River City Ransom EX FAQ/Walkthrough (Game Boy Advance) Version 1.21 June 7, 2004 By Brian Nii (bnii at hawaii dot edu) Table of Contents 1. River City Ransom EX Story 2. Version History 3. Getting Started 4. Basic Controls 5. Techniques 6. Characters and Gangs 7. Shops 8. Walkthrough 9. Cheats 10. Frequently Asked Questions 11. Acknowledgements O------------------------------O |1. River City Ransom EX Story | O------------------------------O River City High was your ordinary high school. That is, until two transfer students arrived and all hell broke loose. Calling themselves the "Dragon Twins", these two miscreants instituted a reign of terror throughout the school, utilizing fear and brute force to subjugate everyone under their control, students and teachers alike. With a small army of gang members under their control, it seems that they could take over the entire town if they wished. One day the twins did indeed take control over River City High, trapping all the students and faculty within its gates. Alex, a senior at River City High, wasn't present when it was taken over, but he quickly found out about the situation. He knew that despite the strength of the Dragon Twins, they couldn't have taken over the entire school by themselves. There must have been someone else involved, and Alex set out to find exactly who it was. Vastly outnumbered, Alex realized that he would need help to take back the school, and there was only one other person in town whose strength was equal to his own... Across town at Cross Town High, Ryan just left his class and went to his locker. Inside he found a note, saying that his girlfriend Cyndi had been kidnapped and taken to River City High. If he wanted her back he would have to personally come and get her. The note was signed "Slick". Ryan raced outside the school, determined to rescue his girlfriend from her mysterious abductor. It was at this time that he ran into a familiar person outside... O-------------------O |2. Version History | O-------------------O Version 1.21 (6/7/04) – Added recommendations to the technique section. Miscellaneous updates in the walkthrough, including how to get Blade to join your group and Jinny's secret stash. Version 1.2 (6/4/04) – Added a section on techniques. Added character moves to the character section. Added a cheat code section. Added a FAQ section. Version 1.1 (6/3/04) – Updated the character section. Added stat bonuses to the items in the Merlin's Mystery shop. Added more information on allies and events in the walkthrough. Version 1.0 (6/2/04) - First version of this FAQ. O-------------------O |3. Getting Started | O-------------------O River City Ransom EX doesn't have the user-friendliest interface on the Game Boy Advance, so here's a brief explanation on the menu options. When the game starts up you'll see two options: -------------- |Story | |Manage Data | -------------- Don't worry too much about Manage Data for now. It's just used to check the status of characters you've already saved to file. Select Story to begin the game. You'll get another screen like this: ----------------------------------- |Alex + Ryan Level Normal | |Ally 4 Attack Weapon | |Enemy 4 Text Normal | | | |What do you want to adjust? | |OK Change Brightness File | ----------------------------------- Every time you start the game, the options here will return to their default settings. To start the game just select OK. To change the options listed here select Change. Selecting Brightness will allow you to adjust the brightness settings for the game. File lets you load characters you created previously. You'll probably want to just to change some of the options for now. Character Settings (Alex + Ryan, Ryan + Alex, Alex, Ryan) This option selects whether or not you'll play with a CPU controlled character or not. The character you'll play is listed first, followed by the second character if any. For example, if you select Alex + Ryan you will control Alex and Ryan will be CPU controlled. If you select Alex you will only control Alex without Ryan. Note that certain events can only occur if you're playing alone as a certain character. Once you decide on this setting, it cannot be changed when the game begins. Default setting is Alex + Ryan. Ally This determines the maximum number of characters can than be in your group (including yourself). Allies cannot be saved and must be re-obtained every time you start the game. Once you decide on this setting, it cannot be changed when the game begins. Default setting is four. Enemy This determines the maximum number of enemies that will appear on screen at once. This does not include special bosses such as Benny and Clyde, who always appear together. This affects only normal gang members. Setting this to one will make fighting much easier, while setting it to four will keep you on your toes. Default setting is four. Level (Wussy, Easy, Normal, Hard, Crazy) This determines the strength level of the gang members and bosses. Wussy level greatly reduces their power and stamina, while Crazy level makes even low-level enemies unnaturally strong. Default setting is Normal. Attack (None, Weapon, All) This determines whether or not certain attacks you perform will damage your allies (and vice versa). None means that allies cannot damage each other. Weapon means that only weapon attacks can damage allies. All means that all attacks can damage allies. Default setting is Weapon. Text (Crawling, Slow, Normal, Fast, Very Fast) This determines the rate at which text scrolls across the screen. Default is Normal. When you're done altering the options, select OK to begin the game. If you want to load characters you've created previously, select the File option. There you will load character data for "Alex" and "Ryan". Note that this doesn't necessarily mean you will be loading data for those two specific characters. If you load character data for "Alex", that character will replace Alex in the game. The same goes for Ryan. Note that certain events will only occur for Alex or Ryan. The character you select to play initially determines which events will occur. O------------------O |4. Basic Controls | O------------------O BASIC CONTROLS Control Pad - Moves character. Double tap left or right to run in that direction. A Button - Punch/Swing Weapon/Select (menu) B Button - Kick/Throw Weapon/Go Back (menu) A + B Button - Jump Start Button - Pause/Command Menu COMMAND MENU [Item] Use this to check, use, or discard the items you purchase from the stores. You can keep up to twelve items here. Certain items can teach you special techniques when used. You can view them with the Technique option. [Status] This displays your character's current status. Abilities can increase by using certain items. The maximum value for all abilities except Willpower and Stamina is 128. The maximum value for Willpower and Stamina is 255. Punch: This value determines how powerful your punch based attacks are. Kick: This value determines how powerful your kick based attacks are. Weapon: This value determines how powerful your weapon based attacks are. Defense: This value determines how effectively you can block attacks. Toughness: This value determines how much damage you receive from attacks. Strength: This value determines how effective strength based specials are. Agility: This value determines how effective agility based specials are. Jump: This value determines how effective jumping based specials are. Willpwr (Willpower): Willpower differs from stamina in that it has no maximum value (there is still a 255 max) but needs to be filled up using certain items. When your willpower is high, your attacks will be more effective and you will be able to block attacks easier. Normally willpower doesn't go down unless you are at low stamina. When you receive damage at low stamina your willpower will go down. If you have high willpower sometimes an attack that would cause massive damage will be reduced, but will also greatly reduce your willpower as well. Stmna (Stamina): You can think of stamina as "hit points". The first value is your current stamina and the second value is your maximum stamina. As you receive damage from attacks your stamina will go down. When it reaches zero you'll be defeated and lose half the money you have. You can restore your stamina by consuming food items or medicine. [Strategy] You can change the CPU behavior of your allies here. [File] You can save/load your game here. The saving system is a bit unintuitive. The most recent game saved will be at the _bottom_ of the list, not the currently highlighted one. So if you want to make room for more