*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* * * | POPULOUS: THE BEGINNING | * * *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* 1: Updates 2: Copyright 3: Introduction 4: Followers 4.1: Shaman 4.2: Brave 4.3: Warrior 4.4: Preacher 4.5: Spy 4.6: Firewarrior 5: Buildings 5.1: Hut 5.11: Small Hut 5.12: Medium Hut 5.13: Large Hut 5.2: Guard Tower 5.3: Warrior Training Hut 5.4: Preacher Training Hut (Temple) 5.5: Spy Training Hut 5.4: Firewarrior Training Hut 5.5: Docking Station 5.6: Balloon Station 6: Religious Artifacts 6.1: Stone Heads 6.2: Totem Poles 6.3: Vaults of Knowledge 7: Vehicles 7.1: Boats 7.2: Balloons 8: Spells 8.1: Quad Spells 8.11: Blast 8.12: Convert 8.13: Magical Shield 8.14: Invisibility 8.15: Swarm 8.16: Lightning 8.17: Hypnotize 8.18: Land Bridge 8.2: Tri Spells 8.21: Flatten 8.22: Swamp 8.23: Tornado 8.3: Duo Spells 8.31: Erode 8.32: Firestorm 8.33: Earthquake 8.4: Single Spells 8.41: Volcano 8.42: Angel of Death 9: F.A.Q. 10: Cheats 11: Wish List 12: Thanks To... - 1.0: UPDATES - 1–5-00 : Grand Release! 1-18-00: Fixed title problem Added Wish List 1-27-00: Updates from SWhyte - 2.0: COPYRIGHT - This Walkthrough was created by Wil101@AOL.com. If you want to print this document out and distribute it, go ahead. You may use parts of this writing for your own purposes, but proper credit MUST be given. You may not take any information out of this document and expand or rewrite it. This document was created January 5, 2000. - 3.0: INTRODUCTION – A long time ago, four tribes of humans were created by the Gods. These tribes were the Braves, the Chumara, the Matak, and the Dakini. After their creation, they were each given a planet. They were told to build, grow and thrive on these worlds. As the four colonies grew in power, they moved to other locations on other planets. Some tribes found themselves fighting with others for the worlds they had first claimed. In Populous: The Beginning, you play as the Brave tribe. You must destroy the Chumara, Matak, and Dakini to ensure your existence. Construct and destroy buildings. Cast spells to destroy other colonies. Win, and you'll become a deity. Lose, and your legend will be lost forever. - 4.0 FOLLOWERS – Here is a list of your followers and what they can be. For each follower, I'll first give the game's description of them, then my opinion. 4.1: In Populous: The Beginning, you play the Shaman, guiding her to the ultimate goal of becoming a deity and gaining God-Like omnipotence. If you are killed, you will reincarnate at the Reincarnation Site, but only if you have other followers converted to your faith. If you do not have any followers on the world, you will die and lose the game. The Shaman will not perform menial tasks. Instead, she is skilled in magic allowing her to cast the spell available on the Spells Panel. To cast one of these spells you will have to walk within range of the target. Each spell has a different range. When you select a spell from the Spells Panel, a mystical force will surround the Shaman to indicate the boundaries of the spells range. You can then left click within the range to cast the spell. You can also command your followers to guard the Shaman. Select some of your followers and press G. Those followers will then run to the Shaman and surround her, attacking any enemy who tries to reach her. To stop them guarding, deselect any followers and press G again. When a Shaman dies, a quarter of her Mana will be taken away and given to the tribe who killed her. OPINION: Shaman is easily the best player in the game, but you can only have one of them. She is a terrible fighter, though, so defend her with magic rather than technique. She is also the only one that can worship at Vaults of Knowledge. 4.2: The Brave is your basic follower and the workhorse of your settlements. They construct your buildings and can be trained to become more powerful with new abilities. Braves prefer to build and live in houses where they can breed more Braves. You must have a sufficient number of houses for your followers and they will stop breeding if you do not. Since Braves are the only follower who can construct and gather wood, its always a good idea to keep a few around just in case you need them. OPINION: As a rule of thumb, always keep more Braves around than anyone else. Don't try to battle with them, since you need about five braves to battle a single warrior. The Braves are essential to any colony. Keep this in mind as you play. 4.3: Warriors are created by training Braves or any other follower in the Warrior Training Hut. These improved fighters are much stronger in battle than the Brave. They do not perform menial tasks, such as construction, and are best suited to guarding or fighting. OPINION: The Warrior will be the first special fighter you get, and will almost always be your main troop. These shock troops perform very well when under heavy attack. I recommend creating a legion of these troops before sending them over to attack an enemy tribe to ensure your victory. 