Gorasul: The Legacy of the Dragon Walkthrough By Steven W. Carter (scarter831@earthlink.net) Last Updated July 8, 2002 ***************************************************************************** * Introduction * ***************************************************************************** This is a walkthrough for Gorasul: The Legacy of the Dragon from Silver Style Entertainment and JoWooD Productions. I’m doing the walkthrough using the medium difficulty setting and (primarily) the middle game type. I’m also using version 1.6 of the game. If you’re using the retail release, then you should definitely patch it, just for the improved translation if nothing else. The patch is available at JoWooD’s web site (www.jowood.com). A note on the riddles: There are many riddles in the game, so rather than print the answers explicitly in the guide, I’m going to print the answers with their letters shifted up by one. That should allow you to figure out the answer on your own without inadvertently discovering it while reading the guide. If you get stuck, just shift the letters down by one -- for example, “sjeemf” becomes “riddle” -- to see the answer. ***************************************************************************** * Starting Out * ***************************************************************************** * --------- * * Game Type * * --------- * The biggest difference between the game types is the riddles. In the fight intensive version, you won’t have any riddles to solve. In the quest intensive version, you’ll have to type in the answers to the riddles on your own. In the middle version, the riddles will be multiple choice questions. So unless you really like riddles or you really want extra combat, the middle mode is probably the best version to play. * ----- * * Class * * ----- * Although the game technically comes with six classes, there are really only two: warrior and magician. The other classes are either nearly identical or strictly inferior. For example, the magician is the only spellcasting class that gets an intelligence bonus each level (intelligence is the most important attribute for spellcasters), and it’s the only class that doesn’t pay a penalty for casting battle spells (battle magic is the most important magic school in the game). Both classes can finish the game just as easily, but if you’re planning to go without a party, then it’s best to be a magician. * ---------- * * Statistics * * ---------- * How you spend your attribute points depends on your class. If you’re going to be a warrior then you should divide your points between strength, dexterity, and constitution (roughly equally). If you’re going to be a spellcaster then you should divide your points between intelligence and constitution (with a bias towards intelligence). Charisma doesn’t do enough to make it worthwhile to purchase. For dragon skills, it’s a tough call. Dragon eyes is useful because it improves your sight range and is “on” all the time, but it doesn’t help in combat like the other three. However, the other three only trigger when you’re heavily wounded. So I’d suggest adding dragon breath since it’s an attack that will always hit, and adding dragon eyes until you’re happy with your sight range. For attack and defense, spellcasters are probably better off with a higher defense, but otherwise just balance the two. * ------ * * Weapon * * ------ * If you’re a warrior then pick the battle axe and concentrate on accuracy, durability, and courage. Intelligence doesn’t do anything for warrior weapons since weapons don’t make many comments during the game, regardless of how smart they are. If you’re a spellcaster then choose the dagger and concentrate on intelligence. Intelligence helps spellcaster weapons since it improves the rate at which spellcasters regenerate mana. If you find yourself using the dagger a lot as a weapon, then also think about adding to the other attributes. But note: It’s difficult to tell which weapon is actually best since certain things -- like how courage affects critical hits -- aren’t known. So feel free to take the one you like best. ***************************************************************************** * Companions * ***************************************************************************** You’ll find a few characters who will offer to join your party as you progress through the game. Most of them are optional, and you can play the game just as well with a single character as you can with a party of four. So feel free to try the game both ways and see which you like better. Note: Characters in your party share experience, so the larger your party is the less experience you’ll earn. But regardless of how many companions you pick up, you’ll still probably end the game between levels 15 and 20. The possible companions are listed below, in the order you’ll most likely meet them. Name Lvl Race Class Location ---- --- ---- ----- -------- Dadaskar (1) 3 Human Banisher Jenai’s house Kendal (2) 4 Human Warrior Temple catacombs, level 3 Mafestus 6 Human Magician Dengard library, level 2 Lothaniel (3) 5 Human Scout Small forest SW of Dengard Skadavar (4) 5 Human Judge/Swords Bandit camp Lirina (5) 6 Half-elf Priest Alest, eastern part Grimwall (5) 12 Dwarf Warrior Alest, Towerwave Tavern Notes: 1. A banisher is what the manual calls a spell worker. 2. Kendal will trigger a special encounter in Dengard. 3. A scout is what the manual calls a woodsman warrior. 4. A judge of swords is what the manual calls a sword bearer. 5. This character is mandatory but will eventually leave the party. My suggestion for a party is to either go solo with a magician or to create a warrior and use Dadaskar and Mafestus for spell support. There isn’t any real reason to have a fourth character since you’ll have to use Lirina and Grimwall late in the game. ***************************************************************************** * Gameplay Notes * ***************************************************************************** Weapon health is shown as a string of O’s and -’s. (For example: OOO--.) It represents a health bar, and the more O’s there are the healthier the weapon is. Areas in Gorasul work about the same as they do in Baldur’s Gate. That is, some areas appear when you receive quests about them, and others appear based on the direction you exit the areas you know about. So if you’re stuck, be sure to exit each area in all four cardinal directions. There are two ways to remove companions from your party: you can click the boot button on their character screen, and you can right click on their portrait and select the “dismiss character” option. So if