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I like to put it on the top because I figure that the faster you get the boring parts done, the more relaxed you would feel when you are reading this FAQ, so without further a due, here it comes. This FAQ is a Copyright Of Tony J. Tso(ChaosDemon). Some information that appears in this FAQ is a copyright of their respected owners.All Rights Reserved. Nothing that appears in this FAQ can be reproduced in whole or in part with-out the express written permission of the author(I.E. Me). If you are interested in using this FAQ on your website or webpage, please email me at: vampiro_07@hotmail.nospam.com, you would have to remove the "nospam" to email me. Once those sites had be approved, you will find the list here. And if you use it without permission, I will not hesitate to act Legally. And one more thing, if your site is a money-making website, don't even email me, because I already own a website, and I recieve more emails than I can reply to. Now that we got all that out of the way, let's begin! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Version History =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 10/24/01 03:58:31 PM PST-Yes, here it is, the final version of the FAQ is here, that means that there won't be any other revisions, because I truly believe that I finished or covered everything I can in the FAQ. But however, if you believe I missed something. Actually I did miss something, the gameshark codes will be completed soon. 09/04/01 03:32 PM PST-Added Cheese Locations, and no, I did not discover them, a lot of people find out before I did. Even though there's a FAQ for it, I thought I'd add it here. 07/18/01 06:49 PM PST-Done the Walkthrough section, and now onto the other stuff. One thing, many things will be coming up. I spent too much time on the walkthrough. 07/16/01 03:49 PM PST-Birth of this FAQ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Introduction =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Ah, Perfect Dark, there's a lot to say. Almost everyone knows about PD - the numerous delays, the GB camera feature that was trashed, the endless waiting.. and finally it came. Nintendo wanted to make it clear this was a mature game for 'mature' people with their advertising [go to perfectdark.com and get the commercial and you'll see what I mean] and 'mature' themes. The evolution of Goldeneye has commeth, and even at its worst moments, it's still 30x better then Goldeneye. First things first - this is not a sequel to Goldeneye, and it does not have the Bond license. PD is running on an enhanced Goldeneye engine, and a few other similiarities.. but that's where it stops. From there on, PD is bigger badder and better. Just think - up to 8 simulants or bots to play against, mix and match faces and bodies, save your record, choose what weapons you want, choose what control style you want, plenty of challenging single player missions, co-op mode, innovative counter-op mode, nearly double the weapons 007 had, and more! It's enough to drive one crazy with anticipation! But then again the countless amount of delays came by, so gamers had to wait... and wait.. and wait some more. You play as an agent working for the Carrington Institute -Joanna Dark. Although she is inexperienced, her achievements in training has spawned a nickname for her - 'Perfect Dark' hence the name of the game. You must infiltrate Datadyne, a msyterious company that may be involved with illegal or strange activities. And so off she goes, on what seems to be a simple mission - but it spirals off into many others as the story develops. Aliens, war and peace will be involved - and if you get stuck, play co-op with a friend. That's right. You can play aaaall the missions with a buddy - but a few things change around. The weapons are great, with a few returning classics. And every gun has a secondary function - whether it be zoom in, lock-on, pistol whip, lethal injection, targetted rocket, etc. The maps are also very well thought-out and look very good. Some of the favourite maps from Goldeneye have made a comeback, but the newer maps are much better [with a few exceptions.] If you don't have an expansion pak, you won't be able to fully experience the game. Meaning you'll only be able to play multiplayer with few options. Not so great, huh? The graphics are wonderful in PD, with light glare effects, stunninig reload animations, and so forth. You should be ablle to see the difference between PD and goldeneye right away if you're comparing graphics. You can also play with hi-res, but that really hurts the framerate. Note : Framerates will change depending on the amount of simulants you put in, how many things are happening in one area, etc. PD also has a lot to offer audio-wise. The music is up-beat and perfect for this kinda game. Sometimes it'll have a futuristic or sci-fi type of feel, or some may sound similar to 007 tunes. The customization in PD is endless.. so you don't have to worry about music choosing. MULTIPLAYER! Yeah, this is what made Goldeneye [the n64 game obviously.. sheesh] famous. Great multiplayer action. And does Perfect Dark deliver in this area? Yes, yes, definitley. More so. Customization is the main key here. Want the weapons to be dragons, rocket launchers, magnums, magsecs, falcon2s, and shields? sure. Want a completley different combo? go ahead! There's endless customization so you can play jussst the way you want. Simuants or bots is definitley a very good idea. If you have no one to play with, practice against some bots! Want you and your friends to face one big tough bot? Sure! You can do so much in PD, Goldeneye fans will NOT be disappointed. PD provides a great time with multiplayer, as well as on your own. The framerate doesn't really bother me, but it all depends on how much you can take. This is what we were waiting for, and the wait was worth it, all the way. Scores Gameplay : 10 Graphics : 9.5 Sound : 10 Music : 10 Multiplayer : 10+ Replay : 10 Controls : 10 Overall : 10 BUY or RENT? - Buy, buy, buy! Sushi says - I definitley reccomend this game to anyone! -Cyper Sushi =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Story =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Since the dawn of man, our planet has been watched. The reasons for this interest differ from race to race: some merely wish to observe until humanity has evolved to a point where they can introduce themselves without sparking mass panic, while the motives of others are considerably less benign. And not all humans are oblivious to the watchers above and among us. Daniel Carrington, head of the elite Carrington Institute, suspects that rapid technological developments at dataDyne HQ are the results of the corporation taking a dark path to first contact - a path which apparently branches through major Government agencies... Whether or not his suspicions are justified, it is clear that events are rushing to a head. People are being abducted, animals are being mutilated: someone amongst the stars desperately wants something they believe us to have, and Carrington suspects that the grand plan penetrates far deeper than these surface incidents. Using all means available, the Institute has resolved to find out exactly what's going on before it's too late, and only recently has it been offered its first real lead into the conspiracy: urgent messages from one Dr. Caroll located deep in the heart of dataDyne operations, requesting extraction from the company before alleged threats on his life are actually carried out. Cue freshly-qualified Agent Joanna Dark, codenamed Perfect Dark thanks to her unprecedented achievements in training. Her first real assignment could hardly be of more importance: infiltrate the dataDyne skyscraper, extract Dr. Caroll and bring him back to the Institute undetected and unharmed. With events at dataDyne shrouded in mystery and yet moving so fast, whatever knowledge Dr. Caroll possesses could ultimately decide the fate of the human race. -Perfect Dark Instruction Booklet =) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Characters =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Joanna Dark Alias: Perfect Dark Age: 23 years Weapon of Choice: Falcon 2 Status: Player you control. Jonathan Alias: None AGe: 28 years Weapon of Choice: DY357 Mr. Blonde Alias: None Age: ??? Weapon of Choice: Mauler, Slayer Status: The Big Boss of the Game Trent Easton Alias: None Age: 36 years Weapon of Choice: Golden Magnum Status: Cassandra's Right-hand person Daniel Carrington Alias: None Age: 62 Years Weapon of Choice: None Status: Your Boss President Alias: None Age: 50 years Weapon of Choice: None Status: The President of the United States of America Cassandra De Vries Alias: None Age: 39 Years Weapon of Choice: None Status: Operater of dataDyne Elvis Alias: None Age: ??? Weapon of Choice: Phoenix Status: Bazar Alien from outer space. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Controls =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Control Style 1.1: L/R Buttons = Aim C-Up = Look Down C-Down = Look Up C-L/R = Strafe Left/Right A Button = Weapon Select B Button = Action/Reload Weapon Control Stick = Walk/Turn Z Button = Fire Weapon Control-Pad = Same as C-Buttons Hold Weapon button for quick-menu. Hold Action button to toggle function. Action+Fire temporarily changes function. Aim allows you to target accurately. Aim + C-Down button crouches. Aim + C-Up button gets up. Control Style 1.2: L/R Buttons = Aim C-Up = Forwards C-L/R = Strafe Left/Right C-Down = Backwards A Button = Weapon B Button = Action/Reload Control Stick = Look Z Button = Fire Control-Pad = Same as C-Buttons Hold Weapon button for quick-menu. Hold Action button to toggle function. Action+Fire temporarily changes function. Aim allows you to target accurately. Aim + C-Down button crouches. Aim + C-Up button gets up. Control Style 1.3: L/R Buttons = Weapon C-Up = Look Down C-L/R = Strafe Left/Right C-Down = Look Up A Button = Fire Weapon B Button = Action/Reload Control Stick = Walk/Turn Z Button = Aim Control-Pad = Same as C-Buttons Hold Weapon button for quick-menu. Hold Action button to toggle function. Action+Fire temporarily changes function. Aim allows you to target accurately. Aim + C-Down button crouches. Aim + C-Up button gets up. Control Style 1.4: L/R Buttons = Weapon C-Up = Forwards C-L/R = Strafe Left/Right C-Down = Backwards A Button = Fire Weapon B Button = Action/Reload Control Stick = Walk/Turn Z Button = Aim Control-Pad = Same as C-Buttons Hold Weapon button for quick-menu. Hold Action button to toggle function. Action+Fire temporarily changes function. Aim allows you to target accurately. Aim + C-Down button crouches. Aim + C-Up button gets up. Control Style 2.1 Controller #1: A Button = Weapon B Button = Action/Reload Control Stick = Walk/Turn Z Button = Fire Weapon Control Style 2.1 Controller #2: A Button = Weapon B Button = Action/Reload Control Stick = Look/Strafe Z Button = Aim Control Style 2.2 Controller #1: A Button = Weapon B Button = Action/Reload Control Stick = Look Z Button = Fire Control Style 2.2 Controller #2: A Button = Weapon B Button = Action/Reload Control Stick = Walk/Strafe Z Button = Aim Control Style 2.3 Controller #1: A Button = Weapon B Button = Action/Reload Control Stick = Walk/Turn Z Button = Aim Control Style 2.3 Controller #2: A Button = Weapon B Button = Action/Reload Control Stick = Look/Strafe Z Button = Fire Weapon Control Style 2.4 Controller #1: A Button = Weapon B Button = Action/Reload Control Stick = Look Z Button = Aim Control Style 2.4 Controller #2: A Button = Weapon B Button = Action/Reload Control Stick = Walk/Strafe Z Button = Fire Weapon =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Walkthrough =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- (Regular Walkthrough to come) Perfect Dark Bonus Mission Walkthrough Mr. Blonde's Revenge This mission is not too difficult if you know what to do exactly to keep from getting killed. You get to play as Mr. Blonde and take care of loose ends that the Skedar want taken care of. This explains how Cassandra is abducted later. Agent Objectives-- 1) Locate and escort Cassandra to helipad On agent, this is not a very difficult task. From the start, go behind the reception desk and grab two CMP 150s. Head to your right (from facing the part of the desk where the guns were), and take the hallway on your right. Go almost to the end of this hallway and turn on your cloaking device. DO NOT let the guards see you. Go into the Small cubicle on your left, and take the embroidered door into a room full of guards. Walk near the wall on the far side and a sliding door will open and reveal the lab elevator. Walk to the left in this room and take cover behind this wall to where the guards cannot see you (and you can't see them). Switch off your cloaking device and activate you bombspy. If you quickly lead the guards past the cubicle and into the main hall, they shouldn't find you or shoot your bombspy. Lead them to the stairway in front of you, clustering as many guards as you can, then hit Z to kill the group of them. You will now be back to Mr. Blonde. Go out of your hiding spot and carefully make your way around the corner into the cubicle and out to the stairway, picking off any more guards with charged up Mauler shots. Make sure this floor is clear, then head up the stairway. (From here you may want to use the double CMP 150 that a guard dropped earlier in the bomb blast). From the stairway, take the elevator on your left. There should be a shield near this elevator. When the elevator is almost ready to stop, you can either scoot against the edge of the elevator (the metal part in the upper left part), or use your cloaking device. Either way, conceal yourself from the guards on this part, and close the elevator door when it opens to ride it up one more level. If you really want or need a second shield, one of the guards on this level will drop one; otherwise, keep the guards from seeing you. On the next level, kill the guard messing with the buttons on the desk, and head right, past Cassandra's office. You will arrive at a door that leads to the stairwell, and a guard should be coming out of it. Take care of him quickly as he may have a wonderful N Bomb. After taking care of him, head up the stairwell he was guarding to the top and open the vent-like door. Be very careful-these shock troopers have N Bombs; if they throw one, then back away as soon as you see it to try to avoid the blast. Kill the guard on the ramps in here, and then turn to your right to see if the guard from the top of the building is coming through the door at the top of the ramps. If he is, kill him too. If you have time, take care of the camera on the wall to the left as you enter from the vent door, and the one above the ramps that the first guard was on. Head back down the stairwell to Cassandra's office. If you were spotted earlier by guards or by the cameras upstairs, you may have some guards to contend with. If you run out of CMP 150 ammo, then use the Mauler. If you pick up any shotguns, they are effective on double blast here as well. Before you enter, disarm yourself and set your function to disarm. Open the doors and punch Cassandra to take her Magnum. Equip your Mauler now and prod her towards the stairwell that leads to the top of the building. Continue prodding her and follow her up the ramps to the top of the building. Agent mode finished. Special Agent objectives-- 1) Plant explosive device in lab lift 2) Locate and escort Cassandra to helipad From the start, go behind the reception desk and grab two CMP 150s. Head to your right (from facing the part of the desk where the guns were), and take the hallway on your right. Go almost to the end of this hallway and turn on your cloaking device. DO NOT let the guards see you. Go into the Small cubicle on your left, and take the embroidered door into a room full of guards. Walk near the wall on the far side and a sliding door will open and reveal the lab elevator. Walk to the left in this room and take cover behind this wall to where the guards cannot see you (and you can't see them). Switch off your cloaking device and activate you bombspy. If you quickly lead the guards past the cubicle and into the main hall, they shouldn't find you or shoot your bombspy. Lead them to the stairway in front of you, clustering as many guards as you can, then hit Z to kill the group of them. You will now be back to Mr. Blonde. Go out of your hiding spot and carefully make your way around the corner into the cubicle and out to the stairway, picking off any more guards with charged up Mauler shots. Make sure this floor is clear. Go back to the lab elevator and get out your Skedar bomb. Plant it on the terminal inside the elevator, objective 1 complete. You now have four minutes to get out. Go back out past the cubicle and head up the stairway. (From here you may want to use the double CMP 150 that a guard dropped earlier in the bomb blast). From the stairway, take the elevator on your left. When the elevator is almost ready to stop, you can either scoot against the edge of the elevator (the metal part in the upper left part), or use your cloaking device. Either way, conceal yourself from the guards on this part, and close the elevator door when it opens to ride it up one more level. If you really need a shield, you can get one from one of the guards on this level; otherwise, don't let them see you. On the next level, kill the guard messing with the buttons on the desk, and head right, past Cassandra's office. You will arrive at a door that leads to the stairwell, and a guard should be coming out of it. Take care of him quickly as he may have a wonderful N Bomb. After taking care of him, head up the stairwell he was guarding to the top and open the vent-like door. Be very careful-these shock troopers have N Bombs; if they throw one, then back away as soon as you see it to try to avoid the blast. Kill the guard on the ramps in here, and then turn to your right to see if the guard from the top of the building is coming through the door at the top of the ramps. If he is, kill him too. If you have time, take care of the camera on the wall to the left as you enter from the vent door, and the one above the ramps that the first guard was on. Head back down the stairwell to Cassandra's office. If you were spotted earlier by guards or by the cameras upstairs, you may have some guards to contend with. If you run out of CMP 150 ammo, then use the Mauler. If you pick up any shotguns, they are effective on double blast here as well. Before you enter the office, disarm yourself and set your function to disarm. Open the doors and punch Cassandra to take her Magnum. Equip your Mauler now and prod her towards the stairwell that leads to the top of the building. Continue prodding her and follow her up the ramps to the top of the building. Objective 2 and Special Agent mode complete. Perfect Agent objectives-- 1) Plant explosive device in lab lift 2) Eliminate dataDyne Captain 3) Locate and escort Cassandra to helipad From the start, go behind the reception desk and grab two CMP 150s. Head to your right (from facing the part of the desk where the guns were), and take the hallway on your right. Go almost to the end of this hallway and turn on your cloaking device. DO NOT let the guards see you. Go into the Small cubicle on your left, and take the embroidered door into a room full of guards. Walk near the wall on the far side and a sliding door will open and reveal the lab elevator. Walk to the left in this room and take cover behind this wall to where the guards cannot see you (and you can't see them). Switch off your cloaking device and activate you bombspy. If you quickly lead the guards past the cubicle and into the main hall, they shouldn't find you or shoot your bombspy. Lead them to the stairway in front of you, clustering as many guards as you can, then hit Z to kill the group of them. You will now be back to Mr. Blonde. Go out of your hiding spot and carefully make your way around the corner into the cubicle and out to the stairway, picking off any more guards with charged up Mauler shots. Make sure this floor is clear-once it is, head up the stairway. Turn to the elevator on your left and blast out the glass with you CMP 150s. Then when the elevator on your right comes down, blast out the glass on it. Equip your Mauler with the charged up shot, and get on the elevator on your right. When the elevator comes to a stop from being disabled, wait about a second then turn on your cloaking device. Wait for the dataDyne captain to ride up. She most likely won't see you. Blast her in the head with your charged up shot, and unequip your cloaking device. Objective 2 completed. Ride up this elevator and get in the right corner of it next to the steel beam so that you can't see the guards (and they can't see you). As soon as the door opens, shut it and ride the elevator all the way back down to the first floor. Summon the elevator on your left. Quickly head to the right and down the stairway, into the cubicle on your left, through the embroidered door, and the wall into the lab elevator. Plant the Skedar bomb in here by selecting it and walking up to the terminal in the elevator. Objective 1 complete. You now have four minutes to leave the building. Quickly head back through the cubicle, up the stairway, and to the elevator on your left, it should be open if you hurried through the bomb planting procedure and summoned it earlier. (From here you may want to use the double CMP 150 that a guard dropped earlier in the bomb blast). When the elevator is almost ready to stop, use your cloaking device. Conceal yourself from the guards on this part, and close the elevator door when it opens to ride it up one more level. Kill the guard messing with the buttons on the desk, and head right, past Cassandra's office. You will arrive at a door that leads to the stairwell, and a guard should be coming out of it. Take care of him quickly as he may have a wonderful N Bomb. After taking care of him, head up the stairwell he was guarding to the top and open the vent-like door. Be very careful-these shock troopers have N Bombs; if they throw one, then back away as soon as you see it to try to avoid the blast. Kill the guard on the ramps in here, and then turn to your right to see if the guard from the top of the building is coming through the door at the top of the ramps. If he is, kill him too. If you have time, take care of the camera on the wall to the left as you enter from the vent door, and the one above the ramps that the first guard was on. Head back down the stairwell to Cassandra's office. If you were spotted earlier by guards or by the cameras upstairs, you may have some guards to contend with. If you run out of CMP 150 ammo, then use the Mauler. If you pick up any shotguns, they are effective on double blast here as well. Before you enter the office, disarm yourself and set your function to disarm. Open the doors and punch Cassandra to take her Magnum. Equip your Mauler now and prod her towards the stairwell that leads to the top of the building. Continue prodding her and follow her up the ramps to the top of the building. Objective 3 and Perfect Agent mode complete. ---------------------------------------------------------------- IV. Maian