************************************************************************ Resident Evil/BioHazard: Lisa Character Analysis Nintendo GameCube Version 3.0 Written by: CVXFREAK E-mail: FireEmblemPride@hotmail.com ************************************************************************ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ www.biohazardexe.com <--- Especially this site. ALWAYS visit BioHazardEXE for the latest versions of my guides. Also, visit BioHazardEXE for various Resident Evil information! It's run by John and I, so you can count on quick and accurate news about RE! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VERSION HISTORY -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ============ MAY 28, 2003 ============ Just a few notable updates here and there. =============== AUGUST 18, 2002 =============== Change of e-mail, yet again. Klez sucks. ============= JULY 29, 2002 ============= Updated the entire Analysis and fixed some errors. I also added a little bit and also changed the crappy line breaks in the older versions. ============== APRIL 30, 2002 ============== Change of email. ======================================================================== C O N T E N T S ======================================================================== 1. INTRODUCTION 2. BIOHAZARD 3. LISA TREVOR 4. BOSS FIGHT TACTICS 5. HISTORY 6. ANALYSIS 7. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 8. CONCLUSION ======================================================================== 1. I N T R O D U C T I O N ======================================================================== This FAQ may only appear on www.gamefaqs.com. It may not appear anywhere else because GameFAQS keeps them constantly updated. BioHazard is copyright Capcom in its entirety and is not owned by me. This FAQ is not a walkthrough, but questions can be directed to me anyway. EMAIL: Do not email me a question answered in the FAQ. If you cannot find anything, then email me. AIM: DO NOT AIM ME FOR ANY REASON AT ALL. IF YOU DO, I WILL BLOCK YOU. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Enjoy the FAQ, and email me at FireEmblemPride@hotmail.com. ======================================================================== 2. B I O H A Z A R D ======================================================================== "From now on, games aren't limited to graphics only -- a balance must be reached between fun gameplay and graphic enjoyment," he continued. "I feel if it isn't like this, the media itself will be endangered. Among game systems focused on graphics, we're aiming to show Nintendo's philosophy of 'fun games.'" - Shinji Mikami (Courtesy of IGNCube.com) BioHazard was created back in 1996 for the Sony PlayStation. That game virtually created the genre of survival horror, and put it mainstream. In 1996, everyone knew about BioHazard, or Resident Evil in the west (America, Europe). Future installments continued the innovation that was BioHazard, as well as the foundation for what a survival horror game should be like. BioHazard 2, BioHazard 3: Last Escape and BioHazard CODE: Veronica Complete Edition were all sequels to the original, and improved upon the formula. Now, in 2002, Shinji Mikami plans to remake the first BioHazard with new storyline additions, a MUCH better graphical engine and to feed the nostalgic BioHazard fans. ======================================================================== 3. L I S A T R E V O R A N D U M B R E L L A ======================================================================== Who is Lisa Trevor? Lisa Trevor is the daughter of the architect who built the Spencer Estate. The man who built the estate was George Trevor. Lisa Trevor was 14 years old when she vanished on a trip through the Spencer Mansion. Lisa Trevor was born in 1952. She eventually was experimented on for many, many years and was the breakthrough to two of Umbrella's scientific breakthroughs: The Nemesis Tyrant and the G-Virus. Umbrella is a pharmaceutical company that owned the Midwestern town of Raccoon City. It performed illegal activities with plants and animals alike, experimenting on deadly bioweapons with their T-Virus. William Birkin, Annette Birkin, Albert Wesker, Oswell Spencer, Edward Ashford and Alexia Ashford were the company's top scientists for many years. William Birkin discovered the G-Virus and partially designed the Nemesis Tyrant eventually seen in BioHazard 3. Annette Birkin had assisted him along with Albert Wesker. William Birkin is also responsible for a virus in which fed new life to the dead, and gave them superhuman powers at the same time. Oswell Spencer and Edward Ashford discovered the Mother Virus, or T- Virus in the early or mid 20th century. Alexia Ashford, the granddaughter of Edward, discovered the T-Veronica Virus at the tender age of 10. ======================================================================== 4. E N C O U N T E R S ======================================================================== Here are all the possible boss fights with Lisa Trevor, during the course of BioHazard: Rebirth for the GameCube. ======================================== BOSS # 2: LISA TREVOR DIFFICULTY: IMPOSSIBLE Your goal: Get the hell out of there. 