***************************************************************************** FAQ/Walkthrough for Driver for Game Boy Color By Mark "Shark463" Long Version 1.0 ***************************************************************************** If you have any questions, or you found an error in the FAQ, email me at Mlong001@charter.net This game looks just like the first few games of Grand Theft Auto, all Overhead view the whole game. Its not GTA, but its close! This is my 4th FAQ, but my first in a couple years! ***************** Table of Contents ***************** 1. Copyright Info 2. Controls 3. Getting Started 4. Undercover Missions [4.1] Miami [4.2] Los Angeles [4.3] New York 5. Driving Game Missions 6. Version History 7. Credits ***************** 1. Copyright Info ***************** This FAQ is copyright Mark "Shark463" Long. You may not copy any of this FAQ unless you give me credit. If you want to use this FAQ on your website, or you see it on another website that is not listed here, contact me at Mlong001@charter.net. Right now this FAQ is only on GameFAQs. ***************** 2. Controls ***************** A Button - Accelerate B Button - Brake/Reverse, Return to previous screen (in Main Menu) Start Button - Pause/View City Map Left/Right Control Pad: Steer Left/Right All Of The Control Pad: Scroll Around City Map (When Paused) ***************** 3. Getting Started ***************** Arrow: The Red Arrow in front of your car tells you which way you should go during a mission. You still should pause the game and figure the best route from that. I will try to post the best route to go per mission. Damage: Whenever you hit an vehicle, wall or a any other stationary object you obtain damage. Don't get too much damage or you'll fail the mission you are doing! Felony: Whenever you commit a crime in front of a cop, you will fill a little bit in your Felony level. Crimes that increase your felony a lot include aiding bank robbers, felons, etc., and crashing into cop cars, civilian cars, cafe tables etc. etc. ****************** 4. Undercover Missions ****************** Before I begin, i will say that i tell directions based on the direction your facing. If you are facing south, and i say to go left on that road, that means you should go right, but if you are facing north and i say turn right, you should go right. ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** [4.1] Miami ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** Mission 1: The Bank Job Difficulty: 2/10 Password: Face, Face, Face, Face Object: Get to the bank (Part 1), Get to the Lock up (Part 2) Time Limit: 1 minute (Part 1), No Time Limit (Part 2) Part 1: Turn right out of the alley, then turn left at the first street, then turn right at the first street after that. Stay straight until the road ends. Turn right and the bank should be a short distance ahead. Part 2: After the robbers get in your car, you will gain a minor amount of a Felony. It should not be too harmful if you kept your car in good condition. Go straight, Turn right on the second street (a cop car should come after you here), then turn right on the first street (it should be a divided street, 2 lanes each side) Keep going through the bridge, then when you reach the end, turn right on the 1st street, and the lockup should be on the right side of the screen a short time later in a grassy field. Mission Complete! ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** Mission 2: Hide the Evidence Difficulty: 4/10 Password: Tire, Badge, Cone, Red Siren Object: Get the car to the breakers Time Limit: None Part 1: This mission is tough because you have to get on a narrow bridge and there are plenty of cops who will turn in front of you. But there is no time limit so take your time if u need to, and take an alternate route if this way is too hand for you! You start at the very top right of the map, and you'll have to go a long way to get to the goal. So start by turning left (watch out for the traffic!) Then go straight until you reach the bridge turn left there. At the end of the bridge, turn left onto the 2nd road. Keep going straight until you reach a bridge with water under it. Take 2 quick rights and Mission Complete! ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** Mission 3: Boat Chase Difficulty: 3/10 Password: Stop Light, Key, Key, Blue Siren Object: Chase the boat to retrieve the key. Time Limit: 45 seconds Part 1: You need to be fast here since you only have 10 seconds once you enter the docks (and that is assuming you did not hit anything on the way) Turn right to exit the alley, Then turn right the first chance you get. He is gonna land there. But don't get too ahead of the boat. The docks are easy to get lost at, because of all the ways you can go. Keep going straight in the docks, go down a little into the the alley, then turn left near the end. You should be able to see the X at the very top. Mission Complete! ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** Mission 4: Ram Raid Race Difficulty: 5/10 Password: Cone, Cone, Cone, Badge Object: Smash through all 5 of his Cafe shops. Time Limit: 2 minutes 15 seconds Starting Location to Cafe 1: Turn right out of the alley, turn left at the first street, then turn right at the first street. Go straight until you cross the river. Turn right at the second road after the river, then make a left at the first street and smash into the cafe. You will gain a minor amount of Felony. Cafe 1 to Cafe 2: Go to the right, cut through the parking lot, when you reach the road, go up a little so you can get on that street, the cafe should be to the right! You will gain more felony now. Cafe 2 to Cafe 3: Go to the left, turning right at the divided street right across from the cafe. Take a left the road after the arrow goes due west instead of northwest. Keep going straight and the cafe should be at the 90 degree turn. Cafe 3 to Cafe 4: Go south, then take your first right. Keep going straight, the cafe will be near the 90 degree turn. Cafe 4 to Cafe 5: At this point the cops will really be on you. You should have around 45 seconds left. Take aright, and quickly turn onto the road just east of the last cafe. Go south until the arrow turns toward the east/southeast. The cafe should be at the South. Mission Complete! ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** Mission 5: Superfly Drive Difficulty: 6/10 Password: Key, Red Siren, Red Siren, Stop Light Object: Take the car to the lockup, but it must not have 1 scratch on it! Time Limit: 1 minute 50 seconds Part 1: This is tough, because the starting place and goal is very far away and you can't get 1 scratch on it. Not to mention you will have cops after you! Turn left from the starting point. Keep going until the arrow goes northeast (after the 90 degree turn). Then turn at the first left you can make. Keep going straight onto the bridge. Then keep going straight until the end of the road, then turn left. Turn right into the alley right before the 90 degree turn, Then pull into the X. Mission Complete! ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** Mission 6: Bait For A Trap Difficulty: 3/10 Password: Key, Badge, Tire, Blue Siren Object: Go to Bal Harbour (Part 1), Don't Lose Him! (Part 2) Time Limit: 1 minute 50 seconds (Part 1), None (Part 2) Part 1: Turn right out of the alley, then turn right at the first street, then turn left onto the divided street. Go straight until you reach the northern bridge. Turn right, onto the bridge. Go the whole length of the bridge, then turn left on the second street. Keep going until a message says RAM HIM! Part 2: Ram him, then turn around. Go back to the bridge road, then turn left onto the bridge road. If you go on the bridge, you are going the wrong way. Go to the end of the road, and turn right. Keep going south until the X should be in the parking lot next to you. Mission Complete! ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** Mission 7: Take Out Di Angelo Difficulty: 3/10 Password: Badge, Cone, Badge, Red Siren Object: Wreck his car Time Limit: 1 minute 30 seconds. Part 1: He will be fleeing in a gray car. Stay close to him, or you will fail. Ram him into walls, knock him into other cars and eventually he will be wrecked. He takes the same path every time. He turns left at the end of the road. He will keep going until he tried to turn left again. This is where u need to take him out, He turns wide near a wall so its a perfect chance. Mission complete! ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** [4.2] Los Angeles ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** Mission 8: Steal A Cop Car Difficulty: 4/10 Password: Red Siren, Badge, Key, Tire Object: Take a Cop Car and take it to the other side of L.A Time Limit: None (thank goodness) Part 1: You need to get the Cop Car there in good condition. you will have a 1/4 Felony Level at the beginning though. Go into reverse and go to the west, opposite of the arrow. Take a left at the end of the road. You will be on the road for a LONG time (about 1 minute 30 seconds). You do not need to turn off anywhere! Somewhere along the way your Felony will increase to half. Eventually you will reach a 90 degree turn at the very northeast of the map. The X will be there. Mission Complete! ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** Mission 9: Get Lucky To The Doc's Difficulty: 7/10 Password: Cone, Blue Siren, Red Siren, Red Siren Object: Pick Up Lucky (Part 1), Get him to the doctor's office (Part 2) Time Limit: 1 minute 30 seconds Part 1: This is very tough, because you only have 1 minute, 30 seconds for the whole mission, and its very strict! Also you cant have a cop chasing you! Turn right at the beginning. Then turn left at the end of the road. Then go right at the end of this road. Turn right the first chance you get. Lucky should be in an alley to the right. When you pick him up, your felony will go up a little. Part 2: You should have about 55 seconds to 1 minute left. If you have less you won't make it to the hospital in time. Back out of the alley, go to the north. Turn left. Keep following the road until it ends. Turn right at the end of the road. Turn left at the first road and the hospital will be a short distance ahead. Mission Complete! ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** Mission 10: Beverly Hills Get Away Difficulty: 4/10 Password: Badge, Badge, Stop Light, Cone Object: Get to Beverly Hills (Part 1), Get Them To The Lock Up (Part 2) Time Limit: 1 minute (Part 1), None (Part 2) Fastest way to get there: You will start in Very northwestern Santa Monica. You will have to go the wrong way to get here in time. Stay in the middle since no cars will go there. When it gets to the next turn, get back into the right lane. Turn left onto the third main road you pass. Stay straight and you will reach them. After you pick them up, turn let onto the road above you. Keep going, and take the first left after the 90 degree turn. It is in the northwest corner of the road. But when you get there, there are cops waiting for you! You will get a felony level, and you'll have to go to the new hideout in the southern side. Go back south, turn left, then turn right at the first road. Turn left at the end of the road. Then turn right on the first road. When you get to the square section of the road, take a left, then a right, the X will be in an alley. Mission Complete! ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** [4.3] New York ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** Mission 11: Grand Central Station Difficulty: 6/10 Password: Blue siren, Key, Key, Key Object: Get To The Pick Up (Part 1), Get to grand Central Station (Part 2), Return the key to the lock up (Part 3) Time Limit: 1 minute (Part 1), 2 minutes 15 seconds (Part 2), 1 minute, 45 seconds (part 3) Part 1: Turn right onto the first road. Then watch the left side for roads. When you get to the 3rd one, Turn left. Keep going to the end of the roads. there should be a parking lot. Go on the road just right of the lot, then turn right at the 90 degree turn. The guy will go in and come back out. Part 2: Now you have 2 minutes 15 seconds to get to Grand Central Station. Luckily there is a road you can take the entire way there. Here's how you get there. Take a left, then a quick right. Turn right on the 2nd road. Stay on this road the entire way. Once you get to the station, the guy will run in and out again. Part 3: Now you have to go to Granery Park in 1 minute 45 seconds. Continue the way you was going. But now you have a van chasing you, now you have to lose it! Take your first right. Then turn right at the end of the road (you should be in China Town right now) Then turn left at the end of the road. When you reach the T intersection, turn left. Then take your second left and you'll be at the X in a little bit. Mission complete! ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** Mission 12: Trash Granger's Wheels Difficulty: 4/10 Password: Stop Light, Tire, Red Siren, Badge Object: Trash Granger's Car, then go back to your hotel Time Limit: 3 minutes 30 seconds Part 1: You will start at east river. But there is a very easy way to get there. Go to the left and keep following the road (quite a bit!) to the end, then turn right. Keep going on this road and turn left on the third left. You should have 2 minutes left. Smash up his car then go back to your hotel. Your timer does not reset so you have to smash his car and go back to your hotel in 3 minutes 30 seconds. Go back the way you came, except when you turn onto that first road, take your first right. Then pull into the X. Mission Complete! ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** Mission 13: Stop Granger's Gang Difficulty: 1/10 Password: Key, Badge, Badge, Cone Object: Smash up 5 of Granger's Gang's Cars Time Limit: 4 minutes. Part 1: This is an extremely easy mission. All the cars are very close to each other. The only concern you have is taking too much damage on your car. You could finish this mission without me, so i won't say how to get it done. ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** Mission 14: Chase One Of Granger's Boys Difficulty: 4/10 Password: Red Siren, Blue Siren, Red Siren, Blue Siren Object: Track Down His Car and Smash Into It Time Limit: 2 minutes 30 seconds. Part 1: Another Car Chase mission. There is a series of roads that look likes lots of 8s. For some reason he seems to stay on these. He drives the length of these, then he drives around the park near China Town. Smash his car up. Mission Complete! ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** Mission 15: Cross Town Record Difficulty: 10/10 Password: Tire, Key, Cone, Stop Light Object: Beat Slater's Record! Time Limit: 1 minute 20 seconds Fastest way to get there: This is the last mission, and its gonna require all your driving skills. You cannot mess up, or you will fail. But this method got me there with 1.63 seconds left: At the start, make a U-Turn and go north on the road. Cut through the Park, watching out for the poles or buildings and keep going straight. Soon after the arrow points due east, pause and look at which road you should turn at. Turn right and floor it! You should just barely make it in time. Mission Complete! ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** Congrats, you beat the game! You can play it again or look at the other games ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** ******************** 5. Driving Game Missions ******************** Checkpoint: All you need to do is race around the city and collect checkpoints. Pretty simple. Pursuit: You have to chase a car, and smash it off the road. Don't just try to get it at the turns though. Hit it from behind, else you might get stuck. Survival: Very Tough! You have to stay away from the cops who are using infinite cars to ONLY track you down and kill you! Get Away: Like Survival, but much easier. You have to get away from cops chasing you. Just weave in and out of cars and hopefully the cops will hit one of them. ******************** 6. Cheats ******************** You can access the cheat section by pressing Up, Up, Down, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Up, Down, Down. The selector will now go over the police car and will say "CHEATS" You will have the following options: No Damage: You don't take any damage when you hit an obstacle. Immunity: You don't get a felony level. Open all Cities: All cities become available in driving games and Take a ride mode. Test Stuff: When you move around, these numbers move around. Well I don't have a use for it, but the computer geeks might! Should check it out. ******************** 7. Version History ******************** 1.0 5/30/03: Reformatted missions to make it easier to read. 0.2 5/18/03: Added Difficulty Levels 0.1 5/15/03: Wrote this whole FAQ in about 3 hours. Sent it into GameFAQs ******************** 8. Credits ******************** Thanks Infogrames for making the game! Thanks to me for being bored and writing this FAQ! Thanks to CJayC for the best gaming site ever! Copyright Mark "Shark463" Long, Do not copy without my permission.