S.O.S. This mission can be difficult, as you start with only about 1/4 life and no ammo. If you know what to expect, however, it can greatly increase your chances for survival. You play as one of the Maian Protectors (not Elvis) that sends the distress signal to the Carrington Institute. Agent objectives-- 1) Activate distress signal You wake up from being experimented on to have 1/4 life. Great. Set your punch function to disarm and let the guy at the terminal see you. Disarm him as long as he still pulls out guns, you will get Falcon 2s. After knocking him out, the guard behind you should be coming through the door and firing at you. Strafe carefully to avoid his fire, and continue disarming him until he faints. Grab the psychosis gun from the table in the room that the guard came from. Go back into the room you woke up in and push the hover bed slowly against the glass. Pull out your falcon 2 and shoot the hover bed 5-6 times to blow open the glass. Switch back to disarm and go through the big door in front of you. Disarm the guy with the Dragon, quickly run backwards back through the door and to the right. Pause the game and select your Dragon. Unpause, set it to proximity mine and throw it into the open doors. Equip your falcon 2. You should wipe out about 2 of the guards from the next chamber. Head carefully through the door and kill the remaining guards as they open the remaining door out of this double door set. Head shots would really help here, or at least chest or hand shots. You can also shoot the gun out of their hands. Once you have some more Dragons, equip them for your primary weapon. You will now be in a long corridor, head to the end of this corridor. A guard may be coming through this door if you made too much noise. If so, cap him. Head out the door and to the left through a door. (Alternately, you can go right and search the cryo-lab areas for a guard that has dual DY357-LXs and infect him with the psychosis gun. This guard can be a great help in clearing out enemies. If you kill him, you only get one bullet for the DY357-LXs). There is a guard usually posted here, wipe him out. Head up this hallway and take out the guy that patrols near the top. Go to the right, down another hallway, and slowly creep up to a spot in the hall where you can see two short cubby holes on both sides. Aim carefully and set your Dragon on proximity in the middle between these two holes. Move slowly down until a guard sees you, then run back up. The proximity blast should take out the two guards in both cubby holes within a few seconds; if not, go back down and lure a guy to fire at you. Take their dragons and equip them. Go straight down this hall to the door at the end. As you approach the door, it will open. Stay in the doorway until the guards up the ramps on the other side of the room see you, then back up your hallway to gain higher ground. Hit them with dragon shots, then re-enter the room and lure more guards on your left. Repeat until the room is clear. Take all the ammo you get here. Enter the cleared room, and go left. At the end of this room on the right is a weird circle door. Enter it and cross a bridge, going up to your right into a room with columns. Continue straight and then to the right, taking out a guard on a bridge. Cross this area and follow the path to a place with doors on the left and right. Choose the door on the left. The alarm will now sound. Continue through here and carefully look for an open vent on your lower right. Duck into it and shoot any guards you can in the head from your perch. Wait until the alarm stops sounding, then drop into the room. Take an immediate left and then a right, then another immediate left onto a ramp. From this ramp, kill any guards you see in the room. Take out the guards, and then explore this room, making sure none are still running around. You may alert guards on the second floor, so be ready for them at the elevator. Once the elevator has made a couple of trips with no one on it, it is safe to go up, so do so. From the elevator, take a small left and kill the two guards at the end of the bridge near a door. You will alert a guard on the path slightly straight ahead and on the left. Take him out when he comes by. Take the door that the guards you killed were guarding, and get the attention of everyone in this room. Carefully place your dragon on proximity near the elevator in this room on the outside of it, and wait for the guards upstairs that you alerted to come down. Grab their weapons and head back out the way you came into this room. Go straight across the bridge, pass the elevator, and continue straight to a door down this hallway. Get out your psychosis gun. Open this door and shoot the guy in front of you with the psychosis gun, if you have it, if not shoot him and clear the room carefully. Immediately pause and get out your dragon if you had the psychosis gun out. Strafe a tad to the left and take out a guy further in the room near some crates. Let your converted guard rush ahead and battle some of the rest of the guards in here. Take out the guards as they come to you, and watch your back, because a few tend to come from the door behind you. Listen for the door opening and take them out. Once you feel as though most of this room is clear, take the ramp to your left, and follow the catwalks up here around to an elevator. Be aware that sometimes there is a guard near this elevator, so take him out if he is. Enter the elevator and ride it up. As soon as it opens, take out the guard directly in front of you. Turn left and open the door down the hall. Carefully peek around the corner on your right, and take out two more guards. Enter the door they were guarding and quickly cap the two scientists in this room. Retreat into the previous room if you need to. Once the room with the scientists is clear, head straight to the end of it, turn left, and cap down the plywood board. Carefully go through and peek around the corner to your left and kill the next two scientists. Walk up to the computer keyboard and hit B. In a second, your first objective and Agent mode is complete. Special Agent objectives-- 1) Sabotage enemy medical equipment 2) Activate distress signal You wake up from being experimented on to have 1/4 life. Great. Set your punch function to disarm and let the guy at the terminal see you. Disarm him as long as he still pulls out guns, you will get Falcon 2s. After knocking him out, the guard behind you should be coming through the door and firing at you. Strafe carefully to avoid his fire, and continue disarming him until he faints. Pick up the Psychosis gun from the table in the room that the guard came from. Go back into the room you woke up in and push the hover bed slowly against the glass. Pull out your falcon 2 and shoot the hover bed 5-6 times to blow open the glass. Switch back to disarm and go through the big door in front of you. Disarm the guy with the Dragon, quickly run backwards back through the door and to the right. Pause the game and select your Dragon. Unpause, set it to proximity mine and throw it into the open doors. Equip your falcon 2. You should wipe out about 2 of the guards from the next chamber. Head carefully through the door and kill the remaining guards as they open the remaining door out of this double door set. Head shots would really help here, or at least chest or hand shots. You can also shoot the gun out of their hands. Once you have some more Dragons, equip them for your primary weapon. You will now be in a long corridor, head to the end of this corridor. A guard may be coming through this door if you made too much noise. If so, cap him. Head out the door and to the left through a door. (Alternately, you can go right and search the cryo-lab areas for a guard that has dual DY357-LXs and infect him with the psychosis gun. This guard can be a great help in clearing out enemies. If you kill him, you only get one bullet for the DY357-LXs). There is a guard usually posted here, wipe him out. Head up this hallway and take out the guy that patrols near the top. Turn around and head back down the hallway you just came from. Open the first door on your right. Carefully creep into this room, and watch for four guys sitting at desks. One should be farther down on you left. Carefully aim and snipe him with a single head shot. Creep a little more into the room and take out a closer guy at a desk on your left in the same fashion. Continue to take out the guards in this manner. If any of them ever becomes alerted to your presence, quickly back out of the room, and place a dragon on proximity mine at the door. Grab the ammo of downed guards and repeat, or if things are desperate, try for head shots with the falcon 2. After this long corridor is clear, make for the far side of it and open the double set of doors. In the next room, under the bright lights, you should be barely able to make out two scientists and a hover bed. Blow up the hover bed to eliminate the dead body of the Maian Ambassador, and hopefully the two scientists (objective 1 completed). Take out the scientists if needed and collect their tranquilizer guns and psychosis guns. Go back out the long corridor and make a left down the long hallway. Go to the right, down another hallway, and slowly creep up to a spot in the hall where you can see two short cubby holes on both sides. Aim carefully and set your Dragon on proximity in the middle between these two holes. Move slowly down until a guard sees you, then run back up. The proximity blast should take out the two guards in both cubby holes within a few seconds; if not, go back down and lure a guy to fire at you. Take their dragons and equip them. Go straight down this hall to the door at the end. As you approach the door, it will open. Stay in the doorway until the guards up the ramps on the other side of the room see you, then back up your hallway to gain higher ground. Hit them with dragon shots, then re-enter the room and lure more guards on your left. Repeat until the room is clear. Take all the ammo you get here. Enter the cleared room, and go left. At the end of this room on the right is a weird circle door. Enter it and cross a bridge, going up to your right into a room with columns. Continue straight and then to the right, taking out a guard on a bridge. Cross this area and follow the path to a place with doors on the left and right. Choose the door on the left. The alarm will now sound. Continue through here and carefully look for an open vent on your lower right. Duck into it and shoot any guards you can in the head from your perch. Wait until the alarm stops sounding, then drop into the room. Take an immediate left and then a right, then another immediate left onto a ramp. From this ramp, kill any guards you see in the room. Take out the guards, and then explore this room, making sure none are still running around. You may alert guards on the second floor, so be ready for them at the elevator. Once the elevator has made a couple of trips with no one on it, it is safe to go up, so do so. From the elevator, take a small left and kill the two guards at the end of the bridge near a door. You will alert a guard on the path slightly straight ahead and on the left. Take him out when he comes by. Take the door that the guards you killed were guarding, and get the attention of everyone in this room. Carefully place your dragon on proximity near the elevator in this room on the outside of it, and wait for the guards upstairs that you alerted to come down. Grab their weapons and head back out the way you came into this room. Go straight across the bridge, pass the elevator, and continue straight to a door down this hallway. Get out your psychosis gun. Open this door and shoot the guy in front of you with the psychosis gun, if you have it, if not shoot him and clear the room carefully. Immediately pause and get out your dragon if you had the psychosis gun out. Strafe a tad to the left and take out a guy further in the room near some crates. Let your converted guard rush ahead and battle some of the rest of the guards in here. Take out the guards as they come to you, and watch your back, because a few tend to come from the door behind you. Listen for the door opening and take them out. Once you feel as though most of this room is clear, take the ramp to your left, and follow the catwalks up here around to an elevator. Be aware that sometimes there is a guard near this elevator, so take him out if he is. Enter the elevator and ride it up. As soon as it opens, take out the guard directly in front of you. Turn left and open the door down the hall. Carefully peek around the corner on your right, and take out two more guards. Enter the door they were guarding and quickly cap the two scientists in this room. Retreat into the previous room if you need to. Once the room with the scientists is clear, head straight to the end of it, turn left, and cap down the plywood board. Carefully go through and peek around the corner to your left and kill the next two scientists. Walk up to the computer keyboard and hit B. In a second, your second objective and Special Agent mode is complete. Perfect Agent objectives-- 1) Sabotage enemy medical equipment 2) Destroy captured Maian saucer 3) Activate distress signal You wake up from being experimented on to have 1/4 life. Great. Set your punch function to disarm and let the guy at the terminal see you. Disarm him as long as he still pulls out guns, you will get Falcon 2s and possibly a Psychosis gun. After knocking him out, the guard behind you should be coming through the door and firing at you. Strafe carefully to avoid his fire, and continue disarming him until he faints. Pick up the Psychosis Gun from the table in the room that the guard came from. Go back into the room you woke up in and push the hover bed slowly against the glass. Pull out your falcon 2 and shoot the hover bed 5-6 times to blow open the glass. Switch back to disarm and go through the big door in front of you. Disarm the guy with the Dragon, quickly run backwards back through the door and to the right. Pause the game and select your Dragon. Unpause, set it to proximity mine and throw it into the open doors. Equip your falcon 2. You should wipe out about 2 of the guards from the next chamber. Head carefully through the door and kill the remaining guards as they open the remaining door out of this double door set. Head shots would really help here, or at least chest or hand shots. You can also shoot the gun out of their hands. Once you have some more Dragons, equip them for your primary weapon. You will now be in a long corridor, head to the end of this corridor. A guard may be coming through this door if you made too much noise. If so, cap him. Head out the door and to the left through a door. (Alternately, you can go right and search the cryo-lab areas for a guard that has dual DY357-LXs and infect him with the psychosis gun. This guard can be a great help in clearing out enemies. If you kill him, you only get one bullet for the DY357-LXs). There is a guard usually posted here, wipe him out. Head up this hallway and take out the guy that patrols near the top. Turn around and head back down the hallway you just came from. Open the first door on your right. Carefully creep into this room, and watch for four guys sitting at desks. One should be farther down on you left. Carefully aim and snipe him with a single head shot. Creep a little more into the room and take out a closer guy at a desk on your left in the same fashion. Continue to take out the guards in this manner. If any of them ever becomes alerted to your presence, quickly back out of the room, and place a dragon on proximity mine at the door. Grab the ammo of downed guards and repeat, or if things are desperate, try for head shots with the falcon 2. After this long corridor is clear, make for the far side of it and open the double set of doors. In the next room, under the bright lights, you should be barely able to make out two scientists and a hover bed. Blow up the hover bed to eliminate the dead body of the Maian Ambassador, and hopefully the two scientists (objective 1 completed). Take out the scientists if needed and collect their tranquilizer guns and psychosis guns. Go back out the long corridor and make a left down the long hallway. Go to the right, down another hallway, and slowly creep up to a spot in the hall where you can see two short cubby holes on both sides. Aim carefully and set your Dragon on proximity in the middle between these two holes. Move slowly down until a guard sees you, then run back up. The proximity blast should take out the two guards in both cubby holes within a few seconds; if not, go back down and lure a guy to fire at you. Take their dragons and equip them. Go straight down this hall to the door at the end. As you approach the door, it will open. Stay in the doorway until the guards up the ramps on the other side of the room see you, then back up your hallway to gain higher ground. Hit them with dragon shots, then re-enter the room and lure more guards on your left. Repeat until the room is clear. Take all the ammo you get here. Enter the cleared room, and go left. At the end of this room on the right is a weird circle door. Enter it and cross a bridge, going up to your right into a room with columns. Continue straight and then to the right, taking out a guard on a bridge. Cross this area and follow the path to a place with doors on the left and right. Choose the door on the left. The alarm will now sound. Continue through here and carefully look for an open vent on your lower right. Duck into it and shoot any guards you can in the head from your perch. Wait until the alarm stops sounding, then drop into the room. Take an immediate left and then a right, then another immediate left onto a ramp. From this ramp, kill any guards you see in the room. Take out the guards, and then explore this room, making sure none are still running around. You may alert guards on the second floor, so be ready for them at the elevator. Once the elevator has made a couple of trips with no one on it, it is safe to go up, so do so. From the elevator, take a small left and kill the two guards at the end of the bridge near a door. You will alert a guard on the path slightly straight ahead and on the left. Take him out when he comes by. Take the door that the guards you killed were guarding, and get the attention of everyone in this room. Carefully place your dragon on proximity near the elevator in this room on the outside of it, and wait for the guards upstairs that you alerted to come down. Grab their weapons and head back out the way you came into this room. Go straight across the bridge, pass the elevator, and continue straight to a door down this hallway. Get out your psychosis gun. Open this door and shoot the guy in front of you with the psychosis gun, if you have it, if not shoot him and clear the room carefully. Immediately pause and get out your dragon if you had the psychosis gun out. Strafe a tad to the left and take out a guy further in the room near some crates. Let your converted guard rush ahead and battle some of the rest of the guards in here. Take out the guards as they come to you, and watch your back, because a few tend to come from the door behind you. Listen for the door opening and take them out. Once you feel as though most of this room is clear, head to the Maian saucer directly in front of you. Your converted guard may have already taken it out (hopefully you stayed at the back of the room as not to get caught in the massive explosion). If he didn't, then plug about a clip and a half into it carefully with your scope from the door. Stand near the door until it has completely finished exploding (objective 2 completed). That done, take the ramp to your left, and follow the catwalks up here around to an elevator. Be aware that sometimes there is a guard near this elevator, so take him out if he is. Enter the elevator and ride it up. As soon as it opens, take out the guard directly in front of you. Turn left and open the door down the hall. Carefully peek around the corner on your right, and take out two more guards. Enter the door they were guarding and quickly cap the two scientists in this room. Retreat into the previous room if you need to. Once the room with the scientists is clear, head straight to the end of it, turn left, and cap down the plywood board. Carefully go through and peek around the corner to your left and kill the next two scientists. Walk up to the computer keyboard and hit B. In a second, your third objective and Perfect Agent mode is complete. ---------------------------------------------------------------- V. War! This is probably one of the hardest stages on the entire game, next to the Carrington Institute Defense. I can tell what will sort of happen, and what you can do to adjust to certain situations, but some of it will be pure improvisation. As a general rule, don't get close to the Skedar, because A) they don't miss much, and B) they can kill you with one hit by a charging headbutt or claw swipe. Good luck. Agent objectives-- 1) Kill Skedar King From the very beginning, strafe run straight and then up a small hill on your right, strafe run slightly right, then left into the hole in the Skedar Shrine. Strafe run to your right and down the ramp, and strafe run to your left. If you arrived quickly enough, set your phoenix to explosive shells and cap the Skedar at the end of the hall and wait for your buddies to come back you up. If the Skedar caught up to the first intersection, back off and group with your buddies. Now follow your buddies across the bridge, and as soon as you can, pick up a Mauler. Set it to charge up shot and back your buddies up as needed. Continue to follow them through a few more curves to the door. Make sure you back your buddies up as well as you can until they enter this door. Immediately pause and get out your phoenix. DO NOT hit your buddies with the phoenix explosive shells on accident, let them take out the closer guys; you should concentrate on the guys on the corner farther away. Turn corners and quickly strafe back and forth to avoid fire, auto aim, and pull the trigger quickly to take out groups of guards at the corners. Tap the trigger quickly as it will make killing the guards faster, and reloading easier. Follow your buddies and take corners and hold them. When you reach the corner where you can see the generator, two possible scenarios come into play. If there are no guards at the end hallway and none at the top of the bridge, sprint (strafe run as fast as you can) next to the wall on your left, past the Skedar king, and behind the generator. If things go well, you will have no guards firing at you and will have a clear shot at the king. DO NOT let him notice you, creep to where you can see his head from behind the generator, and let him have it with a fully charged Mauler shot to his head. The second scenario is, when you round the corner and the generator is in view, that a serious amount out guards will come pouring out from near the generator. Continue to take them out until your buddies make their way to the king, and then immediately sprint behind them and get cover behind the generator. Let the king return to his normal position and then cap him with a fully charged Mauler shot to the