Reasghas asdfasaf asdgeasf asd asd asdggas das asd ujs asfgsa rtu asfasf fsasasasd asdf asdg asdasdfge fas hsd ysd asdgau tga asdgasdg fswt rsa fsasdgea sdffasds asd dfs tea gda gas wad asg hdsa hda safgsdgf asdfar asf fas yru tru tas asd gsa asr gsa gdae jda asdf asdt ewasdgasr tyysdadf tfa asr ter asg hxayuhdf heaf ysd fdsasasd tw sdfawds rasdgawe asdfgag asdg gea bhasha gdat hsf fasdgfas ydad ydu T h e W o r l d o f S a c r e d D e v i c e ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Evolution: The World of Sacred Device version 1.0a Last updated: 30th of September 2000 Created by: Clement Chan Zhi Li E-mail address: Website: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- Table of Contents ----------------- <1> Introduction <1> [1.1] About Evolution: The World of Sacred Device [1.2] Copyright info [1.3] Review [1.4] How to Best View this Guide <2> Basic Information <2> [2.1] Controls [2.2] Menu [2.3] Battle Menu [2.4] Pausing and Saving <3> Evolution <3> [3.1] Beginning [3.2] Ruins [3.3] Fighting Against Eugene <4> Bosses and Ruins <4> [4.1] Blind Ruins [4.2] Descent Ruins [4.3] Shades Ruins [4.4] Heaven Ruins [4.5] Sheol Ruins <5> Cheats, Secrets and Tricks <5> [5.1] Main Strategy for Ruin Bosses [5.2] TP Check [5.3] Storing Items [5.4] Effecting Ruins [5.5] Mag's Strength [5.6] Infinity Naolin Gold [5.7] Cure Poison and Paralysis <6> Miscellaneous <6> [6.1] Character's Biodata [6.1A] Mag [6.1B] Linear [6.1C] Gre [6.1D] Chain [6.1E] Pepper [6.1F] Eugene <7> Lists <7> [7.1] Skills List <8> Credits <8> <9> History <9> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <1> I n t r o d u c t i o n <1> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi! I'm Clement Chan and I'm proud to present you with this Guide (commonly known as FAQ in the whole World Wide Web), specially created for Evolution: The World of Sacred Device. This guide should help you a lot throughout the game as you will find certain parts annoying or bosses incredibly hard to defeat. As every of my FAQs, this Guide contains SPOILERS so if you do not want to spoil the fun of the game, please do not read it. I'll try to minimize as much spoilers as I can in order to help you. Read this ONLY if you are really, really stuck at certain points of the game OR just want to get along with the game without caring whether you had spoil this game. If you have anything that you want to e-mail to me, I will send an IMMEDIATE reply to you except for certain conditions when I'm busy with exams and work, out for a holiday and etc. Send comments, critiques, helpful information or anything to ------------------------------------- [1.1] About Evolution: The World of Sacred Device ------------------------------------- Evolution: The World of Sacred Device is the first ever RPG for the Dreamcast system and it turns out quite well. It is available in two versions, Japanese and US (I'm writing this Guide for the US version, not the Japanese). This game, developed by Sting proves out to be extremely exciting with a nice, developed storyline which engrossed the main characters in a fiercesome battle. Cute characters can be selected in the usual RPG-style battle which is quite normal to most RPGers. The graphics are really nice and you can see the intense well-developed full 3D graphics and animations as well as the clear and brilliant colours. A simple yet exciting music throughout the game helps top up the coolness of the game but the most important aspect, the actual gameplay still lies ahead. It's quite long and you will know more about it once you play. ------------------------------------- [1.2] Copyright info ------------------------------------- This FAQ is Copyright © 2000 Clement Chan Zhi Li. You can distribute this FAQ as long as its contents are not changed. No. Not even a single letter. Only Clement Chan Zhi Li can make changes and updates to this FAQ. Any unauthorized changes and updates without my permission is prohibited by law. If you want to put parts of this FAQ publicly, at least write down the name of this FAQ and the owner's name (mine) together. One more word, don't even send parts of this Guide to other FAQs and write it as your own. I will soon find out. Evolution: The World of Sacred Device, names of characters, weapons and others are Copyright Sting, UbiSoft, ESP and the rest. ------------------------------------- [1.3] Review ------------------------------------- Before you buy this game, check out this review and see whether it's good enough to buy. For me, it's already one good game that satisfies by RPG needs. This game has no ending to its fun factor with tons of cute characters in the game including the enemies and the boss. Sting has done a great job to produce the first RPG of all for the Dreamcast, making more people eager to buy it. There are some new stuffs that you want to know, perhaps totally different if compared to other RPG games like Final Fantasy VII. Graphics - 10 The graphics are simply beautiful and this is the first game (import) I've ever seen that drives me into buying a Dreamcast. It's simply amazing to describe and it has the looks of cuteness that will drive everyone saying how nice this game is. Furthermore, the perfectly rendered 3D graphics of the characters, animals as your enemies, other bosses in the game and the surroundings and background, all totally in 3D. Not only do the pictures look clear, they do deliver millions of colours to fit into this game and the animations are really quick. Backgrounds are just nice and many other visual things are just nice for Evolution. Lighting is used correctly in the game with the sparkles that appear during battle. Music - 9 Now, the background music just sound all right and the different kinds of music in the game during battle, in the town or wherever you go will have different background music going on. Some places will have quick, emergency, terror kind of music to make you more be careful of that particular place. Others suit really well like the humorous, comedy background music that will turn on in a funny