SEAMAN US RELEASE WALKTHROUGH v0.2 for Sega Dreamcast written by Xevo - ******************* TABLE OF CONTENTS ******************* I. Revision History II. Introduction III. General Tips IV. Evolution V. Care and Feeding VI. Coming Soon VII. Special Thanks VIII. Legal Disclaimer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I. REVISION HISTORY ___________________________________________________________________________ Version 0.2 - 08/16/00: - Added a new section: Care and Feeding - Added a few more General Tips - Updated Evolution for Stage 2 - Updated Coming Soon and Special Thanks Version 0.1 - 08/15/00: - First version, a glorious beginning! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ II. INTRODUCTION ___________________________________________________________________________ Welcome to the world of Seaman! If you've just bought the game, then I take it you have a taste for original and unsual games like I do. If you are reading this but haven't decided whether or not to buy the game yet, then I hope my guide can shed some more light on the trials and tribulations of what it takes to raise and evolve a very unique creature. Regardless, I created this guide for two reasons. There are no guides out that explain even the basic strategies of raising a Seaman from the egg you are provided with, and also no one has mapped the evolutionary process of the Seaman as far as is possible with the kit provided by Vivarium (some may call it a game, but it is far more I assure you!). However, one should be warned: for some people, part of the fun of raising Seamen is that you have to experiment with all the different settings of the aquarium and also make your own decisions on how to take care of them. This guide will explain in detail how to evolve a Seaman through all the stages our kit allows when it is completed. If you would rather be surprised by the evolution of your Seamen, then you should definitely skip section IV which details exactly what steps to take when raising a Seaman and what happens as a consequence. Feel free to read the General Tips section below if you need help getting started, however. Finally, Seaman can, at times, be quite offensive. If you are offended by talk of sex, politics, religion, or are just generally unwilling to share very personal information with a virtual lifeform, then this game probably isn't for you. However if you go into it with an open mind, hoping just to have fun and maybe learn some things about yourself and even about human nature than you should love it. Remember, though- Seaman is rated T for Teen for "Comic Mischief, Mild Language, and Suggestive Themes" per the ESRB, although I would've added Animated Violence on as well... again, consider yourself duly warned! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ III. GENERAL TIPS ___________________________________________________________________________ Before you begin playing with Seaman, you should at least read pages 12-23 of the instruction manual so that you can manuever around the aquarium and also interact with your new pets. One thing the manual doesn't explain that well is that there are several key factors to making sure Seaman evloves as quickly as possible: 1) Keep Seaman happy- Once your Seaman has a face, try to keep it smiling. A happy Seaman will evolve for you much more quickly. 2) Attend to Seaman's daily needs as quickly as possible- Every time you enter the lab, Seaman will likely be cold, low on oxygen and hungry. Be sure you fix these levels before interacting with Seaman, or else he will likely not respond or worse, could die. 3) Interact with Seaman regularly- Early on, you'll only be able to tickle or have one-sided conversations with Seaman, but later on he will actually ask you questions. If you ignore these, or don't spend time interacting with Seaman at all, he will not evolve! You also don't need to interact with every Seaman individually, just make sure at least one is very happy and content with having interacted with you. 4) Allow time to pass- You can do this in one of two ways. If you simply play the game, 1-2 times a day (2 is preferred, 3 is really unecessary, 1 time a day is minimum), then you will generally have something new happen every time you play. You can also reset the dreamcast (hold down A+B+X+Y and press start) after ending your session with Seaman, then go to Settings, then Date/Time. I generally played with Seaman between 09:30- 11:00 and then between 20:00-21:30. When you've played with him at the night time mode, simply change the day one day ahead then set the clock to an AM time. Doing this, I was able to beat Seaman over what would've been about 2 weeks of real time in just 3 days. Seaman's evolutionary stages do require time to pass before he will evolve, however. 