head. Your buddies may also finish him by luck. Objective 1 and Agent mode complete. Special Agent objectives-- 1) Kill Skedar King 2) Kill Skedar King 2 From the very beginning, strafe run straight and then up a small hill on your right, strafe run slightly right, then left into the hole in the Skedar Shrine. Strafe run to your right and down the ramp, and strafe run to your left. If you arrived quickly enough, set your phoenix to explosive shells and cap the Skedar at the end of the hall and wait for your buddies to come back you up. If the Skedar caught up to the first intersection, back off and group with your buddies. Now follow your buddies across the bridge, and as soon as you can, pick up a Mauler. Set it to charge up shot and back your buddies up as needed. Continue to follow them through a few more curves to the door. Make sure you back your buddies up as well as you can until they enter this door. Immediately pause and get out your phoenix. DO NOT hit your buddies with the phoenix explosive shells on accident, let them take out the closer guys; you should concentrate on the guys on the corner farther away. Turn corners and quickly strafe back and forth to avoid fire, auto aim, and pull the trigger quickly to take out groups of guards at the corners. Tap the trigger quickly as it will make killing the guards faster, and reloading easier. Follow your buddies and take corners and hold them. When you reach the corner where you can see the generator, two possible scenarios come into play. If there are no guards at the end hallway and none at the top of the bridge, sprint (strafe run as fast as you can) next to the wall on your left, past the Skedar king, and behind the generator. If things go well, you will have no guards firing at you and will have a clear shot at the king. DO NOT let him notice you, creep to where you can see his head from behind the generator, and let him have it with a fully charged Mauler shot to his head. The second scenario is, when you round the corner and the generator is in view, that a serious amount out guards will come pouring out from near the generator. Continue to take them out until your buddies make their way to the king, and then immediately sprint behind them and get cover behind the generator. Let the king return to his normal position and then cap him with a fully charged Mauler shot to the head. Your buddies may also finish him by luck. Objective 1 complete. Now continue to rotate around the generator from your hiding spot and sometimes excess guards will disappear. Go back to the door at the far end of the room, and kill any remaining Skedar from afar with explosive phoenix shells. Strafe to avoid their fire. Enter the door carefully and take out any Skedar guards in the immediate area or on the ramp in front of you. Kill the Skedar guards at the top of the ramp, and as they enter the door at the top of the ramp. Once you feel it is safe, approach the door at the top of the ramp and take out any more Skedar opening it from a slight distance so your Phoenix shells don't hurt you. Go through the door cautiously and watch the corner ahead of you on the glass bridge. Take out any guards coming from around this area. Then take the bridge and shoot any guards coming through the next door, camp here until a group has been defeated (2-3 usually in a group), then proceed through this door, face right, defeat anyone here, move forward, face left, and defeat any guards here. Take out the next group coming through the door. If some charge, move out of the way, use the barricade in the center of the room for cover, and let them have it while strafing as they try to hit you from behind. Juggle the guards in front and behind you now. If you finish this part, take out the next group of guards coming through the double door set, whip out your mauler, carefully go around the center column until you can see the next king's head, and let him have it with a fully charged blast to the head. Quickly take out any more Skedar behind you, using the center column for cover. Objective 2 and Special Agent mode complete. Perfect Agent objectives-- 1) Kill Skedar King 2) Kill Skedar King 2 3) Kill Skedar King 3 AS IF TWO WASN'T BAD ENOUGH, NOW YOU HAVE THREE TO CONTEND WITH. THAT DARN CLONING MACHINE! From the very beginning, strafe run straight and then up a small hill on your right, strafe run slightly right, then left into the hole in the Skedar Shrine. Strafe run to your right and down the ramp, and strafe run to your left. If you arrived quickly enough, set your phoenix to explosive shells and cap the Skedar at the end of the hall and wait for your buddies to come back you up. If the Skedar caught up to the first intersection, back off and group with your buddies. Now follow your buddies across the bridge, and as soon as you can, pick up a Mauler. Set it to charge up shot and back your buddies up as needed. Continue to follow them through a few more curves to the door. Make sure you back your buddies up as well as you can until they enter this door. Immediately pause and get out your phoenix. DO NOT hit your buddies with the phoenix explosive shells on accident, let them take out the closer guys; you should concentrate on the guys on the corner farther away. Turn corners and quickly strafe back and forth to avoid fire, auto aim, and pull the trigger quickly to take out groups of guards at the corners. Tap the trigger quickly as it will make killing the guards faster, and reloading easier. Follow your buddies and take corners and hold them. When you reach the corner where you can see the generator, two possible scenarios come into play. If there are no guards at the end hallway and none at the top of the stairs, sprint (strafe run as fast as you can) next to the wall on your left, past the Skedar king, and behind the generator. If things go well, you will have no guards firing at you and will have a clear shot at the king. DO NOT let him notice you, creep to where you can see his head from behind the generator, and let him have it with a fully charged Mauler shot to his head. The second scenario is, when you round the corner and the generator is in view, that a serious amount out guards will come pouring out from near the generator. Continue to take them out until your buddies make their way to the king, and then immediately sprint behind them and get cover behind the generator. Let the king return to his normal position and then cap him with a fully charged Mauler shot to the head. Your buddies may also finish him by luck. Objective 1 complete. Now continue to rotate around the generator from your hiding spot and sometimes excess guards will disappear. Go back to the door at the far end of the room, and kill any remaining Skedar from afar with explosive phoenix shells. Strafe to avoid their fire. Enter the door carefully and take out any Skedar guards in the immediate area or on the ramp in front of you. Kill the Skedar guards at the top of the ramp, and as they enter the door at the top of the ramp. Once you feel it is safe, approach the door at the top of the ramp and take out any more Skedar opening it from a slight distance so your Phoenix shells don't hurt you. Go through the door cautiously and watch the corner ahead of you on the glass bridge. Take out any guards coming from around this area. Then take the bridge and shoot any guards coming through the next door, camp here until a group has been defeated (2-3 usually in a group), then proceed through this door, face right, defeat anyone here, move forward, face left, and defeat any guards here. Take out the next group coming through the door. If some charge, move out of the way, use the barricade in the center of the room for cover, and let them have it while strafing as they try to hit you from behind. Juggle the guards in front and behind you now. If you finish this part, take out the next group of guards coming through the double door set, whip out your mauler, carefully go around the center column until you can see the next king's head, and let him have it with a fully charged blast to the head. Quickly take out any more Skedar behind you, using the center column for cover. Objective 2 complete. Thank goodness you took out the guy behind you. Now grab the Slayer that the second king dropped and wait for the door in front of you to open. Kill the group of Skedar coming through it; if they charge into the room then just run through the door they came through to the next room. Kill any that come from the door around the center column, or if you can, run past them. Get out your Mauler and set it to charge up shot. Run near the last king; he will fire a rocket, so strafe. Line up your sights with his head and continue to strafe. Quickly cap him with one or two fully charged Mauler shots and hope the guards you left didn't catch up with you. If you had enough health and got lucky, then objective 3 and perfect agent mode is complete. ---------------------------------------------------------------- VI. The Duel In The Duel, you will take several paces, then turn, as in a real duel. But you don't have to fire immediately. Use the barricade in the room as cover if you need. Agent objectives-- 1) Defeat dataDyne guard Pretty easy and straightforward for the dataDyne guard. After you gain control, turn and work your way behind the guard and cap him, or run behind the barricade, let him fire four shots, then finish him. Objective 1 and Agent mode complete. Special Agent objectives-- 1) Defeat dataDyne guard 2) Defeat Jonathan Dark Pretty easy and straightforward for the dataDyne guard. After you gain control, turn and work your way behind the guard and cap him, or run behind the barricade, let him fire four shots, then finish him. Objective 1 complete. Reload and grab his gun if you need ammo. Next you fight Jonathan. He will run and hide behind the barricade, so watch your end of it. He should roll out in a few seconds. Cap him when he does. If he doesn't, go behind the barricade yourself and find him there, or in the room. He is not very accurate. Objective 2 and special agent mode complete. Perfect Agent objectives-- 1) Defeat dataDyne guard 2) Defeat Jonathan Dark 3) Defeat Trent Easton Pretty easy and straightforward for the dataDyne guard. After you gain control, turn and work your way behind the guard and cap him, or run behind the barricade, let him fire four shots, then finish him. Objective 1 complete. Reload and grab his gun if you need ammo. Next you fight Jonathan. He will run and hide behind the barricade, so watch your end of it. He should roll out in a few seconds. Cap him when he does. If he doesn't, go behind the barricade yourself and find him there, or in the room. He is not very accurate. Objective 2 complete. Reload and pick up the magnum if you need it. Lastly, we have Trent Easton. This guy is VERY accurate and tough. Do as Jonathan did, run behind the barricade. If you creep up on the edge where Trent is, have your sights in the right direction, and then charge and get off a good shot before he shoots, plug him until he is defeated. Good job, you completed objective 3 and the perfect agent mode. -Magus747 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Weapons =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Falcon 2 Ammo: 8 Max Ammo: 800 The standard issue Carrington Institute pistol, the Falcon provides excellent aim and a rapid rate of fire. A great, basic gun. Secondary: Pistol Whip Use the barrel of the gun to whip your enemies into submission. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Falcon 2 (silencer) Ammo: 8 Max Ammo: 800 The silencer makes the Falcon a stealthy weapon with deadly accuracy. Use this on levels that require frequent sneaking. Secondary: Pistol Whip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Falcon 2 (scope) Ammo: 8 Max Ammo: 800 The scoped pistol allows you to zoom in one your target. Use it to fire on opponents at as greater distance. Secondary: Pistol Whip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MagSec 4 Ammo: 9 Max Ammo: 800 Not as accurate as the Falcon, the Mag Sec 4 makes up for marksmanship with pure power. Plus, it makes a cool noise when it fires. The small clip makes for lots of reloads. Secondary: 3 Round Burst Pop a cap three rounds at a time. Eats ammunition like nobody's business. Use this if you need to fight your way out of a corner, or when low on Health. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauler Ammo: 20 Max Ammo: 800 A favorite Skedar weapon, the Mauler fires an energy blast at its target. Better used on the secondary function. Secondary: Charge Up Shot Using six blasts at once, this shot will knock practically any enemy flat on its duff. Great in later levels when power is preferred. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phoenix Ammo: 8 Max Ammo: 800 This Maian pistol is a solid energy blaster. Its rate of fire leaves something to be desired, however. Secondary: Explosive Shells Oddly enough, the Explosive Shells require the same amount of ammo as the normal shells. Do not get too close to your target when firing, or you may taste the wrath of the shell the French call "L'explosive." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DY357 Magnum Ammo: 6 Max Ammo: 200 Can you say one-hit kill? I sure can. The Magnum delivers a powerful punch. No wonder Dirty Harry loves it so. The only drawback is a slow reload rate. Secondary: Pistol Whip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DY357-LX Ammo: 6 Max Ammo: 200 Trent Eaton's preferred weapon, this gold-plated Magnum is even deadlier than its little brother, Regular Magnum. Secondary: Pistol Whip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CMP150 Ammo: 32 Max Ammo: 800 Often found lying around corpses of some of dataDyne's finest, the CMP150 has a super-fast rate of fire and relatively quick reload time. A great room-clearer. Secondary: Follow Lock-on Primarily effective against annoying opponents who like to cloak, this function grabs the signal a body is givin' and locks on to stop the livin'. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cyclone Ammo: 50 Max Ammo: 800 With the coolest clip-loading animation around, the Cyclone is a super-charged scatter gun of the highest caliber (and I mean strength of character, not muzzle velocity). Endorsed heavily by the Secret Service. Secondary: Magazine Discharge This function empties the entire clip at whatever lies in its way. Useful when your back is against the wall. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Callisto NTG Ammo: 32 Max Ammo: 800 A rather wussy weapon in its primary function, the Callisto is the standard Maian sidearm. Reload by "feeding the fish." See it to believe it. Secondary: High Impact Shells Always, and I mean always, keep the weapon on this function. For only a slightly higher ammo pricetag, you get "high impact shells." They mean it. Drop a Skedar, move on. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- RC-P120 Ammo: 120 Max Ammo: 800 Oh, lovely gun. Oh, wonderful weapon of enormous clip and super rate of fire. Oh, oh, oh. Secondary: Cloak A real ammo-eater, the Cloak function allows you to become invisible to your foes while still plugging them with ultra-ammo. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Laptop Gun Ammo: 50 Max Ammo: 800 Simply said, my favorite weapon in the game. Stealthily disguised as a laptop, this gun unfolds into a blindingly fast uber-machine gun. Find it, love it. Secondary: Deploy as Sentry Gun This is the butter on already wonderful bread. Enable this function to attach the weapon to a wall. As enemies enter the area, the gun will work on its own to end lives. A great weapon for King of the Hill battles and hairy Solo Mission encounters. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dragon Ammo: 30 Max Ammo: 400 You need only hear this gun to hear its almighty power. Chak-chak-chak. Reloading is a breeze. Keep this weapon close to your heart. It is a gem. Secondary: Proximity Self-Destruct Deploy the gun as a proximity mine. When an enemy wanders by, he or she or it will be eating Dragon shrapnel. Tons of fun in the combat simulator. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- K7 Avenger Ammo: 25 Max Ammo: 400 The small clip is a serious drawback to this mediocre rifle. Touted as a "special technology," it begs the question, "what's so special about it?" Secondary: Threat Detector This function picks up dangerous objects in the arena: automatic weapons and explosive devices have nowhere to hide. Keep this function on at all times. It requires no ammo. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AR34 Ammo: 30 Max Ammo: 400 The accuracy and range of this rifle make it a good mid-range assault rifle. Not as fun as the Dragon, but tons better than the K7. Secondary: Use Scope This allows you to cast about while zoomed in on distant foes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SuperDragon Ammo: 30 Max Ammo: 400 The primary function is the same as a Dragon's. Secondary: Grenade Ammo: 6 Max Ammo: 40 A sweet addition to an already superior weapon, the secondary function allows you to turn the gun to the side, allowing you to launch grenades at feeble baddies. Use it to clear enemies around corners. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shotgun Ammo: 9 Max Ammo: 100 A powerful close range weapon, the Shotgun has a terrible reload rate. Use it when you absolutely, positively have to kill every single cat in the room. Secondary: Double Blast Two shots at once. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sniper Rifle Ammo: 8 Max Ammo: 400 This rifle has unbelievable reach. Use the shoulder button look through the scope and the C-up and down buttons to zoom in and out. Secondary: Crouch This allows you to stay crouching as you snipe. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Farsight XR-20 Ammo: 8 Max Ammo: 100 Another Maian treat, the Farsight gun is one of the deadliest in the game, because they'll never see you coming. Farsight literally allows you to see through walls and pick off enemies four rooms away. A great way to clear a path of danger. Secondary: Target Locator This function tracks enemies through walls. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reaper Ammo: 200 Max Ammo: 800 A curious weapon, the Reaper shoots a metric ton of ammo at approaching enemies. Super-inaccurate, the Reaper takes a while to get going. Very ineffective against the Skedar. Good in combat simulator games. Secondary: Grinder Get close to your prey and grind them into a slurry. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Devastator Ammo: 8 Max Ammo: 40 Launch grenades to your heart's content. A good way to disperse clumps of unruly enemies. Secondary: Wall Hugger Primarily used to punch holes in rocks and walls, the Wall Hugger shoots a round that clings to flat surfaces. The grenade drops down a second before impact, so aim high if you need to destroy tall. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rocket Launcher Ammo: 1 Max Ammo: 3 A mega-powerful weapon. Use it to drop a hovercopter out of the sky. Secondary: Targeted Rocket Similar to the lock-on function of the CMP150, the Targeted Rocket hones in on its target and relentlessly hunts it down. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slayer Ammo: 1 Max Ammo: 3 The Skedar equivalent of the Rocket Launcher. Secondary: Fly-by-wire Rocket What a lovely function. Allows you to take a first-person driver's seat view of the rocket. You steer it into its prey and detonate it at will. Check out this weapon in the Firing Range to get a feel for its deadly power. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Combat Knife Feel like Rambo with this slicing, dicing blade of death. The ultimate close combat weapon, but no match for a good blaster. Secondary: Throw Poison Knife Ammo: 1 Max Ammo: 10 Hold the knife action-style, poised to throw. You can hold up to 10 poison knives at a time. If you miss your target, pick up the errant knife and throw again. If you score a hit, it takes about 10 seconds for your mark to die. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crossbow Ammo: 5 Max Ammo: 69 The ultimate stealth weapon, the Crossbow kills with a whisper. Like the Combat Knife, you can reuse bolts that miss. Secondary: Instant Kill Score a hit and your target will drop. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tranquilizer Ammo: 8 Max Ammo: 200 Held by lab techs, the tranquilizer will stun your foes and render them harmless. Secondary: Lethal Injection Get up close and press the weapon to enemy flesh to send them to the grave. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Laser This wrist-mounted weapon is very accurate, but not ultra-powerful. Secondary: Short Stream Laser Great for cutting stone, but little else. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grenade Ammo: 1 Max Ammo: 12 A standard grenade. Toss it and wait a few moments. It explodes. It kills. Secondary: Proximity Pinball You've never played pinball like this before. Toss this grenade and get out of the way. It will carom around the arena until it touches human flesh. Then, boom. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- N-Bomb Ammo: 1 Max Ammo: 10 The N-Bomb is designed to emit a crippling sphere of neutron energy. Anything in its path will be rendered inactive, and probably, dead. Secondary: Proximity Detonation Set the N-Bomb to go off when a target wanders into its area. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Timed Mine Ammo: 1 Max Ammo: 10 Set the mine and clear out. It will tick down to detonation. Nothing fancy. Secondary: Threat Detector The secondary function is similar to that of the K7 Avenger. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proximity Mine Ammo: 1 Max Ammo: 10 Once set, this mine will detonate when a foe walks by. Great for guarding a hill in the Combat Simulator. Secondary: Threat Detector ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remote Mine Ammo: 1 Max Ammo: 10 Set the mine and move to a safe distance, then switch to the secondary function to detonate. Secondary: Detonate =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Cheats =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ...Coming Soon =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Gameshark Codes =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "Unlock All Simulant Types, Unl" .off 800ACCE1 0001 800ACCE2 0001 800ACCE4 0001 "Unlock Capture/Hold the Briefc" .off 800ACCE5 0001 800ACCE8 0001 800ACCE9 0001 "Unlock Warehouse, Carpark, Tem" .off 800ACCEB 0001 800ACCEC 0001 800ACCED 0001 800ACCEF 0001 "Unlock Ravine, G5 Building, Gr" .off 800ACCEE 0001 800ACCF0 0001 800ACCF1 0001 800ACCF2 0001 800ACCF3 0001 800ACCF4 0001 800ACCF5 0001 800ACCF6 0001 800ACCF8 0001 "Unlock Have 8 Simulants" .off 800ACD08 0001 "Unlock Pop A Cap, Hacker Centr" .off 800ACD15 0001 800ACD16 0001 "Unlock Laser Weapon" .off 800ACD17 0001 "Unlock Falcon 2(Silencer), Sup" .off 800ACCCB 0001 800ACCCC 0001 800ACCCD 0001 "Unlock Falcon 2(Scope), Mauler" .off 800ACCCE 0001 800ACCCF 0001 800ACCD0 0001 "Unlock Gold Magnum (DY-357-LX)" .off 800ACCD1 0001 800ACCD2 0001 800ACCD3 0001 "Unlock RC-P120, Shotgun, Reape" .off 800ACCD5 0001 800ACCD6 0001 800ACCD7 0001 "Unlock Grenade Launcher Set, D" .off 800ACCD8 0001 800ACCD9 0001 800ACCDA 0001 "Unlock Proximity Mine, Proximi" .off 800ACCDB 0001 800ACCDC 0001 800ACCDD 0001 "Unlock Cloaking Device, Combat" .off 800ACCDF 0001 800ACCE0 0001 800ACCE1 0001 "Unlock Golden Magnum Set" .off 800ACCCD 0001 800ACCD1 0001 "Unlock Heavy Set" .off 800ACCC8 0001 800ACCCB 0001 800ACCCF 0001 800ACCD0 0001 800ACCD1 0001 800ACCD2 0001 800ACCD3 0001 800ACCD4 0001 800ACCD5 0001 800ACCD6 0001 800ACCD7 0001 "Unlock Jo Shield, Super Shield" .off 800A226A 0001 800A2273 0001 800A2275 0001 "Unlock Hit and Run(Buddy), Sni" .off 800A2220 0001 800A2223 0001 800A2235 0001 "Unlock Hotshot(Buddy), Psychos" .off 800A223D 0001 800A223F 0001 800A2247 0001 "Unlock Team Heads Only, Play a" .off 800A224F 0001 800A2259 0001 800A2261 0001 "Unlock Phoenix, R-Tracker/Weap" .off 800A227D 0001 800A2285 0001 800AA5A0 0001 "Unlock Perfect Darkness Cheat" .off 800A2262 0001 "Unlock Cheat Slo-mo Single Pla" .off 800A2225 0001 800A2228 0001 800A2229 0001 800A222A 0001 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Combat Simulator(Multi-Player) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *********************** *1. Battle Preparation* *********************** One of the greatest features of Perfect Dark is its fully customizable multiplayer options. This means that you can specify every detail on how you want to battle. But, maybe you don't want to wait. You want to start and start now! Or maybe you've discovered a setup that suits your style perfectly, or a cool minigame, and you want to save it for easy future access. These are all possibilities in the expansive Combat Sim. The Basics: "Quick Start" ************************* The Quick Start is for you combatants that don't need all that customization, and just want to get into battle quickly. There are five choices that allow you to make minor changes. ---Quick Team--- The following options in the Quick Team menu are self-explanatory. Players Only Players and Simulants Player Teams Players Vs. Simulants Player Simulant Teams ---Game Setup--- This is where you can make minor changes to your Gameplay. If you'd rather make more drastic changes, you can go to the Advanced Setup options. -Scenario- Early in the game, your only option is normal combat. As you progress through the challenges, however, more will become available to you. -Options- Here you can do some simple changes to change the settings of the game. There are options such as, One Hit Kills (License to Kill), Slow Motion and others. -Arena- Here, you can choose where you and your opponent will duke it out. Once again, few are available in the beginning, but as you progress through the challenges, more will be unlocked. -Weapons- Do you prefer using simple pistols, automatics, or explosives? Or maybe you prefer no weapons at all! This is where you choose a weapon set, or create your own custom set. -Limits- How long do you want this bloodbath to go on? 10 minutes? 10 kills? For eternity? This is where you can make that choice. You can also save your game settings at the bottom of the screen for future use. But in my opinion, you should customize your settings further in the Advanced Setup option, before you take up your memory space. Play Your Scenarios: "Load Preset Games" **************************************** So you've stumbled across a setup that you spent a painstaking amount of time perfecting, and you can't bear to lose it. Or maybe you've found a cool minigame setup that you found on the net, and you want to preserve it for future use. Now, it's a button press away. After you setup the game, simply click on Save Game Settings, and you can save your file to either the cartridge or your controller pack. How sweet it is. There are also a couple of preset scenarios for you to choose from already in the menu. Most must be unlocked, but a few are already available. They are… ---Rocket Launchers--- Rocket Launchers are lots of explosive fun, and this scenario set in Area 52 is no exception. ---Complex Farsight--- Ah, does this place bring back memories! Welcome back to the complex, this time with a Maian Farsight added into the mix. Sure, camping with the Farsight is dirty, but it's sure a lot of fun! ---Capture the Case--- The classic capture the flag, only with a new Perfect Dark twist. Set inside the Skedar arena, this is even more fun with 4 humans, and no Simulants. ---Temple Explosives--- Once again, you return to the Goldeneye past with the classic Temple with an explosive twist. ---Simulants--- Simulants, Simulants, and more Simulants! Tons and tons of MeatSims and NormalSims in the Skedar arena. It is in my opinion, one of the coolest presets, cuz since you're only against Meats and "Normies," it is a slaughter. ---Hold the Briefcase--- This is another great preset, but be prepared to run. First, find the case on the ground, or pry it out of an opponents cold dead hands, then run like the wind. Its all about keeping on the move. ---Tranquilizer--- Welcome to the Warehouse. The tranquilizer weapon set is at your disposal to find and drug your opponents. Lotsa fun. ---Slayer--- Another return to the Skedar arena, this time with the Slayer rocket launcher at your disposal. The fly-by-wire mode is great for seeking and destroying your opponents without even moving. ---No Shields--- Once again, your pitted against your opponent in the Skedar arena, but now there's (surprise!) no shields! Staying on the move is incredibly important to your survival. ---Automatics--- Machine guns in cramped hallways? You better move! The Pipes is full of tight hallways to hide and stalk your enemies. ---King of the Hill--- King of the Hill in the good 'ol Skedar arena. Its that simple! ---Pistol One-Hit Kills--- This is definitely my favorite preset scenario. Why? Cuz I love to get the Most Professional award. It's my fighting style to go stalking around, going for headshots with a handgun. This particular preset is based in Area 52. ---Sllllllooooooowwwwww Mooooootiiiooooonnnnn--- Perfect Dark ala Matrix. Slow Motion in the Facility brings everything down to a crawl, allowing you to plan your attacks in advanced. It's also a lot easier to achieve the coveted headshot. ---Cloaking--- We return to the Skedar arena a final time to duke it out. This time, there's Cloaking devices, so expect your opponents to come out of thin air. Sweet. You can also create your own scenarios in the Advanced setup or Quick Start menus to save in this menu for future use. The possibilities are endless, and don't be afraid to experiment! ? The Advanced Setup Guide ************************ As the name suggests, this is a guide to the Advanced Setup options. There are tons of customizable features in the Combat Simulator, and you can find them all in here. The Advanced Setup is for more experienced players, or just the players that want to customize their options more than the Quick Start offers. I never go back to the Quick Start, now that I know what the Advanced Setup. For the more experienced player, there is no need for the Quick Start. ---Game Setup--- Here, you can setup your game in a much more detailed way. The menu choices to customize are… *Scenario* Choose from the types of combat available to you. The scenarios are covered in much greater detail later on, but they include Combat, Hold the Briefcase, Hacker Central, King of the Hill, Capture the Case, and Pop a Cap. As with most options in the Combat Sim, you need to unlock most of these first in the Challenges. *Options* These are the basics of the basics. The options menu includes options that affect your basic Gameplay, such as slow motion and one-hit-kills. *Arena* The arena is where you and your opponents will duke it out. Most of the maps will need to be unlocked in the challenges, but only a few will be available when you start. Of course, these arenas will be covered in much more detail later on in the fact. *Weapons* Now, seriously, is this that big of a surprise? What would a deathmatch be without weaponry? A boring game, that's what! There are several weapon sets to choose from (most must be unlocked), but you can also customize your own weapon set! The weapons will be covered in more detail in the next section. *Limits* How long do you want your game to last? There are three bars to move. You can choose your time limit, your kill limit, or your team kill limit… or all three! Choose what best suits your game. *Simulants* Do you want a huge war in the Combat Sim, but the only player available to participate is you? This was a huge dilemma in GoldenEye, but not anymore in Perfect Dark. Simulants (or bots) are computer-controlled opponents to fight with or against. They can be used to spice up a game with 4 human players, or as a sole opponent in any scenario. Once again, the Simulants will be covered in more detail later on in the FAQ. *Teams* So, you want to take care of a grudge team style? Do want to team up with another player to take on a legion of Simulants? There are tons of options so mix and match. There are several colors for teams, so you don't need to pick color Coordinating characters as in GoldenEye. ---Stuff--- The "Stuff" menu includes stuff that either wouldn't fit, or didn't apply to the setup menu. *Soundtrack* The Perfect Dark soundtrack is a great feature of the game that can make the battle into an epic one. There is a soundtrack to every level to choose from, including an "X" track for every level. An "X" track can be found in the level when something intense happens, and the music follows suit! There are also a couple of other tracks, such as the ending credits that are worth a look. *Team Names* Are you sick and tired being called the "Yellow Team?" Now you can fix that by changing the team name. Now the Yellow Team can be know by a cooler name, like the Yellow Jackets, and the Cyan team can be the Cyanides. Use your imagination! *Lock* Lets say that you're in a tournament, and you want to specify that the loser of the last game can't customize. Instead of using the honor system, this is a lot easier. You can lock out the last loser, winner, and more. *Ratio* Screen to screen ratio? I think so… *Split* Do you want the two-player screen to be a horizontal split, or a vertical split? The choice is yours, but the horizontal split is the default, and is a lot easier in my opinion. *Start Game* Duh… Or you could just hit "Start." *Drop Out* Let's say that you just prepped a battle with your three friends, and you… I dunno… get the runs. Your friends sure don't want to wait, so just drop out and let your friends play. Then you can come back and wait for them to finish. Sorry bout the stupid analogy… hehehehe. *Abort Game* Um…duh? So there you have it, the Advanced Setup. But now you're ready for combat! Now you know the specifics of battle prep, but there's a long way to go. You'll probably want to know more about weapons, Simulants, and how to build and keep a track record on your own character's career. These are only a few of the things in store… ************************************************ *2. Arm Yourself!: The Definitive Weapons Guide* ************************************************ Lets get to the raw, juicy bit of the FAQ… the weaponry! Ranging from primitive to explosive, to alien; Perfect Dark has it all! The definitive weapons guide covers any weapon available in the Combat Simulator. ---Unarmed--- If you completely exhaust your ammo supply, or if you have recently spawned, you are left to rely simply on your hands for survival. Surprisingly, it's not the end of the world. Even taking on a heavily armed enemy, you can still survive by disarming him and killing him with his own gun. Or you can simply beat him to death… Primary Fire - Punch Secondary Fire- Disarm Zero's Tip - The only time punching will do you any good is against an unarmed opponent. Disarming, on the other hand, is very useful when you are unarmed, and an enemy is charging at you, armed to the teeth. Simply swipe it away to really tick him off. Hehehehe ? ---Falcon 2 (Silenced, w/ Scope) This beauty is a standard sidearm for every Carrington agent, and for good reason. It is extremely accurate in close range shootouts, and only loses a little of that accuracy in long range. With a silencer, it's all of the advantage of the Falcon, with none of the noise. Also, with the scope, you can improve the Falcon's long-range accuracy. The auto aim is very useful in dark levels, or to detect a camper hidden in the shadows. Primary Fire - Single Shot Secondary Fire- Pistol Whip Zero's Tip - This is a standard weapon on most weapon sets, and is truly balanced in all of its aspects. It is used primarily by me as a last resort weapon. The silencer provides no extra advantage in a deathmatch, but the scope is useful to see over long distances. ---MagSec 4--- The MagSec 4 is for those of you that prefer power and ROF instead of accuracy, and for those that feel that quantity over quality in a handgun. The scope is a truly useful addition, but it extends far over any accurate range. But the three round burst function goes by the theory that at least ONE has to hit. ? Primary Fire - Single Shot Secondary Fire- Three Round Burst Zero's Tip - MagSec 4, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways… Sure, I love fighting like a professional with sniper rifles and stuff like that, but sometimes, brutality beats accuracy. In a close range firefight, the skilled MagSec 4 user would probably win out against the skilled Falcon 2 user. Why? Accuracy does jack when you're facing off in point-blank range. Plus, with the three round burst, you can practically finish off your opponent in no time. ---Phoenix--- As far as Maian weapons go, this is just a little baby, but it still packs a punch as far as pistols go. Despite some weaknesses, though, this green gun is still a fair choice. Primary Fire - Single Shot Secondary Fire- Explosive Shells Zero's Tip - I must say, I was pretty psyched when I first earned this gun for the Combat Sim. After I used it a few times though, I started seeking a better gun. The explosive shells alone make this one of the best pistols easily, but I usually seek out the MagSec4 as a pistol. ---DY357 Magnum--- Its good to know that in the world of laser guns and explosives, that the good old trusty Magnum still has a place. It is extremely powerful, but it's reloading and its ROF are extremely slow. Primary Fire - Single Shot Secondary Fire- Pistol Whip Zero's Tip - No other pistol besides the next one packs the same punch as the Magnum. In fact, its bullets are powerful enough to punch through not only doors, but through other combatants as well! This can be especially useful for catching the coveted double or triple kill. ---DY357-LX--- This is the equivalent of the Golden Gun of GoldenEye, and has the same effect. This golden magnum was hand crafted for Trent Easton, and is like the Magnum with one important difference… due to the gun's increased muzzle velocity, any enemy hit by it will be killed on contact. Primary Fire - Single Shot Secondary Fire- Pistol Whip Zero's Tip - It doesn't get more damaging then this! If you can get your hands on this puppy, why go back to the magnum? Try to get two of these puppies to help double the speed of the wickedly slow fire rate. ---CMP150--- This DataDyne machine gun isn't as strong as other machine guns, but it is one of the most useful ones you can get your hands on. The rapid fire uses up the 32-round clip, and the fact that you can get two at a time makes this a solid choice. Primary Fire - Rapid Fire Secondary Fire- Follow Lock-On Zero's Tip - Some people will look down on this gun because it is the simplest generic one, but this is definitely one of the best to get in the heat of the battle. It has an extremely fast ROF and reloading time, so you can finish some opponents off before they even know what hit them. ---Cyclone--- Okay, it DOES look like a vacuum cleaner… But its still cool! This is one of the fastest machine guns in the game, it does good damage, and you can hold two of them. This baby can empty its 50 round clip in a heartbeat. Primary Fire - Rapid Fire Secondary Fire- Magazine Discharge Zero's Tip - Wow! This is undoubtedly one of my favorite machine guns in the game! I mean, one of these is good enough, but if you can find two, you're in business. The coolest feature is the magazine discharge. Basically, that means it unleashes its entire 50 round clip in about a couple of seconds. Sweeet. ---Callisto NTG--- This is the main infantry weapon of the Maian army, and for good reason. This is a rapid fire machine gun that spits the same laser bolts as the Phoenix, only faster, and the secondary fire charges up for more powerful shots. Primary Fire - Rapid Fire Secondary Fire- High Impact Shells Zero's Tip - This is another lovely bit of Maian killing technology. The primary fire rivals most other machine guns, and the secondary fire punches an even stronger punch. This is probably the second coolest alien gun available, behind the incredible FarSightXR-20. ---RC-P120--- Remember the RC-P90? Think that, only bigger and better! Now equipped with a bigger clip and a faster ROF. Not only that, but now you can use it to cloak to surprise your enemy with the fastest gun in the game. Primary Fire - Rapid Fire Secondary Fire- Cloak Zero's Tip - Once you earn this gun in the challenges, you'll probably finding yourself using this a LOT. Why? Cuz it doesn't get much better than this! The rapid fire is great enough, but the cloak lets you pop out of the shadows to give your opponents a nice surprise, and then cloak again to go back on the hunt. ---Laptop Gun--- This concealed weapon is one of the fastest and best machine guns in the game. It comes with a 50 round clip to unload on your enemies, so this is definitely one of the best choices you can make in battle. Primary Fire - Rapid Fire Secondary Fire- Deploy as Sentry Gun Zero's Tip - Oooh, baby! This is the most popular gun in my circle of diehard deathmatchers! You can feel very secure with this gun in your arms… unless you're against a legion of Slayers… but never mind! But even if you find a better gun, leave the Laptop Gun behind as a sentry turrent for a nice surprise. ---Dragon--- This beauty of killing technology is a true powerhouse of a machine gun. Since this is such a great gun to pick up, that makes its secondary function even more useful. ? Primary Fire - Burst Fire Secondary Fire- Proximity Self-Destruct Zero's Tip - Never has a name described a gun so well! This gun is so well rounded that some people put this on their top 10 list! and its popularity is one of its strong advantages. Since it's so good, lots of people will go for it, but what if you used its second function as a proxy mine to plant near the real gun?!? A fiery treat for the next one to go for it, that's what! ---K7 Avenger--- Remember the Soviet from GoldenEye? Think of that, only… worse. It's a basic assault rifle, only with a puny clip at your disposal. Be warned. Primary Fire - Burst Fire Secondary Fire- Threat Detector Zero's Tip - When I first saw this gun, I rejoiced, thinking of how good the K7 Soviet was in GoldenEye Live and Let Die. I picked up this gun to do battle with my AR34 equipped brother. We both opened fire, and a couple seconds later, I found myself reloading as my brother shot me into pieces. Don't get me wrong. This is a good gun, just that you should know about its small clip. ---AR34--- When I first picked up this gun, I immediately noticed its striking similarities to the AR33 of GoldenEye. After a couple minutes, I realized that it was only a little similar, despite its name. For one, it lost its star shaped muzzle fire, and it is a lot more accurate. This is much more versatile than the K7, so this is a good choice. Primary Fire - Burst Fire Secondary Fire- Use Scope Zero's Tip - This is definitely one of the best choices to use in the Combat Sim. It is strong, fast, accurate… and has a bigger clip than the K7. It's just great… ---SuperDragon--- Yes! What a beaut! This heavier version of the Dragon packs a much bigger wallop. Plus, the Proxy mine function has been removed to make room for a GRENADE LAUNCHER! Doesn't get any better than this… Primary Fire - Rapid Fire Secondary Fire- Grenade Launch Zero's Tip - Oh, yeah! This is definitely, without question, my favorite gun in the game! I mean, it so perfectly blends two types of firepower, that it is perfect. Plus, it reloads at an alarming speed. I mean, click the clip in, and you're done. In fact, I prefer this gun's grenade launch hands down over the Devastator's any day. This is a keeper. ---Shotgun--- What would a deathmatch be without a shotgun? Subtlety is not an option with this all-powerful baby. It does impressive splash damage for a non-explosive gun, and can even shoot two shells at a time, if you want it too. Primary Fire - Shotgun Fire Secondary Fire- Double Blast Zero's Tip - While this gun won't hold up to well against machine guns, it sure fairs well against pistols. It is a average gun in my opinion, that packs a huge punch, if you can get by the slow ROF and reloading time. ---Sniper Rifle--- This was meant as a support weapon to pick off your enemies from afar, and not a weapon to use in a heated firefight. Therefore, it doesn't do much in a deathmatch. However, since it is so precise, it is useful in large arenas to find campers and kill them with a headshot or two. Primary Fire - Single Shot Secondary Fire- Sorry, but I have a bias here. Since I like to think of my gaming style as professional, guns like this have a special place in my arsenal. But using this gun is an acquired skill, especially in the Combat Sim. It is not a good choice for levels such as the Facility, but is a good choice for ones such as the Skedar and the Temple. Practice makes perfect. ---Mauler--- A typical Skedar weapon, brutal and vicious. It fires as fast as you pull the trigger, but it is fairly weak. Primary Fire - Single Shot Secondary Fire- Charge Up Shot Zero's Tip - Okay, here's another bit of alien technology. But you'd expect more from the Skedar, wouldn't you? Sure, it fires as fast as you can pull the trigger, but it is weak. Use the charge up shot to do some actual damage or look for a better gun. ---FarSight XR-20--- The ultimate sniper rifle. Not only does this Maian weapon have a rail gun effect that can shoot through walls, but it also has a target locator that can track down opponents from across the arena to shoot them. Sweeeeet. Primary Fire - Rail Gun Effect Secondary Fire- Target Locator Zero's Tip - Believe it or not, this was meant as an anti-campers weapon! Instead, this makes it 10x worse! If you get this gun, just find a dark corner or alcove and pick off your enemies from a safe distance. Dirty? Cheap? You bet. ---Reaper--- Big, heavy, brutal, and inaccurate. Much like a Skedar. On the other hand, it spews an unbelievable number of projectiles at an incredible ROF. Forget aiming, just let 'er rip. Primary Fire - Reapage Secondary Fire- Grinder Zero's Tip - Awwww… the Reaper? That's basically the reaction of my brother when he finds this gun. Why? Cuz he's one of the many warriors who have yet to master this gun. Sure, I openly hate this gun. But, I don't deny that this is a powerful option to wield. Why? Cuz it will scare the crap out of anyone near you when you let it rip. ---Devastator--- This is basically a grenade launcher. The primary fire