one way doesn’t work, try the other. You have three choices when it comes to resurrecting characters: you can use a staff (which usually fails), you can use the black death spell (which only costs 140 mana for banishers), or you can dismiss the character (which I’ve never tried). Supposedly, for the last case, the character will appear at its rendezvous point safe and sound. Of course, the easiest way to deal with death is to load a saved game, so save often. During combat you only control the leader character. That means if you select your entire party and try to get it to retreat, only the leader is guaranteed to move, and so you have to retreat characters one at a time. It also means you should control a spellcaster during combat so you can pick the spells it casts. Computer controlled spellcasters never cast offensive spells more powerful than ice storm for some reason. Some of the odd abbreviations used in the game include: LE (hitpoints), AT (attack), PA (defense). ***************************************************************************** * Walkthrough * ***************************************************************************** * ---------------- * * Roszondas’ Tower * * ---------------- * You start out in your tower on the third floor. Search all the furniture on the level to find a couple potions and a book (right click on the book to read it), plus four locked cabinets. Then kill the wimpy undead creatures near the staircase and head down the stairs. The second floor is much like the third, with more furniture to search and more undead to kill. Only three objects there are really important: 1. The key in the bookstand next to the northern round table. 2. The scroll marked “Horaktatzt” in the eastern bookcase. 3. The empty vial in one of the northern chests of drawers. Once you have the key, go back to the third floor and use it to open one of the cabinets (select the key in your inventory and then click the key on the cabinet). You should find a snake amulet, which will protect you from poison. There isn’t any way to open the other cabinets unless you have the “lock opener” spell. (But don’t worry; nothing exciting is inside them.) The first floor, again, is a lot like the upper floors. And again, there are three things of interest: 1. There are three pools on the level. Use the empty vial on each of them to create a potion of invisibility (and gain 80 experience points). 2. Open the western coffin to find a protective amulet. Put the amulet on. 3. Notice the four statues. The statues are how you exit the tower, but since you can’t come back once you leave, ignore them for now. Then go back to the second floor and use the “Horaktatzt” scroll on the pool. Conjure the demon and speak politely to it, and it should eventually perform a service for you. If you’re a warrior select the combat boost (+1 attack, +1 defense), and if you’re a spellcaster select the magic boost. You should also receive 100 experience points. Now go back to the first floor and click on the statues. If you’re playing in combat mode you’ll have to do some fighting each time you click a statue. Otherwise you’ll have to solve a riddle. The answers to the riddles are, from left to right: ojhiu, gpvs, tfbm, qpxfs. Once you’ve completed the statues, you’ll remember the incantation for leaving the tower. * -------------------- * * The Village of Tolip * * -------------------- * The only place you can go after leaving the tower is the village of Tolip, so click that location on the map. When you get there you’ll find that the villagers are hiding in their homes, and that hellhounds have taken over the place. So kill the hellhounds very carefully, resting and saving after each fight. Once you’ve killed all of them, the village will start behaving normally, and you’ll be able to start talking to people and finding quests. Here are the particular points of interest in Tolip: 1. Shanui the healer (northern edge of village, next to the stables). Shanui will ask you to bring her back some healing herbs. 2. Velaas the marksman (northeastern corner of village). Talk to Velaas and eventually he’ll bet that you can’t hit the bullseye of the archery target. Save before you talk to him so you can keep trying until you hit it. Once you do you’ll receive a longbow for your efforts. The longbow is better than the other bows you can buy right now. 3. Toralf the blacksmith (near center of village). Talk to him about his apprentice, Lorin. Toralf can also repair your weapons -- if you can afford it. 4. Arbaskar the weapons master (near center of town, west of Toralf). He’ll offer to give you some combat training if you can get Toralf to repair his sword. Also be sure to ask him about the dispute between him and Toralf, so you can learn about the missing flail. Then go talk to Toralf (who not surprisingly won’t repair the sword) and get his side of the story. 5. Lorin the apprentice (southwestern part of village, near a guard tower). If you’ve talked to Toralf and Arbaskar already, then you’ll discover that Lorin stole the missing flail in order to pick up some extra money, and he’ll give you the flail to be rid of it. So give the flail to Arbaskar to receive Toralf’s payment, and give the payment to Toralf to get Arbaskar’s sword sharpened. Now when you talk to Arbaskar next, you can give him the sword and receive your combat training. But be warned: the training will involve defeating his three students without magic or dragon skills (potions are ok). If you can’t defeat the students then you won’t get the reward, so save before trying and only do the training when you can defeat the students successfully. You’ll receive 166 experience points and +1 defense. 6. The obelisk (near the center of the village). Talk to the villager in front of it, but don’t worry about it for now. 7. The well (near the center of the village). When you walk by you’ll hear a voice calling out from inside. So click on the well to learn that Elnor is stuck in the well and needs a rope to get out. You can get a rope from Mirbard next to the tavern to the south. Then, when you click the rope on the well, Elnor will escape and offer you the 20 silver coins he found inside the well. Accept it; otherwise you won’t get anything. 