Mega Man 64 - FAQ Table of Contents 1.) Introduction 2.) The Story (as told by me) 3.) The Cast 4.) Walkthrough (Incomplete as of now. Updates soon.) 5.) Tips and Tricks (non-spoilers) 6.) Secrets (spoilers) 7.) To clear things up (a few info bits to clear the mysteries up.) 8.) Special Thanks 9.) Copyright Info ------------ *(1.) Introduction* ------------ Welcome to the world of Mega Man 64! For you Playstation owners out there (which I am not), Mega Man 64 is Mega Man Legends for the N64, with better graphics (well, better if you own an expansion pack like myself, but...). Anyway. I am writting this FAQ SOLELY on the fact I LOVE this game. Although it is incomplete at the time this is written, I plan to update it VERY often. I hope you enjoy. Oh, and if you want to use this FAQ, check the Copyright junk. Thanks. ------------ **(2.) The Story** ------------ Basically, a bunch of crystals called "Refractors" have become the new power source of a flooded earth. People called "Diggers" go around in flying ships digging for refractors. You, MegaMan Volnut (it says Volnutt, with 2 Ts, in the game, but one t in the booklet.. error.), are a Digger working with another famous Digger, Barrel Casket, and Barrel's Grand-daughter, Roll Casket (YES, Roll is NOT MegaMan's sister, so there.) . The game reads the story to you when you turn the game on, so you should problably listen to that instead of my pathetic excuse for the story =) ------------ ***(3.) The Cast*** ------------ Please note this lists ONLY the important people. MegaMan Trigger: The Character you play as through the whole game. When Barrel Casket adopted MegaMan Trigger when he was little, he named him MegaMan Volnut, although his TRUE name is Mega Man Trigger, as you'll find out near the end of the game. He is 14 years(?) of age. Barrel Casket: MMT'S foster dad, he has a very small role in this game, and looks like a cyborg. I'm guessing he's around 80+ years old. Roll Casket: Barrel's grand-daughter, and MMT's best friend, Roll has a HUGE role (pun not intended) in this game. She makes weapons, enhances them, drives the car (whoa, wait a second, she's only 14!), and well, drives EVERYTHING you ride on (car, boat, airship) in the game. It is possible to flirt with her during the game. See the Walkthrough for more info. Data: The annoying, yet helpful, monkey was found with MMT when Barrel found them. He talks in garbage, and only MMT can understand this fellow. He saves your game, gives you hints, and refills your energy (life, S. Weapon, and Shield repairs). He is AT LEAST as old as MMT. Teasel Bonne: Main bad guy, he fights you in robots. You ONLY see him in the movie sequences. Tron Bonne: 14 year old female of the Boone family. She has a crush on MMT, but tries to hide it. You actually get to talk to her OUT OF the movies a few times. Bomb Bonne: What a joke. You fight him once, then he just really shows up in the background of a few movies.. smallest role in the game, I think. ------------ ****(4.) The Walkthrough (incomplete)**** ------------ ------------(Part One: Meet MegaMan)------------ Ok, this place is a joke. Just follow Roll's instructions, and you'll do fine. Don't bother exploring to much, as there are only bad guys, and ONE box you can blow up for some cash (then again, blowing up baddies gives you cash too.) There may be a Buster Part around there, but I kinda forgot. If it is, you'll find it. It's hard to not find anything in there. Just leave as soon as possible. Near the exit you will find... ###Boss 1: One-Armed One-Eyed Bot### Difficulty: 0.5 of 10 Attacks: I've got a big arm = He hits the ground, big whoop. Strategy: ... Ok... I'll TRY to help you with this VERY VERY hard boss! (joking there). Anyway, mainly just shoot him, then move when his arm "grows". For easier battling, use the Circle Strafe Blast (CSB) on him. Hold R (or Z), press left (or right if holding Z) and hold down the B button. (note, this is only if you have it so R or Z mak you strafe, not turn.) He'll die soon, and you get to watch MegaMan run from the tower, and their ship crash-land on Kattlelox Island. ------------(Part Two: Kattlelox and the Pirates)------------ Now, talk to Data (the monkey) and save. There. Never have to do the Temple of Loser Robots again. (sorry, but I just HATE the first dungeon.. too dull.) Anyway, try to head up the path that says To Town, and the Police come and arrest you for kidnapping the mayor! Just