3 hits from this immortal boss will kill you, and it will not be good at all. Head out, and be quick. Don't even try to shoot this thing, because she just won't die!!! ..I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO RUN AWAY! RUN! RUN! RUN! RUN! RUN! [NOTE: The girl in Wesker's Report II is Lisa Trevor. And she is now after us. Not good at all.] ======================================== ======================================== BOSS # 7: LISA TREVOR II DIFFICULTY: IMPOSSIBLE Your goal: Get the hell out of there. 3 hits from this immortal boss will kill you, and it will not be good at all. Head out, and be quick. Don't even try to shoot this thing, because she just won't die!!! ..I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO RUN AWAY! RUN! RUN! RUN! RUN! RUN! [NOTE: The girl in Wesker's Report II is Lisa Trevor. And she is now after us. Not good at all.] ======================================== ======================================== BOSS # 8: LISA TREVOR III DIFFICULTY: HARD If you notice... it has the eye of the G-Type William Birkin, from BioHazard 2 and the jump and power of Nemesis from BioHazard 3: Last Escape. That can only mean one thing: this thing is as powerful as Nemesis and the G-Type combined! O/ Give Barry his gun back. Then start shooting the hell out of the thing. When it falls over, keep shooting it. Barry will also help. Once she falls, its all over! Yipeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here's to you, Lisa! (_/_) (_\_) ======================================== ======================================================================== 5. H I S T O R Y ======================================================================== This following analysis can only be fully understood by playing BioHazard for the GameCube, reading a transcript of Wesker's Report II, playing BioHazard 2, playing BioHazard 3: Last Escape and reading the Trevor Letters. THE WOMAN IN WESKER'S REPORT II Lisa Trevor is the woman in Wesker's Report II. By combining the dates in Wesker's Report II with the dates in the Trevor Letters, you'll see that Lisa Trevor was kidnapped around the time a mysterious woman came to be experimented on by William Birkin. LISA EXPERIMENTED ON Reading the Wesker's Report II, they exposed her to many viruses, including the Ebola Virus and the Mother Virus. She had managed to live through all of that, despite the hell of all those gruesome tests. Her mind was corrupted by the original virus. Afterwards, she was deemed as a failure and everyone forgot about her... for awhile. FURTHER EXPERIMENTS The T-Virus' problem with making Tyrant BOW (Bio Organic Weapon) is that 1 in 100,000,000 (100 Million) people became a Tyrant. The Tyrant is the final boss we see in BioHazard. It is also the boss that stalks you in BioHazard 2, known as Mr. X, and Nemesis, who stalks you in BioHazard 3. Because making a Tyrant was so rare, they decided to use Lisa as a test subject for becoming a Tyrant, by injecting the T-Virus into her. They (Birkin and Wesker) then received the Nemesis Prototype from the Umbrella France Facility. The Umbrella France Facility is the facility seen at the beginning of BioHazard CODE: Veronica Complete, in which Claire Redfield causes quite a commotion. They inject the parasite into Lisa Trevor because of her amazing resistance rate to dying. The Nemesis Parasite kills incompatible hosts within 5 minutes. Suddenly, something weird happened. The parasite, as it tried to enter Lisa's brain, vanished. They continued to research her, according to the Report. But then they decided to scrap it at the end, until William Birkin noticed a big change in her. He dropped the T-Virus Project and decided something new: The G-Virus Project. LISA AND THE G-VIRUS William Birkin moved his facility of testing the G-Virus Project to a lab underneath Raccoon City. This lab is seen at the very end of BioHazard 2 and quite possibly connects to the factory at the end of BioHazard 3. The T-Virus and G-Virus are different because the G-Virus consistently adapts to the host. The reason for Birkin's transfer was because Spencer didn't approve of the G-Virus, due to its lack of information. As Birkin continued studies on Lisa, he noticed changes in her inside. She became so mutated that she consumed the Nemesis Parasite. She started to regain her intelligence slowly. After consuming the Nemesis, they've had it. They now wanted to kill Lisa Trevor. She was so brutal, that she ripped a woman's face off and wore it, and that face was her mother's face; Jessica Trevor. The G-Virus made no progress in Lisa, so they killed her over the course of 3 days. Or so we thought... The Report II ends there. ======================================================================== 6. A N A L Y S I S ======================================================================== The Wesker's Report II leaves us with many conclusions: The