situation. Sound effects like the hit-and-dash, fire, lightning, ice, gun and others all can be heard during battles and other moves like jump can also be heard. Basically, they do deliver something that all of us want, something that will sound either real or fantasy and this game deals both. Sometimes, you can really hear the sound effect as if it's in the real world and other like sparkling stars are just fantasy. Gameplay - 9 There are few characters that you will hang out and play with, mostly Mag Launcher and a mysterious girl Linear Cannon. The main character, Mag Launcher looks extremely cute because of his young face and the always-funny conversations with Gre, his butler. Other optional characters are also available and only three characters can be joined in the same battle. You can also upgrade weapons, process and research items, wear protective things and other usual things that you will expect in all RPGs. Together with Mag's family debt, you will receive little money and try and keep them and make full use of it by don't spend all the money at one go. Also, you can sell items or buy new ones by going to a shop but most good ones are located in ruins. One good thing is in a battle area (specifically, ruins), you can see the enemies and later attack them. There are three types of battle, the first one being normal, second is initiative where you sneak behind them and taken them for surprise and the last is that your own group is surprised by enemies. Of course, the most preferably thing is having the initiative type and the bad one being surprised where the enemies will have two rounds in hitting you. This will cause great damage and grief to you. Other than good things, there are bad things. Not all games are super-perfect except few exceptions that are quite rare. This game gets a bit annoying after you are stuck in ruins for hours and my own main reason is getting beaten by normal enemies while other people is being stuck in them. There will be always a special item to help you in the treasure chests in ruins. Bosses are extremely tough, believe me. Chuck out some spare time and use all of that time to defeat them. Most of the time is that you don't know the right strategy and the right and strong equipment to fight. This will get down right annoying as you will either lose your items and money or just one big 'Game Over' splashed across the screen. There are many special powers that can be used by using FP and to learn them by using TP. These are quite different than the normal MP (Magic Power) in normal RPGs. Many of these special powers help you a lot in tight situations and using them will consume your FP. Levels can also be leveled up by gaining more experience points too. Some save-points are too far for you to save so you will have to exit the ruins for a while. There are two types of load, the normal load and the resume used in dungeons. It's advisable to think when using the resume because they will automatically delete the resume file once you enter the file. This has become a lesson for me because out of anger, I reset the whole game and that's all too late and I have to start the ruins all over again from scratch. Controls - 10 Who complain about controls are really mad because even a kid of six can control them! It's really easy, A to select or activate, B to jump and X for menu. You can even head to options and change them according to your likes. No problem really. Replay Value - 8 Who ever wants to play an RPG all over again? Some people do like me because I want to feel as if I have totally understand and master the whole game. There are also many secret and hidden items too including secrets that are quite special to do and use. These will provide further entertainment for you to try it out though they are not really that special except to wow and surprise you. Overall - 9 As all the facts above collected, this game doesn't turn bad as it sounds. If you're extremely lucky, you may find this game easy because the most important things are having the right equipment. Have some patient and give this game a little try. After all, it's the first ever RPG on the Dreamcast! It does worth the money to buy it. ------------------------------------- [1.4] How to Best View this Guide ------------------------------------- If you view this guide of the Internet and noticed that some words are filled in with spaces and etc., it's because your browser did not view it at the right width. Save the guide and open it up with WordPad (recommended). Click File, then Page Setup. At the section where they put Margins (inches), look for Right and type 0.8" in it. That way, you could view this guide neatly as it is meant to be! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <2> B a s i c I n f o r m a t i o n <2> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section will be useful for newbies on Evolution and need help on the controls, menu and others. ------------------------------------- [2.1] Controls ------------------------------------- You can actually changed the controls if you don't like the default controls. D-Pad - Move characters left, right, up and down. Analog Stick - Move characters, left, right, up and down. A button - To activate something, open treasure boxes and confirm. B button - To cancel and jump. X button - Brings up the menu. Y button - To walk and arrange items in menu. L button - To change camera to the left. R button - To change camera to the right. ------------------------------------- [2.2] Menu ------------------------------------- Press the X button (as in default controls) to bring up the menu. This is the list of them as what they did and descriptions of them. Item - Use or throw items away. Equip - Equip weapons, armors and parts for Cyframes. Skill - Master the skills of a character if you have enough TP. Status - Show character's information regarding experience points, HP, FP and etc. Party - To change your party. Formation - To change the location of the characters stand in a battle. Disperse - To make the optional character