kidding. They come to see if anyone got hurt in the crash. Go back and talk to Barrel (the old cyborg dude). After a little movie, go back up the path, and into the city. --------Apple Market-------- Ahh.. Apple Market.. What a name, eh? Guess what? They don't sell apples. Anyway. You can fool around here, or go straight to the chase. Go into the junk shop (near the N door) and go in. Talk to the lady, say __YES__ and then leave the city. (If you want to make some money in the market, see Tips and Tricks.) If you're in the mood to goof off, go to the shop with the old woman, and check the racks... one has something.. er.. interesting. Oh, kick the trash cans. if the lid flies off, they're empty, but if it just shakes and the lid stays on, press Down-C to check it out. Oh, and press Down-C at the Cell boxes for stuff too. One has a Broken Cleaner. Keep that cleaner, Roll can make something with it later. --------Cardon Forest-------- Back outside the city, go south until you see a little hut (right outside the city, can't miss it.). Enter. --------Ruins 1-------- Turn around. That blue wall in front of you is the exit. Now, ignore the yellow door and head left. Ignore the robots on the high ledge, and kill the one that comes around the cornor. See that hole in the wall? go up to it and check it (Down-C). Check EVERY hole you see. I have NEVER found an empty one (unless I've checked that hole before). Continue down the path, killing ALL the bots. When you see the tube snakes, kill them all, THEN talk to the man. He should thank you, then leave. If not, look for more snakes AND robots. Don't worry. You don't have to kill the ones on the ledge (at least I think you don't. I didn't.). After he leaves, go into the yellow door right near you, follow the path, kill what you want. Now, in the room somewhere is a chest with a Buster Part (Rapid Fire I believe.). Put it on if you wish, then high tail it out of there. Forget the yellow door near the entrance, you can't do anything without the Drill Arm or Spring Legs. --------Cardon Forest-------- Just head back into the city. --------Apple Market-------- Go to the Junk shop. Once inside, talk to the Girl. When they ask you for your name, tell them whatever you want. Heh, it WILL stick, though, so think CAREFULLY, ok Hippopautomus? he he he. Ok, after that, go out again. --------Cardon Forest-------- Save at Data if you desire, then talk to Roll. She will make the Mine Kit the man at the Junk shop gave you into the Splash Mine Special Weapon. It's the worst special weapon, but it kinda helps at an up-coming boss. After that, leave the car (it might make you..) and a cop will give you the Citizen's Card. Now you can go into the other doors in the city. Roll will ask you to check up on Gramps (Barrel). So get! ---------Apple Market--------- Been here before, right? Well, see those kids near the N door? Hold Down-C and walk up to them to hear their plans. if you don't, they'll hear you coming, and you'll get pushed away. After they leave, go into the N door. Before yo do, however, yo might want to buy the Canteen from the Junk shop... heck, buy anything you want. Just get that Canteen. It's a life saver. ---------Downtown--------- ANOTHER MOVIE? Oh well, at least the graphic are good and the voices are kinda neat. After the people leave, walk around until you find ANOTHER N Door. (The Letters mean North, South, East, and West. to go back to Apple Market, go SOUTH.) Oh, and if you want, check the trash cans (kick them first.). One SHOULD have a Broken Motor I think.. maybe it's the Broken Propeller? Oh well, it's a broken SOMETHING anyway. Get it. One note, new things sometimes pop up in the trash, so kick the T. cans often. ---------City Hall-------- Hmm... there's that girl you saw in that movie again. Talk to her if you want, then head on to the big white building. You can't get in until you talk to a gaurd. To see a glitch, talk to the LEFT gaurd, and in the movie, you'll be talking to the RIGHT gaurd! Anyway, entr to meet Barrel and The Mayor, who goes by Amelia. Anyway, after the somewhat lengthly movie, go back to Roll. Huh? What's this? As you leave the "White House", a dog is chasing that freaky girl again! Oh well, just go into the S door, and back to Downtown. ---------Downtown--------- Ha ha ha! Look at that! The girl is up a lamp-post, trying to get away from the dog! Well, you can't go back to Apple Market without helping that girl. Talk