5) Pay attention to Leonard Nimoy- Yes, Leonard Nimoy is the game's narrarator, and if you ever find yourself stuck he generally has pretty good advice on what to do next. Also, he will often tell you when Seaman is nearing an evolutionary change, so if you want no help whatsoever, you might want to hit start to skip him when he says "If I may divulge the schedule for today..." or something to that extent. Also of note is that the speech recognition in the game is NOT perfect. Although it will often pick up single words accurately, Seaman may often not respond to these as you would expect either. Just be sure to not try to talk until Seaman is in his "idle" state- it often takes a couple of seconds from when he finished speaking to when the voice recognition kicks in again. Patience will help much, as well as being sure to press and hold the a button before talking, then speak slowly and clearly, then releasing the a button. Be careful when moving the rocks in the tank- it is possible to block the air vent with the lower right rock, and doing so means your Seaman will end up choking to death. Just don't move it over the vent, and you should be fine. Other than those general tips, just try to have fun and enjoy the game. If nothing else, Seaman can be very intriguing to watch, as the programmers spent a lot of time making his evolutionary cycle seem realistic. Also, be ready to undergo a psychological evaluation- Seaman will eventually want to know everything about you (and I do mean EVERYTHING), and he will offer some very interesting insight over the course of his lifetime. Try not to abuse this by lying to him, it can be much more interesting to tell the truth and perhaps learn things about yourself you hadn't realized before! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ IV. EVOLUTION ___________________________________________________________________________ ///WARNING\\\ -- This section does contain detailed game SPOILERS, and may take some of the fun out of scientifically observing and learning how to care for Seaman through trial and error. Proceed at your own risk =) *STAGE 1 - MUSHROOMER* --Quick Profile-- The Mushroomer is a Seaman's first stage of evolution. Having little personality whatsoever and even less ability to interact with you, they serve basically one purpose- to feed off the Nautilus and evolve into their next stage. --Stage Walkthrough-- The first thing you will be greeted with is the voice of your Narrarator, Leonard Nimoy. He will be able to offer much advice and encouragement, and will have something different to say after every step of the evolution of your Seamen. If you get stuck somewhere, the hints he give can often put you on the right track, but to get advice you must first end your current session through the Start button button menu then reset the system. If you reset 3 or more times a day, he will begin to question your visiting the tank so often, however! After you have moved on to the aquarium, you will notice it is in a dismal state- checking the levels of the tank, there is no air whatsoever and it is at 0 degrees Celsius! The water is also thick and brown after years of neglect. Your first job should be to get the temperature of the aquarium into a comfortable living range for the Seaman, somewhere between 15-19.9 degrees Celsius. Too much below or above that is uncomfortable, and will hinder the progress of your Seaman. BEWARE THOUGH! The analog nature of the heater makes it very tricky to control, and once you start heating the water it will heat very rapidly and you should let go of the up button to keep from overheating it! Also note that if you pass the 20.0 mark, there is no way to cool the tank down besides letting time pass. Get the water to 25 degrees or beyond, and you could be sitting at the game for quite some time before the water cool down sufficiently. I suggest stopping when it hits 15, then working your way slowly into the upper 19's. Next, simply adding air to the tank also effectively filters the water out, which means you now have enough oxygen for your Seamen to breath and also have a nice, clean living enviroment. I suggest keeping the air level as near 100% as possible, with the minimum being around 80%. Finally, turn the lights on to see the glory that is your Seaman's new home. Now, you're ready to hatch Seaman! Just access your storage matrix and drop the egg into the tank. Assuming you've kept it at peak condition (15-19.9 degree temperature and 80-100% air level) then your egg should hatch within 3-5 minutes of dropping it in the water. If you zoom your view over the egg, you can see the cells dividing inside, and you know the tank's settings are good if the egg bobs up and down in the water. Once your egg hatches, you will have you first glimpse of a Seaman- the small and energetic Mushroomers! The are basically just little balls with tails, and have very little ability to interact at all. Zooming in on them generally makes them "look" at you with a small black eye, and besides picking them up you can really only tap on the glass to get them to move towards you. Their lifespan is only 4-5 days, so in that period of time you must find a way for them to evolve... If you've been checking with Nimoy, you will notice he mentions the Nautilus quite often as "playing a key role" in the Mushroomer's evolution. What you need to do now is zoom in on the Nautilus (it's the big spiral- shaped shell) and "tap" on it with the right mouse button just like you would do with the