is a high velocity grenade launch, and the secondary fire sticks grenades to a solid surface. Primary Fire - Grenade Launch Secondary Fire- Wall Hugger Zero's Tip - Cool. Yeah, that's it, cool. That's IT. It is extremely powerful, but the SuperDragon grenades seem more accurate, so I prefer the SuperDragon over the Devastator. ---Rocket Launcher--- You are hard pressed to find a deathmatch game without a Rocket Launcher of some sort. This game actually sports two! The standard Rocket Launcher is faster and more accurate than the Slayer, but I still prefer the Slayer. Primary Fire - Rocket Launch Secondary Fire- Targeted Rocket Zero's Tip - Ooooh, baby! In GoldenEye, the rocket launcher was the most powerful non-Golden gun available, and was the most fun to use. The Perfect Dark version doesn't disappoint. Sure, most people will discard this once they get the Slayer, but this is an extremely solid gun. It's more accurate and fast, for one! ---Slayer--- Wow! This gun holds it's ground well enough as a standard rocket launcher, but the Fly by Wire mode is pure evil genius! Use this mode to chase a mobile opponent through a huge room. Primary Fire - Rocket Launch Secondary Fire- Fly by Wire Rocket Zero's Tip - Okay, I know that I went through a huge speech on how the rocket launcher was a solid gun, but who needs that with this baby? The Fly by Wire is simply phenomenal, and you'll quickly discover its perverse uses. Try piloting this into the bathroom through the vents! ---Combat Knife--- Oh well. I could just go on and on about the good features of a knife, but what good is a knife against a guy with a gun? Plenty. This is great to get the drop on your opponent and slit the poor fool's throat. Guerilla warfare, baby! Or, you could keep your distance and lob a poison knife to incapacitate your enemy. Primary Fire - Knife Slash Secondary Fire- Throw Poison Knife Zero's Tip - Okay, maybe it can't compete with a gun of any kind, but it's still hella cool. My favorite game is to have a couple of other players set up a fortification somewhere on the map. One of them has to go on patrol around the base. In the mean time, the other team of two more players has cloaking, and knives to go after the patrol. This has to be on one hit kills to be fun, though. ---Crossbow--- This is a great stealth weapon, but not much more. The sedate function can really mess up your opponent's vision, and the one hit kill is great. I opt for the sedate to get your opponent spitting mad. Beware of the difficult aiming and slow reloading. Primary Fire - Sedate Secondary Fire- Instant Kill Zero's Tip - While some view this as a sporting weapon, I just don't like it. I mean, come on! It's slow, weak, and inaccurate. Where's the strong point? ---Tranquilizer--- This can make for an interesting game. This fancy hypodermic needle strikes fear into all of my enemies. Why? Either you can sedate them to screw up their screen, or you can get up close and send em to where they came from. Primary Fire - Sedate Secondary Fire- Lethal Injection Zero's Tip - Almost any game with the Tranquilizer is a good game. Maybe not for your score, but its fun. Nothing cracks me up more than sedating your enemy, and watch them stumble around, waiting for their screen to clear up. This is kind of like an advanced crossbow. ---Laser--- Remember the Moonraker Laser from GoldenEye? How could anyone expect the coolest gun not to return? This laser is a wrist-mounted hybrid of the Moonraker and the Laser Watch, and does massive damage. Plus, it has infinite ammo. Sweet! Primary Fire - Laser Blast Secondary Fire- Short Stream Laser Zero's Tip - Yay! The good 'ol laser is back! I have so many memories of intense GoldenEye battles, dodging the blue beams that would constantly buzz by your head. Now, its no longer a memory. First, it doesn't need ammo. Second, its fairly strong. Third, it sucks. That's right, it sucks. Forget it. ---Grenade--- In my opinion, this is the supreme anti-camper weapon, especially in the old favorite, the Facility. But, I'll get to that soon. Anyway, the primary fire is simple enough. Pull the pin, and it blows up in four seconds. But the secondary fire is a hyper bouncing version that won't blow up until someone's nearby. Sweet! Primary Fire - 4-Second Fuse Secondary Fire- Proximity Pinball Zero's Tip - As I said before, this is great in many situations, including flushing out snipers or campers. For instance, in the facility, give your enemies in the bathroom a surprise, by opening the door, lobbing in a Proxy Pinball, and close the door again. Hehehehe… Plus, its good to clear out a big room. Experiment. ---N-Bomb--- A hand held Neutron Bomb? It's not as devastating as you may think. Be sure to lob this far away from your own body as possible, because it will emit energy waves that incapacitate anyone unlucky (or stupid) enough to be inside the blast radius. Primary Fire - Impact Detonation Secondary Fire- Proximity Detonation Zero's Tip - Ooooh! There's nothing like setting one of these off in a crowded room! The ominous rumbling and the fact that this darkens most of any arena will scare anyone sh… uh, witless. If you want it to explode on impact, stand back. Or, you can leave it behind as a proxy detonator as an unpleasant surprise. ---Timed Mine--- Boom! This is the simplest of all mines. Nothing fancy here, just plant it anywhere and it will explode in a few seconds. It's that simple. Primary Fire - Timed Explosive Secondary Fire- Threat Detector Zero's Tip - Okay, I found it! I found the funniest thing in the game! Well, it's tied with sedating enemies. Place a timed mine on an opponent! Yes! In a matter of seconds, they'll explode, wondering what happened. Hehehe… ---Proximity Mine--- Sure, the Timed mines are a nice surprise for unsuspecting stationary targets, but nothing beats the ambulatory features of the Proximity Mines. Anyone who walks by one of these sets off a proximity fuse to blow them to kingdom come. Primary Fire - Proximity Explosive Secondary Fire- Threat Detector Zero's Tip - This was the coolest part of GoldenEye MP, now its better then ever! This is either a pro ambush, or one to stop an ambush. My favorite strategy is to place these in doorjambs, so no-one will see them until they open the door and it's too late. Hehehehe… ---Remote Mine--- And finally there's the remote mine. The remote mine is similar to the other mines, except that now YOU choose when to detonate. Simply place, and detonate. Ooooohhhhh, yeah! Primary Fire - Remote Explosive Secondary Fire- Detonate Zero's Tip - This is in my opinion the second best mine available, behind the super-stealthy proxy mine. The best strategy with these is to take hostages by placing the mine on your opponents, and threaten to detonate. Be warned, that most won't listen to you. *The Weapon Sets* >From the weapons menu, there are several sets available to you, including a custom set! Of course, you will have to earn most of the guns, along with the sets. Please Note: Slot 5 is always Shield, and Slot 6 is always Disabled ---Pistols--- ---Golden Magnum--- 1. Falcon 2 1. Falcon 2 (Silenced) 2. MagSec 4 2. Grenade 3. Phoenix 3. CMP150 4. Mauler 4. Golden Magnum ---Automatics--- ---Explosive--- 1. Falcon 2 1. Devastator 2. CMP 150 2. Devastator 3. Laptop Gun 3. Super Dragon 4. AR-34 4. Super Dragon ---Power--- ---Grenade Launcher--- 1. MagSec 4 1. MagSec4 2. Magnum 2. CMP150 3. Shotgun 3. AR34 4. RC-P120 4. Devastator ---FarSight--- ---Rocket Launcher--- 1. Phoenix 1. Mauler 2. Cyclone 2. Cyclone 3. Callisto NTG 3. Dragon 4. FarSight-XR20 4. Rocket Launcher ---Tranquilizer--- ---Prox. Mine--- 1. Falcon 2 1. MagSec 4 2. CMP150 2. Laptop Gun 3. Dragon 3. K7 Avenger 4. Tranquilizer 4. Proxy. Mine ---Heavy--- ---Close Combat--- 1. Mauler 1. Combat Knife 2. K7 Avenger 2. Combat Knife 3. Reaper 3. Timed Mine 4. Super Dragon 4. Crossbow ---Random--- 1-6. Random ---Random Five--- 1-5. Random ---Custom--- 1-6. You Choose! (Cool, huh?) ************* *3. The Cast* ************* In Perfect Dark, your character is everything! In GoldenEye, most of the characters' were almost identical, with the exceptions of Oddjob, Jaws, Valentin, and the sort. But, in PD, the characters have extremely different builds. For example, Cassandra is skinny, but is also extremely tall. Carrington is really fat, but he's also short. And the little Maians are, well, little. Except that they have big heads. Hmmm… but don't forget that you can choose heads AND bodies, so give a Maian a human head! Sure, you'll look like a freak, but its still effective. Without further ado, here is the cast list of Perfect Dark! Remember, that most of these must be unlocked in the challenges or the solo missions. 1. Joanna (Combat) 2. Daniel Carrington 3. Cassandra De Vries 4. CI Male Lab Technician 5. CI Female Lab Technician 6. CI Soldier 7. DataDyne Shock Trooper 8. DataDyne Security 9. DataDyne Infantry 10. DataDyne Trooper 11. Secretary Note: The rest of the characters must be unlocked 12. DataDyne Female Guard 13. Office Suit 14. Office Casual 15. DataDyne Sniper 16. Trent Easton 17. NSA Lackey 18. Joanna Leather (Grrrrr… ;-)) 19. G5 Guard 20. G5 SWAT Guard ?~~~ My Character 21. Mr. Blonde 22. Joanna Trench Coat 23. CIA Agent 24. FBI Agent 25. Area 51 Guard 26. Area 51 Trooper 27. Pilot 28. Overalls 29. Male Lab Technician 30. Female Lab Technician 31. DataDyne Lab Technician 32. Biotechnician 33. Elvis 34. Maian 35. Elvis (Waistcoat) 36. Maian Soldier 37. Air Force One Pilot 38. Steward 39. Stewardess 40. Head Stewardess 41. Joanna Arctic 42. Alaskan Guard 43. The President 44. Presidential Security 45. NSA Bodyguard 46. President's Clone 47. Pelagic II Guard 48. Joanna Party Frock 49. Joanna Party Frock (Ripped) 50. Joanna Stewardess 51. Joanna Negotiator 52. Joanna Wetsuit 53. Joanna Aqualung 54. Joanna Lab Technician 55. Carrington Evening Wear 56. Jonathan Dark 57. Negotiator 58. Dinner Jacket 1 59. Dinner Jacket 2 60. Dinner Jacket 3 61. Dinner Jacket 4 There! That's all! But I have a few questions… Didja notice that the name Maian could refer to the lost Mayans? Doesn't that make sense? Didja notice that the Dinner Jackets look like our other favorite secret agent? ---Choosing Your Character--- So, if character is everything, who will you choose to do your dirty work? This is a pressing question, so I've devoted this section to pointers on choosing a character that fits your style. Pointer One: Camouflage Counts Use a character that can blend into the surroundings in the arena that you are doing battle. For example, put your character in a trench coat for levels such as the Ravine. Pointer Two: Who Are You? If you're taking on a legion of Dinner Jackets, join the crowd! That will surely make you more difficult to find if you're being pursued. Pointer Three: Super Freak That's right, be "The Dirty Freak." Of course, I mean the Maian/Human hybrid. Put the tiny human head, on the tiny Maian body to be the toughest opponent around to hit. You're opponents will curse your name in no time. Didn't like my strategies? Then pick whoever you want! In fact, I don't even usually listen. My favorite is the G5 SWAT guard, but with a better head. ---Character Setup/ Rankings and Awards--- My favorite feature of the Perfect Dark Combat Simulator is the option to save your character for future use! It tracks your record, and how many medals you've won! The possibilities are endless. -Name- What's your name? You have a couple of options here. First, just put your name. Ewww, how uninventive. Second, choose a name that strikes fear into the hearts of all of your opponents. A name that will keep your foes at bay. Mine is currently… ZeRo. Oh well, but before that it was Megadeth. Cool, huh? -Control Settings- Once you've chosen your name, customize everything else as well! Choose your control style, Reverse Pitch, Look Ahead, Head Roll, Auto-Aim, Aim Control… and lots more. Also, here's the other main feature… Paintball. Before, I thought this was cool, until I found out this was the no-blood mode. What fun is that? -Character- As I said before, character is everything, so you should pick the coolest character you can find. Or most strategic, as strategy goes. My three favorites are the G5 SWAT Guard, the Shock Trooper, and the Sniper. Pick your favorite. -Player Options- These are basic options that will affect only your character during Gameplay. They include, highlight pickups, highlight players, highlight teams, and radar. -Statistics- The ultimate bragging rights. By saving your statistics, you can prove to all of your friends your unquestionable skill. The stats saved on your pak include… Kills- How many kills you have Deaths- How many times you died Accuracy- How accurate are you? Head Shots- How many head shots do you have? Ammo Used- The amount of ammo you used. This can get quite high… Damage Dealt- The amount of blood you've spilt… literally. Pain Received- The amount of blood that you lost. Games Played- The amount of games you've played Games Won- The number of games you've won Games Lost- The number of games you've lost Time Spent- How long have you played. For addicts, this will be really high. Distance- How much distance have you traveled? Campers will find this number Strangely low… Medals ****** Green Star- Accuracy Yellow Star- Head Shot Red Star- Kill Master Blue Star- Survivor Ranking ******* The better the player you are, the higher your ranking. There are 21 rankings, and you start on 21, working your way up. You'll need to devote a lot of time into this, if you want to be #1. 21) Beginner 20) Trainee 19) Amateur 18) Rookie 17) Novice 16) Trooper 15) Agent 14) Star Agent 13) Special Agent 12) Expert 11) Veteran 10) Professional 9) Dangerous 8) Deadly 7) Killer 6) Assassin 5) Lethal 4) Elite 3) Invincible 2) Near Perfect 1) Perfect Well, there you have it. The cast of Perfect Dark is ever expansive, and is filled with tons of customizable options. But we still have a long way to go… So here we go! *************** *4. The Arenas* *************** The Combat Arenas will be your new homes, so get to know them well. They range from sprawling rooms to cramped hallways. They are designed for maximum playing fun and experience. It is incredibly important to know these arenas as well as the back of your hand. PS: I am looking for someone to make ASCII maps for my FAQ. Please submit one of any Combat Sim level for review. I will pick the author of the best map to make the other maps for me. Submit your maps to ZeroX2004@hotmail.com *Dark Arenas* The Dark Arenas are brand spanking new maps for your combat pleasure. That means all you GoldenEye veterans are faced with new challenges. I, personally, know every level off by heart, but that's because I'm obsessed. ---Skedar Arena--- This is Skedar architecture at its best. This is a fairly simple arena, and full of tight hallways, uneven surfaces, and large rooms. This is a good level for beginners, and an old fave for some veterans. Difficulty: 2/10 Fun: 7/10 ---Pipes--- The Pipes are meant to remind you of the DataDyne basement, but I don't see much of a resemblance, do you? Take heed, this is a very dangerous arena, full of dark pits that beginners can easily loose their footing and plummet to their own death. It's also fairly easy for seasoned veterans to slip up. Unfortunately for you, the best weapon is located on the thin strip of pipes below, making you an easy target. Good luck Difficulty: 9/10 Fun: 7/10 ---Area 52--- Area 52 has the feeling to it that makes it feel like a military base meant to withstand an atomic bomb! There are complex underground hallways that are easy for some to get lost in, gigantic rooms full of brick hideaways, and sniper battlements to pick off your opponents. Its tons of fun to put a sentry turret on one of the sniper points to clean out any invader that decides to come through, while you're across the way, cleaning out your side of the map. Difficulty: 7/10 Fun: 8/10 ---Warehouse--- The Warehouse is a pleasant mix of open spaces and cramped crawlways with something for any type of combatant. There are chambers filled with stacks of crates to crawl upon and shoot at passerbies unfortunate enough to cross your path. Be warned though: the air shafts are extremely claustrophobic, and the wrong place to solve problems with explosives. Difficulty: 7/10 Fun: 7/10 ---Ravine--- You thought the Pipes were dangerous? Wait until you see this place! The Ravine is cut into rock walls and overlaps itself several times, making a sniper's paradise. Unfortunately, the gigantic chambers of the Ravine are surrounded by endless pits, meaning that one fell step spells disaster for all. When I am in this level, I can't help but feel paranoid. After all, there are tons of hallways and shadows for your opponents to ambush you, and if you blaze through this level too fast, you fall into a pit. Watch your step. Difficulty: 10/10 Fun: 6/10 ---G5 Building--- This is another dangerous level. The G5 Building is a compact, multilevel complex, with a bottomless pit separating both sides. Several dangerously thin bridges cross the pit. To make matters worse, many intense battles take place over this pit, so choose your battles wisely. There are tons of tight hallways, and one foxhole to lay traps and the sort. The best approach is to find the upper footbridge with the wall on one side and camp out. Or, just plant a sentry turret! Pure evil genius! Difficulty: 8/10 Fun: 9/10 --Grid--- This is Matrix ala Perfect Dark. The Grid is an exquisite mix of grand foyers and cramped hallways, blending into a diverse battlefield (whoa…big words!). This is one of my favorite levels in the game, and is the main arena in my deathmatching group. Why? Well, the Matrix is my favorite movie, and the two giant foyers are filled with pillars, just like the infamous infiltration scene. But anyway… The largest foyer is split into two floors, with an elevator on the top floor, and a glass floor bridging the gap across the foyer. There are rows of pillars on each floor, providing good cover during the many intense firefights that will inevitably occur here. The two large foyers are connected by a series of cramped hallways and cubicles. It is impossible to get lost in this level, so it's great for beginners and veterans alike. This is one of the best levels, so arm yourself and enter the Matrix! Well, not really, but you know… Difficulty: 1/10 Fun: 10/10 ---Villa--- Don't let the serene beach atmosphere fool you. This is a place of death. This is a HUGE arena, with mostly large split-level rooms connected by tunnels or hallways. However, the tunnel system is fairly basic, and it's pretty hard to get lost. This arena has lots of bright colors, except for the shadows, so choose your character accordingly. Most people feel that this is the best multiplayer arena, but I'm unsure of that. The main strategy here is to keep moving. This arena is very large, so the weapons are spread out. Find a gun and keep on the move. Difficulty: 3/10 Fun: 8/10 ---Sewers--- Dank, dark, cramped tunnels make up the Sewers arena. This of course means that you'll probably need to get in your enemy's face to earn a kill. There are only peepholes, and no wide-open spaces, so try to know this claustrophobic maze of the top of your head. There are few rest stops from the tight tunnels, so these are great places to camp out and wait for the next wary traveler to journey into your line of fire. All in all, I definitely dislike this arena. Maybe because it's the only one that still confuses me! Difficulty: 9/10 Fun: 3/10 ---Base--- The Base is made up of narrow hallways and ramps that connect the two floors, leaving little room for an expansive firefight. The Base décor reminds me of the Warehouse, and there are tons of tight crawlspaces to match! In my opinion, the coolest feature of the level is the bulletproof glass floors and the waist high walls on the second floor. I have had many battles turn sour by not crouching here, so keep low to the ground. This level can be confusing, and the last thing that you want is to get lost while evading pursuers, so know it well! In the main rooms with the glass flooring, there are plenty of crates on the first floor to use for cover, so duck while laying down cover fire. Difficulty: 6/10 Fun: 7/10 ---Fortress--- It is obvious that this arena was made with hardcore deathmatching in mind. The Fortress is divided into four color coded sectors, with three floors. The main Fortress room on the third floor has overhangs for each color, and waist high pillboxes to seek cover behind. The first floor in the main room is in shape of four thin bridges that cross the pit below the upstairs. The bridges are very bad places to be. I suggest that you stock up on ammo and weaponry, and hide behind one of the pillboxes, defending your color. This is a phenomenal arena, so happy hunting! Difficulty: 1/10 Fun: 10/10 ---Ruins--- The topography of the Skedar Ruins makes this the eeriest arena in the Combat Sim. On the outside of the Ruins, cramped ravines cut through the mountainside, while the inside has the feel of a long abandoned military base, with the power shorting out. I always feel paranoid wandering through the halls, with the lights flickering, while I hear the deathcries of a victim a couple of hallways over. Bloodthirsty players (like me!) will enjoy the added feature of scaring the crap out of their victims, before they send them to the afterlife. Walk slowly, and get a big and good gun. It feels like something out of Aliens. Difficulty: 7/10 Fun: 7/10 ---Car Park--- Warriors, arm yourselves and get ready to rrrrrrrumble! The Car Park is full of wide-open rooms and staircases to set the scene for epic battles. This is especially fun with Proxy mines or grenades, because half of the fun is lobbing them down the winding staircases. Jo never sees this in the Solo Missions, but I figure that it's from the G5 Building. One of the most important things to remember is that to beware of guerillas hiding in the shadows. Therefore, the shadows make excellent spots for your sentry turret or Proxy mines. Hehehehe… Difficulty: 0/10 (oh, please!) Fun: 9/10 *Classic Arenas* Yesss! This is a dream come true for old GoldenEye veterans, and an opportunity for those who never played GoldenEye to see what they missed. I only have a few regrets about some of the arenas that were left out, such as Library, Bunker and Archives. However, Rare did an excellent job of picking the best of the best. ---Temple--- Abandon all hope, ye who enters here. The Temple should definitely be a familiar memory for anyone who played GoldenEye MP, and I am glad to see it back. It is almost identical to the GoldenEye Temple, except that it has a gloomy color scheme, and now you can fall through the gaping hole in the main chamber! No more going the long way around to chase someone that's right under you! Difficulty: 1/10 (come on, remember?!?) Fun: 9/10 ---Complex--- Ugh! In GoldenEye, I absolutely despised this level. It was cramped, confusing, and big. But I changed my mind once I played the new version. There are a slew of minor changes throughout the arena, such as new sniper positions, connecting passageways, and of course you can fall of ledges now! The colors make it feel techy, and cold… so warm it up with some bright red (understand?)