to her, then talk to the dog. (The dog is called Peprika, but it's a boy... Weird?) Anyway, the girl and dog leave, and you can go to Apple Market now. ---------Apple Market--------- Just leave the city via the S door, unless you want to buy something. ---------Cardon Forest--------- Let the ship take off... yep, thay said Miss Tron.. Tron Bonne... Now, talk to Roll, then chase after her when she leaves. ---------Apple Market--------- No time to shop, save at Data, and make sure you have the Splash Mines. They will help a little. Then head into the N door. ---------Downtown--------- Movie. Ok, after that, it's time for a Mission/Boss! #@#@#-Mission 1: GET THE KEY!-#@#@# Difficulty: (normal):1 0f 10 (Hard): 1.5 of 10 Attacks: Pea Shooters: They shoot little bullets at you that do close to nothing. But avoid them, they hit multipule times, and on Hard, they hurt a bit more. BLOW HIM UP: The Servbot driving the big bot pops up, and throws a bomb at you. It's easy to avoid, so do so. How to Complete the mission: Just get the key. One of the bots has it. They can pass it around, so be alert. I am pretty sure the Yellow has it at the begining, but it could be random. Anyway, a nice strategy to kill them is, shoot them alot at first, and when they split up, pick on, and lay mines in front of it and blast it! Red and blue die the fastest, but blue is the fastest mover, and red's attacks hurt you the most. Yellow just has alot of life. Oh, if you're low on life, you can drink your canteen (if you got one.) or go find a soda machine, and kick it! (press C-Left when you Un-Equip your Special Weapon.) You might get a life re-filling soda,or break the machiene. Oh, try to stop the bots from blowing up buildings. You'll have to pay for the destruction later. after you get the key, you move on to... ####Boss 2: Tron's 4-legged Octopus#### Difficulty: (normal): 1 0f 10. (hard): 1.5 of 10. Attacks: -RUN HIM OVER!: She tries to run you over. This hurts the MOST. She ONLY drives on the road, so it's easy to avoid. -Pyromaniac Attack: The front legs go together and a trail of fire goes out. Avoid. It's easy to avoid it, so do so. -Full of lead: She will fire a bunch of little bullets that do about ZERO damage on normal, but avoid them if possible. -Skull Bomb Spin: She spins around sending bombs everywhere. Easy to dodge, so do it! Strategy: SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT! DODGE! SHOOT! DODGE DODGE! heh, not really much to it. if you're low on health, then drink your canteen if it is still full, or kick a Soda Machine. Try to keep a filled canteen if you can. It will help. The next part is heck on hard! After you kill her robot, she leaves, vowing to get even. Go into the newly painted door if you're ready. This part is close to Hades if your on Hard mode! Data will be next to the gate. If you ask him to Tell Me.. What I should do next, he'll ask if you have a Range Booster for your Buster Gun, say __NO__ for a free Range Booster Alpha. He'll ask if he's a good boy, tell him __YES__, or he'll take his range booster away. ------------(Part Three: Police, Bank, and City Hall, oh my!)------------ #@#@#-Mission 2: Save City Hall!-#@#@# Difficulty: (normal): 2 of 10 (Hard): 3.5 of 10 How to complete: In the mission breifing, it says save the bank, police station, AND city hall, while you REALLY just have to save city hall. If you're on Normal, I suggest you try and save City hall AND the Police station. Forget the bank, it does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Anyway, blow up the red and yellow bots on the ground, then look around for a flying ship with arms CARRYING a new red or yellow bot. KILL THAT FLYING SHIP ASAP TO STOP THE FLOW OF RED AND YELLOW BOTS! Oh, if you want to know how to become Dark Mega Man here, go to the Secrets Section. Anyway, after all the Yellow and Red bots are scrap metal, you get to fight.... ####Boss 3: Bomb's Playtime#### Difficulty: (normal): 3 of 10 (Hard): 5 of 10 Attacks: -NEW DOLL!: He'll raise his hands, then slap them at you, trying to grab his "new dolly". -I LIKE BIG BOOMS!: He'll raise his hands, say something, and fire ALOT of missles that follow you! RUN FOREST RUN! He fires these very fast, and sometimes does 2 in a row. they will blow up after awhile, but run! THEY HURT ALOT! -I HATE THIS DOLL HOUSE!: He'll beat a house into a pulp. It doesn't hurt you, unless your next to the building when it blows. -Like my tongue?: He blows his tongue at you... WAY TO EASY TO AVOID. Strategy: As you can see from the difficulty, on Hard, this guy is death in a can! Run like you have no tomarrow (which you just might) when he fires his missles, and blast him like heck when he does his tongue or hits a building. I pray you have the Canteen, or you're most likely dead. On normal, keep aoiding his attacks, run like the dickens when he shoots his missles, and pummel him with your Buster Gun. If your good and lucky, you should whoop this boss. %%%To Be Continued...