files, delete the ones at the top. Note that when you save your game, it only saves the character, not your position. When you load a game, you load the character, but you still start over at the beginning. [Technique] Here you can view and enable/disable your special techniques. You can learn up to a maximum of 12 special techniques. If you want to learn another technique you will need to discard one. [Log] Here you can view various statistics for your character. The one you might want to keep an eye on is the "Foul Play" average. Having a low average in this value may cause certain events to occur that might not have otherwise. [Options] Here you can adjust some of the various game play mechanics for your pleasure. I would advise you not to touch anything here until you've gotten a feel for the game at its normal settings. The two exceptions are "Stock" and "Enemies". Stock affects how frequently the stores in the game restock their inventory. If you set this value to Every, then the store will have different inventory every time you enter the store. If you were having trouble finding a certain item I would change this value. The default value is Normal. Enemies affect how many gang members appear in a certain area before they are "cleared out". You'll need to clear out certain areas before bosses appear, and increasing this value will make it harder for you to meet with them since you'll need to take out that much more enemies for them to appear. This can make things more challenging, but also give you much more money since you'll be fighting more enemies. You can set this value to 10 or 20 (10 is default). [Mode] Here you can change the options that you set before the game started. You cannot change the characters or number of allies here however. BLOCKING You can block certain attacks by pressing the A or B button before an enemy's attack strikes you. The rate of success is dependent on your Defense ability and Willpower. You can block a thrown weapon by kicking it, or by striking it with a weapon of your own. JUMPING Pressing the A and B buttons together causes your character to jump. You can jump left or right by pressing in the appropriate direction while jumping. You can also jump onto objects or walls by pressing up while jumping, or jump off objects by pressing down and jumping (or by just pressing down). If you jump while running you will jump much farther than normal. The longer you run the farther you'll jump. You can attack in mid air by pressing the A or B buttons. You can't block while jumping so be careful of attacks while in mid air. GRAPPLING When an opponent is down on the ground you can pick them up by pressing the B button, or lift them by their legs with the A button. Picking up an enemy allows you to use them like a weapon (A button), or throw them (B button). Picking up an enemy by their legs allows you to swing them around (A button) or throw them (B button). WEAPONS To pick up a weapon on the ground press the A or B button when next to it. You can strike with the weapon by pressing the A button, or throw it by pressing the B button. Pressing down and the B button will drop a weapon down on the spot. Any character that takes a hit will drop their currently held weapon. You can keep a weapon as long as you like (i.e. take it through the game with you), but it is possible to lose weapons if you run into walls in the shopping areas (running into a wall will cause you to lose your weapon, you'll automatically drop it and you can't pick it back up since you're in the mall). Stick: A wooden stick. Popular with gangs throughout River City Lead Pipe: Similar to the stick, except it's gray in color. Does slightly more damage than the stick. Chain: A length of chain popular with gangs due to its reach and power. Cone: Normally found at road construction sites, it can be used as a weapon. Crate: A weapon of emergency. It's probably more effective thrown than swung. Pallet: A wooden crate used to move stuff. Like a crate only flatter. Trash Can: You can sometimes smash this over someone's head. Tire: This rolls along the ground when thrown. If you time it just right, you can jump on one and take it for a ride. Rocks: It's better to throw this, but you can bash someone with it too. A favorite of the Dragons. Brass Knuckles: This gives a punch quite a bit of power. You can throw it too if you want. Long Chain (Rare): A long length of chain with incredible reach. Carried exclusively by the Eagles gang. Pole (Rare): A long pole with quite a reach. Slow but powerful. Ladder (Rare): Slow, but with a long reach. Who uses a ladder for a weapon? Bucket (Rare): Who would use a bucket for a weapon? FOUL PLAY At the beginning of each game your character starts out with a certain level of "reputation". This is a measure of your character's honor and affects certain encounters in the game. If you have low honor, chances are no one will be willing to help you out. If you have high honor, certain characters in the game might be persuaded to join your cause and fight the good fight. While there is no way to determine whether or not you have high or low honor in the game, you can get a feel as to how honorable your character is by avoiding certain behaviors and keeping your "foul play" percentage as low as possible. You can check this statistic in the log option in the command menu. Ideally you will want to keep foul play as close to zero as possible, as the higher the foul play value is, the lower your reputation will be in the game. Note that having a low foul play percentage does _not_ necessarily mean you have high honor. Things that increase your reputation: Defeating all gang members in an area. Defeating a boss. Getting an ally to join your group. Getting beaten up. Running into a wall. Being defeated. Things that decrease your reputation: Hitting a boss while they're talking. An ally is defeated. Hitting an opponent while they're on the ground. Using "cheap" attacks over and over (Skaterz, Slick Trick, etc.). O--------------O |5. Techniques | O--------------O [Technique List] Note: If a price is listed the technique can be purchased at the bookstore for that amount. Acro Circus (Run + Jump) $300.00 Description: A spinning attack that mows down enemies like a bowling ball. It's sort of like Blanka's spin attack from the Street Fighter series. The character will keep spinning around until they break out of it (jump twice). This attack is great fun as you can run over quite a bit of people with it. Just be careful not to roll straight into a pit. Slick starts with this move. Bat Fang (Up, Up (with stick)) Description: Jump into the air with a twirling stick attack. This is one of Tex's trademark attacks. Big Bang (Stunned + Up, Up) Description: This move is somewhat of a joke, as you'll most likely never have a chance to pull it off. You need to be stunned (hunched over) to do this move. This technique lets out the mother of all farts, hitting everyone for huge amounts of damage. This is Conan's trademark attack. Bike Kick (Run + Hit B) $200.00 Description: A series of mid-air kicks. You can think of it as the aerial version of mach kick with a much longer range. Randy and Andy start with this move. Bomb Blow (Hold A, Hit B) Description: Charge up with a powerful lunging punch. Holding down the A button to the second stance increases the attack power. This is Gary's trademark attack. Boomerang (Hold B (with weapon)) Description: This throws a weapon and sends it back like a boomerang. You don't catch it on the return however. This is Benny and Clyde's trademark attack. Chain Chump (Down, Down (with chain)) Description: Tosses a chain to tie the enemy up. A chained enemy cannot attack until the chain gets knocked off. This technique is a bit useless, since it doesn't really do any damage and can be easily dealt with. This is Blade's trademark attack. Charge It (Hold A) Description: Charge up and strike with a powerful punch. This is Rocko's trademark attack. Deadly Shot (Run + Jump + Hit B (with weapon)) $150.00 Description: Throws a weapon from mid air at great speed. While it does decent damage, it does require a great deal of set up to use. Dragon Kick (Hit B) Description: A series of lightning fast kicks. Alex starts the game with this technique, and it keeps getting stronger as his kick value goes up. Dragon Knee (Press B, Hit A) Description: Charge and attack with a powerful jumping knee. This is Randy's trademark attack. Flip Throw (Hit B (close range)) Description: A powerful shoulder throw. Press B rapidly to toss the opponent over again. This is Ted's trademark attack. Flying Kick (Hold B, Hit