glass. Make sure the Nautilus is "shadowed" which indicates you have selected it under your cursor before you tap on it. After tapping it, zoom out to see if your Mushroomers are swimming towards it. If they have not, then simply tap several more times on the shell before they do. Once your Mushroomers get close enough, the Nautilus will come alive, revealing its squid-like form, and begin chasing down and eating your Seamen! Do not fear, however, because the Mushroomers are essentially parasites, and the Nautilus is the only thing that will provide them with the nutrition they need. You can allow the Nautilus to eat as many or as few of your Mushroomers as you wish, but they will all die soon enough so at least 4 is recommended but he can eat all 8 without any negative consequences. You know your Mushroomers are doing their job because the Nautilus will occasionally shoot off of the tank's floor, spewing ink in his wake. This tells you the Seamen inside of him are eating him up, giving themselves extra strength as well. I have found that turning the lights off makes them attack more aggressively, but I am not entirely sure. Regardless, after 2-4 minutes the Nautilus should start spitting the ink out more quickly, signaling he is near death. Finally the squid-like Nautilus will retreat from the safety of its shell, letting you finally see its full form. For around 2 minutes it will writhe furiously, with ink and blood flowing from its body, as the baby Seaman try to free themselves from inside of it. They will finally be shot towards you, revealing their new form- the Gillman! *STAGE 2 - GILLMAN* --Quick Profile-- Seaman's second stage of evolution, the Gillman, has a very interesting form. As should be familiar to anyone who has seen the hilarious Seaman commercial, this form has a fully formed human head attached to a small translucent fish body! Gillman starts out talking gibberish, but after a short period of time will repeat words you say to it and eventually speak full sentences. --Stage Walkthrough-- First off, you can get Gillmen from the egg in only ONE visit. If you see the Scientific Journal below, I took me about an hour from when I put my egg in the water to when the Gillmen burst from the Nautilus. When they come out, they WILL be hungry. Be sure to drop one of your food pellets in the water for them. From this point on, every visit (up to twice a day) the first thing you do when entering the lab should be to raise the oxygen, raise the heat, and then feed your Seamen. Once you get adult Gillmen (about 4 visits after your Gillmen arrive) one will tell you that he remembers Dr. Gassee had an Insect Cage, and this will eventually give you all the food you need. Read the Care and Feeding section below for more info. When your Gillmen first come out, they only speak gibberish, however it is still necessary to pick one out and play with it, while also trying to talk to it as much as possible. The one thing it will actually respond to is if you say "English," and this may actually be a key to its evolution as the first real words Seaman says come in response to your saying "English." Another good idea is to try to mimic its baby talk, since there is very little else they will respond to at this point. During your next visit, you will find that your Gillmen begin to use the antennae on their heads to suck the blood of the other Gillmen. While this may seem harsh, it is nature's way- survival of the fittest- and provides another step for Seaman to cross in its evolution. At first, they will probably only kill eachother until 4 are left, but in another day only 2 will be left from natural selection. Also on this visit, you should be able to get your Gillman to repeat some English words. Try saying "Hello", "Fish", "Yes", "No", "Good", "Bad", "Fun", "Play" and "Seaman." Each time he speaks English back to you, a good tickling provides a reward for Gillman to learn more. Keep your Seamen happy, and they will evolve much faster than if you simply talk to them and care for the tank. Tickling and hypnotizing Seamen will be useful throughout their life cycle. Once your baby Gillman is repeating words, you'll need to end your session then come back after another 12 hours or so. This time around, they should be making noise from the minute you enter the lab, letting you know they need attention. As you get the tank's levels reset, they should sound happy as well. This lets you know they are evolving as planned, and they should also begin to grow scales at about this point. Try saying "Good morning", "Good afternoon", and "Good evening" to your Gillman now. It should be able to repeat those as well if the speech recognition picks them up. On your next visit, you "baby" Gillmen should now be speaking full sentences, although they will be very brief. It is during this period that they will end up feeding off of eachother until 2 are left, and as long as you make these two happy you will be ready for the final evolution of the Gillman stage. The next time you visit, your Gillmen should look larger, with more defined scales, and most importantly they will have adult voices! At this point, Seaman