leave. Config - To change the games settings. Sound - To change between Stereo and Mono. Speed - To change the speed of the text that appears. Controller - To change the controller's configurations. ------------------------------------- [2.3] Battle Menu ------------------------------------- This will appear in a battle against enemies. Attack - Attack enemies with Cyframes or weapons. Special - Use a special ability. Item - To use an item. Move - To move the character to the front of back. Defend - To defend a character in order to reduce the enemy's hit into half. Flee - To run away from a battle when all characters in your party are in the back row. ------------------------------------- [2.4] Pausing and Saving ------------------------------------- There is a difference between pausing and saving. In ruins, you can pause the game when you find the exit and create a temporary save file. It will automatically destroy itself once you play the save file (by going to load and resume). Saving is completely different. It permamently stays in your memory card (unless you wish to delete it) when you find a save point. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <3> E v o l u t i o n <3> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This game contains a whole lot of battles, a unique storyline which slowly develops and approximately 5 characters for you to choose, not including lots more characters which you will meet during the time you play the game. As I have explained before, this guide is designed to meet your needs and to help you in the game. ------------------------------------- [3.1] Beginning ------------------------------------- You start with an extremely easy battle which needs you to hit an enemy once. Hit them with your character's weapons. Try and get used to the battle system as you will meet hundreds of enemies later on. After defeating them, you're treated with a long cut-scene which introduces the storyline to you. Mag and Linear has stepped into a trap which demolishes a wall nearby. They run into a picture (possibly a mural) of some sort of strange creature which Mag calls, 'The Messenger of Light'. Above it all, lies the treasure but unfortunately, Chain Gun, the rival of the Launcher family reached the top first and grabbed the treasure away. Wait for a little more cut-scenes and once you get control of yourself, head upstairs in the house and search thoroughly in Mag's room until you find the first Fire ball in the game (it's near the cupboard and stairs). Now, head for the door and go outside to the town. Get used to this area and explore every nook and cranny of Pannam Town. Once you saw the 'Society' signboard, enter the large door and talk to the girl Nina on the right side. Get your assignment by choosing any ruins you which to visit. You may also want to follow every steps as I go (as this Guide will be used as how I get through the game. You may also not follow it if you like since it make no difference except for the difficulty of the game). On your left, talk to Nop and ask him 'What is appraisal?' to know more about it. Bring any appraisal items here to sell them or process them into useful items with some cost of money (called Dinars). Choose between two optional characters if you want (which I strongly recommend). Go to Chain in the blue bus and to get recruit Gre, talk to him in Mag's house. Then, head to the Landing Field and hop on the Sea Otter airplane to go. ------------------------------------- [3.2] Ruins ------------------------------------- Select Blind Ruins as your first assignment; it's the easiest of the five. This ruin will be the perfect place for you to train yourself up and to get used to the battle system. Basically, in every ruin, they will have floors like this, depending on what kind of ruin it is, it will go one floor up when you find the exit. You'll be automatically be transported back to the Society once you completed the ruin where Nina will give you 10,000 Dinars as a reward. But, she will cut off majority of the prize money towards the debt and if your optional character is Pepper or Chain, they will take some but if it's Gre, he won't touch the money. Talk to Nop to appraise any of the appraisal items and if you got the Upgrade Kit, go to Sam the Upgrader to add more slots to Mag's Cyframe. If you got more money remaining (after buying items or selling them and etc.), upgrade Mag's Cyframe (preferably him of course, but you can also upgrade Chain's if you like). Save now and head back to Mag's house. Say that you wish to retire for the evening and rest for the whole day to the afternoon. The next day, Gre will talk to Mag regarding the 8th Imperial Army which wants to see Mag. It's an interesting talk really and they want to know more about the legendary Cyframe, Evolutia. Walk out from Mag's house and you will find yourself at Pannam Port with Mag. Talk to one of the guards there near an elevator-like machine so that he will let you in. The rooms around here are completely useless with no items or something useful for the game. Search your way until you meet Crown Prince Eugene, which looks awfully odd with some kind of snobbish attitude. You'll have a funny conversation (part of them are) with him and later, Prince Eugene which mistakenly takes Linear as a present by Mag to give him. Talk to him again and he will ask you to leave. As Mag says, "What a rude person!", he certainly is. The next morning again, you will have another conversation with Gre. Head to the Society and you'll meet Pepper, where Mag will talk to her. After that, talk to Nina and select your second assingment, which I recommend Descent Ruins. Choose your optional character (recommended Pepper) and head for the Landing Field. Pepper will be at the bar so go there and talk to her. After finishing off the second ruins, you'll gain 20,000 Dinars; 10,000 more than the previous assignment. Do your job here; sell or buy items, appraise them or upgrade weapon. Once you do whatever thing that you want, head back home and rest for the day. Next