! Difficulty: 7/10 Fun: 8/10 ---FACILITY--- I refuse to call this the Felicity. Where did they come up with that name? Anyway, the Facility is back and better than ever. Unfortunately, I was led to believe that you would be able to access the entire Facility now, but the arena is still the same. The vents now have an alternate exit that drops off behind the bathroom, which is useful when you spawn and there's someone in the bathroom trying to shove a Slayer in your face. This was my favorite level in GoldenEye, and it doesn't upset in Perfect Dark. Difficulty: 2/10 Fun: 10/10 As I said before, these arenas will be your new homes, so know these like the back of your hand. Know the spawning locations of items and opponents to gain an (unfair?) advantage. ****************** *5. The Simulants* ****************** Hallelujah! Finally, GoldenEye's biggest MP problem has been fixed! With the addition of Simulants/Bots, you can play a good deathmatch, all by your lonesome. While even the most advanced Simulants can never match the challenge of a human opponent, they provide a definite challenge. Whether you're taking on a legion of Simulants, or you use a couple to spruce up Gameplay with your friends, Simulants are a welcome addition. *Simulant Types* There are several different types of Simulants to place in Gameplay with you, and their personalities differ with each type. You can simply designate their difficulty level, their specific personality, or both! ---Normal Simulants (Difficulty)--- MeatSim A waste of bioengineering. It is basically a piece of meat to slaughter as you please, for it has no accuracy, skill, or speed. Even beginners should have no problem. EasySim Unlike the idiotic MeatSim, the EasySim possesses at least the bare minimum of survival tactics. While still severely inaccurate, it can still be a threat, albeit a minor one, at close range. It won't put up much of a fight. NormalSim The NormalSim was made to equal to the abilities of an average player who is a fairly good player in a deathmatch. It usually won't keep you running for safety, but this Sim can hold its own. Don't underestimate it. HardSim The hardened veteran of the Sims. The HardSim hunts for the best weapons, uses radar, lays traps, and will pursue you until it destroys you. Keep on the move, or you won't live to see another battle. PerfectSim Though the PerfectSim is fiendishly skillful, it is hardly perfect. It uses all the tools available to it, and some that shouldn't be available to it (it's a cheater!) to hunt you down. When it finds you, it will definitely achieve the headshot, and you'll die in seconds. Beware. DarkSim This doesn't represent any skill level. This is simply a twisted joke from DataDyne that operates at a skill level above that which can be achieved by any human player. Within seconds of spawning, it will have double Cyclones and be in your face, shooting you in the head. The DarkSim is the ultimate cheater, and the ultimate opponent. ---Special Simulants--- PeaceSim As the name implies, this Sim hates violence. In fact, the PeaceSim will go around hoarding weapons so people don't pick them up, and disarm people for their weapons. Therefore, they'll drop a payload of weapons when you kill them. Just don't let them sneak up on you… ShieldSim Like some human players I know, this Sim is a shield addict. It will always go for the shield, even if it has no weapons! In fact, if you damage its shield in the least bit, it will retreat to get another shield! My advice is don't let it. RocketSim This is the pyromaniac of the Simulants! The RocketSim will always pursue the explosive weapons, and will set them off, even if doing so would spell death for itself! Avoid this Sim, or kill it before it can get an explosive. KazeSim This is fearless, suicidal menace. It will make suicidal runs, even with no weapons, to try and destroy you. It fears nothing, and that makes it a dangerous enemy. FistSim Unlike the PeaceSim, the FistSim is violent. Like the PeaceSim, though, it will hoard weapons and try to engage you in hand-to-hand combat. It won't use weapons, but it will do good damage with its hands. PreySim This Sim truly feels that honor is a minor detail in a fight to the death. The PreySim dislikes competition, so it will hunt down the easiest targets to gain an easy kill. Its favorite targets include weakened opponents that are unarmed or armed with a weak weapon, and enemies that have just spawned. The PreySim also loves to cloak, so beware. CowardSim This is the SimWussy. It flees to safety at the mere sign of confrontation, and will only confront you if it has a superior weapon. Carry a big gun, and you will rarely meet this Sim. Hide out and try to catch the coward off its guard. FeudSim Stay out of this Sim's way! If the FeudSim goes after you, it will hunt you until the end of the game! It will mercilessly hunt its target, even if you kill it. SpeedSim As the name suggests, this Sim is extremely fast. It's definitely faster than you, so it's difficult to hit with standard weaponry. It's impossible to flee, so stand and fight like a man. TurtleSim This Sim is the opposite of the SpeedSim. It moves at a much slower rate than most players, but it has a shield that is twice as strong as the standard shield! Fortunately for you, it has restricted mobility due to its shield. VengeSim This is a psychopathic Sim! This Sim will completely ignore other players just to attack the player that last killed it! It attacks with a vicious rage; so to avoid its rage, just leave it alone. JudgeSim This is the only decent Sim. The JudgeSim acts like the judge of the battlefield, going after the winning player to even out the odds. That means if you are an expert playing against some young rookies, expect this Sim to come after you! *A Simulant Teammate* Fighting a Simulant opens up new strategies, but what if you are paired with a Simulant on your team. Luckily, a Simulant is just a computer program, so you are its boss. Perfect Dark is revolutionary in its ability for you to command your legion of Sims to send them into battle for you! How? It's easy… First, Hold down 'A' and press 'Z' twice. Then, a pie menu should show up with some orders. If you have multiple Simulants on your team, hit 'Z' again to bring up a new Simulant's menu. Or, hold down 'R' to give the orders to all of your Sims at once! ---Commands--- -Attack- The Simulant will hunt down your selected target with a vengeance. Choose the target and watch as your Sim hunts down its target in cold blood. -Follow- If your Sim is in danger, and you want it to join you in a retreat, tell it to follow you. It will follow you, but will leave your side to kill attackers. -Defend- This will make the Sim more passive than aggressive. The Sim will stake out its territory and guard it against intruders, attacking only if it is directly assaulted. -Protect- If you are badly wounded, this will make your Sim stick by your side and protect you from enemies. The Sim will stick by your side even if it is attacked. -Hold- This will make the Sim hold its ground. It will stay in the same place, even if it is attacked! This is a great way to set up traps for your enemy. Hide in the shadows and wait for someone to go after your Sim, then shoot the enemy. Sweet! **************************** *6. Zero's Laws of Survival* **************************** This is a returning feature from my Rage Wars FAQ to help you tone your deathmatching abilities and strategies. Some of these are directly from my Rage Wars FAQ, but most are new. If you would like to submit some of your Laws of Survival for full credit on my FAQ, submit them to ZeroX2004@hotmail.com . If they are good, I will post them in an upcoming version. Rule No. 1: Mercy Is For The Weak Okay, this is from my Rage Wars FAQ, but it is a useful and necessary law. Basically this says "Don't let wounded enemies escape!" They will return with possibly a shield or better gun to massacre your merciful self. It just doesn't pay to be nice… Rule No. 2: Hide the Shields That's right, hide the shields! How? Shoot the all-important shield into a corner or into the shadows. The spawning location will change to the new location, and only you will know where it is. By passers will just think that someone picked it up, when it is actually in a new spot. Rule No. 3: Understand the Radar I know what you're thinking. Retard, everyone knows how to use radar. Actually, it's a little different and more useful than you may think. If a dot is a square on the radar, the player is on the same level as you. If it is an up or down facing triangle, they're on a different level than you. Items may appear too, depending whether you turned that option on. Rule No. 4: Remember Pickup Locations Pay attention to where you find your weapons, because it is good to know where you found it in the future. For example, usually the Slot 4 Weapon is the best in the weapon sets. If you find it, remember where so you can pick it up in the future. Or better yet, use Rule 2's strategy to hide it! Rule No. 5: Lay Traps Don't be afraid to plant down your Laptop Turret once you find a stronger weapon. But there are certain rules to planting traps efficiently. First off, plant Proxy Mines, Dragons, Sentry Turrets, etc. in shadows. That way, they will harder to detect, and will work better. Its also advantageous to plant sentry turrets in high-traffic areas so they can have a chance to kill more people and work at max efficiency. It's also a good idea to plant Proxy mines near human spawning locations to take out your enemy before they know what hit them. Rule No. 6: "He Who Fights And Runs Away…" "…Lives to fight another day." Yep, it's true. Retreating is definitely the way to survive when the battle's not going your way. Sure, your opponents will get really aggravated and call you a wuss, but you will be alive. This is especially useful when you are taking on a Laptop Gun with a Falcon 2. Come back with a stronger gun to show them who's the wuss. Rule No. 7: Take Cover Take cover during prolonged firefights. If a group of people is fighting it out all around you, take shelter in a doorway or behind a pillar. Once the action tones down, take out the survivors. Rule No. 8: To Camp or Not to Camp? Camping is a dirty tactic, and even campers know that. But it is extremely effective. There's no safer way to rack up the kills from a safe distance quite like camping out with the FarSight. But that way, you miss out on much of the fun and frenzy involved with a firefight. Plus, you're opponents will be extremely frustrated with you for camping. I usually alternate between camping and getting in your enemies' faces. If you do camp, be sure to camp from the shadows, or in a secluded alcove. Rule No. 9: Go Out With A Bang If your health is next to nothing, and you've got five opponents after you, what do you do? Give up? NO! If you're going down, take someone with you! Even if its in close quartered combat, launch a few explosives to take down some chargers. Or let lose a machine gun barrage. Go out with a bang, not with a whisper. Rule No. 10: Manage Your Weapons If you're heading into an airshaft that you know is chock full of enemies, what weapon do you equip? Explosives will just get you killed. So think. In such close quarters, do you really need accuracy? Pull out a strong, fast, non-explosive weapon to get the job done. Always have the weapon to get the job done right. As I said before, I love contributions. I know that there's a lot of better Laws of Survival out there, so send them in to ZeroX2004@hotmail.com for credit! I'll anticipate your input… ************** *7. Scenarios* ************** There are several different varied methods of Gameplay available to you in Perfect Dark. They range from Classic Combat to Pop A Cap, and they all will test your skills in different ways. By the way, I know that this is a weird location for this section, and I hope to move it up further in the future. Most of the Scenarios must be accessed in the Challenges, and all can be accessed once they're earned in the Scenario menu in the Advanced Setup and Quick Start menus. ---Combat--- Pure and simple deathmatching. This is classic deathmatching, and is the way to hone in on your basic skills. Find the best weapons and kill your enemies. Lay traps, and fortify positions around the map. This is classic multiplayer fun at it's best. ---King of the Hill--- This is classic KOTH with a new Perfect Dark twist. KOTH has an interesting blend that requires both the methods of camping and keeping on the move. A section of the map will light up in green, and that is the new location of the "hill." Once you run into the green light, the light will change into your team color, and you have the "hill." Hold it for about 20-30 seconds, defending it at all costs, and the hill will move to a different location, and you gain a point. ---Hold the Briefcase--- Remember "The Living Daylights" in GoldenEye? Maybe not, because it sucked. Anyway, the old LD from GoldenEye has been redone, so that it fits into the revamped PD Gameplay. A briefcase is placed at a random location, and the object is to pick it up. If you hold it for 30 seconds, you earn a point. If you are killed, the briefcase can be picked up by another player. The object is to hold the case as long as possible, therefore you need to keep on the move constantly. ---Capture the Case--- Capture the Flag, Perfect Dark style. Each color team has a case in a base somewhere on the map. The goal is to infiltrate the enemy's base and steal their case. Once you have their case, take it back to your base to earn a point and reset their case back to it's default position. Note: You cannot earn a point if they are in possession of your case at the time. ---Hacker Central--- This is a unique method of Gameplay that proves to be a challenge, especially in small arenas. A computer terminal and a Data Uplink are placed in random spots around the map. The object is to pick up the DU and hack into the terminal with it. When you are hacking in, you are defenseless, and if you step away, the connection download is severed. If you can stay connected without being killed, the download will finish and you will earn a point. Sound hard? Damn straight it is. ---Pop A Cap--- In my opinion, this is one of the most fun scenarios. It's combat with a twist, where you alternate being an aggressor, and the victim. One person is randomly chosen to be "The Victim," meaning that they are the hunted. If the victim is killed, the killer will gain two points. If the victim stays alive for a set period of time, he will earn a point. Those are all of the scenarios. To unlock them you must beat… Hold the Briefcase 2 Challenges Capture the Case 4 Challenges Hacker Central 6 Challenges Pop A Cap 12 Challenges *************** *8. Challenges* *************** So these are the Challenges. You already heard that to unlock 98% of the stuff in the Combat Sim, you have to beat the Challenges. What are the Challenges anyway? They are a series of 30 challenges that test your skill to the max. The first 10 or 15 are basically simple enough, but the last 10 are ridiculously difficult to push your gameplaying ability to the max. It seems that these were thrown in only as a sick, cruel joke by Rare, and they used the rewards to hang over your head. Yes, fellow gamers, you must beat the challenges. How? Here are some strategies to use… Good Luck. ---Challenge One--- Scenario: Combat Arena: Skedar Sims: ShockSim (Meat) Weapons: Falcon-2 CMP-150 Sniper Rifle Dy357 Magnum Dragon Disabled Oh, come on! Do you really need help? This is easier than easy! The stupid Shock Trooper will wander around getting stuck at walls, never pulling the trigger. He'll run away from you, getting lost in the process. If you can't beat this, why are you reading this? Close your internet browser, and try to sell your game. To Win: 4 Points Time: 5 min Difficulty: Give me a Break! ---Challenge (?) Two--- Scenario: Combat Arena: Area 52 Sims: ShockSim (Meat) Weapons: Combat Knife Falcon 2 Cyclone Dragon Rocket Launcher Disabled Yawn. You should be able to beat this without picking up any weapons. But what's the fun in that? Especially with Rockets. Find a gun (it doesn't matter which one!) and hunt down the little wuss. If he finds a rocket, he'll just kill himself when he tries to get you. *Snicker* To Win: 8 Points Time: 5 min Difficulty: What Difficulty? ---Challenge Three--- Arena: Pipes Sims: TechSim (2 Meats) Weapons: MagSec 4 CMP-150 Timed Mine Dragon AR-34 Disabled Since you ARE in the Pipes, remember that the bottom of the level is a bottomless pit with crisscrossing pipes. With that in mind, expect another cakewalk. You're against two Sims now, so be careful! Hehehe… Yeah Right! Plant a Timed Mine on one to create a messenger of death for your opponents. To Win: 8 Points Time: 5 min Difficulty: Still None… ---Challenge Four--- Scenario: King of the Hill Arena: Skedar Sims: CISim (Easy) Weapons: MagSec 4 CMP-150 Dragon K7 Avenger Shield Disabled Oh, God! Pack your bags and run! Not an EasySim! Hahaha! It's still an idiot, so chill. It's easy. Go to the hill and stay there. Usually, you won't even see the EasySim unless it's in passing. If it shoots, shoot back. No sweat here. To Win: 4 Points Time: 10 min Difficulty: Yawn… 0 ---Challenge Five--- Scenario: Combat Arena: Complex Sims: CassSim (Easy) Weapons: Cyclone Hand Grenade AR-34 FarSight-XR 20 Shield Disabled Yawn! Welcome back to the Complex for what may be the anti-challenge. This is so simple, it's hilarious! I don't think you need any help, but since this is a FAQ… Find the FarSight-XR20 and go into the main upstairs room. You know which one I mean. The one with two sniper points and one ramp leading up to it. That's where it is. Hide there and pick off Cass with the FarSight. Easy as pie. To Win: 10 Points Time: 10 min Difficulty: None ---Challenge Six--- Scenario: Hold The Briefcase Arena: Area 52 Sims: 4 WorkSims (Meat) Weapons: CMP-150 Dy357-Magnum Shotgun K7 Avenger Shield Disabled Area 52 can be a little confusing for some beginners, but that won't be a problem. You are practically invincible against these Meats, so just find the case. Maybe, you'll need to remove the case from a MeatSim's cold, dead hands, but that shouldn't even pose a minor problem. Find the case and keep mobile. Enjoy the simplicity while you can. To Win: 6 points Time: 10 min Difficulty: Zip ---Challenge Seven--- Scenario: King of the Hill Arena: Warehouse Sims: JoSim (Easy) Weapons: Falcon 2 MagSec 4 Cyclone Grenade Shield Disabled Other: One-Hit Kills Since it's one hit kills, the Cyclone is the weapon to get. It's especially effective if you can get double Cyclones to use. Simply find the hill on radar and go there. If she intervenes, blast her with the Cyclones. Since she is stupid, though, watch out for her grenades. To Win: 5 points Time: 10 min Difficulty: ehhh… none ---Challenge Eight--- Scenario: Capture the Case Arena: Skedar Sims: SnipeSim (Easy) Weapons: MagSec 4 K7 Avenger Shotgun SuperDragon Shield Disabled Okay, now. You only need to get the enemy's case three times against an EASYSIM. Get ready to run. Sure, its easy, but the Sniper's base is across the map. You can run much faster than him, so grab his case and return it to you base. Then, wait until he arrives and blast him before you make another case run. To Win: 9 points Time: 10 min Difficulty: Zilch ---Challenge Nine--- Scenario: Combat Arena: Ravine Sims: TrentSim (Normal) Weapons: Falcon 2 Dy357 Magnum Timed Mine Laptop Gun FarSight-XR20 Disabled Other: One Hit Kills NormalSim??? Don't sweat it; you're ready for this. Grab the FarSight and find a nice hidey-hole to camp in. Camp out, sniping out Trent before he knows what hit him. Since you are facing a NormalSim, you might want to place a Laptop Gun as a last line of defense. Other than that, it's a breeze. To Win: 10 points Time: 10 min Difficulty: ZeRo ---Challenge Ten--- Scenario: Hacker Central Arena: Temple Sims: GuardSim (Easy) Weapons: CMP-150 Cyclone Remote Mine AR-34 Shield Disabled First, find the Data Uplink and gather a nice cache of weaponry. Then, head to the CPU terminal. If the Sim is nearby, wait until he arrives and blast him. Immediately start downloading. If you're lucky, you'll get finished with both before he returns. Simple. To Win: 4 points Time: 10 min Difficulty: None ---Challenge 11--- Scenario: King of the Hill Arena: Complex Sims: BlondeSim (Normal) Weapons: MagSec 4 Tranquilizer Shotgun K7 Avenger Shield Disabled This could take awhile. First of all, find an Avenger and a shield. Second of all, find the hill on radar and head for there. If you're lucky, you will have beaten Blonde to it, otherwise, you'll need to fight for it. Take the hill, and watch your radar to guess on what entrance he'll come through. When he walks through, blast him. This is a fairly difficult challenge, and the Sim will always have a shield. Therefore, if you fight him without a shield, you will loose. This is a cruel awakening from the simple challenges of 1-10. Good Luck. To Win: 10 points Time: 10 min Difficulty: 5/10 ---Challenge Twelve--- Scenario: Combat Arena: Skedar Sims: JoSim (Hard) Weapons: Falcon 2 Sniper Rifle Shotgun SuperDragon Shield Disabled Other: Slow Motion Well, now we're getting into the challenging ones. This is your first encounter with a HardSim in the challenges, but you probably won't notice. After all, this challenge is in super slow motion. Slow motion is a feature that you should take advantage of. The JoSim will immediately go for the SuperDragon. YOU CANNOT LET HER GET IT! Why? It's simple. The guns are super slow in slow motion, but the SuperDragon's secondary grenade launcher knows no bounds. Jo will launch those grenades at an alarming speed, blowing you to smithereens. Instead, guard the SuperDragon in the large room with the pillars, and use the grenades on Jo when she tries to enter. Not too hard… To Win: 3 points Time: 10 min Difficulty: 4/10 ---Challenge Thirteen--- Scenario: Combat Arena: G5 Building Sims: CIASim (Normal) Weapons: Falcon 2 Tranquilizer Laptop Gun Hand Grenade Reaper Disabled Other: One Hit Kills This is not too hard, even against a NormalSim. Since it is on one hit kills, the two guns to get are the Laptop Gun and the Reaper. Find a nice little cubbyhole and plant a sentry turret. Better yet, plant it on a nice over looking spot in the bridge room, and equip the Reaper. The Laptop Gun will provide nice coverage while you use the Reaper to shred the Sim if he decides to get in your face. To Win: 10 points Time: 10 min Difficulty: 3 min ---Challenge Fourteen--- Scenario: Capture the Case Arena: Area 52 Sims: GuardSim (Normal) TroopSim (Easy) Weapons: Cyclone SuperDragon K7 Avenger FarSight-XR20 Cloaking Device Disabled Despite being against an Easy and a NormalSim, this can be semi tricky. Why? Because you are against TWO of them in a Capture the Case scenario. That means that the jobs of hunting and guarding can be divided. However, I do not find this remotely difficult. Gather up a nice cache of weaponry on you way to the enemy base. Cloaking is especially effective. Breach the base, and beware of the NormalSim. The NormalSim loves cloaking and the FarSight: a dangerous combo. Grab the case and run. If by remote chance that you case is taken, use the FarSight to kill the thief and return it to your base. You may notice