A) Description: A powerful somersault kick that sends the enemy flying across the screen. This attack has minimal range, so it's more of a counter attack than anything else (think Guile's somersault kick from the Street Fighter series). This is Rick's trademark attack. Glide Chop (Jump + Up, Up) Description: A flying chop attack. This technique sends you flying through the air like Superman. This is Thor's trademark technique. God Fist (Press A, Hit B) Description: Charge and attack with a flying uppercut. This is like Ryu's Shoryuken from the Street Fighter series, except it goes straight up. Holding the A button for the second stance launches a spinning version, like Ken's super from the Street Fighter series. Grand Slam (Hit A (with weapon)) $200.00 Description: A rapid series of strikes with a weapon. This is one of the best techniques in the game, especially if you have a high weapon score and a weapon with great reach such as the long chain, pole, and ladder. Jesse starts with this move. Head Bomb (Hold B) Description: Hold the B button to charge up, then release for a powerful aerial headbutt attack. This is a variation of the headbutt attack that Ivan uses. Headbutt (Run + Press B) Description: A powerful running headbutt. This is Ivan's trademark attack. Helicopter (Down, Down (body grab)) $100.00 Description: Swings an opponent around and around, lifting you off your feet like a helicopter, hence the name. Hyperguard (guard) $150.00 Description: This is the same as Top Spin, except it only activates when you successfully block an attack. Obviously this is only useful if they enemy are next to you, but it also helps if you're surrounded on all sides. Thor starts with this move. Javelin Man (Hit B (body grab)) $100.00 Description: Throws the enemy like a missile. Ted starts with this technique. Jet Kick (Press B) Description: A powerful windup kick. This sends enemies high into the air like punting a football. This is Rex's trademark attack. Kickstand (Up, Up (leg grab)) $100.00 Description: This is a rather brutal move. Grabbing the opponent by the legs, this technique delivers a painful kick to the crotch. You can keep doing this over and over again too. Killer Kick (Run + Press B, Hit A) $150.00 Description: A powerful flying kick. This one's a bit hard to pull off. Slick starts with this move. Mach Punch (Hit A) Description: A series of lightning fast punches. Ryan starts the game with this technique. Like Alex's Dragon Kick, the Mach Punch deals more damage as Ryan's punch values gets higher. Nitro Port (Run + Run (Face Enemy)) Description: A bit awkward to pull off, but the effects are well worth it. This technique teleports you to the nearest enemy you're facing (regardless of how far away they are) and hits them with a powerful knee attack. This is Turk's trademark attack. Pulper (Down, Down (with stick)) Description: A powerful spinning attack with the stick. You can move while doing this attack. One of Tex's trademark attacks, but you'll need a stick/pipe to use this. Shuriken (Run + Down, Down) Description: A powerful flying spin attack that sends you through the air like a shuriken. This is Moose's trademark attack. Slam Punk (Hit A (close range)) Description: Grabs the opponent with a leg lock around the head and brings them to the ground hard. This is Mojo's trademark attack. Slap Happy (Run + Hit A) $150.00 Description: A series of strikes while spinning around. This is a great move to use to against crowds. Rocko starts with this move. Slick Trick (Up, Up) Description: The cheesiest move in the entire game. This psychic technique causes all weapons on the screen to levitate upwards. Pressing the A or B buttons sends them all flying at the nearest opponent, dealing massive amounts of damage. This technique has _zero_ lag time, and can be done over and over again to cheese everyone to death. It can summon objects all the way across the screen, and even lifts up fallen enemies as well. This is Slick's trademark attack (hence the name). Speed Drop (Jump + Up, Up (body grab)) Description: Grabs the opponent and smashes them into the ground. This is Jesse's trademark attack. Twin Kick (Jump + Hit B) Description: A powerful spinning kick. Pressing the B button repeatedly causes you to spin higher and higher. A trademark attack of the dragon twins Randy and Andy. Topspin (Down, Down) $150.00 Description: Spin like a tornado to drive back enemies. This is a defensive maneuver since you can't move during this attack. Otis starts with this move. Torpedo (Jump + Hit A) $250.00 Description: A spinning attack that goes through enemies like a torpedo. It's kind of like M. Bisons' Psycho Crusher from the Street Fighter series. It differs from Acro Circus in that you can't change direction unless you jump, then it starts to lose some momentum. To break out of it just jump twice. Wheel Throw (Hold B (leg grab)) Description: The move input is actually "Hold B then release". This technique grabs the opponent and sends them spinning in the air. This is Otis' trademark attack. [Recommendations] Grand Slam is probably the most useful of the techniques, especially with the longer weapons. The fact that you need a weapon isn't much of a drawback considering that just about everyone in River City is carrying one. Acro Circus and Torpedo are fun to use, and a great way to take out groups of enemies. Acro circus is much more controllable than Torpedo, hence its slightly higher cost. Slap Happy and Bike Kick are great running attacks. Both are useful for nailing enemies who are out of melee range. Bike Kick has a longer range than Slap Happy, and is a bit more expensive. Hyperguard is a nifty trick, but your defense needs to be high for you to make the most of it. You might want to consider getting it later in the game when you're filling out the remaining technique slots. Of the grapple techniques, Javelin Man is probably the most useful. Helicopter and Kickstand are fun to watch, but are less useful in the heat of battle. Deadly Shot and Killer Kick require a great deal of set up to use, and therefore aren't very useful in a brawl. Topspin is a highly defensive maneuver, but you may as well get Hyperguard since it does the same thing while blocking. O------------------------O |6. Characters and Gangs | O------------------------O [Heroes] ALEX Techniques: Dragon Kick History: A senior of River City High, Alex is a bit of a rebel, but with a heart of gold. He has a strong reputation of helping others in need, especially with all the gangs in River City. While he prefers brawling to academic studies, Alex is still cherished by the student body at River City High. RYAN Techniques: Mach Punch History: A senior of Cross Town High, Ryan is Alex's chief rival. The two have a long history of competing with each other. A bit more studious than Alex, Ryan can still hold his own in a fight. Although loathing asking Alex for his assistance, he realizes he'll need all the help he can get to rescue his girlfriend. SIMON Techniques: ? History: Alex's good friend since junior high, Simon has always admired Alex for his strength and bravery, and constantly tries to get stronger to emulate his friend. CONAN Techniques: Big Bang History: The leader of the Generic Dudes. He doesn't want to help Slick, but goes along with his plans through sheer intimidation. GARY Techniques: Bomb Blow History: Like Alex, Gary is determined to put an end to the madness going on in River City. If Alex could find him he would make a valuable ally. RICK Techniques: Flying Kick History: Ryan's old friend from Cross Town High. He made a promise many years ago to Ryan to help him if he ever needed it. Now he intends to fulfill his promise. REX Techniques: Jet Kick History: A street punk through and through, Rex lives only for fighting. Despite his appearance he could be useful if you could get him to join you. TED Techniques: Flip Throw, Javelin Man History: This student is a wandering martial expert looking to strengthen his techniques. Joining out heroes against Slick's forces could prove to be a true test of his martial arts skills. ROXY History: Another one of Alex's good friends, Roxy admires Alex not just for his physical strength, but for his inner strength as well. CYNDI History: Ryan's girlfriend was abducted by the mysterious gang leader known only has "Slick". She is currently being held captive in River City High. SHEL History: Another one of Alex's classmates. She has a definite crush on Alex. ABBY History: The sister of Ivan, Abby is worried for the safety of her brother. JINNY History: A mysterious girl who protects the weak. Where did she