8. Herard the gatekeeper (near the gate on the southern edge of the village). Talk to him and he’ll mention the kobolds to the south. Also be sure to talk to a couple of random villagers so you can learn that this version of Tolip has only been around for five years, and so it doesn’t have anything to do with the Tolip you remember. Also go ahead and do what buying and selling you can, and then exit the village. You should find two forest locations available, one each to the north and south. (I think Shanui triggers the northern forest appearing and Herard the southern one.) Click on the forest area to the north. You should find some thieves in the forest, but you don’t have to kill them if you don’t want to (or can’t). New creatures appear in forest locations each time you visit them, so they’re a good source of experience and sometimes equipment. But they’re not important to kill, so, regardless of what you decide to do in the forest, eventually exit the area to the north and select Jenai’s house on the world map. * ------------- * * Jenai’s House * * ------------- * There isn’t anything you can do outside the house yet, so simply head north and go inside. You’ll find yourself in a large room with lots of things to examine, so go ahead and touch everything except for the books, which will damage you. When you click on the small table in the middle of the room or the passages on either side, Rufius will appear and lead you into some sort of dining area. In the dining area you’ll find a table in the center with five dishes of food on it. Each dish will give you a temporary change to your ability scores, and you can eat two before Jenai arrives. Here are the effects: Bowl of broth : no change Plate of spinach : -5con, -5cha Plate of chicken : +5str, +5con Bowl of broccoli : +5str Cup of wine : +5con, +5cha When you talk to Jenai, you’ll learn that somebody has put a soul net over the islands, and that you’ll need five magicians in order to break it. You and Jenai are two of the magicians, so you’ll still need to find three more. You’ll also learn that Jenai doesn’t have any healing herbs for Tolip, but he’ll mention that you might have luck finding the “flower of life” in the orc forest, and he’ll suggest you take his apprentice with you to find it. Lastly, Jenai will mention that you might be able to find the Wand of Xar by visiting Veas the dragon on the Firewall Island. With all that information in hand, exit the house, taking Jenai’s apprentice Dadaskar with you if you want. Then circle around the house to the west, save your game, and click on the large rune stone. The magic word is “qmfbtf.” * --------------- * * Firewall Island * * --------------- * Notice that you can’t leave the island and that there are probably wolves nearby. The regular wolves shouldn’t be too bad but the shadow wolf might be a problem. So save your spells and dragon breath for the shadow wolf, and try to kill the other wolves using more mundane means. If you just can’t kill the wolves, then come back to this area later (or not at all; it’s optional). Once the wolves are dead, move east and enter the small cave (you can’t get to the large cave). You’ll be confronted by Veas the dragon, and he’ll tell you that you must pass a test before you can receive the Wand of Xar. The two tests (located to the northeast) are The Eight Soul Victims and the Fate of Five. The “soul” test involves battling zombies, skeletons, ghouls, and satyrs, and the “fate” test involves playing a card game. The card game is potentially much better (and I’ve never survived the other test) so choose the “fate” gate. The game works something like this: you receive five cards, and you must remove two to the left (by clicking on them and then moving them). Of the remaining three, you can either keep them face up or face down (by right clicking on them). Different cards give different permanent effects. Here are the effects: Card Face Up Face Down ---- ------- --------- Angel +1 protection -1 protection Black Bear +3 strength -3 strength Black Knight Move to “soul” test Nothing? Dungeon Lose object Option to try again Elf Face +3 charisma -3 charisma Fool -5 intelligence -3 intelligence Golden Dragon +3 dragon skills -3 dragon skills Horseshoe +1 attack, +1 defense -1 attack, -1 defense Idol +5 hitpoints -5 hitpoints Magic Wand +5 mana -5 mana Quiver Receive 10 arrows +2 No damage / ranged weapons Rainbow Receive 500-1000 gold Gold turns to silver Shooting Star Character healed Character reduced to 1 hp Solar Eclipse -5 dragon fear +5 dragon fear Solar Flare +10 dragon breath -10 dragon breath The cards that come up are random, so save your game before clicking on the table, and then keep trying until you get a combination you like. If you’re playing a warrior, then you should probably make sure one of the cards is the rainbow, just so you can repair your weapon. Once you leave the test, explore the rest of the cave before talking to Veas again. You’ll find some bones to the south, and when you click on the bones you’ll find (among other things) dragon scale armor and leather pants. Then talk to Veas to receive the Wand of Xar and to be teleported back to Jenai’s house. Note: The Wand of Xar is expensive to repair, so I always give it to a spellcaster companion (like Dadaskar), who can use the bonuses without damaging the weapon. If you need to do some shopping or repairing, visit Tolip. Otherwise just head to the orc forest. * ---------- * * Orc Forest * * ---------- * Near your starting position you should meet a berserk. He’ll be injured, and you can heal him with a healing potion if you have one. But if you do, he and a couple friends will return later to steal the “magic water” from you, and you’ll have to fight them. Roaming around the forest you’ll find some orcs and undead, but they should go down quickly if you get wounded enough to use your dragon powers. In the northeastern corner you’ll find three orcs pacing around a campfire. Once you kill two of the orcs, the third will ask for mercy, and you should grant it. As a reward, you’ll find out that the orcs are looking for healing herbs, too, and that they developed a special potion to deal with the lindworm that is guarding them. You’ll find the lindworm in the southeastern corner. There’s a slight possibility you can defeat the worm without the potion, but chances are you’ll have to use it. So select the potion from your inventory, and then click it on the lindworm. It’ll run away. Nearby you should see some white flowers. Click on them to receive a flower of life. If you helped the berserk before, he and his two friends will show up now in roughly the same place you saw the berserk before. So if you want, you can walk over there and kill them. Otherwise, simply exit the area to the east. Back in Tolip, give the flower of life to Shanui (on the northern side of the village) and receive two healing ointments and 186 experience points as a reward. Then do some shopping and repairing, and exit the area. Click on the forest south of Tolip on the world map. This forest