that the Challenges are getting more difficult, but you ain't seen nothing yet! To Win: 10 points Time: 10 min Difficulty: 3/10 ---Challenge Fifteen--- Scenario: Hold the Briefcase Arena: Grid Sims: LabSim1 (Normal) LabSim2 (Meat) Weapons: MagSec 4 Dragon Shotgun Devastator Shield Disabled The Sims aren't the problem here. The grenade launcher is the problem. It is amazing of how accurate even the MeatSim is with grenades, and believe me, grenades hurt. Plus, the Sims will always have launchers. So first thing, get your own launcher and a shield. By now, they already have the case, so pry it from their cold dead fingers. Once you have it, RUN! If the Sims see you, a barrage of grenades will come your way, and at least one will probably make contact. Pay attention to radar, and try to stay out of their way. Don't be surprised if it takes you a few times to beat this, because the worst is yet to come. To Win: 10 points Time: 10 min Difficulty: 6/10 ---Challenge Sixteen--- Scenario: Combat Arena: Facility (Note: It is known as the Felicity in Perfect Dark) Sims: BioSim (Perfect) Weapons: Falcon 2 K7 Avenger SuperDragon Proximity Mine Shield Disabled Other: No Radar My, oh, my what a long way we have come. We went from fighting the lowest MeatSim to the mighty PerfectSim. Except now, not even flawless skill will make this easy for you. That's right, you gotta play dirty. Get down and dirty with the dirtiest weapons in the game: the Proxy Mines. Plant yourself in one of the rooms with Proxy Mines (Bathroom, or the gas tank room) and block off the exits with them. I prefer the gas tank room, because you can see them coming. If you use the tank room, place a mine on the door, and one on the starting location on the staircase. If the Sim tries to come through the door, he'll have a nice surprise. The mine on the staircase is basically for if he spawns up there. The only challenging part is getting to the room safely. If you choose the bathroom, put mines on the door and by the vent. Simple. To Win: 10 points Time: 10 min Difficulty: 3/10 ---Challenge Seventeen--- Scenario: King of the Hill Arena: Temple Sims: DanSim (Perfect) Weapons: Dy357 Magnum AR-34 Reaper Slayer Shield Disabled Do you miss the first 10 challenges yet? This one will make you spasm with anger. Dan Carrington is unbelievably skilled with any weapon that he can get his pudgy little hands on, including the Reaper, even though the Reaper is the most inaccurate weapon in the game. Anyway, since this is King of the Hill, you are supposed to get the hill. Unfortunately, that's easier said than done. He will almost always get the hill first, so use this time to find a Slayer. You will almost undoubtedly loose against him in a direct fight, especially if he has the Reaper, so don't confront him. Wait until he has the hill, and launch a Guided missile into the hill, detonating it in his face. Then, the hill is yours. Repeat this over and over, and you'll win. Maybe I made it sound too easy, but this is not a walk in the park. To Win: 10 points Time: 10 min Difficulty: 6/10 ---Challenge Eighteen--- Scenario: King of the Hill Arena: Villa Sims: ElvisSim (Perfect) MaianSim (Normal?) Weapons: Falcon 2 Phoenix Tranquilizer Laptop Gun Shield Cloaking Device This is in my opinion, one of the most difficult challenges. This took me SEVERAL tries to perfect my strategy, and it was still difficult. Be aware, that the little stupid aliens will always have a Laptop Gun and Shield/Cloaking device, so beware. The best way to beat this is to immediately grab a cloaking device, shield, Tranquilizer, and Laptop Gun. Then, charge the little stupid PerfectSim, pumping the piece of crap full of sedatives. Drugged, the PerfectSim should be out of your way for a few minutes. Use this time to find the hill and gain a substantial lead. The best strategy if you are unable to continuously sedate the Sims is to plant a sentry turret whenever you take the hill. They should be held back long enough for you to gain a point. Then, pick up the sentry turret and move along. Continue doing this, and you'll probably still need to try again. Good luck, this could take awhile. To Win: 10 points Time: 10 min Difficulty: 7/10 ---Challenge Nineteen--- Scenario: Combat Arena: G5 Building Sims: CassSim (Hard) TrentSim (Normal?) Weapons: CMP-150 Shotgun Rocket Launcher FarSight-XR20 Shield Combat Boost This challenge is reasonably challenging, but nothing you can't probably handle. The Sims are especially dangerous with Rockets and the FarSight, and will take kamikaze runs at you, killing you and themselves in the process. With the FarSight, they will take you down in one hit, and the Rockets are dangerous too. My advice is to find the FarSight, and a nice hidey-hole and camp out, picking off the Sims from a distance. To Win: 10 points Time: 10 points Difficulty: 4/10 ---Challenge Twenty--- Scenario: Combat Arena: Sewers Sims: PilotSim (Hard) Friendly Sims: AirSim (Normal) Weapons: Mauler Falcon 2 MagSec4 Dy357 Magnum Shield Disabled Other: One Hit Kills First of all, realize that your Sim won't fight worth jack, so you need to take her under your protective wing. You'd think that two on one would be to your advantage, but that's one of your weaknesses in this challenge. The HardSim will massacre your teammate in a heartbeat, so letting her out of your sight is a fatal mistake that you can't afford to make. Therefore, command her to follow you. Since it is on One Hit Kills, speed is better than accuracy, so get the MagSec 4 for you and your friend. Shields are necessary also, so find one for you and your useless partner. Find a little alcove for you and you partner to camp out in, and fire the instant the POS HardSim comes through the door. The 3 round burst is especially useful, because it will kill him even through the shield. This challenge is difficult and time consuming, so be forewarned. To Win: 10 points Time: 10 min Difficulty: 6/10 ---Challenge Twenty-One--- Scenario: Hacker Central Arena: Grid Sims: JoSim (Hard) Weapons: Mauler Reaper Shotgun Callisto NTG Cloaking Device Disabled Challenge 21 is all about the cloaking device. Once you have that, prepare for smooth sailing. Actually, you need a LOT of cloaking devices. Get the cloaking device in the pinkish hallway below the glass cubicle and get it every time it respawns. Forget about Jo, and load up on cloaking devices. Hunt your way to the Data Uplink, and find the terminal. With both of these in hand, avoid Jo on your way to the terminal. When you arrive, cloak while you download the files, undetected. You may need to get more cloaking devices between downloads, but you should beat this in a snap as long as you can hide from Jo for long enough. To Win: 10 points Time: 10 min Difficulty: 5/10 ---Challenge Twenty-Two--- Scenario: Hold the Briefcase Arena: Base Sims: PressSim (Perfect) GuardSim (Hard) Weapons: Falcon 2 Sniper Rifle Crossbow K7 Avenger Shield Disabled Other: One Hit Kills Mentioning this challenge is usually followed by a mournful silence in my deathmatching group. Why? Because I am the only one that has beaten it. The Sims will bury even the most skilled players with a fury of bullets from the K7. This is especially dangerous on One Hit Kills. I have yet to come up with a perfected strategy, and it better be your lucky day. Here are some pointers… 1.Have a shield! It will make you twice as strong, and twice as difficult to kill. 2. Remember, this is a PerfectSim. It won't mess around. Try to sabotage the case holder, and run like the wind! Find a nice camping spot and hide there. The Sims will know where you are, but hold them off with the Avenger. As I said before, this better be your lucky day. Sorry that I couldn't be more of a help. If you want a better strategy, try marshmallow's Challenge Guide. To Win: 10 points Time: 10 min Difficulty: 10/10 ---Challenge Twenty-Three--- Scenario: Combat Arena: Complex Sims: CloneSim (Hard) StripeSim (Hard) Weapons: MagSec 4 Grenade Laptop Gun RC-P120 Shield Combat Boost Other: Slow Motion This is a nice refreshment from the horror that you just got through, and the hell yet to come. This is amazingly easy for a challenge in the 23rd spot, but believe it. Simply find the RC-P120 (Ya gotta love it!) and cloak until you get right into the little sucker's faces. Shoot em both in the head, and the match is over. Game. Set. Match. To Win: 2 points Time: 10 min (A little excessive, especially on slow mo) Difficulty: 1/10 ---Challenge Twenty-Four--- Scenario: Capture the Case Arena: Fortress Sims: GuardSim1 (Easy) GuardSim2 (Easy) AirSim1 (Easy) AirSim2 (Easy) Weapons: CMP-150 Tranquilizer Devastator SuperDragon Dy357-LX (Golden Mag.) Disabled This challenge is more fun than it is work. Its just you against a legion of EasySims in one of the coolest levels in the game. Have fun! Get your hands on double Golden Mags for the ultimate edge in the game. The Mags can kill anybody that's unshielded with one hit, and there are no shields in this challenge! The only thing to watch out for is the devastatingly accurate Devastator shots that will plague you throughout the game. Other than that, you can blast through the Sims with relative ease. To Win: 9 points Time: (><) infinite Difficulty: 3/10 ---Challenge Twenty-Five--- Scenario: Combat Arena: Ravine Sims: ShockSim1 (Perfect) ShockSim2 (Hard) Weapons: Mauler N-Bomb K7 Avenger FarSight-XR20 Cloaking Device Disabled So, Mr.ShockSim is back for more, eh? And just because he's a PerfectSim now doesn't mean that this will be hard. Even though he brought along a little friend, you'll still end up cracking up while they go through the throes of death. How? FarSight and Cloaking, baby! I don't think I need to say more, but remember that you can't find cloakers with the Target Locator, so hide the Cloaking Devices. Hehehehe… To Win: 10 points Time: 10 min Difficulty: Well… I'll give it a 1/10 ---Challenge Twenty-Six--- Scenario: King of the Hill Arena: Ruins Sims: TechSim1 (Perfect) TechSim2 (Hard) Weapons: Falcon 2 Mauler Cyclone Laptop Gun Reaper Disabled Wake up! After those previous cakewalks, you might of thought that the difficulty was easing up. Think again. Those last few battles only succeeded in lulling your aggressiveness, and it might have worked. In this Ruins-based challenge, you are required to know every aspect of this level. The Ruins level is confusing, and very easy to get lost in, so that only adds to the difficulty. The only guns worth jack are the double maulers, laptop gun, and maybe double Cyclones. If you know the layout of this level, the difficulty goes down substantially, but not enough to make it easy. You're in the big numbers now. Expect challenges twice as bad. Anyway, if you find the hill, plant your sentry turret, pull out your double Maulers and pray. The charged up shots will kill with one hit, so that gives you an edge. Practice and you will have a chance. This is the time to hone in on your skills. To Win: 10 points Time: 10 min Difficulty: 8/10 ---Challenge Twenty-Seven--- Scenario: Hacker Central Arena: Sewers Sims: CIASim (Perfect) Weapons: Falcon 2 MagSec 4 CMP-150 Rocket Launcher Shield Disabled In my opinion, Hacker Central is enough stress, but the PerfectSim just makes it worse. Take it from me: PerfectSim and Rockets are not a good combination for you. As soon as the Sim sets eyes on you, he'll pound your helpless body with several rockets. If this piece of crap finds you downloading, you might as well put down your controller, because you're dead. However. If the terminal is at the very top of the level, you are in luck. It will take the Sim a much longer time to reach you, and will sometimes kill himself trying to get you. If the terminal is elsewhere, expect a real brawl. To Win: 10 points Time: 10 min Difficulty: 8/10 ---Challenge Twenty-Eight--- Scenario: Capture the Case Arena: Villa Sims: GuardSim1 (Dark) GuardSim2 (Dark) Weapons: Falcon 2 Falcon 2 (Silenced) Dy357 Magnum AR-34 Shotgun Disabled You're kidding, right? Two…Dark…Sims? Good, Lord, I hope you've been practicing, cuz otherwise you will get the crap knocked out of you. Know this, the DarkSims will NOT miss, so you better stand clear. The only gun worth jack is the AR-34, so you better get it soon. It will be 99% impossible to take these guys head on, so you need to be sneaky about it. Unfortunately, the DarkSims will always know where you are. This means, run like the wind! Get into the Sims' base, firing your AR-34 for all that its worth, grab the case and get outta there! If you're lucky, you'll get it back for a point. That's right, boys and girls, luck. You need to be lucky. Good luck. To Win: 10 points Time: 10 min Difficulty: 10/10 ---Challenge Twenty-Nine--- Scenario: Combat Arena: G5 Building Sims: WorkSim1 (Dark) WorkSim2 (Dark) Weapons: Falcon 2 Cyclone Dy357 Magnum CMP-150 Dragon Disabled *Sob* Get ready to die. This stupid thing will slowly drive you insane by the 50th time you try it. It will probably take you longer. Basically, you don't have a chance fighting like a man, so it's time to fight like a wuss. That's right, camping. But where? The DarkSims have 99.999% accuracy, so your body will get riddled with bullets the second that the Sims see you. So… First, I gotta credit Marshmallow for this trick, because this little glitch saved me, and helped me beat it. Second, make your character a Maian with a human head. You'll be short, and the safest you can be. Second, find the little foxhole on the bottom floor. It is quite deep, so if you are "the freak," and you crouch all of the way down, pushing into the upper left corner, the Sims will NOT hit you! But you MUST be in the upper left corner. When the Sims come, blast them, and they'll drop a payload of weapons into the foxhole. Just repeat over and over, and you're on to challenge 30. On the other hand, maybe you just want to give up now. To Win: 10 points Time: 10 min Difficulty: 8/10 ---Challenge 30--- Scenario: King of the Hill Arena: Skedar SimEnemies: BlondeSim (Dark) CassSim (Dark) SimAlly: JoSim (Normal) Weapons: Falcon 2 Falcon 2 (scope) MagSec 4 Mauler Dy357 Magnum Disabled Other: IMPOSSIBLE HAHAHAHAHAHA! So you've come this far! HAHAHA! Get ready for a rude awakening! You need to realize that your NormalSim is USELESS. The only advantage for having her is that you'll get an extra point if she's on the hill. Other than that, she'll only draw fire. If the Sims get the hill first, let them have it, cuz there's no way you'll get it from them. Once they score, get Jo to follow you and run to the new hill. You better have double maulers, cuz anything else is suicide. Actually, even double Maulers are suicide. The Sims will not be far behind, so find a good spot to hide in the hill, and fire before you even see the whites of their eyes. The DarkSims are superfast strafers, so you need to be on the top of your game. Even experts will be stuck on this POS for weeks, maybe. Practice, and try to find and exploit any weakness you find. Good luck. To Win: 10 points Time: 10 min Difficulty: 11/10 So there you have it, the Challenges guide. The Challenges are extremely difficult, so don't expect for them to be a breeze. The guide was the strategies that worked for me, but if they don't work for you, you might want to check out Marshmallow's Challenges Guide. ***************************************************************************** ***The Super Cheap Trick*** So, you've tried your hardest, and you still can't beat that stupid challenge! You're at your wits end, and are about to go insane. Well, this is for you less honorable players, who don't mind the lack of respect for cheating. Yes, there is a cheat/glitch to beat the challenges. How? More honorable players may want to skip this part… Notes: You need two players for this to work. First, create a scenario that is easy to beat (ex. Vs. one MeatSim in the Temple) and save it. It's better if the time and kill limits are low, or one. Second, go to load scenario, and highlight the one you want, but DON'T select it yet! Have player two join in, and have him select the challenge that you want to beat. Make sure that he keeps pressing "A" until his screen says "And Waiting." Then, have player one load the scenario, and start the game. Viola! The "Challenge" will begin, with the settings of your scenario! Simple beat the "Challenge," and your stats will say that you beat it! How cheap! ***************************************************************************** ***Unlocking Stuff*** ---Unlocking Preset Games--- Hold the Briefcase- 2 Challenges Pistol One-Hit Kills- 3 Challenges Capture the Case- 4 Challenges Tranquilizer- 7 Challenges Slow Motion- 8 Challenges Temple Explosives- 11 Challenges Slayer- 13 Challenges Cloaking- 16 Challenges ---Unlocking Scenarios--- Hold the Briefcase- 2 Challenges Capture the Case- 4 Challenges Hacker Central- 6 Challenges Pop a Cap- 12 Challenges ---Unlocking Arenas--- Complex- 1 Challenge Warehouse- 3 Challenges Ravine- 5 Challenges Temple- 6 Challenges G5 Building- 9 Challenges Grid- 11 Challenges Facility- 12 Challenges Villa- 14 Challenges Sewers- 16 Challenges Car Park- 17 Challenges Base- 18 Challenges Fortress- 20 Challenges Ruins- 22 Challenges ---Unlocking Weapons--- FarSight- 1 Grenade- 1 Shotgun- 2 Falcon 2 (Silenced)- 3 SuperDragon- 4 Laptop Gun- 5 Remote Mine- 6 Tranquilizer- 7 Falcon 2 (Scope)- 8 Reaper- 9 Cloaking Device- 10 Devastator- 11 Proximity Mine- 12 Slayer- 13 Phoenix- 14 Combat Boost- 15 Mauler- 16 Callisto NTG- 17 Crossbow- 18 RC-P120- 19 DY357-LX- 20 N-Bomb- 21 Laser- 22 X-Ray Scanner- 23 *************************************** *9. Surveying the Damage (Post-Battle)* *************************************** So, you've finished your battle. How did you do? Sure, it can be that easy to find out what place you came in, but after the battle is over, and the smoke clears, where do you really stand? You can see all of the statistics of the match, including point totals, number of deaths, and much more. ---Game Statistics, etc.--- Most of the menus contain overall, and specific totals of the match, such as how many times you killed a certain player, and how many times that player killed you. There are tons of pages of information here. ---Game Over (Personal Stats.)--- Here is the coolest part of the Post-Battle stats menu. On this menu, you can find out the weapon of choice (the one you used the most), what place you came in, and your awards. The awards were an interesting aspect of GoldenEye, where everyone was designated awards, judging on their fighting style from the match. They were carried over to PD too, so here's a list of the awards that you can win. Most Shielded- You had a shield through most of the match Least Shielded- You had barely or no armor through the match Marksmanship Award- You were the most accurate player Who Needs Ammo?- You carried little ammo through the round Double Kill- You killed two people simultaneously Triple Kill- You killed three people simultaneously Quad Kill- You killed four people simultaneously Most Dishonorable- You shot a lot of people from behind, and laid traps. You also shot unarmed people Most Honorable- You were an honorable warrior, only fighting people face-to- face, and fighting out to the death Most Professional- Like a PerfectSim, you didn't mess around. You went for the headshots, dealt a lot of damage, and were difficult to hit. Most Deadly- You did the most damage, and killed the most people Shortest Life- You died a lot, and when you were alive, you weren't alive for long Longest Life- You didn't die much, and when you were alive, you were alive for a long period of time Most Ammo(?)- You carried a lot of ammo during the round Ac-10 Award- You were very difficult to hit during the match Most Harmless- You did very little damage, and was basically the worst overall fighter Most Cowardly- CAMPER! You stayed out of most firefights, picking of people from a distance. Basically, you fought like a wuss. *Tallied Awards* Certain Awards are counted as a medal, and your statistics track them for you. These medals are kept track of by 4 stars. Green Star- Accuracy Award Yellow Star- Head Shot Award Red Star- KillMaster Award Blue Star- Survivor Award ---Your Ranking--- Once you win enough Medals, your ranking goes up a level. There are 21 rankings, and they are listed earlier in the FAQ. ***************** *10. War Stories* ***************** Once you've been playing Perfect Dark for a while, you probably have played a few matches that really stick with you. Whether you came back from a devastating point deficit, or there was a game that really cracked you up, this is the place to share your stories! I hope to one day open a forum for this on my website, but that could take a while, so here we go. Submit your War Story to ZeroX2004@hotmail.com and it will be posted. I will start off with one story, and start sending yours in. You don't need to be an author to express yourself, so send in today! "Messenger of Death" An amusing story of a lucky win from a minor deficit. Author: ZeRo Not too long ago, I was playing with my brother and my friend Ryan Strom in the Grid. There were two MeatSims in the mix, and Timed Mines in every slot. You should know that Ryan is really good with Timed Mines, and I was down by 2 points with less than a minute left in the game. I was in the large foyer with a MeatSim, while my brother and Ryan were in the other foyer duking it out. The MeatSim took off down the hallway to the foyer that my brother and friend were in, so I knew that I needed to act fast. The stupid Sim was running a few "game feet" in front of me, and I planted a mine right on its back. The Sim, unaware of its imminent death, the MeatSim ran right towards my brother and friend, carrying its payload. My brother and friend cried out as the MeatSim stumbled in, detonating a gigantic explosion, due to all of the other undetonated mines lying on the floor. The explosion filled the entire chamber as the time ran out. Of course, I won by one kill, but I was too busy cracking up to care." "War is Hell" A story of a total and complete massacre. Author: ZeRo "I was playing the "War" scenario, and I was leading the Bad Guy army against my brother who was leading the Good Guys, in the Temple My army had set up a nice fortification up top. I planted a Sentry Turret near the center of the upper room, and my troops were covering different spots around the area. We were up 97-94, so as long as we stayed safe and held back my brother for the final minute, victory would be ours. Out of the center of the floor, a sentry gun flew through the opening, and landed next to me. It went beserk, spewing bullets across the room, slaying my troops. Then, my brother made his move, coming up through the far door, Avengers blazing. I was defeated, so I commanded my troops to "Protect" as I attempted my escape. Unfortunately, my brother had placed a Dragon proximity mine nearby, and it detonated, killing me and the remainder of my army. Yes, my evil army had fallen to the tyranny of my brother. But defeat was bitter, and I defeated him in the next game. So, to anyone who has not tried my "War" scenario, I reccomend that you do so. Trust me, you'll be hooked." The following two War Stories are sent in by someone named "Agent Zer0." "Agent Zer0" is NOT me! "Dark Devices" A story of what sounds like what would be hell, and a lucky win. Author: Agent Zer0 (Spunky9876@aol.com) "A few days ago, I was playing a game with 6 MeatSims and 2 DarkSims. 