come from? TIDUS Techniques: ? History: A mysterious student of whom even Slick is wary. What kind of terrible powers could such a person have? [Villains] MOOSE Frequents: Sticksville - 2nd Street, WSL Co. Warehouse - East Reward: $4.20 Techniques: Shuriken History: A low ranking gang leader within River City, Moose fights like there's no tomorrow. While he isn't the strongest fighter around, he can still catch the unprepared off guard with his vicious attacks. BENNY & CLYDE Frequents: Riverside Park, Oak Hill Mall Reward: $4.50/$4.50 Techniques: Boomerang History: This duo is always seen together, more for their mutual protection than any sense of friendship. They talk a lot of smack, but they always fight together and with weapons. Benny uses brass knuckles, while Clyde prefers sticks. ROCKO Frequents: WSL Warehouse Reward: $5.40 Techniques: Charge It, Slap Happy History: Don't let the glasses fool you. Rocko is one tough fighter, with the moves to match. He's in charge of the warehouse district of River City High. BLADE Frequents: Sherman Park Reward: $7.20 Techniques: Chain Chump History: One of the four territory gang leaders known as "Zombies", Blade is a viscous fighter who specializes in chain attacks. He often frequents the Sherman Park area of River City. TURK Frequents: WSL Co. Entrance Reward: $7.80 Techniques: Nitro Port History: The second of the Zombies, Turk is another viscous fighter. While he attacks unarmed, he's not above picking up and using a weapon if he has to. JESSE Frequents: WSL Co. Entrance Reward: ? Techniques: Speed Drop, Grand Slam History: A long time friend of Turk, Jesse is just as capable of fighting as he is. MOJO Frequents: Empty Lot Reward: $7.50 Techniques: Slam Punk History: The third of the Zombies, Mojo prefers smashing his rivals with a pipe, a convenient weapon considering he hangs around the construction areas. THOR Frequents: Vacant Tire Factory (3rd area) Reward: $9.30 Techniques: Glide Chop, Hyperguard History: The fourth and leader of the Zombies, Thor is the strongest of the quartet. With his brass knuckles he'll pound his opponents into so much paste. IVAN Frequents: River City High Reward: $9.90 Techniques: Headbutt, Head Bomb History: The gatekeeper of River City High, Ivan seems to have doubts as to his current loyalties. Ivan has plenty of power and a mean head butt as well. OTIS Frequents: RC High - Gymnasium Reward: $10.50 Techniques: Wheel Throw, Top Spin History: Otis is crazy about sports and frequents the gymnasium of River City High. While he enjoys athletics, he also enjoys pounding on other people just as much. TEX Frequents: RC High - 3rd Floor Reward: $9.00 Techniques: Pulper, Bat Fang History: Tex is an unrivaled master of martial arts weapons, especially pole arms. He'll be more than happy to demonstrate his attacks on any who dare set foot in River City High uninvited. RANDY Frequents: RC High - 4th Floor Reward: $11.70 Techniques: Twin Kick, Bike Kick, Dragon Knee History: One half of the "Dragon Twins". Randy's strength and martial arts prowess are matched only by his twin brother Andy. ANDY Frequents: RC High - 4th Floor Reward: $11.50 Techniques: Twin Kick, Bike Kick, God Fist History: The other half of the Dragon Twins. Alone his strength is formidable. Together with his brother Randy, their power is almost unstoppable. SLICK Frequents: RC High - Rooftop Reward: ? Techniques: Slick Trick, Acro Circus, Killer Kick History: The mysterious leader of the gang that kidnapped Ryan's girlfriend. What role does he have with what has been going on at River City High? [Gangs] GENERIC DUDES Color: Light Blue/Green Reward: $0.30 Description: A generic gang made up of generic students. They have problems with PE, much less street fighting. FRAT BOYS Color: Pink Reward: $0.40 Description: These party animals are quick to start a fight, and even quicker to run away. They usually carry weapons to even the odds. DRAGONS Color: Orange Reward: $0.50 Description: This sneaky gang will do anything to get the upper hand against their opponents. A favorite tactic of theirs is to throw rocks from a distance, then close in with anything they can get their hands on. JOCKS Color: Bright Green Reward: $0.60 Description: A gang of athletic bullies. Their physique gives them an advantage in a brawl, but they aren't above using weapons if need be. ROCKERS Color: Red Reward: $0.70 Description: These punks charge into battle fearlessly, swinging away with any weapon they can find. REJECTS Color: Light Blue Reward: $0.80 Description: These odd students have banded together out of solidarity, since most other gangs won't accept them. HOME BOYS Color: Yellow Reward: $0.90 Description: These vicious fighters aggressively punish anyone foolish enough to intrude on their territory. EAGLES Color: Bright Green Reward: $1.00 Description: These gang members carry special chains that they use to bash enemies senseless. MOB Color: Gray Reward: $1.10 Description: These gang enforcers are in charge of the WSL Warehouse district. Interestingly their choice of weapon is a tire, possibly due to the abundance of them in the local factory. LOCALS Color: Dark Orange Reward: $1.20 Description: This gang boasts some of the greatest brawlers in River City. A few of them possess some martial arts skills of their own. They tend to carry brass knuckles, and use flying kicks to disarm their opponents. INTERNATIONALS Color: Green Reward: $1.30 Description: A motley crew of gang members from around the world. While they may be of different cultures, fighting is the international language. COWBOYS Color: Blue Reward: $1.40 Description: These cheerful gang members prefer good old-fashioned street brawling over riding horses or cattle driving. Despite their demeanor, they can give as much as they take when it comes to a fight. PLAGUE Color: Bright Red Reward: $1.50 Description: The strongest gang in River City, the Plague guards the hallways of River City High. They are usually armed to the teeth. GAMERS (Rare) Color: Dark Red Reward: $1.60 Description: These gamers turned gangsters fare better at playing video games than fighting. They usually carry unusual weapons along with them. ENTREE (Rare) Color: Gold Reward: $7.00 Description: These imitation gang members are more apt to run away than actually fight. They carry unusual weapons for protection, but are quick to flee if things actually get rough. Entrees carry a great deal of money to satisfy their specialized tastes. O---------O |7. Shops | O---------O There are four basic areas (and one secret area) in the game where you can purchase items: Grotto Mall, Waterfront Mall, Flatirons Mall, and Oak Hill Mall. A fifth store, Merlin's Mystery, can be found hidden inside the Armstrong Thru-way inside the tunnel. There are four basic categories of items you can purchase: Food, medicine, books, and miscellaneous. Food can be either consumed on the spot or taken out to go, depending on the store. Eating food usually restores stamina and/or increases various abilities. Medicine usually restores more stamina than food. Books increase various abilities when read, and some may actually teach you a new technique. Miscellaneous items include toys, CDs, and magical items. They have various effects when used, but some are quite powerful. [Grotto Mall] Stores: Latte Caffeine, Metro Bakery, Sushi Bar, Read All About It [Waterfront Mall] Stores: Read All About It, French Italia, Mao's Place, Metro Bakery, JCS Pharmacy [Armstrong Thru-way] Store: Merlin's Mystery Note: The entrance is hidden in the wall after the fourth light in the tunnel. [Flatirons Mall] Stores (1st area): Read All About It, Latte Caffeine, Sweet Tooth Stores (2nd area): Happy Feet, Meat Market, Toys 'B' We, CD Cellar [Oak Hill Mall] Stores (1st area): Latte Caffeine, Metro Bakery, Read All About It Stores (2nd area): Read All About It, Metro Bakery, JCS Pharmacy Store (3rd area): Health Club LATTE CAFFEINE Description: Latte Caffeine has branches throughout River City, and offers a wide selection of food, not to mention powerful coffee. Recommendations: Waffles are the cheapest item on the menu if you need a quick stamina boost. If you need a boost of willpower have a coffee or tea. Coffee $3.50 Willpower+30 Stamina+1 French Toast $5.50 Willpower+1 Stamina+40 Fruit Juice $5.00 Agility+2 Stamina+10 Hot Cocoa $4.00 Defense+1 Willpower+10 Stamina+10 Lemon Tea $4.00 Weapon+1 Stamina+10 Pizza $5.50 Jump+2 Stamina+36 Sampler $6.00 Defense+1 Stamina+40 Spaghetti $6.00 Stamina+60 Tea $3.50 Willpower+30 Stamina+1 Toast $4.00 Strength+1 Stamina+12 Waffles $2.50 Stamina+28 Yogurt $6.00 Punch+1 Stamina+32 