will tell you about the Insect Cage, which you will need to care for just as much as the tank as it is your key to an unlimited food supply for Seaman. More info on the Insect Cage can be found in the Care and Feeding section. As "adult" Gillmen, they will begin to ask you personal questions as well. Try to be honest with Seaman, as it can offer some very interesting insight that will make you think about yourself. Also, you should decide which Gillman you like best, and tell it "I will give you a name." It should then tell you to repeat its name three times, and after doing so the named Gillman will take on a very deep golden color, making it quite recognizable from the other paler yellow Gillman. It is possible to name both Gillmen, but the game will only remember the last name given and on your next visit only one Gillman will have the named coloring. Also, if you want to change Seaman's name, just repeat the "I will give you a name" phrase which will allow you to change its name. It will take several days of feeding, playing with, and answering the questions of your named Gillman before they will fully evolve into the next form, the Podman. *STAGE 3 - PODMAN* --Quick Profile-- The Podman is basically a Gillman that has grown tiny hands and legs. Podman is the final stage of evolution for the aquatic Seaman, and will open the way for amphibious Seamen to evolve. --Stage Walkthrough-- More extensive guide to follow, but for now-- once you are down to just two Podmen, they will end up mating. The "male" Podman (although neither really seems to be female) will end up dying. If this was your named Seaman, simply tell the surviving Podman "I will give you a name" and it will change colors after going through the naming process again. At some point, your Podman will tell you that he can help you move the big rock. The only thing is you will have to answer a riddle before he will help you, and will make you answer 3 successfully. I will compile a list of as many questions and answers as I can find, but here are the couple I remember: "What does a man who types for 6 days a week, 8 hours a day, over 6 months get?" Answer: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or Tendonitis "If you're in a room with white walls, and one yellow light bulb and one blue light bulb, what color are the walls?" Answer: White "What do you get if you drop a cat in a pool of water?" Answer: A Wet Cat They're all basically trick questions, so generally the most obvious answer won't be correct. Once you get 3 right, you will reveal a drain in the tank, which drains out all the water except for the deep portion in the lower-right of the tank. You now have a terrarium, and have opened the way for amphibious Seamen to evlove. Finally, your last Podman, the final survivor of your original 8 Mushroomers, will crawl to shore, lay 6 eggs, then pass away. This part is actually very sad, as at this point you have bonded with Seaman heavily, having answered many of its questions, and hate to see it die. However, look carefully at the eggs- there are Tadmen in each and every one, Seaman's next step in evolution! *STAGE 4 - TADMAN* --Quick Profile-- The Tadmen are tiny, especially compared to how bloated your Podman got before giving birth to them! They do, however, have all the memories of your Podman, and you should give one a name so that you can remember which one to play with and talk to every day. --Stage Walkthrough-- Again, more coming soon... Soon enough, your Tadmen will feed off of eachother, narrowing it down to just 2. These 2 will begin to develop legs and feet again, and will soon venture out onto dry land! This marks the beginning of the final form of Seaman evolution, the Frogman. *STAGE 5 - FROGMAN* --Quick Profile-- Representing the highest level of Seaman evolution, the Frogman shows just how far Seaman has evloved since you raised them from an egg. Frogman can walk around and even jump onto the side of the tank! --Stage Walkthrough-- Just a brief guide of what to expect: Frogmen unlock a new feature of the tank- a sprinkler system to keep them moist that pops up over the old air grate. They will complain that they are too dry if you do not use this often enough. Just like with Air, keep the Sprinkler as close to 100% as possible. Even though the heater is as finicky and hard to control as ever, the Sprinkler is easy to use just like the Air vent was, and the water spray effect looks pretty cool too! After much conversing with you, and some deep psychological evaluation, your Frogman will tell you that he needs to leave the tank. His story is that back during the 3rd Dynasty of Egypt, he was the son of the King and had fallen in love with a priest's daughter. Their marriage was forbidden because of the extreme class difference, but the priest prayed to Thoth, the God of Wisdom, for them to be able to come together. Thoth obligied, and made him into a fish while his true love was turned into a bird. The parents of the two asked Thoth why this was done, and he replied that after thousands of years they would evolve into their original states, and would still have all their memories, so they could be