is much like the orc forest, except without the berserks and the lindworm. So fight what you want and then exit the area to the south. The kobold village should now be available on the world map, so select it. * ---------------------- * * Kobold Village Ninigod * * ---------------------- * Like Tolip before it, you’ll find that Ninigod is mostly deserted when you first arrive. So explore the area but keep heading east. After you cross the river you should find the king’s hut. Talk to the king and he’ll ask you the hardest question he knows. Answering “xbufs” will prove you to the king somewhat, and it’ll cause a kobold girl to claim you as her own. Just let her follow you around. She’ll help in battles, and I don’t think she can get killed. Then talk to the war trainer on the left. You’ll have to defeat him and the other trainer to prove you can lead the kobold army. Once that is done, click on the war plan next to the king’s hut. You’ll be taken to an overhead view of the village, and you’ll have to “command” the kobold army. All the kobolds are in the upper right hand corner of the map, and what you need to do is click on a kobold to select it, and then click again to tell it where to go. Just keep sending the kobolds to one skeleton at a time, and they should win easily. Once the threat is ended, the village will come to life. At the northern end of the river you’ll meet the kobold thinker. He’ll offer to make something for you if you bring him a special metal that is harder than steel. (The metal is mithril, but you won’t find it for a while.) Crossing the nearby bridge you should find a kobold youngster. Call him a “big warrior” and you’ll match him up with the kobold girl. (She wouldn’t have left the village anyway, and this way you’ll receive 200 experience points.) Continuing west you’ll find three kobold elders. They’ll talk about a mighty warrior they met a few days ago, and they’ll suggest you find him in the old temple catacombs. (This conversation will open up the catacombs on the world map.) Continuing west some more you’ll run into the kobold shaman. Every time you enter the village in the future he’ll restock his potions, and so he’s a good source for healing potions later in the game. Once you’re ready to move on, exit the village and select the catacombs on the world map. * ---------------- * * Temple Catacombs * * ---------------- * The catacombs have three levels, plus the surface area. Mostly what you’ll do here is fight undead creatures and hunt for treasure. So just move around slowly, resting and saving between fights, and explore each level thoroughly. The main things of interest you should find are: 1. A large statue (first level, southeastern side). It requires two keys, which you’ll find on the second level. 2. A gold key (second level, northeastern corner, in barrel). 3. A bronze key (second level, northwestern corner, in chest). The chest is guarded by a bunch of small demons, so try to draw them out a couple at a time. Once you have both keys, use them on the statue on the first floor, and you’ll receive a jewel. The jewel doesn’t do anything. You can just sell it for gold. 4. Floorboards surrounded by candles (second level, western side). The stairs are blocked, so you have to use the floorboards to access the third level. The answer to the riddle is “bjs.” Note: Once you use the floorboards, you won’t be able to leave the third level until you’ve killed all the creatures in it. So if your weapon is heavily damaged, or if you need potions, run back to a town first and then tackle the third level. 5. Kendal (third level, northwestern corner). Kendal is the warrior the kobolds told you about. He’s being guarded by several satyrs and demons, so try to draw them to you one or two at a time. Then talk to the demon next to the table, who will proceed to attack you. Finally, talk to Kendal, who will offer to join your party. Note: Kendal will generate a special encounter in Dengard if he is in your party, so you might want to add him for a while even if you don’t plan to use him. Once you’ve rescued Kendal, go ahead and search the rest of the level if you want, but none of the chests can be opened. Then go back to the floorboards and answer the new riddle: “cpez.” That will take you to the surface area of the catacombs, and from there you can travel to Dengard, which was triggered by talking to Kendal. * ------- * * Dengard * * ------- * Dengard is made up of two parts. You start in the western part. Here are the points of interest: 1. The library (western part, western side). On the second floor you’ll find Mafestus. Even if you don’t want him you should invite him into your party long enough to grab his equipment. 2. The Magicians’ Guild (western part, western side). Outside the guild you’ll find a priest who will ask you to help the temple to the southwest (triggering a new location on the world map). Agree to the task but ask for more than the 20-gold reward so the priest will also offer you healing potions. Inside the guild you can buy magical equipment, but, more importantly, you can also get your weapons enchanted. Here are the enchantments: Damage +1 250g Damage +2 500g Damage +3 1250g Flame Magic 2500g Ice Magic 4000g Paralysis Magic 3000g Fright Magic 3000g Grim Reaper Magic 5000g Eventually you’ll want to purchase all the possible enchantments for your warriors’ weapons. 3. A tavern (western part, eastern side). Inside you can talk to a magician named Ranzlin Manere, who will tell you that his master lives on a nearby magic island. (The island is also called Magician’s Island and Ogre Island, and the conversation will trigger the port city of Seasalt to appear on the world map.) You can also talk to the bartender, who will tell you some stories for a bit of silver. Lastly, you can talk to Toralf and Mirbard from Tolip. They’ll tell you that Shanui the healer was killed, and that they’ve come to Dengard to ask her sister, Essende Whisperwall, to take her place. You’ll immediately be teleported to... 4. Essende Whisperwall (western part, southwestern side). Essende will tell you that she can’t take her sister’s place because she doesn’t have the knowledge. But if you can get her some books about healing, she’ll go to Tolip. So head on over to the library and ask about healing books. The librarian will tell you that a trader took the library’s healing books, and that he might have gone to Alest. (This conversation might also trigger the appearance of Seasalt.) 