-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I don't need, or want, your help. I am perfectly capable of writing this guide without you. Please stop sending me partial walkthroughs for specific areas of the game. Especially if it's already here. If you send me any more walkthroughs, I'll be mean and vulgar and I'll call you dirty names. I appreciate the time and effort you put into these mini-walkthroughs (although some of them look as if they were done in 15 seconds by banging one's head against the keyboard repeatedly--no offense, but please use a spell checker if you even consider writing another email), I really don't need your assistance, and if you want to be helpful, you'll have to write your own guide. I'm writing this guide so I can help others, and I'm not really being helpful if all I do is compile walkthroughs for specific sections. Anyone could do that. But by writing this myself, I can help you much more (although it takes a bit longer), because, unlike most of the people who have tried to help me, I can spell "character" and "you." But enough of that. Just stop sending me stuff. I don't want it. When I've done all I can for the guide, I will ask for your help if it is desired, and for those of you not too hurt and offended, then you can send it in again (but please, please, pleeeaaase use a spell checker!), and maybe I'll like it. On another note, if something isn't in the guide, like the stats for Bowser on the last fight, don't email me and ask what they are, because if it's not in the guide, I HAVEN'T DONE IT YET. So don't email me and ask about it. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ____ __ __ _ | _ \ __ _ _ __ ___ _ __ | \/ | __ _ _ __(_) ___ | |_) / _` | '_ \ / _ \ '__| | |\/| |/ _` | '__| |/ _ \ | __/ (_| | |_) | __/ | | | | | (_| | | | | (_) | |_| \__,_| .__/ \___|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\___/ |_| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- F O R T H E N I N T E N D O 6 4 E N T E R T A I N M E N T S Y S T E M -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- What's new? Lotsa stuff: • Removed fbgames.com from the hosting list! • Changed that thing at the top. This is not a real update. I'm just taking care of some legal issues. More to come later. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Current Mood: Tired, grouchy. Email me with something bad, and I'll be mean. Then again, by the time I get your email, I'll probably have gotten plenty of rest and such, so maybe you can email me and help make my day (and those of the end-of-the-day fools) suck. :P I'm also getting over a minor (but unidentified) illness, which comes with icky headaches and dizziness, so excuse my irritability and be happy I'm even doing this for you. Of course, it could be rabies...(The possibility exists. Don't ask.) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Guide Info: FAQ/Walkthrough for Paper Mario for the Nintendo 64™ Version 1.71 Written by SquidGirl Started: February 10, 2001 Released: February 11, 2001 Last Updated: March 5, 2001 Finished: --- Contact Info: Email: becky@chronosquid.com AIM: chronosquid ICQ: 91070341 Sites where this guide may be found: • http://www.cannoncity.com • http://www.cheatcc.com • http://www.cheatingplanet.com • http://www.chronosquid.com • http://www.gamefaqcentral.com • http://www.gamefaqs.com • http://www.gamespot.com • http://www.gamesteronline.com • http://www.neoseeker.com • http://www.rpgamer.com -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s : -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Introduction 2. Mini-Review (I) 3. Game Basics •Characters •Controls •Battle System (I) 4. Walkthrough •Introduction •Prologue •Chapter 1 •End of Chapter 1 •Chapter 2 •End of Chapter 2 •Chapter 3 (I) 5. Lists •Badges •Chuck Quizmo Questions & Answers •Enemies •Items •Key Items •Letters •Recipes •Skills •Star Piece Locations •Star Powers •Stores (I) 6. Side Quests (I) 7. Mini-Games & Fun Stuff (I) 8. Maps (I) 9. Codes (I)10. Secrets (I)11. FAQs (N)12. Coming Soon 13. Copyright & Contact Info (N)14. Naughty People List 15. Credits/Thanks 16. Update History (I) = Incomplete (N) = New -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. i n t r o d u c t i o n -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Hi, and welcome to my guide for Paper Mario for the N64. Since I'm writing this during my first trip through the game, I give you no promise as to the completeness of it. But once I play through the game a few more times, I'm pretty sure I'll have found everything. But until then, deal with my incompleteness. And if you find something that I missed, send it my way. But make sure it's not here first. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2. m i n i - r e v i e w -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Paper Mario is definitely one of the better N64 games that I own, which isn't really saying much, considering my limited collection, but it's still a great game. Graphics: 10/10 - The 2D characters in the 3D world is a unique and interesting setup, and definitely a cool one, although it's a bit hard to get used to at first. Sound: 10/10 - The old Mario themes are back, along with some cool sound effects and new tunes. Story: 8/10 - Very typical Mario story, but this one is also kind of like the first Mario RPG. The addition of the Star Rod is pretty much the only thing that keeps the story score high. Gameplay: 10/10 - A neato-cool battle system, and lotsa fun stuff to look for, as well as easy control, makes the gameplay great. Rent/Buy? Buy. Unless RPGs aren't normally your style. This game is definitely worth purchasing. So do it! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3. g a m e b a s i c s -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- • c h a r a c t e r s -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mario: The main character (as usual), Mario is defined by his jump attacks and hammer usage. He's out to save the world once more, so take good care of him, okay? Goombario: The first party member you'll join up with, Goombario uses his hard head to do damage. He joins up with Mario near the beginning of the game, leaving his hometown of Goomba Village and living the life he's always dreamed of. Bowser: Mario's arch-enemy and all that. This time, he stole the Star Rod. I hate when that happens. So now you've gotta get big and strong and kick his butt. Kammy Koopa: Bowser's sidekick. She's evil. She's powerful. She's a MagiKoopa. She's not very nice. Wait. I said that already. Kooper: The second party member you'll get, Kooper the blue-shelled Koopa wants to be an archaeologist like his neighbor and idol, Kolorado. He'll join up with Mario just to see a bit of the world, then it's off to join Kolorado. He's pretty handy with his shell, so anybody in his way should probably move... Bombette: Mario's third companion, and a rather explosive one. You pick her up in Koopa Bros. Fortress, and uses her ability to blow up whenever she feels like doing so to help Mario. Parakarry: The mail carrier of Mushroom Kingdom, and Mario's fourth comrade. You'll pick him up on Mt. Rugged after you find some of his letters. Like Kooper, he's a useful guy when it comes to whacking people with shells. Bow: Party member #5. Bow joins Mario when he visits her mansion. She just wants to beat up Tubba Blubba, but she has a mean slap. Very useful. Jr. Troopa: A feisty little bugger that just won't go away. You'll fight him a lot. Get used to it. Maybe he'll go away eventually... I'll add some more characters, and a little bit more info on what I've got now, another time. I think this is enough for now, don't you? I mean, I know these descriptions are bad, but I took about 6 seconds for each of them, and that includes fixing typos and all that. So that's enough until the walkthrough bit is done. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- • c o n t r o l s -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Uh...Some day. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- • b a t t l e s y s t e m -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- See above. Same as controls. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 4. w a l k t h r o u g h -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- • i n t r o d u c t i o n -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The game opens at Mario's house, with a letter arriving by Parakarry. Luigi will go out to get it, then go back into the house, and read it to Mario. For those of you who missed what it said: "I'm throwing a party at my castle today! Mario and Luigi, I would be honored if you both could attend. Many guests from distant towns are hoping to meet you. There will be tasty sweets and all kinds of entertainment! I hope to see you here soon!" Sincerely, Peach Of course they're gonna go (I think it's the food that convinced them to go...^_^), so just watch as Mario and Luigi go through a pipe in the classic plumber method (my plumbers always get to my house like this...do yours?) and end up in Toad Town. They'll go to the castle (looks kinda like it did in Super Mario 64, doesn't it?), then split up. You'll gain control of Mario. Now you can either talk to the guests or just head up to see Princess Peach. Some of the guests might have something interesting to say, but I don't really know, because after about the third one telling me that Peach was in her private room, I just went up. So, anyway, go through the large star door at the top of the stairs. The guests here seem to think Mario and Peach would make a cute couple, but other than that, they don't have anything worth hearing, so head on out through the next big star door. Walk up the stairs, down the hall, and through yet another star door. Cross the room, and you'll run into Peach. They'll talk for a bit, then she'll suggest they go outside to talk. Just as they're about ot leave, the room will start to shake, and suddenly Bowser will appear with a few of his cronies. After a quick chat, Bowser will challenge Mario. This is a pretty easy battle, but here's my boss strategy anyway. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- B O S S B A T T L E : B O W S E R HP: 3 Attack: 1/3 Defense: 0/1 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Of the 3 commands currently shown, 'Jump' is the only one you can use, so use it. If you successfully smack Bowser 3 times, he'll whip out the Star Rod and power himself up. That's where the numbers after the / come from. The power up. Yep. Mario isn't strong enough to hurt him now, so all he can do is attack Bowser (for no damage) twice, at which point Bowser will laugh, and torch Mario, who will fall at Peach's feet. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- When the battle is over, Mario will be lying on the ground. Bowser will use the Star Rod to blow him out the window, leaving Peach in despair. After falling for a bit, Mario will land, ending the introduction. Now, wasn't that fun? -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- • p r o l o g u e : A Plea from the Stars -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- If you hadn't figured it out yet, all you have to do to get started here is press a button. The first thing you'll see is Mario, lying on the ground. As you watch, 7 stars will pop up and begin circling Mario, then decide that he'll be fine if given time. They'll use their power to help him recover, then vanish. As soon as they leave, a tiny little female Goomba will show up, muttering to herself about seeing things fall. She'll spot Mario, try to wake him up, and, after failing, call her family for assistance. Mario will end up in a house, and as he sleeps, one of the stars will appear again. As you'll learn from what he says, his name is Eldstar, and he's a Star Spirit. He has something to tell Mario, but as he isn't strong enough, you'll have to go to Shooting Star Summit in order to hear it. After saying this, Eldstar will disappear, and mario will wake up. As soon as he does, a Toad will show up. As you'll learn from him, you're currently in Goomba Village, which is just west of Toad Town. The only residents are the Toad and a single family of Goombas. But that's beside the point. Mario will mention Eldstar, and the Toad will say it was either a dream or a message from a Star Spirit, the likes of which live in Star Haven. Head outside, then over to the Goombas' House (it's not hard to miss - it's the only other building in town), unless you wanna talk to the various Goomas running around outside. They don't have much to say, so if you're done talking to them (or if you decided not to), go inside the