G-Virus was extracted from Lisa Trevor's body after exposure from the Ebola Virus, T-Virus and her consumption of the Nemesis parasite. Lisa Trevor, the monster, is one bad *****. She ripped the faces off of a woman (her mom) and wore them when she got loose. The puzzle of putting 4 masks on 4 tombs in a crypt is derived from Lisa ripping a woman's face off. THE G-VIRUS The reason why Lisa Trevor will not die in BioHazard: Rebirth is because she has the G-Virus in her. The G-Virus keeps the host alive until it is destroyed in a blast. She won't die then, unless she is hit really, really hard. We know Lisa Trevor is a psuedo-G-Type because of the eye on her back, like the one seen in William Birkin's arm in BioHazard 2 and the Nemesis at the end of BioHazard 3 after mutating. In the game, she will not die, even with the more powerful weapons, simply because of the G-Virus inside her. But wasn't William Birkin easily injured and weakened in BioHazard 2? What makes her so much tougher, even without a completed version of the G-Virus inside her? Anyway, the G-Virus was likely created from combining the Ebola Virus and the T-Virus. Since the G-Virus was extracted from her after being given the T-Virus and Ebola Viruses, among other, unmentioned viruses. After the Nemesis Parasite had been consumed by Lisa, Birkin discovered that the T-Virus and Ebola Virus resist death. The Ebola Virus probably is the death-blocker (unless you count the "undead zombies", but then again zombies aren't dead, they're just hungry, decaying humans), because the T-Virus hasn't shown evidence of death-blocking. It has shown signs of becoming moderately powerful, as evidenced by the Tyrant. Perhaps William Birkin might have nearly become a Tyrant that couldn't die after injecting the G-Virus into himself after the attack from HUNK in BioHazard 2, but the effects of the Ebola Virus half of the G-Virus interrupted his mutation, so he became a modified version, but eventually turned into that... thing you see at the end. It is still unknown what else the Ebola Virus does, but it definitely keeps hosts alive. It kept Lisa alive. THE NEMESIS Remember, Lisa gave way to the creation of the Nemesis Tyrant. Not necessarily the exact Nemesis in BioHazard 3, but Nemesis Tyrants in general. Her Nemesis genes are obvious in the tentacles dangling out of her body, and the jumps she performs in her final encounter with either Chris Redfield or Jill Valentine. The Nemesis Tyrant in BioHazard 3 jumped similar, and had similar tentacles. Go figure. The reason why she is really resistant to attacks is because the Nemesis was made to resist attacks, as evidenced with the amount of ammo needed to defeat Nemesis in BH3. Her Nemesis side keeps her from getting hurt, while her G-Virus side keeps her alive. When you battle her with Barry, notice the Birkin-eye she has on her back, her Nemesis tentacles, and the way she jumps. After that, play both BioHazard 2 and 3 and look for similarities. -------------------------------------------- |CHARACTERISTIC | NEMESIS | BIRKIN | LISA | -------------------------------------------- |HIGH JUMP | YES | NO | YES | |PAIN RESISTANCE| YES | MAYBE | YES | |SPEED | YES | NO | NO | |TENTACLES | YES | NO | YES | |IMMORTALITY | MAYBE | YES | YES | -------------------------------------------- (No, the tentacles Birkin has at the end of BioHazard 2 Scenario B are more like tails than tentacles.) It all comes together now, huh? From the evidence of Lisa, we can conclude: -The Ebola Virus, at least in the RE world, keeps hosts alive as long as they are genetically modified to do so. Lisa probably was. -The T-Virus can grant sheer power to a rare amount of people. Because of the Ebola Virus, the T-Virus might have caused her to live longer and become powerful at the same time. -The G-Virus keeps things alive, in whatever way shape or form it was created. -Lisa Trevor cannot die because of her G-Virus side. -Lisa Trevor cannot get hurt easily because of her Nemesis side, in which resists pain. -In theory, Lisa can transport the G-Virus probably through her Nemesis tentacles, as spoken in Wesker's Report II. -Lisa Trevor was obviously unknown as a person to Birkin or Wesker. -The Lisa Trevor we see is that brown hunch-back who has been tied down by a chain and is deadly. -The Nemesis lead to the creation of the G-Virus. It is subjective, but can Nemesis be considered a partial G-Type? He just won't die, you know, and has those Birkin eyes at the end of the game. Hmmm... -Wesker obviously was a _REALLY_ good friend of William Birkin. -Albert Wesker knew about the T-Veronica Virus long before the events of Resident Evil CODE: Veronica X. He also knew the Antarctica's Umbrella facility was nothing, which is why he attacks Rockfort Island instead of Antarctica at the start of CODE: Veronica and CODE: Veronica Complete. -Given all of Wesker's experience, he can be planning something much bigger now that he has the T-Veronica Virus as of CODE: Veronica Complete (since he stole Steve Burnside's body in CVC). For all we know, he can be planning