on the photoelectric cell. Push the crate by the elevator. Push the small crate that is on top of the left crate. Push the left crate. Use the pallet carrier. Use the rope with the statue. Get the rope. Use the rope with the pulley. Use the pallet carrier. Try and push the statue. Talk to Nico, and ask her to help you push the statue. She will help you push it through the door. Go through the newly opened door. Use the manacles with the cable. After escaping, you will arrive back at the Glease Gallery, and after a brief conversation you will arrive at Quaramonte. ===================================================================== Part 5 - Quaramonte ===================================================================== ----------------- Playing as George ----------------- Talk to the band, and ask about Miguel. Ask about music. Ask about the accident at the mine. Stop talking to the band, and walk to the right. Pearl, a character from Broken Sword 1, will start talking to you. Ask about Duane. Ask about Duane. Ask about Duane. Stop talking to Pearl. Enter the police station, and the general will start talking to you. Ask about Oubier. Ask about Oubier. Stop talking to the general. Look at the chart on the wall. Leave the police station, and Nico will start talking to you. Stop talking to Nico, and walk right. Talk to Oubier. Ask about Oubier. Stop talking to Oubier. Walk left, and go up the stairs into the office. After a while, Conchita will talk to you. Ask about the accident at the mine. Ask about the accident at the mine. Ask about the accident at the mine. Ask about Oubier. Stop talking to Conchita, and then exit the office. Walk right until you get to Duane. Talk to Duane. Ask about the truck. Ask about the truck. Ask about music. Ask about Miguel. Ask about Miguel. Walk left, and go up the stairs into the office. Talk to Conchita, and ask about the detonator. Ask about the chart. Stop talking to Conchita, and leave the office. Talk to Nico. Ask about the chart. Ask about the chart. You will both walk into the police station. Talk to the general. Ask about Nico. Talk to Renaldo. Ask about the ruins. Ask about the ruins. Exit the police station, and talk to Pearl. Ask about the ruins. Renaldo will leave. Look at the chart on the wall. Exit the police station. Walk left, and go up the stairs to the office. Talk to Conchita, and ask about the chart. Stop talking to Conchita, and open the cupboard to get a detonator. Exit the office. Walk right, and talk to Duane. Ask about the detonator. Ask about the detonator. Enter the police station. Walk to the north to get to the cells. Talk to Miguel. --------------- Playing as Nico --------------- Look at the lava lamp. Look at the television. Look at the portrait. Look sword fish. Talk to the general. Ask about the lava lamp. Ask about the television. Ask about the portrait. Ask about the sword fish. ----------------- Playing as George ----------------- Talk to Miguel. Ask about the noose. Ask about the noose. Use the rope with the cell window. Get the noose, and use it with Duane. After a short scene, you will arrive at Teoculcan. ===================================================================== Part 6 - Treehouse ===================================================================== Get the rope that is wrapped around the wheel. Use the bank statement with the leaves. Use the statue with the waterwheel. Hubert will come out and speak to you. Ask about Nico. Ask about root. Ask about root. Hubert says he needs his collar pressed. Use the collar with the press. Use the rope with the press. Get the cross. Use the cross on the press. Get the collar. Talk to Hubert. Ask about the collar. Ask about the root. ===================================================================== Part 7 - Village ===================================================================== The guard will talk to you. Ask about Nico. Ask about Hubert. Ask about the shaman. Ask about the biscuits. Use the mayan stone with the biscuit box. Talk to the guard, and ask about the biscuits. Enter the village, and talk to the shaman. Ask about Nico. Ask about Nico. Ask about the root. Ask about the root. Ask about the mayan stone. Ask about the jaguar stone. Ask about the jaguar stone. Ask about the eagle stone. Ask about the eagle stone. Ask about the mayan stone. Ask about the root. ===================================================================== Part 8 - Treehouse ===================================================================== Use the metal cone with the press. Use the root with the press. Get the cross. Use the cross with the press. Get the cone. Go up the ladder. ===================================================================== Part 9 - Ketch's Landing ===================================================================== Look at the plans. Walk right, and talk to the boy, Rio. Stop talking, and go up the steps. Use the ladder. Try to open the museum door. Talk to the ladies, and ask about the cat. Answer their question how you like. Ask about the cat. Ask about Rio. Ask about Rio. Ask about Rio. Ask about Emily. Stop talking to the Ketch sisters, and go down the steps. Talk to Rio, and ask him about a fish. Show him the worm. Talk to Rio. Ask about Emily. Stop talking to Rio. Talk to Rio. Ask about the fish. Ask about the fish. Stop talking to Rio. Get the inner tube from the bicycle. Go up the steps, and talk to the Ketch sisters. Ask about Emily. Ask about Emily. The Ketch sisters will go down to the beach. Climb the ladder. Use the inner tube with the right flagpole. Go down the ladder. Go down the steps. Talk to Rio. Go up the steps. Use the fish with the inner tube. Get the red ball. Climb the ladder. Get the inner tube. Climb down the ladder. Use the inner tube with the tree. Use the red ball with the inner tube. Use the ladder, to leave Bronson hanging from the flagpole. Get the marker. Go down the steps. Get the plans. Get the theodolite. Go up the steps. Talk to Bronson. Ask about the plans. Ask about the plans. Stop talking to Bronson. Show the plans to the Ketch sisters. ===================================================================== Part 10 - British Museum ===================================================================== Walk right, and look at the cabinet near the girls. Talk to the attendant, and ask him about the Jaguar stone. Aha, Professer Oubier is here! Ask Oubier about the Jaguar stone. Oubier will leave, and the attendant will start talking to you again. Ask about the Jaguar