3 Meat Sims and 1 DarkSim were on each team against me and my brother." We had One-Hit Kills, Hurricane Fists, Unlimited Ammo (No Reloads), Unlimited Ammo Sentry Gun, and Cloaking Device were the cheats that were on. In the beginning me and my brother each started out with a cloaking device with unlimited time. As soon as we died, the computer would take the device from our rotting bodies. So when we got re-born, we didn't know who had the cloaking device. Eventually, we found out (the hard way) that each of the DarkSims had the cloaking on. >From there on the game was living hell. Luckily, we won." "Grid Rockets" A Cool Storyy with a neat idea for a minigame. Author: Agent Zer0 (Spunky9876@aol.com) "This game happened a long time ago. The level was the Grid. Perfect Darkness was on. 8 MeatSims (these guys are fun). All Rocket Launchers. No teams. As you probably know, with the cheat Perfect Darkness, each person starts with one Night Vision thing, and the entire level is completely dark. The first time you die, you are gonna hope that no one took the night vision. When you get re-born, you don't know where you are, and you can only pray that you find a Rocket Launcher so you can fire it and see where you are. Thats the only good thing. Whenever an explosion happens, the whole room is lit up for about half a second. It soon will get very hard. You'll think the MeatSims are actually DarkSims, because they can see in the dark. Suicides will happen alot, especially to you. This was so scary that I never had the guts to play it again." "(No Title)" Author: AggroSk8er (AggroSk8er810@aol.com) "My friends (2 of them) were playing Capture the Case against 6 HardSims. Somehow they got a huge lead after taking our case and getting the most powerful weapons (mind you that kills score was on). We were down by about 12 points with 3 minutes left. My friend finally found a SuperDragon and elected to guard the case. He got about 3 kills while me and my other friend were on our way to the case. We picked off the Sims guarding the case for a point, killed 2 on our way back, my guarding friend got a kill and we captured the case, putting up a mear 5 behind but with a minute left. After killing another Sim, we disarmed a Laptop Gun and a K7 Avenger from him. We had about 45 seconds left so we just ran to their case, firing a few bullets at oncoming Sims. I got the case and ran back with my friend protecting me, he got 1 kill and died. We were down by 4 with somewhere around 30 seconds. I got a kill to put us down by three. I captured the case for a tie, and we picked off the last Sim that was trying for our case to get the win. Pure luck, I think not. Ok...I do think so, but it takes talent to do such a thing." "(No Title)" *New* A cool new minigame idea. Author: Pure Canadian Kid (mr_x3001@hotmail.com) "I felt like slaughtering a bunch of pansy @$$ normal sims so I made 8 sims on a FFA game in the Fortress. The gun that starts just past the sliding doors on the bottom level was a Tranquilizer. I had a bunch of kick @$$ guns, but instead I took the puny Tranquilizer. I opened the sliding door and stupid sim was there, so I filled him up with drugs and watched him walk off the edge. I kept on doing it for the whole game (while I was laughing my @$$ off at the suicidal sims). The score came to something like -15 to 1 (I killed one with a Dragon or something). In other words, if you're bored pump some sims with Tranquilizer stuff and watch. This also works on the G5 Building pretty well." As I said before, send in your stories to ZeroX2004@hotmail.com for them to be posted. ********************** *11. My Own Scenarios* ********************** This is a section for scenarios that I have come up with. If you want to send in yours, then I will post them, but don't take credit for anyone else's ideas, okay? "War!" Author: ZeRo In this scenario, it is all out anarchy! There must be eight sims, preferrably Normal or Hard sims. It works best with two human players. Split the Sims into two teams, with the human players split evenly between the two. One team is the "Good Guys" (Jo, Carrington, Jonathon, etc.) and the other team is the "Bad Guys" (Trent, Cass, Blonde, etc.). I prefer using Trent, Cass, Blonde, Presidential Clone, and an NSA Bodyguard for the Bad Guys, and Jo, Velvet, Jonathon, Carrington, and Elvis for the Good Guys. Pick any weapons you want, but be sure to include the K7 Avenger and Laptop Gun. The level is your pick, but the most fun to me is the Temple. The limits are your choice, but dont put on score limits, and give it a LOT of time. Feel free to experiment with commanding your army. Alternately, have Jo on the Good Guys and Trent on the Bad Guys command an army of CI Soldiers and G5 Swat Gaurds. The possibilites are endless. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Cheese Locations =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- These are the cheese locations, before anyone asks what they're for(most of you know) there is no use! If these don't help you, look at The Cheese Locations FAQ. -UPDATE- I did the first two and I thought I'd give up, all the ones after Investigation are from Nemesis! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dataDyne Central - Defection ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- First, you'll need the All Guns Cheat or some kind of Explosive Weapon. I only did this with All Guns and I'm not sure does other Explosives work. Anyways, if you have All Guns Cheat. Good, if you don't, read the next one. Right at the begining, go forward a bit and use your Falcon 2 to pick off the guard there. Jump down and go into the door on the left. Keep going forward and take out the guard a long the way. Continue down the ramp and look around for two big pipes next to a computer. Take out your Explosive Weapon (Remote Mine) and throw a Remote Mine to the Tube right next to the computer and blow it up. Jump down and there should be two 'windows' here. One of them is the location of the cheese. There's also another way. Make your way to Cassandra's Office, and kill Cassandra so she doesn't hit the alarm. Then go behind the desk (facing the door) go left and put a lot of Remote Mines on the wall. Proceed and stand clear, and press A and B together. One of the walls should be broken, go in there and look around for the window with the Cheese. *TIP* If its to dark, use the Laser And set it Short Range Stream. Use it to lighten up the dark room. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dataDyne Central - Investigation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Set the difficulty to either Special Agent or Perfect Agent, so you'll have the objective "Shut Down Experiments". Right from the begining, take a left down the hallway and through the nearby door. Take out the guards here and continue on. Make your way to Sector 2. Look around this section with a Scientist, AND theres two big doors in the room where the Scientist is. Shut down this experiment and continue on through the big doors. There should be a a glass floor infront of you. Take a short left and go around the computers and pillar. You should now be infront of another glass floor. On the plate on the far left side, there is the cheese. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dataDyne Central - Extraction ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also on the 1st stage 2nd level in the large area before the isotope and the experimental labs there is a part of the room that sinks down and there is a floor panel if you try to open it will open letting you down the ladder into the firing range. I used the farsite to find out what the ladder was for in the firing range on that level. Also if your fast enough in the room where the radio active isotope is if you run behind the isotope room. There will be a crate with a proximity mine in it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carington Villa - Hostage One ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head down into the basement of the building. Search all of the shelves within the basement area. Find the wine cellar, and you should find a piece of cheese on top of one of the wine cellar shelves. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carington Villa - Hostage One(alternative) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carrington Villa: After you go through the doors and start seeing the wine racks, it on top of the 2nd wine rack in the first hallway. You will enter the doors into a room with 2 wine racks in it. Go past them into the hall. There are 2 wine racks lining the walls the 2nd one (the one on the right wall) has the cheese on top of it. You can see a slither of it by looking up, or you can see all of it using a farsight. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chicago - Stealth ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This one is an easy one. Make your way through the first part of the level until you get to the main streets. Look for the Pond Punk Bar (there's a sign), and go inside. Make your way to the back and into the bathrooms. Look inside the toliet to find a piece of cheese floating inside. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chicago - Reconaissance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Another semi-easy piece of cheese to find. Make your way into the vents that lead to the control room. Search inside the vents to find the piece of cheese you are looking for. Ha....I love easy cheese. or... First, go in the room with the damping field generator. You should see a vent on the wall under the sloping ceiling. The cheese is in there, towards the right. -MetroidMoo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Area 51 - Rescue ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- On area 51, 2nd mission. Once you knock a hold in the wall and get the disguise and do all the other stuff. but don't rescue Elvis go to the area where you can download the two virus's go down the long hall way and you will see a large door and 2 small that lead into the bathrooms shoot or blow up the large door in order to get guard on the other side attention and thus opening it. the door is locked by the way. go up the stairs and to the cat walk where there's a break in to and there's a small walk way there takes you into the vents stop right before you fall into the bathroom and take out a sniper rifle and look to the end of the tubes and you should see the cheese there. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Area 51 - All Three Stages ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- All area 51 stages the cheese is in the same place in the vents above the bathrooms. But in the first area you either need to put it on counter op so that your friend can mabey appear there or use the FarSight. IF you got Gameshark 3.3 go to http://www.cmgsccc.com/index2.shtml GameShark Code creators club for the moon jump walk, thru walls & doors. To see the cheese up close. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Air Base: Esponiage ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to the area where the rail car lets off the stewardess and after you knock em all out. You go to the far left until you are agents the ropes. Go to the corner where the rope turns and goes to the wall. Take out your sniper rifle or horizon scan and look down. There should be a patch of water and when you area looking and a close enough zoom you should find it. Might have to move around a bit but it is in that area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Air Force One - Antiterrorism ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Air force One : One the plane, go downstairs to the room with the entrance to the room housing the escape pod. As you open the door you there are some pipes to your left. Go past them and turn around. Looking down, the piece of cheese is sitting there. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crash Site - Confrontation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hahaha I found it. Go to the area the front end on the plane crashed. Or the area where the pres. Ir. scanner is. Go to the nose of the plane. Then go right kill the blonde guy and there. Go Forward till you area where you see till the planes broken wind wing, back up, take out a sniper rifle. Then look between the broken part of the planes wing and the snow wall and the cheese should be on the ground there. If you still can't find it. Right of the plane and look kill blonde and it is in that proximity. (I STILL can't find this one!)-ChaosDemon ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pelagic II - Exploration ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pelagic II: Right out side the power room where you use the x ray goggles look down on the floor out side of that room and it is below a floor panel around there. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deep Sea - Nullify Threat ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission 6: Ceatan Mega Weapons Stage. Or the stage where you have to destroy the mega weapon and dr. carol dies. When you start the stage. Don't move! Take out a sniper rifle and in the hallway That has the glass on the bottom looking at the bottom of the sea. You should be in the hallway at the beginning. Look to the left with the sniper rifle and Zoom in. Look around the corner area or just scan the area. There cheese is a little off from the corner! You might see it as a yellow blip with the falcon you start out with. But the sniper is how you see it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carington Institute - Defense ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carrington institute: go though the door that the skedar guy broke down and go all the way back to the locked door and use the sniper rifle to look at the cheese. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attack Ship - Covert Assault ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skedar Battle Ship: Go out get Elvis Esc. But do NOT go in the elevators! Stand in front of them. Go to the room on the right where some of the skedar come out of. Look down thought the glass plate on the floor you might need to move around a bit but the cheese in right around there. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skedar Ruins - Battle Shrine ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the skedar battle shrine. Final area. Right before you blast a hole in the wall to get into the hall way that takes you to the room that operates the bridge. Go back and to the area where on agent there is a shield there and a big crack in the wall and two skedar there as well. Use the far sight or sniper (you will have to kneel down to use the sniper look though the crack and the cheese is in there). I am now looking for it in air force 1 stage the others. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Blonde's Revenge ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's in the same place as the ones in the first three dataDyne levels. Or... First, you'll need the All Guns Cheat or some kind of Explosive Weapon(BombSpy). I only did this with All Guns and I'm not sure does other Explosives work. Anyways, if you have All Guns Cheat. Good, if you don't, read the next one. Right at the begining, go forward a bit and use your Falcon 2 to pick off the guard there. Jump down and go into the door on the left. Keep going forward and take out the guard a long the way. Continue down the ramp and look around for two big pipes next to a computer. Take out your Explosive Weapon (Remote Mine) and throw a Remote Mine to the Tube right next to the computer and blow it up. Jump down and there should be two 'windows' here. One of them is the location of the cheese. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maian SOS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maian SOS same place as in the previous stage in the vents above the bathroom. Or... On area 51, 2nd mission. Once you knock a hold in the wall and get the disguise and do all the other stuff. but don't rescue Elvis go to the area where you can download the two virus's go down the long hall way and you will see a large door and 2 small that lead into the bathrooms shoot or blow up the large door in order to get guard on the other side attention and thus opening it. the door is locked by the way. go up the stairs and to the cat walk where there's a break in to and there's a small walk way there takes you into the vents stop right before you fall into the bathroom and take out a sniper rifle and look to the end of the tubes and you should see the cheese there. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- WAR! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- WAR! Same place where that giant crack in the wall is. Or... On the skedar battle shrine. Final area. Right before you blast a hole in the wall to get into the hall way that takes you to the room that operates the bridge. Go back and to the area where on agent there is a shield there and a big crack in the wall and two skedar there as well. Use the far sight or sniper (you will have to kneel down to use the sniper look though the crack and the cheese is in there). I am now looking for it in air force 1 stage the others. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Duel ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Duel: you need to use the far site for this one. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carington Institute ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To get to the cheese in carrington institute, you have do the firing range trick with the hover crate(propping open the door so it doesn't close). Now leave enough room so you can run out, open the double doors leading into the firing range, run into the range, select the slayer, set it on guided rockets, and fire. Guide it outside the range. Take a right and go down the ramps leading to the basement. You obviously cant open doors as a rocket, so take a right at the fork in the ramp. Go outside into the open! If you go up to a higher level, youll be above the entire area with the hoverbike and crates and stuff. Head over to the door to the institute, the shiny blue one, and a little higher than the level of the door. Turn right, next to the building, and there is cheese, sitting on the ledge. Its a lot easier and faster than that, just read through and follow carefully. An alternative pathway is just following the partition wall between the two helipads and staying a little right of it when you come to the big block. -Brett "Nemesis" Franklin =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The Duel =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- To unlock The Duel, goto the Firing Range and earn at least bronze medals on all the guns. This is a special section I made to help all you people out there that just can't seem to beat your final test: The Duel. This is a special mission where there's three objectives: Objective One: Defeat dataDyne Guard Objective Two: Defeat Jonathan Dark Objective Three: Defeat Trent Easton If you selected agent, you just play the first dude (dataDyne Guard) and the if you selected special agent, it'll be the first two dudes, and finally on perfect agent, you'll face all three of them. You only have ONE gun however, and it only has eight(8) rounds in it. You have no health so one shot will kill you and ending the mission, so without further a due, here we go. [End Credits Theme Rolls] ------------------------------------ Objective One: Defeat dataDyne Guard ------------------------------------ This is a simple objective, after the short cinema, with your back towards the guard, turn around and charge at him, he'll try to make a quick jump to either the left or right. Charge him and shoot him a couple of times but make sure you're C-L-O-S-E to him so you can grab his ammo. ----------------------------------- Objective Two: Defeat Jonathan Dark ----------------------------------- This objective isn't too much more difficult, for some reason, Jonathan has REALLY poor aiming, I mean REALLY poor aiming, but nevertheless, don't take him to lightly. You'll notice that after the cinema, Jonathan isn't anywhere, go forward and turn left, but DON'T go around the wall. Instead, go back down and take the other route to behind the wall, Jonathan should be really close to you, shoot him a couple of times to kill him (either he's close to you are far from you, either way, you can take him out) for some odd reason, I was NEVER killed by Jonathan before. ------------------------------------ Objective Three: Defeat Trent Easton ------------------------------------ Ahhh...yes, the most hardest opponent in the whole Duel, he's VERY accurate and not-quite as FAST, but if you miss your oppourtunity, you won't get another one. After the short cinema, turn around and DO NOT AIM, "why?" you ask? Well, after you get your aim he'll of killed you already, so if you get the idea, DON'T aim. Instead, try to get some ugly(lucky) shots in by not aiming, once you've stunned him, you can aim if you wish, but you can just finish him off with other shots. Yes, there's an alternative, instead of facing him man-to-man, go like Jonathan and make a high-tail for the wall. You can stay here if you wish for a little bit, but then strafe to Trent and PUNCH HIM OUT! You can easily punch Trent out on the first whack if you punch him from the BACK. If you've followed my great guidelines, this will work out great and you'll have won the Duel. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Contacting =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This is a new section I decided to make, this clears up things for contacting. A lot of people send me hate mail after I fail to reply to their so-called "important" letter. The truth is, I determine whethere your letter is an important one or not. I get a lot of email everyday, and I don't have the time (nor the patience) to answer each of the everylast 26 emails I get. However, questions mentioned in the FAQ will NOT be answered. So, before sending in your email, make sure it's not mentioned in the FAQ, alright? With the disclaimer taken care of, here are the methods how you can contact me through. Email: vampiro_07@hotmail.com MSN Messenger: vampiro_07@hotmail.com Aol Instant Messenger(AIM): ChaosDemon007 If you didn't read this section, make sure you do. :P =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Credits =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- CJayC: For posting this FAQ Dallas: For the Controls Nemesis: For the Cheese Locations Zeroxx: For the ENTIRE Combat Simulator section Magus747: For Bonus Mission Walkthrough Gameshark Central(http://www.gscentral.com): For the Gameshark Codes. ============================================================================ Copyright 2001 Tony J. Tso Just another FAQ brought to you by... ______________ _____ __ ____/__ /_______ ________________ __ \___________ ________________ _ / __ __ \ __ `/ __ \_ ___/_ / / / _ \_ __ `__ \ __ \_ __ \ / /___ _ / / / /_/ // /_/ /(__ )_ /_/ // __/ / / / / / /_/ / / / / \____/ /_/ /_/\__,_/ \____//____/ /_____/ \___//_/ /_/ /_/\____//_/ /_/ -EOF-