reunited and finally be together. Seaman implores you to help him escape, because the only way he can continue to evolve is by getting outside. Seaman says he thinks that pesky ring hanging from the upper-left of the tank (haven't you always wondered what that was for, it seems to be completely useless before this!) should be the key to getting out. He will try to jump to it from the big rock, asking that you say "Jump!" for encouragment. On his third try, he will reach it and the back panel of the tank slides down, revealing a lush jungle outside. Before Seaman leaves, he will tell you that he appreciates all the attention you gave him, and that he will always be just outside if you want to talk to him. At this point, Seaman is independent, and the game has effectively been "won". Where's the required "Credits" sequence to indicate the games ending? Well, in one of the funniest twists in video game history, Seaman tells you to tap on the glass for a surprise. Sure enough, rythmically tapping the glass (at least twice a second to keep it going) causes a song to start playing, which your Seamen will dance to, and the credits will appear on the screen. However, if you do not tap fast enough or stop tapping, the credits will stop as well! It can be pretty torturous to make it all the way through the credits, as it requires some serious tapping! I didn't find anything special besides the music, dancing or credits, but perhaps if you tapped long enough some sort of easter egg could be revealed...? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ V. CARE AND FEEDING ___________________________________________________________________________ Probably the most important part of caring for Seaman is understanding how to care for Seaman's needs. While most of this was explained in previous sections, I decided a special section was needed for people who were having trouble with keeping Seaman happy or have questions about feeding Seaman. Also, this section will serve as a detailed explanation of how the Insect Cage works, and how to use it to its fullest potential. First off, remember that all stages of Seaman's evolution are VERY sensitive to enviromental conditions. As a general guideline, if the tank's settings show up with a blue color, then they are at optimum condition. You can either expirement to find the comfortable ranges for each stage of evolution or read the Evolution guide above to find where you should set things. Seaman must also be happy in order to evolve- once you have Gillmen, you can observe Seaman's face to see if he is happy or not. The easiest way to keep Seaman happy is just to tickle him, by selecting one with the cursor and then pressing X repeatedly. Often, I find it best to let Seaman laugh or make his comments several times before I stop tickling him to make sure he is as happy as possible. Sometimes, though, you will want to make all the Seaman in your tank happy. This is done easiest by tapping on the glass until they come close to you, and then move the cursor in a circle around them several times until they begin to get "hypnotized." Generally, as long as all your Seamen are hypnotized in one session, that should be all they need until your next visit. As has been said several times before, the most important step in helping your Seaman evolve, and the one that requires the most work on your part, is constant interaction with Seaman through the VMU microphone. While the speech recognition isn't perfect, almost anything you say that is basically "nice" will keep Seaman happy and also help him to evolve. Be sure to answer Seaman's questions whenever he asks you one, and between questions you can say "Let's talk" in order to get to the next question. Once he has asked you enough questions, he will tell you he's finished talking or something similar and this is your cue that it's time to end the session. Make sure the tank is set back to the optimum levels before you leave your Seaman. Finally, one of the most confusing aspects of Seaman raising can be when they need to be fed. Later on, Seaman will tell you when he is hungry, but how do you know when the earlier stages of Seaman's evolution need to be fed? Generally, the short lived Mushroomers will not eat food at all, and the "baby" Gillmen will require a food pellet from when they first arrive in the tank. Once you have Gillmen, they will require being fed once per visit, and it is generally best to do this when you first visit the tank, as you are raising the heat and oxygen as well. However, you do have a limited supply of food pellets, I believe 14 is the number you start with. However, once you have "adult" Gillmen, they will tell you of Dr. Gassee's Insect Cage. The Insect Cage has a "Spray" attachment, which you should treat like the Air level of your aquarium. It should generally be kept as close to 100% as possible, and as the Cage gets dry quickly you will have to re-spray the cage often during your visits. It should also be the first thing you do after making sure your Seaman are comfortable at the beginning of each visit. When you first visit the Insect Cage, you will find 4 eggs and 2 seeds