5. Two sailors (eastern part, southwestern side). The sailors will try to intimidate you into giving them some money. Don’t give them anything, and then the guards will arrest them. You’ll have to fight them later when you leave town, but they’re not very hard to kill. 6. A boy (eastern part, middle of area). If you talk to the boy, he’ll steal all of your money and disappear down a hatch into the sewers. The guards won’t let you follow, and so you’ll be stuck. But you can get your money back by talking to... 7. Gunter Kehlbaum (eastern part, northeastern side). If you have Kendal with you, Gunter and Kendal will have a conversation, and you’ll be whisked away to the thieves’ den. The master thief won’t care about Kendal’s story, and he’ll attack. This is a battle you can’t win, but it’s one you can profit from. Thieves will continually be generated, and if you can keep killing them you can keep looting their bodies. You can also search some of the areas of the den to pick up stuff. But eventually you’ll have to retreat to the stairs and leave. The thieves won’t follow. Note: If the boy robbed you, you’ll find what he took when you exit the den. 8. Ruins of a wall (eastern part, western side). If you click on the wall you’ll find some money. There is also a full complement of shops in Dengard, so once you’ve done what shopping and repairing you need to do, exit the area and select the forest to the southwest. This forest is just like the others, except you’ll meet Lothaniel on the northern edge of the path. He’s a scout / woodsman warrior, and he has a bow of accuracy plus 75 gold coins. Once you’re finished with the forest, exit the area to the west. * ------------ * * Temple Ishra * * ------------ * Inside the temple you’ll be ushered to Martik Siebeland, the leader of the order. He’ll elaborate that something has been going on in their cemetery, and he’ll suggest that their former leader, Pegran Garendorn, might be behind it. Explore the rest of the temple. None of the other people say anything interesting, and when it comes to the altars, don’t steal anything, and make an offering of ten gold coins (even though it doesn’t do anything that I know of). Then exit the temple and go to the cemetery. You’ll find a bunch of wimpy undead creatures wandering around the cemetery, and you’ll also find a priest next to the chapel. The priest will tell you to take the runes to Martik, and then he’ll die and turn into a ghoul. The game won’t let you go down into the crypt yet, so head back to the temple and talk to Martik. Martik will tell you that the runes can open doors to other dimensions, and he’ll ask you to bring them to the temple so he can better protect them from Pegran. So go back to the cemetery and enter the crypt. You’ll find the four runes in the four crypts there, but when you exit the crypt you’ll find Pegran waiting for you. It turns out he couldn’t enter the crypt to get the runes on his own, and so he devised a plan to have somebody else retrieve the runes for him. Oops. But Pegran isn’t difficult to kill, and once he’s dead just take the runes to Martik to complete the quest (going back to the priest in Dengard doesn’t accomplish anything). He’ll give you four healing potions as a reward. Note: You can also find a healing potion by searching the gravestones in the cemetery. Go back to Dengard for more shopping and repairing if you need to, and then head for Seasalt. * ------- * * Seasalt * * ------- * You don’t have a choice, so hand over your weapons when you enter the village. Then start exploring. Here are the points of interest: 1. A child (northwestern corner). Search the benches north of the child to find a diary. Don’t read it, and then give it to the child for a few experience points. 2. The harbormaster (eastern side). Talk to him to gain passage to Cyclops Island or Alest. 3. Lea Ironrail the weapons master (near center of village). She’ll offer you training, and it will work like in Tolip. If you can defeat her in one-on-one combat, you’ll receive +1 attack or +1 defense. (This is easier if you wait until you can carry your weapons in the city.) 4. Fundrun Schwersee the village elder (southeastern corner). Go ahead and talk to him, but he won’t give you your weapons back. 5. The peddler boy (near center of village). If you ask him about weapons, he’ll offer to sell you something, but you’ll have to go to the woodpile in the northwestern part of town to make the deal. When you get there, you’ll find the boy wounded, and when you heal him, the elder will come and the boy will admit to working with some local bandits. The elder will then recruit you to remove the bandits, and he’ll even volunteer to help you. (And he won’t take up a character slot.) Then, when you exit Seasalt, you’ll immediately appear in the bandit camp area. * ----------- * * Bandit Camp * * ----------- * You’ll start out fighting about a dozen bandits, but the village elder is pretty powerful, so let him do the bulk of the work. Once the bandits are dead, the elder will leave, but he’ll suggest you explore the rest of the area and claim all of the bandits’ equipment as your reward. So do just that. You’ll find three small camps in the area. Once you kill the bandits in the camps, click on the tents to receive some mostly useless equipment. The two important things to find in the area are both in the southeastern camp: a map to the witch’s forest (which triggers a new location to show up on the world map), and Skadavar the judge of swords. When you’re ready to move on, exit the area and select the new forest on the world map. Kill the trolls there, exit the forest to the west, and then select the witch’s forest on the world map. * -------------- * * Witch’s Forest * * -------------- * Near where you start out you’ll see an elf child. The child will claim to need your help, but it’s a trap. If you follow her, she’ll lead you to a few bandits, who should be easy to kill. About the same time a bunch of wolves will show up in the forest (both to the north and south), but they should be easy to kill as well. Once everything is dead, head south and click on the witch’s cottage. Then click on the witch, get thrown out of the cottage, and enter it again. This time you’ll meet Sylphe the witch, and she’ll agree to help you with the soul net. (One wizard down and two to go.) She’ll also suggest you head east to find the other wizards. So go back to Seasalt, where you’ll discover the town trusts you enough not to confiscate your weapons anymore, and use the harbormaster to go to Ogre Island. * ----------- * * Ogre Island * * ----------- * Say hello to the gargoyles that greet you on the island and then enter the cave to the north. You’ll find yourself in a large underground cavern. Moving east you’ll find a hell hound in a cage, but at the same time