morning, have the usual talk with Gre and go to the Society to choose your third assignment. Select Shades Ruins (or others if you like) and choose your optional character that you want. Update your unused character's skills as they will gain TP even though they are not in your party. Then, head for Sea Otter airplane to fly to your destination. Complete it and you'll get 30,000 Dinars. Again, do whatever you want now (appraise items, buy or sell them, upgrade weapons, keep extra items in Mag's box at home and etc.). Go for a rest and you wake up the next day. Linear will get a surprising visit from Prince Eugene and all of them will have a little chat together. After that, head to the Society, get your assignment (get Heaven Ruins as your fourth one), and get your optional character. Buy some useful items (like weapons and armors) for the next trip. Then, hop on the Sea Otter and go for your journey. Get your 40,000 Dinars as award and head back home. ------------------------------------- [3.3] Battle Against Eugene ------------------------------------- Another surprising visit from Eugene! Apparently, he wants Linear and Gre is threaten to be shot by his soldiers. Mag and Linear ran away and you'll have a short BUT totally easy fight with one of the tank. Defeat him and prepare to see a nice and cool cut-scene. Later, Mag will find himself at home and learn that Linear has been kidnapped after all. You'll have another automatic sequence and your true friends (Chain and Pepper) are downstairs. Gre will be at the Landing Field so get prepared by buying items, keeping them (keep items such as Item Search, Ruin Search, Trap Search, Chameleon Color and other ruin-related items as they will be no use later on). Once you are ready, head to the Landing Field and talk to Gre. Another cut-scene will follow up where Gre will crash-land on Eugene's ship. Select your characters (I suggest using Chain and Pepper combination). Defeat all the enemies here because they are easy and earn you lots of experience points. Enter every room, search every dead soldier, every box and every thing to get cool, new items and weapons. Fight your way through until you reach a place with mechanical stuffs in it which is the engine room with an engineer there. Walk upstairs and you'll be surprised by three soldiers (which you won't attack them anyway). They will throw some sort of screw but succeeded in malfuntion the whole engine system. Go downstairs and talk to the engineer until he runs away. In front of it, will be some sort of switch. Press the button 'Down' when this option appears. Go upstairs back and wander around until you find a treasure box. Get it and head to the blue room. Save there and get your treasure by searching the whole place thoroughly. Turn the camera a bit and you should see a door. Enter it and walk all the way to the door to fight Prince Eugene but before heading the door leading there, you will have to fight a few guards. Boss - Eugene Leopold ----- This boss should be easy. If you select Chain and Pepper, then Eugene should be easy to defeat. Use Chain's Air Raid to kill the remaining guards and hurt Eugene. Pepper's Trigger Happy and Flat Shot are extremely useful against Eugene. Mag should use Magna Rave repeatedly and attack him until you run out of FP. Then, attack him with normal attacks but beware that he will use Minnaolin 3000 to cure 3000 of his HP which I find quite annoying (as annoying as Rafflesian's). If you have Gre in your party, Energy-Saving (again) will be useful to Mag and the other Cyframe user (Chain or Pepper). After that, use Full Power and High Speed if you got it and use Spirited Peak after that. Overall, just attack him with any special attacks that you've got. You'll find it easy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After that, you will get Apple Grass but DON'T USE IT. Eugene will run away so head back all the way back to Gre (or other character that you leave) and rest to cure your HP and FP. DO NOT fight with any enemies so just head back to Eugene's place and go down the way he follows. You will fight with few guards and follow him later on. This would be an automatic sequence where Eugene reveals that Linear is Evolutia, the legendary Cyframe after all. Follow a cut-scene later on with Eugene and then, head to the other exit and save the game. Prepare for a definite last battle against the hardest boss of all hard bosses. If you have anti-poison outfit or accessory, use it on every character in your party if possible. The Apple Grass and Green Moss item come in handy here. Pepper is most important in this battle but the other character can be Gre or Chain (I used Chain). Enter the door, talk to Linear and out comes the horrid villain of Evolution, Prince Eugene. Boss - Prince Eugene ----- Hard? Sure it is! This is one boss that takes more than 20 minutes of battle so make sure you have lots of free time to spare. Use Pepper's ultimate and most useful attack of all, Flat Shot at him until 5 or 6 times (the more the better of course, but more than 6 times, it will make no difference). Then, attack him with Trigger Happy and normal attack. Mag should use Magna Rave of course while Chain should use Hyper Air Rave. Gre should use Energy-Saving, Full Power and High Speed if he got all of them. One more important word, CURE YOURSELF once your HP gets lesser and lesser (Minnaolin Gold or Minnaolin Royal comes extremely handy here). Eugene will use Beat-Up, a charging shot which will hurt all characters and poison them AND a slash attack. That's how the Flat Shot helped here to reduce the attacks and defense considerably and increases his wait time (because it decreases his agility). Once EVERYONE'S FP is low (around 20 or so), use Apple Grass to cure almost all of the FP. Then, Pepper MUST use Trigger Happy on him and then normal attack. As before, Mag should use Magna Rave, Chain with her Hyper Air Rave and Gre with Spirited Peak and normal attacks. By now, Eugene should have used Naolin 3000 to cure himself. If he doesn't, then you're