4.4: Preachers are created by training Braves or any other follower in the Temple. When Preachers are standing idle, they worship your name and chant passages from your holy scriptures. If an enemy follower hears them, they will be entranced and sit and will listen to the Preacher passing your name. After a while, without interruption, the enemy follower will be converted to your cause. Preachers will not perform construction tasks and, although you can command them to guard, they will preach when an enemy follower approaches. They are happiest when extolling your words, but do not have effect on the enemy Shaman or preachers. OPINION: Preachers have low health levels, but with luck, you won't need them to fight in battles. Make them stand in front of an enemy instead of attacking to convert them (take in mind that this process takes about a minute or so to do). 4.5: Spies are created by training Braves or any other warrior in the Spy Training Hut. They are subversive followers who can disguise themselves as the enemy and then use this ability to sabotage enemy buildings. To do this, first select one or more of your Spies. Then, choose which player colour you want to disguise them as and click on the same coloured disguise icon on the control bar. Your Spy will then don the clothes of the enemy, although your followers will ignore him. You can then send him into enemy territory without fear of attack. To sabotage a building, simply select one or more of your Spies and left-click on an enemy building. They will then walk to the building and set it alight. To unmask an enemy Spy, you can do a number of things. If an enemy Spy passes one of your Spies or a Guard Tower with one of your Spies inside, he will be seen and unmasked. If your followers catch an enemy Spy whilst he is sabotaging, they will automatically attack him. If you see a disguised enemy Spy, whether he is in your settlement or not, move your mouse over him and right-click to blow his cover. OPINION: To me, the Spy is useless. His sabotage doesn't damage an enemy structure enough, and they have too many ways to be unmasked. Use them in multi-player if you wish, but I wouldn't use them in the actual game. SWhyte sent me this: Invisible spies in multiplayer works very well. With two or three well placed spies you can damage two or three training buildings and then position invisible preachers outside the entrances - as soon as the braves come to repair the building they will get preached to. They're also very good at burning the enemies wood supplies/trees - you just have to be very hands on whilst using spies - avoid sabotage when enemy tribesmen are close by. 4.6: Firewarriors are created by training Braves or any other follower in the Firewarrior Training Hut. These followers are slower and weaker in hand to hand combat than Warriors. They do, however, have the ability to cast the Blast spell and they can target buildings or enemy followers from a distance. Like Warriors, they will not perform menial tasks like construction, and are best suited to guarding or fighting. OPINION: The Firewarrior has horrible health, so I wouldn't recommend sending them directly into combat. Build a Guard Tower to put them in, or at least place them at a high distance. When placed in a good position, they make formidable defenders. - 5.0: BUILDINGS - In this section, I'll tell what each building does, what purpose it serves, and what it takes to construct it. 5.1: Keep your unoccupied colonists in a Hut to help them breed and rest. Keeping you followers in huts will raise their health and happiness. It will also increase your Mana. The Hut can hold three natives at first, but over time, the hut will grow to new sizes. 5.11: The Small Hut can hold three followers and requires three wood to build. 5.12: The Medium Hut can hold four followers and requires three wood to build. 5.13: The Large Hut can hold five followers and requires five wood to build. 5.2: Guard Towers are good for defense purposes, and, if placed correctly, can start a new settlement in a new location. They are best operated with Firewarriors, since they have the longest range. Placing many Firewarrior operated Guard Towers at a high location can make a very deadly defense. The Guard Tower can hold one follower and requires five wood to build. 