a cyclops will approach you. If you answer him correctly (chide him for needing help), you can fight the hell hound and cyclops separately. Otherwise you’ll have to face them at the same time. Then finish exploring the cavern. There isn’t much to see, really, except for a piece of mithril hidden in a skull on the eastern side. Obviously, no magician ever lived in the cave, and when you leave you’ll receive a new quest to find out why Ranzlin Manere lied to you. You can’t sail from Ogre Island to Alest (yet), so head back to the western island and visit the kobolds. The thinker will make a knife and fork for you when you give him the mithril, and if you talk to him again he’ll offer to make you a spoon if you find any more. (This is just a joke. There isn’t any more mithril in the game.) Then head back to Seasalt and sail for Alest. Along the way you’ll be attacked by orc pirates, but a couple area spells should handle them easily. * ----- * * Alest * * ----- * Alest is made up of three parts. You start in the eastern part. Here are the points of interest: 1. The library (eastern part, northern side). You can’t do much here at first, but later you can do research for a quest. 2. Lirina (eastern part, center of area, near fountain). When you approach Lirina, she’ll tell you that the elf mage from her clan would like to help with the soul net. All you have to do to get that help is escort Lirina back to her clan. Note: Lirina is a temporary character for your party, and you’ll have to deal with another temporary character after her. So you might want to decide at this point which three characters you like best, and simply dump the fourth (assuming you’ve been traveling with a full party). 3. The magic guild (eastern part, northwestern corner). The mage inside will play a role in a quest coming up. You can also enchant your weapons here. 4. The governor’s mansion (central part, northern side). 5. Towerwave Tavern (central part, northern side, west of governor’s mansion). 6. Arabam Humblestone the mine owner’s home (central part, middle of area). 7. The Prankster (western part, eastern side). 8. A merchant (western part, southwestern corner). When you accuse the merchant of taking the library books from Dengard, he’ll run off. Then just click on his cart to get the books. 9. Healer’s shop (western part, southwestern corner). Inside you can talk to Eleen, and, after flirting for a while, she’ll ask you to investigate the sudden contamination of the city’s water supply. 10. Goldlily Tavern (western part, near middle of area). When you go inside the first time, you’ll see a girl addressing the patrons. Shortly she’ll ask you to investigate the mines. Agree to her request. Then go talk to the mayor and agree to help with the mines again. Finally, talk to the mine owner. He’ll mention that he bought a strange diamond from Ranzlin Manere at the Towerwave Tavern, and that all the problems in the mine started after that. The diamond is actually a witchstone, and you can learn about it by going to the mage in the Magic Guild and then to the library. The conversations with the mayor and mine owner will have caused the mine to appear on the world map, so exit Alest and go to the mine. * ---- * * Mine * * ---- * The mine has five levels, and, for the most part, all you need to do is kill stuff and loot stuff. So explore slowly and carefully, and click on everything. The first level holds the solution to the contaminated water quest. If you examine the five barrels on the level you’ll discover that Alest’s apprentice magicians have been dumping their garbage in the mine, and that the garbage has been contaminating the city’s water supply. On the third level you’ll find a passage on the eastern side. In the cave beyond you’ll find an insane dwarf, but there doesn’t seem to be anything you can do for him. On the fourth level you’ll find a whole mess of demons and satyrs, so don’t go rushing off down the tunnel. Instead, hang around the elevator. The enemy creatures wander around enough that most will eventually find you, but they’ll only find you one or two at a time, making them easier to kill. Then, once you’ve killed everything, head east and notice the partially submerged passage. There is another level beyond the passage, so if your weapon is in bad shape at this point, go ahead and go back to Alest to get it fixed. Plus, if you’ve found a lot of magical equipment you don’t need, you can sell it to add enchantments to your weapon. On the last level you’ll finally find out what happened to the miners -- a banshee killed them. You’ll have to kill the banshee (on the eastern side) and this banshee will be more difficult than the one you might have faced in the temple catacombs. But just hit it with spells, and keep drinking healing potions as you need them, and eventually the banshee will go down. That’s it for the mine. Go back to Alest and tell the mine owner the bad news, and then go to the mayor and do the same thing with him. He’ll thank you for your deed, and he’ll give you a new quest: to act as a negotiator with the dwarves as the north. He’ll also tell you that the dwarven envoy, Grimwall Mountaincrusher, can be found in the Towerwave Tavern. But before taking on the new quest, let’s finish up some old ones. Your old friend Ranzlin Manere caused the problem with the mine, so go to the Towerwave Tavern (west of the governor’s mansion) and bribe the host to talk about him. (Ignore Grimwall for now.) The host will mention that Manere was in the tavern not long ago but left to go to the local brothel (the Prankster). So go to the Prankster and talk to the door guard. He’ll tell you that Manere was there for a while but left, probably to hang out at a tavern or fountain. You’ll find Manere at the fountain west of the Goldlily Tavern. You won’t have any control over the conversation that ensues, but you’ll scare the guy right off the Spellt Islands. Now head south and enter the healer’s shop. Talk to Eleen, then go to the eastern part of the city and talk to the mage in the Magic Guild, and then talk to Eleen again. That will finish off the quest. Finally, zip over to Dengard and talk to Essende (in the southwestern corner of the western half of the city). She’ll take the healing books and agree to become Tolip’s healer. Now you’re all set to begin working on a new quest, so head back to Alest and add Lirina to your party. That will trigger the ice elves location to appear on the world map, but you can’t go straight there. Instead you’ll be forced to make a pit stop at an elven village. * ------------- * * Elven Village * * ------------- * Here are the points of interest: 1. Painter (northeastern corner). If you bring the painter a magic flower, he’ll paint your soul. 2. Esenthalas and Irventhalas, architects (northwestern area). Look at both of their plans for the new school, and then suggest that the children decide which is best. The children are just to the south, but they’ll require you to answer a riddle before they’ll help. The answer is “usff.” (However, if you’re playing in quest mode, you might have to type in the German word for the answer: “cbvn.”) Then the children will decide that a combination of the plans is best, and you’ll receive over 5000 experience points. Note: If you click on the sandbox you’ll find an elf primer, but it doesn’t seem to do anything. 