lucky. Once Pepper's FP reached 0 (which she will be once she used Trigger Happy), use Green Moss on her to restore all her FP. Then, USE Trigger Happy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rest is up to your team. Attack him with all your special powers that you got, Mag with his Magna Rave and Chain with her Hyper Air Rave. Once their FP are exhausted, use normal attacks and cure whenever possible. Then, Mag will rescue Linear and the rest will be easy. Just head back to Eugene's place and Mag will find Eugene gone. Head to the part where Eugene's gigantic outfit come out and go downstairs. The rest is all automatic sequence and enjoy the ending. BUT, it's not end yet. Once the credits roll down, save your game and get a Star which means you had seen the ending. Apparently, Gre has crash-land the Sea Otter seaplane and the Society did rescue him, at an enourmous fee which adds hundreds of thousands to his debt (more than before). Once you can get control of Mag, head to the Society and get your last assignment, at Sheol Ruins (or other ruins if you did not follow according my order of ruins that you visit). -to be continued- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <4> B o s s e s a n d R u i n s <4> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section will describe more about the ruins in Evolution, and the bosses that you find irritating. The reason why I did not put the boss guide into the walkthrough is because every people will have a different type of game and the order of which ruin they visit will effect the game later on. ------------------------------------- [4.1] Blind Ruins ------------------------------------- The map which automatically appears will show you the location on where you are BUT the whole plan leading to exit (which won't show anyway except there will be no road leading to it) will appear gradually as you go to the right path. That means, the whole map will be totally empty except on the part where you are now and you must travel the whole floor to find the exit which is some sort of stairs leading upwards in Blind Ruin. Fight your way through your very first boss. On the floor where Mag says, "This seems to be the deepest part. I doubt the Society could even reach me beyond this point." is the place where the boss will be. There will be no enemy for you to fight but the boss at the very end. The level will be pretty straightforward. You'll need to jump from platforms to platforms to reach the boss. Save first before you even do anything or you could just use the transporter if your life is low and go down two floors and TRY to avoid enemies so you could fight the boss in perfect health. Boss - Mandasks ----- If this is your last ruin boss, you're in for a tough time. Congratulations if this is your first. Use Mag's special power on him repeatedly, preferably Magna Rave if you have it or Magna Combo. If you don't have either, Magna Punch should be all right. If you run out of FP, attack him with normal attacks. Linear should use Protection Spell and Strength Spell immediately on her turn and cure whenever neccessary. Attack when everything is okay to gain some FP back. For the optional characters, three of them should be all right. Gre should use Energy-Saving on Mag if he has it BUT DON'T ever use the Cooking Type against Mandasks (and other bosses) as it is completely useless. Attack normally once you had used Energy-Saving already. For Pepper, Flat Shot will be absolutely perfect if you use it for five times or more. Combining such attack with Linear's Flat Tone will be great to reduce one enemy's parameters (which means ALL abilities, by the way). Otherwise, Pepper should attack the enemy with normal attacks or other useful things. If Pepper has full FP (or almost), use Trigger Happy. It does lots of damage on the boss so this will be the most useful one of all. For Chain, attack Mandasks using special powers (Blade Parts) or the most powerful one of all, Hyper Air Rave which deals constructive damage. If she don't have it, use other special attacks will be all right. Cure whenever necessary or use healing items (such as Naolin). The enemy can paralyse you with its attack so beware. Overall, this boss is totally easy if it's the first boss so just attack until it runs away. ------------------------------------- [4.2] Descent Ruins ------------------------------------- This is one ruin that will bring you upwards instead of down because as the description says, it's a tower that have been left long ago and some parts of the ruin are simply like walking on space! The enemies are going to be tougher here (it all depends on what level you are) so get the right equipments and make sure that all your characters have really high defense. Boss - Monograptus ----- For the boss, get ready Mag's Lightning Hand Parts as you're need it to defend yourself and your group. This boss is real mean with its lightning attacks and it's said that it's been left there by the ancients. Monograptus will use the 'Geared Boomerang' attack and can cause Blindness on your team (although you can't see that it effect anything on the character, just ready any equipment that can prevent Blindness from occuring). Make sure your team is in the middle row and NOT in the back row. At certain points of the game, the message, "Monograptus is recharging." which means that he is getting ready for his lightning power which will attack the whole back row. Just get to the middle row and you'll be safe. Now, for the attacks, I highly recommend that you choose Pepper again (not that I like to use her always, it's because few of her attacks could be really useful against all enemies). In the beginning, use Flat Shot repeatedly for around 6 times if you got it(better still, combine it with Flat Tone). Then, use Trigger Happy at the enemy if you want to hurt him a lot (which I presume that you want, of course). Mag could do with Magna Rave or Magna Combo (if you don't have Magna Rave). Normal attacks could do. Mag should also use Thunder Shield to resist Lightning- based