stone, to find out that it has been stolen. Get the key from the cabinet near the attendant. Use the key with the cabinet near the phone. Open the cabinet. Get the key from the cabinet. In the inventory, right-click the handbag to get a hairclip. Talk to the attendant. Ask him about the ship. Show him the key. Use the curtain to reveal a door. Use the dagger with the door. ===================================================================== Part 11 - Ketch's Landing ===================================================================== Open the sea chest, and Emily will come out and start talking to you. Stop talking to Emily. Get the quill from the desk. Look at the portrait. Talk to Emily. Ask about the cross. Ask about the cross. Stop talking to Emily. Exit the museum. Give the quill to the cat. Get feather shreds. Go down the steps. Talk to Rio, and ask about Emily. Ask about Rio's sister. Ask about the feather shred. Stop talking to Rio, and go up the steps. Open the door. Talk to Emily. Ask her about the conch, and she will give you a cross. Stop talking to Emily. Get the lantern. Put the lantern on the ink well. Get the chart. Put the chart on the desk. Put the cross on the pen holder. Exit the museum. Go down the steps. Talk to Rio. Ask about the treasure. Ask about the treasure. Ask about the zombie. Rio will take you to Zombie Island. ===================================================================== Part 12 - Zombie Island ===================================================================== Look at the boat to find out that it has got a net in it. Look at the rock outcrop. Talk to Rio, and ask him about the net. Use the net with the rock outcrop. ===================================================================== Part 13 - London Underground Station ===================================================================== Walk over to the vending machine. Use the hairclip with the coin slot. Get the coin from the coin reject slot. Use the coin with the coin slot. Get the chocolate from the vending slot. Get the coin from the coin reject slot. Use the coin with the weighing machine to get a card. Use the dagger with the cupboard. Use the card with the crack. Push the red button. ===================================================================== Part 14 - Zombie Island ===================================================================== You start this part of the game on top of Zombie Island. There are two paths leading off to the right, an upper path and a lower path. Exit this area, by walking along the upper path. You will arrive at an area with a swamp. Get the reeds. Exit this area to the right. Use the reed with the lair. Exit left. Exit left. Exit this area, by walking along the lower path. Walk right until you see a boar. In the inventory, use the dart with the reed. Use the dart + reed with the boar, and then quickly click on the branch. The boar will make a secret path to the north. Walk right, and go up the path that the boar was previously blocking. Get the creeper that is wrapped around the rock needle. In the inventory, use the sensor with the net. Use the sensor + net with the creeper. Get the creeper with net and marker, and use it on the rock needle. Exit this area to the left, and go up the path that the boar made. Use the theodolite with the holes in the ground. Look through the theodolite. Move the theodolite right, until you can see a group of pillars. Around this area, you should notice something sparkling. This is the marker. Look at the marker, and then look at the pillar which is in front of the marker. Stop looking through the theodolite. Exit this area to the right. ===================================================================== Part 15 - Docks ===================================================================== Click on the other crate on the left, so Nico can hide closer to the ship. From here, click on the ladder to hide on top of the ship. Wait until the guard starts talking to Pablo, and then climb down the ladder, open the cupboard and quickly climb up the ladder again. The guard will go to investigate the cupboard, so climb down the ladder and close the cupboard. Get the mop, and use the mop on the cupboard. Look in the porthole. After a scene in which Oubier dies, you will be able to play again. Talk to Oubier. Get the Jaguar Stone. Quickly use the dagger on Karzac. ===================================================================== Part 16 - Zombie Island ===================================================================== Talk to the boy, Haiku. Ask about Haiku. Ask about Haiku. Walk over to the table, and get the buns, pancakes and syrup. In the inventory, use the syrup with the pancake. Talk to the stuntman, and ask about the pancake. Stop talking to the stuntman. Use the bun with the bush. Get another bun from the table. Use the bun with the bush. You will arrive down on the beach. Talk to Hawks, and ask about the cave. Stop talking to Hawks. Try to get the handheld camera. Talk to Hawks. Ask him about the cameraman. A short scene will play where you get the Eagle Stone. ===================================================================== Part 17 - Village ===================================================================== Talk to Titipoco, and ask him about the shades. Ask about George. Stop talking to Titipoco. Walk right until you get to the entrance of the village. Get the underpants, and then head back to the big barrel near Titipoco. Try to get the mayan Stone, to find out that it is too hot. Try to push the big barrel. Talk to Titipoco, and ask him to help you push the barrel. Get the mayan Stone. Exit the village to the left. ===================================================================== Part 18 - Outside the pyramid ===================================================================== Look at the gantry. Get the rope. Talk to Titipoco, and ask him about the rope. Titipoco will climb up the gantry and throw the rope over the top. Get the rope, and use the rope on the engine. Get the cylinder from the generator. Use the dagger on the fuel line. Use the cylinder with the fuel line. Use the cylinder with the fuel cap. Pull the lever, and then push the button. Talk to Titipoco, and ask him about the lever. Walk onto the elevator, and talk to Titipoco. Get the ammunition belt. Go down in the elevator. Walk left, and the guards will speak to you. They will ask you what you are doing at the pyramid, so answer their question as you like. Get the torch, and then talk