%%% ------------ *****(5.)Tips and Tricks: The NON-SPOILERS***** ------------ -Apple Market-Fast Cash: Need some fast cash kinda early? Then looky here. See that orange soda can on the ground in Apple Market? Kick it into the Jetlag Bakery (kinda hard, but not to hard) for 1000 Zenny! If you go into a shop or something, and come back, the can returns for yet another chance for 1000 Zenny! -Easy way to beat Beast Hunter: Tired of losing at Beast Hunter in the KTOK TV station? Then looky here! Here's how to win! 1. DO NOT MOVE FROM THE SPOT YOU START AT! 2. Kick the ball when the dog is in the middle. 3. if you hit the dog every time, even from the start, when you've hit him 4 times, kick the bacll a little early to hit it again, then hit the flashing dog if your fast for about 2 to 4 points, I think, then kick again to hit the normal dog. I think you'll have 9 now. 4. I forget exactly when it happens, but later during the game, another flashing dog will come by. If you hit the dog EVERY TIME buy just standing still and kicking, a dog that you kick into other dogs should walk up, a warning that the flashing dog is coming. Hit that flashing dog for some points! 5. Little note, if you kick the little dogs INTO the dog, you gain 2 points instead of 1 point! 6. After you beat Rank A the first time and get a ZetSabre, do it again for 4000+ Zenny each win! The more hits you make, the more Zenny you take! I got 4180 Zenny for 20 hits, and 4080 Zenny for 18. Good-luck, and happy money making! ------------ ******(6.)Secrects-These can spoil your game!****** ------------ Dark Mega Man: Want to be an Evil Mega Man? Here's how: Kick the Can into the shop ALOT, and your armor will slowly turn dark. it won't go solid dark, but close. To change back, do good things. Doing bad things gets you dark. Also, during the Save City Hall mission, shoot down the News Blimp to turn dark right away! But it returns to normal after you save City Hall. Hard Mode: Beat Normal mode (the mode you automatically have at first) and wait until the credits end, THEN, let the game restart itself. Now you can change the difficulty at the bottom to Normal or Hard. Easy Mode: I believe you get it by beating Hard mode, if I interprit Data's riddle at the end of Normal mode correctly. I have yet to beat the game on Hard, but will keep you posted on this. I do not know of any more Secrets, but if you send some in. I will give you FULL credit for it! Remember, first to send it gets the credit! ------------ *******(7.)Clearing the Mysteries******* ------------ MegaMan Trigger is MegaMan Volnut's REAL name. MegaMan Juno is the last boss you fight. The Mother Lode IS found. The Bonnes get it. It is the Huge Rainbow Refractor at the end. MegaMan Trigger made Data to remember his "data" incase something happened. MegaMan Trigger DOES become the new Gaurdian of Kattlelox, overthrowing MegaMan Juno. ------------ ********(8.) Special Thanks ------------ Thanks to my Mom and Dad for buying me Mega Man 64! Thanks to Isaac for pointing out that I forgot to get the helmet in Normal Mode. I wanna thank God for giving me my talents at Nintendo and the Health and Time to write this. And I want to Thank Capcom and Nintendo for teaming up to make the PERFECT MEGAMAN GAME. A Huge thanks goes to my readers. Thanks for reading. ------------ *********(9.) Boring Copyright Stuff ------------ This Walkthrough/FAQ is Copyright Bentendo 2001. Failure to understand this will result in finding yourself in court. If you would like to use this Walkthrough/FAQ on your Website, Magazine, Strategy Guide, or whatever, contact me at, and I'll say yeas 99.9% of the time. Just ASK first, and I'll even put that you are allowed to use it in my FAQ. As of now, this FAQ should ONLY be at or on: Thank you. MegaMan64 is Licensed by Nintendo of America 2001. MegaMan64 is Copyrighted by Capcom 2001. MegaMan, Roll, etc. are Copyright of Capcom 2001.