attacks. If Mag got the Moving Hand Parts, use it to line up all the characters in one row in the middle row. Linear should use her own Protection Spell, Strength Spell and cure abilities whenever your party's life are getting low. If everything's okay (no one's life is quite low and etc.), attack the boss to get some FP back. Gre must use Energy-Saving (if you put him in your party), Full Power and High Speed if you get any of them. If not, just attack him with normal attacks to give more chance into killing him. For Chain, special attacks like Hyper Air Rave is very handy here or if you don't have it, use Double Blade repeatedly. If Chain's in the back row, use Dash Tackle as it can help you move to the front row AND attack the enemy at the same time. Just remember, all of this type of strategy applies to every single boss in the game, which includes Eugene and the ruin's bosses. Personal Experience ----- I'm not even good up to this for the first time. Chain was almost dead (about 20 HP or so, she's real lucky), Linear's already showing sign of dying and Mag's the only one with full life. Surprisingly at the last minute, one normal attack from Mag killed him instantly and that's the best moment to see him destroyed as he's real annoying. ------------------------------------- [4.3] Shades Ruins ------------------------------------- As you may know, Shades Ruins is ice-related and therefore, fire attacks are quite useful against enemies here. Get some equipments that can protect you from ice-based attacks such as Wool Gloves. Use items such as Trap Search, Item Search and Ruin Search correctly and you will find that they actually helped a lot. Boss - Shadenischus ----- Stay at the middle row because, like Monograptus, Shadenischus could attack the back row with ice attack. Most of his attacks are quite dangerous and you might say he's a most irritating boss to fight against (other than Eugene). Fire balls helped a little here as they cause little damage and Lightning balls are even worse! So, I suggest use the two strategies above against Mandasks and Monograptus. As usual, Mag should use Magna Rave or Magna Combo, Linear should use Protection Spell, Strength Spell and other similar abilities AND most importantly, cure and Flat Tone. Pepper should already be using Flat Shot for about 6 times in the beginning of the game and use Trigger Happy later on while Chain should use Hyper Air Rave or Double Blade. If any of your characters run low on FP, attack Shadenischus with normal attack to gain more HP and cure yourself with Linear's powers or items whenever possible. It's important to stay alive as every single character help a lot in defeating the boss. ------------------------------------- [4.4] Heaven Ruins ------------------------------------- The enemies here can be quite tough so special attacks should be able to kill them off. At the floor where the boss are suppose to be, exit the level if your HP and FP are low and start two levels down. Use Ruin Search on both of them (if you have) and Trap Search to track down enemies and avoid them so you can start a battle against the boss with full health. Boss - Rafflesian ----- Can you imagine a plant eating up human? Of course, this exist in comics and imaginations but plants that are really that carnivorous eat insects only. This biggest flower in the world seems to be the most extremely annoying boss ever fought against. Now, put all your characters to the back row as it will suck your characters to the front row and use the most annoying attack, Delicious Meal. Furthermore, it is able to cure itself so make sure you attack it a lot so that the cure won't effect one bit. Now, Pepper is VERY, VERY useful against Rafflesian so take her at all cost. Use Flat Shot in the beginning of the game and Linear should use Flat Tone against Rafflesian too. Once Rafflesian shows sign of being weak (attacks are surprisingly low, even Delicious Meal couldn't kill your character), start using special attacks (including Mag's Magna Rave or Magna Combo). If you want to choose Gre or Chain, I suggest no. Why? This battle is going to be real tough but if you really want, go ahead. Gre should use the usual powers, Energy-Saving, Full Power and High Speed and attack the enemy later on. Chain should use repeated Hyper Air Rave or Double Blade if you don't have it. Just attack the enemy until you see it dies. Remember, whatever you do, start using Flat Shot or Flat Tone first for around 6 times and you can see the effects. Personal Experience ----- Rafflesian is my last boss and I almost gave up on it, being killed a few times. Later, I tried using Pepper in my party and use Flat Shot and Flat Tone together and surprisingly, it helps dramatically. I don't know whether it's luck or good strategy but I feel glad that it's gone once and for all. ------------------------------------- [4.5] Sheol Ruins ------------------------------------- Sheol Ruins is a volcano so you can expect what's going on down there, all hot and all the enemies are weak against ice. Bring in some fire-resistance equipments such as Fire Cape to reduce fire attacks. Boss - Pannam Aohitori ----- This boss is capable of confusing your party members whenever you go to the middle row so stay at the back or front. It can make its own defense rise up so the Suction Cannon from Pepper is quite useful. It can also attack your characters and damage them a lot so the usual technique: use Pepper's Flat Shot and Linear's Flat Tone for around 6 times. Use Mag's Magna Rave or Magna Combo, Gre's Energy-Saving, Full Power and High Speed and Chain's Hyper Air Rave and Double Blade if you use Gre or Chain. Once you run out of FP, use normal attacks repeatedly until you have enough FP for another special attack. Most importantly, bring lots of cure items and cure whenever possible. If you want to save these items or want to cure the whole row, then Linear's special abilities should do it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <5> C h e a t s , S e c r e t s a n d T r i c k s <5> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is where I'll put cheats, secrets, tricks, tips, hints or anything else that can be gathered into this section. ------------------------------------- [5.1] Main Strategy for Ruin Bosses ------------------------------------- Fighting against ruin bosses can be quite simple if you just know what to do. This only applies to ruin bosses only. For bosses that can be quite hard, you just need a few things: 1) Mag that has mastered Magna Rave. 2) Pepper that has mastered Flat Shot. 3) Linear that has mastered Flat Tone. 4) High defense for all characters. 