METRO BAKERY Description: A popular chain of bakeries in River City. Offers cheap pastries and baked goods at reasonable prices. Recommendations: If you need just a little bit of stamina the doughnut makes a good snack. Other good pick me ups include the bagel dog, cream puff, croquette, honey bun, multigrain, and sandwich. Bagel $1.00 Toughness+1 Stamina+6 Bagel Dog $1.20 Stamina+13 Cream Puff $1.00 Stamina+10 Croissant $1.00 Jump+1 Stamina+4 Croquette $1.20 Stamina+13 Doughnut $0.80 Stamina+8 Fruitcake $1.10 Agility+1 Stamina+4 Honey Bun $1.00 Stamina+10 Muffin $1.00 Defense+1 Stamina+6 Multigrain $1.20 Stamina+12 Rye $1.00 Stamina+10 Sandwich $2.00 Stamina+20 Sourdough $1.00 Defense+1 Stamina+6 SUSHI BAR Description: The best sushi bar in River City. Offers exotic ingredients for the discriminating connoisseur of gourmet sushi. Recommendations: Eating sushi increases various abilities in small amounts. In general you get more ability increases as the price goes up. It does get quite expensive, so you're probably better off eating somewhere else if you're low on cash. Ark Shell $9.00 Toughness+6 Stamina+32 California Roll $4.00 Punch+1 Stamina+12 Conger Eel $4.00 Stamina+44 Crab $8.00 Weapon+2 Stmaina+32 Egg $2.00 Toughness+1 Stmaina+12 Fatty Tuna $9.00 Willpower+30 Stamina+32 Fish Eggs $8.00 Weapon+1 Strength+1 Stamina+32 Flounder $20.00 Punch+3 Kick+3 Willpower+30 Stamina+30 Halibut $3.00 Defense+1 Stamina+20 Kappa Roll $2.00 Stamina+20 Kyuri Roll $2.00 Toughness+1 Stmaina+12 Mackerel $8.00 Defense+2 Toughness+2 Stamina+40 Mixed Roll $2.00 Jump+1 Stamina+10 Octopus $2.00 Jump+1 Stamina+12 Prawn $6.00 Agility+1 Stamina+40 Salad Roll $2.00 Agility+1 Stamina+8 Salmon $5.00 Kick+1 Stamina+24 Scallop $10.00 Agility+4 Willpower+20 Stamina+30 Sea Urchin $12.00 Weapon+2 Defense+3 Jump+3 Willpower+20 Stamina+30 Shrimp Roll $2.00 Defense+1 Stamina+12 Squid $2.00 Jump+1 Stamina+12 Swordfish $7.00 Agility+2 Stamina+32 Toro $30.00 Defense+5 Toughness+5 Strength+4 Will+40 Stamina+100 Tuna $6.00 Punch+1 Stamina+32 Tuna Roll $6.00 Willpower+20 Stamina+20 Wasabi Roll $10.00 Stamina+100 Yellowtail $8.00 Strength+2 Stamina+32 READ ALL ABOUT IT Description: A popular bookstore with locations all over River City. There's bound to be something interesting here for everyone. Recommendations: Gaming Magazine is probably the best deal in the bookstore. For less than $10 it adds +10 to your toughness. No other item in the game offers a better point to dollar ratio. If you plan on using weapons exclusively, be sure to pick up Grand Slam when you have the funds to do so. It drastically increases the amount of damage you can deal with a weapon attack. (T) = This book teaches a special technique. Acro Circus (T) $300.00 Learn 'Acro Circus' American Anime $25.00 Punch+3 Weapon+3 Jump+4 Willpower+50 Bike Kick (T) $200.00 Learn 'Bike Kick' Comic Times $30.00 Willpower+200 Max Stamina+10 Deadly Shot (T) $150.00 Learn 'Deadly Shot' Fashion Magazine $6.50 Toughness+4 Willpower+20 Gaming Magazine $9.80 Toughness+10 Willpower+5 Grand Slam (T) $200.00 Learn 'Grand Slam' Helicopter (T) $100.00 Learn 'Helicopter' Hyperguard (T) $150.00 Learn 'Hyperguard' Imported Manga $4.50 Toughness+5 Indian Lore $8.00 Punch+1 Kick+1 Agility+1 Willpower+60 Javelin Man (T) $100.00 Learn 'Javelin Man' Kickstand (T) $100.00 Learn 'Kickstand' Killer Kick (T) $150.00 Learn 'Killer Kick' Mystic Seer $4.00 Willpower+27 Nuclear Spy $6.00 Defense+1 Toughness+1 Willpower+45 Scandal Rag $4.50 Willpower+40 Slap Happy (T) $150.00 Learn 'Slap Happy' Swimsuit Magazine$15.00 Strength+4 Willpower+60 Topspin (T) $150.00 Learn 'Topspin' Torpedo (T) $250.00 Learn 'Torpedo' FRENCH ITALIA Description: A unique restaurant featuring a fusion of French and Italian cuisine. Recommendations: The Veal Walle is expensive, but boosts quite a bit of abilities for its price. Caviar $2.00 Stamina+20 Cornish Hen $35.00 Strength+5 Agility+5 Max Stamina+20 Lasagna $1.50 Toughness+1 Stamina+10 Nero Pizza $1.50 Stamina+16 Onion Soup $1.20 Stamina+12 Ravioli $1.00 Jump+1 Stamina+10 Salad Paris $1.00 Stamina+10 Veal Walle $45.00 Punch+5 Kick+5 Toughness+5 Agility+5 Max Stamina+35 MAO'S PLACE Description: The finest place for Chinese food in River City. Recommendations: There isn't anything really special here. Most of the food gives a stamina boost along with a minor boost in ability. If you want to just eat and run grab the orange chicken. Chow Mein $6.00 Kick+1 Stamina+35 Ducklets $6.00 Defense+1 Stamina+50 Egg Roll $4.50 Agility+1 Stamina+36 Fried Rice $6.00 Strength+1 Stamina+30 Garlic Pork $6.00 Weapon+1 Stamina+35 Orange Chicken $5.00 Stamina+56 Pepper Beef $5.00 Punch+1 Stamina+30 Sweet & Sour $6.00 Jump+1 Stamina+50 MERV'S BURGERS Description: The most popular fast food restaurant in River City. You can find one almost everywhere. Recommendations: Fast food isn't very nutritional, so the food here won't boost your abilities very much. If you want a stamina boost try the milk, Souper Merv, Merv Burger, or chicken sandwich. Apple Pie $1.50 Toughness+1 Stamina+8 Cheese Merv $2.20 Agility+1 Stamina+8 Chicken Sandwich $2.50 Stamina+28 Iced Tea $1.50 Willpower+10 Stamina+1 Merv Dog $2.00 Toughness+1 Stamina+12 Merv Burger $2.10 Stamina+24 Merv Fries $2.20 Jump+1 Stamina+12 Merv Malt $2.20 Defense+1 Stamina+12 Milk $1.20 Stamina+12 Mondo Merv $4.00 Defense+1 Jump+1 Stamina+20 Soda $2.00 Agility+1 Souper Merv $1.50 Stamina+16 Spicy Chili $3.00 Weapon+1 Stamina+10 JCS PHARMACY Description: The most convenient drug store in River City. You can find virtually anything to cure what ails you. Recommendations: Plasebol, Vita-Mints, and Digestol all restore increasing amounts of stamina, and are quite affordable. Be sure to stock up on some before heading for a boss fight. Antidote 12 is a real bargain, as it boosts your maximum stamina by 20 for only $15. Antidote 12 $15.00 Willpower+30 Max Stamina+20 Date Saver $12.00 Stamina+150 Digestol $8.00 Stamina+90 Ginseng $10.00 Toughness+2 Willpower+35 Stamina+60 Karmajolt $25.00 All+1 Willpower+40 Stamina+100 Lion's Milk $10.00 Defense+2 Willpower+50 Stamina+50 Love Potion $10.00 Toughness+3 Stamina+85 Omni Elixir $9.00 Willpower+50 Stamina+80 Plasebol $2.00 Stamina+30 Recharge! $10.00 Agility+3 Willpower+40 Stamina+40 Soma $20.00 Punch+1 Kick+1 Willpower+50 Stamina+130 Vita-Mints $5.00 Stamina+60 MERLIN'S MYSTERY Description: A mysterious shop hidden somewhere in River City. Who knows what kinds of stuff you can find in here. Recommendations: Some of the best stuff in the game can be found here, but as you might expect you're going to pay top dollar to get your hands on them. The two best items are Magic Pants and Skaterz. Magic Pants allows you to regenerate stamina over time, and Skaterz allow you to teleport behind enemies at will when you attack. Both of these items cost $500.00, but both are well worth their weight in gold. Rocketeers allow you to run super fast, allowing you to move between in areas in record time. Pandora's Box adds $0.10 to your coffers every time you get hit, which can add up to quite a bit of money over time. Note: Some items are unavailable unless you clear the game at least once. Air Merc's $200.00 Increases jump height Cough Meds $30.00 Changes stats randomly Custom Char $999.90 Change characters Custom Fit $300.00 Run in mid-air Custom Move $9.90 Change technique inputs Custom Self $99.90 Change appearance Excalibur $100.00 Punch+10 Kick+10 Weapon+10 Strength+10 Will+50 Hemlock $20.00 Changes stats randomly Inlines $250.00 Slide while running Isis Scroll $100.00 Toughness+50 Willpower+60 Max Stamina+30 Lotto Tix $10.00 Chance to win big money Magic Pants $500.00 Regenerates Stamina Narcishoes $300.00 Unlimited jumps Pandora's Box $40.00 $0.10 every time you get hit Pheonix Wing $300.00 Float during jump Rocketeers $200.00 Run super fast Rodan Wing $100.00 Defense+50 Willpower+60 Max Stamina+30 Seraph Cola $20.00 Changes stats randomly Skaterz $500.00 Teleport attack Springlines $250.00 Bounce while you jump Xray Specs $20.00 Willpower+40 Max Stamina+20 Zeus' Wand $200.00 Agility+40 Jump+40 Willpower+Max Max Stamina+50 SWEET TOOTH Description: A chocoholic's delight, Sweet Tooth offers a wide variety of confections to satisfy your candy cravings. Recommendations: There isn't anything worth buying here. If you're craving candy for the stamina boost you should get either the fudge bar or rock candy. Chocolate Egg $1.50 Defense+1 Willpower+2 Stamina+7 Fudge Bar $1.00 Willpower+2 Stamina+10 Jawbreaker $1.00 Jump+1 Willpower+2 Lollipop $1.00 Defense+1 Willpower+2 Mint Gum $1.00 Toughness+1 Willpower+2 Rock Candy $1.00 Willpower+2 