to inject Sherry Birkin, the daughter of William Birkin, with the T-Veronica, G-Virus and the Nemesis Parasite to create perhaps a much more powerful Lisa, yet still be able to cope with all her viruses. [Umm... I think I might have summed up Wesker's role from there. He grabs all viruses possible, does the Lisa Project all over again, but injects some T-Veronica Virus so Sherry (a likely victim since as of Wesker's Report I, she's been captured by them) can cope with her viruses, something Lisa obviously couldn't do. If RE4 is something like this... don't be too amazed. But with that in mind, can the RE story span for 15 years if that theory comes true, since it took 15 years for the T- Veronica Virus to cope with the host? ...nah.] ======================================================================== 7. F R E Q U E N T L Y A S K E D Q U E S T I O N S ======================================================================== Q: Why did you write this? A: Because I felt like it. Q: Why did they take Lisa Trevor in the first place? A: Yeah, that doesn't seem very smart on Spencer's part. Perhaps they saw something in Lisa. Q: I thought Ebola KILLS the host, so how can it be the lifesaver? A: Who knows what the T-Virus can do to the Ebola Virus. The T-Virus makes zombies, which are near dead. Perhaps that feature helped Ebola become the life-saver for the G-Virus, or it could have been the opposite. Q: Is all this true? A: Based on the Wesker's Report II, probably. Unless there is something I over skipped. Please tell me if I did so. Q: Did you think of this by yourself? A: No. Tixus helped me. :P Q: Where can I find the Trevor Letters? A: The Trevor Letters have small bearing on this analysis other than Lisa Trevor was captured around the time a mystery woman came to be experimented on. They can be found at survivhor.com or my Resident Evil 1 (Saturn, PSX, PC) FAQS. However, newer, updated versions can be found within the remake of BH. Q: ...and Wesker's Report I? A: Go to the GameFAQS FAQ Section for the PS2 RECVX and there should be a Wesker's Report transcript there. Q: ...and Wesker's Report II? A: Translated by Saiki, you can find it at residentevilhorror.com or my BioHazard: Rebirth FAQ. Q: I have a gameplay question. A: Ask. Q: Is Nemesis a G-Type? A: Umm... _maybe_ and we will leave it at that. Q: How does Lisa get to the tunnels? She is a little intelligent but isn't smart enough to go through the courtyard, and into the waterfall! A: Easy. Her cottage beside the mansion connects to the tunnels via a ladder. Q: How does she get to the alter then? A: Based on the area, the tunnels or her cottage probably connect to that area, through some wall or passage we don't know about. Q: Is Lisa the reason why they remade RE? A: Partially. They also needed to clear up some Wesker's Report I and CODE: Veronica Complete inconsistency issues. Q: Was Lisa cut from the first versions? A: Duh. For anymore questions, please email me. ======================================================================== 8. C O N C L U S I O N S ======================================================================== Thanks to: CJayC from GameFAQS for posting this and helping me get this game SurvivHor for Trevor Letters Saiki for translating Wesker's Report II Tixus for all the help Residentevilhorror.com for providing Saiki's translation of WRII CVXFREAK FireEmblemPride@hotmail.com This document is copyright 2002 by CVXFREAK. Violate that copyright and be sued. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* FAQ POLICY: ----------- With 2003 in as of this writing, I have created a new policy for my FAQs. Please follow this policy. E-MAIL POLICY: I no longer answer e-mails about anything found in these guides. My FAQs comprehensively answer the questions, and any e-mail about content found IN the guides is not tolerated. Please read this and make sure what you're e-mailing is within bounds of answering. If I haven't answered a question of yours, then you overstepped the boundaries. HOSTING POLICY: These following websites can host all of my guides in one form of another. NO MORE WEBSITES MAY HOST MY GUIDES UNLESS THEY HAVE ANY FORM OF COMPENSATION. It's not very fair to have one website offer me something, and another one not offer me anything. It's not a greed factor, or anything personal, it's just that some websites do much better than others to refavor me for my own hard work, and rewarded they shall be. www.gamefaqs.com faqs.ign.com www.neoseeker.com www.new-blood.com cubed.biohazardextreme.com www.a2zcheats.com www.cheats.de www.psxcodez.com www.meristation.net (I might have missed one or two, but they likely have less visitors). COPYRIGHT POLICY: All my FAQs have copyrights starting 2002. Any copyrights before that are ineffective as of January 1, 2003. You probably don't care, so don't violate the copyright and you'll be fine. Sorry to waste your time reading this, but it has to be said in the form of the new year. ---CVXFREAK FireEmblemPride@hotmail.com *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*