3. Hondor the human emissary of the dwarves (northern side). Talk to him and he’ll give you a sealed letter for Gurgor Fireaxe, the dwarven prince. He’ll also give you a password for the elven weapons and armor dealers that will allow you to purchase their items at half price. Then exit the village and select the ice elves again. Once again you won’t get there. This time you’ll have to stop in a forest first. So kill the orcs and barbarians there, and pick up the “magic plant” on the ground. (It looks like green balsam.) Then exit the forest to the east, which triggers a bridge to appear on the world map, but don’t go there yet. Instead go back to the elven village. When you give the plant to the painter, you’ll receive a pair of +1 attribute bonuses. But the attributes are random, so save before talking to the painter, to make sure you increase attributes that are useful to your character. Then make sure your party is completely rested before exiting the village and selecting the bridge on the world map. * --------- * * River Sin * * --------- * Save your game. You’ll find a nasty ice dragon in the area, and you’ll have to fight it so you can cross the bridge and get to the ice elves. Making things more difficult, you won’t be able to attack the dragon until you talk to it, and talking to it will cause your entire party to run up to it. So once combat begins, the first thing you should do is get your spellcasters away from the dragon so they don’t come under attack. Because of how the interface works, this means you’ll need to select a spellcaster (in solo mode), tell it to run a distance from the dragon, wait for it to get there, and then select the next spellcaster and repeat. Meanwhile, check up on your warriors and have them drink potions as they need them. Once your characters are in place, the battle shouldn’t be too bad, but if you have trouble just go back to the elven village and buy a bunch of healing and mana potions, and try again. Once the dragon is dead, loot the equipment it drops, and finally visit the ice elves. * --------- * * Ice Elves * * --------- * The cavern of the ice elves is a small place, with not much to see. None of the objects give you anything if you click on them, and there are only three elves of interest: 1. Rhinuviel (north of center lake). He’ll ask you to visit the dwarves and have them fix a lens. 2. Riunthalas (southern edge). He’s the magician you were looking for, and he’ll volunteer to help with the soul net. (Two magicians down; one to go.) 3. Anonymous elf (western side). He’ll let you use the Adventurer’s Shard. Before you can use the shard, you’ll have to solve a riddle. The answer is “fzftjhiu.” Then the shard will take you to the nomad camp, and Lirina will leave your party. (So make sure you grab all of her equipment first.) * ---------- * * Nomad Camp * * ---------- * You’ll immediately come under attack from a bunch of nomads, but they’ll all be grouped together so a few area affect spells should take care of them easily. Then explore the area. You’ll find a bunch of tents, and searching the tents will reveal magical equipment. However, each tent can generate one of three different objects, and so you should save before each tent to make sure you get the best of the three objects. The tents form a rough circle, so starting with the one at roughly 11:00 and traveling clockwise, this is the equipment you should look for: 1. Robe of the Archmage (7 protection, +5 intelligence, +3 constitution) 2. Master’s Bow (12-16 damage, +3 dexterity, +3 constitution) 3. Soul Blade (12-24 damage) 4. Staff of Quaking (8-14 damage) 5. Flush of Wrath (4-10 damage, +5 protection, +3 strength, +2 dexterity, -5 intelligence, +3 constitution) Once you’ve looted the tents, exit the area to re-appear in the ice elves cavern. Then travel back to Alest to talk to Grimwall Mountaincrusher (in the Towerwave Tavern, next to the governor’s mansion in the middle part of the city). Grimwall will tell you that the dwarves have been having problems with giants, and that he needs you to escort him to the castle of the dwarven king. Once he joins your party, he’ll also give you a horn of quaking, but you’ll have to solve a riddle in order to receive it. The answer is: “tvdl bjs cbdl uispvhi uif npvuqjfdf.” (You only need to type the first word in quest mode.) Then exit the city and select the dwarven king’s fortress on the world map. Of course, you won’t be able to go there yet. Like with the ice elves you’ll have to stop in a forest first. When you arrive in the forest you’ll be greeted by a dwarf patrol. They’ll tell you that a giant prisoner has been taken to Fortress Gerauort (causing that location to appear on the world map), and then they’ll leave. Like with other forests, all you have to do now is exit it in the direction that leads to other areas (north in this case), but along the way you can kill some giants and a titan. You can also talk to a tree (in the northwestern part of the area), but it doesn’t seem to lead to anything. When you leave the forest, you’ll have to make a choice about visiting the king or the fortress with the prisoner first. Choose the fortress. (I’ve heard if you visit the king first, you won’t be able to enter the fortress.) * ----------------- * * Fortress Gerauort * * ----------------- * Once you have control of your party again, talk to the dwarves and then interrogate the giant. He’ll tell you that a tower appeared in his lands, and that it caused the giants to act aggressively towards the dwarves. He’ll also mention that an undead army is heading for Falcon Valley. Agree to accompany a dwarf patrol to the valley. Before leaving, explore the fortress. In the barracks to the north you’ll find Gurgor Fireaxe, the dwarven prince. When you give him Honbor’s letter, you’ll receive 346 experience points. The other buildings in the fortress can’t be used, and there doesn’t seem to be any way (short of a lucky teleport?) to