Stamina+10 HAPPY FEET Description: Your one stop shop for all your footwear needs. When someone tells you your mother wears army boots, you can proudly say "So do I!" Recommendations: There's a lot of expensive stuff here, most of which increase your kick, agility, and jump. You're probably better off going to the CD Cellar instead. Army Boots $60.00 Punch+10 Kick+10 Agility+10 Jump+4 Board Shoes $20.00 Kick+3 Willpower+30 Max Stamina+6 Boat Shoes $45.00 Agility+13 Jump+20 Cleats $50.00 Kick+8 Defense+4 Toughness+4 Agility+12 Cross Trains $45.00 Kick+6 Strength+6 Agility+6 Flipflops $9.80 Kick+1 Jump+8 High Tops $45.00 Kick+8 Toughness+5 Agility+8 Insoles $7.00 Agility+4 Mod Boots $60.00 Kick+10 Defense+8 Toughness+8 Agility+10 Kung-Fu Shoes $30.00 Punch+2 Kick+5 Agility+4 Jump+4 Loafers $90.00 Kick+10 Agility+10 Jump+40 Pump Sneakers $45.00 Kick+2 Agility+20 Sandals $5.00 Agility+4 Slippers $5.00 Kick+1 Weapon+1 Sneakers $40.00 Kick+4 Toughness+15 Jump+15 Texas Boots $120.00 Kick+30 Weapon+8 Strength+8 MEAT MARKET Description: The #1 butcher store in River City for steaks, chops, and other assorted meats. Recommendations: Most of the stuff here increases your punch ability to varying degrees. The T-Bone is your best bet if you want meaty fists. Chuck Roast $5.00 Punch+1 Defense+2 Lamb Leg $25.00 Punch+8 Willpower+80 Rib-Eye $6.00 Punch+1 Weapon+1 Sirloin $5.00 Punch+1 Toughness+2 T-Bone $10.00 Punch+4 TOYS 'B' WE Description: A toy store with neat stuff the whole family will enjoy. Recommendations: The Techno Belt is a great toy to improve your offensive abilities. The Teddy bear does the same except for defensive abilities. Maze Craze $20.00 Willpower+190 MauiLauren $30.00 Agility+10 Jump+8 Willpower+40 Ninjaman 2 $50.00 Weapon+5 Strength+5 Willpower+100 Techno Belt $28.00 Punch+3 Kick+3 Weapon+2 Strength+3 Teddy Bear $30.00 Defense+12 Toughness+12 Willpower+40 CD CELLAR Description: River City's most popular music store that carries a huge selection of music for just about everyone. Recommendations: Probably the most economical store in the game to boost your abilities. For $10.00 you can add 3 (or more) points to a particular ability of your choosing. Classical $10.00 Defense+9 Willpower+50 Country $10.00 Punch+3 Willpower+50 Emo $10.00 Toughness+8 Willpower+50 Game Tunes $10.00 Kick+3 Willpower+50 Jazzy Blues $10.00 Strength+3 Willpower+50 Movie OST $10.00 Weapon+3 Willpower+50 Pop $10.00 Jump+8 Willpower+50 Rock $10.00 Agility+5 Willpower+50 HEALTH CLUB Description: After a hard day's work (or fighting), you can enjoy a nice relaxing bath and sauna here to ease your tired muscles. Recommendations: Its close proximity to a certain duo makes this stamina replenishing facility very convenient indeed. Sauna $4.50 Stamina+50 O---------------O |8. Walkthrough | O---------------O CROSS TOWN HIGH You'll encounter either the Generic Dudes or Frat Boys here. Either way they make easy pickings, but you can get in trouble if you're just starting out and get surrounded. Be sure to grab a weapon as soon as the opportunity presents itself and let them have it. STICKSVILLE - 3RD STREET More gang members await you here. If you're low on stamina make a break for the exit. Otherwise, you should keep fighting and building up your cash on these chumps. [Getting Gary] (Alex only) If you're playing as Alex and have cleared both Cross Town High and 3rd Street of enemies, if you head back to Cross Town High you'll encounter Gary. He'll offer to join you on the spot. If you're just starting out he'll make a valuable ally. [Getting Conan] If you defeat the entire Generic Dudes gang three times, come back to 3rd Street and defeat the Generic Dudes one last time to make Conan appear. He'll ask to join your group. If you accept, not only will Conan join you, but so will the entire Generic Dudes gang. Unlike normal allies, once a member of the Generic Dudes is defeated, they are gone for good. Conan, however, will join permanently. You can still only have him and two other Generic Dudes on the screen at once though. Conan's special technique is Big Bang, which you won't see very often since he'll usually get knocked out before he has a chance to use it. GROTTO MALL If you took some hard knocks, grab a quick snack at the coffee shop or bakery. Otherwise, you might want to invest in either an imported manga or gaming magazine at the bookstore. Reading one will increase your toughness by 5 or 10 respectively. STICKSVILLE - PARK DR There's an entrance here that leads to Sherman Park. Remember this, as you'll be coming back here later one. For now you can just head past it to the next area. [Getting Rick] (Ryan only) If you're playing as Ryan, you can meet up with Rick in Sherman Park. He'll offer to join you there. Rick is quite a powerful ally, and will make an excellent addition to your team. This special technique is Flying Kick (more of a somersault kick actually), which sends enemies flying across the screen. STICKSVILLE - 2ND STREET Watch out for the large pit in the center of the area. If you fall in you'll die instantly. It's handy to throw enemies into, but you won't get any money that way. There are a few cones here you can use to throw as weapons, so make use of them. Once all enemies have been defeated the first boss of the game, Moose, appears. Boss: Moose Reward: $4.20 Wait till he gives his speech, and then let him have it. Moose's Shuriken special attack sends him flying towards you like a, well, shuriken. If you get hit with it, it will most likely kill you, if not wound you severely. With luck and persistence you'll eventually beat him, whereupon he'll direct you to his boss Rocko in the warehouse district. WATERFRONT MALL You'll find the first pharmacy store here. If you have the money I'd recommend the Antidote 12, as it boosts your max stamina by 20 per dose. You might want to pick up some Plasebols or Vita-Mints as well (restores 30/60 stamina respectively). CAPITOL AVE. BRIDGE Here you'll face the next boss Roxy. Just kidding. She's actually Slick's ex- girlfriend and is here to give you a somewhat valuable clue. After she's done talking you can continue onward or head up to the park area above for an optional boss fight. RIVERSIDE PARK Bosses: Benny & Clyde Reward: $4.50/$4.50 They're both armed to the teeth and just itching for a fight. If you're playing solo the best strategy is try not to get double-teamed. Their special technique is Boomerang, where they throw their weapon and it swings back towards them. Suffice it to say you'll want to avoid it when it comes back. They're not too effective without their weapons, so try to make disarming them a priority. Defeat them and they'll retreat for now. But don't worry, as you'll be seeing them later on. BIKE TRAIL - ENTRANCE Not much to see here. Just beat everyone up and move on. WSL CO. WAREHOUSE - WEST What is up with River City and these pits? Like 2nd street you can knock everyone into the pit, or just ignore them and head for the warehouse door. WSL WAREHOUSE You'll usually meet the Mob inside the factory, and they're quite tough opponents. They'll usually bring a bunch of tires to the party, but you can disarm them and try some tire tossing of your own. Defeating all of them brings out the next boss, Rocko. Boss: Rocko Reward: $5.40 Rocko's Charge It power punch does incredible damage. If you want to take the safe route, just keep back and toss tires at him. He has a lot of stamina though, so this might take a while. You can also run around the crates for some breathing room. Once Rocko's down for the count, he'll tell you that the next boss can be found all the way back at Sherman Park. You do remember where that was, don't you? You'll need to head back to Sticksville Park Dr to get there. Take your time getting there to build up your cash by beating on the punks along the way. SHERMAN PARK [Getting Gary] (Alex only) If you're playing as Alex, Gary will ask to join your party at this point (if you didn't get him previously). He's a decent fighter with a powerful lunging punch attack (Bomb Blow). Defeating Blade will be much easier with his help. Boss: Blade Reward: $7.20 Blade is the first of the Zombies, Slick's elite fighting force. He's an expert with a chain, so your priority is to disarm him ASAP. His special attack is a chain toss (Chain Chump). If the chain connects it will wrap itself around the target, preventing them from attacking until it comes off. Fortunately, you can just run into an object to knock it off, and Blade loses his chain when he uses this attack, so it's kind of to your advantage if he does use this attack. If you have Gary's help