5.3: The Warrior Training Hut is used to train Braves into Warriors. Warrior Training Huts can train one follower at a time and require eight wood to build. 5.3: The Preacher Training Hut (Temple) is used to train Braves into Preachers. Temples can train one follower at a time and require eight wood to build. 5.4: The Spy Training Hut is used to train Braves into Spies. Spy Training Huts can train one follower at a time and require eight wood to build. 5.5: The Firewarrior Training Hut is used to train Braves into Firewarriors. Firewarrior Training Huts can train one follower at a time and require eight wood to build. 5.6: The Docking Station is a unique structure that must be placed on partly on water and partly on land. Once placed, you can manufacture boats in it. To start manufacturing Boats, select some followers and left-click on the Docking station. The Docking Station can hold five followers and requires three wood to build. 5.7: The Balloon Station is the building in which you construct Balloons. To start manufacturing Balloons, select some followers and left-click on the Balloon Station. The Balloon Station can hold three followers and requires eleven wood to build. Balloons require three wood to build. - 6.0: RELIGIOUS ARTIFACTS - During the game, you must worship various objects to gain special bonuses such as new spells or paths. Here is a list of what worshipping these relics does. 6.1: Worshipping Stone Heads usually takes a lot of time. When you finish worshipping them, you will be rewarded with a spell. After worshipping them enough (usually after you get three or four spells) the Stone Head will sink into the ground so you cannot worship it anymore. Stone heads are gigantic heads carved out of rock, nodding back and forth. Once you go to another level, you will lose all spells you got from worshipping Stone Heads. 6.2: Unlike Stone Heads, Totem Poles do not give you spells. Instead, they will create new roads for you and your followers to travel on. A good example of this is in the Death From Above level, where worshipping Totem Pole can get you a path across the water and into the Dakini fortress. 6.3: Vaults of Knowledge contain the knowledge of enemy tribes. Worshipping at them enough will give Shaman entry. Shaman will steal the information contained within the Vault, which will sink into the ground like the Stone Head. Vaults can contain plans for new buildings or spells. After completing a level, you will keep any information you stole from Vaults of Knowledge for the rest of the game. - 7.0: VEHICLES - 7.1: Boats are built at the Docking Station. Once constructed, they will allow you to cross oceans, lakes, rivers, or any other body of water. They can hold up to five followers inside them. Boats require six wood to build. 7.2: Balloons are created at the Balloon Station. Balloons will let you soar across mountainous or water areas. However, they do have their faults, since only two followers can travel in them at a time. Balloons require three wood to build. - 8.0: SPELLS – In this section I will describe Spells, and will use terms like range, power, and area. When I say range, I am talking about the distance in which the spell can be cast. When I say power, I mean the damage that the spell will do. When I say area, I mean the area that the spell affects. 8.1: Quad Spells are spells that can be used four times. These are your Quad Spells: 8.11: You will start the game with the Blast spell. When used, the Blast will fire a single bolt of fire at the enemy. This spell has very low range, area, and power. SWhyte sent me this: Primarily a defensive spell for the Shaman - if aimed correctly it can send attackers flying - even killing them if they land in water. RANGE: Short POWER: Small AREA: Small 8.12: The Convert spell will change any Wildmen that you use it on into followers. The Spell will affect a large area, but not all Wildmen within this area are affected. Use it on large groups of Wildmen for best effect. RANGE: Very Long POWER: ---- AREA: Small 8.13: Casting the Magical Shield spell on Shaman has no effect, but will make anyone else it is cast upon invulnerable to several magical attacks. The spell lasts for quite some time, but will wear out eventually. RANGE: Medium POWER: ---- AREA: Small 8.14: The Invisibility spell will temporarily make any followers you cast it on invisible to the enemy for a short time. You will become visible again if you attack an enemy while it is casted upon you. RANGE: Medium