5) High attacks for all characters. 6) High agility for all characters. 7) Curative items and others that could help in a battle. During the beginning of a battle, Pepper and Linear should use Flat Shot and Flat Tone respectively for about 6 times (together). Once the attack has lowered every parameters of an enemy (which includes attack, defense, hits, agility and others). If it's Mag's turn when Pepper and Linear are attacking with Flat Shot and Flat Tone, Mag should only use normal attacks. Once they're complete, start using Magna Rave. Pepper should use Trigger Happy and then normal attacks while Linear should just attack normally and cure. If the ruin bosses has other abilities (such as eating you up like Rafflesian, electric-shot you, confuse you and etc.), refer <4> Bosses and Ruins <4> and move your characters to the correct row accordingly. ------------------------------------- [5.2] TP Check ------------------------------------- If you leave any of your characters while going for a ruin, it's all right. After you had completed it and leave your characters for a long time, check your characters that had been left out. They're most likely gaining TP too and the maximum would be 9999. Update your characters' skills as much as possible and check your character's TP often as not to waste them. ------------------------------------- [5.3] Storing Items ------------------------------------- A most annoying factor is that your item inventory would get full and you can't pick up any items later. Go back to Mag's house and right of the stairs would be a door. Enter it and there will be a save point and a box. Use the box and store any items that you want there (the limit's 100) or sell any useless items to gain a little bit of money. ------------------------------------- [5.4] Effecting Ruins ------------------------------------- During the beginning of the game, choose any ruins wisely. Any other ruins you choose will block other ruins from gaining access. ------------------------------------- [5.5] Mag's Strength ------------------------------------- If some enemies are stronger than you thought, try lower down Mag's strength (I don't know whether this can be done, even if you command him to defend everytime, it's no use as he will gain experience points too). Apparently, enemies' power are based on Mag's strength. The stronger Mag is, the stronger the enemies going to be. ------------------------------------- [5.6] Infinity Naolin Gold ------------------------------------- In Eugene' ship, there will be a door with the plus sign (first aid sign, if you don't know what it means and it's in red). Enter it and you'll see a sick soldier. Go further in and find for a cabinet. Grab as much Naolin Gold as you can. You can also sell lots of them to gain money. Go to Gre (or other character) and choose 'Cargo room' when the option is displayed. Keep all the Naolin Gold, go back to the medical room, go back to your character, keep all the Naolin Gold and repeat until it's full. Remember, keep some for yourselves too. You're going to need it. ------------------------------------- [5.7] Cure Poison and Paralysis ------------------------------------- This trick works! Press B button repeatedly when it shows your character that have been poisoned or paralysed. Later on, your character will wake be cured immediately after his or her turn. I don't know whether it will work for other illness. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <6> M i s c e l l a n e o u s <6> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other things that don't fit into other sections will be here. Find interesting things hear, character's biodata and more! ------------------------------------- [6.1] Character's Biodata ------------------------------------- I'll list every character's biodata in the game (the main characters, of course). This are straight from the official Evolution website. Happy seeing! ------------------------------------- [6.1A] Mag ------------------------------------- Name : Mag Launcher Age : 16 Date of birth : April 22 (Taurus) Cyframe's name: Aeracomet Mag is the hero of this game and one of the most accomplished adventurers in Pannam. His parents were both famous adventurers. Their influence has given him the determination to follow in their footsteps. His parents gave him a good upbringing so he is never vulgar or crude, but he's somewhat hot-tempered. A proud young man he is quick to answer a challenge and lives to go on treasure hunts of a high difficulty level. His boyish appearance make him look like a child, but he hates being treated like a one. He is a bit of a show-off, but full of life. His speech is very animated, even to excess. He is the very embodiment of cheerfulness and his perky behavior is contagious within his parties. He is a Cyframe user. ------------------------------------- [6.1B] Linear ------------------------------------- Name : Linear Cannon Age : 17 Date of birth: February 3 (Aquarius) Linear is the game's heroine. She does not speak so her lines consist of short sounds only. She showed up on Mag's doorstep bearing a letter from his parents. Now she lives as a guest in the Launcher house. She opens her heart only to Mag. She is light-skinned, has big round eyes and has a mournful air about her. She's quite street-wise. She is not a Cyframe user. ------------------------------------- [6.1C] Gre ------------------------------------- Name : Gre Nade Age : 58 