this fight becomes much easier. Defeat him and he'll tell you about Thor at the tire factory. It's time to head all the way back to the warehouse. [Getting Blade] If your reputation is high at this point in the game (and I mean _really_ high), Blade will offer to join you when you defeat him. You might need to run into walls a few dozen times to get a high enough reputation. WSL CO. WAREHOUSE - EAST Not much do to here, though if you defeat all the enemies here you'll get the opportunity for an optional boss rematch. Boss: Moose Reward: ? It's the same Moose with the same attacks. But at this point you should be much stronger than when you last met. Just watch out for his spin attack and you should be okay. ARMSTRONG THRU-WAY Not much of interest here, only your standard gang members loitering about. ARMSTRONG THRU-WAY (tunnel) There's a secret shop located in the tunnel where you can find some interesting (and expensive) stuff. The entrance is located in the wall past the fourth light in the tunnel. WSL CO. ENTRANCE Defeat all the enemies here and the second Zombie, Turk, will make his appearance. Boss: Turk Reward: $7.80 Turk is lightning fast, and his special move (Nitro Port) actually teleports him next to his target before he nails them. You can't dodge it, but you can block it with good timing. [Getting Turk] If you have a good reputation at this point, Turk will actually offer to join your party after you defeat him. If you defeat Turk five times (obviously he can't be with you for this to happen), his friend Jesse will appear, and both Turk and Jesse will attack you together. Bosses: Turk & Jesse Reward: ? Despite the boss music, Jesse isn't much stronger than your average gang member. Turk is still the main threat here. [Getting Jesse & Turk] If you defeat both, and you have a very good reputation, then Jesse will actually ask to join you. If Jesse joins you, Turk will automatically join you as well (you need to have two available spots in your group). EMPTY LOT There's yet another Zombie encounter here after you defeat all the enemies. Boss: Mojo Reward: $7.50 Mojo is pretty crazy. If you get close he'll use a powerful slam attack (Slam Punk) that does crazy amounts of damage. Needless to say, allies will be quite useful to distract him. [Getting Mojo] If you have a very good reputation, Mojo will offer to join your group when you defeat him. FLATIRONS MALL (part one) By now you should have money burning a hole in your pocket, so you might want to pick up a technique at the bookstore here, or head on over to the second area of the mall to peruse the new stores there. FLATIRONS MALL (part two) All four stores here are exclusive to this area. Of the four, the most interesting would probably be the CD store where you can pretty much improve your abilities ala carte. DOWNTOWN It looks more like a construction area, but who are we to argue? Just beat on the punks and move on. VACANT TIRE FACTORY (part one) Not much to look at here. Defeat the enemies and move on. VACANT TIRE FACTORY (part two) This multi-tiered area can make fighting pretty chaotic. Take the door at the bottom to reach the upper level and move on. If you want to go back the way you came, you'll have to make a long running jump to reach the other side from the top level. Warning: Don't try to use Acro Circus to jump across the gap from the right or you'll fall to your death! VACANT TIRE FACTORY (part three) There's a huge hole in the center of this area, and if Gary's with you chances are good that he'll fall to his death as soon as he uses his special attack. Stick to the long walkway above and defeat everyone here for the final Zombie encounter. Boss: Thor Reward: $9.30 Thor is the leader of the Zombies, and you're about to see why. His special Technique Glide Chop has him flying through the air like a thunderbolt from the lightning god himself. If you're too close to the gap it's game over, so be careful where you're standing. [Getting Thor] If you have an excellent reputation (very, very high), Thor himself will offer to join your group when defeated. Note that Thor will never join your group if you have a Zombie in it (Blade, Turk, or Mojo) Note: If your reputation is high enough that Thor offers to join your party, you can trigger the Tidus side quest events listed below. [Finding Tidus] 1. If you head back to Waterfront Mall you'll get to meet the mysterious Tidus. He'll talk for a while then disappear to parts unknown. 2. After Ivan is defeated, come back to the River City High entrance and defeat all the enemies there. Tidus will appear a second time to talk to you. 3. If you've meet Tidus twice, Roxy will appear on the third floor of River City High to talk to you. (Alex only) BACK ALLY Boss: Ryan/Alex Reward: $9.00 If you're playing as Alex and don't have Ryan as an ally, Ryan appear here and challenge you to a fight and vice versa. If you've gotten this far, you should have no problems beating him, more so if you've recruited any of the Zombies in your gang. Beat him up and move on. OAK HILL MALL (part one) Not much here other than a bookstore for last minute technique purchases. OAK HILL MALL (part two) Shel appears here and tells you that she rescued Abby from River City High. Then she goes along on her merry way. Abby is the sister of Ivan, who is currently guarding River City High. If you could convince him to join your group, he could be a powerful ally in the fight against Slick. If you have room, in might be worth your while to try to win him over, but it requires a bit of backtracking. 1. After talking to Shel you'll need to find her again. She's moved all the way back at Flatirons Mall. Head back there to meet with her again. 2. After meeting with Shel a second time, she'll mention that Abby is out shopping at another mall. You'll need to head back to Oak Hill Mall. 3. Abby is in the first area of Oak Hill Mall on the left side. Speak with her to complete this side quest. Once you've done this, Ivan will join your party once you defeat him at River City High's gate (you obviously need to have an open space for this to happen). OAK HILL MALL (part three) Bosses: Benny & Clyde Reward: ? It's time for round two with this duo. Despite what they say, they're exactly the same as they were when you last met them way back when. Unlike them, you've gotten much more stronger, so this fight is somewhat of a joke. The dynamic duo will reappear every single time you enter this area, so it's a fast way to make some quick money. The amount you get each time does diminish however. [Meeting Jinny/Pink] If you defeat Benny and Clyde four times in a row, and have high reputation, Jinny will appear and berate you for picking on the weak. She'll then ask you if you want her help. If you say yes she'll mention something about helping you in the future and disappear. If you answer "I don't know", Jinny will give you $1,000! BURB VILLAGE [Getting Rex] If you clear this area, and have only one ally with you, Rex will appear and ask to join your group. He's a pretty good fighter, and his special kick (Jet Kick) is useful in a brawl. If you have two allies Rex won't appear at all. If you have three allies, and they are all Zombies (Turk, Mojo, and Thor), Rex will actually attack you at this point. [Getting Ted] If you met the conditions for meeting Rex and refused his help, exit and reenter the screen and clear all the enemies again. Ted will appear and ask you join you. Ted is a much better fighter than Rex and will prove invaluable in the boss fights ahead. RIVER CITY HIGH Clearing this area of enemies causes Ivan to emerge. You must defeat Ivan to gain access to River City High. No ifs ands or buts about it. Boss: Ivan Reward: $9.90 Ivan is feared throughout River City for his powerful head butt attacks. You'll need to be on your guard less you experience it firsthand. Having Gary or Rex (or both) makes things much easier. If you have Zombies in the group, it's even better. Once Ivan has hit the dirt the way to River City is clear. If you met Tidus previously, he'll appear again if you reenter the area and clear it of enemies. [Getting Ivan] If you have a spot open on your team, and you've done the Abby side quest (see Oak Hill Mall part two), Ivan will join your team when he's defeated. RC HIGH - GYMNASIUM Chances are good you'll encounter the Plague gang here. They're the toughest fighters in the game, second only to the Zombies in power. Once you've cleared the Gym, a new boss appears. Boss: Otis Rewards: $10.50 Otis isn't as powerful as Ivan, but he is quite robust, so it might take a while to whittle down his stamina. If you have Ivan