within. The eggs will hatch on your next visit to the lab (they will not hatch on the same visit that the cage is unlocked). The general life cycle in the Insect Cage is that eggs become Larvae. These larvae require time to grow, but after becoming very large they will eventually enter a cocoon form. After spending an entire visit in cocoon form, you will find that the cocoons hatch a Kimoth on your next visit. The Kimoth's exit from its cocoon takes several minutes, but can be very interesting to watch. Your Kimoth will eventually lay eggs as well, completing the life cycle and opening the way for more larvae to be born. I am still expirementing with the seeds, but I do know that if they are left in the Insect Cage they will grow into very large plants that offer food for the larvae. You can also pick up the seeds and either store them in the Storage Matrix or drop them into the tank where they will grow into small plants. I have not noticed any benifit from adding the plants to the tank besides adding something else to look at besides rocks and the tank floor, and I am not sure if having the plants grow in the cage slows the growth cycle of the larvae. I do know that you can have a perfectly functional Insect Cage without any plants in it, and in fact the first time I played through the game I planted both my seeds in the tank and the cage worked fine. Also note that all living things in the Insect Cage can be picked up and either fed to the Seaman in your tank or stored in the storage matrix for later use. I often find it useful to keep a larvae or two in the storage matrix in case you're having trouble getting moths to lay eggs in the cage, often because they are being killed by a spider. Speaking of which... Occasionally, a Kimoth egg will hatch into a spider. Although this seems highly unlikely, it does happen. If you feed a spider to your Seaman, it will become sick. When this happens, you must spend a couple of days saying kind things to the sick Seaman. I found saying "Get well soon!" or "I love you!" seemed to cure it. Cheezy, I know, but it's better than having your Seaman die. I also tickled and hypnotized mine a bunch, just to be sure it was happy enough. Another annoying thing about spiders is that if they are left in the cage long enough, they will spin a web that your Kimoths can get caught in. If a Kimoth is caught in the web, it cannot escape unless you grab it and then drop it back in the cage, but if it stays stuck long enough the spider will kill it. Since you cannot store spiders in the storage matrix, the only way to get rid of them is to drop them in with your Seaman AFTER you have fed your Seaman. Since Seaman always ignores any food dropped in its cage after it has eaten, they will not eat the spider. The spider is also harmless to your Seamen, and you should not worry about it being with them as long as they have already eaten. I will add more to this section if people still have more questions about taking care of them, but I hope this helps for now. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ VI. COMING SOON ___________________________________________________________________________ More in-depth info on the stage walkthroughs, as well as any other hints and tips I come up with after playing through the game several more times. The next update will have the beginning of a new section, the "Scientific Journal." This section will be a walkthrough of the game from an anyltical perspective, included everything done from day to day along with times marked done to show how long certain events in the game take to occur. Any questions/comments/corrections are welcomed- just send them to: and please include Seaman FAQ in the subject line. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ VII. SPECIAL THANKS ___________________________________________________________________________ Thanks to Vivarium for bringing one of the most fun Dreamcast games yet to America! I never could've guessed this game would be translated and brought here, but I am very glad you made the choice! Thanks also to's Dreamcast crew, who turned me on to the coolness of raising a verbally abusive fish-man at home! =P Thanks to everyone reading this, I hope you enjoy the game as much as I have had playing it and writing this guide! Thanks also to all the sites hosting this FAQ, including,,, and ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ VIII. LEGAL DISCLAIMER ___________________________________________________________________________ This FAQ is copyright 2000 by Brian Little. Seaman is copyright 2000 Vivarium Inc. Sega Dreamcast is copyright 1999 SEGA Enterprises, Ltd. This FAQ is not associated with or endorsed by either Vivarium Inc. or SEGA Enterprises, Ltd. This FAQ may be freely distributed for noncommercial purposes only if it is not alterted in any way and the author is given due credit. You may not use this FAQ as source material for any other publication without express written consent of the author. Author is not responsible for any damage caused to any animal, living or virtual, as a result of this FAQ. No Seamen were intentionally harmed in the making of this FAQ.