get the magic sword behind the barracks. Falcon Valley potentially involves a big battle, so save and rest up your party before going there. * ------------- * * Falcon Valley * * ------------- * When you arrive at the valley, you’ll find out an army of the undead is indeed closing in on the area, and that the dwarf patrol there needs some way to close the pass. The answer is your horn of quaking (that you got from Grimwall before), but you don’t have to use it yet. After a short pause, undead creatures will start appearing, and they’ll keep appearing until you use the horn. So go ahead and try to kill some, and once you’ve gotten enough experience, or once things start to look bad, use the horn (by right clicking on it). That will cause a chasm to appear and block the valley, and then you’ll only have to defeat the undead on your side of the chasm to end the threat. Note: The amount of experience you get for defeating the undead depends on how many dwarves survive. But each dwarf is only worth a little over 300 experience points, so you should get much more experience if you fight for a while first. (For example, death riders and banshees are both worth over 1000 experience.) Another note: If you use the horn of quaking and you get the message about an earthquake, but the chasm doesn’t appear, exit the game and then re-start it. Then the horn should work. Now you can head on over to the dwarven king’s castle. * --------------------- * * Dwarven King’s Castle * * --------------------- * This is a short encounter. Just talk to the king and he’ll suggest you investigate the tower that caused the giants to go berserk. You can also give the king the elven lens, and you’ll receive 1000 experience points for your effort. Then exit the area (losing Grimwall in the process) and go to the tower. * ------------- * * Cuafu’s Tower * * ------------- * You’ll see somebody rush off into the cellar, so follow him. He’ll turn out to be a “black magician,” and when you confront him he’ll conjure in a bunch of skeletons. So attack everything, and after the magician collapses to the floor, click on him to receive a scroll. The only other thing of interest in the cellar is a well. Each time you click on the well a water elemental will appear, and each new water elemental will be more powerful than the last. I don’t know if this eventually leads to anything or not, but you can click on the well for a while to gain experience. Back on the ground floor, search everything. In the desk you’ll find a book that will cast ice storm when you open it up (and won’t reveal much, so skip it if you want). You’ll also find a chest in between the coffins. When you click on it you’ll be asked a riddle -- the answer is “dfscfsvt” -- but answering correctly won’t be enough to open it. You’ll also have to cast the open locks spell on it. When you open the chest, two things will happen: three air elementals will appear and attack you, and a cat figurine will drop to the floor. So kill the elementals and then pick up the figurine. Only your main character can use the figurine, and once it does (by right clicking on it and answering with “eph”), it will turn into a cat and run up to the top floor of the tower, where it’ll have to do some fighting. (Turning into a cat allows you to bypass the apprentices on the second floor, which you might have heard about if you clicked on the staircase.) So make sure you’re rested before using the figurine. On the top floor you’ll meet Cuafu. He’ll quickly run away before you can attack him -- but not before leaving a couple of lindworms for you to deal with. Killing the lindworms will probably be difficult, but with enough potions and some lucky grim reaper strikes from your weapon, you should be able to do it. Once the lindworms are dead, explore the top floor. The two things of interest are: 1. Cuafu’s diary (on the table in the middle of the area). Reading it will trigger the appearance of Cuafu’s flying citadel on the world map. 2. The prescription and ingredients (on the northern table). Reading the prescription will reveal that you need to mix the “light weight” (feather oil) with the “directional control” (herb of the south), and then mix the resulting tincture with the “ingredients of gravity” (stone root). The ingredients should all have fallen to the floor with the prescription, so just pick them up and mix them together (by left clicking on an ingredient and then right clicking it on the ingredient you want to mix it with). You should end up with a potion of lightness, which you’ll need to enter the flying citadel. When you go down the stairs to the second floor, you’ll find the rest of your party waiting for you, badly damaged but alive. Go ahead and explore the floor if you want, and you might find some potions you can use. Then go back down to the first floor and exit the tower. If you need to buy potions or repair weapons, head back to a town and get those things done. Then select the flying citadel on the world map. * -------------- * * Flying Citadel * * -------------- * You’ll encounter Cuafu and three black magicians in the citadel, and then other creatures will join their cause as the fight ensues. The best strategy here is similar to the one with the ice dragon. Immediately take your entire party south so that the enemies have to go through your warriors in order to get to the spellcasters, and so all enemy spells hit your warriors. Then just have your warriors drink potions and do what they can to distract the enemies while your spellcasters pepper them with ice storms. Eventually everything will die, and at that point the game will take over. Cuafu will become the fifth magician, and he’ll help to pull down the soul net. Then the game will end, and you’ll finally discover the secret of the obelisk. Or not. ***************************************************************************** * Revision History * ***************************************************************************** July 6, 2002 ------------ Initial release. Includes everything up to Dengard. July 8, 2002 ------------ Completed the walkthrough. ***************************************************************************** * Permissions and Updates * ***************************************************************************** This guide may be posted on any web site as long as the text is not changed and as long as I am informed of the posting. I will always submit new versions to GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com) first, so if you are looking for the most up-to-date version of this guide, that is the place to look. ***** Copyright © 2002 by Steven W. Carter