POWER: ---- AREA: Small 8.15: I've never actually see the Swarm spell kill anyone, but it can be a major distraction. If this swarm of magical hornets touces the enemy (or you, for that matter), they will run around in panic until they escape. Swhyte sent me this: Excellent at interrupting preachers when they are converting your troops. RANGE: Long POWER: ---- AREA: ---- 8.16: The spell of Lightning is your most powerful Quad Spell. Shaman will create a bolt of lightning in the sky that will strike anyone in the vicinity. A single bolt of lightning is usually enough to kill one Shaman. RANGE: Long POWER: Medium AREA: Small 8.17: Hypnotizing the enemy will temporarily transform them into your followers. After a while, the spell will wear off, and they will become enemy soldiers once again. RANGE: Medium POWER: ---- AREA: ---- 8.18: The Land Bridge spell will create a bridge across the water on which you or other tribes can travel on. To make the Land Bridge, you must cast the spell on the shore on the other side of the water. RANGE: Long POWER: ---- AREA: Medium 8.2: Tri Spells are spells you can use three times. Here are your Tri spells: 8.21: The Flatten spell will turn any peak or mountain flat. No matter how high or low, it will lower or raise the earth. When necessary, it will turn some of the water into soil. RANGE: Medium POWER: ---- AREA: Large 8.22: The Swamp spell will turn anything it is cast on into a boggy area. Anyone who steps into this area will sink into the muck and automatically die. A telltale sign of a swamp are the short weeds that shoot up from the ground. RANGE: Medium POWER: ---- AREA: Large 8.23: The Tornado is your most powerful Tri Spell, and will pick any nearby objects (people, structures, etc.) off the ground and eventually fling them through the air at very high speeds. SWhyte sent me this: You cannot cast spells whilst in a tornado (this wasn't always the case but we found that the computer player was using the huge height advantage to cast spells across vast distances!) RANGE: Medium POWER: Large AREA: Small 8.3: Duo Spells are spells you can use twice. Here are your duo spells: 8.31: Using this spell will turn all ground within the area into water. Any buildings affected will sink into the depths of the water, as will enemies and followers. RANGE: Medium POWER: ---- AREA: Large 8.32: Summon a wave of meteorites to fall from the heavens. These massive balls of fire can do extreme damage to buildings and burn enemies and followers to death. RANGE: Medium POWER: Large AREA: Medium 8.33: The grounds will shake and the earth will part when you use the Earthquake spell. Best used on buildings, this spell will create a ditch which will quickly fill with magma and water, burning and drowning anything in its path. RANGE: Medium POWER: Large AREA: Medium 8.4: Single spells are spells that you can use only once. Here are your single spells: 8.41: Casting the Volcano spell will create a crater that will spill molten lava onto the ground. If the huge slope of the raising ground and the falling rocks don't kill the enemy, the hot magma surely will. SWhyte sent me this: Your shaman is invulnerable to the lava of her own volcanoes - a good strategy is to cast a volcano at your feet - you're Shaman will be the only one standing at the end of it. RANGE: Small POWER: Large AREA: Large 8.42: Here it is: the ultamite spell: the Angel of Death, a dragon that will spawn into several flying beasts. These basilisks will fly through the sky, diving only to destroy enemies. They will not hurt your tribe. They seem to be hurt by Blasts and other spells. SWhyte sent me this: Ghost army in multiplayer is a good way to distract them. You can also try luring Angel of Deaths to other players in multiplayer games with more than two players. Angels of Death can only really be killed by two methods – one casting another Angel of Death (the angels fight and the strongest survives) or by positioning a large troop of Firewarriors on the top of a large hill/mountain. RANGE: Small POWER: Large AREA: Everywhere - 10.0: CHEATS - When playing, hold Tab + Alt to bring up the cheat menu. Type in BYRNE and press enter. You have now entered cheat mode. Press Tab + F3 for all spells Press Tab + F4 for all buildings Press Tab + F5 for max Mana - 11.0: WISH LIST - E-Mail me these things below and I will post them on this web site. * Questions you might have for an F.A.Q. - 12.0: THANKS TO... - In this time, I will take time to thank the people who have contributed to this Strategy Guide/F.A.Q. They are: SWhyte: Sent me information on various spells and followers.