Date of Birth: August 30 (Virgo) Gre Nade has worked for Mag's family for a long time and also Launcher's family butler. Given that Mag's parents often went exploring, Gre's been taking care of young Mag since he was a little boy. Whether he is doing the housework or exploring the dungeons, Gre is very efficient and is as capable as most professional adventurers. He also greatly admires Mag's sense of independence, which he believes is a sign that Mag will be a great adventurer. ------------------------------------- [6.1D] Chain ------------------------------------- Name : Chain Gun Age : 15 Date of Birth : October 25 (Scorpio) Cyframe's name: Flamingo Chain Gun is the only child born to the Gun family, who are the archrivals of the Launcher family. Since the Gun family has no sons, she was more or less forced to receive the special teachings to become an adventurer. For generations, the Guns and Launchers have carried on a cat-and-dog relationship, but Chain actually has a crush on Mag. She has a rather rough disposition,is capricious and hates to lose. As an adventurer, her skills are on par with Mag's. She is short in stature with boyish looks and a rather dark complexion. She has a saucy mouth and is constantly talking. She is a Cyframe user. ------------------------------------- [6.1E] Pepper ------------------------------------- Name : Pepper Box Age : 24 Date of Birth : December 9 (Sagittarius) Cyframes's name: Moranna Solnier Pepper Box Pepper Box is a nomadic girl seeking adventure far from her homeland. She has traveled around the world looking for legendary ruins and she ended up in Pannam. Although she looks like a femme fatale, she truly is a merry adventurer, full of life and strong will. She is a knockout, but has one drawback : she likes to drink… This is probably why she currently lives on the first floor of a pub. She is a Cyframe User. ------------------------------------- [6.1F] Eugene ------------------------------------- Name : Eugene Leopold Eugene is the oldest son of the 8th Empire's leader and commands the 8th Empire Army. He is keenly interested in the ultimate artifact, Evolutia. He's a rival more than friend, although he would love to be "friends" with Linear. Good thing Mag sticks up for her! Eugene cannot join Mag's party. He's rather snooty and doesn't think highly of Mag and his friends or the town of Pannam. ------------------------------------- [6.2] Storyline ------------------------------------- Many millennia have passed since the demise of a superior ancient ivilization. The civilizations that followed have now advanced enough to once again build submarines and airplanes. Now, we find ourselves at the end of the 1930's epoch according to the Western calendar. Those who carry Cyframes - technology excavated from ruins of this ancient civilization - are called "Adventurers" or "Cyframe Users". These individuals make their living by accepting assignments from the "Society", the organization responsible for investigating the ancient civilization. For many generations, the Launcher family has produced a long line of famous adventurers. They are now long since gone and this glorious heritage seems about ready to come to an end. Except that into this family is born a single son, Mag, who has dreamt all his life of becoming a skilled adventurer just like his mother and father. About a month after Mag's parents disappeared on one of their adventures, a lone girl appears at the Launcher house with a letter from Mag's father. "You must protect this girl, Linear, until I return", is all that is written in the letter. Since then Mag and Linear spend have spent their days investigating ruins under the watchful eye of their butler Gre Nade, but it's not until the day the army of the 8th Empire appears that the true adventure begins... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <7> L i s t s <7> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section is created to put in the lists of everything that is available on Evolution, whether it's Skills List or Items List. ------------------------------------- [7.1] Skills List ------------------------------------- Mag ----- Hand Parts ----- Magna Punch - Double punch/uppercut against one enemy. Charge Punch - Lunging punch attack against one enemy which moves Mag to the front row. Magna Combo - Triple punch/uppercut against one enemy. This will knock the enemy to the back rank. Mach Punch - God-swift punch. Freezes Mag after attack. Shock Punch - Vibration attack that hits a row of enemy. Dive Punch - Hits all enemies with one attack. Magna Rave - Intense dancing attack aganst one enemy. Giant Knuckle - Hits all enemies with a giant knuckle. Steal Parts ----- Gimme an Item! - Steals an item from an enemy. Gimme Health! - Steals some HP from an enemy and gives them to the rest of your party. Gimme Power! - Steals some FP from an enemy and gives them to the rest of your party. Two birds with one stone! - Steals an item and kills an enemy in the same time. -to be continued- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <8> C r e d i t s <8> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clement Chan - ( The creator, writer and designer of this FAQ. Evolution Official website - ( Thanks to this official site for providing nice information that helps a lot, including the biodata section and others. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <9> H i s t o r y <9> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0 - 24th of August 2000 Released FAQ for Evolution! ----- Version 1.0a - 30th of September 2000 A tiny, minor update. Added [1.4] How to Best View this Guide One final note!: ________________________ / / | \ \ T h a n k s / / | \ \_ / / | | \ \ t o / | | | \ \ / | | | \ \ S t i n g | |\ /\ / | | | | | /| / \ / | | | | f o r | | _\ / \/-\ / | | | \ |/ \\/ / \ / | | | \ || | | \ / | | | E v o l u t i o n | || | | / / / | | ||_/ \____/ / / / T h e W o r l d \ | | / / / | | _ / / / / o f \ |\ / / / / \ \\ | / / __/ S a c r e d D e v i c e \ \\__________| / /_/ \ \ | | / __/ \| \/_/