to Titipoco. Use the ammunition belt with the fire. Bwa ha ha, that showed the guards! Talk to general. Talk to George. ===================================================================== Part 19 - Inside the pyramid ===================================================================== On the pattern on the wall, there are two levers. Pull the left lever. Pull the right lever. Talk to George, and ask about the lever. After George and Nico both pull the levers, Nico will fall down into a strange room with a machine. Oh no... it's... another puzzle! This puzzle is pretty difficult, so here's how to solve it: Okay, when you first fall into the room, there is a mayan machine with sixteen pictures on it, a set of ten tiles, and a set of four tiles. If you look at the mayan machine, there are sixteen different pictures on it. Walk over to the set of ten tiles. One of these tiles has a combination of two of the pictures from the machine. Walk over to the machine, and turn the wheels so that the pictures line up opposite each other. Walk over to the tile whose pictures you lined up by using the machine, and push it. Walk over to the set of four tiles. One of these tiles has a combination of four of the pictures from the machine. Walk over to the machine, and line the picture up according to the picture on the tile. Walk over to the set of ten tiles, and push the tile which you have lined up with the machine. Walk over to the set of four tiles, and push the tile. If all goes well, the tile should move. Repeat this process for the rest of the four pieces. When you complete this extremely frustrating puzzle, the game will continue. Go through the revealed exit. George will continue the game from here. Get the torch. Talk to Titipoco. Pull the lever on the wall. Exit to the left. Pull the left lever. Pull the right lever. Go through the door. Go through the other door. Walk down the steps on the right. Pull the lever. Go down the steps to finish the game! ===================================================================== 4. Frequently Asked Questions ===================================================================== ===================================================================== Part 1 - Professer Oubier's house ===================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. I've been left in the house, and a huge spider is crawling towards me! What should I do? A. Right-click on the book case, and then use the block of wood at the bottom-right corner of the book case. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Okay, the spider's gone. But I'm still tied up in the chair. How do I get out of the chair? A. When the book case fell over, it should have revealed a metal bracket on the wall. Use the metal bracket to get out of the chair. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Yay, I'm out of the chair! What should I do next? A. Open the writing bureau, and get the tequila. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. A worm fell out of the tequila bottle. Should I pick it up? A. Yes. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the drawer on the writing bureau? A. Open it to find a pot. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the pot? A. Right-click on the pot to get the house key. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Is there anything I need to get from the floor? A. Yes. Get the dart, and also get Nico's bag. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Near the door there is a locked cabinet. How do I unlock the cabinet? A. Use the dart on the cabinet near the flames. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. I opened the cabinet and found a cylinder inside. But the cylinder is too hot to pick up. How should I pick the cylinder up? A. Use the panties on the cylinder to pick it up. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the cylinder? A. Use the cylinder with the syphon. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. I've used the cylinder on the syphon. What should I do with the syphon? A. Use the syphon on the flames. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. I escaped the room, and went downstairs. Is there anything I need to get before leaving the house? A. Yes, get the newspaper clipping. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the newspaper clipping? A. Right-click the newspaper clipping to get Oubier's bank statement. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the handwritten note? A. Right-click the handwritten note. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Is there anyone I should phone before leaving the house? A. After reading the handwritten note, use the telephone to phone André Lobineau. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. How should I unlock the front door of the house? A. Use the house key with the front door. You get the house key by right clicking the pot. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================================================================== Part 2 - Montfauçon ===================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. I tried to talk to the waiter, but he ignored me. How do I talk to him? A. When he ignores you, he will go back into the café. Wait for him to come out of the café again, and talk to him. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I talk to André about? A. Ask him about the pot. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I talk to man sitting down on the chair about? A. Ask him about himself twice. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. I talked to the man sitting down on the chir, and he started sulking. What should I do? A. Quickly grab the flask from the table. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================================================================== Part 3 - Glease Gallery ===================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do to the grumpy art critic? A. Use the flask with his glass twice. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Okay, the guy fell over. What should I do next? A. Walk left, and look at the packing case. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. The packing case has got a label on it. What should I do with the label? A. Get the label. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. How should I leave Paris? A. Walk over to Glease after looking at the label, and talk to him. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. I talked to Glease after looking at the label, but I still can't leave Paris. Have I missed something in the game? A. The most likely reason for this is that you haven't looked at the newspaper clipping. Make sure you have examined the newspaper clipping, and then talk to Glease. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================================================================== Part 4 - Marsielles ===================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. I've just arrived at Marseilles. What should I do? A. Look at the hut, and then look in the window of the hut. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. The guard in the hut dropped something down the trapdoor, and then started speaking to me. What should I do next? A. Stop speaking to the guard, and go down the steps next to the hut. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. I've gone down the steps. What should I do here? A. Get the hook floating in the water. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. The chimney on the hut is too hot to touch. How do I make it colder? A. Use the beer bottle. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Okay, the chimney is cold enough to touch. What should I do with the chimney next? A. Use the chimney, and then use the beer bottle to block the chimney. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. The guard has left the hut. What should I do next? A. Go down the steps, and then go up the trapdoor. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. I entered the hut. What should I do in here? A. Get the dog biscuits. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. The dog has started barking. How do I make him stop? A. Use the dog biscuits with the platform, and the dog will walk onto the platform. Use the hook with the platform. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. I climbed over the fence near the hut and arrived in the area on the other side. What should I do in this area? A. Climb up the ladder on the left. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. I climbed up the ladder. What should I do next? A. Open the left window. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. I opened the window. There is a noisy fan blowing in the room. How should I stop the fan? A. Use the hook with the fan. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. After stopping the fan, I knocked on the door nearest the ladder. What should I ask the man? A. Ask him about the label. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. The man is unlocking the door. What should I do next? A. While he is unlocking the door, quickly go up the ladder. When the man is standing outside, use the clamp. When the man goes over to check what the noise was, use the clamp again. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. I'm in the warehouse. What should I do here? A. Open the drawer to get a key. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. In the warehouse, a man appeared from behind the boxes. What should I talk to the man about? A. Ask him about the key. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. After asking the man about the key, he ran off. What should I do next? A. Push the button near the elevator. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. When I leave the elevator, the doors keep closing. How do I stop the elevator from closing? A. Push the crate. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. In the room with the statue, where is the light switch? A. The light switch is near the elevator. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do after turning the light on? A. Walk to where the light is shining, and look at the scratch marks. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Where is the secret door? A. After looking at the scratch marks, you can open the secret door. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. I've found Nico! What should I do next? A. Get the fetish, and then get the ropes from Nico. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Nico has left the secret room. Is there anything I should get in the secret room before leaving it? A. Get the masking tape from the floor. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. How do I move the crate away from the elevator without the elevator doors shutting? A. Use the masking tape on the photoelectric cell. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Atfer putting the masking tape on the photoelectric cell, in what order should I push all of the crates? A. Push the crate by the elevator, push the small crate that is on top of the left crate and then push the left crate. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. After pushing all of the crates, what should I do with the pallet carrier? A. Use the pallet carrier. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. After using the pallet carrier, what should I do with the statue? A. Use the rope with the statue. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Okay, I've attached the rope to the statue. What should I do next? A. Get the rope, and then use the rope with the pulley. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. George can't push the statue. What should I do to push it? A. Talk to Nico, and ask her to help you push the statue. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Outside of the door that the statue crashes through, there is a cable. What should I do with the cable? A. Use the manacles with the cable to slide down it and escape the warehouse. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================================================================== Part 5 - Quaramonte ===================================================================== ----------------- Playing as George ----------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I talk to the band about? A. Ask about Miguel, music and the accident at the mine. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I talk to Pearl about? A. Ask about Duane three times. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I talk to the general in the police station about? A. Ask about Oubier twice. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Does the chart on the wall have any significance to the game? A. Yes, you need to Conchita about the chart later on in the game. So make sure you look at the chart before leaving the police station. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I talk to Oubier about? A. Ask about Oubier. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I talk to Conchita in the office about? A. Ask about the accident at the mine three times, and then ask about Oubier. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I talk to Duane about? A. Ask about the truck twice. ask about music and then ask about Miguel twice. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. After talking to Duane, what should I talk to Conchita about? A. Ask her about the detonator, and then ask about the chart. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. After talking to Conchita, what should I talk to Nico about? A. Ask about the chart twice. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. After talking to Nico about the chart twice, what should I talk to the general in the police station about? A. Ask about Nico. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I talk to Renaldo about? A. Ask about the ruins twice. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. After talking to Renaldo about the ruins, what should I talk to Pearl about? A. Ask about the ruins. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Renaldo has left the police station to look at the ruins with Pearl. What should I do in the police station after Renaldo has left? A. Look at the chart on the wall --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. After looking at the chart on the wall in the police station, what should I talk to Conchita about? A. Ask about the chart. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do after getting the detonator from the cupboard in the office? A. Go and talk to Duane about the detonator twice. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do after talking to Duane about the detonator? A. Enter the police station, walk to the north to get to the cells. And then talk to Miguel. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- Playing as Nico --------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I look at in the house? A. Look at the lava lamp, the television, the portrait and the sword fish. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I talk to the general about? A. Ask about the lava lamp, the television, the portrait and the sword fish. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- Playing as George ----------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I talk to Miguel about? A. Ask about the noose twice. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the rope? A. Use the rope with the cell window. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the noose? A. Give the noose to Duane. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================================================================== Part 6 - Treehouse ===================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I get from the wheel? A. Get the rope that is wrapped around the wheel. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the leaves? A. Use the bank statement with the leaves. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the waterwheel? A. Use the statue on the waterwheel. This will light the bank statement on the leaves, causing Hubert to come out of the treehouse. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I talk to Hubert about? A. Ask about Nico, and then ask about root twice. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I use on the press? A. Use the collar, the rope and the cross with the press. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. After pressing the collar, what should I talk to Hubert about? A. Ask about the collar and the root. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================================================================== Part 7 - Village ===================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I talk to the guard about? A. Ask about Nico, Hubert, the shaman and the biscuits. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the biscuits? A. Use the mayan stone with the biscuit box. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. After using the mayan stone with the biscuit box, what should I talk to the guard about? A. Ask about the biscuits. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I talk to the shaman about? A. Ask about Nico twice, the root twice, the mayan stone, the jaguar stone twice, the eagle stone twice, the mayan stone and the root. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================================================================== Part 8 - Treehouse ===================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I use with the press? A. Use the metal cone on the press. And then use the root and the cross with the press. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do after the root is in the metal cone? A. Go up the ladder of the treehouse. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================================================================== Part 9 - Ketch's Landing ===================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do when I first arrive at Ketch's Landing? A. Look at the plans. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do next? A. Talk to Rio. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I talk to the Ketch sisters about? A. Ask about the cat twice, Rio three times, and then ask about Emily. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. After talking to the Ketch Sisters, what should I talk to Rio about? A. Ask him about the fish. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I give to Rio so that he can catch the fish? A. Give him the worm. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I say to Rio after giving him the worm? A. Ask about Emily and then ask about the fish twice. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the bicycle? A. Get the inner tube from the bicycle. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. After talking to Rio about Emily, what should I talk to the Ketch sisters about? A. Ask about Emily twice. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Okay, the Ketch sisters have gone down to the beach. What should I do next? A. Climb the ladder. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. I've climed up the ladder. What should I do up here? A. Use the inner tube with the right flagpole. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Where should I get the fish? A. After using the inner tube with the flagpole, Rio should have your fish. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Okay, the inner tube is tied onto the flagpole. What should I do next? A. Use the fish with the inner tube. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the inner tube after collecting the red ball? A. Use the inner tube with the tree. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Okay, the inner tube is tied to the tree. What should I do next? A. Use the red ball with the inner tube. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Bronson climbed the ladder. What should I do? A. Push the ladder. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. After leaving Bronson on the flagpole, is there anything I should do before going down the steps? A. Get the marker. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I get from Bronson's tent while he is on the flagpole? A. Get the plans and the theodolite. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. After getting the plans, what should I talk to Bronson about? A. Ask about the plans twice. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I show to the Ketch sisters? A. Show the plans to the Ketch sisters. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================================================================== Part 10 - British Museum ===================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I talk to the attendant about? A. Ask him about the Jaguar stone. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I talk to Professer Oubier about? A. Ask Oubier about the Jaguar stone. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. After Oubier has left the museum, what should I talk to the attendant about? A. Ask him about the Jaguar stone. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Where do I get the key? A. Get the key from the cabinet near the attendant. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the key? A. Use the key with the cabinet near the phone. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the cabinet after unlocking it? A. Open the cabinet, and then get the key --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the handbag? A. In the inventory, right-click the handbag to get a hairclip. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. After unlocking the cabinet and taking the key, what should I talk to the attendant about? A. Ask him about the ship, and then show him the key. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the curtain? A. Use the curtain to reveal a door. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. How do I unlock the door behind the curtain? A. Use the dagger with the door. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================================================================== Part 11 - Ketch's Landing ===================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. In the museum, what should I do first? A. Open the sea chest. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I talk to Emily about? A. Start talking to her, and then stop talking to her. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Where do I get the quill? A. It's on the desk. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the portrait? A. Look at it. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. After looking at the portrait, what should I talk to Emily about? A. Ask about the cross twice. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the quill? A. Outside of the museum, give the quill to the cat. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. The stupid cat ripped my quill! What should I do next? A. Get the feather shreds. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I talk to Rio about? A. Ask about Emily, Rio's sister and the feather shred. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. After collecting the conch from Rio, what should I speak to Emily about? A. Ask her about the conch. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the lantern in the museum? A. Put the lantern on the ink well. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the chart in the museum? A. Put the chart on the desk. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the cross? A. Put the cross on the pen holder in the museum. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. After finding the location of the treasure on the map in the museum, what should I talk to Rio about? A. Ask about the treasure twice, and then ask about the zombie. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================================================================== Part 12 - Zombie Island ===================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the boat? A. Look at the boat. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Okay, I've got the net from the boat. What should I do next? A. Look at the rock outcrop. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I talk to Rio about? A. Ask him about the net. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the net? A. Use the net with the rock outcrop. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================================================================== Part 13 - London Underground Station ===================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Where is the hairclip? A. In the inventory, right-click the handbag to get the hairclip. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the hairclip? A. Use the hairclip with the coin slot on the vending machine. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the vending machine? A. Use the coin with the coin slot. Get the chocolate from the vending machine, and then get the coin from the coin reject slot. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the weighing machine? A. Use the coin with the weighing machine to get a card. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the dagger? A. Use the dagger with the cupboard. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Using the dagger on the cupboard created a crack. What should I do with the crack? A. Use the card with the crack. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the red button? A. Push the red button. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================================================================== Part 14 - Zombie Island ===================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. I'm on top of Zombie Island. There are two paths which I can take, a lower path and an upper path. Which path should I take first? A. Take the upper path. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. I'm at an area with a swamp. What should I do here? A. Get the reeds. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. I'm at an area with a small lair. What should I do here? A. Use the reed with the lair. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. I've arrived at an area with a boar. What should I do here? A. In the inventory, use the dart with the reed. Use the dart + reed with the boar, and then quickly click on the branch. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. I didn't grab onto the branch when the boar charged. Does this matter? A. No, but it does mean that it will be more difficult to find your way to the mountain where you put the theodolite. If you don't hold onto the branch when the boar rushed by, you will have to find your way to to the mountain where you put the theodolite by going through the forest. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. I've arrived at the area with the rock needle. What should I do first? A. Get the creeper that is wrapped around the rock needle. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the creeper? A. In the inventory, use the sensor with the net. Use the sensor + net with the creeper. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Okay, I've put the sensor + net on the creeper. What should I do next? A. Use the creeper with the sensor + net attached to it on the rock needle. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the theodolite? A. Put the theodolite in the holes in the ground. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. I'm looking through the theodolite. Where do I have to look? A. Move the theodolite right, until you can see a group of pillars. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. I still can't notice anything sparkling. Have I missed something? A. You need to have attached the marker to the rock needle. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do after I have found the marker? A. Look at the marker, and then look at the pillar in front of the marker. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. After finding the marker and looking at the pillar in front of it, how do I get off the island? A. Stop looking through the theodolite, and then exit the area to the right. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================================================================== Part 15 - Docks ===================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. I've just arrived at the docks. What should I do first? A. Click on the crate on the left, so Nico can hide closer to the ship. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Okay, I'm hiding behind the other crate. Where should I go from here? A. Click on the ladder to hide on top of the ship. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. I'm on the top of the ship. Where should I go from here? A. Wait until the guard starts talking to Pablo. Climb down the ladder, open the cupboard and quickly climb up the ladder again. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. The guard went to investiagate the cupboard. What should I do while he is in the cupboard? A. Quickly climb down the ladder and close the cupboard. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do to stop the guard coming out of the cupboard? A. Get the mop, and use the mop on the cupboard. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the porthole? A. Look in the porthole. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with Oubier? A. Talk to Oubier. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the Jaguar stone? A. Get the Jaguar Stone. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with Karzac? A. Quickly use the dagger on Karzac. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================================================================== Part 16 - Zombie Island ===================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I talk to Haiku about? A. Ask about Haiku twice. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I get from the table? A. Get the buns, the pancakes and the syrup. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the syrup? A. In the inventory, use the syrup with the pancake. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the pancake? A. In the inventory, use the pancake with the syrup. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I talk to the stuntman about? A. Ask about the pancake. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the bun? A. Use the bun with the bush. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. The bush moved slightly, but nothing else happened. What else do I need to do? A. Get another bun from the table, and throw it into the bush. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. The bees came out of the bush, but nothing else happened. What should I do? A. You need to give the pancake with the syrup on it to the stuntman, and then throw a bun into the bush. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. On the beach, what should I talk to Hawks about? A. Ask about the cave. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the handheld camera? A. Attempt to pick the handheld camera up. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Hawks wouldn't let me pick the handheld camera up. What should I do? A. Talk to Hawks, and ask him about the cameraman. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================================================================== Part 17 - Village ===================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I talk to Titipoco about? A. Ask him about the shades, and then ask about George. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Where are the underpants? A. You get the underpants at the entrance of the village. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the mayan stone? A. Attempt to pick it up. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. The mayan stone is too hot. How do I pick it up? A. Attempt to push the big barrel. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. The barrel is too heavy to push. How do I push the barrel? A. Talk to Titipoco, and ask him about the barrel. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================================================================== Part 18 - Outside the pyramid ===================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. I've arrived outside of the pyramid. What should I do? A. Look at the gantry, and then look at the rope. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I talk to Titipoco about? A. Ask him about the rope. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Titipoco has thrown the rope over the gantry. What should I do with the rope? A. Get the rope, and then use the rope on the engine. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Where is the cylinder? A. The cylinder is in the generator. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the dagger? A. Use the dagger on the fuel line. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the fuel line? A. Use the dagger on the fuel line. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the cylinder? A. After using the dagger on the fuel line, use the cylinder on the fuel line. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. After using the cylinder on the fuel line, what else should I do with the cylinder? A. Use the cylinder with the fuel cap. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the machine with the lever on it? A. Pull the lever, and then push the button. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. After pulling the lever, what should I talk to Titipoco about? A. Ask him about the lever. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Okay, Titipoco has agreed to press the lever. Where should I be when I tell him to press the lever? A. Walk onto the elevator, and then talk to Titipoco. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do after going up in the elevator? A. Get the ammunition belt. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I talk to the guards about? A. Answer their question however you like. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the torch? A. Get the torch, and then talk to Titipoco. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the ammunition belt? A. Use it on the fire. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the fire? A. Use the ammunition belt on the fire. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do after using the ammunition belt on the fire? A. Go up in the elevator. Talk to the general. And then playing as Nico, talk to George. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================================================================== Part 19 - Inside the pyramid ===================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do with the pattern on the wall? A. There are two levers on the pattern. Pull the left level, and then pull the right lever. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. I pulled both levers, but nothing happened. What should I do next? A. Talk to George about the lever. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. How do I solve the puzzle on the mayan machine? A. In the room, there is a mayan machine with sixteen pictures on it, a set of ten tiles, and a set of four tiles. If you look at the mayan machine, there are sixteen different pictures on it. Walk over to the set of ten tiles. One of these tiles has a combination of two of the pictures from the machine. Walk over to the machine, and turn the wheels so that the pictures line up opposite each other. Walk over to the tile whose pictures you lined up by using the machine, and push it. Walk over to the set of four tiles. One of these tiles has a combination of four of the pictures from the machine. Walk over to the machine, and line the picture up according to the picture on the tile. Walk over to the set of ten tiles, and push the tile which you have lined up with the machine. Walk over to the set of four tiles, and push the tile. If all goes well, the tile should move. Repeat this process for the rest of the four pieces. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do after solving the mayan machine puzzle? A. Leave the room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Okay, I left the room with the mayan machine. What do I have to do next? A. Get the torch, and then talk to Titipoco. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What should I do after speaking the Titipoco about the torch? A. Pull the lever on the wall. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. After pulling the lever on the wall, what should I do? A. Exit to the left. Pull the left lever, and then pull the right lever. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. After pulling both of the levers, another door opened. I walked through it, and then went down some stairs. What should I do after walking down the stairs? A. Pull the lever, and then walk down the steps to complete the game. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================================================================== 5. Special Thanks ===================================================================== Al Amaloo - For posting this FAQ at www.vgstrategies.about.com CJayC - For posting this FAQ at www.gamefaqs.com ===================================================================== 6. Copyright information ===================================================================== This Broken Sword 2 FAQ/Walkthrough is copyright 2000 by Tom Hayes. I've put this section here, just in case you're wondering about the copyright of this FAQ. People have asked me most of these questions, so I'll include it in an FAQ format. Please read all of the questions and answers shown below. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Can I please post this FAQ on my site? A. Yes, as long as you ask my permission by e-mail first, feel free to post it on your site. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. If I post your FAQ on my site, but don't get your permission first, what does that mean? Is it illegal? A. Yes, it is illegal. Your site could be shut down, and legal action could and most likely would be taken about it. As soon as an FAQ goes on a site such as www.gamefaqs.com and many other FAQ sites, it is immediatly protected by copyright law. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Can I print your FAQ? A. Feel free, but ONLY use it for your own private and personal use. You may print either a part, or even the whole thing. But don't print more than one copy, and only use it for your own personal use. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Can I print this FAQ and distribute it to others? A. No. This FAQ may not be distributed in ANY form without the permission of the author, Tom Hayes (tom@flipmode.com). --------------------------------------------------------------------- I am in no way affiliated with the makers of Broken Sword 2. Thanks for reading!