or Zombies in the group, Otis will express some surprise before the fight. Once Otis is dealt with, head up to the second level via the doorway or by jumping up to the basketball hoops. Be careful not to trip on the backboards on the way to the exit. RC HIGH - 2ND FLOOR There are no bosses on this floor, so you can just head up to the next floor. Defeating the enemies here is optional. RC HIGH - 3RD FLOOR If you're playing as Alex, and have met Tidus twice previously, Roxy will appear here and offer words of encouragement. [Getting Tex] After clearing the floor of enemies Tex, the final boss before the dragon twins, appears. What happens here depends on whether or not you have Ivan in your party. If Ivan isn't in your party, Tex will just attack you. If Ivan is in your party, and you have a full party of four, Tex won't bother you and will peacefully walk away. If Ivan is in your party, you have a space available, and you have a high reputation, Tex will join your party. Boss: Tex Reward: $9.00 Tex is a master of fighting with sticks, and most of his special techniques revolve around using them. Therefore, you should always attempt to disarm him whenever possible. His multi-hit attack can do severe damage so keep your distance and try to get him away from his stick. If he does try to pick it back up, run at him and knock it away ASAP. RC HIGH - 4TH FLOOR It's the final push before the last boss. Clear out the floor and get ready to rumble! Bosses: Randy & Andy (& Otis?) Reward: $11.70 & $11.50 (& ?) Ah. Listening to that soundtrack brings back fond memories. Randy and Andy are known as the "Dragon Twins", and each of them have attacks that do quite a bit of damage. Randy has a powerful knee attack (Dragon Knee), and Andy has a powerful flying uppercut (God Fist). Both have spin kicks that can quickly clear an area. If you have a Zombie in your group, Otis will appear with the twins to try and even the odds. There isn't much strategy here than just go in with fists and feet flying and hope your group outlasts theirs. When the dust settles and you stand victorious, don't head for the door just yet. Head back down the hall and take the third door. Inside you'll find Cyndi. This scene is purely optional, but it gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling, right? Once she's been rescued, head back out the door. Note: If you met with Jinny/Pink earlier and asked for her help, you'll discover that Cyndi has already been rescued by her! If the fight with the twins left you busted up, it would be a good idea to head back to town and stock up on medicine, as you'll need in the final battle. Fortunately, you don't have to fight the twins again to gain access to the roof, where the final battle takes place. RC HIGH - ROOFTOP Boss: Slick Reward: ? If you're weapon ability is high and/or you have the Grand Slam technique, you might seriously consider picking up the ladder or other impromptu weapons lying about the roof. At this point reputation isn't very important so feel free to get the first attack on Slick while he's talking. Otherwise, you'll have to listen to him ramble on and on. There are two major things you should know about Slick. First, his stats are pretty much close to max, so his normal attacks tend to deal a whole lot of damage if they're not blocked. The second is Slick's ultimate technique, the "Slick Trick". When he uses this he'll hold his arms out to the side, and every weapon on the ground will levitate upwards. Then he'll send them all shooting towards his target, dealing ungodly amounts of damage. Needless to say, the only way to stop this is to nail him before he shoots. Other than preventing the Slick Trick, there isn't much else in the way of strategy than to keep wailing on him. Allies will prove very useful in drawing Slick's ire, but the Slick Trick can eliminate them rather quickly, so be sure to knock him down once you see him start it up. Defeat Slick, and River City is saved! Note: To save your data after the ending you'll need to wait until after the music has stopped playing before the option appears. This might take a while, so you'll need to be patient. O----------O |9. Cheats | O----------O The following cheat codes were taken from the River City Ransom EX Codes & Secrets section of GameFAQs. Credit actually goes to Questionmarktarius for originally posting the codes first on the message boards at GameFAQs. To get the following cheats to work, you must change the current character's name to the cheat code by renaming them in the status menu. You can use multiple codes together, and you can rename the character again with the effects still in place. For example, you could rename Alex to PLAYA and DAMAX and back to Alex for an Alex character with a lot of money and max stats. All cheats use upper case letters for the name. DAMAX – All stats at maximum PLAYA - $999,999.99 cash XTRA0 – Adds Custom Char to inventory XTRA1 – Adds Custom Self to inventory XTRA2 – Adds Custom Move to inventory FUZZY – Adds Mach Punch, Dragon Kick, Acro Circus, Grand Slam, Javelin Man, Slick Trick, Nitro Port, Twin Kick, Deadly Shot, Top Spin, Helicopter, and Torpedo to techniques WUZZY – Adds Slap Happy, Pulper, Headbutt, Kickstand, Big Bang, Wheel Throw, Glide Chop, Head Bomb, Chain Chump, Jet Kick, Shuriken, and Flip Throw to techniques WAZZA – Adds Boomerang, Charge It, Bat Fang, Flying Kick, Speed Drop, Bomb Blow, Killer Kick, Bike Kick, Slam Punk, Dragon Knee, God Fist, and Hyperguard to techniques BEAR – Adds Pheonix Wings, Inlines, Springlines, Rocketeers, Air Merc's, Narcishoes, Magic Pants, Pandora Box, Skaterz, and Custom Fit to techniques O-------------------------------O |10. Frequently Asked Questions | O-------------------------------O Q: Why won't Blade/Turk/Jesse/Mojo/Thor join me? A: You need to have high reputation for them you join you. If you have any of the three named characters above, Thor will not join you at all. Q: How can I tell if I have high reputation? A: You can't. It's an invisible statistic kept by the game. The dialogue for the bosses does change if your reputation is high, so that's one indication. Q: My foul play percentage is low. Doesn't that mean I have a high reputation? A: Not necessarily. It just means that you've avoided using cheap shots. Q: How do I get high reputation? A: Defeating all the enemies in an area raises your reputation, as does gaining new allies and defeating bosses. Running into walls also increases your reputation. Actually falling down increases it, but running into walls does the same thing. Q: Does reputation carry over from game to game? A: No. Reputation restarts at zero at the beginning of each game. Q: What raises the foul play meter? A: Hitting enemies when they're down, hitting bosses while they're speaking, and using cheap attacks (such as Magic Pants and Slick Trick) all increase the foul play meter. Q: How do I get Gary? A: Playing as Alex, either clear out one gang and return to Cross Town High where he'll meet you, or meet him later at Sherman Park during the Blade encounter. Q: How do I get Rick? A: Playing as Ryan, meet him at Sherman Park. Q: Can I get Jesse alone? A: No. Turk always joins you along with Jesse. Q: How do I meet Jinny? A: You need to have a high reputation. Then defeat Benny and Clyde four consecutive times at the health spa. Q: Why won't Rex/Ted appear? A: Rex/Ted will not appear if you have exactly two allies in your group. Q: Can you save your allies to file? A: No. Allies are not saved in the save file. You need to get them all over again when you start the game again. Q: Can you get allies to leave your group? A: No. Allies join you for good. If you want them to leave you need to start over. Q: Why can't I block? A: Increasing the defense ability increases your chances of blocking an attack. Q: How do you play as the bosses? A: Using the Custom Char item allows you to change your character to any other character in the game. It only appears in the Merlin's Mystery shop after you defeat the game, and sells for $999.99. Of course, you could always use the cheat code to get one as well. O---------------------O |11. Acknowledgements | O---------------------O Special thanks to Atlus (www.altus.com) and Million for the rebirth of a classic game. Questionmarktarius for originally posting the cheat codes at the GameFAQs message boards. This document may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission by the author. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. The following have explicit permission by me to post this FAQ on their web sites: www.gamefaqs.com Copyright 2004 Brian Nii