house (you can talk to the Goomba here if you want), and out through the back door. Goompa's out here fixing the veranda, which broke after the earthquake that accompanied Bowser's arrival. Now, go back out through the front door, and one of the Goomba kids will tell you that the gate (which was also undergoing minor repairs as a result of the earthquake) is now fixed, so go on over there. Juse as you're about to leave, a Magikoopa on a broomstick will show up. She'll tell you her name (Kammy Koopa), say a few nice things about Bowser, drop a block on the gate, and fly off. So now you're stuck in Goomba Village. The father of the Goomba family will tell you that in order to get out, you'll need to get the hammer to break the block. Goompa's got that, so head on out to the veranda to borrow the hammer from him. As soon as you step outside, Mario will realize he's standing on thin air. He'll go through a rather comical (but rather typical) falling action, and land (paper-style) on the ground, beside the missing veranda. Go to the right to find Goompa and another block, this one barring the path back to the village. The only way you'll get out of here is if you find the hammer, so go look for it. Head on out through the left side. Search the various bushes around here to find some moolah, and the one at the end of the path is hiding the Hammer. Now you can break blocks and smack trees! Hit the trees around here to find some more coins and a Doll that looks like Princess Peach, then hit the blocks scattered around here for more money. You can also save your game. When you're done, go back to the right. Goompa will lead the way. As soon as he does, he'll come flying back. Following him will be a young creature with a shell, which will claim that the area you just emptied of loot is his playground. And nobody's allowed in his playground without permission. So now you've gotta fight Master Jr. Troopa. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- B O S S B A T T L E : J R . T R O O P A HP: 5 Attack: 1 Defense: 0 SP: 20 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This time you can use your hammer, too. So bop him and jump on him until he runs out of HP. Then he'll run away. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- When you're done with Master Jr. Troopa, go to the right and break the blocks here for some easy money and a way out. So go out. The first thing you'll see here is a Heart Block, so hit it if you're running low on HP. Then move on down the road (if you jump on the spring board, you can net an easy 5 coins and a Fire Flower) and out the other side. If you move down the road here, you'll run into your first enemies. Now, First Strike is very important here, so jump on them or whack them with your hammer. The first enemy you'll encounter is a Goomba. These guys are easy to beat. Then you'll get into Spiked Goombas and Paragoombas. These guys are a bit harder, but if you die to one of them you should be ashamed of yourself. See the enemy list for some basic strategies if you're really that bad at the game. If you hop up the various levels, you can get some cash out of the tree and your first Star Piece at the end of the path. Yay! Grab these things, then follow the path to the right, and end up back in Goomba Village. After a bit of chatting, Goompa will run off to get something, and you'll be left alone with the kids. If you give Goombaria her doll, she'll give you another Star Piece and a heart. Then Goompa will show up again and give you the Power Jump Badge. Unless you think you can figure it out on your own, you'd better see the tutorial, because I'm not gonna type all that out just yet. Maybe in another version. But anyway, watch the tutorial. When that's all done, and after a bit more talk, Goombario will join your party. Yay! If you haven't done so already, equip the Power Jump Badge, then head back to Toad's house for a quick rest. Then it's time to save your game and knock that block out of your path. You should also whack that tree in the upper- right corner of town for a Goomba Nut. When that's all done and over with, head out. The path here is pretty straight forward, so read the sign, fight the Goomba, get the mushroom, fight the rest of the Goombas, Get the money out of the ? blocks, and head on out through the right side. Same holds true for the next path, but there's a red ? box here instead, which contains a Close Call Badge. Equip it, then move on down the path, hit the Heart Box if you need to (and you probably do), and go on to the next screen. When you get here, you'll see a springboard. As you move forward, 2 colored Goombas will show up. You'll have to fight them. Oh, the horror. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- B O S S B A T T L E : G O O M B A B R O S . (Blue Goomba) HP: 6 Attack: 1 Defense: 0 SP: 10 (Red Goomba) HP: 7 Attack: 1 Defense: 0 SP: 10 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tattle: (Blue) "This is Blue Goomba. He's the younger of the 2 notorious Goomba Bros. As you heard in his little speech, he's one of the Goomba King's men. He doesn't look that healthy. He's weaker than his brother. (Red) "This is Red Goomba. He's the older of the 2 notorious Goomba Bros. The Goomba King hired him to try to stop you. You can take this guy, no prob. He has just a little more HP than an ordinary Goomba. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- These guys are easy to beat. Just hit them with your Hammer or Jump Attack, and use Goombario to Headbonk them. Now, wasn't that simple? -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- When you're done with them, go around the platform to find a Save Point. Now is probably a good time to save your game, so save it. Then take the springboard up and go right. After a bit of pointless talk, you'll have to fight King Goomba. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- B O S S B A T T L E : K I N G G O O M B A (King Goomba) HP: 10 Attack: 1 Defense: 0 SP: 10 (Blue Goomba) HP: 2 Attack: 1 Defense: 0 SP: 10 (Red Goomba) HP: 2 Attack: 1 Defense: 0 SP: 10 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tattle: (Goomba King) "This is the Goomba King. He's really big. I mean, look at him! He looks really powerful. He's the boss of the Red Goomba and Blue Goomba. Who cares if he's strong? You're much stronger. I wonder what he ate to become so big? I'd like to be a bit bigger, too." (Blue/Red Goomba) - Incomplete -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Yet another simple battle, but be warned - King Goomba has as much HP as Mario does, and if you aren't paying attention, he might beat you. Just knock out the Goomba Bros. first, then hit the big guy with your Power Jump. If you run out of FP, use the Goomba Nut. When you run out again, you can use the Fire Flower for another 3 damage. It shouldn't take more than 4 turns to finish this battle. Also, when you're done with the li'l guys, you can attack the Goomnut tree beside King Goomba to knock a Goomnut down onto his sore spot and cause 4 points of damage, shortening the battle. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- When this is over, you'll probably level up. Choose which area you'd like to focus on. It's a tough choice, but for now, I'd recommend HP or FP. BP will come later. After doing that, go listen at the door by standing beside it and pressing A, or just go hit the first bush to reveal a switch. Hit the tree for a Star Piece, then hit the switch with your hammer. The castle will shake and fall apart, forming a bridge. Go through the bottom part of the castle and over the bridge, get the coin out of the tree, and leave. You'll see Kammy Koopa flying off, and a Save Screen will appear. It would probably be a good idea to save, so do that, and the screen will disappear, revealing Bowser's castle. Kammy will fly into it, and you'll observe a quick scene in which Kammy will tell Bowser about Mario's progress. You'll learn about a Star Spirit at Koopa Bros. Fortress, then the Koopa Bros. (the coolest of cool!) will arrive, show off their move to Bowser, and scurry back to the fortress. When you gain control of Mario again, go down the tiers of terrain and head left, hitting the ? box for a Sleepy Sheep. Then go right, knock a springboard out of the tree, bounce on to the roof, and grab the Hammer Throw Badge out of the chest. Go back down and through the pavilion-type thing, and enter Toad Town. You'll be greeted by a Toad. When you finish talking to him, there are lots of things for you to do. Basically, what you've gotta (or what you can) do is this: -Go to Russ T.'s house and listen to him ramble about stuff. -Talk to various residents -Go to Mario's house through the pipe near the entrance -Go shopping at the Shroom Grocery store -Go visit the Toad Family in the lower-left corner -Head over to the right side of town -Knock a Star Piece out of the tree -Talk to more civilians -Save your game -Rest at the Toad House -Go up through the Star Door When you've done all that, you _should_ be at the former location of Peach's castle. If you're not, go up through the Star Door. Make your way to Star Summit (move right a lot and take the upper path), and climb the mountain to meet Eldstar. When you reach the top, the other Star Spirits will appear, and they'll tell you about Bowser's invasion of Star Haven and about the Star Rod. When they run out of power, they'll leave, and you'll be treated to another cutscene of Peach. Watch this, see Twink, and regain control of Mario. Now, go back out to where the path split and take the lower path. You can have your fortune read by Merluvlee, or you can go up stairs and trade Star Pieces for Badges with Merlow. When you're done there, go back to Toad Town. As you leave the screen in which the path split, Twink will come flying out of nowhere and smack Mario in the head. He'll give Mario the Lucky Star that Peach told him to deliver, then offer to tell you a bit about the Action Command. Listen to what he has to say, and train for a bit, because it's kinda hard to get the timing down on this thing. When you finish up with that, a Magikoopa will show up. Fight him, and when that's all over, head back to Toad Town. When you arrive, a Toad will tell you that Merlon is waiting for you, so go visit him. His house is the one with the stars and all that. Knock a few times, and the door will bang open, knocking Mario over. Merlon will tell Mario a long story, and when that's all done and over with, tell you where you need to go, and which path (East) leads to it. So go outside, and go to the East path, which is blocked. Uh-oh! Anyway, now you can wander around a bit more. You might want to go to the Dojo - that's the building with the stairs on the first screen. At the Dojo, talk to The Master and say you are there to try. He'll pit you against Chan. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- B O S S B A T T L E : C H A N HP: 15 Attack: 2 Defense: 2 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tattle: "This is Chan, of the Dojo. He's training under The Master, and is happy to fight us." - Incomplete -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Chan is incredibly easy to beat - just Jump on him so he flips, then Jump and Headbonk him until he runs out of HP. You shouldn't lose any HP in this fight. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- You'll earn the First Degree Badge for defeatign Chan. If you want to, try again, and you'll get to fight Lee. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- B O S S B A T T L E : L E E HP: 20 Attack: 5 Defense: 0 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tattle: (Lee) "This is Lee, of the Dojo. He's training under The Master and is happy to fight us. He has mastered the art of disguise, so don't let is faze you when he suddenly mirrors us. Remember, he can't stay disguised forever. Don't let his strange tactics throw you off guard, no matter how many times he transforms." (Goombario) "It's Lee disguised as me. His Max HP is 20. Do I really look like that? No way... He'll use Headbonk and Tattle. He has the same skills as me. Of course, I'm much better looking and more debonair. And I hope that I'm stronger!" (Mario) Incomplete -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Lee is a bit harder to defeat than Chan, but just use your Attack Commands and he'll be a cinch. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Lee will earn you the Second Degree Badge, and if you want to, try against The Master. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- B O S S B A T T L E : T H E M A S T E R HP: 50 Attack: 6 Defense: 0 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tattle: "This is The Master. He owns the Dojo--and he's the strongest member. If he's the best in the Dojo, he must be pretty tough!" -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- OK, this guy is hard right now. Later in the game, after you have the Super Hammer, Parakarry, more badges, and Whacka's bump, come back and get him. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- When you're done here, head back to Mario's house or Toad House for a nap, then go see Merlon again. He'll go to see about the dark Toads blocking the East path. Follow him. Turns out they're the Koopa Bros. Why am I not surprised? Anyway, they'll scurry off to their fortress. Merlon will say a few things, then go away, leaving you to chase the Koopa Bros. Save your game (unless you're the risky type), and you're ready to start Chapter 1. So move on out and down the path and all that. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- • c h a p t e r 1 : Storming Koopa Bros. Fortress -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- By this time, you should have a general concept of the battle system and all that, so I'll ease up on the boss strategies a bit and all that. When you start Chapter 1, you'll be on a path. Move on down it, stopping to fight Koopa Troopas along the way and hitting the various blocks for money, items, and badges. You can pick up a Dizzy Attack Badge and a Fright Jar on this stretch, so do that, then move on. On the next section of road, you can get a POW Block and a tree. Hit the tree to bring down a bridge, then cross over, and pick up the Sleepy Sheep (it's behind the fence), some money, and lots and lots of SP if you fight all the fun little beasties. So do that. Because SP is good. If you take the lower path that goes backwards,you can see a Star Piece on an island there, but you can't get it yet, so ignore it for now and move on up, making sure to hit the blocks. Keep moving along. There's a Honey Syrup behind one of the striped things, and two paths you can take. For now, take the one that goes down - you'll need something from here before you can go the other way. So move on down, hit the blocks if you're up wid dat, and go into Koopa Village. The Koopas here seem to have a major problem - Fuzzies. As soon as the guy who greets you finishes speaking, one of them will pop up and steal his shell. It's up to you, as Mario, to recover it. So do it. You'll have to chase after it and jump on it or hit it with your Hammer. So you do that. Now, wander around a bit. You can rest in the Toad House, help the various Koopas running around without shells, go into Koopa's Shop and stock up on supplies (remember - you can only carry 10 items at once, and you'll need some of that space later, so have the Shopkeeper Check some of that for you), get a Koopa Leaf, a Dried Shroom, and some cash out of various bushes, and visit with the Bob-ombs. So go do it. Visit people. Buy things. Rest. Save shells (There are 3 Koopas in need here). Then move on to the next section of town. There are more Koopas to save here (2, to be exact), and people to visit. You can go visit Kolorado's wife, or you can hit the tree at the far end to knock a Fuzzy out of there. But your main goals for now should be getting the Koopa Leaf out of the first bush, and visiting the shaking house. After you grab that leaf, go knock on the door to the shaking house. A young shell-less Koopa will come out, and, like everyone else in Mushroom Kingdom seems to do, recognize Mario. He'll then ask Mario to help him out, and of course, Mario being the nice guy that he is, will accept it. Or, rather, you, having looked at my guide for advice, will accept it, because that's what I'm advising you to do. The Koopa (whose name is Kooper - creative, no?) will wait outside for Mario while Mario takes on the Fuzzy. As soon as you step into Kooper's house, the Fuzzy will bounce out the back, leaving Mario no option other than to follow. So follow. Move down the path (fighting Fuzzies along the way), and ignore that heart on the stump for now. You can't get it yet, so don't bother trying. Just move on, follow the Fuzzy. When you get to the area with 4 trees, you'll get to play a little game with the Fuzzy. Ever play the ball and cup game, where there's a ball under one cup and 2 empty cups, and the three cups are switched around, then you have to guess which one the ball is under? This is basically like that...except now the ball moves and the trees stay put. The game isn't really that hard at first (just follow the blue thing with your eyes), and the second time, it's still fairly simple. The third time's the killer, and you'll have to watch carefully to see which one it lands in. I don't know about the rest of you, but the order I found it in was 1, 3, 3. After you get the shell, head back to Kooper's house. As you try to exit the screen, Kooper will show up, saying that he will take a stand against the Fuzzies. Too late. Give him his shell, and he'll join your party. Try to leave again. The Fuzzies will come back to fight. It's an easy battle. Now that that's over, it's time to go. Head back towards Kooper's place. Remember that stump with the badge on it that you saw earlier? This is where Kooper comes in. Hop up on the taller of the two stumps beside the one with the badge on it (you'll have to use the first one for a step), and use Kooper's shell ability to retrieve the badge. Yay! You now have the HP Plus Badge! You are sooooooooo special! Time to move on. Now, really go back to down. Rest, save, and visit the elder. He'll ask for a favor. Of course, being Mario, you're obligated to do it. So do it. It's a really easy task. You only need to get him a book from Kolorado's house. So go over to Kolorado's house and talk to the weird looking bird-lady-Koopa thing there. She'll get the book for you. Head back over to the elder's house and give it to Koopa Koot, who will reward you with the whopping sum of 1 gold coin. It's the thought that counts. Now, head back out into town. You can grab a Star Piece off of the block in the center of town (2nd part) that you got a Koopa shell off of earlier (just push the blue block under it), and another Koopa Leaf from a bush in part 1. That's all you can do now, so it's time to go. Leave town and go up the steps formed by the various land form structure things there. When you reach the top, go left, and go back, taking the lower path. You'll have to fight a few enemies again. That's okay...nothin' wrong with earning SP. When you reach the end of the lower path, with the island and Star Piece, use Kooper to get it. The shell kick think, y'know? Now you can go back over to the right, and take the bridge to the right instead of going down the step path thing you used to get to Koopa Village. If you move down the path a bit, you'll see a cluster of 5 coins. As you move in to get them, a Paratroopa will leap out, and you'll have to fight it. The horror! It's an easy win. Just jump on him. Then, move to the edge of the cliff, kick Kooper into the block you see there, and move down. At the bottom, pick up the Thunder Bolt that just fell off the block you had Kooper hit, and move again to the end of the cliff. You can see a (!) switch across the river, so it's time to put Kooper to use once more. He'll hit it, a bridge will appear, you should cross it, and then it's on to the final road before you get to Koopa Bros. Fortress. There's a Star Piece in the first tree here, so whack it with your Hammer and grab that sucka. Then fight the various Koopas flying about here, hit the Heart Block at the end, and prepare to enter Koopa Bros. Fortress. Cross over to the next screen. Save your game (unless you're a risktaker), and walk towards the fortress. As you reach the door, the Black Koopa Bro will come out of the building. He'll see Mario, then run off to tell Red Koopa. Go on into the fortress. In the first room, all you need to do is fight the Troopa Koopa patrolling in front of the door. Once you get the key from him, unlock the door, and move on through. You can't do anything in the next room, or in the room after (except fight a few Troopas), so move on to yet another room. This one has a slightly more interesting setup. Fight the Troopa patrolling by the door, and his death will bring about the coming of a switch. Hit the switch. Then go down the stairs, and head to the left. When you get here, the doors will all move up the walls. You're stuck here until you defeat all of the enemies. Well, that's no problem (you should be defeating every enemy you see anyway), so the doors will soon return back to normal. Then, take the left doorway, avoid spinning fire things (you can jump over them), and grab the key. Make your way back to the right, and into the room with the falling stairs. Now take the right entrance. There's really not much to do here just yet, but have a quick look around before going back upstairs. Once upstairs again, head through the locked door on the right side. You'll end up in a large, strange shaped room, but before you'll realize this, you're treated to a quick cutscene with Yellow Koopa. He seems to be setting a trap of some sort. No matter. Move on up the ramp and hit the ? Block. You will trigger the trap, and Mario (and whichever party member currently with him) will fall into the room you saw a few minutes ago (the one with all the caged Bob-ombs). Now that you're in here, talk to the pink Bob-omb beside you. She'll tell you her name (Bombette), and if you say you'll help, she'll join your party. Yay! Use her to blow up the crack in the wall, then head out. As you're leaving, a Koopa Troopa and 2 Bob-ombs will show up and try to stop you. Another easy fight. When that's over, go back upstairs and through the door at the bottom (south) of the room. Save. Whee. Now, go back inside the fortress and head to the right. There's a crack in the wall. Send Bombette into it. Go through it. See that chest? Open it. You can get a Refund Badge out of there. Now go back in. Go back out the way you came until you're in the second room of the fortress. Y'know, the one with all the prison thingies in it. Send Bombette into the one on the far right with the crack, then head on in and grab your key. Send her into the next one to the left, and you can net a Power Bounce Badge. Now go over to the right until you reach the room with the ramp. Climb up the ramp again. There's a door at the top. Go through it. Kick Paratroopa butt, then head over to the locked door and go through it. Time to break out ol' Kooper. Switch to him, then punt him into the switch. Cross the blocks until the large vertical one is in your way, then turn and punt the switch again. Cross the spot where the vertical was, and kick Kooper into the switch on the other side. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. Follow this pattern until you reach the stairs on the other side, then climb them and go into the door. Beat down the Koopa Troopa here and hit the switch. The stairs will lower. Go down them. Jump up onto the block. Switch to Bombette and bomb that crack. Go through it. Grab the key, leave, go back up the stairs, and open that locked door at the top of the stairs. Go through the door, smack that switch like there's no tomorrow, and watch the stairs rise. Go kick Koopa Troopa butt, then climb the stairs and the ramp. Go all the way up (ignore the door for now), take out that Bob-omb, and get the Smash Charge Badge at the top. Now go through the door and you'll run into the Koopa Bros. They'll start firing torpedoes at you, so scurry for those stairs, use Bombette on that big block, and get yourself some Maple Syrup. Now, go up the stairs again, and prepare to fight Bullet Bills. When you get to the end of the line of Bullet Bills, you get to fight the Bill Blasters. Yay! When that's over, go backwards a bit and down the stairs. Hit the Star Block and save your game. Now climb back up and go in through the door. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- B O S S B A T T L E : B O W S E R ? ? ? HP: 10 Attack: 1 Defense: 1 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tattle: "Bowser...? But he looks kind of...lame. I mean, he's lame anyway, but... Does Bowser really look like this? I always imagined him looking, well, a lot scarier." -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This obviously isn't Bowser, but it's easy to beat him...just do your attack command and all that. When the battle's over, Bowser will burst apart and reveal the Koopa Bros. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- B O S S B A T T L E : K O O P A B R O S . HP: 10 Attack: 1 Defense: 1 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tattle: "The Koopa Bros. have formed a tall Koopa tower! They do a spinning attack with the whole gang piled high atop one another. Hit 'em with a Hammer or something to make 'em unstable. After that, any attack should knock 'em down. If you use an explosion, you can make 'em fall down at once. If you flip 'em over, the battle will nearly be ours! Beat 'em one by one!" -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- These guys are hard, so watch it. Use Bombette to knock 'em over, then use Mario to rush in and Jump on them. They'll die eventually. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- When the battles finally end, a card will show up, and you'll free Eldstar. Congratulations. You've finished Chapter 1. Now, save your game, and prepare for the next section. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- • e n d o f c h a p t e r 1 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Before moving on to Chapter 2, you get to see the princess again. She's hanging out in her room with Twink, worrying about Mario. As she plans her escape, she remembers someone telling her about a secret passageway. So it's up to you to help her find it. Take control of Peach. That fire looks rather suspicious, eh? So go check out the painting to the right of it. You'll open up a secret passageway in the fireplace. Couldn't they have at least made it somewhere uncommon? Go down the hall and hit that button at the end of it. You'll end up in a secret room. The door's locked, so all you can do is read the diary on the table on the left side of the room. Turns out the diary belongs to Bowser...so read away, and learn stuff. Like where the next Star Spirit is (Dry Dry Ruins in Dry Dry Desert). As soon as you finish, Bowser will barge in and catch the Princess. The guards will appear to take Peach back to her room, leaving Twink to deliver the message to Mario. Now you can see Mario again, talking to Eldstar. Mario will gain Eldstar's power! Sweet! Now, watch the tutorial Eldstar offers. When that's over, you'll learn about the Star Beam, then Eldstar will go back to Star Haven. So go back towards Koopa Village. On the screen right before the Koopa Fortress, there's a cracked wall. Use Bombette on it, and go down the pipe. Go to the right and grab the FP Plus Badge out of that chest, then go back to the screen with the pipe. Uh-oh... Mario's too short to reach the pipe! See the complete lack of fence at the bottom? Jump down. Voila. Back where you started. Now, go back to Toad Town. On your way there, you'll run into Jr. Troopa again. Remember the little guy from the prologue? He's back. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- B O S S B A T T L E : J R . T R O O P A HP: 15 Attack: 2 Defense: 1 SP: 20 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tattle: "What was his name? Jr. Troopa? I don't remember exactly... ...Just joking, kid! He looks so adorable hiding in his egg, doesn't he? So cute! It should be a snap to beat him now. ...I think." -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- His new move is kinda useless...it only blocks 1 point of damage. So charge up your hammer and whop him. The best party member to use for this is Bombette, so if you don't have her already, switch early on, so she can use her Bomb attack on him. You should be able to beat him with no trouble. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- When the battle's over, continue on to Toad Town. As soon as you step foot into the town, Twink will show up to deliver his message. Now, you can wander around town a bit before moving on. Do some shopping, get some rest, and find out where you have to go next. BTW, there's now a Badge Shop in the lower left corner on the right side of town. When you're done with all your shopping, take the South Exit to the formerly blocked path. Now that the way is clear, Mario can do his thing. Yay! So go visit Tayce T. and have her turn your Honey Syrups, Koopa Leaves, and Mushrooms into cool items. When you're done there, head back out. Wander around the new section of town about, then head south from the first area of it to get to the Train Station. But before you do, talk to the Bub-ulb near the exit to get a Magical Seed from him, and give that to Minh T. in the Town Garden. When you've done that, go to the train station, use Bombette to knock out that rock on the tracks, and hop on the train to Mt. Rugged. Yay for Chapter 2! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- • c h a p t e r 2 : The Mystery of Dry Dry Ruins -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I dunno about you, but the first thing I'd do upon arrival at Mt. Rugged is save. So, save, then it's time to head over Mt. Rugged to get to Dry Dry Desert. Also, search the bushes for some cash and an Egg. Then it's time to climb the mountain. There's not much you can do yet other than just following the arrows, so do that. Not far from the bottom, you'll run into Parakarry. He's lost a letter on Mt. Rugged, so, as Mario, it's your job to help him find it. So save the day once more, plumberboy! Just keep your eye out for the letter and continue climbing. You'll have to fight some Monty Moles, but they're no big deal. Just save whenever you see a save point and keep kickin' butt, and you'll reach the top in no time. Halfway up, you'll see a few rock structures with things on top of them. One thing you'll see is a letter, so grap that (use Kooper), and you can give it to Parakarry next time you see him. Now is a good time for that, so go on down and give him the letter. Then go look for the other two he lost. Sheesh. They act like you're an errand boy or something... Somewhere in the middle of a mountain (this is right after you start to run into Clefts), there's a split in the road. The arrow points to the right. Go left. Stay inside the first hole. Drop down the second one to nab a Star Piece, then jump down to the bottom, climb back up, go left, and stay inside the second hole, too. Go out the other side, head to the left, make sure you are nice n' healthy (lots of beasties around here to hurt you), and keep going left until you run into a yellow ? box (which you should hit, and gain a Mushroom), then go left s'more. When you see the two holes in the wall, go into the left hole, and go to the left (there's no wall there) until you get to the top, at which point you should remove the Damage Dodge Badge from the chest, then head back down. Go to the left (again), jump off the ledge, go down the stairs, fight a bit, grab some coins, go back up, and jump on the springboard. Knock the ? box with your hammer for some easy money, ignore the ramp for now, fight the Cleft, and get the Honey Syrup out of the ? box. Now you can go to the ramp and go down (and off) it (wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!), then get that letter and jump down. Now I'll let you go right. The first screen there has an arrow pointing to the right. You can go right or you can go down--but you'll still end up in the same spot. So go right (or down), fall, grab the letter, and go see Parakarry again. He'll thank you, then tell you about letters scattered all over Mushroom Kingdom. Take him up on his offer (you find the letters, he'll help you in any way you can), and Parakarry will join your party! Now that you've got that neato cool flight thing, run around all the areas that had things you couldn't quite reach before. First, go to the location of the first letter, and fly across the two protrusions to grab a Quake Hammer Badge. Next, go back to the area where you go the second letter. If you stand beside the springboard and fly to the left, you can nab 6 coins and a Star Piece. Now go to the split path, take the right path, and have Parakarry fly you over to the other side. Cross the bridge there (see that vulture watching you in the background?). As soon as you reach the other side, the vulture will stop you. Tell him your name is Luigi, and he'll let you pass. Otherwise, you'll have to fight him, so I'd say the best choice right now is Luigi, because he's pretty tough. So wait until later. Take the path down the cliff, then go to the right. Hit the Heart Block, save your game, and move on outta there. You've reached Dry Dry Desert. A few feet into the desert, you'll run into a group of Koopas. Talk to the guy with the mustache - it's Kolorado! If you have Parakarry as your partner, you'll deliver a letter to him. Then it's time to move on. Although your ultimate goal here is Dry Dry Outpost, explore a bit. Fight some enemies, level up, go find some secrets. If you see the stone cactus, head south 3 screens and west 2, then jump on top of that rock to nab an Attack FX C Badge. Go north 1 and east from there, and you'll hit an oasis. Thwomp the trees to get some fruit and money, then head north 2 screens and east 1, and you're in Dry Dry Outpost. As you move towards the shop, a small purple Bandit will run out of it, leaving it closed. Follow it! When you reach the end of the path, it will run off again. Talk to the one in front of the door. Give him a Lemon. Ask him how to get to Moustafa. Follow his instructions. Dried Shroom, then Dusty Hammer. Got it? Good. Now, go to the shop (it's the big green building in the first part of town) and but a Dried Shroom, then a Dusty Hammer. Do what the nice mouse says, kids. And hit that tree outside his store for some easy cash and the general destructive pleasure of the matter. Go to the end of the second part of town, where they guy (the one you gave the lemon to) used to be. Go in the now unblocked door, head right, jump up the crates onto the roof, and walk left. Pick up the Letter behind the urns, and keep going. When you reach the dropoff, have Parakarry fly you over, then go in through that door. Well, well. Look who's here. I think he likes you. He'll give you the Pulse Stone. Go back outside and down. See that funny lookin' guy outside the Toad House? That's Chuck Quizmo. Talk to him. Answer his question. Yay for Star Pieces! Now, go back out to the desert. Go up until you can't go any further, then go left 3 or 4 times - until you run into a stone with a depression in the center of it. Use the Pulse Stone with that, and you've found Dry Dry Ruins. When you get in there, hit the Heart Block, and move forward. Save your game and go forward again. When you walk past the sarcophagi, they'll open up, showing Pokey Mummies. Eek! Fight 'em. In the second sarcophagus, grab a Spike Shield Badge and equip it. Move on. Ignore that locked door for now and go downstairs. Pick up the key there, then go back up. Unlock the locked door and go in, then jump on the red switch sticking out. Go out and downstairs again. Cross the sand and jump into the doorway on the other side of the room, then head left and around, then go up the stairs. Cross that gap with Parakarry, then use Bombette to blow up the cracked wall. Hit that switch. Grab that Star Piece, then go back out and down the stairs. You can go into the room there, but there's nothing you can do yet, so go down the next set of stairs, unlock the door, and go in. At the end of the hall, there's a ? Block. Hit it to release some Pokey Mummies from the sarcophagi, then go beat 'em up. When you're done, a key will appear. Very Zelda-ish, if you ask me. Unlock that door and head in. Use Parakarry to cross that gap, then run up the first stairs you come to and hit the switch. Run around hitting various other switches until you've reversed the red stairs (my order of choice: 1st Green switch, jump, 2nd Green switch, up, across, down Red, 1st Red Switch, down, up Green, up Red, and over.). Go over the wall, jump in there, and get the Super Hammer. Sweeeeeeeet. Now, break that block with your new hammer and go out again. Go back to the previous room and climb the stairs, hit the switch, jump back down, and climb 'em again. Break the block at the top and grab the artifact, then go back to the room before that one, and jump up the short flight of stairs into the room that you previously couldn't do zip in before. Break that block, and prepare to fight a Stone Chomp. First strike, attack command Hammer, and a Shell Shot from Parakarry should make this a quick battle. Get the pyramid stone, and you're done here. Go back to the room that led to the room where you got the Super Hammer and go downstairs and through that door, then cross that room and the next, jump down, and break that block. Hit the switch and grab the key, then go out through the door. Fight the enemies here (remember, kids: First Strike and Quake Hammer are your friends), run down the hall, go through the door, level up one of your characters (I'd recommend Parakarry), and use Bombette to bomb the cracked wall. Head in. Break the block and prepare to fight! After the battle, grab the Diamond Stone from the pedestal, then go back out. Use the springboard, then cross the room and go into the one with the Chomp Statues. Run across the room and unlock the door, then hit the switch. Run back out, and go downstairs. Cross the room and go into the next one, run across the sand, break the block, grab the stone, and prepare for battle. When that's done, go back to the Chomp Statue room with the switch. See that order? Remember it and write it down. Then go back to the other Chomp Statue room and put the stones into the Statues in that order. Go down the stairs. Hit the Heart Block. Go through the door and save. Move on. FIGHT! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- B O S S B A T T L E : T U T A N K O O P A A N D C H O M P (Tutankoopa): HP: 30 Attack: 3 Defense: 0 SP: 20 (Chomp): HP: 4 Attack: 3 Defense: 3 SP: 3 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tattle: (Tutankoopa): "This is Tutankoopa; He's one of Bowser's followers and he's been assigned to guard one of the Star Spirits. I've heard that he has some sort of a pharaoh complex. He attacks by throwing shells from that high perch. Try to doge when he uses magic: its attack power is 2 and it'll sting for sure. And he also summons Chomps his loyal subjects. These Chomps have some serious attack power. Think hard about who to attack first, Tutankoopa or Chomp." (Chomp): It's a Chomp. You've heard about Chomps before, I'm sure. They're made of such hard stuff that most of your attacks won't even faze them. I heard a rumor that the Chomps are a little peeved at Tutankoopa because he works them so hard." -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Use Quake hammer a lot...When he uses his magic, it will either hit you and your partner, or it will hit Tutankoopa and knock him off his perch, leaving him for your hammer attacks. Beat 'im up! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- When that's over, the Chomp will chase of Tutankoopa, and you'll gain another Star Spirit: Mamar! Yay! End of chapter! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- • e n d o f c h a p t e r 2 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Watch the nice movie with Bowser and Peach. Then make your escape in the usual fashion (use the portrait and the fireplace, remember?) then go out through the door. Edge along the wall to the first door and go in, then make your way around the bookshelves, avoiding the guards. You can grab a Power Rush Badge in between two of the bookshelves. Make your way to the back, and evesdrop on 2 of the guards, talking about Tubba Blubba, who lives to eat Ghosts and lives deep inside of Forever Forest, in a castle atop Gusty Gulch. Yum. Remember the rest by yourself. I'm too lazy to type it all out. Now you can go see Mario again. He's talking to Mamar. After yapping a bit, she'll up your Star Energy and give him Lullaby, which puts enemies to sleep. Then she'll leave. Go back to Dry Dry Outpost (From there, if you want to take the time, head 1 north and 3 west and jump in the center of the triangle of trees for a Runaway Pay Badge). Rest, restock your items, and go back out. Remember that little mouse under the tree out in the desert? Go see him with Parakarry as your partner to give him a letter. He'll give you a Star Piece. Woohoo. Go see Kolorado at his tent. If you grabbed the Artifact in Dry Dry Ruins (and you should have), Kolorado will see it as a clue to Dry Dry Ruins. Give it to him, and he'll give you another Star Piece. Go back to Mt. Rugged. Remember the vulture? Tell him you're Mario and you'll have to fight him. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- B O S S B A T T L E : B U Z Z A R HP: 40 Attack: 3 Defense: 0 SP: 20 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tattle: "This is Buzzar. He guards Mt. Rugged. Wow! That's one big bird! If you get caugh in the clutches of his charp claws, you'll lose 4 HP! Try to wriggle out of his grip. His special attack is flapping his wings to create wind. This attack damages your party members, too. But he was hatching eggs, wasn't he? Is it possible that he's really a she? I wonder..." -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Use Throw Hammer a lot. And whatever moves Parakarry has. He'll be toast. Far too easy, if you ask me. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- When you're done there, move on down the mountain. When you reach the area with the first ramp, go down the stairs there and move around them to reach Whacka. Bop him with your hammer to get a Whacka's Bump. Leave the screen, then come back and do this again. Keep doing it until you run out of space, then keep going down the mountain. When you reach the area with the big stone block, break it with your Hammer, then move down the path to find a Level Up Block. I used Kooper. Your choice if you want to do the same. Go down the rest of the way and hop a train to Toad Town. Now's probably a good time to see Tayce T. and have her cook some Dried Pasta and Eggs. And other stuff. Go talk to Merlon if you have Parakarry in your party, and you can give him a letter, netting you a Star Piece. You can also talk to Chuck Quizmo for another one. And, if you want, go to the Dojo to finish off The Master. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- B O S S B A T T L E : T H E M A S T E R HP: 50 Attack: 6 Defense: 0 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tattle: "This is The Master. He owns the Dojo--and he's the strongest member. If he's the best in the Dojo, he must be pretty tough!" -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Use your charged up Hammer a lot, and Parakarry's Shell Shot. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- When that's all done and over with, rest, and you can come back and fight him again... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- B O S S B A T T L E : T H E M A S T E R HP: 75 Attack: 8 Defense: 0 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tattle: "This is The Master. He owns the Dojo--and he's the strongest member. He knows both normal and advanced methods of attack. You'd better concentrate, Mario! This guy doesn't mess around at all!" -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Make sure you've mastered action command, then go at him with your hammer and Power Bounce. When that's all over... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Now it's time to head to the Forever Forest. So rest in the Toad House, and head on in. Save your game, and move. When you're done talking to the ghost, keep going a bit...and...you've reached Chapter 3. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- • c h a p t e r 3 : The "Invincible" Tubba Blubba -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This next part is kinda tricky if you have no idea what you're doing, so listen up. The first path you'll need to go down is easy to find - the flowers in front of it are shaking and laughing. So use A to push aside that log blocking the path and head in. You'll be stopped by a little midget guy that will tell you a bit about how to navigate the forest. Then he'll bounce off like a little kangaroo...or something. The basic method of getting around hereabouts involves differences in nature. All the paths in a certain area will look the same, except for one. This one path is the one you'll wanna take. Pretty simple now that you know what you're looking for, eh? So move on out. The first path, as I said, is the laughing flowers. The second path is flower patterns: most of the paths have 1 flower on the left and 2 on the right, but the path you should take has 2 on the left and 1 on the right. So find the path and skip along it like a merry little schoolboy. Or a giddy little schoolgirl. Or whatever. The third path again deals with flowers. Most have 3; our lucky winner has 4. Path number four has glowing eyes that pop up in the tree in front of it. Before you go in, move around until you find a path leading into the center of the circle. Go in and get a Bub-ulb seed from the guy hanging out here. Path five has mushrooms...I'm betting you'd get some nice effects if you ate some of those...But anyway, the mushrooms light up if you press A in front of them, so just find the mushrooms that light up in a weird funky light pattern and head down their path. The flowers return for number six. Instead of laughing and disappearing, the ones you're after giggle and stay. Path number seven deals with rocks (your goal is the one that has a glowing face when you press A while standing beside it), but for now, look for the sign that directs you to Boo's Mansion and take the path there. When you get to the mansion, listen to your partner blather on for a bit, then open the gate and go in. The old ghost will show up again, give you a few instructions, and leave. Hit the Heart Block, save your game, and head on in. Now, go upstairs. In the first room, you can't do anything yet. In the second room, there are three wardrobes on the left side. Open the middle one (the other two will just fall, hurting you) to release a group of dancing ghosts. Listen to their leader talk. Now, you have to guess which one has the record. This is fairly easy if you know what you're doing. The first time will be kinda hard, since Mario is off to the side, but no biggy if you miss. The second time (if you did miss) is easy, because you're already over there, having missed, so just watch which ghost gets the record, then bop it with your hammer. Now go back to room number 1. In the upper left corner, there's a nice little phonograph where you can play your record, so do that. You have to keep a steady rhythm to crank it and make it play, which isn't really too hard, so you should be able to handle this. Press A evenly and listen to that snazzy tune until a Boo pops up, then press B to stop. That Boo that showed up just happens to be the one that's supposed to be guarding the chest, so go over to that chest while he's dancing and get the Weight out of it. Now, go back downstairs. On the right side of the room, there's a snazzy green couch. With one brown cushion. Jump on the brown cushion to fly up to the chandelier and grab onto it. It will be pulled down by Mario's weight, moving the wardrobe against the wall and revealing a small door. If you jump off now, the wardrobe will slide into place, so this is where that weight you grabbed comes into play. Use it, then go check out that door. Don't bother with that chest (it only makes the chandelier drop). Just go downstairs, and from there, through the door at the bottom of the room. Take the door on the right and open the chest to bring out another dancing circle of Boos. Time to play the game again! This time, though, the prize is some snazzy new shoes. Watch closely as they toss it around and do some new dance moves, then bop the guy that has it. Super Boots! YEA! These things rule! See that wooden thing on the floor? Do the Spin Jump (Jump and A again while in the air) on it. Then hit the switch to bring up another switch and hit that one to bring up a third and giant switch. Hop up on the chair, and from there to the stack of boxes, and then jump on to the switch and do a Spin Jump on it. Then go upstairs. If you smash the crates here, you can net a Super Shroom, but that's it. So go to the right again and Spin Jump along the left wall until you find a star piece. Then head back out. You can get another Star Piece out of the room where you got the record (just Spin Jump in the middle of the carpet), but right now, your destination is that magical room downstairs that was formerly guarded by a Big Boo, otherwise known as the door on the right. This is where the fun begins. Or not. You've probably already heard about this, but if you jump into the vase on the left side of the room (use the box as a step), you can turn into the original Mario. Sweet! Not much to do as this, though. So jump around until you're bored, then jump back in to become regular Paper Mario again. Then break the crates on the right side of the room to nab a few Apples, and break through the floor in the center. Switch to Parakarry and have him carry you across the bookshelves, then grab the Boo's Portrait and glide back over. Jump down onto the crates and bash them to free up yet another Star Piece, then bomb your way out of there with Bombette. Head upstairs again, and make your way to the 2nd floor. Go to the end of the hall and check the empty frame. Use Boo's Portrait there and you'll get an easy way up. Jump into the portrait to go to the 3rd floor. Carefully make your way along the edge (no railings! Eek!), then go into either door there. Time to meet Bow. Not very threatening, is she? She wants you to do something for her. And not in a Sixth Sense type of way. She doesn't want you to show anyone videos of people being poisoned - she only wants you to find out Tubba Blubba's secret and kill him. Shouldn't be too hard, right? Right. And you'd better do it, because there's a Star Spirit on the line here. But hey, at least Bow's helping you out. After all the talk's over, she'll join your party. Now, leave, and jump down. Go back outside, stock up on health and save your game, and get ready to kick Tubba Blubba's fuzzy little bum. Now, before you go on, go back to the forest. As soon as you step out, Jr. Troopa will show up again. Blargh. Prepare to fight him. Have fun, I suppose. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- B O S S B A T T L E : J R . T R O O P A HP: 40 Attack: 5 Defense: 1 SP: 22 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tattle: "It's Jr. Troopa. I can't get enough of this guy! Waa ha ha ha! Did the little guy get lost in the big, bad forest? Apparently he's grown wings, so he can fly now. You'll have to jump to reach him. He's a bit stronger, so it may be worth it to use any items you have to attack him." -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- His latest addition to his defense is wings, so now you can only jump on him. Parakarry is by far the best partner for this, so use his Shell Shot attack a lot and use Mario and his new shoes. When the battle's over, you can laugh at him some more. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Now, look for the path that lets you move on, and go down it. Lemme refresh your memory here: it's the one with the face. Go through, then look for the path to the center. Get the FP Plus Badge out of the Red ? Block and head back out. Go back to Boo's Mansion, and take the path that leads around the house (you should probably heal and save first). Make your way past the windmill and into town. After the greeter finishes talking to you (*sniffle* poor Herbert! he was so dark and depressing!), move on into town. Time to save and all all that other fun stuff. When you're done here, you might want to head back to Toad Town for a minute or two. Just pick any random path and go down it - as long as it doesn't go anywhere, you'll end up in Toad Town. In Toad Town, there's a nice little fenced in area across from the Forever Forest entrance. Go down the pipe in there to reach the Toad Town Tunnels. Break the block and go left, and fight Blooper. I'll give you the stats on him another time; I just did a Power Bounce and killed him in one turn, so I didn't get a chance to check. Hit the switch and head left. Jump onto the platform to the right and let it sink until the one beside it is slightly higher than it, then jump over to the higher one and quickly jump from there to the other side. Go through the door. Ride the lift up to the platform and use Parakarry to cross over to the other two and get the Star Piece. Then, go back out, jump down, make your way across, and go up the stairs and through the doorway. Cross the room and hit the block to knock down a springboard. Spring your way up and open the chest to get a tasty Power Smash Badge. Go back out and up through the pipe. Cross that room, and the next one, and break the boarded up area on the floor. Downstairs, head to the left. Fight all the Dark Koopas to make a switch appear and hit that to open up the pipe to Boo's Mansion. Ignore the pipe for now and move on to the next room. Push the block onto the center square and jump on top of it to reveal a hidden coin block. Switch to Parakarry and use him to fly across the gap, landing on the coin block. Make the rest of the trip, upgrade one of your party members, and head back out. Make your way back up to the first room, then head right, crossing over the pipes. Save your game, break a few blocks, get some coins, and move onto the next room. Blooper returns! More on him in another update. Note to readers: please do _not_ send me Blooper's statistics. I don't want to be flooded with them. It will be but the work of a minute for me to get them from another saved game. After that's all done and over with, go downstairs if you aren't already there and head into the first room on the left. Jump into the pipe there and you'll end up back at Boo's mansion. Make your way up the hill and over all the fun stuff and you'll reach Tubba Blubba's place of residence. Time to go in. The first thing to do here is get around those floating jellyfish things and go to the left. Your only problem with this? The jellyfish things sense movement and will kick your tail outta town if they catch you. So use Boo, and as soon as they turn orange, press C down to make Mario invisible. Go to the left door and head in. Fight a few of the Clubbas, then go into the 2nd door. In here, you can clearly see a Star Piece on the table. Think you'll have to get at it from above? Think again. See those crates? Jump from them onto the chair and from there onto the table. Voila. Now jump back down and head out. Go on down the hall and out the door at the end, and fight a bit. Go into the door at the top, down the stairs, fight the sleeping clubbas (or sneak past them), and butt stomp the wood thing on the floor. Head on down. Open the chest down there to get a Castle Key. Talk to the ghost a bit if you wanna learn a few things about Tubba Blubba and his room, or just hit the Heart Block and go out the door to the left. The first thing you'll run into here is a Super Block, so upgrade your final party member (for now), then go upstairs, using Bow to avoid the jellyfish thingy. Now, go back to the entrance hall. It would probably be a good idea to go outside and save at this point, then head in, and go right. Use the castle key you picked up downstairs to go on in. Now, fight the Clubbas, go upstairs, avoid the jellyfish things, and make your way across. Go through the big door, across the bridge-type thing, and down the hall. At the end, take the door at the top, and make your way across the spikes. When they're about to pop up, use Bow's hide technique to make Mario invulnerable and all that. Grab the Castle Key out of the chest, then go back out. Take the door to the left, and you'll end up over the hall with the table and the Star Piece you can't reach yet. Except you can reach it now. Just jump down from the end of the railing. Now, go back around, go upstairs again, and all that fun stuff. See that clock against the back wall there? It moves. Make Mario push it. Then go in. Everything's too big for him now, right? So go over to that dresser and pull out the drawer. Then hop up, use Parakarry to bridge the gap to the bed, bounce up from the pillow to the headboard and from there to the bookshelf, and run down the bookshelf to find a hidden passageway. Go down the stairs within, grab the Mega Rush Badge, and go back out. Leave the room. Go fight that Clubba blocking the door. Unlcock it and go in. Hit the ? Block to nab a Maple Syrup, then go upstairs. When you emerge... Oh no! It's Tubba Blubba! AAAAAAAHHH!!! Use Bow to become invisible, and just sit there until he goes past you. When he does, hightail it to the unlocked door at the end of the hall and go on in. Avoid all the sleeping Clubbas by gently tilting the control stick, allowing Mario to walk, and grab the key at the end of the room. Then tiptoe back out. Unlock the door, go in, heal, save, prepare for battle. Move on down the hallway into Tubba Blubba's room. Just as you reach the chest at the end (yes, that means do that), Tubba Blubba will show up to get some beauty sleep. Now...open that chest. Yakkey will show up, ask you a few questions, and wake the big guy up. RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!!!! Go downstairs and out the door. When you reach the door to outside and go out, the ghosts will show up. Mario will come flying out. RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN s'more while they hold the door shut. Run down the hill, avoiding conflict whenever possible, and through Ghost Town (save and heal while you're here), and to the windmill. Use the Mystical Key to open it, butt bash your way through the covering of the well type thing, and go down. Go through the door and down the hall (doesn't the music during this add a sense of being chased? :P), ignore the sign (No entry allowed!!), go through the door, down the next hall, ignore the next sign (Really! No entry allowed!!), down the hall and past the sign yet again (Absolutely! No entry allowed!!), through the door once more, and out into the nice little cavern thing. Hmm...That's the secret strength of Tubba Blubba? Pshaw. Kick his butt. And use Bow to do it. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- B O S S B A T T L E : T U B B A ' S H E A R T HP: 50 Attack: 6 Defense: 0 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tattle: "This is Tubba's Heart. You might say it's the "heart" of Tubba's secret. Ha! OK, that wasn't funny. He has a terrible attack, so hide when he tells you he's about to unleash it. This attack will take away 12 HP! Whoa! Try to beat him before he can do his huge attack again. Trust me, it's dangerous. This is Bow's turn to shine!" -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Easy battle, this. Use Bow to hide every time he uses his strong and special attack (make sure you always have at least 2 FP!), and hammer away at him with Mario's Power Bounce attack. Or just regular Jump attack. Or whatever. And remember - Star Spirits and attack command are our friends. When he gets down to about 5 HP or so, he'll bounce off. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Follow that heart! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- B O S S B A T T L E : T U B B A B L U B B A HP: 10 Attack: 4 Defense: 0 ...probably. SP: 30 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tattle: "This is Tubba Blubba, now reunited with his heart. This is finally his true self. His Hip Attack causes 6 points worth of damage. Be careful, because I'm not exactly sure what his other attacks can do. ...But... I think he's definitely weaker than before..." -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Another easy battle. I didn't use my partner at all, except for Tattle. Just hit him with your hammer a few times. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Aw...poor guy...with his heart and body united, he's not invincible anymore. That's a lesson for ya, kids. Rip out vital organs with a fork, and you'll live forever. Or not. But I was LMAO at this part. "Not invincible" Tubba Blubba? Just a really sensitive guy trapped in a huge body? Hehe... Anyway, Bow will decide to stay with Mario and learn more about the rest of the world, and give back the Star Spirit. Whew. End of chapter. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- • e n d o f c h a p t e r 3 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- After solving the secret of "Invincible" Tubba Blubba, Mario and party set free Star Spirit Skolar. Now, with Tubba Blubba just a bad dream, the Boos are free to haunt to their hearts' content. Even the lonely wind echoing through Gusty Gulch seems to be celebrating the victory...at least for now. With newest party member, Bow, in tow, Mario and friends are ready to take on their next challenge. So ends Chapter 3. Save your game (or don't), and prepare for another fun adventure with the princess. Go on out into the hall (use the secret passage) and go up to the nice little button and push it. Now you get to evesdrop on Bowser and Kammy! Oh, what fun! Ooh...bad timing. The thing will turn, and Peachie-poo will end up right behind Bowser. Well, after hearing a rather information-packed conversation, Peach will end being asked about weak points. Of course, it would only be wise to lie to him. So say Mushrooms, Thunder Rage, and Super Soda. I don't know if these are the exact options (I'll check up on that sometime soon), but they're close enough. :P The guards will Peach back in her room (don't ya just love the way they carry her off?), Twink will fly away, and it's back to Mario, who now has 3 Star Energy bars, and the Star Power of Skolar (Star Storm). What a lucky guy. Of course, Bowser's life force is getting stronger all the time, so maybe he's not so lucky... Head back to Toad Town (take the pipe by Boo Mansion so you can get to the Toad Town Tunnels and save yourself a trip through the forest), and witness the theft of Tayce T.'s favorite frying pan by a Shy Guy. You can go see her, but she won't cook you anything now. Go north, and you'll find one stealing calculators. Now, someone tell me why a Shy Guy would want a calculator (or a frying pan, for that matter). But anyway...see those 2 Shy Guys running around Minh T.'s garden? Whack 'em with your hammer to make 'em go away. Then pay a friendly visit to your neighborhood Post Office. Feh. They're everywhere. Darn dirty Shy Guys... If you wander around a bit, you'll find that they've stolen the following items: -A Frying Pan (Tayce T.) -A Calculator (Minh T.) -A Dictionary (Russ T.) -A Storeroom Key (Shopkeeper) Head towards the docks, and Twink will show up to tell Mario about the Shy Guy's Star Spirit (they're keeping it in their Toy Box), and to congratulate him on his victory over T.B. No, not tuberculosis...Tubba Blubba. Honestly, you people...Grr... Go into the item shop in that area, and you'll find another Shy Guy. Blah. Now, go into the empty house at the far left side of that area of town, and use Bow to become invinsible. A pink Shy Guy will show up, not see Mario, and jump through a secret trapdoor. Follow him. Jump on the springboard to start Chapter 4! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- • c h a p t e r 4 : Trials in the Toy Box -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 5 seconds into this chapter, and I've already got a headache. Blargh. Too many bright colors, compared to last chapter's gloominess. Anyway, the train is missing, so go down and to the left. Fight the yellow shy guy if ya want, then go talk to the black one beside the treasure chest. If you're brave, strong, or stupid, fight 'im! Otherwise, don't. And since it's time for bed for me, go back to where you started, save your game, and wait for tomorrow or the day after or whenever I get around to updating again. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- B O S S B A T T L E : A N T I G U Y HP: 50 Attack: 10 Defense: 0 SP: 30 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tattle: "This is an Anti Guy. His attacks are so intense that he's also called Deadly Guy. His attack power is 12 when he doesn an acrobatic attack, so dodge it! This guy is for real, so we'd better take him seriously." -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- He's right, y'know. This sucka's pretty hard. Use Bow and hide Mario all the time, and just use normal attacks with Mario, and you'll be fine. Or not. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 5. l i s t s -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- • e n e m i e s -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goombas -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: Goomba HP: 2 Atk: 1 Def: 0 SP: 2 @ Level 1 1 @ Level 2 0 @ Level 3+ Location: Goomba Village area Tattle: "This is a Goomba. Goombas are what you'd call "small fries." Actually, they're pretty much the smallest fries...Hey, wait! I'm one of 'em! These guys are old school. They've been around since you were in Super Mario Bros." Recommended Attack: Hammer or Jump Recommended Party Member: Any Strategy: Do you really need a strategy for these guys? You're probably not gonna have the Lucky Star yet when you're fighting them, so all you really have to do is attack and be attacked until they die. Not hard. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: Spiked Goomba HP: 2 Atk: 2 Def: 0 SP: 3 @ Level 1 2 @ Level 2 1 @ Level 3 0 @ Level 4+ Location: Goomba Village area Tattle: "This is a Spiked Goomba. Spiked Goombas are Goombas with spikes on their heads. Whatever you do, don't jump on their spikes or you'll get hurt or even paralyzed!" Recommended Attack: Hammer or Jump with Spike Shield Badge Recommended Party Member: Any except Goombario and Parakarry Strategy: You'll probably be using Goombario here, so just 'Do Nothing' with him when you first encounter these guys. Have Mario use his Hammer attack, unless he has the Spike Shield Badge, in which case I'm thinking a Jump attack is called for. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: ParaGoomba HP: 2 Atk: 1 Def: 0 SP: 3 @ Level 1 2 @ Level 2 1 @ Level 3 0 @ Level 4+ Location: Goomba Village area Tattle: "This is a ParaGoomba. Obviously, ParaGoombas are Goombas with wings." Recommended Attack: Hammer with Hammer Throw Badge or Jump Recommended Party Member: Any except Kooper and Bombette Strategy: One hit will turn these guys into regular Goombas, so just jump on them once, then attack them until they die. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: Blue Goomba 1 (Mini Boss) HP: 6 Atk: 1 Def: 0 SP: 10 Location: Goomba Village/Toad Town path Tattle: "This is Blue Goomba. He's the younger of the 2 notorious Goomba Bros. As you heard in his little speech, he's one of the Goomba King's men. He doesn't look that healthy. He's weaker than his brother." Recommended Attack: Hammer or Jump Recommended Party Member: Goombario (no other options) Strategy: Just Jump on him and Hammer away until he dies. Then focus on his brother. This shouldn't be a long battle. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: Red Goomba 1 (Mini Boss) HP: 7 Atk: 1 Def: 0 SP: 10 Location: Goomba Village/Toad Town path Tattle: "This is Red Goomba. He's the older of the 2 notorious Goomba Bros. The Goomba King hired him to try to stop you. You can take this guy, no prob. He has just a little more HP than an ordinary Goomba." Recommended Attack: Hammer or Jump Recommended Party Member: Goombario (no other options) Strategy: After you finish with his brother, Jump on him and Hammer away until he dies. This shouldn't be a long battle. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: King Goomba (Mini Boss) HP: 10 Atk: 1 Def: 0 SP: 10 Location: Goomba Village/Toad Town path Tattle: "This is the Goomba King. He's really big. I mean, look at him! He looks really powerful. He's the boss of the Red Goomba and Blue Goomba. Who cares if he's strong? You're much stronger. Gee, I wonder what he ate to become so big? I'd like to be a bit bigger, too." Recommended Attack: Hammer or Jump Recommended Party Member: Goombario (no other options) Strategy: After you finish with Red and Blue, whack the Goomnut tree beside the King to knock a Goomnut onto his bandage, causing 4 points of damage. Then just Jump and Hammer him until he dies. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: Blue Goomba 2 (Mini Boss) HP: 2 Atk: 1 Def: 0 SP: 10 Location: Goomba Village/Toad Town path Tattle: "This is Blue Goomba. He's the younger of the 2 notorious Goomba Bros. As you heard in his little speech, he's one of the Goomba King's men. He doesn't look that healthy. He's weaker than his brother." [If anyone has the actual tattle for him the 2nd time around (if this isn't it), kindly send it in.] Recommended Attack: Hammer or Jump Recommended Party Member: Goombario (no other options) Strategy: Just Jump on him and Hammer away until he dies. Then focus on his brother. Then on the King. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: Red Goomba 2 (Mini Boss) HP: 2 Atk: 1 Def: 0 SP: 10 Location: Goomba Village/Toad Town path Tattle: "This is Red Goomba. He's the older of the 2 notorious Goomba Bros. The Goomba King hired him to try to stop you. You can take this guy, no prob. He has just a little more HP than an ordinary Goomba." [Got Tattle?] Recommended Attack: Hammer or Jump Recommended Party Member: Goombario (no other options) Strategy: After you finish with his brother, Jump on him and Hammer away until he dies. Then it's time to fight the King. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: Gloomba HP: 7 Atk: 1 Def: 0 SP: 2 Location: Toad Town Tunnels Tattle: "This is a Gloomba. Gloombas are nasty Goombas who live in the Toad Town Tunnels. They're stronger than ordinary Goombas, but you can take 'em." Recommended Attack: Hammer or Jump Recommended Party Member: Any Strategy: This is just a Goomba with more HP. Just jump on it. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: Hyper Goomba HP: 7 Atk: 1 Def: 0 SP: 2 @ Level 9 1 @ Level 10 0 @ Level 11+ Location: Gusty Gulch Tattle: "This is a Hyper Goomba. Hyper Goombas are crazy, uncivilized Goombas living in Gusty Gulch. They sometimes charger their power before attacking.That charged attack will take away 8 HP, so watch out when they start to glow. It's a good idea to use Bow or an item to become transparent. The attack will miss for sure." Recommended Attack: Hammer or Jump Recommended Party Member: Bow Strategy: Treat him like a normal Goomba until he starts to glow - then use Bow to become transparent so you can avoid large amounts of damage. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: Hyper ParaGoomba HP: 7 Atk: 1 Def: 0 SP: 2 @ Level 9 1 @ Level 10 0 @ Level 11+ Location: Gusty Gulch Tattle: "This is a Hyper Paragoomba. Hyper Paragoombas are Hyper Goombas with wings. They sometimes charge their power before attacking. That charged attack will take away 8 HP, so watch out when they start to glow. It'll miss you if you can become transparent. Except for that, they're no different from normal Paragoombas, so use a Jump attack to defeat 'em. Recommended Attack: Hammer with Hammer Throw or Jump Recommended Party Member: Bow Strategy: He's just a normal ParaGoomba until he starts to glow. Then he's a potential threat. If this happens, use Bow to make Mario transparent. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Koopas -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: Jr. Troopa 1 (Special) HP: 5 Atk: 1 Def: 0 SP: 20 Location: Goomba Village area Tattle: N/A Recommended Attack: Hammer or Jump Recommended Party Member: N/A Strategy: Not much you can do here other than whack and jump. So just do that until he runs out of HP. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: Chan (Mini Boss) HP: 15 Atk: 2 Def: 2 Tattle: "This is Chan, of the Dojo. He's training under The Master, and is happy to fight us." Recommended Attack: Hammer when flipped or Jump Recommended Party Member: Goombario (no other options) Strategy: Once you flip him, all you'll need to do is keep him flipped and hit him with whatever you want. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: Magikoopa (Special) HP: 8 Atk: 3 Def: 0 SP: 18 Location: Star Summit Tattle: "This is a Magikoopa. Magikoopas use powerful rods. Magikoopa attacks are no joke. You'd better take these guys seriously." Recommended Attack: Hammer with Hammer Throw or Jump Recommended Party Member: Goombario (no other options) Strategy: Now that you have the Lucky Star, just use Attack Command to make this an easy battle. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: Koopa Troopa HP: 4 Atk: 1 Def: 1 SP: 2 @ Level 3 1 @ Level 4 0 @ Level 5+ Location: Toad Town/Koopa Village area Tattle: "This is a Koopa Troopa. Everybody knows Koopa Troopas. They're Bowser's followers. Their shells are hard. If you can flip 'em over, their defense power will fall to 0 and it will become much easier for you to defeat 'em. You can flip 'em with a POW Block or a Jump Attack." Recommended Attack: Hammer when flipped or Jump Recommended Party Mamber: Goombario (no other options) Strategy: Use Mario to flip them over, then bop away with the Hammer or Headbonk attacks to end the battle. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: Paratroopa HP: 4 Atk: 1 Def: 1 SP: 3 @ Level 3 2 @ Level 4 1 @ Level 5 0 @ Level 6+ Location: Koopa Village/Koopa Bros. Fortress area Tattle: "This is a Paratroopa. No surprise here--Paratroopas are Koopa Troopas with wings. When you jump on them or use a POW Block, their wings fall off and they become normal Koopa Troopas. It's easy to beat 'em once they're Koopa Troopas. Just give 'em another Jump Attack! They think they're pretty cool because they wear sunglasses, but they aren't that tough." Recommended Attack: Hammer when flipped or Jump Recommended Party Member: Goombario or Kooper Strategy: Jump on them once to knock off their wings and again to flip them. Then it's just like any other battle you've ever fought. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: Jr. Troopa 2 (Special) HP: 15 Atk: 2 Def: 1 SP: 20 Location: Koopa Bros. Fortress path Tattle: "What was his name? Jr. Troopa? I don't remember exactly... ...Just joking, kid! He looks so adorable hiding in his egg, doesn't he? So cute! It should be a snap to beat him now. ...I think." Recommended Attack: Hammer or Jump Recommended Party Member: Bombette Strategy: Just hit him with any attack you've got. He's not hard. His new shell move only blocks 1 point of damage. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: Jr. Troopa 3 (Special) HP: 40 Atk: 5 Def: 1 SP: 22 Location: Forever Forest Tattle: "It's Jr. Troopa. I can't get enough of this guy! Waa ha ha ha! Did the little guy get lost in the big, bad forest? Apparently he's grown wings, so he can fly now. You'll have to jump to reach him. He's a bit stronger, so it may be worth it to use any items you have to attack him." Recommended Attack: Hammer with Hammer Throw Badge or Jump Recommended Party Member: Parakarry or Bow Strategy: He might have wings, but he still sucks. Jump on him and use Parakarry's Shell Shot to make this a fast battle. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Misc. Uncategorized Things -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: Clubba HP: 8 Atk: 3 Def: 0 SP: 2 @ Level 10 1 @ Level 11 0 @ Level 12+ Location: Tubba Blubba's Castle Tattle: "This is a Clubba. Clubbas are the main guards of Tubba Blubba's Castle. They often sleep on the job. If you walk very slowly, they won't wake up. They may look big, but if you use the action command perfectly, they're not so tough." Recommended Attack: Hammer or Jump Recommended Party Member: Any Strategy: Jump n' hammer. Use the force...er...action command. Personally, I like to make this a quick battle if there are 3 of 4 of 'em. Just do a Multibounce with Mario, then use Bombette and her Power Bomb command. They won't have a chance to retaliate. 'Course, you can easily eliminate one beforehand if you use Bombette to First Strike them. She'll do a bomb attack, and you'll get 6 damage (more or less, depending if her level's been boosted or not) with no action command button bashing, FP wastage, or anything like that. That, and a regular ol' jump, will take it out. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I'll add more lists and more enemies later. Enjoy what's here! And...uh... Don't send me enemy stats. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 7. m i n i - g a m e s a n d f u n s t u f f -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Coming soon: Actual content! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 8. m a p s -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Yup. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 9. s e c r e t s -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MIA. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 10. c o d e s -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DOA. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 11. f a q s -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Q.) Can I help you with your guide? A.) No. If I've missed something, send it in. But otherwise, no. I don't need your help. C'mon, ask questions! A question has to be asked at least twice or be really good to make it to the FAQ list! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 12. c o m i n g s o o n -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- • = Objective o = Percentage chance of that getting done (don't ask where I get these :P) My projected content for the next update: • The rest of Chapter 4 o 10% • A few side quests o 37% • More Basic Info stuffsies o 2% • More Lists o 13% I think that's about it. So basically, in short paragraph form and all that, for the next update, I'll probably give you a few sidequests, and a bit of a walkthrough for Chapter 4. Chances are it won't be completely finished, but I'll get you started on your trip through Toy Box Land. I'll also throw in a few more enemies, and maybe even some recipes! Oooooh! And, if I get really bored, I'll even toss in a few free things from the Basic Info section! Of course, there's a 1/50 chance of that happening, so don't get your hopes up. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 13. c o p y r i g h t a n d c o n t a c t i n f o r m a t i o n -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This document © 2001 SquidGirl This document was written exclusively for use on the internet. It is not intended to be used in any way that is profitable for anyone other than the author. It is not to be reproduced in any way without express written permission from the author. The information found within the document is, to the best of the abilities and knowledge of the author, 100% accurate. However, the possibility exists that inaccurate information may be found within. Any errors (human, computer, or otherwise) should be reported to the author. If you would like to use this document on/in your web site, magazine, or other published work, please contact the author and obtain permission before doing so. If you have an error to report, please contact the author. Paper Mario, Nintendo 64, Nintendo, and all characters, locations, et cetera, are trademarks of Nintendo Entertainment Company. The author makes no claim to the creation of these. More information on copyright laws can be found at the copyright section of the official Library of Congress web site. (http://www.loc.gov/copyright). Currently, you can find this document at the following sites: • http://www.cannoncity.com • http://www.cheatcc.com • http://www.cheatingplanet.com • http://www.chronosquid.com • http://www.gamefaqcentral.com • http://www.gamefaqs.com • http://www.gamespot.com • http://www.gamesteronline.com • http://www.neoseeker.com • http://www.rpgamer.com If you have found this document anywhere else or are at some other site that foolishly forgot to remove the copyright information, contact the author. Contact the author if: • You want to use this document on your site, in your magazine, or anywhere else. • You want to report an error. • You've seen this document anywhere other than the sites listed above. • You want to ask a question that IS NOT FOUND IN THE GUIDE. • You want to praise the author and/or offer tokens of high monetary value. • You want to flame the author for absolutely no reason other than the sick pleasure it gives you. • You found something that the author missed and you want to tell her about it. • You want to worship the author and build a shrine for her. (Hey, why not? I might as well let people do this, since they seem to want to anyway...) • You want to make a suggestion that you feel will help make the author, the world, and/or this guide a better person, place, and/or thing. • Your pants are on fire and you want to borrow a fire extinguisher. • You're a really cool person who knows how to spell and speak relatively decent English (or Russian or Spanish) and you want to be my friend. • You speak perfect English and perfect any-other-language and want to translate this sucka for me. Perfection isn't really a requirement, merely a preference. As long as you're fluent, I'm cool with it. DO NOT Contact the author if: • Your website does not have a domain. Sorry, but I hate keeping track of tiny personal archives that only get 2 hits per day. If you're getting more, good for you, and ask me again when you're a multi-millionaire with a domain name. For you internet illiterates out there, that means you own the .com or .net or .org or .co.uk or .tv or .ru or .whatever name. Not some cheesy hosting service like Geocities or Angelfire. • You want to help the author with the guide. Yes, I appreciate the thought, but unless I missed something major, like a boss battle or something, I really don't need (or want) your assistance. It's annoying to open your inbox and find 15 emails from people wanting to help and 5 more with people who have already assumed their help is wanted and have therefore sent poorly spaced and atrociously spelled partial walkthroughs for parts of the game that are either covered already or I haven't reached yet. • She has a headache. Stupid emails (and even moderately intelligent ones) make headaches worse, which leads to mean emails and flaming. Don't do it. It's a big, big, no no. • You have nothing intelligent to say. "I finished the game. Nyah." is not intelligent, and I'll have to delete it. Sorry. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-If you have reason to contact me for anything other than those circumstances stated on the allowed list, your email will be read, laughed at, and deleted. Or maybe just deleted. The same actions will be taken if you ask a question that is answered within the guide. And don't be surprised if I don't reply to you immediately. I get lots of email every day, and I try to answer all of it, but things sometimes get out of hand. If you contact me with something from the no-no list, I'll probably reply and call you a dirty name that you won't want to repeat to the younguns, then be generally surly and mean to you until I forget about your entire existence. Then I'll just treat you like everyone else, until you make me mad again. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 14. n a u g h t y p e o p l e l i s t -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Being on this list is a sign of great misjudgement. Or idiocy. Or maybe you just emailed me at the wrong time. But anyway, here goes, in alphabetical order, so they don't feel so bad. Also, I'm doing this by email address, but I'll leave it to you to figure out the mail provider that they're using. Take note that half of these people thought they were just doing their daily friendly deeds, and really didn't know they making me mad. BananamanFX* (Help Offering) Coolsib (Partial Walkthrough) Golfingeek4 (Demanding) Gunnersupreme257 (Help Offering/Unwanted Info) JJohnson59 (Partial Walkthrough) Kroaker11* (Loving) Mithrandir_Lives* (Help Offering) Noah129 (Help Offering x2) Sharkseye99 (Help Offering) Smackdown07 (Lazy) Snakeman_07 (Demanding/Help Offering/Lazy) Supermario_878 (Partial Walkthrough) Explanation of Terms: Demanding: Someone didn't say please...just acted like I was their slave. Help Offering: Asked if they could help with the guide. Lazy: Asked for/told about something already in the guide. Loving: Freaked me out. Partial Walkthrough: Sent, without permission, a walkthrough for a part of the game. Unwanted Info: Sent character or boss stats or something that I didn't want or need or whatever. * = Did a no-no, but seemed nice or cool or whatever in light of what the rest of the email said, or if they explained at a later time. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 15. c r e d i t s / t h a n k s -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Author: SquidGirl Inspiration: Lotsa People (too many to list!) Thanks to: Everyone on my AIM Buddy List, my family (exluding my sisters), everyone who works for Nintendo, and everyone who has emailed me telling me they love me or that I have a great guide or that I'm a nice person or offering to help or telling me about something I already knew but didn't add yet or whatever. Special Thanks to: Devin Morgan (Info on Buzzar) CyricZ (Info on various things I missed and lotsa hugs) Wroth (Love n' support n' all dat) Note: To make it onto the Special Thanks list, you have to tell me something that I don't already know that I should know, or do something worthy of Special Thanks. Like...um...stuff. And if I don't know you, don't hug me. I'm kind of touchy about stuff like that. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 16. u p d a t e h i s t o r y -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Version 1.0 (Released Feb. 11, 2001): Introduction and Prologue, only vague character descriptions and walkthrough. Version 1.1 (Released Feb. 12, 2001): Added Chapter 1. Version 1.2 (Released Feb. 14, 2001): Added end of Chapter 1 and part of Chapter 2 Version 1.3 (Released Feb. 16, 2001): Added more of Chapter 2. Phew. My eyes hurt. Version 1.4 (Released Feb. 16, 2001): Finished Chapter 2, and added end of Chapter 2. Version 1.5 (Released Feb. 19, 2001): Part of Chapter 3 done. More to come later. I think. Version 1.6 (Released Feb. 24, 2001): Finished Chapter 3, added end of Chapter 3, added beginning of Chapter 4. Version 1.7 (Released Feb. 25, 2001): Added lots of pointless stuff that isn't related to the game in any way, but makes this guide more fun to read. Er...would that be funner or more fun? More fun sounds better, but I was always taught that words of 1 or 2 syllables took '-er', and everything else was 'more.' Um...ignore me. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Thank you! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ____ _ _ ____ _ _ / ___| __ _ _ _(_) __| |/ ___(_)_ __| | \___ \ / _` | | | | |/ _` | | _| | '__| | ___) | (_| | |_| | | (_| | |_| | | | | | |____/ \__, |\__,_|_|\__,_|\____|_|_| |_| |_| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- becky@chronosquid.com -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This document © 2001 SquidGirl -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-